Investigación “Percepciones de la Política Exterior de Corea del Sur ...

Investigación “Percepciones de la Política Exterior de Corea del Sur ...

Investigación “Percepciones de la Política Exterior de Corea del Sur ...


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284. What do you think are the most important topics in the political re<strong>la</strong>tions between South Koreaand Brazil from 2004 to present?5. Do you think there will be some changes in the bi<strong>la</strong>teral re<strong>la</strong>tions between South Korea andBrazil un<strong>de</strong>r the administration of Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Lee?6. Do you think that a FTA with MERCOSUR is possible to achieve during the Lee Myung-bakadministration?7. What do you think is the most important obstacle to achieve a FTA between South Korea andMERCOSUR?

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