pH METRO DIGITAL DIGITAL pH METER Serie / Series / 907 - Auxilab

pH METRO DIGITAL DIGITAL pH METER Serie / Series / 907 - Auxilab

pH METRO DIGITAL DIGITAL pH METER Serie / Series / 907 - Auxilab

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<strong>pH</strong>PRINT1PRINT2mVSAVEDELCALISOENTERCANCEL1.11.17CASTELLANOENGLISH• To get out of this function press CANCEL button (1.3) and he equipment will be readyto perform a new measurement.1.5 1.6 If you are not using the <strong>pH</strong>-meter for a long period of time please make sure itis disconnected from the net and protected from dust (this way you will avoid accidentsand will extend its working-life).1.91.8HOLD VIEW ON/OFF1.11 1.12 Conector de alimentación2.2 Conector BNC para electrodo demedida2.3 Conector toma de referencia2.4 Conector tierra2.5 Conector sonda de temperatura2.6 Interface RS2323. ESPECIFICAIONES TÉCNICAS1. 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.52.6Security• The <strong>pH</strong>-meter must be used by previously qualified staff that knows how the equipmentworks thanks to the user manual.• Put the <strong>pH</strong>-meter on top of a horizontal, plane and stable table making a free space atleast at 30 cm per side.• Do not put the <strong>pH</strong>-meter near any warm supply (burners, blowlamps…), nor expose itdirectly to the sun, etc. Avoid vibrations, dust and dry environments.• When you are not using the <strong>pH</strong>-meter for a long period of time please make sure it isunplugged in order to avoid possible accidents.• It is essential to have the equipment switched off and unplugged from the net beforecleaning, checking components or replacing any piece (e.g. replacement of a fuse).• Never try to repair the <strong>pH</strong>-meter by yourself, since you will lose the warranty and mayprovoke damages to the general operating system or the electrical installation, as well asinjuries to the people that usually handle the equipment (burns, hurts…).• Try not to spill any liquid on the control panel, though it is properly insulated. In caseyou have any doubts do please immediately unplug the equipment (see Maintenance).• Made under the European regulations for electrical security, electromagnetic compatibilityand security on machines.Rango <strong>pH</strong>0.00-14.00 <strong>pH</strong>Rango mV -1999.9-1999.9Rango Temperatura 0.0-100.0 ºCResolución <strong>pH</strong> 0.01Resolución mV 1Precisión <strong>pH</strong> ± 0.01Precisión mV ± 1Rango CAT 0.0-100.0 ºCImpedancia de entrada 1012 OhmCalibración <strong>pH</strong>1 ó 2 puntosAlimentaciónAdaptador externo DC 9V5. MAINTENANCE AND CLEANINGTo get the best results and a higher duration of the <strong>pH</strong>-meter it is essential to follow theprocesses of use.Note: All the processes of use mentioned below will not have any value unless you keepa continued and careful maintenance.• Please follow the processes of use of this manual.• This manual should be available for all users of this equipment.•After each use, rinse carefully the electrode with distilled water; a lack of cleaning willcause a bad working order of the equipment.• Always put the electrode into the cap which contains KCl (3 mol/L) to keep the bulbwet; do not submerge the electrode in distilled water. Dust and water vapour accumulationwill reduce the life-span of the electrode. If environment is very wet dry the electrodewith a cellulose cloth.Pág. 4 Manual de instrucciones 50<strong>907</strong>000 Revisión 1 de Octubre-06Version 1 October-06 Instruction manual 506<strong>907</strong>000 Page 21

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