Design e Sinestesia

Publishing Thesis Politecnico di Bari · Industrial Design course Supervisor: Nino Perrone Year: 2010 BRIEF | Constantly senses are stimulated by the environment, by emotions, by the nature of things. But the perception is never univocal and involves our whole being. My thesis is based on the concept of synesthetic experience and it begins with the friendship with a blind woman and the rediscovery of everyday perception, beyond the world of the image. This visual report is born with the aim of rediscovering the sensory and its multiple possibilities of expression. The research start off with the interpretation cycle, the perception theory and the meaning of stimulus or emotion and how humans can react to these pulses indoors and outdoors.

Publishing Thesis
Politecnico di Bari · Industrial Design course
Supervisor: Nino Perrone
Year: 2010

BRIEF | Constantly senses are stimulated by the environment, by emotions, by the nature of things. But the perception is never univocal and involves our whole being. My thesis is based on the concept of synesthetic experience and it begins with the friendship with a blind woman and the rediscovery of everyday perception, beyond the world of the image. This visual report is born with the aim of rediscovering the sensory and its multiple possibilities of expression. The research start off with the interpretation cycle, the perception theory and the meaning of stimulus or emotion and how humans can react to these pulses indoors and outdoors.


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Il cobra, come tutti i serpenti, è sordo. Questo rettile è privo del timpano, e non può percepire i suoni. In

compenso, percepisce le vibrazioni del suolo, e questo gli consente, non di cacciare le prede, che sono

piccole e non possono far vibrare il suolo in maniera considerevole, ma di evitare, di venire calpestato

quando si acciambella. Quando il serpente si arrotola posa la testa e la mandibola sul suolo. E’ la mandibola

che capta la vibrazione e comunica l’informazione al cervello. Il cobra “vede” anche le prede a sangue caldo

grazie a recettori termici che si trovano sotto gli occhi e che il cervello associa alla visione oculare.

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