El tratamiento de los contenidos - Virtual Educa

El tratamiento de los contenidos - Virtual Educa

El tratamiento de los contenidos - Virtual Educa


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Become a catalyst for the <strong>de</strong>velopment of the Aboriginal and northern ManitobaeconomyRecruit, <strong>de</strong>velop, support and retain Aboriginal and northern people for keypositions -- including the instructional area -- at UCNCreate and sustain effective accountability, management, communications andtechnological infrastructureDevelop and implement solid aca<strong>de</strong>mic and social transition programs similar tothe Access mo<strong>de</strong>l, with appropriate fundingEnsure programs are viable and vitalEnsure accountability, clear planning and effective managementUniversity College of the North also un<strong>de</strong>rtook an in-<strong>de</strong>pth study of its library funding,with an eye to current and future <strong>de</strong>mands from new programming, new locations andwith an ad<strong>de</strong>d <strong>de</strong>gree-granting dynamic. Our research showed that to meet the libraryneeds of the present and the future, UCN needs to acquire significantly more holdings,staffing and facilities. Our vision for UCN’s next generation library dovetails perfectlywith our principles of being a learner-centred institution, adopting innovative curriculum<strong>de</strong>sign and <strong>de</strong>livery to serve a vast territory.The next sections of the Annual Aca<strong>de</strong>mic Report provi<strong>de</strong> more <strong>de</strong>tailed information onUCN activities during the 2006-2007 aca<strong>de</strong>mic year, and also give an indication of thescope of UCN’s growth moving into the future.Join us “On the Path” to UCN!Annual Aca<strong>de</strong>mic Report 2006-2007 6

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