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What has been best thing about being a twin?

Lacey Going through all of the major milestones together.

Brooks I agree. It was nice sharing life’s moments with each other.

What’s been the most challenging part of being a twin?

Lacey It was challenging growing up always being compared to each other.

One always outdid the other and it was always a comparison on who was

better at what.

Brooks The most challenging part of growing up as a twin was you never

really had that alone time that you needed. We were always together and

sometimes you just needed to be by yourself.

Has there been a special attachment to your sibling that

you think is different as a twin?

Lacey Twins have a special bond with each other that really started before

we were born. Even when we were not together we could always sense when

something was wrong.

Brooks During school we were always in separate classes. It was hard at

first since we were always together and after a while it just felt normal. But at

the end of the day we would always have to catch up and talk about each

other’s day.

Do you share an unusual amount of similarities,

likes or dislikes?

Lacey When we were younger we shared a lot of the same interests such as

golf, hunting, and fishing but as we got older we had a lot of different interests.

During our high school years we hardly did anything together. We both had

our separate groups of friends and always went different directions. We have

definitely gotten closer as we have gotten older, and now I think we are closer

than we ever have been.

Brooks I agree, we always did everything together and as we got older we

were like typical teenage brother and sister who despised each other. But now

that we are older, we have gotten a lot closer and do more things together. We

both still like to do a few of the same things and my brother-in-law also likes

fishing and golf as well, and it’s been nice to be able to do those things together

again. One thing that we are totally different on is patience. Lacey has our dad’s

patience, which is none, and I got our mom’s patience, which is a good bit.

And we both look at things with a different perspective. I look at a glass half

full and Lacey looks at a glass half empty.

What piece of advice would you share with parents

having twins?

Lacey Having twins is really a special blessing. The bond that they will

share growing up is something that not a lot of people will be able compare to.

As they grow up, treat them as individuals and not as a pair. I just found out

that I am expecting, just one. But if I found out that I was having twins, I would

love it because of the special bond that Brooks and I have and I would hope

that my children would be the same way. But at the same time, we were double

the trouble and that made for some very trying times for my parents.

Brooks Good luck! It does get better. And don’t dress them alike. But it

was great having a twin and sharing life together.

Hometown MADISON • 43

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