Updated Listings of Fauna and Flora Species - caftadr-environment ...

Updated Listings of Fauna and Flora Species - caftadr-environment ...

Updated Listings of Fauna and Flora Species - caftadr-environment ...

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UPDATED LISTINGS OF FLORA AND FAUNA SPECIESINCLUDED IN THE CITES APPENDICES DISTRIBUTED IN CENTRAL AMERICA AND DOMINICAN REPUBLICTAXONOMY BZ CR SV GT HN NI PA DO APPENDIXPachystele corallorhiza Ames X IIPalmorchis eidae Dressler X IIPalmorchis nitida Dressler X X IIPalmorchis paludicola Dressler X IIPalmorchis powellii (Ames) Schweinf. & Corr. X X IIPalmorchis silvicola L.O. Williams X X IIPalmorchis sordida Dressler X IIPalmorchis trilobulata L.O. Wms. X X IIPalmorchis trinotata Dressler X IIPalumbina c<strong>and</strong>ida (Lindl.) Rchb.f. X IIPaphinia clausula Dressler X IIPaphinia cristata (Lindl.) Lindl. X IIPaphinia subclausa Dressler X IIPelexia adnata (Sw.) Spreng. X X X IIPelexia callifera (C. Schweinf.) Garay X IIPelexia cerina (Lindl.) Garay X IIPelexia congesta Ames & C. Schweinf. X X X X IIPelexia funckiana (A. Rich. & Galeotti) Schltr. X X X X X X IIPelexia laxa (Poepp. & Endl.) Lindl. X X X IIPelexia obliqua (J.J. Sm.) Garay X X X IIPelexia olivacea Rolfe X X X IIPelexia richardiana (Schltr.) Garay X X IIPelexia schaffneri (Rchb. f.) Ames X X IIPelexia smithii (Reichb.f.) Garay X X IIPelexia valida (Reichb.f.) Garay X IIPeristeria cochlearis Garay X IIFLOR NACIONAL DE PANAMÁ - FLOR DEL ESPIRITU X X X ISANTOPeristeria elata HookPeristeria pendula Hook. X IIPescatoria cerina (Lindl. & Paxton) Rchb. f. X X IIPescatoria dayana Rchb. f. X IIZAPATILLAS DE VENUSX X X X IPhragmipedium caudatum (Lindl.)RolfePhragmipedium exstaminodium Cast. Ram., Hagsater & J. Aguirre X IPhragmipedium humboldtii (Warsz. ex Rchb. f.) J.T. Atwood &X IDresslerPhragmipedium lindenii(Lindl.)Dressler&N.H.Williams X X IPhragmipedium longifolium(Rchb.f.&Warsz.)Rolfe X X IPhragmipedium roezlii (Reichb.f.) Garay X IPhragmipedium warszewiczianum (Rchb. f.) Garay X IPhysosiphon minor Rendle X IIPhysosiphon ochraceus A. Rich. & Galeotti X X IIPinelia leochilus (Rchb.f.) Garay & H.R. Sweet. X IIPlatanthera guatemalensis Schltr. X IITAXONOMY BZ CR SV GT HN NI PA DO APPENDIXPlatanthera limosa Lindl. X IIPlatyglottis coriacea L.O. Wms. X IIPlatystele brenneri Luer X IIPlatystele calymma Luer X IIPlatystele caudatisepala (C. Schweinf.) Garay X X IIPlatystele compacta (Ames) Ames X X X X X IIPlatystele corallorrhiza Ames X IIPlatystele dressleri Luer X IIPlatystele jungermannioides (Schltr.) Garay X X X IIPlatystele lancilabris (Rchb. f.) Schltr. X X X IIPlatystele microtatantha (Schltr.) Garay X IIPlatystele minimiflora (Schltr.) Garay X X X X IIPlatystele obtecta Luer X IIPlatystele ortiziana Luer & R. Escobar X IIPlatystele ovalifolia (H. Focke) Garay & Dunst. X X X X X IIPlatystele oxyglossa (Schltr.) Garay X X X X IIPlatystele pedicellaris (Schltr.) Garay X X IIPlatystele perpusilla (Reichb.f.) Garay X X IIPlatystele propinqua (Ames) Garay X X IIPlatystele querceticola (Lindl.) Garay X IIPlatystele repens (Ames) Garay X X IIPlatystele resimula Luer & Hirtz X IIPlatystele stenostachya (Rchb. f.) Garay X X X X X IIPlatystele taylori Luer X IIPlatythelys alajuelae Ormerod X IIPlatythelys maculata (Hook.) Garay X X X IIPlatythelys querceticola (Lindl.) Garay X X X X IIPlatythelys vaginata (Hook.) Garay X X X X IIPlatythelys venustula (Ames) Garay X X X X X IIPlectrophora alata (Rolfe) Garay X X X IIPleurothallis abjecta Ames X IIPleurothallis abbreviata Schltr. X IIPleurothallis aberrans Luer X X IIPleurothallis acicularis Ames & C. Schweinf. X IIPleurothallis acostaei Schltr. X IIPleurothallis acrisepala Ames & C. Schweinf. X X IIPleurothallis alainii Dod X IIPleurothallis alexii A.H. Heller X X X IIPleurothallis allenii L.O. Williams X X X IIPleurothallis alpina Ames X X IIPleurothallis amparoana Schltr. X X IIPleurothallis angusta Ames & C. Schweinf. X IIPleurothallis angustifolia Lindl. X X X II8687

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