Oxford Programming by Theme

Oxford University Press is proud to publish musical works by some of the most significant composers of the 20th and 21st centuries, with a catalogue that includes a broad range of choral, orchestral and chamber music.


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6 years ago

Cecilia McDowall Everyday Wonders: The Girl from Aleppo

  • Text
  • Choral
  • Refugees
  • Nujeen
  • Aleppo
  • Wonders
  • Mcdowall
  • Oup
  • Oxford
  • Aleppo
for upper voices, SATB, solo violin, and piano Everyday Wonders: The Girl from Aleppo tells the extraordinary story of Nujeen Mustafa, a Kurdish teenager with cerebral palsy forced by war to flee her home and embark on an arduous journey to Europe with her sister. It sets a specially-written text by Kevin Crossley-Holland and is in five movements: 'Orphans of the World' is centred on Nujeen's life in Aleppo; 'Thousands milling at the border', 'I had never seen the sea before', and 'A lost tribe pushed from border to border' depict a refugee's perilous route across borders and waters; and 'Everyday Wonders', in which the teenager reflects on the 'everyday' joys of her new life. In response to the vivid text McDowall employs a wealth of musical effects, including chorales, rhythmic spoken sections, body percussion, and a solo violin part infused with Middle Eastern flavours. The prevailing mood of Nujeen's story is embodied by the final line of a chorale that opens and closes this unique concert work: 'singing the song of life itself.' Find out more: https://global.oup.com/academic/product/everyday-wonders-the-girl-from-aleppo-9780193522589

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