Updated Listings of Fauna and Flora Species - caftadr-environment ...

Updated Listings of Fauna and Flora Species - caftadr-environment ...

Updated Listings of Fauna and Flora Species - caftadr-environment ...

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UPDATED LISTINGS OF FLORA AND FAUNA SPECIESINCLUDED IN THE CITES APPENDICES DISTRIBUTED IN CENTRAL AMERICA AND DOMINICAN REPUBLICTAXONOMY BZ CR SV GT HN NI PA DO APPENDIXCLASE HYDROZOACORAL DE FUEGO, HIDROCORALORDEN MILLEPORINAFAMILIA MILLEPORIDAEMillepora alcicornis (Linnaeus, 1758) X X X X X X IIMillepora boschmai (de Weerdt & Glynn, 1991) X IIMillepora complanata (Lamarck, 1816) X X X X X X X IIMillepora intricata (Milne Edwards, 1857) X IIMillepora platyphylla (Hemprich & Ehrenberg, 1834) X IIMillepora striata (Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1864) X X IIMillepora squarrosa (Lamarck, 1816) X X X IIORDEN STYLASTERINAFAMILIA STYLASTERIDAECrypthelia pudica (Milne Edwards & Haime, 1849) X IIDistichopora robusta (Lindner, Cairns & Guzman, 2004) X IIErrina macrogastra (Marenzeller, 1904) X IIPliobothrus fistulosus (Cairns, 1991) X IIStylaster cocosensis (Cairns, 1991) X IIStylaster galapagensis (Cairns, 1986) X IIStylaster marenzelleri (Cairns, 1986) X IIStylaster roseus (Pallas, 1766) X X X X X X IIExhibit 4 shows an annotated listing <strong>of</strong> flora species found in the CITES Appendices. The taxonomy <strong>of</strong> the species,geographical range (BZ= Belize, CR= Costa Rica, SV= El Salvador, GT= Guatemala, HN= Honduras, NI= Nicaragua,PA= Panama, <strong>and</strong> y DO= Dominican Republic), <strong>and</strong> the Appendix where each is located. These lists are presented inaccordance to CITES directives, in alphabetical order <strong>of</strong> taxa.Exhibit 4. Annotated list <strong>of</strong> flora species included in the Convention on International Trade in Endangered <strong>Species</strong> <strong>of</strong> Wild<strong>Fauna</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Flora</strong> (CITES) for Central America <strong>and</strong> Dominican Republic.TAXONOMY BZ CR SV GT HN NI PA DO APPENDIXORDEN BROMELIALESBROMELIAS, CLAVEL DEL AIREFAMILIA BROMELIACEAETill<strong>and</strong>sia harrisii R. Ehlers X IITill<strong>and</strong>sia kammii Rauh X IITill<strong>and</strong>sia xerographica Rohw. X X IIORDEN CARYOPHYLLALESCACTUS, CACTOS, TUNAFAMILIA CACTACEAEAcanthocereus chiapensis Bravo X IIAcanthocereus horridus Britton & Rose X X IIAcanthocereus tetragonus (Linnaeus) Hummelinck X X X X X X X IIAcanthocereus undulosus (De C<strong>and</strong>olle) Croizat X IIDisocactus acuminatus (Cufod.) Kimnach X X IDisocactus aurantiacus (Kimnach) Barthlott X IDisocactus himantocladus (Rol.-Goss.) Kimnach X X IDisocactus ramulosus (Salm-Dyck) Kimnach X X IDisocactus amazonicus (Schumann) Hunt X X X IDisocactus biformis (Lindley) Lindley X X IDisocactus cinnabarinus (Eichlam) Barthlott X X X IDisocactus eichlamii (Weingart) Britton & Rose X IDisocactus kimnachii Rowley X IDisocactus nelsonii (Britton & Rose) Lindinger X X IDisocactus quezaltecus (St<strong>and</strong>ley & Steyermark) Kimnach X IEpiphyllum cartagense (Weber) Britton & Rose X X IIEpiphyllum columbiense (Weber) Dodson & Gentry X X IIEpiphyllum costaricense (Weber) Britton & Rose X X IIEpiphyllum crenatum (Lindley) Don X X X X X IIEpiphyllum gr<strong>and</strong>ilobum (Weber) Britton & Rose X X X IIEpiphyllum guatemalense Britton & Rose X IIEpiphyllum hookeri Haworth X X X X X X X IIEpiphyllum lepidocarpum (Weber) Britton & Rose X X IIEpiphyllum macropterum (Lemaire) Britton & Rose X X X IIEpiphyllum oxypetalum (De C<strong>and</strong>olle) Haworth X X X X X X II3839

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