Chapter 12: Appendixes

Chapter 12: Appendixes

Chapter 12: Appendixes


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—Abundance—-<br />

SHOREBIRDS: SANDPIPERS & ALLIES (cont’d) Common Name Sp Su F W<br />

Tringa melanoleuca greater yellowlegs U O U<br />

Tringa solitaria solitary sandpiper U U U<br />

TERNS (Laridae: Sterninae)<br />

Chlidonias niger black tern O O O<br />

Sterna caspia Caspian tern C O C<br />

Sterna forsteri Forster’s tern C O C R<br />

Sterna hirundo common tern C O C R<br />

JAEGERS (Laridae: Stercorariinae)<br />

Stercorarius parasiticus parasitic jaeger O R<br />

GULLS (Laridae: Larinae)<br />

Larus argentatus herring gull A C A A<br />

Larus atricilla laughing gull R O O R<br />

Larus delawarensis ring-billed gull A A A A<br />

Larus fuscus lesser black-backed gull O U O<br />

Larus glaucoides Iceland gull O O U<br />

Larus hyperboreus glaucous gull O O U<br />

Larus marinus great black-backed gull U O U C<br />

Larus minutus little gull O R O R<br />

Larus philadelphia Bonaparte’s gull C O A O<br />

Larus pipixcan Franklin’s gull R R O R<br />

Larus ridibundus black-headed gull R R R<br />

Larus thayeri Thayer’s gull O O U<br />

Rissa tridactyla black-legged kittiwake R O O<br />

DOVES (Columbidae)<br />

Columba livia rock dove A A A A<br />

Zenaida macroura mourning dove A A A A<br />

CUCKOOS (Cuculidae)<br />

Coccyzus americanus yellow-billed cuckoo U U U<br />

Coccyzus erythropthalmus black-billed cuckoo O O O<br />

OWLS (Strigidae)<br />

Aegolius acadicus northern saw-whet owl R R R R<br />

Asio flammeus short-eared owl R O O<br />

Asio otus long-eared owl R R O<br />

Bubo virginianus great horned owl C C C C<br />

Nyctea scandiaca snowy owl R R O<br />

Otus asio eastern screech-owl C C C C<br />

Strix varia barred owl R R R R<br />

BARN-OWLS (Tyonnidae)<br />

Tyto alba barn-owl R R R R<br />

GOATSUCKERS & ALLIES (Caprimulgidae)<br />

Caprimulgus vociferus whip-poor-will O R<br />

Chordeiles minor common nighthawk C C C<br />

HUMMINGBIRDS (Trochilidae)<br />

Archilochus colubris ruby-throated hummingbird C C C<br />

SWIFTS (Apodidae)<br />

Chaetura pelagica chimney swift C C C<br />

KINGFISHERS (Alcedinidae)<br />

Ceryle alcyon belted kingfisher C C C U<br />


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