Contribuţii ştiinţifice ale profesorilor Facultăţii Limbi şi Literaturi ...

Contribuţii ştiinţifice ale profesorilor Facultăţii Limbi şi Literaturi ...

Contribuţii ştiinţifice ale profesorilor Facultăţii Limbi şi Literaturi ...


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Editorial Note<br />

Some of the basic priorities of Bălţi State Univesity Scientific<br />

Library are to make various bio and bibliographies and to elaborate<br />

databases of the professors’ scientific works. This Library keeps alive<br />

the tradition of creating the bibliographies for all publications of the<br />

University staff, which has started last century, in 70s: 1974 (1945-<br />

1969); 1983 (1970-1980); 1992 (1980-1990); 1995 (1990-1995); 2001<br />

(1995-2000); 2002 (2000-2002).<br />

The aim of this work is to highlight and to promote the scientific<br />

and the didactic contribution of the professors of the Faculty of Foreign<br />

Languages and Literatures, which marks in 2004 a great Anniversary of<br />

prodigious activity.<br />

History tells that in Ancient Greek proper education of the<br />

young generation is determined to be the guarantee of any state welfare.<br />

The prospectus and the development of the available scientific<br />

resources, as well as the completing state patrimony with new scientific<br />

works represent the precious thesaurus, the pride and the warrant of the<br />

efficiency of any educational institution product who is, in fact, the<br />

future specialist with Bălţi trademark. Some of the criteria which this<br />

bibliography is based on are: professionalism, a special approach to<br />

diverse linguistic and literary aspects in English, French, German,<br />

Roumanian and Russian languages, a deep and original treatment and a<br />

good knowledge of this field.<br />

The Bibliography is made of monographies, studies, scientific<br />

annals, anthologies, guides, dictionnaries, courses, author reports,<br />

articles with scientific and social character, master and license papers<br />

guided with much competence and exigence by faculty professors. In the<br />

first chapter are included works of general character, followed by<br />

publications which are structured on departments in chronological and<br />

alphabetical order of authors and titles, master and license papers.<br />

Additional Index of names and titles directs the user to Order Number of<br />

bibliographical description. Publications description is based on ISBD<br />

standards and contains in average 1179 documents.<br />

This work is also a true illustration of the scientific interests of the<br />

librarians „the inspires and the supporters in finding the way toward<br />

knowledge, the guidemarks to all the hesitating people, but still the most<br />

ignorant intelectual profession..., (Ion Stoica), who collect books, stock<br />

information and draw up excellent bibliographical instruments for<br />

researchers, professors, students and for all those who are searching for<br />

self – creation in life labyrinth.<br />


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