王保国欢迎您使用WORD 2000 - 上海交通大学医学院精品课程

王保国欢迎您使用WORD 2000 - 上海交通大学医学院精品课程

王保国欢迎您使用WORD 2000 - 上海交通大学医学院精品课程


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IntroductionHuman defense and immunity is the forefront of the development of life sciencefields. It is a new branch of science combined and infiltrated with Molecular biology,Cell Biology, Genetics and Neurobiology. Immunology is also the main subject incurriculum of preclinical medicine and clinical medicine which is closely related topathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of diseases, and to the development andindustrialization of Biotechnology.The human defense and immunity course includes two parts: essential immunityand clinical immunity. Essential immunology mainly discussed the basic concept ofimmunology, immune organs, immune tissues, immune cells and immune molecules.And describe the activation, differentiation and effect function of lymphocytesinduced by antigens. Clinical immunology focused on the clinical disease of theimmune pathological mechanism.2009.06

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