Magazine International de l'Académie Jacques Levinet (AJL) Arts Martiaux, Self Défense, Combat et Police Training Magazine gratuit en ligne. Abonnement gratuit. Demandes de reportage et de publicité à envoyer à magazine@academielevinet.com.

Magazine International de l'Académie Jacques Levinet (AJL) Arts Martiaux, Self Défense, Combat et Police Training Magazine gratuit en ligne. Abonnement gratuit. Demandes de reportage et de publicité à envoyer à magazine@academielevinet.com.


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International White dragon Ninja Jujitsu

The History of Ninjutsu

Ninjutsu began more than 800 years ago among the Ninja people living in Japan. The Warrior class which ruled Japan at the time

were called the Samurai. They controlled the land and its people. Their lord, the Shogun, was the only person the Samurai was

answerable to. The ordinary peasant served the Warriors

every time. A peasant could never strike a Samurai.

If he did, it would mean his life.

The Ninja would not serve the Samurai,

and fled to the barren, cold, mountainous

regions of Iga and Koga. There they

trained in the Arts of War. It is said that their

Art is based upon a great Chinese Military

text written by a General named Sun Tzu,

The Art of War.

Over the centuries the Ninja ('Stealers-

In') trained from the Cradle to the

Grave in every known Martial Art. Their forte

was Espionage and Assassination, by any means possible. But their training also taught them to reach spiritual heights, by pushing

their bodies and minds to limits far beyond that of normal Human endurance.

Training for a Ninja began almost as soon as he could walk. Childhood games were designed to inculcate expertise in Unarmed

Combat, Sword work, Weaponry, Camouflage, Escape and Evasion. In time, the Ninja Warriors came to be feared throughout

Japan. Even the mighty Samaurai looked over his shoulder if a Ninja was known to be in the area.

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