Indoor environment in a digital future - Master thesis - s154397 - s153767 (1)

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coming five years. The strategy encourages research on digitalisation of buildings, focus on future

digital aspects of the built environment, and an increased use of Internet of Things (IoT), sensors, big

data, data-driven modelling and building diagnostics [11].

1.2 Project Description

It is often said that poor IEQ is an invisible danger. Warm temperatures, high CO2-levels, noise, chemicals

in the indoor air etc. cannot be seen with the human eye. However, several of these IEQ parameters

can cause severe dissatisfaction and discomfort amongst occupants. This master thesis

project aims to make these parameters and IEQ issues visible, measurable and understandable to

occupants and building owners. The motivation in this work lies in the possibilities to provide buildings

owners with tools to understand and improve IEQ in their office buildings. With this project, we aspire

to get a deeper understanding of IEQ related issues in offices and to challenge status quo of IEQ

investigation by exploring new technologies. The intention hereof is to gain knowledge on indoor

environment in a digital future.

The master thesis is a part of the PhD study ’Benchmarking the indoor environment in office buildings

- characterization, synthesis, and practical application’. The purpose of the study is to characterise

IEQ, occupants’ well-being, health, and productivity in office buildings located in both Denmark

and Greenland. Furthermore, it aims to build up a comprehensive database containing occupant

and building information, which will be continuously expanded. In addition to this, the database will

provide the core of a new benchmarking tool offering building owners to evaluate the performance

of their building and workplace [12].

With this master thesis project we aim to contribute with an investigation and evaluation of state-ofthe-art

digital measurement devices to possibly be used in the PhD study. Furthermore, the intention

is to provide insights on relevant stakeholders and their motivation and concerns towards IEQ

databases and benchmarking tools. Lastly, we aim to present a benchmarking tool which could

potentially be used in the PhD study.

The methods used in this master thesis consist of two parts. One part focuses on the measurement

devices and IEQ analysis. Another part focuses on stakeholders and the development of a benchmarking

tool including an IEQ report. The two parts intertwine and both parts of the project are

based on a literature review and market research followed by analysis.


1. Characterisation and comparison of existing benchmarking tools related to IEQ and available

technologies within IEQ measurement devices

2. Collection and analysis of IEQ data from office buildings

3. Identification of relevant stakeholders and the challenges related to IEQ they face

4. Development of a benchmarking tool and a detailed IEQ report

5. Evaluation and optimisation of the benchmarking tool and the IEQ report through feedback

sessions with the identified stakeholders


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