5 years ago

EPP Europe P2.2017

  • Text
  • Automated
  • Components
  • Productronica
  • Electronics
  • Manufacturing
  • November
  • Assembly
  • Solder
  • Inspection
  • Soldering


TEST + QUALITY ASSURANCE Source: Doris Jetter A manual workstation within the THT process. wired components. A telecentric lens ensures distortion-free magnification of the image. The Quad-Multifrequency 3D Moiré technology measures the component in all four directions, to obtain a 3D image for fast, accurate error detection. It also ensures a shadowfree 3D representation through eight 3D projections, whereby the inspection of different levels of components is made possible through a combination of high and low frequency Moiré grids. The data-transfer technology CoaXPress achieves a 4 times larger data transfer rate and the inspection speed is approximately 40 % faster than conventional transmission technologies. The system is equipped with a stable spindle motor drive and due to its small size (1.080 mm x 1.560 mm), it fits in tightly sized production surfaces. Adrian Scherer is thrilled with the performance of the system, “In SMT and THT processes, we assembled 5,000 circuit boards, where some had toggle switches with different positions and clamps whose direction had to be checked. These 5,000 assemblies were then tested with the 3D AOI with 100 % accuracy, and then delivered to the customer. We had no failures and every assembly worked flawlessly. This was a sign for us that the system works very well in series.” “All assemblies that are processed by the system can be delivered directly and no longer requires manual final control. This not only saves us an immense amount of time, but also personnel costs. The results and customer feedback are convincing and very good. Also, the system goes beyond a pure test. Due to the statistics that are automatically created by the tests, I get feedback of what was incorrectly produced in my SMT assembly. With this, I am able to eliminate errors before they arise.” The company plans to start an expansion of the building late this summer. By early summer 2018, the project should be ready with an expansion of almost 600 m 2 , which will prepare them well for the future. It should certainly be mentioned that the machine is both 2D and 3D capable because there are still errors that may not be detected with a 2D, but with 3D, and vice versa. These errors include, the OCR-character recognition which would only be truly recognized by a 2D system. (dj) productronica, Booth A2.329 + A2.331;; Zusammenfassung Die SMTEC AG ist seit 18 Jahren ein innovativer und sehr flexibler Dienstleister in der Elektronikfertigung, der zuverlässig voraus denkt und sich an Kundenwünschen orientiert. Der hohe Qualitätsstandard spiegelt sich in der ISO9001:2015 Zertifizierung wider und manifestiert sich in innovativem Equipment, speziell dem jüngst angeschafften 3D AOI von Mirtec. Résumé Cela fait 18 ans que SMTEC AG est un fournisseur de services innovant et flexible dans le domaine de la fabrication d‘électronique, qui anticipe et s‘adapte aux besoins des clients. Le standard de bonne qualité se reflète dans la certification ISO9001: 2015 et la manifestation dans des équipements innovants, en particulier avec la récente acquisition 3D AOI de Mirtec. Резюме Компания SMTEC AG существует уже 18 лет и является чрезвычайно гибким поставщиком решений для электронных производств, работающим на перспективу и ориентированным на потребности клиентов. Соответствие высоким стандартам качества подтверждается сертификатом ISO9001:2015 и отражается в применении инновационного оборудования, например, такого как трехмерная система оптического контроля качества печатных плат (3D AOI) от компании Mirtec. 70 EPP EUROPE November 2017

PRODUCT UPDATES TEST + QUALITY ASSURANCE Source: CyberOptics Corporation AOI system with PCB inspection flexibility CyberOptics Corporation, a developer and manufacturer of high-precision 3D sensing technology solutions, will demonstrate the SQ3000-DD 3D Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) system with the new ultra-high resolution Multiple-Reflection Suppression (MRS) sensors at productronica 2017. The company will also unveil the SE3000 3D SPI and SQ3000 3D CMM, both powered by MRS technology. The 3D AOI dual lane, dual sensor system maximizes flexibility catering to varying PCB widths. This unique design provides the ability to inspect high volume assemblies, the convenience of inspecting different assemblies and board sizes simultaneously on different lanes, or even switching from dual lane to single lane mode to inspect very large boards. Not only does this AOI system provide the PCB inspection flexibility, it also provides the flexibility to choose two of the The CyberCMM provides 100 percent metrology-grade measurement on all critical points, much faster than a traditional CMM. same or two different proprietary MRS sensors, both of which meticulously identify and reject multiple reflections caused by shiny components and reflective solder joints. The new ultra-high resolution MRS sensor option provides an even finer resolution than the standard, delivering superior inspection performance ideally suited for 0201 metric and microelectronics applications where an even greater degree of accuracy and inspection reliability is critical. The unique architecture of both MRS sensor options simultaneously captures and transmits multiple images in parallel, while highly sophisticated 3D fusing algorithms merge the images together, delivering microscopic image quality at production speed. The SE3000 SPI system is the first SPI system to incorporate the MRS sensor technology with a finer resolution for the best accuracy, repeatability, and reproducibility – even on the smallest paste deposits. Combined with the easy-to-use software, solder paste inspection has reached a new level of precision for the most stringent requirements. The SQ3000 3D CMM (Coordinate Measurement) system, powered by Multi-Reflection Suppression (MRS) technology utilizes CyberCMM, a comprehensive software suite for coordinate measurement. In a lab or Source: CyberOptics Corporation The Coordinate Measurement system utilizes CyberCMM, a comprehensive software suite for coordinate measurement. production environment, the system is fast and highly accurate, with repeatable and reproducible measurements for metrology applications in manufacturing of a wide variety of products, such as PCBs, semiconductors, and consumer electronics. This software is an extensive suite of CMM tools, provides 100 percent metrology-grade measurement on all critical points much faster than a traditional CMM, including coplanarity, distance, height and datum X, Y, to name a few. A fast and easy setup can be performed as compared to a slow, engineering resource-intensive setup that typically requires multiple adjustments with traditional CMMs. productronica, Booth A4.439 Full 3D inspection solutions and closed-loop process optimizer Koh Young America is excited about their 3D measurement systems and closed-loop process solutions that help improve production throughput and yield. SPI systems The company’s 8030–3 Solder Paste Inspection (SPI) solution combines multi-projection moire technology with full 3D data-based process optimization and analytics to eliminate false calls and boost throughput. The flagship aSPIre3, with a feature set suitable for myriad challenges in demanding production environments, continues to raise the standards in the industry. AOI systems The company’s Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) solutions consist of three models targeting different production environments. The Zenith platform is the first full 3D AOI platform. The hardware technology and Source: Koh Young America The Solder Paste Inspection (SPI) solution eliminates false calls and boosts throughput. measurement algorithms within the series work together to identify defect sources and provide accurate inspection of components, joints, and more, regardless of the model. Process optimizer The Ksmart Process Optimizer (KPO) is powered by the company’s Intelligent Platform for adaptive learning. Combining realtime process monitoring with print parameters, this system actively optimizes the process to boost yield and advance towards Smart Factory. KPO is comprised of three modules. The Print Advisor Module (PAM) uses diagnostic algorithms to automatically generate print parameter guidelines. The Printer Diagnostic Module (PDM) uses multiple anomaly-detection algorithms to actively optimize the print process and reduce false calls. The Printer Optimizer Module (POM) uses the adaptive learning engine to generate models that optimize process parameters. KPO improves SPI utilization, while providing closed-loop print process recommendations with many of the industry’s leading screen printers. productronica, Booth A2.361 + A2.377 EPP EUROPE November 2017 71