Indoor environment in a digital future - Master thesis - s154397 - s153767 (1)

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Exposure Limit TVOC [ppb]

1 Excellent no limit 0-65

2 Good no limit 65-220

3 Moderate < 12 months 220-660

4 Poor < 1 month 660-2200

5 Unhealthy hours 2200-5500

Table 2.3: TVOC guidelines from the German Federal Environmental Agency [37]

Other Inorganic Gases

Some of the most common nonindustrial indoor air pollutants amongst inorganic gasses are nitrogen

dioxide (NO2), ozone (O3) and carbon monoxide (CO). There are no specific danish regulations for

these pollutants in office environments, but the Danish Working Authority provides a list of limit values

for air pollution in general. These are presented in Table 2.4. Furthermore, SBi has provided guidelines

for a number of indoor air pollutants including NO2, O3 and CO. The guidelines indicate the effect

that the pollutant might have on the occupant under different levels of the pollutant. These are also

presented in Table 2.4. The American National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) also provides

average daily (8 hours working day) limit values for the pollutants in indoor air. However, experts

recommend to maintain levels at 50% or less than the NAAQS [33].

Exposure to O3 can result in shortness of breath, throat and nose irritation for both healthy occupants

and even more so for individuals with preexisting airways diseases ie. asthma. The main sources of

O3 in offices are from outdoor air and air purifiers.

CO exposure can cause fatigue, headache and shortness of breath and even death in severe cases

with high exposures. The main sources of CO in offices are from gas appliances and environmental

tobacco smoke. However, the severity of CO poisoning is dependent on the concentration, time of

exposure, and the general health status of the exposed occupant.

Exposure to NO2 can lead to shortness of breath, coughing and wheezing. The main sources of NO2

in offices are from gas/heating appliances and roadside fumes from outdoor air.

Ozon Carbon Monoxide Nitrogen dioxide

Limit values for air pollution

Danish Working Authority 100 ppb 20 ppm 500 ppb

National Ambient Air Quality Standard 80 ppb 9 ppm 53 ppb

Sbi guidelines

Low/no effect <30 ppb <0.5 ppm <80 ppb

Medium effect 30-50 ppb 0.5-9 ppm 30-300 ppb

High effect >50 ppb >9 ppm >300 ppb

Table 2.4: Limit values for air pollution and guidelines [38] [31]


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