Linking Typography & Youth Subcultures By Marji Oppegaard ...

Linking Typography & Youth Subcultures By Marji Oppegaard ...

Linking Typography & Youth Subcultures By Marji Oppegaard ...


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<strong>Linking</strong> <strong>Typography</strong> & <strong>Youth</strong> <strong>Subcultures</strong><br />

<strong>By</strong> <strong>Marji</strong> <strong>Oppegaard</strong><br />

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the Bachelor of Fine Art in<br />

Graphic Design Program at The Art Institute of Seattle.<br />

December 13, 2007<br />

_______________________ _______________________<br />

Faculty Tony Datillo Date

Acknowledgements<br />

I would first like to thank the person who is most important to me, my amazing son,<br />

Hunter. Without him I wouldn’t have had the motivation to finish my education. I would<br />

also like to thank the people who helped care for him while I was going to school,<br />

Grandma Sally and Grandpa Kenny. Thank you to my friends and family, who have<br />

supported me throughout this all, and last but not least, I would like to thank my<br />

spectacular boyfriend Jeff for doing everything he could to help get me through this.

Table of Contents<br />

Introduction<br />

Demographics & <strong>Subcultures</strong><br />

A Brief History of <strong>Typography</strong><br />

Using Type as a Voice<br />

<strong>Youth</strong> Subculture: Punk<br />

<strong>Youth</strong> Subculture: Preppie<br />

<strong>Youth</strong> Subculture: Skater<br />

<strong>Youth</strong> Subculture: Urban<br />

<strong>Youth</strong> Subculture: Goth<br />

Subculture Similarities<br />


Introduction<br />

There is a certain approach designers must take in order for their piece to be<br />

successful, which is accomplished by writing a creative brief to decide the exact target<br />

market. A creative brief is something that helps determine the specific facts that must be<br />

known to identify the design’s intended audience. The purpose of this paper is to describe<br />

how certain youth subcultures are targeted in the marketing industry using certain<br />

elements, such as typography. To understand what will appeal to the target market, a<br />

designer must first discover the specific demographics.<br />

Demographics & <strong>Subcultures</strong><br />

Demographics are statistical characteristics including age, race, gender preference,<br />

social or economic status, etc. Every bit of this information is crucial to making a design<br />

successful. The demographics included in acknowledging a marketing strategy can also<br />

contribute to personifying specific subcultures. <strong>Youth</strong> culture is one that contains many<br />

subcultures. One might observe that the general terms and responsibilities of adulthood<br />

have been delayed. Therefore, the search for identity as a young person has amplified its<br />

significance.<br />

Many youth subcultures come and go quickly, but some, such as hip-hop and punk,<br />

have been long lasting. These subcultures tend to focus on a specific shared interest such<br />

as music or style, or a perceived commonality such as race or class or a chosen sense of<br />

marginalization as identity. Adolescents tend to steer away from what is perceived as a<br />

typical teenager in order to feel more like an individual. i Society allows them to feel like<br />

individuals by first acknowledging the subcultures themselves.

Though numerous subcultures are simply self-determined, many youth subcultures<br />

would be nonexistent to society if it weren’t for some type of representation. When<br />

designing to attract a specific youth subculture, their style and interests should be taken<br />

into consideration. Along with colors and images, typography choices are made<br />

depending on the subculture for which it is indented. A brief history of typography is<br />

necessary to understand how it evolved into a form of subculture representation.<br />

A Brief History of <strong>Typography</strong><br />

Since movable type was invented, typography has evolved from a being a means of<br />

communication to being a form of representation. Although it is said that the Chinese had<br />

created a form of movable type centuries before Johannes Gutenberg, after many trials<br />

and tribulations, he was the first to successfully mass-produce a printed book in 1454,<br />

which was the Gutenberg Bible.<br />

Gutenberg’s printing process was accomplished by creating a stamp from steel with a<br />

mirrored image of the letter struck into a softer piece of metal. Molten metal was poured<br />

into the mold to create the character. To create a page of text, the necessary letters were<br />

placed into a matrix, dipped into ink, and pressed onto the paper. ii This was the birth of<br />

the art of typography.<br />

In the sixteenth century, Claude Garamond was the first to design typefaces, create<br />

punches and sell them to printing presses. From then on, others decided to design their<br />

own unique typefaces. William Caslon, John Baskerville and Giambattista Bodoni were<br />

just a few of those designers. In 1876, William Caslon IV, the great-grandson of type<br />

designer William Caslon, designed the first sans serif font. iii Since the first few typefaces<br />

were created, many, many more have been produced ranging from serifs to sans serifs,

olds and lights, extended and condensed, italic and oblique, along with a variety of other<br />

styles. These styles all contribute to the font choices a graphic designer makes when<br />

incorporating typography into their design.<br />

Using Type as a Voice<br />

“Advertising Design and <strong>Typography</strong>” by Alex W. White states “Type is a frozen<br />

sound and should be handled as an actor handles volume, pitch, and tone in the delivery<br />

of a role to add emotion, attitude, character and quality.” iv His book also lists six ideas to<br />

consider when designing with type as the voice. These ideas include using contrast of<br />

size, color, direction, space, type form and tone or value.<br />

The size of font can make the voice of the design seem loud or quiet, important or<br />

irrelevant. Larger fonts usually speak louder and represent importance, while smaller<br />

fonts can represent quietness and irrelevance. The direction of the typeface can help draw<br />

someone’s attention towards a certain point. While horizontal type is the most common<br />

direction, type used vertically can be interesting, and diagonal type may be hard to relate<br />

to a design, though when used properly it too can be attractive.<br />

Making good use of space and contrasting a full section with an empty section, also<br />

known as white space, can be appealing. Type form is important because it is another<br />

way of representing a voice. Bold type tends to demonstrate a deeper, masculine voice,<br />

while an italic voice can be thought of as quiet and feminine. The last thing the book<br />

suggested to contemplate is tone or value. This relates to color. Color is best when used<br />

to make the key elements stand out. It is also a good idea to use colors within one design<br />

in moderation. Both dark and bright fonts can be viewed as important while neutral<br />

colors may be passed over more easily. When designing for a specific youth subculture,

professionals also determine certain styles of fonts that appeal to the group. Some<br />

exclusive youth subcultures include punks, preppies, skaters, urban youths and goths.<br />

<strong>Youth</strong> Subculture: Punk<br />

Often times, music is a way to recognize a youth subculture and typography plays a<br />

key role in this area. Music especially plays an important role in the punk youth<br />

subculture. When the punk youth culture first began, it was about people expressing<br />

themselves toward political and social issues. The shocking styles were a means of<br />

representation for teenage rebellion and differentiation. These days, punk has become a<br />

bit more mainstream than when it started. Now it’s fashionable to wear fishnet stockings<br />

and fingerless gloves. v The music has also become commonly heard. Along with people<br />

who are part of this subculture creating promotion items for the genre, there are graphic<br />

designers who specialize in doing work for this certain field.<br />

Andrio Aberro is one of them. Andrio is a graduate of The Art Institute of Seattle<br />

who established 33rpm in 2000. He became well known in the Seattle music scene for his<br />

screen-printed designs and he then decided to move to Brooklyn, New York, to further<br />

his graphic design career. Some of the better-known bands he has done work for include<br />

“My Morning Jacket” and “Death Cab for Cutie.” He also did a lot of work for “The Vera<br />

Project,” which is a nonprofit music and arts center run by youth, for the youth located in<br />

Seattle. vi When the time comes for choosing typography for his projects, like any<br />

designer, he considers his audience.<br />

The poster Andrio designed for the band “My Morning Jacket” uses a sans serif font,<br />

which is a font without any strokes at the ends of the letters. This<br />

gives a more modern feel to the poster, as well as how the font is in

all capitalized letters, but the curvature to the letters gives it a softer feeling, rather than<br />

having the feeling of being yelled at. The way that the letters are rounded also tone down<br />

the bold strokes that create the letters. His poster design for “Death Cab for Cutie” takes a<br />

different approach.<br />

Andrio capitalized the “D” and two “Cs” and they are bold and large and capture the<br />

attention of the viewer. They have a stenciled appearance to them as well as the texture of<br />

being shattered as if they were made of glass. The other letters in<br />

the title are rounded and thin and they contrast the bold look of the<br />

capitalized letters. These type treatments combined give the poster<br />

a nice bold look while also not overdoing the decorative type style.<br />

The other poster he designed for “Death Cab for Cutie” has all<br />

capitalized letters for the title that were drawn to look three-<br />

dimensional and the fronts of the letters are see-through to reveal<br />

the illustration behind it in order to make the title stand out. If the<br />

font weren’t transparent it would seem as if it was loud because of<br />

the bold dimension, thick strokes and the tall look of the font, but<br />

the design of the letter fronts help to quiet it down a bit. Another way to recognize<br />

someone belonging to a youth subculture is his or her clothing.<br />

<strong>Youth</strong> Subculture: Preppie<br />

The preppie youth subculture is one that can be easily acknowledged by the style of<br />

clothing worn, but the prep culture, along with the clothing, has changed. It is said that a<br />

true prep wears collared shirts and pressed slacks with argyle sweaters draped over their<br />

shoulders. Preps used to be known as people with money who sent their children to

private schools and always seem coordinated with their looks and their lifestyle in<br />

general. vii Today, within the general youth population, that definition has changed.<br />

The approach to the prep culture has been remarketed to be quite the opposite image<br />

than it used to be. These days, a preppie within the youth culture is thought of as<br />

someone who is good-looking, popular with his or her peers, and usually shops at stores<br />

such as Abercrombie & Fitch, American Eagle Outfitters and Buckle. The advertising for<br />

these companies uses images of people that are quite the opposite from what used to be<br />

the typical prep. Sexuality has become an element in contemporary prep marketing by<br />

using images of beautiful people scantily wearing clothes to grab the consumer’s<br />

attention. The typography used for these stores is also used for the purpose of attracting<br />

the preppie youth subculture.<br />

Abercrombie & Fitch uses a serif font, which is one with extra strokes on the ends of<br />

each letter. It is written out in a clean, sophisticated<br />

way and uses an ampersand. It’s simple and attractive and doesn’t get too decorative.<br />

American Eagle Outfitters uses a similar style.<br />

A serif font is also used for American Eagle Outfitters, but every letter is capitalized.<br />

The serifs are a bit exaggerated on the letters,<br />

which gives the font a little bit of a more<br />

decorated look, yet it is still simple and clean which seems to be a trend within this<br />

subculture.<br />

Buckle, another popular store among the preppie youth subculture, uses a bold, sans<br />

serif font. Though it is a sans serif font, it still looks clean and modern, which well<br />

represents the clothing sold by Buckle. The thick

strokes make this font stand out and have a seemingly deep and confident sense about it.<br />

This font is a bit similar to the ones used for the skater culture.<br />

<strong>Youth</strong> Subculture: Skater<br />

The skater youth subculture, one that uses bold fonts as well, is made up of<br />

skateboarding adolescents. Though they do skateboard, they also snowboard, wakeboard,<br />

surf, or do any extreme sports and they are often stereotyped as punks or druggies. It is<br />

said that skaters enjoy the thrill of skating and tend to have a careless, laidback look on<br />

life. viii Skateboard companies usually distribute both skateboards and clothing. Some<br />

examples of companies that do so are Birdhouse, Element and Zoo York.<br />

Birdhouse is a skateboard company owned by Tony Hawk, a well-known professional<br />

skateboarder. The typeface that represents the<br />

company is a bold, rounded, clean retro font,<br />

giving it a strong, yet fun and modern<br />

appearance. The dot above the letter “i” was<br />

rendered to look like a bird with his head tucked in, which gives it a bit of an organic<br />

look, a common look amongst skateboard companies. This subculture seems to be<br />

attracted to this type of look, possibly because of the simplicity of the design.<br />

Element pairs their type up with a nice tree logo surrounded by circles. Their type<br />

varies from an all-lowercase sans serif font to a serif font with just the<br />

first letter capitalized, depending on the application, which can be<br />

anything from skateboards and stickers to clothing and other things.<br />

The fonts are simple and easy, yet quite attractive in contrast when paired up with the<br />

logo. Zoo York also has a nice contrast between logo and typeface.

The Letters Z and Y, in a decorative serif font, are combined<br />

to create the Zoo York logo. A thick, textured block font is paired<br />

up with the logo that creates a nice distinction for the company<br />

title. It’s simple, but also stands out at the same time. <strong>Typography</strong><br />

of the urban youth subculture has a tendency to stand out as well.<br />

<strong>Youth</strong> Subculture: Urban<br />

The urban youth culture is made up of teenagers who grew up in a city and sport a<br />

city style. This subculture is mostly influenced by African-American society as well as<br />

the hip-hop culture. ix Clothing, as well as hip-hop music, is a representation of this<br />

subculture, which is usually decorated with ornamental fonts because it seems to be the<br />

style of type that goes along with their clothing and lifestyle. These typefaces seem to be<br />

an attempt at losing the stereotype of having a bad boy routine along with this way of life<br />

because of the smoother approach to them.<br />

Sean John, a clothing company owned by famous hip-hop artist, Sean “Puffy”<br />

Combs, uses the signature of the artist for the typeface.<br />

Though it’s decorative, it still looks sophisticated and it is<br />

personal.<br />

G Unit is another company owned by a hip-hop artist, 50 Cent, which uses a<br />

decorative font. The typeface is a script font that has a<br />

cracked texture inside of it. The script font makes the type<br />

look sophisticated, while the cracked texture gives it a bit of a tough, masculine feeling.<br />

Rocawear is a clothing company owned by Jay-Z, another hip-hop artist. The<br />

typeface for this company is a bit less decorative, but it is still an ornamental type. The

end of each letter stroke varies between rounded and squared, which gives it a nice<br />

contrast between masculine and feminine. A typographic logo sits between the words<br />

Roca and Wear which is an “R” and “W” combined with a wavy look to it that is a nice<br />

contrast from the bold letters that makes up the other part of the logo. Another youth<br />

subculture that uses a variety of decorative fonts is the gothic subculture, but the<br />

difference between the two is that the gothic style is more jagged and distorted, while the<br />

urban style is more classy and stylish.<br />

<strong>Youth</strong> Subculture: Goth<br />

Gothic in itself started as a reference to architecture that began sometime in the 12 th<br />

century. During the 17 th century it began to be used as a reference to a literature style that<br />

branched off the individualist movement, which usually revolved around the darker<br />

elements of human nature. x Though goth is seen by many as a way of life, these days,<br />

gothic is typically a way to categorize people who dress in black and dark colors all the<br />

time. They are perceived as people who are always angry and wear dark makeup to<br />

enhance that look. It is also said that they act and dress the way they do to attract<br />

attention to themselves, though one might deny that when confronted. It seems that the<br />

typefaces used within this subculture are a bit amateurish and poorly designed, though<br />

they do definitely stand out the same way the people of this subculture do.<br />

One of the most well known retail stores that distributes gothic music and related<br />

clothing, is Hot Topic. Located in most malls across the country, Hot Topic has been<br />

blamed for turning the style of Goths into a mainstream fad.<br />

The Hot Topic logo is one that stands out amongst the other

etail stores found in shopping centers. It’s bold, chunky and distorted. It has a grungy,<br />

masculine feeling to it, which represents the gothic stereotype well.<br />

Cradle of Filth is a gothic rock band that uses an extremely ornamental font, but it<br />

works for this style of music. The typeface used to<br />

represent this band is a type of black letter font that<br />

uses an appearance that the letters were created from a<br />

mixture of fire and vines. This creates a dark look and feeling that slightly resembles a<br />

middle age type of style. Things pertaining to the gothic subculture often have this type<br />

of style representing them.<br />

The Black Angel is also gothic style clothing store with a bold typeface<br />

representation. An imitated blackletter style font is used for the lettering, but it doesn’t<br />

have quite as much of a masculine, dark look to it as<br />

the other two examples. This typeface is more curvy<br />

and elegant, which gives it a feminine feeling. The background, though, is an implication<br />

of fire, which contrasts nicely to the typeface, making it also have a bit of a masculine<br />

feeling to it that can appeal to both males and females of the subculture. Appealing to<br />

both genders within subcultures seems to be common as well as the idea of expecting<br />

women to adopt masculine styles as their own.<br />

Subculture Similarities<br />

None of the mentioned examples lean toward one or the other gender. They do,<br />

however, have obvious differences between them depending on the subculture, which<br />

helps the affiliates of these subcultures have their own individual appearance and

epresentation. A man named Armin, though, found a similarity between the youth<br />

subcultures.<br />

He said, “Blackletter is the only style — that I can think of — that is a crossover. In<br />

its similarly diverse variations — texturas, frakturs, rotundas, and schwabachers — it is<br />

equally appropriate on beer labels and fashion labels; similarly kitsch on the facades of<br />

quaint bed and breakfasts and covers of heavy metal albums; thoroughly serious on<br />

newspaper mastheads and diplomas or certificates; and as recognizable as the identifier<br />

for Pushpin's Monthly Graphic and the regime of Nazi Germany.” xi<br />

Though blackletter was mentioned only in the gothic youth subculture, it is<br />

interesting to think that someone has realized a similarity between the subcultures.<br />

There may be similarities between these youth subcultures, but the differences are what<br />

help to separate them. The time that a person seems to discover themselves as individuals<br />

is during their youth. This is a critical time for advertisers to be considering the factors<br />

that make the subcultures distinctive from each other. Most adolescents want to feel like<br />

they are part of something that is out of the norm. <strong>Typography</strong>, along with other key<br />

factors, such as images and color, are crucial to making ads, clothing, music and anything<br />

else distinctive so that these subcultures feel as if they are being specifically targeted<br />

instead of the youth culture as a whole.<br />

Conclusion<br />

There are many aspects to consider when marketing to any audience. The key<br />

market is based off of demographics that help specify interests and culture. These<br />

demographics generally include age, race, gender, social or economic status, etc. Because<br />

a person’s most valuable time for identifying themselves as an individual is during their

youth, it is the most important time for marketing to consider the factors that adolescents<br />

use to represent themselves as individuals, such as their clothing style, taste in music,<br />

hobbies, interests and such. These are all part of what make a youth subculture different<br />

from the stereotypical teenagers, also known as the preppies.<br />

Teenagers have attempted to steer themselves away from what is thought of as the<br />

typical youth image which then caused groups to form such as the punks, goths, skaters<br />

or urban youths, along with many more. In order to make these groups feel like<br />

individuals to the general public, designers figure out exactly what it is that will appeal to<br />

them and stand out to them as a group. Typically when designing something for a target<br />

market, elements such as images, typography and color are considered. The typography is<br />

the voice of the piece. Each component of a typeface is important when relaying a<br />

message to an audience. Serif fonts, sans serif fonts, bold fonts, condensed fonts and any<br />

others each have their own look and tone to them. Therefore, every single portion of any<br />

font is important because if the wrong typeface is placed on a piece, it won’t be<br />

successful at doing its job of attracting the attention of the target audience. Whether it be<br />

a youth subculture, or a culture from another country, the design must appeal to the target<br />

market and using typography is important in completing that task.<br />

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ii Phinney, Thomas W., and Norman Walsh. "A Brief History of Type." RedSun. 2002. 28 Oct. 2007<br />

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iii Haley, Allan. Hot Designers Make Cool Fonts. Gloucester: Rockport, Inc., 1998.

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