Veille Technologique Sécurité - cert devoteam

Veille Technologique Sécurité - cert devoteam

Veille Technologique Sécurité - cert devoteam


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OCTOBRE 2009<br />


Thème Nom du Draft Date Titre<br />

6LOW draft-struik-6lowapp-security-considerations-00 20/10 Sec. Arch. Design Consider. for Low-Power Wireless Sensor Nets<br />

ALTO draft-wang-alto-privacy-load-analysis-00 19/10 Analysis for ALTO privacy and load issues<br />

BCP draft-magnusson-secure-practice-00 13/10 A Security Practitioner's view on Internet Protocols<br />

CGA draft-cheneau-csi-cga-pk-agility-00 12/10 Support for Multiple Signature Algorithms in CGAs<br />

draft-cheneau-csi-ecc-sig-agility-00<br />

12/10 ECC public key & signature support in CGA and in SEND protocol<br />

draft-cheneau-csi-send-sig-agility-00<br />

12/10 Signature Algorithm Agility in the SEND Protocol<br />

DHCP draft-ietf-csi-dhcpv6-cga-ps-00 12/10 DHCPv6 and CGA Interaction: Problem Statement<br />

DNS draft-ietf-dnsext-dnssec-registry-fixes-00 14/10 DNSSEC DNSKEY IANA Registry Algorithm Status Addition<br />

EAP draft-urien-kiennert-emu-bio-00 15/10 EAP BIO<br />

draft-mccann-session-policy-fram…-using-eap-00 19/10 Session Policy Framework using EAP<br />

ECC draft-turner-ecprivatekey-00 19/10 Elliptic Curve Private Key Structure<br />

GRE draft-mip4-gre-key-extension-00 14/10 GRE Key Extension for Mobile IPv4<br />

GSS API draft-yu-kitten-api-wishlist-00 19/10 Desired changes to the GSS-API<br />

HIP draft-ponomarev-hip-ecc-00 19/10 Additional Key Algorithms for Host Identity Protocol<br />

IBAKE draft-cakulev-ibake-00 19/10 IBAKE: Identity-Based Authenticated Key Agreement<br />

IPV4 draft-perkins-mip4-authreqd-00 12/10 Authentication Mandate for All Registration Reply Messages<br />

IPV6 draft-kohno-ipv6-prefixlen-p2p-00 19/10 /127 IPv6 Prefix Length on P2P Links Not Considered Harmful<br />

draft-vyncke-advanced-ipv6-security-00<br />

19/10 Advanced Security for IPv6 CPE<br />

IPSEC draft-nagayama-ipsecme-ipsec-with-qkd-00 19/10 IKE for IPsec with QKD<br />

LDAP draft-chu-ldap-kdc-schema-00 15/10 An LDAP Schema for Kerberos KDC Information<br />

LISP draft-saucez-lisp-security-00 20/10 Notes on LISP Security Threats and Requirements<br />

MIF draft-ko-mif-threat-analysis-00 19/10 Preliminary MIF Threat Analysis<br />

MIKEY draft-cakulev-mikey-ibake-00 14/10 MIKEY-IBAKE: Identity-Based MIKEY<br />

draft-mattsson-mikey-ticket-00<br />

19/10 MIKEY-TICKET: An Additional MIKEY<br />

MPLS draft-daley-mpsec-label-ts-00 18/10 MPLS Label Traffic Selectors for Internet Key Exchange Version 2<br />

MPTCP draft-bagnulo-mptcp-threat-00 18/10 Threat Analysis for Multi-addressed/Multi-path TCP<br />

OAUTH draft-beck-oauth-sip-eval-00 19/10 Evaluating OAUTH's suitability for SIP authentication<br />

SAAG draft-polk-saag-rtg-auth-keytable-00 19/10 Routing Authentication using a DB of Long-Lived Crypto. Keys<br />

SRTP draft-lennox-avt-srtp-encrypted-ext…-00 19/10 Encryption of Header Extensions in SRTP<br />

SYSLOG draft-ietf-syslog-dtls-00 14/10 DTLS Transport Mapping for Syslog<br />

TCP draft-touch-tcp-ao-nat-00 19/10 A TCP Authentication Option NAT Extension<br />

TLS draft-pettersen-tls-ext-multiple-ocsp-00 16/10 Adding Multiple TLS Certificate Status Extension requests<br />

UDT draft-d-sec-udt-00 29/09 Security Requirements for UDT<br />


Thème Nom du Draft Date Titre<br />

AAA draft-wu-dime-pmip6-lr-01 26/10 AAA Support for PMIP6 mobility entities Locating<br />

ASYMMET draft-turner-asymmetrickeyformat-02 20/10 Asymmetric Key Packages<br />

BGP draft-francois-limited-scope-specifics-01 26/10 Threat to BGP Policies limited-scope more specific prefix injection<br />

CGA draft-jiang-csi-cga-config-dhcpv6-01 25/10 Configuring CGA using DHCPv6<br />

CMS draft-housley-cms-content-constraints-extn-02 20/10 CMS Content Constraints Extension<br />

DHCP draft-sakane-dhc-dhcpv6-kdc-option-05 26/10 Kerberos Option for DHCPv6<br />

DNSSEC draft-ietf-dnsext-dnssec-gost-01 18/10 GOST signature algo. in DNSKEY & RRSIG RRs for DNSSEC<br />

draft-crocker-dnssec-algo-signal-04<br />

14/10 Signaling Cryptographic Algorithm Understanding in DNSSEC<br />

draft-morris-dnsop-dnssec-key-timing-01 15/10 DNSSEC Key Timing Considerations<br />

DPS draft-ljunggren-dps-framework-01 20/10 DNSSEC Signing Policy & Practice Statement Framework<br />

DSSC draft-ietf-ltans-dssc-12 30/09 DSSC<br />

DTNRG draft-irtf-dtnrg-bundle-security-09 22/10 Bundle Security Protocol Specification<br />

EAP draft-ietf-emu-chbind-04 22/10 Channel Binding Support for EAP Methods<br />

draft-ietf-hokey-key-mgm-10<br />

26/10 Distribution of EAP based keys for handover<br />

ECC draft-mcgrew-fundamental-ecc-01 26/10 Fundamental Elliptic Curve Cryptography Algorithms<br />

EMU draft-harkins-emu-eap-pwd-12 22/10 EAP Authentication Using Only A Password<br />

GEOPRIV draft-ietf-geopriv-arch-01 26/10 Architecture for Location & Location Privacy in Internet Apps.<br />

HIP draft-ietf-hip-<strong>cert</strong>-02 26/10 HIP Certificates<br />

HTTP draft-ietf-httpbis-p7-auth-08 26/10 HTTP/1.1, part 7: Authentication<br />

IPSEC draft-eronen-ipsec-ikev2-eap-auth-07 20/10 An Extension for EAP-Only Authentication in IKEv2<br />

draft-daley-mpsec-traffic-sel-ps-01<br />

25/10 Guidelines for Multiprotocol Traffic Selector Bindings in IPsec<br />

IPV6 draft-blake-ipv6-flow-label-nonce-02 26/10 Use of the IPv6 Flow Label as a Transport-Layer Nonce<br />

draft-hain-ipv6-fwrh-02<br />

25/10 IPv6 Firewall Routing Header<br />

KERB draft-ietf-krb-wg-preauth-framework-15 26/10 A Generalized Framework for Kerberos Pre-Authentication<br />

draft-ietf-krb-wg-cross-problem-statement-05 15/10 Problem statement on the cross-realm operation of Kerberos<br />

draft-ietf-krb-wg-kdc-model-06 19/10 An information model for Kerberos version 5<br />

KEYPROV draft-ietf-keyprov-symmetrickeyformat-06 20/10 Symmetric Key Package Content Type<br />

draft-ietf-keyprov-pskc-04<br />

23/10 Portable Symmetric Key Container (PSKC)<br />

MIKEY draft-seokung-msec-mikey-seed-04 29/09 IANA Registry Update for the SEED Cipher Alg. Support in MIKEY<br />

MIPSHOP draft-haddad-mipshop-netflood-defense-03 20/10 Using 'Symbiotic Relationship' to Repel Network Flooding Attack<br />

MIPV6 draft-ietf-mext-firewall-admin-02 26/10 Guidelines for firewall administrators regarding MIPv6 traffic<br />

draft-ietf-mext-firewall-vendor-02<br />

26/10 Guidelines for firewall vendors regarding MIPv6 traffic<br />

draft-patil-mext-mip6issueswithipsec-02<br />

26/10 Problems with IPsec as the security protocol for Mobile IPv6<br />

draft-korhonen-mext-mip6-altsec-02<br />

13/10 Security architecture for Mobile IPv6 using TLS<br />

<strong>Veille</strong> <strong>Technologique</strong> Sécurité N°135 Page 29/35<br />

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