วารสารเมืองโบราณปีที่ 3 ฉบับที่ 3

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UlJ I~ ~Yll::'U 111UW lJl1111'ti<br />

Phra arai Mahar j

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Uri m ~UUrl rn<br />

VOLUME 3 NO. 3<br />

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d..d.. fltl flt111U1n1WYi1::U111UW<br />

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b~ L1ti~Llll::1~ UnlJUOHfl1fltl11tl1<br />

,; ,tn~ •1"'ttnT n,u<br />

Kam- ma- lor 5<br />

Sanur<br />

iladej<br />

Where wa Suvanabhum 13<br />

Manit Vallibhotama<br />

Picture of the art 1n the Reign of<br />

King Pbra arai 19<br />

The Reign of King Phra Nara i 33<br />

Wiyada Thongmitr<br />

Ayudhya Art in the Reign of King Phra arai 44<br />

or Na Paknam<br />

Wieng and Wang during the Ayudhya Period 67<br />

Srisakara Val/ibhotama<br />

n1M<br />

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.Wo fllfl11"' tlllll11~fl1lllll0tiH<br />

OHll'l,..., loo<br />

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ln1. loolooloo-decim<br />

flO miS, bloo<br />

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QfiQ1tt'U1D<br />

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tJ1Wl1 f'IOWfltltJ1lJ '10fl<br />

... J­<br />

Mant't'l<br />

ln1. •••- •bmo<br />

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OHtiU1l.I011,..11,.. ci-•o 11"'11'"1<br />

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OHll'll't.,<br />

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llo m::IJ11Un1lJ~1<br />

~ d J<br />

n-;n011 1mm1nmw1<br />

.<br />

Rabbit with Three Leg 90<br />

Suwanna Kriengkrai perch<br />

Lo bing ha ( wing Fe tival) 94<br />

Karnchana aplum

•<br />

.c.t.A.nrtt-Yt-rllA.LttrllA1 rtYt-Urt1 I!IHC1.tllanl'11 r.u ~1 ::1111 t-U\.t1 t-Lna lot naunrtuntl'1~1<br />

I ~ ,. t' llli ,.• It ~ ,. 1 .. 11 It,_.. II " & I ,. '-<br />

::Uti rt.tal!llAU1::.tnUlJlJC1~ll.::.tntuWLY t-an.ULlrt1 HIIU1111 ~lftll.1ftC11::NR.U\1<br />

1 .. ,- ~- I o ... I I ,. ,.<br />

t\C11t'llt LllollLUQL~::tU ::un tfli~ 1LIIo l'tftftrl.C.l flt-LlAWIA.1::.trlULllrtt-LflaC1C111<br />

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rtt.tUQIIIC\lUJJ.::U nrtUW LtH::L.tiJ1tLR.UW<br />

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rtC1C1tlftll.tC1l t-art1 t LU.tltft ftt-~ t\ ~t\(11<br />

.t~::aULl~1 ~U1l'JJ ~lftll.lftC\1 lot HIIIQiliJ<br />

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QL~::.tU LtllJt-aMrtiA.t-Ut\H1H1 t-~U11 C1t~1 t-Ilt ftlQL.tLrt::.C.t.A.l~lrtJJ.flrtiJil.t.tU ::llALUtl rt.tlJ1 111 lblJLIJt\C\11!\anrtLU<br />

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rttl1t.ttWil~IA.t.A.~tC1Ulllt\UlJt-an.rtC11Lt _.. ,. 1 ,- "~<br />

P .. .. .. ' "" ' ::'unrruwgiuJfliJJJ auuruDuLn::.c.t.A.<br />

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,. " 't' .. • • ,. " P " l~1rtJJJ1rtJJC1UtJ1U1U.C.111'Q"rtltYIA.C1<br />

- t-n.tU1 Lftl.tttU t-an. ,.LII.ftLUOW::,u, " ,. 10 r _..<br />

t-a ~ 1 Mt.A.t.A.LUrtH1U nH tnau::.c.rt~Lnt tn ~n,.nuuu.c.Ltrtllb .. uL ~::tLJJrt~1artJJ1<br />

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~ ,. tt llll~IA.HnartH1HlartJJ1Lrt lot Hli\IA.t\LUU<br />

-rtLC1t.A.Luu::unrtH1~lHtLtlJL rtiA .tM::nn ~ • ,..<br />

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" .. . "' "' 't' P - ~llot'U rtttllftrt&trtUWt-LlArttt-a.L1Hib.tl1<br />

ftl~ftlUilan.Ht .tlllrtt-alA Ll!l::nt t-an. ~ ., "' .. tt ' ..<br />

" " " .. .. t-art1t\LC11ALUt1::J1::.trtC11fta fUQL.tlrt::.tM.<br />

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~~~ "' .... I " ... l~1rtJJQrtJJaiJ . fttLUUt-~nrtJ.at-an.u.t<br />

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HC1~1 t-af\LIA.t\1 ll'tlllo1QLUH.tt.A.11rt.tlfl t-att llrtiJIA.rtLaHrtLIA.artJJ1H::L.tlJ1t<br />

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t\C11t-llt "'P lAULUJI..tQrtJJftlll.t.tUriUWULl .tLUrtlA t-ftHQI'tiJt\1 LQilfla.tWt-tUt-QIIo<br />

lot HIIIU11111::U11Qlrt::Ut-1Arttt .t1 HnaLrt rt.t.tUQIIIC1LUJJrtUU::U11 l!llJIUl.tf1l tiiiJJLW<br />

I IC 1 .. I ,. .., ~ p<br />

lot t-U"t\LLQ!lOaflrtJJ rt lf1f111rttaii!Ut.A.Il1Aa -~t:: .t n HIA tl t t' a .t 1L rt::l IA.fl L rt H t-ft t'l<br />

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lJH.tn::.tM.::Un llllflLHI'11!\t t\Wtlftli.L.C.<br />

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ronL.tlftl't~Utnt.A.UlArt1 ULHLUa.tH lbHl<br />

p "' "1- 'I"' .. IC tt I<br />

nt unm YLilLHrt~t::u n lb~~ot.A. 1.c..c.u .c.w<br />

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rtC11at.A.MLUUftlltC1pun LU1l'QI'11~LR.UW<br />

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-ftWIAtQIA.1LrtUft t\UllQ ftH1UQft t\LQHl<br />

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t-11111 Hrtl'llt .tiiiULWIIIt::trtHIAtL.tl'Q .C.tt\L a<br />

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.tLUIA.nalbH l fttJJU~alloLHLR.UW.tLU t\H1<br />

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H::L .tiJ1 uR.uw::u n 't L n.mLtiJ L IA.rtLnL ot.A.<br />

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lllll till l.t f1l t-an. nat t-a .C. ::u 11 l't.A. UHUL.C.IA<br />

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Ull ~1 t\H1U 11 fttLUU t-~ l'Urt 11 t\J1Urt1.tLU<br />

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t-Ilt Qf'1JJQLUHIJQQLUHLI'1rt.t.tllftrt&t::U 11<br />

1'11Jt-UHIA.t-Urt tmnur 1.tLUt\LH~1 rt::ron.<br />

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ntHLU 16LA.t-Q~I6nrtUf\n1lt LQ1LI\lJ.t<br />

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t-.tL~::UW::LtU.1 NJHilQill~llU1l f\IA.<br />

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uat\~1~1A.rtt.tlJilYnLUIJ "HUitiJ01WL/J<br />

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u a YL Aor:- a~~ nrtu n mn a nL uu u lftnn.t n1<br />

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LI\U tU 11 ~naA.~Hn.trtt UrtiA.IA.Lf\1-l.L 1\1<br />

t-a~N>tM un rtLW 1:-U t\1-4.1 1-4. l 1:-~U 11 t-ll::U11<br />

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'" I llO '" 1-'1" I ,.. '" I<br />

t\H1nMnt HIA.f\~1~1 IUL.tnlt-artl.tLU.tlt<br />

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L IA.~I\ H::llliJ t-1& f}LIJLUUOlfl UIJU ~Lfl.<br />

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tGMtlllllfJC.tLUU/Jllt t-a~tl.tt-Q.t 1f\n1<br />

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lJ.t11t-at1 t-Q.t1 c.o f\Uilt~llartt-Ao .. Nfl.UC.<br />

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-Ol!(l,au llLIA.~un~nannMa~ mun1<br />

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lJLil~1 ~LHt-J& .. tc.l::lUitlllM 7UULll,<br />

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QIA.~ ~UIIl.t.tt::unaA.HtLtunn::.t .tYULW<br />

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-lft::.t~HIA.I\1 t\UIA.HntHLU ~IA.Ufta~t\nl<br />

.t~H~a<br />

LRollJlU. t-an. nan n1 rtllUY tAo a 16 lb YL U<br />

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rtLWrtLU~::u 11 Lunn&t-aYt-1\IA.nf\A.lLA.<br />

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rtt LIA.Llt-Ur.1 LMI-4.1 LIA.::UIIo f\~t-Q~QQ1<br />

111.1 ........... ,.. "",..<br />

-::UI-4.1 ~ HY~f\A.LUilnl\artt-a.tU1at\U1<br />

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nlJtQlJ1~Y.tLUnlJtll~1t-af\L IA.f\ 1 IA.U~<br />

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t\~f\MtMHllllL.tnl t-art1t\Ln .tYULWrtll<br />

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::1.111 .tl~tLWt-U. f\Lf\LYHIA..trtLWf\U.<br />

llU.11A.t-art1aYrtllUIA.nrtmt-lllJ ll~lll UUl<br />

,..~ 't I ,.,.,. ~,.<br />

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Yt\Lrt t-a~ fttt7Uf}Gftl/IIJUC.U<br />

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llLWil::U11 LtA.~tA.rt L-rtWIA.U~tlf\1-l.LA.<br />

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~ ..... illl't I<br />

LtaA.1 ~Qa1::UHilaartU1LrttU11nt lJU1<br />

I 't ,.. 1 .. 1"111 "'<br />

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lA. IllA. ~ Nl~ LA.t- A. U l lllM1:: .t ~nlJtllU1LW<br />

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-rt~J~, t-J& ilnMULt\1\lbLu t-a~ Lfl.M<br />

.... ~~~ ,.. I' .. II,_ ...<br />

IJl t-Qt1 a~JlJIIllll.tlrt::.tM,~1rtUULlJ<br />

" " ... •"'I' ,.<br />

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-A. tt\ l L llllllatWHU t-a~ t-at 1UL' n 1 a t\1-4.1<br />

,. ,.. ... 1"111 ...<br />

ua nr:-a n 1a ~ ~~J.tL JJ::u 11 rtLWIA.nnt u<br />

't I,.. I<br />

L llt\Ut' a f\1a ~lllM 1::.t [\ f\ n 1t-IJ 1:-llt\f\<br />

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l U Yt\ H 11 nn 1:-U ~tt-LtU .t L U ltlt::tn UtLI\<br />

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.t L U l tt\ 1-4.11-4. l a t\U1 L rtlt\M,LlllllU~~ L.t1<br />

I Jl A • & .C •<br />

HIA.t-lr. ,llU1LIJIJWlL6, a~JULil!lDa<br />

,. ' :t ,.. ,. ,.. .....<br />

-.tYt-tUnUtllU11A.t-f\Ht-a.t1UQ llt~Uar:-.tr.<br />

,.. ,. ,..·" ,.. ... ,.. " ,.. ~<br />

t-Q~t\ 1-4.1~1 t\LQHt\LIA.Hl t~ t-Ulrt'l t\JJ.L f\IA.<br />

I> II lo I A I II II I 't<br />

au::rtLU r:-a~ H llQt~L f\~1 Lt mt-a t1rtltlJ<br />

o I '" o A lo .. ...<br />

IA.nn.tHLJJ llt~lJ QlllllL.tLt\::tMl\ ~1 rtU<br />

.. • .. 1-1' ,.<br />

UL U Ao.ti611Lil rtt-Yt\ rtau::rtL lJ L tt\ 1-4.11-4.1<br />

,. I ,.. '.J o I p A lo<br />

Aot-flQt\U1 fltl,LQt\ t\UL,Uat\ Hn~l 1:-L na<br />

.. '" p '.J II I<br />

nn 1Lrtr:-u~ 11nn un 1a tH[\ 1flLHnn'• n::u n<br />

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.tt ::aayau::rtLULtUlt~1 U16truunl<br />

llUWI\1 f\UIA.f\LaHI-4.1 Lrt::rt11tLUt\n1U<br />

I" .., lo ,.. I A II lo o ,. II'<br />

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Ao~1Uf\ artU1 t-a~ ,,GIJ::ttLU, t-a.tlf\tU<br />

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QtlHIA.f\ UUl t\~.tHUYflt-Uf\1\lrt~aiA.lJ~<br />

tcP "" ,. ""<br />

UMlliA.artt-1& ~ HYYilt\1 LllllRa.tWt-tUilrtU<br />

~ ~,.. ,.. I lo ,.. ,.<br />

n t r:-a rt1rtLnt-a~a AolrtLtYnn::.t::u nrtYt-u<br />

... " " -llYnL UH llt\MrtU<br />

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HIA.H.tUHYlnlJ ,. H::U11t-lltlt-a~rtt.tU<br />

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U IA.H .tU HlJlH tl-l.::.t .<br />

llltYI:-Uf\1-4.11-l.l A.IA. LfliA.tlll\t\LrtHIA.<br />

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LI\UWtllJt-a.tlf\nl ll~UlUUl .tUW.tW<br />

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• •<br />

r:-a~ w a oo lJJtluo tt u NLte::tJ77to a,<br />

If ~ ,. ,. ~~<br />

t-a.t 11lll~JIA.n f\t\tUIA.f\lt\~1\l~llLUI-4.<br />

.<br />

... -.. ~<br />

..<br />


Phra Tamnak Kamyad ncar Wat Bodhithong, Amphur<br />

Bodhithong, Angthong a re idential hall of<br />

the ex-King Uth umphorn who abdicated and became<br />

ordained in favour of hi brother King ktat. With<br />

the capture of Ayudhya by the burmese in 1767<br />

A D. he wa taken a a war captive to Burma<br />

where he became an informant in relating the<br />

hi torical account of Ayudhya to the Burme e.<br />

Thi information wa later tran lated and publi hed<br />

in Thai under the title of "Kam-hai-karn Khun<br />

uang Ha Wat.•· The architecture of thi building<br />

reflect the tyle of King Phra arai' reign charactenzed<br />

by elevated floor the arne a the reidential<br />

hall of Wat Tuk and Wat hao ya in<br />

Ayudhy .

• ~ ., d, a A .,<br />

n111::~t:1 flt:J n11~,nnm.JuqJiJu Vl7t:J~~'1lt:h'l~~1n<br />

~<br />

-.j d.o:t..o:i .o:ict .o:i I o o I o<br />

u~'Ylt:J~'Yl1l~VI~ltJ~m 1tJn11n111::~t:1 fl111 n111::~t:~<br />

~::L~t:~u ~ ltJ1uVIiiL~n~1l..,tJU~~u"'u<br />

"" ,<br />

LVi71::l~~em<br />

~::~1in..,U111n111tl'U...,n 1 'U. VllJfl'U. -leu.~ U~~u'"'u<br />

LL~<br />

"" ~ \<br />

ntJ"'..'I~t:ltJ'U.,1~~fl111JL ,)11~ 1 'U. VllJflUUJ1 Vl7t:Jfltu.~1<br />

"" 'IJ ~ ~<br />

fltu.tJ1tJ~tJ..,..'IL ,)11~ 1 'U.fhl1 n111::~t:J L Vi71::~11lfl111l<br />

q<br />

L '11.,1 1~~'¥1..:.1 ~ ltJL ,)l1~f11l1 n111::~t:J'U.~'U. ~~11tJn~<br />

A d o .. I I AI<br />

L -n''U. ~1tJU~n1::~1~ 'U~<br />

'ilt:l..'IL 'YltJ1J'Yl'Yl1LL U'U ~1!fl111<br />

q<br />

ct .., ""• .de g, • g, ~<br />

n~111 1ln~::11fl1'W~'Yl11 t:J1EJn111::~t:~~nu1u cu. u<br />

'IJ ""<br />

~1nn11L,j1 1~Li'U.11~~~th 1~ fl1111L;, 1~ 1 u~..'l'ilt:J..'I<br />

~Yi1LL~n~1~n"''U. '1tJ~,n~~'1lt:J..'I~LflEJiim1<br />

'IJ<br />

L<br />

iu ~..'l'ilt:J~<br />

A 1 .. A I .d .., .. A I d<br />

Lfl7t:J..'I -n- flt:J tfi::~1l'YlU7::~u~1EJ1ln Vl7t:Jtfi::~1l'Yl<br />

q q q<br />

,._ Q., ct .d I :!II<br />

tl7::~ui11EJ1lnLLn11n7::~n<br />

q<br />

LL~mtfi::~1JtJ7::tfi"'u~--1EJn7::~na~~..,un<br />

L 1EJn11<br />

q<br />

tl7::~"'un7::~mL uuri111::~t:1<br />

L 11m 1r1n11 llnLLmJL'Ut:J<br />

q<br />

.. u '1t1111 L 11n<br />

A , .... a , -=- • a<br />

L '1ltJU ~1~~1tJ" 1~ '1 ~::~ il~L 'iltJU iltJ 1..'1U1::tu.tfi LLtfi L1l t:l<br />

I ~<br />

llt IJULrtl-tt\ R.::LtM 1 L ~Lr.rtULill HU 11L U 1<br />

I ': ,... I I<br />

t'QR.ttl11n.n ~!HI. ~Un~-tl!l UU LrtHt\ R.L t ~1<br />

p "' I> ,....... p "' I .0 1<br />

t\B 1::~ t1.LIUI.1 t'QR.t-llrtrl C."1r.L UUL~ nun<br />

p k I ~ ..<br />

• UGHIJ1 llt-1::1.111 t\tj • rtULrtHLH n1<br />

,..,., lo .. If' I I ,C ~<br />

• nB t\R. • ULrtHt\R. rtll1 • f1L~rtrltl.ll1<br />

... ,. ,. I ~<br />

t-Q l.ll::~rlLllorlLM t-fuHnLn ~Gf1 ~ ::~rllll.<br />

,C fl .. ,C I<br />

rlL~JGrt1 (mt-t-~n) UR.11llUI\l~1.1::r.nnu<br />

,, " I '!-,. I. ,.<br />

trl U1 1\lLtnl rtH l t-rlli.HI.::Lt.I.U lrl~l Q t\H 1<br />

'!' I ,.,. 'II'<br />

t-Qrt1tHt'W::LtM1 Gl.l::rtLU LtUiltl l.. t\1.11<br />

• ,. ., o I ~ 15<br />

t\Qllll• f.l.lA1HUrlrtiJrllA~t\~::U11 t\LI1li.Lt<br />

. ,. ,.<br />

1\~ 1Lrl11 rlGrl,.rtiJ rllA ~1\~::L 1.\ U 1rl~lHUU ~Lll<br />

t-LlArllA1 t\~::1.111 t\R.lLtUrlt1t-GI.Il::~ l.. t-LI.Il<br />

!., ... I ,. ,C I<br />

IJrtl.llllt-QlA~nutt-l.lrt1 llt~t\LI1lArtLI.IlU<br />

,. " "" ,. "~" " ,. p<br />

~1 ::rtli.LU Lt~t\UU~tllU1f\R.1LtL~ t\R.1<br />

It 1,..,.,.,. ........<br />

L trl U 1:: L f.l. n 1 U ll t T lA lA:.I\llll.lll.lH t\rl.l rlLUU<br />

I ,.,.p,. .. Jl'<br />

11.~ llolftH1 t-rlllo1tlli.H1 rllltHL~M.R.l.. t-Llll<br />

If I ~ 1> If~ I o l I<br />

I!IL t\R.ULrtllnG 11::u 11 U Lrti-Ut R.ttn 1 !Aft R.1<br />

,. 1"'1':"<br />

na<br />

,.~~~ L ~ LrlllllQrl rtiJ If ,.,. ,. I<br />

t-Gt~11DI.l~H~T ttR.1rllAl tlll. rtHLt-rlll.1lA .... LrtttR.lt-Qrt1UL~rllA\ .. .. .. 1 I f>'!'l<br />

tlli.UUALI\[11 ::l.ltLU<br />

' : "" ....<br />

1::tMlAt-I.HlrlLU::U11 rttt<br />

li.LtUG1t-Qr·m\nHtH 1 t-rlllo1rlrt1Jft~11.1l11Lrt rt<br />

,.. P' r. ,.,. .. , ,.<br />

rtH Vrlllo1 t-Qft1 t-QR. t\f\,1 t'Gt~11.1lllHtLUl tlA<br />

I "" It '" ~ .. 1 '1'<br />

rtHL ~~[1 lt\111::~ t-LHL t~Lli.Urlt1G t\H 1t-llA<br />

16 !., !" I .. It<br />

l!llllot-~ 111.111.111 UQQ L lA::~ rtH 1 t-Il II. 1t'QR.t\R.1<br />

I>F' •• ~ ....<br />

::Lt.I.U11l~l Q f1.H1~LUt-QR.f1.R.1t\tiJ ~111111<br />

It .. I I><br />

ttf11UQGrtrlt\::~l\lH1 rllA1 ::1.111lrtMUtMt-GR.<br />

"" .. I ft lo I<br />

I'" ~ •<br />

n n. 1 ~11 rlGL ~n. 1.1nn 1~ u~mt- nun n~~ n n. 1<br />

.. , I If .. ,. .. ,..,. .. ,. I> ft<br />

rtll 11.1 rtrlttUIUHLrllA1 UtM::I.111LrtM t\t\R.l<br />

If /fft .. PI II\ I - ..<br />

nf11111.LIJUUQC.~1 llQIJllo1 ,. ~ "~ p '-' ,.,. 4 .. o •"' ..... If I I>P<br />

rtH1 I~,. It'!'"' I> ,. 1t<br />

GII " ~ 1::r.Mn l.ll<br />

.. If ,. I I" 'rl t-Gt~1::1lli.Lll<br />

...<br />

I,.,..<br />

nnmLIJUQI.IlttlllU~ rl.01rtT I'"'" \(/flo LtUrlt1t-t\H<br />

l!lt\11. l.. t-LnH1 rt1 11.1 rll!ll ttrl.1t-Qt~1Ltf1.U<br />

I ~I ~,C If ._. 9" f\ I ,.<br />

Urlt1lA Utt-Qt~1LlAMli.LQrt t\R.lf1.LnrtHrtU<br />

t-llllo1t'Grt1lAttn~~n t'!Dt'llllo1t-Qft1UL~<br />

·y·u.)<br />

Lr"tttG~I!ILtUrll!ll uL (P~H 0 111!-JIIIII 10 ~<br />

rtiJrtH Lt-rlll. 1lAilGLrtt-un.a ::utL ,C<br />

-I!ILtUUUt-lb t\R.QC.Hf1.R.1rllAlllLIJQllolf1.LUH<br />

~ ~It'll' .. 1 -<br />

U UL~ r.r.n t-QR. rl Ll1 Q 11.1 rll!lliDUH ftLUH 1 U C.<br />

"' ~~ .. 1l I ,.<br />

t-Qt~1::LtM1 LtUGf111.LlAtHf1.LlA t\R.1 Lt<br />

.. I I /f,C I .. I<br />

Ullt1rtlllA (e1) Utt-Gt~1<br />

,. '• ,. ..<br />

Q~U f1.R.1t-Qt~1 f1.R.1Ltf1.UUrlt1::U11 11<br />

'II'P .. .. .. I ,. ,. ..<br />

U trlLU::U 11L f1.1!1trlLUnn111ll Urltl!lllLUf1.1lR.1<br />

,. ~ " ,.<br />

Ur.LlAf1.LJ.lH1 rt1 nnw. ::ttli.LUII.\rtrlt\<br />

,. I !.,If 1,. I:' 'I' If ..<br />

tU11lAn OJ~ Grt1rlrt1Jtt1 rmLt-rlll.11!1tHt-~<br />

If ,.,.. ~ ,. ft I I" "' ,.<br />

lA::U.I.U1rl~l rllAl t-QR.GttH1~LUt'LlA<br />

,. • , It<br />

11.~ JJrlt ~11.1.11 UL l.lt\ JJ11!llllt LU<br />

1,. " " " ,.<br />

nUttQrtH 1tlllt-QU~rt1 ~f1.1UtLWrt::~t-rl1.1U1<br />

,. "'"'•''"'"' .. 1l<br />

L 11. Ut rtiJH tttl1J::Ltf.l.1 t-~ ttn rtLW rtt-GI.IlU<br />

~ to If> ,. If p<br />

ttJ,miLUtLU llllll::t[1rtLWli.Lt1.GGI!IrlG1::U<br />

If ,. ,c I f><br />

ULrlt-Gtlf1.111GU::rtLU LoULo tL~t-L~rlLI.l Gil<br />

It ,. o • .0 I<br />

rlLU rtlAnlAUH ftLIDI!If.I.UQ~ 11.11.1 rt1 UQI!I<br />

._,. I ,.~<br />

rtt LR.1rlLUQ~ t\~llLUnn11tttnR.rlLI.lt\n1U<br />

tfl 'II' I> pP<br />

1\rlR.lllrlLUI!Itl.l 1!1Lllot-1!111f1f111t-1!111JJ Q~U<br />

I> 'I' I> 1!-P<br />

f1t.I.LI. l.. ttf.l.JJ ULrttttJJttnmti llrlt~t\rlR.1<br />

,. Jlf> I p If> If I"<br />

~ ~<br />

~Ln.nn11 l.ll nf.l. t- ~ L r.m n.::u ur.ut::u 11<br />

" • .. !.- ';l ,. ~<br />

1.111.1 J rltl!l rt IJH l.lll\l ::r. f1 t- Q l.ll 1.1 GU ::rt L U rlLU<br />

I> I If I" lfl" o<br />

..<br />

f1.rlR.1t L U ULrtrlG ftllQ rtGU::rtL Ulll Unn 11<br />

I> If I ,. o<br />

rlLUf1t.lt-~Lt1 ~1 ttn1ULM~C.rlLUf1.GrtH1<br />

•""'P"P~ rt~Ulrl l.. nu::~LUt1 tll111l.U1MR.1Lllt-lb<br />

I ,. I" ,C ,..<br />

11 ::~~LQ Ulrt rlQ 11. rt 11.11.<br />

,. ,.. ... ,. ,. lfl>';l<br />

o If to '!' I l<br />

-rlLI.lrltl!lnl!l::r.n::~UUttttiJ rtttl1<br />

" I 9 I<br />

~<br />

11.11.1 li.Lt-<br />

-L lliJt W L Q nl!l::tllllo 1 lArl L un M:: ~ L t 1<br />

,. r·,.r.,. ~<br />

t-r.~nart~-t1~HL<br />

.. "' "<br />

f1.rlR.1tLUrtrlt\n1.1U rtrlttrt1 n1WI.Il11 ~1 t-~<br />

,.. .... ,. .... k,. ... L1<br />

Uf1.Utllo1 ::~Lllt-r.~rtllllt'lb LMt-QR.rHI.rlQt<br />

p Iff" ".. ,.. " ,.<br />

ttf11BL R.1 t'QI1t\Lnnn11rlLUt\nH.I.LUM.rlR.1<br />

p If lo I p ,.<br />

rtllftt\~I!IQUID ftU l..Libt-t\llilllAf.UI.LU<br />

'-' .,,. • I 1 I"<br />

Q Ul.l..tllllt\111 t't\rt ttrt llol.l.lA 1 MLUftrlR. 1t LU<br />

"' p 1 ,.<br />

Ull\l!l~t\~ot1::~ l.. I!IMt\nlf1.t\11rtLWrtllf1.lA<br />

If p 'II' p I .. ~<br />

rllA1 nl111rtrlf1.11tnUHI.IlUI.Il11t-lb t-IJt-QJJ<br />

1,. .. ,. I • ,.. 'I"<br />

t-llt-nf.tmLI1::r.rnmnl!l11!1~rt::~ l..I!IM.nn1<br />

,..,. ""',. "'!:'<br />

rtlli1M.f1.11rtLWrtrlt1.ft1 f.I.LUI!I~tLU 11.~::1.111<br />

p I ._. L1 ,. ~<br />

tt~funn11t\f11GU::rtL UrlLU::Ltf.1.1 1!11 nn 1 U<br />

''I" Jl' o ,clo pP<br />

f1.UitQrtH1ft1 ftrlt1.11t::LtMlf1.rl.l::~~LQ ~1<br />

,. 'II' I lo .. p Ifill<br />

na~D::~lAULrlUttQR. ULrtrlGttLlAnMt-~QU<br />

,.. .. _ " " 0 ...<br />

-::rtLUrlLUrtl LlA Q~t-LrlQUQI!I~Lt\lAQR. Gl.l<br />

o loo 'II' I I" ""''r"<br />

-::rt L U rlLULtU rllt- rll!ll ~ 1 f1t.llA 11.11. Nn L 11.<br />

o I I tfl 'I" 'lt ~<br />

· ~trlLUU.LUt-QR. l.. LlbtLUf1.Qrtlot1Ltllo!Dtllo<br />

. ,. "'' .. .. ,.. ..<br />

-LlAt-tlAM.1 111 rtlt-rtlWrtli\11 f1.Utrl~1f1n11<br />

0 • 1.1'. ~ ,... ,. ,..<br />

~ "' ....,.<br />

UL~Ultll l!lllol!l~rtl l!lt\11. t-t\Hf1n11UQt-Gf1.<br />

11 trttt U rt ::~ f1.1lR.lf1.Q Uftf.lrtrl t~1tLUL trt 11<br />

.... ,. ,. I - I> Iff<br />

t-ll Lf1.1!1trlLUnUH~UI.Il11QU::rtLUrlll.l<br />

• ~ ,. I o<br />

tt!DttQI.IltlA 1\ IJUl t\~t<br />

" I' .. ,.<br />

llrtJJt\1 t-t\lll!ltt-rll\lH1 lALt\l!ltllll.l::\.111<br />

,. " \" ,. 't' ",.. 1<br />

to I" ,. I 1'5 I ~~,..<br />

nn11Utt'UI111.rlR.1tLU Q~U

• dl .,., .. .,.,,;4<br />

nllJ::nmuun~N '1 '111tlUNtl'UnLU\Hnv<br />

• ., d ... ~~ ..<br />

~1111 n::u VI~ tl 'UL U 'U f1Yl'U VlJYl NnlflL '11\.l tl<br />

-4 ,a-4d -4 ,,,, d .I<br />

'11Ur-llnV~ LU'U'I1U lJ r.lf1l'ULU'UY11~LLuVI<br />

~ ... .., .,. , .. a:~<br />

lJYl ~~'U Vltl~1 nV~l<br />

L '11lWlJlJ rhUVIL UVI ,VI<br />

., d ... •<br />

1nLLV1~ un::LU'UtllVnLL UUtllVnllJ::tltl<br />

... , ' ...<br />

~n~YlHfllflnnl~ u1::1 vmu tllr-llln l 'Ul"1U<br />

dd ' ... ., ~,,,,,<br />

nLU'UL~\HVIV1num~mflnnNY1 ~r.-~1 n<br />

... ~ ... ., , .,d-4<br />

l 'U I~() VI CJI ~lJt'l nlJtu::n::lJ lVn'UL U'UY1f1 VI<br />

.<br />

Kam rna lor<br />

Snur Niladej<br />

-<br />

•<br />

Kam-ma-lor 1<br />

work<br />

a Japane e lacquered<br />

r any lacquered and gilded<br />

material which \a added with pigment<br />

other than g ld and black.<br />

the pr nt tim , a uch a' Ia quered<br />

w rk i ut of date th orig1nal<br />

mean1ng f thi term become lu 1 e<br />

and 1 known 1n general a a fak or<br />

artificially carved de 1gn<br />

ueh a any<br />

pattern v h1ch are cut in cardb rd<br />

and decorated with golden paper.<br />

addition there v a<br />

In<br />

another mea ning<br />

for the term' kam-ma-lor' amon<br />

pa t generat1011 . It wa<br />

th<br />

u ed to call<br />

any lazy man who d1d not take an<br />

career to earn hi living but dependent<br />

on h1 par nt who c r r wa money<br />

lender or landlord. uch a per n wa<br />

al\ ay<br />

hunned by the girl' p rent<br />

when h a l

•<br />

Another ditTerence between the which was painted w1th h1ne ede ign Chiengma1 from the beginning when<br />

kam-ma-lor and the lai-rod-nam (lac. uch a tho e of pud-tan flo\ er, the kingdom wa still an independent<br />

quered and gild) de ign 1 the matter pomegranate fruit lai-hoh and la1 - and contemporary to the kingdom of<br />

of expre ion ; that of the kam-ma-lor kang-kao pattern etc.<br />

Ayudhya and later the Khern ethnic<br />

li ely while the lai-rod-nam i ln orthern Thailand particu- group took over the job of producing<br />

repeating and lifcle . However when larly Chiengmai of obout 50 year it. o the khern ware can equate with<br />

compare th m in term f popularity ago. mot of the hou ehold uten il the kam-ma-lor work which was<br />

{he kam-ma-lor work wa few and were madeofwoven bamboo lacquered called among the Thai of the later<br />

thi may be explained from the tandint<br />

and either gilded or painted with Ayudhya and early Bangk k periods.<br />

of ta te. he Thai eem to prefer color pigment . Such lacquered ware In h1engmai in the pa t, the khern<br />

to crowd the pace with variou figure wa called the kruang-khern after the or kam-ma-lor ware was es ent1al 1n<br />

and d ign e en many of them ar name of a Thai ethnic group in the wedding ceremony a mo t of the<br />

repeating uch a in painting the row Chiengtung province who were taken container for br1de pre ent were of<br />

of deitie and the Buddha image and as war captive by King Kavila, the such a lacquered work uch a bowl<br />

on the contrary the kam-ma-lor ruler of Chiengmai during the 18th tray and boxe . Many large trunk<br />

de ign i uitable for a paceful cenery century A.D. The Khern were the for keeping clothe and garment wer<br />

filling with few important ubject a original producer of the lacquered al o woven from bamboo lacquered<br />

tho e found in the Japane e and ware and at Chiengmai they were and painted with the kam-ma-lor<br />

hine e art. allowed to et up their own village de ign . Nowaday , the art of making<br />

Another reason concerning the and earned their living from making kam-ma-lor would completely die out<br />

fewnes of the kam-ma-lor work in lacquered ware. Apart from Northern ha it not been revived in Muan Bocontra<br />

t to the popularity of the lai- Thailand, the khern lacquered ware ran where all the traditional art are<br />

rod-nam which were used to decorate wa at o popular among the Shan and pre erved and pr meted with nthuia<br />

the wat and religious cabinet may bt: the Burme e in Burma and they al o<br />

m in Chi ngmai, although the art<br />

that of technique. The kam-ma-lor i produced them to ell in the market. of makin the khcrn \are till continue<br />

oard to era e as well a to prepare a The han and Burme e lacquered ware<br />

and many peopl try to br1ng<br />

it needs a careful blending bet~een differed from tho e of Chiengmai only back the tradition tyled boxe and<br />

l acquer liquid and the required pig- in the tone of color; the fir t was of bowl of the olden day , it 1 with le<br />

ment which in it turn poe many bright red while the latter turned a ucce ince the old pattern and technique<br />

difficultie in drawing and cutting the bit darker. Judging from the developl<br />

have already been lo t from<br />

ine. A a result the kam- rna-lor ment of kam-ma-lor work 1n Thailand the memory of the pre ent gen ration.<br />

de ign was mo tly found among the one i likely to que tion whether the<br />

imple cabinet like the tu-kha-ku lacquered ware was produced in

•<br />

'.. ~ • , .. ~. ~ ' ' I I .. I I ~ ~<br />

uuu1n'UnL~lun cnunn1:auma \lll-1!1nftfl1 mauom'UU\Ili1ULLUU-111U '1 LLfiLliU\11~unouuufl1wuw:liL'VU\Ili1U<br />

Kam-ma-lor lacquered bo for teamed alutonou rice, with blac paint in the interior and imple de ian or dark<br />

and liaht tone on the out ide<br />

Kam rna lor

... I II<br />

lt u ln H ll1J1ltll'llfl-3fl'Ul1 Hal'U u 1 l no<br />

... , .. I .. .. ..... II<br />

llJ'U lJ lH tf1'UM1 nmol u mout~nm~'lo-,suuuunnu<br />

... d ~ "' I I"' II II ...<br />

I'll ou 111 uu llt'U no t~uun" ~1n u" 1on no-3<br />

., ctl ~~ ' .. ., ... •<br />

0 'U l1l'U 011lJ'111l-,s 'Ul~ ti'101Jnl1l 'II tJ 'U tl1tJn 11J::tUl'IJ0-3l1Hn1fl0ftH<br />

... .. I II ...... -4.~ .. I ... .. ... I .. , ..<br />

lt1JN1l-,suu 111 UlllJYIJJa nww::L-,s'Ul~tJ'lnlJI'tJ~ ln rn 'UtflJtJ hJ1ltll'llfl-3\1HmflnftH<br />

Kam-ma-lor lacquered trunk for keeping clothes and garments<br />

of the Lan Na Thai people in the past.<br />

It was made of woven bamboo<br />

coated with red paint and decorated with gold lines<br />

in the same manner as the kam-ma-lor designs of the Central.<br />

The tr.Jdition of keeping garments in the trunk<br />

was also found among the Thai of the Centr.JI Plain.

•<br />

•<br />

-4 "' 'II .. 'II .. I<br />

I'II!JU'H1J10l~UYIH0fi1JIL\J1JI'I1U(;l1!J 111 1N<br />

al W af ftl el 1<br />

H1t11fi\J 11 \JUIL \J\JU 1'Htl ~~ 'll!J~<br />

• -I I<br />

lll'IIU::Yl'l~On1JU\JUUYll~Olfl0ftH11!J01 1 ft1JO<br />

• ' ~ "" ., 4 "' •<br />

fll1 1 1'11Jn1Jfl1 11Jli1J1!J 1(;1 t'l !l~U !J fl Dli1J1!Jtl ~<br />

• ~.I .., • "' L o-4<br />

n1'!1u::nn1JI'I1u1JN1Ufll'l1li1\J nn~~o~<br />

~ w ~ 4 t -4tl ~ w ,.j I<br />

0 OU !JliU~li1Jl!Jtl~ N~tl 1UYl1JUi'l::l!l !JfiDUI \JUN~tllU<br />

" "<br />

~o~lmm~ult~ 'Htylm<br />

., "' o J • w 'II ~ I -4 "' ,.j • I .. tl<br />

Nft1Jil\J1 nn nn \JYI 11!l~rtuun::~" Llii1!J\Jntlunt::l111 muuYIUfltl1<br />

Round 'haped bctal nut box<br />

made Of \Hl\ell NlllOOO lacqu

" ~ " .... ~ .<br />

Ynul ~.;un::'lfU\J'If1 vnu UJL'IJtJUtl1tJ011J::an<br />

I ~ -4~' 4 .. 1.. .. I<br />

tf'lU'IfU\J'If1 L'IJtlUtl1tlll\J\JLfl1 tl'IL'IJU Ufl L \J U tl1tJ'IIUfll 'lfcy<br />

4 ..· 1 ~ ~ .. "<br />

Lfl1 tl'IL 'IJ -un 'lU1J1nL'IJ tlU'n1tJll::Ltl tJfiL \JU Ltf U 'IJ fl<br />

~ I , .. " " •<br />

u n::t~un ~ul'lfflfl l u n1v1n un"!"<br />

Wooden tray and cigarette case.<br />

The tray is painted with kam-ma-lor designs<br />

while the cigarette case<br />

with the khern -type pattern<br />

Actually the khern designs con'i'ted<br />

of small engraved lines filled<br />

with color powder to make them<br />

come out from the background.

'<br />

' '<br />

( Vlt>\llflHllJflt>U)<br />

,,<br />

f1tJ 11lJtlV~1V<br />

-4 I " G..\ -'\ ~

G)O,<br />

Sl .\ I I

~·<br />

t'(l, n. l.. t\I.~LUt mf11L t-nG.tULR.lM. &Nll\.<br />

.. II- ,. "" • " ,..<br />

ft.tr.!I.O.tLGn.t~t t-UHO LU tiW tUWLGlA.l<br />

,. .. ~,. "' {I 1<br />

OLIJG ll. 1 IilLA. t\ll.t\n 1ft~1 t-l;) t\ t\ftL t\~0 t1<br />

lit'" ,., ... ~ ~ ,..<br />

Q .tH ~tQrtlf\ 1\ W11 C. Lll. L t rtLtY ftt.t<br />

'If ,u " I<br />

~~ t-L t01l1t0 GIL(!, 1::.t t.~L trtL n::.tt .~t' .tlA.llll1<br />

;;, II !:;" I -<br />

-ftiJli.Lr. t-G.tY 1;)1 t- (!, 1;)1 t'L tt'LUtO .01 L (!, 1::.t M.<br />

• "(, ..,_,I .t"<br />

Nli\.Lll. t~Q 11 "1' l;)vtnll.::.tt.UtGJ.li\OlA 1<br />

,.. " ;> ,.. "' ,..<br />

-c-ann::run. po"'lll ·u·t.t art1 rtnA.::r.t.~t\.1.1<br />

~ ~ ;> ~<br />

l;)lt'Ltt-LUtO.OIL &l::.tt.~ Tt QUGM 1t'Ott'H 1<br />

,., I .t" c:\ ~ 1>-<br />

::1.111 UQI1UQt.~1t'Ott'H1 t\OtH1UGM1<br />

,u ~ ~ 'I" ~<br />

t'Ott-ll1 LtHOQ "' t\I11M.UUO.t1rtLt\::.tM.<br />

,.. I I ,., ,. 1>- "<br />

rt -po"'CI! ·u·M rm::rtnam lil.l.l::.trt-JU<br />

,.. ,. "' ... 'I"'<br />

(G.I.lt'Oll.1t-G) QIJI\OlA.IUt'QQU 10 lA.Ut'Q<br />

"' ,. • "' ,.. ;> "' ,. ;><br />

Yt-GOUH~.tllll1li.L.t rtl;)l 1:-Ltt-LUtO .01 L (!, 1::.tf.~<br />

p .... I ~ "<br />

t-Gft1<br />

"'<br />

l;)11:'LtHUt0.01L&1::.tt.~ ·q<br />

,., I 1: "<br />

l;)11:'LtGtHt0.01L&1::tt.~ 'J'<br />

,., I .t "<br />

l;l11:'Ltl:'lllt001L&1::U;~ '"1'<br />

,u I .t "<br />

l;)1 t L ttO & 1tn .OIL & l::.tt.i. '"'<br />

,., I ,.. .t "<br />

l;lt H tt n<br />

.01 L & t::u.t 'CI!<br />

"" I L ,.<br />

(rttr:-Ott'Ht)<br />

,.. ,..<br />

l;)1 1:-L ttL U 1111 OL I.AL & 1:: t t.i. ·•<br />

~I ~ fltl •<br />

QUO.t16RUrt Ltr\U<br />

11-P'"'"',.." I<br />

t-Ott-H 1Ut-tli.Lr.O till RU t\tiJ<br />

,.. p p•,. I<br />

t\Utli.OLUH<br />

7 ..<br />

L rtt\U 111Jt\l;) t\1111M. L fbH L 1:-fl (!, L t\L GftHI:'L t\<br />

•,. • .._ I " I ,. o ,...,_<br />

-1111.11111~1 nuuuu::r.111 uantA.r:-aur:-tA.r:-Grtl<br />

"!?""'"" "'7 ,. "'<br />

lA.OGfl t 11UU OL OU It GULU ll..t 1:-UI:'I.l.HOLU<br />

,., ,. "~"' ,. ....<br />

11111 L tt\ lA.I:'Q rt1lA.OGL ft t\lA.I:'QU t'lA.t'G ft1ULl\<br />

I " "' ~ ,. I 7 7 II' ,<br />

t\Llt ll.ltOL 0l;)l l;llll t\IJ 1 LH ft.tUQt\f'l1 1:'111<br />

,.. ·""~ ,.. ,. ,. "<br />

- t\ l.l.U.t llli1H l.lU t\ l.l.U ft l;l11:'l ti:'l.llt-lA. Hl1L & 1<br />

,. I"' ,.. .. I ... "<br />

-::U.i.t'Ut'& Yt'Q Cl! UGftLt\l;l0t1t\l;)ftH11<br />

.. .. p ,.. J>o ... I<br />

Ll\t::.tM.ft lliU.t.ttl.ll1 ~~~~ l;)1 nGOli.L.tOtiJ1<br />

" ,.. ,.. '"lit, p<br />

~11:'Ltl:'lllt\GI.l.1L&1::.tM 11 ~q Ll.ltlt\111<br />

.. I "' II ,.. j:'<br />

Ut'G J' rtt.t 11LUtrtt UUtu::U11 I:'Ott'H1<br />

p .. I ,..<br />

UG~~IULftH OLllUG~~ IU LftH t\~t-.. ~ULftH<br />

.<br />

t'Ot-l;)ULftH GUftLt\rt J'J'CI!III 'U'M, t'U<br />

,. "' ,.. ..<br />

M.& PP•II! 'U'M, 16111:'1t1LftO.tl.liRUt\l11t\t\<br />

I '.l P• ,. "" '.l<br />

ULft~lUt-tli.L.t J'VIIICIJ 'U'M. t-.tt::rti111Lt-U<br />

p ,.<br />

t.1. 110L t.1.ULrtHUI:'tli.L .t O.tlll RU11L.t flU.tLrtl.U<br />

"· I p P•,.<br />

t'111t\l.l.U t\ULUJI..tt\1 t\l;)M.t·J11.tLUli.L.t<br />

""'" .. ~ ... ,<br />

l\.t 1 L JJf:m 11111 1\.I:'GirtlilU Ot' &1:-~t\ UU<br />

P ·~~ IP t: ,.",..<br />

tL01rtt\ll.::.tMrt0tl;)Nl t\1 l;)lt'L tN~LI\.11.11<br />

;> J> .. II .. .. I iC<br />

L &1::.tf.~ L trtL n::.tt.~HlA.t\ l;)t\1111L (!, t::.t M.<br />

,C & ~ I .C<br />

t\f11l;)1 J' lA.Ut'GIHGl rtt\A.::.tMt\J.lRMLO<br />

J?""' ,.p ;> ~ ...<br />

0tiJ1H1 11Ut-11 Ll;ll1t\lA.11fbH1 t.~lA.ft11t\f11t-JU<br />

~~~,.,. .,. I ~"'I J? 'f"'<br />

rtOU1t\UUt-GR. • lA.t\U.tlllht-~t\UUUU 11<br />

~,.. ,. .. ,.. 11-<br />

q• 1;)1 Lrt0li.L.tt-G.tUl;)11:'Lti:'~t\Q1.11L &t::u.~<br />

""' p p I "' "<br />

fl1 G~I.11Ut'tli.L.tHlA.t-G.t1tUWQR.<br />

1ft I p .. I<br />

(•J>"PCI!-~P•III· J.n.~) t-li.1Ut-tli.L.t0rtlJt\f11<br />

Pf' "' J?<br />

t\ t\t\ &UlA.t::.tflHlA.t\t 1J t'tl.lHt U t\ t\ f11<br />

',l ,.. • I " fP<br />

( t1) L tt\Ut-Grt1rtlllL11GitiHlA.OQt-Ott'H1<br />

" " I It- ,.. " I ,..<br />

Ut-tli.L.tO.tltiRU t'tl.l.H.tUt\t\nHtt\lA.<br />

p p• ,. .. F" iC ,.<br />

t'Qftlrt t-L1.1Ut\GitiOGU1Yt'tli.L.tOt~RU<br />

"',.. I p P•"'<br />

t'tl.lH.tUI\t\rtl (OGt\L.O) t\lA.t'GI.lt'lA.t'Grt1<br />

~ • 1 ,. 1t<br />

rt Gt\H1M.Gl6HlA.OQULrtHUI:'tli.L.tO.t~RU<br />

,.. "' I p P•,.<br />

GU t\tU11 10 GtHUU 10 t\f11U0111:'1111<br />

II' II II> .b J? I<br />

l;)U1 rtL t\~0 t1UlA.1:: tfl t\U n t1t'G rt1QUL tt\ U<br />

.,. ,.. lt " II' 11'11 I<br />

Nlrt1 til flQt\Lltli.L.tt-lll l;)11:'LttLUl;)l0LlA.<br />

II' I .. ',l .. I ta II<br />

" fO lA. 1:' G rt 1 t\ L 11 t\ 111l;) U 1 U<br />

L&t::.t~~ L trtlt\::.tt.~HlA.O.tltiRUt\111<br />

I p-. J?<br />

tlllt- li\l;)1 Ut\ tt-Oti:'H1LrtGitll:'l.l.HOLU::I.l.11<br />

,. ',l " lop ,. ,. I "'<br />

L ft n .U rtl t ~ rt 1J ft l;) Q<br />

11-P ,. 1i- te J? "' P<br />

t\Gt' JUt 1:-G ft1L ftt\ t\161111 t\ lUGt\111M.O li\IL .12<br />

.. ~. ',ll ,. ... F" ,..,<br />

I:'Grt1ftrtG q t'lA.I:'Gft1tHt\(l,rl1 1:-l.l.l;)QI.lltl<br />

"' .. ,. '.l ~ ,. l'!.t<br />

to-JUt n un.t 11u 11 t&l 11 & 111 r:-a rttlll11 t-ltl f1l;)11<br />

.. ~ -~ lr I ~<br />

t\l;li:'G.tUUfl ft.tUt-Lii\L&1GftiJ1UOft 1:-GG<br />

.,. I " ,. +<br />

-r:-Gtlt\11 mtc-ntNi IHLUn a nun t-.tlA.l;)lt-L t<br />

II' J? 1- ,. II ,., I<br />

-t'lllt\GU1Ll\1::.tM. i:'Ltl\.t'LtUl;)\f\1 UGG.tUl\<br />

,. "' " "I\"' ,.<br />

-L til LQ 1111 U.t Lrt L.U Itt t-Ot t'H1lA. rl.Gll. ftLW<br />

I ,.. ,.. ,.<br />

l;)ftLWt\lA 1111GI.liQM 1 t\OI.li1Uli:'Grt1::1.l. 11<br />

!'- \1' ,.. I II'<br />

Lti:'G01t'Grt1 I:'QUt\ti:'Gft1 tLOHGI:'Gftl<br />

t-GlillltUI:'Gft1<br />

" "' "'<br />

ttGt'JU1<br />

... "'<br />

I:'Qft1 GUI:'Gft1<br />

"'<br />

tc ... ~ ,.L.,... "'"'<br />

tH q l;)1 t~tt'Oti:'H1t\t\t-r.U l.. 1:-LlillA.t\LUIJ<br />

,.<br />

..""'"',.. '.l'.l ,,.<br />

ftLII10QOYLGfl1 It JU1t\LJUt\L UUII11101.l.1U<br />

I ,. ltt P I p<br />

r:-.tlA.t\LflL t\ft11llll HR.DGt-Grt1t\LI1rtr:- OlA.Lfl<br />

ftL&tLll. ,. "'"" Lli.MrtUUtA.t::.tnt-QI\.I.ll1 "' ,.. ""'"'"' 11L.tft0.1.11<br />

,. I' ~~~ ,..<br />

t\W11t'Ufltl;)GUitll;)~ lilLOL111:'Grt1tHI1L.tfl<br />

" .. " " II "' .."'<br />

rl1 1:'1.1LUUOtl.l.11 t\lA.ftUI:'Qftlt\1 OGt\ftl:'lll<br />

I'L,"' • " 7 .,. ~ ~, 7 '.l<br />

fl1 LI\.1MlA.I:'GUUOt\tt'Oti:'H1 UGt'tl.l.H.tUt\<br />

L, " ,. ,.. ,.. ,..<br />

t\111M.lA.t'GI.l.l:'lA.t'Grt1l;)Orl1 111.l.Ut\H t\lA.ftU<br />

F" 7 ,. "' • 1 "" ,. ,.. 7 ..<br />

1:-Grttt'I.AUUtHUI:'tli.L.t UlftHUI:'tli.L.tUt~~<br />

"' ~ ;> p ..<br />

11L.tnnl un~~lA.rt11M.n.t tl.l.ltrll 111.1r:-tul1<br />

1'1' ~ ,. I F" • " I' .. ,. I "<br />

nt t-UU.tU1t'Oti:'H11:'GIIo.tllll1 t\tt'Oti:'H1Hlt'ltl<br />

,. ~ ,.. ,.. ,.. " '.l<br />

t'lll11 1:-&~1 t'L tt'lllt\ Gl.l1 L& t::.tM t 1i:'Gft1UO t 1<br />

I .. ,., I fO " " , ~ ,.<br />

l\l111tOI.l.fl1NlHOLUtl.l.11 Ltt\Ut'Gft1Lt<br />

,. '!' fO " "' " " II' I<br />

UOtll:'rtHOtt ttlA.rtUI:'Gft11.AOGt\ftt'lllfll t\H<br />

,.. 'f"' fO 7 ... ~ ,. I 7 :1 ,,..<br />

I:'GitiULftllUI:'tli.LtO.t111RU UlftllUt'tli.L.t<br />

" p ?""' p<br />

Otl!lR.UI:'GR.t'tUH.tlm t\lA.I:'QUt-lA.I:'Qft1l;)1 Ill<br />

?·"' 7 ,. "'"(,"'<br />

Ur.LftL.Ufbll1 t.~lA.ft11ftOU1t\UU lti!LUll..tl~1<br />

I ~... }- ,. " to It<br />

~ 1 t-L tl:'l!lt\QU 1L tftL n::tt.1.r:-.t U. n tl!lR.U t\111<br />

.. I to I p-."' J?<br />

l;)~Ut-t::.tM.Gll.1 t'LI1t0U1 lillJf..ttiJfl P<br />

" p .. " . ,.. ,..<br />

l;)1 OG l;)1t'Ltt-111Hllii!1L&1::tt.i.Ltftlt\::.tt.1.<br />

IC ~I ~ I t1 I<br />

1:-.tlt LftGlllOli.L.tt'G.tUI:)l • l~Ut'QJ.ltGl<br />

'P "~ '!'?..<br />

lliU.t.ttl.lU 11 q l;)1 Ltt\L\t'Gftl til llGOt111RU<br />

p,. ,cl1""' ~ I p•to<br />

t\111 ~1t'Ltl:'ll\t'LtUU1L&1::.tt.i. ULftHI.ft't<br />

j:' ... I " p<br />

li.L.tUtt.\11UftL.tlJt'IJ.LlAGt.1.1 fbH t M.lA.ft11<br />

,. o "' I : I<br />

t\ 111 t-Ill t-lll1111.t 1:)1 rtOU11ll.lUGll. 1:-Hil H HI\<br />

j:'',l I"'"'}- ,. .. 'f-"<br />

.<br />

t\ 1\. OLillRt.\L 01:'Lti1GULtltlA.t'Gft1 L & 1T\ fl 1<br />

1\ -.."' ~ ",. "'" f$»<br />

OUW t.Ot till HlllUllt'UU.tU11:'1ltNl1LftG111<br />

If I I ~ ,... I<br />

t-u u r.u 1 e-n tt-H 1 n11tun rtfbllL MIA. rmr\111<br />

~ ,.. p 1'>1 '" I f'><br />

r:-ntl\ 11:-0 te-n llll t-lllt-U\111:-.tl-1. ~ tt-L tt-11\1:-LtU<br />

,.. ,.. I' 1 I ,., I<br />

-1.11 L l\ 1::.tt.\ Ul11 L tt\l\1:-G fttl;)b liiG rtl::u 11<br />

" "f$10 ~""" .. ~<br />

U L rtll Ut'tli.L.t n t111RU t.\l1.1:-GUI1U I1.t U.tL U L lA<br />

p p-.,. ,. ,. 1$ •<br />

rtLG 1:-tt-G rttlA.flGI\ftt-lllLrtUOU tU11~tM.lA<br />

I Y,.~ll\1~ p 1ft tl,.<br />

t-QUI\111 ~ &ttlWI:'UL Urtttl1t.tl\.ttJ tLI.l.<br />

!=''" "'"" .,1<br />

UI.A1::.tfll.ll1 Lli.Gt\H1LJUt-Qrt1lA.OQ ~lt'Lt<br />

"Ito II' o ~,.I .. I<br />

-1:-lllt-LtUUil &t::.tt.\ LtftLt\::.tt.~ltO.tlliRU<br />

iC I ,.. P" to<br />

ttl11tlllt'lllrl\ t\HI1UHI! 1UI:'tli.L.tOLJ.1Qll.1<br />

j:' ,. 1 I'~,.. p !(<br />

.. ,.. "~ ,... "' - ...<br />

t\t\t01.11Lt.\l;)l t-Otl\11:-0tNll 11111ft1Jli.L.tt-ll.<br />

!Jf1Uitl111:'flt'I;)UUtHGft1 (G.I.lt\OlA.11:'GI:'QI\.<br />

,. ,. ~ II> ,..<br />

Ut-trtlfl) r:-LJ.lt'-0 tNltt-Gn.t\LI.lHf\111::1.111<br />

p ,.. ,.<br />

nHr:-tt-ntr:-Htr:-an.r.lllnt\111 r:-nti.A 1c-ntN{1<br />

7 ,.. p ,.. ,.<br />

. .<br />

Qll. Ltt\I.At-GrttLFI.U.tt.JTtl11 t.OlltlA.rtLQ<br />

" ,. ~ '"IC j:' I to<br />

1:' t\H 11L Ill 1:-L t\t\ 1\.rtt\1\0 ft.l.lrt L .tlllflli.Lt<br />

I "' o I" ',l to<br />

t\ n 11-Jt\ 01:-l;)UL rtllU 111ltllll1ft.l.lt\t 1 t' & L r.ll.<br />

r-'" ... ,. ' .. "- ..<br />

lbtlll:I1LIIo1 11 J' l;)t OG PPtt"' 'U'M, tL.tGft1<br />

p " ,.. " ~. • ~<br />

O.tlllA.U t\11 1t1111:'111UI:' Ot- l;)ULrtllt\.111 rtftll.<br />

p• ,. ,. ,. , " ,. " p<br />

-::.tt.U\LlRt.i.LOOtiJ11l1 11Ut'l1 fbH1 t.i. lA.rt11<br />

~ ~ I'll.,.,. I lt,.l<br />

!ti11~Jt-fll:'l;)UlftHUU t\lA.t'GI.lt-I.At-Qftl ru<br />

J?iC ,. ,. ,. "'<br />

rlGt'G.tUUfl l;)l I:'Ltt-llll1L & 1::r. t.i.t\ l;)t\11 11<br />

I t.:J I tS '- t<br />

1:-ll Ut'G q UGLftGlllftLt\~Ot1t-lUllll1rtlJ<br />

• p ,.. I I" ....<br />

-li.L.tt-GtUOLJJ Gll.1 ft lllU.t.ttJ.l ~1H tt-111<br />

!( ,.. .. I<br />

-tti.AUIL&l::.tt,\ ~~o~~~ 'J.f't.1. tllLrt::.tfl<br />

'.l "<br />

l;)~Uil 10 • 0 CIJ ·y·t.\ 1:-ttJftL.tU<br />

iC P1J :1<br />

•<br />

-.....<br />


'11'.1-ll .. 'U'IHH'IlJ~ILl1-l'!!l~ ' .. 1'\JU'U'!!tnh::L "' "' VlfT<br />

"' " ·, '" l""' ..<br />

u11 u1u Hf\1 '!!~1nmn "u'<br />

. l" .. ... " ' "' oil<br />

'Yil '111fl~fl11lJfl~'U'U11 LVlllJlH'J'tlLVl<br />

nl'U'U'U r. I'J'li'J'Ufl "' ""' m l Hty" ' llJ'Uflfl'U<br />

.:1 ' ..<br />

eJ "'"l tl ,, -4 .q " l ,, . d<br />

nu Vl'UtlU LlJtllJ u1u '11f\l ' n<br />

'"'" "" "t<br />

UtllJlJ U1'U'UtlU U1'U'UtlU'U'Ufl1'J''I!lJ1U<br />

t'l-l'l!111<br />

"<br />

Vll uum<br />

" u luun flV'!!11tn'.nn<br />

~<br />

... -i,<br />

(tJ-l1Jfl )<br />

Where was<br />

Suvanabhum<br />

Manit Vallibhotama<br />

To the east of Suvana Kaum Kam the Chong- ren and the Muang. Vietnam instead ot Nam Yueh as<br />

.<br />

was the basin of the Tack R1ver. Durmg the reign of Emperor Wuti called by the Chinese. However, tho<br />

Thi river con i ted of to main tribu- (140-87 B.C.), Nam Yueh was in- destiny of the nation was fluctuated<br />

taries, the Tack Luang or the Red vaded by the Chinese troop and even-<br />

between the Chinese domination and<br />

River and the Tack No1, both origi- tually conquered in 111 B.C. The declaring independence. It was until<br />

nated from the mountain and high country fell under the Chinese rule,<br />

land in Yunan of<br />

the 16th Century A.D. that Vietnam<br />

outhern China. and was divided into 4 principalities, became fully independent and was<br />

The Red River drained the region each of which was superv1.ed by a<br />

around Hano1 while the Tack Noi Chinese governor.<br />

to the south to it own territory. Lapassed<br />

through Sib Song Chu Thai to<br />

join the Red River 1n Hang Hua and Chinese emp1re, Chinese schools were<br />

A.D. Vietnam was so strong and pothen<br />

flowed down into the Bay of founded in the area around the Red<br />

able to annex the kingdom of Champa<br />

To integrate Nam Yueh to the ter in the middle of the 17 th Century<br />

werful that it could extend its domi­<br />

Tonkin. According to the hinese and the Black River to teach Chi- nation to the lower Mekhong basin<br />

notes, about 400 year ago th1s region nese culture to the native.<br />

So the which was once in tho territory of<br />

was included 10 the country called culture and the way of life of the the Khmer in Cambodia.<br />

This re­<br />

Nam Yueh inhabited by the Ai-lao Nam Yueh people changed and .vere suited in the foundation of the city of<br />

people who was divided into nume-<br />

rous subgroups such as the Nung, Chinese.<br />

heavily influenced by those of the Saig 1 as the main port city of the<br />

In the later periods, the Kingdom.<br />

the Chong, the Chung, the Chuang, people preferred to call their country<br />


'<br />

I<br />

' ·>.<br />

d tl ., :, I tl I l tl t l .I<br />

'Hlf!Z l1~ 1Vl1U 1\J\H\J U t11VPh L,1Z'IItNl1U1"H 'I LL\J\J01fl11 uq 11J<br />

orative m tif on the gable end f at a-wet, yudh)·a, h wing th<br />

.. ..<br />

ZL 10ULL01ll \J\111<br />

uropean a anthu lcav \ and • . mall mod<br />

of r nch ar hil ture. Th window of thi t mpl tak1ng th form f point d ar h lik th · u pcan building at th t t1m

.<br />

.. .. .I II ..<br />

l1tl1Utl1Jtl\J\l OHJ1-l 1lJIIUO,Ylfl1tJ<br />

, ., I cA W 4<br />

Ll1 -ltOf\11 1tJO\JO 1\Jtl 0\IOI::tt\J\Jifl1tlln1<br />

w " .. w W "I ' _,<br />

1-l lJOUOllO Ll'ltJ 'li-ltJ-lH 1ll0\J LlJfltll'l\1 n<br />

II J.<br />

tl'l'VitllJfl'Nn 1-l\Jtl,Ul'll11,r1Htfl<br />

1lJl1lJ10 "'" L11-llJtJ111\Jtlfltltl ".!<br />

... , . . .<br />

mn,::U1tJHOf1tlYl L tl<br />

LLfi::'IS1tJU"tlUit'ftl<br />

., II : I .I J, ...

"' .., If .,<br />

l1U1UUUUUU 1~11'J'JlJ1'J1lJ tlt111V1<br />

df "" • ., , , •<br />

llJU 1VIfl'Jtll01 U'J::~U911Vfi1V'Il1lJ<br />

r:l .. . 1~ -4 tJ .. ... .. tJ ' .. -4<br />

Luunnu L'YlV'Yl ,~ 'JUO'Yllll'l 1nv htlun1ov 1.:jl9llJ'Yl<br />

, ' c4 ... ., " ..<br />

I'IJ1 h1 1~::1\JUfl U lJ VVI'J::L 1\J'JlJ 1n<br />

tu d or tion on the ga le end of W t Th m-m ram yudhy ,<br />

h wing an interwined pra d ign d rned \ ith gl u:d pottery.<br />

It w the rt of ing B m m reign<br />

which wa alrcad infleun d y th

e; .... e; .. Th reign.<br />

n 1JY1 fl111tl1::9J '~<br />

otice the int d ar h ' in<br />

n the gr und floor r the buildin and • I l th II t ' er.

W ., J ..\ _, I<br />

m"::9J n1Jv~·n::u1,1tJtll<br />

,., ., .,,., , ,.,,,v tltJ'IItJ1<br />

-4 "' '1 tl "' ... tl I tl • G<br />

mi>~ L n~ lfl'!lflnfln ''ll'lltl>~mnltH ll m'11JlllJlJtl1 '<br />

~<br />

he lx:lltO\\crat \ at ha · 1. utlh ·a, ing Phra arJt\ r tgn .<br />

he pointed arch .11 II\ h.l\c reflc tins the thr . t le.

•<br />

oi4 w Sl 4 I -4 ot w " w I; Sl<br />

!J'lfl\HlUUHH~ fl1!JilJO l'l.ft. l.&eo 1J'~\JUU~nVl1~HI10Vl~Utl<br />


JJ "' .., "' d<br />

1tJ~'Vl':: ,.,,ut)n lJtJ'Vl,::u,,,tJtu<br />

"' ., " '~" .,<br />

1J~ 1Jtn.h::f't~J1lHltJY1 1l11,1tJ 1flVI1Zl 'lii'IVlU<br />

~ al 1 .. •<br />

1tJLUtHI1tJrl;~ uuutt tlhlfllfllfltJfl tlfl<br />

B k. bin t, ing Phra arai reign,<br />

m a . mall iharn f at P<br />

hO\ ing ur pcan de ign f R rt.

. .,<br />

~~~n1'~~~1 ~~<br />

1"'~~11 cwi<br />

~~e:J~ e:J1ru.1u1L 1ru. Vl~"'.n"'~VIU1'W':i::L3J':i<br />

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. ,, , .... "1<br />

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flnfllJ Uf11Jt) LUt'fQ lLun\H'!f'UUU'llniJ<br />

0 •<br />

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.. ~ ,.. .1.. .. 11 .. Ill ,<br />

'l'!!nlnll d. ~lJ1u{)t'l.:l'IJ'ltu1~'U~1U<br />

.. lllc4 .. .,<br />

u unu'llt>-11~u 1 u ULL uunuu mulllv-<br />

., ' -41<br />

m'lmutmu::mlJ1nfl1~VLL'YI n~ 11fltl<br />

., ' .. 01 _.11 -41 .I 11"1" .,<br />

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.. tl'l .. lllU-<br />

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...<br />

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A drawing picture of the Du 11. awantanya Prosat Hall of Lop Bun by rcnch art1 t,<br />

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henaller de h umont, the ·ren h amlxl dor pre enllng the letter of Kmg Lou1 e to K1ng Phra raJ

a v .q<br />

Wl::8JFJI.'IJ7UJ<br />

~ Ill<br />

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:: .r. t.l n t ~ rt a .r. u. r:- .r.lA. ru n L .r. L n.:: .r. t.~ ~ ~ 1 rt .Ll<br />

" " p p<br />

Lt~1 M.H1t'Grt::~Gf.W I If I. P P I<br />

t'GII.UlA.M.I1U L ~M.GIDUrt1 rtltYGII.t'flf.~ 1<br />

"' ,. ~I "' .. ,..<br />

111, t Ut L UL G::t ~t<br />

''a l ,. p ,.<br />

YlA.1::trtt-LIDtLJI.<br />

U.~11 t-G1Wt'U1::t Ul1 ...<br />

U::t rtt'.t.lA. ~t'G::.r.u. ~flYL flllQII.Lt::tM.t'~.Ll11<br />

.... M.fllM.GG~tM.rtM.rtLt~flt~r1rtlD1UI1Lfl.t.G<br />

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::.r.t.~ .Ll1 rt~11rtfl11rt!l.t.IDUIA.::.t.M.Ll ~UM.tU<br />

io I If ~p '" ,.. '" I<br />

rt.Ll::U11flM1LMLt- .L11D11 H~UM.Lrtl1~::.t.L tU<br />

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.. . .<br />

LHtL.t. fllrt M.JI. ::u.~ rtr:-.t.lA. t\t\11 UI1~LU Jl.t<br />

" • ,. It'" ,. ,.<br />

rtlfl.Llr:-.t.UL ~1::U.~~~1rtl.l LWt-G::.r.t.~<br />

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t'UUlAIH1~1 ~tLJI.LIDt'UHllA.Lil::~ 11<br />

... ... ,. .. 1.1 p<br />

n, flG~f.~n~::.r.n~t'.t.rtlll::tM<br />

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rttl.l UH~ 1 ::UA.t1.11t'LtflGU.t.lN.Jil~fbnll!l<br />

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tLII.rt1 L~rt1 L!Drt1 t-J.lrt1Ut-G::tM<br />

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rtl\l!lM.t111L~1::U. l LtulAM.I1 (ULUJI.t<br />

f:i- ... 1" "·~,. ,.<br />

1:-L~U M. ~ flL II.L Ulrtl 11.1~J UY1 r:-ttJ t'GII.UGQ<br />

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,. ~-. ,.-.,.li P,..!.<br />

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flGHM.I.l1t'GULrt~l::tt.Htl:'!t. fllll1 l:l~ft1ll<br />

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M.~::tt.~rt M.H::tt.~flL!l.t'GI11lA. ::u.iLtA::tt.~<br />

.. ,. If,. 1il ~ ..<br />

q HlA.rtt r:-Lnnn11r.r.::.r..r.u::.r.t.t uLrt UNl<br />

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-::.r.t.m~t. LRtu.t oJl tLtntrtM.Ao::.r.Hrtr:-tlA.<br />

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M.~t'G::tt.WlA 1 t\ l!l t\~J11L ~ 1::.r.1.1. llli\1-\::.r.t.i.<br />

ltP • 1.1 .. I " p ,.<br />

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I 'I> fl" I<br />

::u11 t'~UUG~Ut-GIJt-lAtlDM.1::tM.t't~ M.QQ<br />

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il'>"' ,. p"' I<br />

r t::.r..r.u::tl.l Htll.t'L tu 1\.GrtllfbLJI.tr::.r.u.<br />

~M.~JI.1t'G.Llt'lALUt-G::tM 1:-L~UM.Lrt~LM.II.<br />

.... ~ ~ ,.<br />

~~~111\.nl~t'G::tM, ~~ t'M.M.LlA.Il~L~1::~GM.<br />

j:>p ~~~~~,. llf I<br />

L~lt.tLII. r:-t~flLUH~JI.~U~lA.M.L M.~t-G::tM<br />

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P"' "' t•" ""'"' ,_,.,.. "'i"<br />

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I? I" I "' I ,.<br />

~ U 1H1 GU::~11ftllol\llolA.t1.111Ut'G::.r.t.\t'GII. •<br />

,..,. lol \r'I-I?P •<br />

llt Lftl ll rt L t~:: ~ 11 ::ruR UUU ~~~ n<br />

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t'.Ll11::.t.M flGUMt-HWt-GlA.rtL ~JI.llUil M.H 1<br />

.... ,. 0 " p<br />

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p If If .... I If ,.<br />

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• " -" 0 p<br />

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,. o \o I '!"<br />

Gl.l1M.II.11M.GrtH 1M.II.11 li\U1U n11G Ulnl U~<br />

• "' ,. .... 1il "<br />

.<br />

r.r. flU. r::.r.rt-GlAUQ~rt fl!l.1 .r.ar 1UL~<br />

,. ,. p<br />

l:-1!)11tt.\11flt~LlA.Ut'G::tt.~t'GUU Ulrtl M.H<br />

IIi op<br />

IRal::tt.trt.r. t-Ltu::u11nn11uuut::.r.t.t rt<br />

p ... " ... ,.<br />

rt1 UJ.lrt::tM. fllH~li\U~M.::t~\ Grtl.l1Utt.Ll<br />

• 14 ,. •<br />

::ttA.HlA. fllH1 tli\UtA.::t~\ 0 P rtM.Ao::.r.t.\<br />

1 lop ,o p<br />

1:-GlA.IlU.Ut- U M.1UI111 tfl fl1 ~1:-G ::.r.t.\1:-G 1.1 U<br />

,. .... ,.,. .. p<br />

t'tlA. M.U::.t.Mli\111LlA.rtH1flt~LlA.~tflLI.l<br />

"" "'".,.<br />

rtM.M.LIJ.Lrt :: tt.~ tM.t't\HLtUHtUrtt rtt<br />

"'l 'll'f' I Ill''"<br />

~11 M.Q P~LUM. ~.U~1t'7ttJYlA.1::t rn.~ Lrtn.,.u<br />

Jl.~ fl~1 Lt 1 lA.~Qfl U t rtlli1U M.UflL IW rtU H 11<br />

" ~ '"'""<br />

~Qfl LULrt::tt.1. r:-tlA. M. ~t-G::U.i.fltli\RU LH rt<br />

llP P"'"'<br />

::tt.t, LtUlA.M.Il t-lltGfA::Gl!\1 tG11!Ltllo1<br />

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rll '" ,. $- IC I 1~<br />

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If '"' ,. If to If If > ~IS 't" I<br />

rtL t~ flt~r 1 rtlfl1 ::u 11 flG Jl.rt Jl.11 rt L t ~ ft t'lA.<br />

If lolp If I ,.,<br />

M.L~ l.. UlAM.LULrtHflGY ~ 1::.r.r<br />

" If I<br />

l.lLrtfllt~1rtlt~LM.~1 l.. ~t'G::.tt.\1:-QII.flrt.Ll<br />

' .... 0 " "' p ,.<br />

- JI..t.~GUli\::1.111 ~P"CII 'Y'M llfllloltr:-Qt~<br />

,. ~p<br />

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"" p ... ~ p<br />

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,.. I j? p ,o<br />

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l"l,. ,.<br />

11Lt rtRlA::ttA. M.Ul!)llll!lt 1:- ~rtlflltLM.::.t.M<br />

,. "' ,. "' "'P<br />

rt.U::LrtH 1 rt~ Ut-Gli\UM.::.r.r LJI.Ltrtttll U.t.Y<br />

I p ... • ,.<br />

::tMt-UHflLU ~flt~l!\1 m t-tUUrtltLUH1 LlA.<br />

"' J> lflflltl"lo I p lfloo

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11 n::<br />

~~ 0 , • ., " .... 1 JJ<br />

LU'U~t'IV11 ht !1Vt'llHl111 n::v-1 nql:l1lJ nn1<br />

" .. AI .. I ~<br />

nun11-lnl~U, L u 'U, 1'111!1'U LL'IHVl<br />

r, ' :, d<br />

tUl-l'U 'U 'Utlml1n~::el1tJ-11lJlJ'IH1-lii'IJ-lLL H<br />

J/ ., , el .....<br />

LLfl1 v -1 L 'HlJ 1::nlJ~ 1vn nl:ltll:: L lJ v-1 Vll-l<br />

d AI .,<br />

tJ V11!fl1t'fVIl LL n:: LU 'Un Ul::U1Vfl11lJ LLtltl~<br />

.<br />

~ .. J/<br />

'IJV~nnLlJV~~1nnl~flltl~1!tJ1~1tJ<br />

• d' o~ -0\ -0\ ~<br />

U1V1'11n1~VI1'111l~<br />

U'UVlnfi~LlJtl~<br />

J/ I II ~ o;" r. AI ~ ~<br />

n::L111 LlJV-ln:: t1'U'ULU'Uf1lJt.h::LVlflV1<br />

I I d~ .(" .,~<br />

'UlVV un::v1mflnmt'fV11!lJ1n VI1LlJV-l<br />

r. .., J/ ...<br />

'U 'Un1 N'll11-ll~V L'11 u n::lJ th::'I11'11'Ul'ln-<br />

..... w J., ..., I tl I "'Illi d<br />

LlJtl~flUfl-l'U ULLVIYil::L~ lLL~'U~ 'UL'Cf~~<br />

11 th'l~'::' 1'1111 u '1 tlt.h::Vl"'uvo 'U 1'U 'l 1 'IJ 1<br />

"<br />

_. ..1. J/u ., llJ/<br />

lJ Lfll~mlVl~::n, 1~UVlJU'U'IJ'U~1tJ 11 n::<br />

d<br />

lJ. L~tl nllJ1l (M. de Ia Marre)<br />

~ ~ I 1(, li!J/ ~.1<br />

1fl1nlV1V11'Ul1'!1Vl\JlV1~ 11 Vlul::LVlflt'ftJ1lJ<br />

"'J/ ., ., I J/ ti'IJ/ tl<br />

1~1HLL"''U"'~ n1lntlttlHL'IJ111LLt'l1<br />

I ., t\<br />

n 1'Ufl11lJt'f1tJ-l1lJ'IJV~ 'l'l 1::1 1'111 ~'U 'U<br />

"'l d d I II<br />

lJ. u mnn LLtJlL1t'f 'l'illW'U111 lVU'l<br />

~~AI " )! ~ _.<br />

'l'll::Vl'U-lL U'Ufi'U'UU ~ 1tJ m:: 1 uv~ Lflnvun<br />

~ -4 .. ..<br />

L 'Hfltl-l LlJVnl::VlULL tf-lLL~~lJUl::nltJLL 11<br />

-<br />

.. • ., -41' • ., tt .,<br />

lUI'Hlti1Ln1~M!Jtlti'U911 Y11~1111l1101lf11~1fJ L'UtlllfJ tl~llfJ1<br />

• • " ... -4 ' , ., ., ., ., ...<br />

.. ., . ~~<br />

.. ....<br />

nut'll1l n"U tl'::" \1 J1'UY1 '11~ tJ1'U!Jtln \1911 'lin ~191l't'U t\IL 'II~<br />

..<br />

lflv nm"Un<br />

.""'II 'fi111Yl 1tl'U<br />

.<br />

n 111 v L u 'UL m tl~'l1111fJ<br />

The Dutch JUnk dunng yudhya pcnoo,<br />

engraved by the ut h mba Y<br />

a , mem rial in what u cd to be<br />

the Out h village ut the ba k<br />

of" ut Pn:~n h ng, yudhya<br />

n<br />

•<br />

,~ d ~ .._,,<br />

l11U'liUilH'In I '\I -li'IJ1t'f11JUV~ I~'UYlVt'f -3<br />

' "' "' . .... ,<br />

91VIJ 1U-ll'l 111JV-lfll'iU1Vn~nu<br />

n IJ I~~ Vi 'l:: 'U ~ 'l 1 tJ ~ L U 'l ~ U 'l:: Yl"' U<br />

"'~ _. a .I<br />

vn::'l1'\11-lYl~l'iU'liJ 1n 1n~~~~ unn::-, 1'\1-<br />

'1.1.1 ., 'dl .I •

ci.o<br />

l H 'lLO\IlliU 11 'll>l 'l'l::lll~ 'llJ'l U rh .:lfllJ\1 \1 l !!OJ U!J HU 1110<br />

I W ""' J , w t/ .. ... .i,l ... -., ""' I 1 Jl "t<br />

n1'Yi'II\J1lHI H'IJ U'lO\Jm IJUIJ 111J1l11'l i'! OlUJ 11fl ll n :: 'l!fliJ1'lfl<br />

• ., "' ~ ., --l., , • ..<br />

(, 1n ~ m:: L\ll'l \Jt)Ot lJ IJ ()~l! IJ1 ll1 liiU \I'l fl1'l1lJ )<br />

Roy.1 1 pr c~ ion alan the l:tnd .1nd "tter route' ll\ dep1ucd in lacquered .1ml gilded '~orl.; on a hook c.1hinet or \ yudhya period<br />

a t \\at \ nang 1-.. :tram.<br />

'Oti..:C, a b1ropcan offi..:cr "·" in cha r •e of :1 canon :11 the head of the lxtrgc

.. '... ..<br />

l111Jt'l:: b t'1M LLI'IL~lJl111Jll:: I. t'1M<br />

-II ... d '<br />

LniHlt'1UL'I!l1<br />

l1n1-.1'\JltJLLflll~ tl"<br />

' c:.l ... ,.<br />

l111Jtl:: ~ 1J1Yl LL"'\JltJL1JUt'1 UfllVVfl'HllJ<br />

n:: .~ 1J1Yl '\JltJ1th~'H~-1 ty1u 11-n::<br />

ol -l<br />

(11-.llfltJ<br />

-<br />

d<br />

{-lt'l-.1 lU Yll-.1 11'Hll 01 llJ '\JV--1-.·n:: V~f1<br />

' ~ ol -II<br />

I YllYlY1111JflUf1V<br />

. ,.<br />

'Yi.fl. lllci b d l1Ul e ~ lf - t~d~ )<br />

~ oo~d ""d<br />

( QlJU..'ilJ'Yi<br />

•· t1lJY11L~~f11Q UYl<br />

1111. -.·n::n'!1u-.·iu;~Mf!nl~lll en<br />

~ ... ,.<br />

11!>-l - 'Yilnt'1VUUV-.1 enlll 1JY1<br />

- Ylff1flrfVU-.·n::1llJ ei.D 1JY1<br />

ol .c.<br />

- 11'!1t11n~ ben 1JY1<br />

• ., J I II I<br />

en. f11Q UYl flt'IVlJ'!1 N ( '\JV-.llfll)<br />

d ...<br />

c1. L-.~MtJ11 ..'Wlfl1tll flHfllVtJ 'l!tJl<br />

... d • •<br />

(lll~m'iLuth::'!1mNfll1~11nlf1<br />

~ • ol<br />

Yl ben) LLli::L 'YiMtJ11t1 -11lt11Jl-.1<br />


d.., , ,<br />

vn :ann mu 1~11J n fl'Hl -nh:: L<br />

l1 fllJ1 ~ 1 u<br />

~ -~~·--.,<br />

fl11lJ111JHI \Jlt'l£1~ cn\a, lJLL'H-.ll't!t'UJU<br />

~ d ,<br />

\Jll11J ~~~ 11 1::V1lJ 'U ~ u l1 n 1u l1 mnlJ \JlD-.1<br />

oq I lo t-.:i " ~ -~"' ;, l 1 I<br />

L(:ol't!OJDUN h.JlJl'lH'HMLM-11~ lm1~::<br />

.:1 .~.~ ' -II d<br />

1 U'U't'll::l1'1!1l1U -.1l 'HOJ 'HlDlJ'U ~u u t1't!'U<br />

d..," ~ ol -1.<br />

. . .<br />

vn::v-.lfl L~n1nfl\Jl LlJ£11\Jl'l u n.fl.<br />

~ bl cn G> 11lJl'n::'t!\JlJ1U'~ ~ b l'ln~1<br />

~ J 7 • u _.<br />

~ J ~<br />

• · 0. U1::lJ1tl1lltJ 1 U17VlY1Un1'17::U111lJfll (Yi1::\Jfl'J' : loLfltJlHilfl1 l.clocl) 1 mn •b<br />

~ I ( 4 d _-<br />

J .. ' ., ., ~ .,<br />

"'· 11\Jfl OtJ h111 un::fl"IJO\J '"] 1 JJ/fl fJ/'t1::U117lJfli1JH117V (O~ ·mll'l : flo3fl011\J1'H111'11\J -lll1fltl'l'l1!1 1 "'clo«

The Reign of .<br />

King Phra t-Jarai<br />

Wiyada Tho ngmi tr<br />

n a Jon~ history of Ayudhya, the enriched itself by ending its own mi ionarie to build their hurche<br />

r.e.i&JJ Qj; King Phra Narai had marked hip to trade out ide its territory. in Ayudhya . Thi cau ed a ll the forone<br />

of the mo t prosperou period Capable engineers and architects eigner who came to h1 k1ngd o m to<br />

owing to the king' per anality and from France were ent to help the Thai l1ve in peace with th Tha1. A the<br />

I<br />

leader hip. Though being a on of 1n con tructing the city wall and adm1ni trator, the king wa capable in<br />

King Prasat Thong, he wa not a forts all over the country and at the putt1ng a right man to the n ght job<br />

rightful heir to the throne but u urped arne time a number of French officers and thi wa ev1dent from the pre enc<br />

.<br />

the crown by killing hi own brother were a igned to give military training of many competent per onage 111 hi<br />

and uncle.<br />

himself a the mo t<br />

However, he had pro ed<br />

uitable ruler of<br />

to the Thai oldiers. A the re ult,<br />

Ayudhya wa well equipped in protecthe<br />

country in all re pect A a na - ting itself and, moreover, capable to<br />

tional hero, he aved the country fro m extend it military power to capture<br />

being threatened by th e Dutc h by<br />

creating and promoting a lo e fnend -<br />

Chiengmai and invade Burma.<br />

court, many of whom were fore1gner<br />

uch a<br />

hao Phraya Wichayen who<br />

erved him a a mini ter in the foreign<br />

affair , The king knew how to elimi -<br />

nate the conflict and bridge the gap<br />

As the protector of the Buddhist among the Thai and the foreign offihip<br />

with King Louie IV of France faiths and other religion in the coun- cer and thu have them erved the<br />

and thu u ing the rench power to try, King Phra Narai had a firmed government effectively. In art and<br />

calm down the arrogance of the Dutch<br />

belief in Buddhi m. He refu ed to be architecture, the reign of King Phra<br />

Through contact with France and converted to Chri tianity when per- Narai had innovated new technique ,<br />

other foreign countrie . the country uaded by the French emperor Loui e tyle and patterns for both the relibenefited<br />

a great deal in term of com- XIV. He followed what mo t tradi- gions and ecular phere . His royal<br />

mercial intere t and military power. tiona) monarche had done in buil- palace and re idential hall in the<br />

Ayudhya became the mo t pro perou ding and re toring wat and religiou city of Lopburi were an out tanding<br />

city of commerce in Southea t A ia<br />

monument . At the arne time he had example for a change in art tyle and<br />

where foreigner both far and near no di crimination for other religion , technology. They stand until today as<br />

came to trade and the country had for example. giving land to the French memorial for the glorie in hi<br />

reign.<br />

d. en

.<br />

II I 0 II<br />

HU1(Jl1 ·31U01HI 1f1-lUlHilJ<br />

l10,~., ,.. ~tn:anr~<br />

' .. .<br />

fT n tlnlJ 1Jl'l'l::'l11Jtll<br />

I " I<br />

ti11J'l~U 1U1Ul!U 1(111-l<br />

~tl,~ ...... ~<br />

lJ'l 1 HtllJVllnv nom::u<br />

• 4 ..: 4 .. ~<br />

l1ll1'll UO 'lL'liiJ~J Ot'l 0 O'l '!I<br />

., tl ~ ... •<br />

HU-1~ 1U UOOlJn1YH'\J IJUti11J01lJZtiO<br />

Pointed ar h window<br />

of the library of Wat ket,<br />

King Phra rai' reogn.<br />

The wmd w lab were<br />

of lacquered and gilded work<br />

with figure of European nd<br />

Per i n soldier holdong wea n .<br />

ctJ ._. I 1<br />

~ "' 'I I I I \' Lo ._. 1"" d tJ<br />

e:JmHJ1L'lJU. U.fl'HlU. 1-1 1~U "lle:J~11'1fe:J1lli 1~n1 L Ylt.ILL Vl-1~ 3JLL3JU 1L~ 1'W1::t.11U. 'lJLLG"ll.J "~firn '1l' -1 ~t11 U.1<br />

q q q '<br />

~ 1 ... I<br />

,., A~ A .... • 1<br />

"lJU ~£J'W1:: L~ 1 f) Yle:J~ U~3J m~G"ld £J~11J ~'U. 11d::1'1JG"l LLG"ln Yl1 ~1!.1<br />

.... A I ... .dl A ....<br />

~£] ~3Je:J Yi3J1 "lJ1f1nL3J fl'lJ 'W.fl. 1£1rn"o<br />

ct) 'II... ... I 'I ~ A 1

~ .. o1 I 1 -4 I ~ t I d "' tl "' .I<br />

LlJ ()'t11l.lMf111lJ't1tl -lLL 't1-.l()~" 91-l1J1'H'i~ l.l'\1()-.l L 111\lLlJ ()fl1-l LL ~O~lWl!l\J L91U't1M~l001-l LL~O l'i1VlJO 1Ju,lf11Y111~-<br />

~ aJ o ' I ~ tl I el ~ o I I d w ...<br />

lJWLCVItJ 1 LL n::1m1 Dl111J~ 1 U1 UlJ't11flltl~lJ()tJYlllJO?Il-l L fl1fl1U() liL 1Jl.lNn~ln011L~lYllnltJ'\J ()-.lYllt11~lJ 1 \111-.lnl'i 1nl.ll'i~M<br />

~ t J1

ll.jj -4 ~ " .jj -', ...<br />

'WfiVnlVHlJVfiH "UlULlJV~~ flt'IUnnlJ<br />

-.1 "" e.l , ... ~ '<br />

V'W1 ~~ 1 n 'Wl t1lJtJ 'U 1'W LlJV~VI LL 'U 'U VtJ 1~<br />

vu l!tJ11 u un1un VI VI nnulJ 1r-IVIL nV~'\Ju<br />

., .. .,., ..... d ,",.,<br />

lHlJl'Wt1lJtJ1~'WLnnu'V11~Vu~u 1WJ'Il-<br />

I 1" "' ' "<br />

~ 1 "' . ~<br />

mn'Vl liD un:: en V~umvn::1'!lnT"'Vl e<br />

tl Qj ~ " ~ I<br />

t'I1'WL'U'W~Ml'W'V1L 'W1lJ\Jl'\J'W LVItJ'Il 1~VtJI!tJl<br />

tl ~ I '<br />

'V11VVI 'Vi U ~1n~ Vl1 'U '\JV~ 'Vll11Hi lJ llJ lLV~tJ<br />

" ~ l. ...<br />

\Jl1~<br />

Vl1tJLL 'U'ULL~'W'\JM~'i1::'VlU~VIt1\JllJl11-<br />

t d tl I .. '<br />

U11 i'll'Vl'W u Ll1'W Lfi1Lfl1~11 Lt'ltJ u LL 'U'U lJl<br />

~:. ... cl ... J 0 "'<br />

~1nvn::'Vlu~n 1tJ1fl'W VlJ1U'Vl'J t'11tJ~lH"n<br />

.<br />

' , w e.l ~ .,<br />

\JIN '1 ~lnl1lll'U'W1VIl"n::f11'J~'Wfll Vll-<br />

, ., ., r, el<br />

1llJ l1'Wl'U'W1VIi'I11'J(Ul11lJ 'J'1lJ'Vl~fltl-<br />

" .I • "' L" t1 .A .jj .jj<br />

'V11tJLL n::fl "uLL n::nn n lJ n 1w u u r:.lJ v'i'!u<br />

1 "' t~

' .. , • ... ~ ... J 1<br />

Ur.lllUJ 1li11Ji'lf~Yn::mm'IJ\11flimy<br />

.. .. J<br />

fftnlnlJv'Yt 1:: ll111V N<br />

'""., ' 1<br />

o~m~imy ,1'J'JN1'J1lJ I'Yt'II'Jt!'<br />

, ... , t. ., "<br />

1n \lliV nfln1V'IJ \1\J \1 Lfl<br />

1 u "' \IM)JN::ffntlv " .. hu<br />

'' lJHfl1lln"ul'l"1n.\lnuuu,nv<br />

Wooden frame to keep printed Buddha,<br />

King Phra arai' reign,<br />

Wat Yai<br />

uvarnaram, Petchbun.<br />

The undul ting line on the rim<br />

of the frame bowing a blending character<br />

of the<br />

uropean rt<br />

and the frame motif of the Thai des1gn<br />

~ ~ t ~ ~<br />

t'IJJ t1 tltl'llt111lltl\llllUU umn1t1 nlJ 'J::-<br />

, ; ., ' Ji<br />

uuf11' 1 tlt'IJJ vnl 'IJVltiLL l'::n vm.:~ f1 V'!11 vm<br />

~ ~ ~· ~w :: '~<br />

~1U'IJl.:J~::JJLt'll'JUUll1'Un iJJ1'11mtl un::<br />

I cj ~ t cJ I<br />

~::L~1::'!1tl'ltllJL l.J'ULL tnLt't'Uill.:J

"' "' 4<br />

'1101::'ll.:JtUJtJl~1::\l111tJ Qj<br />

.. ., , , ' ' ~ 4 ...<br />

l1 'HI11'1~ NO\l\l1ZH11-ll1H 1tJ01-ll10'1 tf.:JH1J1<br />

, f J , ., ' ~ '<br />

,,, 0'101HllfHlllHUJ I 1tJ1.h::fi1J~01J'Il O'IH\l1fl 1-l<br />

., ..... ~ ... ., '<br />

tJ-lfl-liJOl111lH1f1• tl lJtJU11 1l'll10-l0~<br />

B II tower m a de erted w t<br />

in th city of Ayudhya<br />

howmg a potnted<br />

r h<br />

nd de orative de ign on the wmdow<br />

fram whtch \\.3 influ n cd<br />

from Kmg Pra<br />

t Thong' reign.

Jl'P<br />

llrtu~ U~l'QR. tt 111 rt .t 1 ~ & ttl11 nt.llUII..t<br />

,. ... ~.~ "" .. ,.<br />

Ht~~l'~ lllllllQl'QR.rtt.l~tliiUl~~c.::.tn<br />

11 ,. .. I" ""P ..,. I"<br />

.. ~· "'"' ,.,.<br />

rt.tt U~t.l~l'Qf\ol ltHrtU lt\llt..lrt 1 tlU tll11::t.l 11<br />

... " ~~- p<br />

~111ll4llflll. flQ~U.~.t lU l'C.l'QR. ~t ~~ ll,.rt.JJ<br />

lRU ~.tLU t\l l!)t\ 1 l' II. lt\JJill!)lrtUl' .IJI1 U<br />

t\11111. l .t LH rt lUll L .t l tt::.tM l'GR.IlrtJJ<br />

"' I'<br />

~~t\~ 1<br />

Ill t\HGI11 l t\IA.tlULII.C.t\1111lUW::~u tll~1<br />

I 't I ~ "" f'> • P ,..<br />

rtlll Q .!Jt- tLH H 1 tt.Ltt:: lA l4Q ~.t.tl1 Lrtl tt.::<br />

• ,..,. It ,. •<br />

t\tU I\Qt\t\11l'LilGLt\Hl'LR.~l Qlll~llQ1::U.<br />

II I I " ~ ' I ,..<br />

l'LilQil~tQR.IlU.U1 ~, ::~IUL.tl1ll'Grt1QJ,ll'11.H<br />

I "''"'II ~· 'li' II'"'<br />

LIA"~::ruu Ul rtrLGGitlllQ 1::1.1l'Q t 11\ 111l' Ill<br />

.p '!" ,. 0,. ..<br />

l'.tiA~C..tl~ QJ.lt.LU r Ql'll.t 1 tlUI111::.t~l'Qiil<br />

... 1- iC<br />

L.t1 QUUI\lH1 Ut.m l'.tlillll!)1 'P L~t.lLUllo.t<br />

.pI It ,. "' ~ ,.<br />

l'QO.C.L.tUt'llCHt1C.UWl'Qiil::~.tturt.JJ .tLU<br />

.. .... I ~<br />

.,. • I,.. 'tl"'t'<br />

llLU.~tt.lQUU~J.liAibUL JJtA::t..111 t LlJLGl'QO.<br />

-::.t~ Ill l.liU.'Ia u t.lH llQ ~.tLU tL L Lt.IUU1UU rt<br />

~ .. I p ,..<br />

.tt t'lllQ11111~tll.tt~~QLt\l'JJrtr11 t\QO. UQQ<br />

' I I p "' ., I ~,..I ·~ ~<br />

rttUil11::~ l., t\N1l'LilQl!)QtHilQt\UtLR.U~IA<br />

~ • '- I Yf' II ... ,..<br />

tJ IUilL.tLM.::.tt.tnrtunt.l~nUl'I!Uill uu~::<br />

" p .. , ...... ,. "" " ...<br />

~LQI!)t\ll.l'LI1l'L llQ 111111 l't\Hl' tUU Gflt lll<br />

... I ,.. II "'<br />

111111~U.~rtll t\rtLC.U li.L.t U~ rt.t 1 tlUt\111Lt<br />

... '" ,. ~ f" I<br />

lllil~11C.1 tLUUl!)1 l'l!) 'P IAUlUII..tllrt<br />

~~ ~1.1 I ,clol,. \> ,.,.<br />

.<br />

IALIA1 UQt\t\lliA1t\R.HI1~t::l.m rtLHl!L~<br />

~ I ,.. ,"'<br />

l'QIA~t Hl'JJl!)tllJJ11l Q t\11.1 l'H1Hll\JH<br />

l't p "-' ,. & I<br />

rtUt\l.o U.IA1l'tUt\1 rtn l.. l'L~~tHl'~rtllil<br />

~p- lo~ I ,. ,.<br />

~ ~ tiA t\ H 111t.t::~l'JI. ~ ~llll.l~Lilll flQilrt!J<br />

": p .. ~,.<br />

n Lllli,HI ..tt.t mL llanurtll ttl'JI. UJJI1l autH<br />

I I ,. "" t' ~<br />

..<br />

t\ L~::L M.U 1 LtU L t\H l'tA 1 ~ .tl U l'IJ.Hrt .t.IJ 1<br />

~ T ~ "" ,. "'<br />

.tLUrt~1 QUULrtQ~t\1\o.tLULHiflltt<br />

,..~ 1.1 1!-P I ';l ,. '"•<br />

R~m t\~I\111LilllllQt\L<br />

... ~ ""<br />

t\1111lrtJJ::I.111111 L• t.tiA1l'tU11UtllU1l'Q.t1LIA rtL.tLrt.t.tlll!)t::U11 lbLII.Illlo~R.~1UllJ1LQ<br />

p,. a ,. 'r .. o ,. " -. " o<br />

~~I!)~::~ IUL.t 11ll'Qrt1 Q JJl'ftH CHt1 Lt\Hl'll\o l'tUHLIA~t .tLUL.t~.tiArtJJl'LUU~t .tl1t\!l<br />

,.~ "'"'"' .... ~ ~ I"' ,.,..<br />

~ 1 Q ~l' lltl UU ~, ::~ ttQR. .t H\11. 1 f1., tf1.11tl ~l l'lllltlt tA(} U l.t ~ 11.11rt11.tL U l Q l' QR. rtL l' ~ l'<br />

'I .. I ~1.1 "" loll 1.1 ,. "'~,. "<br />

.tlUL M.lta)ttrt::~ tiAM.IJUlt\IHil rtJJ t\C.JJ ~II. M. Ql1.11 M. ~llll.l 1Artlil1l'l llQl' t.Hi.::U 11L t\H<br />

"' """" p 1.. ,. ,. I "' "' $J ~ P I "' II<br />

~~ftH1111U1t-~IAt\1111tl~::~ ~~ l.. tl~OQQUH1 t\l~l'IAit111\~lllt.l.~C.t.lC.llol rtltl1lC.Ullil~liJ<br />

11 p .. ,. P~ 1 1 "' "11 n " ... 1 r<br />

l'Ul'llM.LrtlM.IU.t.t t,ttAliAltl UlQill~l'Q t\1 UWt't.lH ftQ111\C.Ql'.tiA.tLUlQLl4.1l~l UQnl<br />

,. ft ~ I II It P ,. II ~ o ~ ~ -'<br />

U l!)fl Q1::1J l'lllQl rtt\lilt\1111Uill.t Ll\::tt.t t\llt.2 ~ 1 ~~ lll JJ.flQ .tLU lQ ~Ul fttl11l rtU<br />

p ,.. I, ~ PP ,. ~ • ,. ..<br />

llrtJJiil11l'~l1 t\LilllllQilrtJJ.ttULGl'llC.LIW~t ~li1Ll~l4t"H11rtrtt UQ1t\111QrHJft t\l\11t\ ~<br />

,. I II ,. ,. ' .. I " ~' I ,..1 p 'li'll- II 11<br />

JOOJ :141 JO ;,Sp!J :141 01 dn :'ppq JO tii!M :lh!SSCW puc<br />

.---------~~~~~--~--<br />

M0PU!M' 4:>JC p:>lUI()(l JO MOJ ll 8UJM04S '!Jnq-d01 'nd 8UO,L lCJ\:\ JO tiCl( U:>IJOO-UJC"!·C(l:~ :14,1<br />

U~UQtlrlta t-~(QQUI&61&6tlllft't\ti f'tUHll~Grlt'Ylf\' UHifLt\H::L'I .tru.~~ ~t'GI'lHftlrlt[ll.tLUL~L~.tlYLG<br />

I ,. '-' t ,. 14 ,. 16 ,.. I A ~ f ,. ~<br />


., Jlt ~ ~ '... ... ., - ... ., 4<br />

mv ,lJH\11?11-3~ luttnfln ,_,,,,m, (nlJtJO~ tJ111tln fll'll::lnm> ) LtJU 1vuuu~lnl flntlt'IIJtJtn::un1tJtll<br />

uropcan inrlucn ell de i •n<br />

on a wind '' frame of the bod of \i at Klang \i ara v1harn<br />

\!at Tako Thong ailed during the yudhy period) Kmg Phra .ara•'- reign.<br />

" ... ' )I<br />

lJ1 Ul'ULlHl-.1 -.1U11U IU Vltl fl1ll1 tJ<br />

&: o<br />

l mnJvtl" 1tJ\IO ou uv1 \11011 nnl-lliu ~~~<br />

., ., d • clv<br />

1'1H1lJtJ\ID-.l~lJl ~l 1'11::LOf11'Hfl1(HUll\llU

" tJ<br />

l'l1::l~l'Y11Ut'f'l::<br />

t'I1\H'i'l::{)lJ'!11- '<br />

.<br />

o1uilm"'t~~nl\1.:J111m, •"'.:Jm"'t~nlJl11l.h1nn<br />

• , ., II 4 • • .:.,<br />

lllll\JlllJlll.hHuu, 1Uifl10L 1UU\JIIH<br />

.. - . ...<br />

o1m1olu nuuuu•::l·•mi iulllrl, \lou'IIU1t~ou\ltnu<br />

... ~ .... . ., . ~<br />

'11.:! 1 U1011lJn101fHII:;L1fl<br />

.. "' I .. I<br />

tllii\JUtl1fl11~'UU10 lJUl'l1::\1111Utu ll~tl~11U1<br />

Th bod of Wat Kl, ng w, ra viharn,<br />

mut Prakarn<br />

with uropcan mten ined pray d 1gn on the gable end.<br />

Thi tru tur w:. popular during the later yudhya period,<br />

pro bly influenced by th tyl of Wat Tawet<br />

m King Phra rai' reign m yudhyn

0<br />

~ t d., lilt 4 4.# -' fl • E. t I t'l "<br />

fl1Hll11l't'J::l'!l111 '91\l1\1111J "lfll!l'llllfl"l'J'JIJ 01lJfiiJO'l1lJt lJUl1'l::\11'J11Jtll tllfn'Jt 0-l'lfll 'IIUtl1-lt'll1::ll\11flHlfl.:lllll lJ<br />

., I I "' I I ., ~ et1 -l ~ ., fl w .... ...<br />

tHIOflll'lltl ll\11fl1.:ltlHIJ1"l'llll"fiJ1lllJ"l lllJUlliiiJ"lOIIH'J::l\lt t1fl 1'J'J 11(\lt\jlJl11lh1 1Yll1ill'llJ'l<br />

*'.1 .. "'i ., .:_, " 4( ,..,. I ~., " 1 • -' .. ~ ., 4 ... I tl<br />

tl1fl1111lJlJilu'l10tJilln1YH'IJIJII lJUOIJ111J1fltl\HJ 11Jl111U LutliJ111J1fl.:llJtliJOO tl.:lllll ll )fll'll11J1 II ::1fii'IO (OOUt) 'I'IJ'J!\IIl'IIJLlll;lln1)<br />

" .. . ..<br />

Re. 1den e of Phra Buddha o . chJrn, \ at Buddhai aw n, udhya , Km • Phra arai' rei n. two t ri d buildmg with row<br />

of pointed ar h \\ind \\ at the gr und fl r im11. r t tho c of the Du-.lt ·wan lhanya Maha Pra at Hall in p-Uun<br />

Thi tyle of building were al o found m \at haoYaand \at TiiJ.. m yudhya.<br />

I it was painted in the mural p;untin ., f later yudhya pen .

., )I ., I I ""<br />

'!!11ffV1~J1ULLn11\.Htll VU1J ::VIVI'IIlJLLn::<br />

"' !II '1· 11 ... l" • .. .. ~ d<br />

•l!UL'IJ1 u Wil~ ~ff1unun::ll n.,::u1v<br />

1<br />

l -<br />

"" .I "' .1'<br />

uunm ULliU1!1'1JU\IfH'Iu uu u.,1nnuv1~<br />

, l ... "' t! ..<br />

l'O"fJ1JlHl lmnUff1JVl'l1'::U111Vtu<br />

d ~., I tl<br />

Ll!U ") mtU~LLt'l1<br />

fl11Jl1<br />

., tJ ., ... ~ • • ., ..<br />

LUI IJ1tllJUl'l1::\.1111UO.I 1~\110-lU lll'I1J1 IJ'II\11fllllnl11fl1Uli\Jl111U'\111<br />

• .., t L ' .. Jl • • ., :.,<br />

L 1 unmn 1Lt'IIJ1\.I-ILLl1 \J LlJllfl \.ILL 1J1J'IIO-IL1JLtllJ1 tllJUO~ 11U111LO'UUt\1U'YL 1 'tl<br />

B undary tone of K1ng Phra ara1\ rc1gn, 1n \ at Tong pu, Lop-Bun,<br />

made of white nd t nc in u mall ll.c .<br />

It bccam u model for oLher boundan· st nc of the later udhy period,

,., ... , • ~ ., .,, .... .., ~ .. ., J<br />

l1U1UUO l UftCl1ft'Yl1l1t'11~ 0 11nfl11fllJ,'!ItJ'!I1ty 11~H1ft0 1~Yl0~ fl nUftlJtJU'llJ lnfl lt'ltJUII UUfft'IUftlJtJYi1::U111tJOI<br />

I ' ~ ~ ... 'I fl<br />

ll"t'l1ftt'l1tJI1lJIU tJ\.JIIUt'I·HUUlllJU IYltlllt\1<br />

The g ble end of the bod of Wat Tha u ng, mphur W1 et ha1 harn, ngth ng, Kmg aromkaud' reign,<br />

howmg a tu co de ign that evolved fr m th s m K1ng Phra am•' pcnod.<br />

Ayudhya Art .<br />

in the Reign of<br />

King Phra Narai<br />

Although the city f Ayudhya was of tho e of Ayudhy. ·ore ample the jai and tht mother of pearl in laid<br />

de troyed by the Burme e in the middle Du it Maha Pra at Hall in the royal door in Wat Phra Kaeo wer all<br />

of the 17th century A. D. it art and palace wa modelled after the uriyat continuity of the Ayudhya tyle . The<br />

architecture had by no mean lo t Amarin Hall in Ayudhya; the carving glory of Ayudhya art eemed to com<br />

with it. They were pro perou I decoration and tucco de ign in Wat to an end after the third reign when<br />

urvived in the early Bangkok period, Phra Kaeo and Wat Suwanaram new tyles and architectural form<br />

a all the art style and building of mural painting in the Buddhai Sawan which were a mixture of the uropean<br />

the new capital were made in imitation Hall and in the bod of Wat angkha- and the traditional art developed and

Nor Na Paknam<br />

, tl , ~ ,~ ., d • ., ' ., ., ., '<br />

HU.l\1\J 1'1 91~tl~fl1tl1n11Lu1 u ty fill U'ri1::u 111u 01 n n HU-l 1\JtJUIIHtllJ , tiHu 1tllHlUtJ u nn ,n<br />

-4 "" I ., , I u .I II -4 " "' , I "' " "' .._ I. I "' I<br />

'U I tJ \Jtl1fl1n \J II 10U ~ lJ tJ \J 111UlJ \JtJ \JYl\1\J 1tJ 'U Mt\j 0 tll1\J 1tJ \JtJ 0\J n II Gil lfl t11U 01::'il ~ l ltt\j<br />

, .1 ' "' tl' ol 1 tl tl "' .,j tl I '"'<br />

M u911lJII\J1tJ1\1~1U l,l1::HU1'11~1tl0 fl~lllltllJtltl~~H tl'Uitl'Uli\J 1'1 1~11tJtJlollfl<br />

The front wall of ala-karn-parien h 11 m Kmg Phra arat re 1 gn,<br />

howing a bri k wall that wa . built to reach the ridge of the roof;<br />

no tuc ode oration on the g ble end and pierced<br />

with pomted arch wmdow. of th gothiC tyl .<br />

became widely popular from the fourth<br />

and the fifth re1gn . However a<br />

looking back to the history of Ayudhya<br />

uch a blending with the foreign art<br />

wa not at all a novel thing. It u ed<br />

to happen in the reign of King Pbra<br />

arai due to a heavy contact with the<br />

French. During thi period all the<br />

architectural tyle had departed coniderably<br />

from the former one . For<br />

example the lyle and form of the<br />

viharn and bod of Wat Dharm-mikaraj<br />

Wat Na Pbra Meru and Wat Phra Sri<br />

anpetch which were typical of the<br />

early Ayudhya and tho e of Wat<br />

Ka atiyaram in the middle Ayudhya<br />

period had come to the abrupt end.<br />

Wtth the dvent of the rencb<br />

engine r and architect to help in<br />

con tructing city fort and palace<br />

building in the reign of King Phra<br />

Narai, it cau ed the Tha1 architecture<br />

to develop along the uropean line.<br />

Taking the gue t house or T\lk Wicbayen<br />

a a tarting point one will ee a<br />

group of two toried tructure built in<br />

brick furni hed w ith pointed arch and<br />

rectangular window with triangular<br />

niche of the Renai ance style<br />

decorated abov . The pointed arch<br />

window door and niche became a<br />

pecial characteri tic of thi period and<br />

appeared everywhere particularly in<br />

mo t building and palace wall and<br />

gate in Lop Bur i. The out tanding<br />

palace hall of thi period wa the Du it<br />

awan-thanya Maha Pra at where<br />

King Phra Narai gave aud1ence to the<br />

Frence amba ador in 1674 A.D. It<br />

wa equipped with arch door and<br />

decorated ~ ith m irror in the interior.<br />

orne other French tyled arch1tecture<br />

ttll rem ined today m Lop-Buri are<br />

Tuk Pijou and Tuk Kora an which are<br />

u ed a monk cubicle 1n Wat ao<br />

Thong thong.<br />


tu cod c rat10n on a m II n1che ma tupaofWat hong onthn, Bangkol.<br />

King Phra arai' reign;<br />

the dec rativc de. ign wcr imil. r to tho c 1n Wat Tawct Ayudhya .<br />

The uropean tyled architecture<br />

10 the reign of King Phra Narai had<br />

con iderably influenced many religiou<br />

building of the following .period . It<br />

created a tradition of piercing a row<br />

of window on the side wall of the<br />

bod and viharn to give a full light to<br />

the building.<br />

At fir t the e window<br />

appeared in pointed arch form but<br />

later changed to take a rectangular<br />

hape which could be ob erved in the<br />

bod of Wat Barom Buddharam and<br />

Wat Kudi Dao in Ayudhya. Another<br />

invention from the reign of King Phra<br />

arai wa the con truction of the back<br />

wall of the building with brick to<br />

reach the ridg of the roof; thi<br />

a good<br />

the upper<br />

gave<br />

u tention for the weight of<br />

tructure so enough that<br />

they could liminate two rows of the<br />

supporting pillar in the interior found<br />

among the former<br />

tructure to give<br />

more pace for the building. There ull<br />

of such an innovation wa that it made<br />

the bod and viharn of thi<br />

period<br />

although mall in ize when compared<br />

to tho e of the former period<br />

well<br />

ventilated and have a broader space<br />

in ide. AI o on the gable end the<br />

decoration changed from wood<br />

carvings to tucco de ign inc th<br />

brick wall were e tended to reach the<br />

ridge of the roof. However in the later<br />

period, a many larger<br />

ized bod and<br />

viharnwere built, it wa nece ary to add<br />

rov of the upporting pillar tn the<br />

interior a<br />

before but the gable end<br />

still maintained tucco decoration .

. . .<br />

.. 411"1 I ., .. d .. >I<br />

f1-.lLlJ'UWlJO'IJO-.l~1'l tnJtJll 'll'11::ln'S1tJtll ltJl1fllllJ1<br />

.It ., 41 .. I ~ ~


ICI<br />

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L'ltJ~LL~~"l\1<br />

Lu~lTtJ<br />

, ~<br />

"' .d ct) .d~ oda- a-~a-<br />

~11£Jfi7 ~f1'HJ£J 1H.I1L 'U U 11"1f!i1U U U<br />

L 'Yl1'Yl"ll1"r'lL~1 ~~<br />

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~~~-- I .o!i A "' _, I ,. ... ~<br />

~~ m fltl1~flfl L1£J-l 1.,1 LL~::1~ LLGl~::l..h~L1l'YlU11'Yl-l<br />

_, dta- .,!J_, d I"' 1t..,j<br />

~m~ru::'Yl fl~ 1£Jfl~._,nuLL ~~'Yl LLGlnG11._,nu u~1u 'Yl<br />

.a "' .a ._ "' ct.o!i ~ ""<br />

L Vl11 flU nu Vl7flfl~ 1£Jn u nflfl 'Yl._,~1111h::L1l'Yl11 "llfl'U<br />

A 1 A .do l'<br />

L "llilLL ~~._,fl1tl4 1'U7L 1 tu L "lfU L1£J~11 fi1LL "r'l~LL ~~flU 1<br />

~<br />

"- "'A~ "" I A "'<br />

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I ~ • ta-dct) A ~<br />

n~ , 11VI~1£J"lfULL ~::'Yl1VIU 1'YlL tJU Lfl1fl.,l tJn 'Ufl.,lfi177n ,<br />

11'U.~1fi"ll._1~ntf~7 1l1r.J 1 UL "lJGlL i£J.,l fl~1--~ LL ~::1"'~1111<br />

fl~~--1tJ<br />

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~-- .. "' "' ..,ctct) ~<br />

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I d A ~ ,._ Q') d<br />

tl7~fifl'U~ 1U Vl\t._,"llfl~L 1 tJ -l'U. UL fl.,l 1.,1L 'U 'U. "lJ fl'UL "llil'Yl<br />

I CU ~ d ~ t. I ,._ A(<br />

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'1f" ~~ LL n"r'l7~11 Vl1n~Gl1 tJ<br />

~ ~ ~ a'l do t.<br />

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.Q .., ct) d .., do<br />

tl71~1'Yl71"1f11tl4L6Mtl7fl'UL 'UU'Yltl7::'Y1U<br />

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Q.. ~ d AA • ..,<br />

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Cl.l Q~ ' .., ctl<br />

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~1~u 11~£J~1._, Luuu1nm~tl7~nflu~--1tJ'W'Yl!i~t11u<br />

~<br />

, , ~<br />

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Vl7flv-l'Yl!i111~ 11Yl7::fl U~t'l 'W7::~t1tJ L~~tl LL~::<br />

.,. "' ..,ct).do"'<br />

1\'117 LL ~::~.,1'JJ111~ fl'ULU'U. 'Ylflr.J fl1fltl"llfl.,1Yl7::-<br />


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ll tLGA.l tLUt'lll1:: t<br />

"",. ,.<br />

LUUI:'IliW~1t-Grt1t~<br />

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It I , ,..<br />

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t-llttrt~QU~ 1t\ rt~H 1<br />

,. , ~ , 1,.<br />

H/Ul II.rtLJJ n (} fi.IJ<br />

.-. ::J<br />

ttU t1. UI1Q U1L IJL 11.1<br />

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" .. j:><br />

LtrtLWQR.<br />

,. I iC<br />

rttt tttt A. t-Il A.1 t'Q rt1 lA:: u 11 IJQ~tLUttlt1.11<br />

iC I Ill><br />

" ...<br />

, .<br />

t1. ttlll M.UU l t ~~ rttl1<br />

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p ,. It • ,.<br />

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I p ... I<br />

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.. ,.,.. ~ p ...<br />

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Ill I I ,. t '!>' I ~~ lo<br />

.,.., .. ,.. ....<br />

t'U 11LUUilt~QUIAt'~\ 11 L Urttt ttttA.t-ll A. 11:-Qrtl<br />

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.... I iC p ~ iC Ill I ,..<br />

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"'"' .... ,. .... I,.. "'~~~~~<br />

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t'M.11LUt'LtUtLUtt~~Qil~ IliA! rtltYt-11<br />

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,. " " .<br />

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"""" • "' ,.. ... P'<br />

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I ,..,. Jl' ""'"<br />

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II • '""' I ,.<br />

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p iC ,.. I<br />

-UQ1 rtl~ tt Ll UU~L tll.tl~ MUL~L lltt M.UL~<br />

... ~ " ,<br />

UQtt ~Y~ttl~U1~t[ll~L~I1}~~t'YillA~<br />

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iC I ~ I t ,. Jl'<br />

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p ,. ' ':1 ' ~ ,. , ... 1<br />

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.. ,.<br />

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ttlll tt.tLU U~ttt::~t'LlAt'GrtlttLI111UttU<br />

.. ",.,.<br />

tll~ltt A.1 ~ ttQM.I11ltLG::U 111\l~ l tt 11A.l tLU<br />

,.. I t Ill> I r. IC<br />

tt Ut-Q11tLUUL~t'Q tt1M.Qtt R.t'L tiJIAt'QR.ttlll<br />

,. n t"''ll"t P'<br />

tttA.f.\ 1 N.\ 11 L U t'Q ft1 M.A. 1 tLU Lt [l ftQ rl ::u 11<br />

It o .... I 1\<br />

L rt U111lllt~I1QU ::t [llA t'Qrt1 t'M.ll LU<br />

" ,. ~ 0<br />

..· •• Uf.\tLM:I1<br />

tLYt'UUII.Lt ::t Milt~ ttULU rtt.tU tn<br />

" p ~.. ,..<br />

tiH\1N.\11LUtt1 ~~1.11ttllAYt'G::tM<br />

olop lp "<br />

L t pto IAUU~<br />

I t ,.<br />

UtLMUUttltlUL.t[l::L.tM1 Lrti:'U (Lil::.tM.<br />

... ~<br />

rtLIJL ~1) t'QUIAA.LtllLA.L.trttl1::.tM.~~1rtU<br />

.. ,. ~ p<br />

llrtU-~111:-~IlQM.t'LilQnLQrt Lt~t tLUU,La<br />

,. I 'J iC I ,.. I 1C lot I<br />

Utl.l11 U .tl~ LUUM. 1 m\ lArtLIHQrt1 QA.t'QR.<br />

,.,. ... ~ lo ,.. ......<br />

U11L UlrtLWLIO.tllM.UL~Lllttttt'~ llUt'U<br />

I I ~ iC 'J ,. ,.<br />

t-Q~ ll1t'LilQt'M.11L Ut'QR.::IORUUI1UilttMrtU<br />

"'"' rtLWrtt'Yt'Q ,.. P llGt ~ttl1 1 lAt'rl llll DQ<br />

I.'" P'1" ~ - tt tt 1 tt t\t't " .. ~ ~ p<br />

rt ,. n ""' ~ ,.<br />

a ua.t~ tt ~aut ant~a UlAt-llt 1L~ttl1<br />

I ~ I '!" ,..<br />

• ,.,.p,.,.<br />

rtlQ A. .tA.M.1t'M.11LUt'art1 Q Y<br />

.... .. . .... ....<br />

UtLUL.tn rtQI1::U 11 t'f.\ 11L u::roRUUt'QR.U U1<br />

II • ,. ...<br />

I"' ~t'L ,.. t1 ,.. ttlllA.L.t ttllll P'<br />

tUt'LUilrtiJ ,.. ... 1 R.~U1 t'M. ':1 111:'11.11<br />

.tLUL.tnrtQI1::U11LrtU1111 t'U11LUUilt~<br />

.... .... iC IliA 1 UtA 1::.t [l tt~ 11tt~t\ lrlMIAIOLtl11 t'Q rt1<br />

"' ~ .. ,. ....<br />

L~tt11ttl tll~1t'art1 llaRU1M.::tllRUU<br />

,.. .... I ~ ,.<br />

ttlll ttA. ~ tL.t~rt~t-lArttt ttA.IlLU~ua<br />

,.JI' , , , ,..<br />

llQ 11at 11a1tt ~ttY rt [11 UaQ t'U 11t'M 11LU~ ll<br />

I - ,. ~ ~ • ,.<br />

lllrtM.t'Qrt1 t-aR.t'U 11 t'M 11L UI1Urll UY::tllRU U<br />

... "' 0 ,. " ,.<br />

11 a .t ll ~ l tt ~ttL t tt 11 tt R.a U t' U 11 1:' M 11L U<br />

"' It I o<br />

rt tim~IULU~t~t' ~111\oltt l ~t' Ut-a rt1 lAtttU<br />

,..,.. ,. ,. p~ .... ,. I<br />

LA.~\ rt,.u u lA 1 ::t [ltt l rtll.t Ytt t-M 11 L ~ 11 ... un<br />

trl~1111111 tl1~tU ftt'Yl tt Uttll1LIA ttl1tta~<br />

,.. .. "'" ... P' • ..<br />

t'M11LU::tllRUU ttttllAlt\L~;Jl t'lAUQQt'LlA~<br />

o ,. 'J I iC 1<br />

-::tn M.Q~tllt 1.tl1m\ ~QU~rtt rtt'U11H\ 11LU<br />

I"' ... I ~.. •<br />

llUtMt-art1lA .tntt~IULU~t~t'~~R.ltt lila tt<br />

~ __<br />

,.,.. ,. ... "<br />

WIll tt rt11rtt Ht' Ut-Qrtl::U 11 t' t\~t'~ 111llrt M<br />

a I ~p ~ .... 'i> I ~<br />

t'art11At'llM1rtUI1MlA rttYlrtl ttttt'U11Qt~<br />

,..,. "'""" ,. l-1 ,~o~, ....<br />

lanm .ttlllU!Itllt~t'art1t'M11LUt'LtUaU<br />

~p '"II .... "II I<br />

::~IAM.Q ULrttttUtt11 HlQ.trtQUtt ~t-M 11L U<br />

,.,.,. IJI' .. ~ o<br />

::l.l11Lt\YrtU t\lAU1::t[lrtll.ll:'lAt'llt1 rtl~U<br />

a "'" 1t , "" "<br />

.tt HllQ tt~ttl11 rtUtllt.tMil .tnA.Lt .th<br />

"'· "P'"' ,.. ,..<br />

·tA.M1t'art1 ttA.l ttlllA.Ltttll1LilllllatUHU<br />

.... I ,.. ,. Jl' ,..<br />

... u<br />

. .<br />

-ll rtil t'IA::t U tt~LrtllQ.t 11laM.LUUt'Yt' ll~rt~<br />

,. 7 t I ,.<br />

t'lAI1aU1 ttLU~1t-llt1 Lrtttllttlll P"- ~·<br />

'J ~ It I • ,.. • iC P'<br />

,. ,.. ... ~. ..<br />

lARt.t t ~UillAf.\tlttllf.\U llrtUttt ttR.~UllA<br />

~,.<br />

II' ,..,. ~ ..<br />

Ill P' ':1 rtUt'L.t[ltftiAt'Q rtltttJJ<br />

,..,. .... I<br />

tt~ttlll tUilA.tYttt-art1 .... tn.tlAttat-art1<br />

,.. ....<br />

tllf.\Ut'Grtl M.A.1 ~~~rtYLttrtYt'LlAM.Ulttlll<br />

,.. II- I ,.. IC iC Jl'<br />

A.lt'll ttllo1tt~rt1 t-aUYLULttrt11::U11 ~~~<br />

,. ... ~ ~t•"' .. ·.a• ,.,.~o~<br />

t!IRU1 tl U L lA tllt 11 rtU rt~ alA ttlllrtQ U ~t 11<br />

•p .. ,. P' "<br />

lAM.M.rtlAt'tt~11L~ttt llat'!lt'll::LtM1 nt<br />

'!" ,,..,. I o lol 'J ,. • 1"111<br />

t-L.tlltl~~rt, ttLu~1t-art1 tl.ln.tm\u::u11<br />

1C IC I ~~~- I .... 1C ,..<br />

~tt LtlAil rtiJ1111L rt rtlAt'QR.tt lllULrtt\tiJtt tt<br />

,.. to I ;t'l" Jl' I 'J<br />

artU 1L rtUrt~ t'L.t[l trttAt'art1 LHttHrtllU~ 11.1<br />

" t I I 1"'1" ,.II> 1C ~ '!" '!"<br />

[l t t\11 1 a rtU 1L rtU t-L t [l t rt lAtA u1:: tf1::un<br />

P' " T ~ "''I"<br />

ttrtrtllU~ l[lta t~t[l.tttll1ttA.1 ( Jl?in8<br />

,. ~,.. P' .. •<br />


II tl Ill tl., o I o<br />

"1Yml1LYILUff111,Yil'i1J11 n111Yi~LL'M<br />

~ -4 .. .c~ -4 .. "'<br />

"M llJM L'ti V~'ti'U 'Hl!> LlJ!>~ ffl n'ti 'ti'U1tiV<br />

t o4i I ~ I ~ t1 •<br />

'U'UlJ 1Hff1J111tl::'tiMU'U!>V<br />

L'Hl!Vi11L'H'U<br />

lw ,.. ., ~ .,<br />

VV H'tiYI L ,'U'Vl1~YI 1'U":: 1 'U!>!>fl ~!>'U ~ Yi fiU<br />

., I I fftl1 11 MlJ i ULfflJ1<br />

It "' ~ ll "'<br />

u n::uvl.J 1UYJ1~U'U'\J J u n::n n\Jtu::"M<br />

~ "' I Jl d I ~ " "'<br />

llJ V~YI~fi'Cl11'U f1 11 Yil 11'Cl1VI U 'UYlV!>lJlU<br />

n"'u~ VlJ1 ;~Ul1flt:J~11Jmn' 1111n lllJr·h -<br />

"' ~ t .,<br />

N'U~11l!>fi1Yiti1VlYI'U1'\JV~~Yil::n711J<br />

. I -4 " I tl .. ~· -4<br />

11 nY~~l U'\JML 1V~Ylfl!)(jl1UD Jfl DU 'U 1J iu<br />

• It ol I tl• tl ..<br />

LfflJ111n::uD1Jit.rfflJV~D V DV1L U 'Ul1'tiUl'U<br />

I "'tl ,j • • t I"'<br />

!>1,11U~ LYILU'U 1.. Vfl Vfl11lfi'I.J11~l'tifl1tl<br />

d ' • ...<br />

n 1J LVI, Vi 1:: U llJ ,~, 1 an 'U 1fl tl~lJ1 ,'U M<br />

La terite wa ll of Thung<br />

111 fort m Knmpneng Petch, Ayudhya period.

H ... l o 4111 1 II "<br />

ul~t'lnllnliiYNYn:: Yi~tu anu lltl111lJ<br />

.<br />

... ~ ~ ""<br />

LlJ V'll~1:: 'Ufl1 fl'l Vtlll tJllJ nl1 L U lltJ 'U<br />

• ~ ' 0 ~<br />

II U M~tJ1tJ\JI.,1LlJV~ II n::nvmu Yi~LlJV'I<br />

It .I l "' " "'<br />

1JVlJu11 nu u n lJtJ~V'I n lJ LVI ~l'i 1::~n 1-<br />

( "' d<br />

l~ 11VI II t'l::1'11n 11H'IlJ LVI ~l'i 1:: lJl11tl1'llJc:l<br />

"" ~<br />

11'111 L Yi11::L 1J'UL1 ll 1Yl\JI1:: L\JI1tJlJ nl1<br />

• ... ~ w • ;<br />

011L Yl-lllJ !Nl.lfl1f'IH'S'liJ 'S1'1S ftlJ tJ t'llJ lfl l1'l::l.l1 'S1 tJQI<br />

Th CIIY \\,Ill r Mu ng al..h n . ri Thammarat, King Phr.t arni' reign.<br />


I<br />

"' .. "'<br />

ft1Yl11'!11~ 11n::111n1111nu111n u11~1<br />

... ~~ I Jl o II 't<br />

111 v~Yl11 nun nn11~n 111 YNLL n::u v11 'Utlfl<br />

.. , .... ~· ~ .<br />

'U ,~LLnL11t:l~11'UU1<br />

.<br />

.. "' ., "" ... ~<br />

111V~'Ufl1fl111111111'!1<br />

111V~ft~'IJ?I1 111fNU\II\111'U 111V~l'i111tl<br />

... f! ... I ... ~<br />

111V~Il'i'!I1Ultll 111V~'Ul'U 11JV~fll'iU1<br />

~ ~ . .<br />

IU'U\11 'U L 'U 1'\J\11 ~"'~'111"'~n 111 Vi~ I l'i'!ll~~<br />

J1 w w

..( 0 .... ., .,<br />

LL n::11tJ-lH11tJ l UL 'IJ~ {) 1 Lf1tl lllJ ~ \.J ~ -ll11 ~<br />

• 11 ... ~ I I • ~<br />

01U\1-ll.lfl1JL1Hl-ll~!l-lLl11J O!JR'ltlflJ<br />

Bri J...<br />

wall of a city fort of Muang<br />

~ .<br />

,<br />

1Jfll1Jfl-ltl!l1Jlfl1.1<br />

~<br />

h1cngma1 w1th the m ·11 in fr nt.

~~<br />

. .<br />

Ltlll~llatY~tUtt1~t~Lt<br />

• ,.. It ,.<br />

lA.LlJLL[l~a~rtLNfLWNltl IJU ~1 Tllnlt<br />

.. 1 .. .. p<br />

-Ltt::tM~~1rtlJilrtlJtt1 tU llUHlrttY::tM,<br />

p ,. ~~ ~<br />

H• ijtLtJJ.tijttYLL ttrt~ll tiJ111JttYL U<br />

.,.. p • ~~.. .. 0<br />

~IJijl UL~ uatt uu.~ rtlA.IliJ1 nLn::r.~u ~ 1<br />

• ~ ~,. It ..<br />

Lttrt1Jttl~l~art1rt!JULt[lrt1 ::L.t~t1 rt1<br />

,. I • ~ I lo I lo<br />

na .tijtt::U.t rta IJillt lA.t-a rt1 NA.11 L U ~lllllrtH<br />

I .. ,. ,... o ..<br />

~~ .c"- .. I 0<br />

LH llU~U~a~rt1 ~Lna~tiJU~tii.Lt::tt.t<br />

,. .CI .. I ,.<br />

~lllllrtU tttfit~~~~tlM1Lil~haLtlij<br />

It ~ .. lo lo .<br />

"l.ol"U11 DLIJijllLIJijijtttU~~~ttll<br />

I •<br />

" " "" ,..<br />

11~H UUt::tJJ 'J.lttrt11~1ll n!lna<br />

.. .<br />

r.ru~ ~~&tlM~Ln~na,<br />

~<br />

llL~H.tU aH~Dt&tLLtlA. "·<br />

~<br />

,.p ~-~ •<br />

• I<br />

11 ::.t lA.I\l~l.tn: .tYIJttY LU~IJijl ::LMU1 ll~l<br />

.. ~<br />

l., tt~tta~ lll~ natY~tUilrtiJ~ijiUL.tt<br />

,. ~<br />

.<br />

Lt<br />

tt1 ~~ttH1H1 !JULtrirt tt~tiJH~t~lt::ttA.<br />

~ ,. p .. ~ ~-~ ,. ,.<br />

,. ~<br />

.<br />

lA. tt 111lrt UlttU &::U 11 ~a rt1 ~a~HIJU<br />

,. .<br />

llt\Y~ar.ltt l ~ijN~[l 11t\DUf11tLUtta Ulrt<br />

p ... ~ ,. ,.<br />

tttUttl111b~•.t lt.tJJ tY::t M~ tlA.llA.~nnt uu<br />

I ~ ~ ,.,. 01 liP<br />

ll.t~R.ULHrt::tM tti1LllUt-llA.::IJ11 lt\UlY<br />

P"'-,. ,.<br />

~llA.~lA. t., H~~ t.tllolt::u.mau::r.rr.lu<br />

:J I~~<br />

rt.ttUUI.1.ttl ~tt1 fu~t.t 1t.tUr.y::u.t~tNl~<br />

,..... " .. . ,.. ,.<br />

ttl~::.t n:::u.m 111 l ij~alA.rtH::HIJl llt~~L t U<br />

I" ~ o 11 11 "<br />

u IUA.t.t1ttur.y::t~t aij fuijlJJrtlwrr::u11<br />

p ~ • ,. • ~<br />

.. . .<br />

WrtlA.(1.tll.lA.t.A.::UA. ttU~lA.tt~tt\1 t1 &t.tl1<br />

1 .. ~,. ll' It ,. ~~~ ..<br />

[lUU::.tt.tHtUaUI. t111U1lrtl ttUY~t<br />

II 1t- lflop opp<br />

-~l.t::u.m 1 Dl ttl &1~a~( a::.tu.::u 11n~~R.u<br />

~ " .... p~,.<br />

-lHrt::Ut~a~larttrt::tMl~LLI1 tiJ11<br />

- . "<br />

r11 ltlijr.ttU lA. ll t~R.U LHrt::.tM ~111JYU t\111<br />

l"lo ,.p~,. • I •,.<br />

aM 1tt~HtU~Il tiJ11l &1ll.lA.~t::tt.t~al\o~lll<br />

... It " ,. " ..<br />

-rttrt::utt~ttll::&Ul~Uatt ttttttl\ot-LLUlA.<br />

.. ' .. ,. 'I"<br />

ij~a 10 fuu1 ~lttl\oll~&1f1UU::tM tt~tUL&<br />

p I ~ p~ It '"<br />

LttHU 1J l ::u 11 ttUIJl ttl ~lA.ttM11tttt11 Hna<br />

II It :JII I I<br />

lltlt\R.U ttlllllU 11ULT\ULY ~LtH ::t~ttMrtU<br />

p-... ,. ,. • p ,. ,.<br />

rtlW~llttH11J11~1 Lt1 Lrtllat1rtltl1rtM1<br />

.. p ""' ... ~ ":"<br />

H tUaUtlUrt::IJ 11 ltll fuH lf.lHt llJJI1l<br />

II I ~ I ~ p<br />

.....<br />

ll~& 1::r.t.trt R.Y1Mttl111ltltiR.ULHrt::tMUL&<br />

p~ ~. ~ ,.?<br />

Ul ~ l La1u 11 ~nunr. ~1 IUA.M 1 ttJ.aw::ttA<br />

I ,. ~~"' ,...<br />

~t Dt~t~fu~t.t1tLJJtY::tM~tLa1rttt~llo<br />

,. "" ~ ,. .,..<br />

..<br />

~t~H~ t~U::t t.tlA.IlaL rtttDIJf11 U<br />

,. ,.., 'I" p<br />

- LU t ij tt:: t tH aR.IJ LttU &:: IJ 11 tijtt:: U.t<br />

~ ..<br />

,.<br />

HIJU~n.y Lrt~IJlllttUIJl tltl~rttrt::ttA.<br />

-& ~11'tU n rtU lt\11 ~ lllrl ttlt\11 IUR.U ufufu .U<br />

p ,., 'J,., p,.,.<br />

ttfllt\L~H::t~~ l.lll~& 1n:uu::tMrt fuijL U<br />

"' 1 p~ I" • ~ ,. o<br />

~tttl11 rtLt::tt.t~t::u11 ~t~Lli.LHrt~trtU<br />

,. F' • " ,. " ,. ,..,.<br />

~a1Lilli.DatUHUlA.::LMU1 ltiLULHrt~trtU<br />

~ 'I" .. ~ ..<br />

L~LttWUtM11~art1 tfliU.tr.t.t~~art1 tfl<br />

... . ~<br />

.<br />

. ,..<br />

-li.LL~Qrt1 ~DIJ~1~art1 DlA.I\olU~art1lA.ttll.1<br />

• ,.. • ,. 11>'1"1<br />

~L~rrr.n::u.mL(R.~::.t[llA.ttrtma ~lll<br />

~ 'I" ,. ,. •<br />

-LHrt~tU11~1 ::&tJrt~llo LttULWll.lA.t.t~LlA.ttl<br />

I" I II "' ,. '!"' •<br />

~t~aR.t-at lt\111 tijtt::tu~aR.HIJUilttW<br />

,. ... ~ p<br />

ttrl1lA.IUt1LI1 ttttlllttUUltlt\1 rttn::u.t<br />

IP" ~ :1 lo<br />

&~1rtUttaUDrtU::!211 t fl MUilrtlJtt l Ul t<br />

p I ,. - ~ ,.<br />

-tUUQI\o~LIJUDttU~ttHilttUaQ.tH ~art1<br />

,. .. p '!' "'~• •<br />

HUU llnu~al\o ltlij~a t 1 ttl ~Uf111ttn U[lltLU<br />

p ~ ... • "·<br />

~U1H11JHrt tttLUU~~lnnnatWt-tU~al\o<br />

~ .. ~ ,.. It I ,o ,..<br />

~tiJH~t~Lt ::.tM.~al\ol T\lfM.HLU ~t\HlA.<br />

,. "' ,. ... ....<br />

ualbH l ~art1 n l nanal!.lA.t-artml11::ruR.uu<br />

,.I • I II ,. • "' ,.<br />

rt Lllll.natU~tU~al\o~tli.Lt::r.t.1.H1 LlA.<br />

,.. ,.. ,. ~~~0<br />

~llt 1atH ~art1t-t.t11LU~LtJJtLUI1UnUtll~1<br />

,.. •• 01& ,.,. ..<br />

::ruR.u 1.1n, nR.IUA.t.t 1tt1HW::.tu~t::u 11 t-t<br />

.. ~~ ,.. ,. ,.<br />

-A.Lt::U.i.rtatJrtan::u 11 tt11HlA.rl .tlrtU1r\1<br />

" " ~ ,. ~<br />

rt t-t.l.11LU~LtUtLU~U1H1 IJHrt ttttUU1<br />

,.. 0" ~~~~ ,.. '<br />

-t;_tt'::U11 Ll~tt,.l.laQ UU 1~t[l l tt~1 [lt l D<br />

I<br />

::u.mlll~l UlA.1::tn~L ltltlli.I1U~aR.tllU1<br />

• I" I ,. ,. 'I"<br />

tLU LT\ULU~lA.M::.tMnlf.Lil.t::U11 11~&1<br />

~ p~<br />

nuu::.t~t~annu~~l\.11 n UH ::tlti~U ~an<br />

I. ,. I ' I<br />

rt IUH1 ~u~LttR.nflauKant~~Ltuaunu<br />

,.I~ 11>"'1111 I<br />

rt ul., H ltl~ttlA.:: .t t.i. n •l1 n.a r. nlAt 1ru rt ~L t<br />

,..,. I 1 ,. fP ,. ,..<br />

,., ,.,<br />

N.1.11l U Uattn li.N.t 11L UT\111Uaa~t~Lt::UA.<br />

0 ' 0 ,. ,.<br />

~M11LU~I111 n na u.( ant~ ~t~Lt ::u.1.<br />

o I 1• "' .,. II ,.<br />

lA.LULtf1::1J 11 rtl UlA.n~::u 11 ~aJJlA.ttll.<br />

N.1.11LU~LtUaUtLUrt ~~tt~1::Unttlll<br />

0 t1 1 ,.. ,. I<br />

lA.~L.tlJHijlftlA.::IUR.UIJtt 1 ~t~Lt::tM<br />

,. 1'1 ,..,. ,. ~ ,.<br />

,. ,. ,. .. ,.<br />

lll T\UIJ l tlt\1 rttrt::t M&~1rtlJIJLU~tltl1111 n<br />

L1 p ,., ,.<br />

~al\otLULT\IftH.lt\H1U 11rtr.1Lt1 Lrtttltlt\111<br />

L rt~U~aJJ lA~rl!ll ffLt::.tM&~1 rtU<br />

,.,.. ~ p<br />

~aR.IJLU~tltl11t-ltl t- &H& ~LDatLHt::u 11<br />

_,., ~ ,. ..._ I ._<br />

ll~&1f1ll.U::tMHtUaUtLUrt~1 U tt~tt-1!.<br />

p,. II I ,..II .. Pit,. '!"'<br />

tt R.fb~M 1 tLU tW::t~t~tH .tUHl ~t[ll ll~l<br />

It ,.. "'""<br />

~tttl11 Hlllltll HlA.~1 rt~1ttli~Lt::tM<br />

,. "' .. ,. .. ~<br />

Lllll.na IUt1Lf1tttU lA.LJJLtriLHitfu~M1r.tU~tt<br />

~ I I" 1<br />

lA.::u.t::IJ11 ( tlA.tttrtattWLD.t~~ttlA.::tMQij<br />

'I" p ~ .. ? ~1'1" •<br />

Lrtaltl) lA.LUltrlLHrttt~.t,ful11~ttlA.::tM~Itl<br />

I I" "' ,.1'1" :1<br />

lA.IUt 1.tl1aij L ttrt11 rt t12Ul DQL rtlllA.::t f1<br />

,. ~ 1t- ,. I ~~~ I "'<br />

lA. tt111ttat ll 1Ao1 Ill rt~Lt lA.L l.l.L t [1 DLilH lA.<br />

""'"'<br />

. .<br />

~ ,.<br />

~art1ijttl11 tm.tiJLttLIJrtlA.H~ a ttH 1ttl~<br />

"'~ ,. ·~,. "<br />

.. .<br />

~art1N.t 11L U~&Lrtuaa~tli.L.t::tMit\1\olllllll\o<br />

• 0 ,.<br />

HlA. lll ttUIJ L.tlt\1 rttl1::tt.1.& ~1 rtUlA..tlU<br />

.. p ,.<br />

ltl11rtt1 ~tli.Lt::.tM~aR.t.tLUDLU~LlA.~LtU<br />

I 't '" II<br />

-~ Lijl ~rlf1~ rtlA.::t UIJH rtU tiJ11ttl\ortijt-U<br />

,. . ,..,. ,. ' ,.<br />

~LlAHtiHt ijlHrl rttn tLU ~U1 H 1 L lAt-11.<br />

I" ,. I" .., ~ o 'I"'<br />

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tR.Ua IUR. LIJ n 111lA.rl ij ~11al\ol1 ll 111 ::t<br />

"'? .. ,.,. .... ,.,..<br />

ttnmauLrttDIAo11Urt0ul!lu1art1 L, nau<br />

,. ,. ~ ... ... 1<br />

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11 1<br />

,. I" 7 t<br />

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tLH:ntLU:IJ11 ~atijU[ltLUf1L~[ltLU<br />

UIJil Drt.Utt ,. tltlR.Utt11LllUUl&rl1~L~U~11ttal!.<br />

,. -11l!.rt tijrt::IJ ... li.L llA.<br />

'I"<br />

::ruR.u UrtL n« na tU~ r.u~ aR. n tltl R.U n uu<br />

H ,. lA.lA. .,. ... ... p ... ,. ,.<br />

ttH11 f\11111111111 ::t::IJ 111llrtHtlU ,.. t\111<br />

,.<br />

U~t~Lt::ttA.::IJ 11Dt~R.ULHrt::ttA.U11<br />

llU~aunrtLW::IJ ~ijttrtrtlWH 1'1 .tUaM ttR.IJLI1tll1At1rdrt!JUL.tlt\HlA fuu HtU<br />

II<br />

lA.ltll\ol f\UrtU 1<br />

rt~1 tll11tUO.LIULa~al\o~ ttHnt J,af\rl1LI\o1<br />

,.. ...... II ,. ,.. I 1"11<br />

nrAR.tUnW11UtttH~, Ln~natu~iulA.LIJt1<br />

,. " .. .. ,.. 'I"<br />

ttl11na uLnuul.t~, rrr.n::.t~t0.~1rtJJnrt.u<br />

"' .. ~ ,. ,.<br />

-ll.t~Ut\tij rt1 t-atijlnt~~l.t.UaUlA.~al\o<br />

.. "'' ""' ... ,. " ''I"<br />

T\111t-ij ~tN.1.11LU tt&~aiJltltlllA.11Urt~Lt<br />

p ,. • ,..<br />

lALUUf1L~tti1Lt&lll\o1 IUA.t.t1ttUtU<br />

a ,. tC .. ,..<br />

-::ttA.~tnl11lAIIll\o11la ~It\ Ltn:: ttl~ tLUt-M<br />

"' p ~ I :J I<br />

li.Lt::U.i. n ttttl!ltt~11L &1::tM~tll.lt::tt.t<br />

:J .. III,.<br />

ttl11lAIUt1.tn rt1 t-art1Hmttr·mttlttH1<br />

"''" ~ 1 ..... ,.. ,.<br />

lAH na~a rt1::LU1rtlll1nllll\o~1 LH rtlt::t~t<br />

't I II> ~ 1'1 II "<br />

. .<br />

~ natH nu1 t-attH~aR. na.t n~1 rut1tl1 na<br />

.. 1t- .. I<br />

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,.. .. ,. ,.<br />

ttl~~LlA.Lrtttaijna l., U.t11::n::tttl~llt1<br />

/1 I I ,..<br />

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,. ,.. "' ,.. ,.<br />

ttu<br />

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tll~1LIJtln l[11 ~tiJH~art1ttU~al1nL ~atH<br />

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rta11ttl11lAL ttH LlA.UttlUH1~t~D tlrtltij~ U<br />

II f;>'tll Oplt I "' ,..<br />

uurrLnt\1 tt.U~lA.lA.ttU~LibnmtAIUH1 H<br />

\1> ~ )I :J ~ ~ f:> 't I ~~~<br />

n A. Ill nL &1~QI\ol1lA.::tf1lAT\rll~t[l l t-Qrt1 L&1<br />

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1t- p~"' I o<br />

11<br />


.....<br />

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lU.LU JI.U.LIHLtl. tl.l\ol~ttfl H~ l!ltrt ll!l~ tl.tl.<br />

~ ~ ~~ ~ ~<br />

~lHtt!Jti.GU::U. ~\ 1 1:-lA.~GlA.UllU L-rullLtL t1.<br />

I ) p p<br />

t't JI.L.t:: t M t IJ11 run L.t Ltl.::tM. & l!)Ht!J<br />

,. ~ p p<br />

IJLUJI.tt'IJH tl.t'tJI.L.t::.tM. ru U~lft.ttUGt't1<br />

.'"'" ,.,. p ..<br />

f\UlA.fllA.11fllA.::trtLft~ l!IU 1::1.111 rullLtL t1.<br />

flo- ,. p p<br />

:: .t tA ~ 1!11 rt U 1:' GR. tl. L I J1. L t:: t M tfl11 Jl. ~<br />

"' ..<br />

~<br />

lA.t'tJI.U.::tM.tl.f\11!1 ti.Yt 1 ti.JI.LtrullLtL tlt't<br />

~,. ,. p ... p ,.<br />

JI.Lt::tM. tll11H~tl.fl1rtlt~rtlliiLru.tL~M.<br />

~ ... ,. ...<br />

Grt1 rtl~Ut1 t'LilG ti.R.fllfrtlllt1.1 IJLfllt<br />

"' p .. • ,. ,. I. ,.<br />

1:-GR.tLU L lA.lA.tl. fl 1 ::u 11 rtlA.::tn lA. tl.f\1 Jl,1<br />

·.~ ,. ,. ~-~ ,..<br />

~"<br />

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.. . ,. ~<br />

tnt.~IJI:'Grt1UGU1HlA.t'l\ Uti.HHilGillA.1 rtW<br />

.... ~to I ill<br />

uiju Q.t1MlA.t-GUt'LlA.t-IJLUrtt'A.L~ti.IJQQ<br />

p ... ,..,.~,.<br />

HlA. tl.ti.IJLUJI.ti:'GR.tl.lllti.G~::n::t tl.~<br />

~ ,. ~<br />

::u11 Utl!\::1.2 .~1 t'lllrtli\1UlA.1::trr:-LliiGt1<br />

~~~~ ~ ~ I •<br />

.. .<br />

IJ1::lA.flUIW~IlGLilllflG L tti.H1t'tlA.rullL~Ltl.<br />

to~ I I p p<br />

::tt.~l\1!11rt!J t1. tl.ti.R.ti.Yt 1 ti.JI.Lt runL.tLtl.t' t<br />

p ~ Ill' • ... p ,.<br />

-JI.Lt::.tM.t'L t!JtLUI:'GR.ltlH 1LIJ ti.Uti.GftH 1<br />

" "' . ,. ""'<br />

LllllllG tY 1:' tUlA.HIJHI:'tJI. Lt::U.~M11rt1<br />

.. ~ ,. ~~~~~<br />

rtLI:'IltU .tlllAo1rurt Jl.ltlA.L IJLt n::u 11 1:-tJI.Lt<br />

.. I" ,.<br />

{;ttAI:'M 11L Urt M.naulaa UlAI:' tJI.Lt::tM.<br />

: .. ~- .... 1~10<br />

tl.f\1 tf\MIJlA.ti.Ut1ti.JI.LtrullLtltl.l:'tJI.Lt<br />

,. .. ~p ... p ,.<br />

::tt.lGlf rullLtLM.::tt.~~l!l1rtUilrtUt\1 ti.R.<br />

"" p ,. ,. .. "<br />

~U1 t'ti.HlA.U1::truat- tJI.Lt::tt.~tl.tlJ<br />

"' ~ ._,. I •<br />

Lo t.Ul1 1:-t U<br />

lA.t't 1.11-lt'tJI.L t ::tM. U L ~ M.LI JI.L.t ::tM.trl 11<br />

~ ,. I"<br />

rtllltl. 1 nlA.::trlA.tl.fl1ti.R.r:-uuH1 l!ltr<br />

11!11 11<br />

.. •• ~ ,. 1l ~ ~ .. ~ ~<br />

lA.U.LUJI. t t1. tl.rtRU 1 tlA.tl.l\1:' tJI.L.t::tM.tl. t lJ<br />

~ '"•~ toto I<br />

t'LilrtGI!a lltLM.ttUtLHlAiltti.H::IJ11 IJG.O<br />

I I p<br />

-G UU.G 11ti.L 1:-H lt-llllA.M fl llll l.lU::1.111 llLIJ<br />

.. ~ ~ ,.<br />

.<br />

LlA.GtUU1!1VU.Ht-trut1tfltl.fll\&fl 1:-tiJH<br />

.... tC,.,. -:.,."'<br />

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,. ,.. ~ a ,.<br />

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,. I? ,. ,. • o ... P II<br />

ti.R.ti.U (1:-IJH!:-t) R.rtM.ti.LUUttflt'tJI.L.t<br />

",. ,.. ,. -.. ,.<br />

::r.M.rttU::IJ11 (Lti.Ht't) U.lfN'tti.LUJJttfl<br />

~ ,.<br />

t-tllo L .t:: .t M. IUU 1:-ti.H 11 L lll t'lHLU rtllU L.trl<br />

to I o ~ ... I"<br />

LJI.LtlA.M 1::tt.lll rtUI:' Ulrtt~ .tlf JJ.tGl JI.Lt<br />

,. ~ ~<br />

ttY .t 1M.:: t t.ll\1!)1 rt JJ 1:-GR.fllA.:: t rt lA.tl.f\1 H~<br />

p ,. ~,.~<br />

H .tU~trtl LJI.L trtttllLHrt::tM.l\1!)1ft!Jt'l!a<br />

~ • p ~<br />

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10 10<br />

lfP I'"<br />

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·~ p ~ ,.<br />

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) ,. ,. .. • .. 1<br />

fllA.::tru l.. t'L~Illti.Ll\1Ll!lttfl tl.l11Ultl.<br />

to P I ~ lfi<br />

-UU.l t~~rt.tn::.t Ml\ ~1 ftJJil,. rtl.ltl ~ .t LH :n<br />

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"' "' .. t I<br />

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,. ... ..I ~ "'I "' ~ p ... ,.<br />

·L H rt:: t MUL~ Lrt t'IJ t'Gt 1\WL JJ lA.r. L tl. Ll\1<br />

,. • 't ~<br />

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I 1"1 ~~~- I" to<br />

ULti.UIJltlll1 rttfl::tt.l~~1rtJJti.GUilrtlJ Lrt<br />

.. p I ,.<br />

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,. ... ~,.~ I"<br />

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,. • I"<br />

ll L ti.U IJ tt tt' UHilL "' Lnll Gil u<br />

,.~,. ,.<br />

lll1rtt n::t U l\ 1!11 rt UUL U Jl. U<br />

hau~r:-lun .. p ,.,.<br />

rtuM.Iti.R.l!)U1lA.lAU1::tr ,. .. ,. ... ~ a<br />

..<br />

1:-tftl:'ll tU11t'tUI-lr:-tJI.Lt::tM.ULl\UG11.<br />

tC 'P~<br />

..<br />

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" 0 ... ,. "<br />

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I i'ol ~ ,..<br />

-Lt rlti.H1U.11 HJI.Lt::ttA~R.1 NJG ft1<br />

I" p ,. .. ~ .. "<br />

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I I~ to ~to<br />

U11 l!)~::l\M.H 1 tl.l\tM.\LUti.H1GGU~IlG1::1.1<br />

I ~ p p p • .. •<br />

lA. UlA.1::trt'LllltLJI.Ill!ll LllllllGtUI:'.tU<br />

~ I ,..<br />

1:-tU.HI:' tJI.Lt ::.tt.\ NJU\rutt MlA.rtLWG R.<br />

,. ~ ~ ~<br />

tl.tU&LruLGJI.Ltt1.11ltliiRULHrt::ttA<br />

1l ,. "P"',.<br />

ti.G rtH 11\o~ti.M rut ilrtu::u 11 tL~JJMtltll\ t<br />

• p ... ... ...<br />

tU.U-ll ftltllftlH ~ l:'tiJHI:'Grt1rt::&lA. UU.l<br />

I • .. ~<br />

t'GR.I\flll11tl.1 1!)1 lft'G::tt.llltlilRULHrt::ttA<br />

1l !.lop 1'"''"•<br />

rtrtl t'fl ti.UGGM.t::llllfLUtl.1 l!IJJlA.Ilttlt<br />

,.I Ill::' 1l ,. " 't T<br />

lA.IW~fltl.f\1 rtlll!JiltlilRULHrt::tt.l ti.Ut'lA.<br />

'I' I'" P"''" 'll~<br />

t'GlUHt l.. HltltWLGtl.l\~GUlil .tLMHlft<br />

"' I>.. I<br />

~.til lAo1rurtJI.L.t lALJJLtrt t'tl.l-li:'Grt1UG<br />

.. .. t- • ...<br />

". ' ' L tl.rt11UU~t'M11LUft.tlA.HtJJ t1. llGUil11 l.. UU1t-Grt1tl.fl1ti.Grtl.11 Ll\t'~ltl.fl<br />

~ I ~ o "'~ ~ ll ~ p • ,. • ~ ~<br />

Lrttll.WlA.tlll&tltlt'tlGI:'tJI.Lt::.tM. • '' 1:-GlA. llGt'lil lltliiRULHrt::.tt.1.t'GR.fllA.::tnlAr:-tUH<br />

I ~ ...... ,. ,. I ~ P"',. ,. ~-~<br />

l!lfltlGI!IGilrt ti.JI. "N Llft'UHI:'tllA.::tMtU-l1 t-tJI.Lt::tt.1. LttLI.lU t'GlA.lALJJ::.trLl\1::.tt.1.<br />

10<br />

i'- .. ~ to ';'~ p to I I ~<br />

ti.~HR.rt1 LR.1f\U.U~U.11Grt1 rt1 Q.tlf1::u11 ::u.n rt.t.tllr:-.tlALl\1::tt.trl,ItJJti.~L~tl.,.l.tGULlf<br />

~ ~~~~ to ... ~~~~II- I ~ ~<br />

rt1 UGI!IIltl!)f\1!\::tn. t'QlA.l!)fl~Gilt'tJI.Lt::tM. Gt.l tl.lil1LI!a1L21ll ti.Utll~11:'GMLlAtl.~t'GrtU<br />

~~ ~ ,. I' "" ,. I "' ,. .. • p<br />

~'".trl L tn "' Lrttl.lllt\fl1ftttllt'.tlA.L&1::.tt.ll\~ 1rtJJilrtJJJI.t<br />

"''" 1 ., tt' .. L.r.::.ttAlll::tn.r:-ullLilttf\1!)1 ~ I'" ~ ,. '" '"<br />

,,.. ,<br />

... .., ""' ..<br />

::1.111 r:-,.tii.L.t::.tt.1.UG M.::U11t~~ (l!IGilHl) ~n;lil LllllllG;Ut-tUI\~LrtL~R.1~UlA.1::.t~<br />

t'L J1. 1:-t l t'lllt\ ru.r..r. t.llillA t\LlillAL l!)t.tfl l'L llltlii.Ll!).ttfl tU11t'Gft1t\Lflt'GR.t'Gt 11:' t<br />

~ ~ I ~.. 11- ~ ~ I<br />

rt Glilt'tJI.Lt::tu rtLW t'~-l11 t'LUU ~t\Uti.~1L~t-,.tii.Lt::.tt.1.t'Grt<br />

I ,. • • •<br />

tl.~ l.. t'LlillAti.LU.U~tlllA.1rtt lillAttllillAUtt.l ::l\LilllllQ.tJ.H.tUti.~UlflfflULl\UGtl.<br />

I ~ ~ I"' I><br />

H~lillftl ttGti.LlAII.L.t::.tULru tU::.tt.tt'tlA.t'l\ ("N'Pltl.l-l Lt\ULrt ru 11. !:'GR. runLtLM::tt.l<br />

~ ~ ~.~ .. p<br />

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I> ~ ~ p ,. "' .. to .. I II<br />

t'G .tlf1::11 11 t1. JJL.UJI.Lt::.tt.lllltUlil~II.Lt L~J1 LllllbG ;ut' LU t'GR. t',.tJI.LtlA.L IJLt r~:- QR.rtl 1:'<br />

~ "• .,P • "<br />

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~ • ~ ~ p • ... • ~<br />

f\lA::tn lAUf\Rflt'liiUt'UUflii.L.t Mfl t'GlA U LllllllGUt\LJJII.L.tt'GR. tM11rtHLI!)tl.l\<br />

,. I.~ ~ p ,. ,. ,. , ,. o ~ .,.<br />

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i'oP "' 1 ~ to I "' 1 to ll' ~<br />

"' ( • .. llrt!Jtl.~ IWNtti.LUJJ.ttflt'tJI.Lt::tt.trttU<br />

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1<br />

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~ ~ II- ?'"'"<br />

~ ~~ ~<br />

(&~1R.rt) t\fl1rl1 ti.R.rt.trtHHltl lf'"l.lt'LilG<br />

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;lllr:-G~l!I~Mt.. u~L~:t 1 rtt ~u,.n::tLt~trtt LllrtnlA1 t.tlA.;.r.~ ~ MrtM.Lrtt~Otm<br />

~LM.rt.t u:LtlA.lrtt JJRULtrt ~-l~JI.Ltrt t~~.1. 11U.ttA~ UMLGilltMlilllo ..<br />

.. L. .. ~ ...<br />

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,. ~~-~~~ I I" ... 'l' ~ 11.1-ltLH ti.LliiULIJL~fi!iJ"MH~JJ<br />

llltJI.<br />

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p ~ .. ... Ill ~ 'l'<br />

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I t'., ~.. ., .. ~ ~ I p ..<br />

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to ~ ~ I to to ~ • .. "

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ft'I'YlLU'U<br />

., .,J ~.<br />

ntytynn,N,D'Il1V'I fltl fl1n-unm-u<br />

w I w ~ •• .,.<br />

~'ll'II'U l 'UftlJ VfiV.1J1 LlJ tl'I'Yl'U 1Jfltll~'Ylli·<br />

. .<br />

-~., • .. J • '<br />

fllft'U 101J1~1Jl1Ulflll1J'Ufl'UV nnH L'II'U<br />

• 1"'. ~. ~<br />

.. ; ·~~ . ... . ~·<br />

LlJtl'lft ,'YlV l1Jtl'I11'111J1 LlJtl'lliYi1J1<br />

LU'U"'U l'UV1lJ'YllJflOIJ1lh::'II~LlJtl'l<br />

L1V'I<br />

.. ~.. ., 0 , ....<br />

OlJllfi)JN::LI tltl~<br />

L YI11::'Ylll1'U l'Ylll.J'U'Yl<br />

., l, ' ol •<br />

,, ~<br />

Mnunv l1 un u 11 ~ 1fl 1tJum11 1 )j~ 1'Yl<br />

,,<br />

tlYiVYi"' 10l11J 1J l'U 'II 'I 'I'UtlV L, 11J 1 L1 n::<br />

~ d d ~ • .., ., cd<br />

Yi101J11~1'111VU01n n 111JO Hl'ln'U LU'U<br />

II' w.,,., t"4 .,<br />

'Yll111n 1u,u tnfl'11 m-uM ftl.J v nH<br />

,1<br />

~ .. ·~ t ' ., •<br />

fl1tl~ nv11 u 'U11'11 n1-u "'~ u"nlJ vrn::mlJ<br />

"',,,~<br />

'11 M\11fiMIJ1 tl1W1"'01n11'1 l1ty 1J<br />

n11U01Un11tlnmtl'l<br />

l<br />

LL n::n nu; Mn<br />

' ...... ., 1 ~~,<br />

MIJ L n~n 1~Ufl111Jft '1'11,tl'I'II'U'II 'U 'U<br />

., - ~tJI ........ .<br />

ft 'lfllJ,'U tl O'Yl'IU l'ULIJtl'IOfi1VL 1J'U1 J'Yl'Y11<br />

, .<br />

nl'lfl1,1V<br />

'UtlnL M'U tJ'hhnnnnLn)l"1·<br />

t, • ~ L L" ., •<br />

'Y1 '11J l'ULIJ tl'IIJ fl111JlJ'IfH,'U tl'UL 'U tl'l"'1n<br />

, wltl ~<br />

n11f11,1V01J'IH 1::L'Ylfl Lltl::lJfl11lJ<br />

L"'ityl'U'Yll'IL'Ylfl~fl i'Y1V1011 ;'1'1111<br />

., .. ,. ,<br />

, .. . ~<br />

. .<br />

.<br />

'1::1 'U'I m 1J 'U~'U 1L, 11J 1 ""'ULIUU L1 n::<br />

1fl Ntn 1'1,MLIJtJ~"''~L tlnv-uu tla'l, tl 111J<br />

I I J1 o • Jl "' •<br />

LL'IOUntln1 HOlLL Yi'ILIJ tl'I~1Vtl J 'tntl<br />

... ~ ., ., ~<br />

flfl 1LL fl'l<br />

lJ l 'ULftlJ11Ltl::UtJIJ1 1J'Y1H1J'U<br />

tltJ HL~'UL~V10.,1JL~tl'll 'UV htl<br />

mvl-u<br />

• ~ I Jl ,·. ~<br />

LlJtJ>~mnnYitJfll u n::~'Yl tl1::ntJu tl1'11Yi<br />

-4 ., I I " w I ~ aj<br />

tl'U '1 'Y1 1Jl'llnnLn)l"'tJ1flVtJV ~>~LU'U<br />

• .... ... J " ,<br />

011V10'Yl 't'n::1Jl11 0)l'11V U n::L ~ 1 'U1V "'::<br />

., ll t ., • .. • , , ~<br />

tJlflVtJV 'U11l'U1'1'YlLU'ULmtJ'I lJ<br />

LYitJ<br />

" .. ,<br />

fl111JUntJ~n"'v<br />

LL n::mtJm1tlnmMll1<br />

W ieng ar1d Wang . duriD.g<br />

the AyudhYa Period<br />

Srisakara Vallibhotama<br />

..<br />

The term wieng and wang share a wall while wang functioned a a fenced ting land in village outside the city<br />

common character in that both connoting<br />

re idence of the k1ng and pnnce wall. The ruled people would need to<br />

an enclo ed area but of differen~ in ide the city wall. Before the Ayud- evacuate into the city or town in time<br />

size and function. Architecturally and hya period it eemed hard to di ting- of war or raid by the enemy so it left<br />

archaeologically they fully developed ui h wang from the wieng a it con i - the town remain vacant for their<br />

into a separated entity omet1me ted of wooden tructure like hou e rulers in time of peace. As a result,<br />

during the Ayudhya period, probably of courtiers and bureaucrat who the wieng was likely to function as<br />

from the reign of King Trailok (1448 formed a ruling cia s re iding in the the wang and most of them had a<br />

- 1488) onward. Wieng mean an en. city or town in contra t to the ruled mall ize of less than I kilometre in<br />

clo ed area of the city or town wh 1ch who were geared by their own farming. diameter.<br />

wa urrounded by moat and fortified occupation to live clo e to their plan-

Before the reign of King Trailok, state were performed. But when the ged a a political and religious cjty of<br />

when artillery bad not yet been in- wang or the royal palace was establis- a divine monarch, while outside it<br />

troduced into the kingdom, most of hed in the city of Ayudhya, the Icing within the city wall wa the nagara<br />

the cities and towns of both irregular had Wat Phra Sri Sanpetch built where bureaucrat merchant and<br />

or geometrical shape were surrounded within the palace wall as the most commonor of variou career ettled<br />

with moat and rammed earth; and in<br />

certain regions like the kingdoms of<br />

Sulchothai and Lan Na in the north,<br />

many town were protected by two<br />

moat and three earthen walls. With<br />

the introduction of artillery sometime<br />

during the reign of KingTrailolc, the<br />

pattern of warfare underwent a change<br />

and thi was archaeologically manife<br />

ted by the construction of fortified<br />

wall of the city with brick or laterite<br />

equipped with merion and fort along<br />

the European line. "Early citie that<br />

came up with such a new protective<br />

wall were Kampaeng Petch and Sri<br />

Satchanalai or hieng hun (a called<br />

in Lilit Yuan Phai, a poem relatiflg<br />

war between Ayudhya and LanNa in<br />

the reign of King Trailok). Among<br />

them the capital city of Ayudhya wa<br />

highly developed as the rpyal palace<br />

was first built in brick and fenced<br />

with triple brick wall. It exi ted like<br />

a small city within a larger one. Before<br />

important wat of the city. so the centre down. Secondly, governmental and<br />

or" the city moved from Wat Maha admini trative reform initiated by<br />

Dhat to the royal palace where the King Trailolc had effect on the exclumain<br />

wat wa included. This cau ed a ion of the king and royal family from<br />

change in the traditional pattern of the commoners; here the palotial Law<br />

the city. Here one may view the centre (kod-montien- ban) wa in trumental<br />

of the univer e shifting to the wang in creating social di tanceand political<br />

where the reltgion and secular power ecurity for the royal family . Thirdly,<br />

existed side by ide. The wang became richne deriving from trade and<br />

a microco m of the univer e and thi commerce a well a technological<br />

wa reflected from many literary innovations due to contact with forworks<br />

and foreign note that prai ed eigner cau ed the king to ameliorate<br />

the glory of Ayudhya from the beauty thetr re idence and at the ametime<br />

of the palace hall and building; th con olidate their wang wtth fortificamost<br />

obviou and meaning full of all tion .<br />

wa the Kam uan Sri Praj that . ay Apart from the royal palace, other<br />

"Ayudhya pro per under the triple IVang of imilar tructure were al o<br />

wall'"<br />

built for the high ranking prince in<br />

That the wang became the hean the city of Ayudhya; thi wa due to<br />

of the city of Ayudhya can al o be the aboli hment of the muang-lukexplained<br />

from many ocio-economic luang (a practice of ending high<br />

factor . Fir t of all, the city wa no ranking prince to rule princip_al<br />

longer a centre of agricultural ociety town ) in the reign of King Trailok<br />

as in the former period; it wa a centre, which re ulled in keeping the high<br />

King Trailok, the heart of the city of commerce and communication where ranking prince within the capital<br />

was usually conceived of a Wat Maha merchant from within and without city. A good example of the wang of<br />

Dhat, a large wat in which the Relic the country came in to and fro and theca e tn point was Wang bankraof<br />

the Buddha and other important as a re ult, there were numbers of em which wa a igned for the econd<br />

cult objects were en hrined and the people of different occupation living King of Ayudhya.<br />

important religious ceremonie of the in ide the city wall. The wang emer-

• -.~ ..,, J., ~· ~ ' ' • tJ<br />

t11'rlt111nn LlJ"1-l1111lJ1n\l 1fl1'r111UHln f'lntlo~Dtnno'

I<br />

~~\lfiUVYltJ~'T\~t]{<br />

r<br />


~ "'"'"'<br />

fJUEJU; nurw<br />

v<br />

~ 1: ~ ~~<br />

fJUfJU i UUfJfJfJU717flfJU<br />

1: v ,<br />

fiU10nUU1JfJnf11lfJ.J'J1<br />

cl<br />

l'711l11UfJ71lJ7JU<br />

., a'~ 0 ~<br />

lU11 l'717n ln flf/11 JJft1lfJ lJ.J<br />

flon •.. tn<br />

""7 , 7 I~ ., ., v<br />

n fJUfl1fl~<br />

JJUnl'711'71Uf11lfJ.J<br />

nmuT EJmn . . • un~<br />

., ~-l ,<br />

nunn tf11'!1 EJ.J<br />

7 fJ1lfttJfl~ 7 u<br />

EJtJ1 nnm/ EJ.Jf11W.J<br />

'II a' o~-l o~<br />

llft1 11m lfttJft?WtJm l'711ft1lfJtJ.J<br />

, .<br />

I ill I w Ill_! I w<br />

fl!J nt11-lt'lU U flU Uft1!JU fl 1U19llJ'llJYI Y\1111111 I ull YI1!:1J'l1J1J 11 1'J1'!11-l<br />

. .<br />

~ ~ ~ ~ .I .0 "' ~ ., ... II ~ II II<br />

ILHUYll01!:fl!J1!tJ1 I~!JU lfi !J'!S11!J 11U 1JO~U1UILHUH-lt'lUUlJ1fiMflflllJUiftUfl1-l 1JI01!:fiU'1J<br />

Map f the I land of yudhya by the ·uropcan, how1ng the Patong r d in a tra1gh t hne<br />

with a road i land planting wath tree. in the middle. This r<br />

QO<br />

d pa . ing by Wa t Barom Buddha ram to the royal pa lace.<br />

I<br />

~ ~ I ~<br />

LlHllh::IJI~{)-lnltiL1ti1 L lJ~ff{)~fl<br />

:.,,•.._,..,. ",<br />

, , . ~<br />

.••<br />

~1-.lllll-.l'tilfl 1'11-:Jfi'U l.J10l1'U1'11?ll!J<br />

I'll L~1l.J1Lnl::Un::~MU1::Ll.Jtl'l LYl!JL'U<br />

., "' a d "<br />

1'tittl.J v ~U-lffl.JL VI ~vn::u 111!Jtu l.ll11-<br />

d ... '<br />

'Sl'ti" • t 'U ~ l"'i1 :: U-lf1~{)-.l ciecN lJ Ulf-l<br />

~ ~ t: r,<br />

'S 1'ti1!1'U fl1 tl!J 1W 1 f1H'U 'U'U ll.Jtl!J 1W1tltl0<br />

. .<br />

ll ' ' "'~ ' ,<br />

~::l1Ul.Jl11ti{)!J<br />

'Ul1l.J'ti11fiH'ti1\JI Ll.J'U{)!J<br />

" "<br />

' d, It "'<br />

Ltna unn::u 111!Jtu 111 U-lf1Uf1'U'U n 'Ufi'U<br />

t: 1,"' Jt.,,<br />

u u f1Uf1'U u u n'Ufi'U'U nu1 u Mlm·n::-

-4" ~ .. J ~ l -'<br />

UN'UYl!l'UifiVUfl::fttl1lJ ft1Jtl'l'll::'U111!JQI L,ll'Ulfl!l'lf11~ 'lu<br />

Map of India and inm by the uropean 10 the re1gn of Kmg Phra Narai.<br />

~ ~ ~ d<br />

n -1'11'U-1Yln::~~wmnn lum.t1HJ1 L'11'U<br />

~ , ' tl • tl '<br />

~::'11u lJYi'Uf11 11Jnnu1n (ulJLL~<br />

.-lld tl '"'<br />

n1-11 Y1Yi"1.l'U u n Lflfl:: m ~:: mnu LU'U<br />

• .. d ,. 1"<br />

Ltlnnn-w~~fJ~Ul'UilJfJ~ ,u1n uutn) lllllJ<br />

' !: • !. ,. I .,<br />

UlJ'U 1n 1t1nn~u n::t1u 'U'I1'UYll~Y11 u n u<br />

"tl. ~1 ..<br />

ell<br />

u 1::nnu~ 1U1Jl'UL1 nu 'II ~lJn n-wN::Lu u<br />

.. • tl '<br />

n1::111nu L1fJ'UUYi un::ll'U11~\J\N '1<br />

nn~vhnt1uuun::~ lf1M~<br />

IIIM~Hl'Unlu<br />

" .. ., ,.,<br />

~1uunu~nuf1111Jn::~1nnu1u<br />

..<br />


' LL\J<br />

J "' ~ "' J<br />

fl1'1HIL nfl'lll10J ~ u n:at~ml11tltJ 11111 l \Jti1J vvt, :annv 01<br />

J • !, -4 .. t t .<br />

fi11Jtl1tJfi1"M tl1 tl 111.11 '71'!SYlfll'h-ILf'ltl Yl1,11J1,~flH\J\J<br />

A<br />

. .<br />

ketch drawmg to dep1ct the woman and children of Ayudhyn<br />

during King Phra<br />

nrai' reign by M. De In Loubere

• ., .. " ., ~ ., J , .. ., "" ~ ., ., ~ ' .1 .,<br />

lllOOllJ::ao 1JllNlHt10 U'l1flllllltln 1flft1::1nfl fl tnJnlJOYI1::lll11!Jt\l II ftfl-3 1 t1 U1 ll~flfHfltlUftflllJfiOnnllhlnlJ!Jllll I~ ll u1::fl1-l!Jtlflllt1tllJ<br />

.. .,-l elel • II IlL If ., .. , .,.,,:. J<br />

u 1J1Jtfl!l1n unllnn{)tJll tllYHhHll-l1flOlJ ( ~nmn1oun 1) ua::Rltn lfH'Hu ,, 1 nHfht.l::nllun::ulln1J flnlotJ lllt nv llnlJVHill nn lllll<br />

The kam-ma-lor deign on the outer wall of the library of Wat<br />

ket. K1ng Phra Nara•' re1gn, depictmg the a rc tt-c tural tyle<br />

of the palace gate and building in the me way as what appeared m the mural pamting of Wat Yom m Ayudl ~ .1

• ~ ., "' ., ~ ., d cf .... ~ " .,<br />

n1vn11J::no t'\Jvuuurhnu-l~HI\Jtln l1 tl, fl1 1~n1::1nfl fl U?llJVl'l1::ll111 01 tUlln1Vl'!1 1fl'II11U1l1Lllt'llJVtl~1!V1<br />

The l-am-rna lor Jc~mgn\ on the. outer \\,til of the library M Wat :1!-ct Ktng Phra arai\ reign,<br />

deptcttng a s en eon the village life of 1\) udhya

, ·~ ... .,"'<br />

'1111VtJlltJHl:: lJUtJlJlJVIH1!1llJ-<br />

0<br />

., C w tl -It I I

ll tl "' "' ~<br />

th.tmH m·l 'U lJ mnu 'U o lu n m t~ v H 11 'U u 1<br />

.. d ... ;., tl "<br />

O'lfH Yll'l'UlJI1J'U11J rb '1,1 HlJ tJ11<br />

.<br />

I "' d..l.<br />

un::U91'l01tJII1J1Jt'flJtJllntJtHI ed.<br />

-4 ~ "' • d<br />

1\J'Uffntl ttlJtJ l'n::'U111Vtll<br />

The pediment of Uhowtl W,ll rang.<br />

Dhonbun.<br />

'tu ~:n rl!licf of Phra arai Pcriod,<br />

~hO\\In • f't'p-pa-nom in I Olll \lyle .<br />

.... ., .. ..., ., J<br />

tl1tJI'II'liJ! '1'11:: 1911\JQO tllJtJ'I'I1::'U111tJtll<br />

........ ., • tl ~ .,<br />

t'U'I'I'I'I11ntli'¥191'1'11::,9111JQO 1f1Yl1::1'11fi'I'I'U.,<br />

• ., "" L "<br />

nnn t1JnlrJHH1JtJ11<br />

"' ~ " .<br />

fl1fl1tJ 1\J 'Uitn 010111\J\JtJ htl<br />

rigure of urope~n<br />

m K1ng Phra<br />

old1er.<br />

arai' .reign<br />

on a book cabinet<br />

m the mu eum of Wat Po, Bangkok

~ I q I<br />

n1lfln\111t11LlV\J nllLL\ll-.1-.11\J LL?I::<br />

II ., .:j .,<br />

VU1flll LL a:: 'll::vv l11JnuL u umvum1<br />

I t I I "t tl t I<br />

111{\1 'Vl-.lfi() LL1J ( 'Vl-.1\J VV 'Vl-.111tl1-1) iJ<br />

' .... ,<br />

v1 lll1 v1v un::an 11a1u 111nu<br />

'll-111J<br />

I .I ... 1..... "' •<br />

\J1ul::11n1~Vu ~'Vlfl\J L'VlV1JHft11Jfl 1J1-.l<br />

0<br />

v 11nv<br />

~ ...<br />

• • ..<br />

nurt11Lmvty1fl 1J1'1l1nm::~n<br />

L~V1n\J111J~<br />

.<br />

nV-.1\J n ,1J VVnL 111JV\Jn \J11L lJ\JL Yn1::r-1a~<br />

~ ~<br />

I 11l()f-lfiLnV'Il1nV~ft ••.<br />

I. d I ., I ~ ~ ... t<br />

LLft'VlLH'UV-.1., n-.JfHI'VlnL1J()L~()1\J\J\J<br />

d ., ~ I • • ., "1' .:j ~<br />

.. J ~ J<br />

'1'11::11'!11~\J111fJtl.l11'!1lH1ff)-l The ara1 RaJ3niwet Palace.

"' ... .., "' .... '<br />

•• vnnlthfllnnuuYlnn.:JttmYi11'II01nmln1oiJ1HJ11111<br />

• , el '. tl tl ,.... • ' ... ., ., .. ""'·<br />

"nuul1n11Jti11Jn1 Hll n::~tflfl1'l lJNII H'l unn~J~u11J 11 n::Ufi11JO 111 IJ'lfi1U'IJ1N nuun 1u l Hty luunntoJOI::~flntl'lfiH nntoJ01::u 1 O'lY1Y11<br />

tl ... .... eJ .... .. •<br />

ll1 nHtt!J1Ut'l m U11J1Jil11J1Jn 1JI1\I n"<br />

., • w ..( Jl t !, t I<br />

u1m1n1.:JHn1.:J lfiO '111!'1 ~'1111JY1flt~Hiffttln1H11NU111<br />

t .. ~ " • ·.. " .. ' " ..

. ., ' ., ..<br />

fl111JY1Htl 1!l \.l\J11J Ull 0<br />

The ara1 RaJJnl\~et Palace, the :rm I of the old glor; 1n the re1gn of K1ng Phra ara1.

•ll<br />

• • •<br />

t-UDtL~l8 8tK Kt-~DlRilUDf'DlR t-8t11111eRI6K1 liUtUU YUICBU1 ll~ttllmY nJUI181\<br />

" , • I' - - ... '' p ,.. " ".. p ,.. ..<br />

Ltt\lll.lt-l.lUttLIA t1LIAU~rt1 LM<br />

• 6 7 p I & .. II<br />

tU11 Ullllt'll1lt-LULt111lllrt1 ~~ t'&Ht-.IJilltt<br />

,. h ,. ~ 1o,.111 11-P .,.<br />

tU111llltllllt1GU. t\IA1111.1 ru~n.tttttrt<br />

" " ~ "'-,.~·<br />

llll~t-ll~llllolll n. t\H Httt-GrtUiltll\LilttLIA<br />

.. fO " P I P;> I<br />

~~ t11lt'LII.IAillllltl11\llt-l.lU11Ht-lllllt\ LIA<br />

II,. ,. 'tl "'" ;> ,.<br />

tt~t~t\Hlrtt t-llrtt1Qt1~U1 LIAUI.l1t'll11t-Gn.<br />

,. PI~ .... ~. h<br />

& LI\L a t ~LIAL rt lltl &Lilttl IA.t-llii.UJJ 1t-ll 11<br />

o ,. p I h<br />

Lll11lll11Ht-.IJilLtt::LtM.1 U t-an.<br />

p ,. .. 1 lop<br />

tL i-tt- t\LHUilt 1Uiltl&Lil<br />

If ,. .. ~;> ,. .. Pp<br />

,~ ntL&La<br />

.. .. ,. 1 I .. I' lllp<br />

t' l.lH rt L~ llllt\rt llllllllolll t\ IHillAo Ttl 1;. "' ,. rt1 p t' ,. I<br />

& ~ ttll t-Il 1t\ I 1 I<br />

L t 11111 t1<br />

I I i I ,. • Jt- Pj' '-<br />

t 1 L 1lb 1 U lb t ll 1 t- ~ t L & l Q t1 L I .. ' ,. .. p I<br />

Lt1HilM.rt1 ll.lltlrtUQQH1 .IJill out-uLrtn.uun n~lt-LnanuM~, ,. n.<br />

..<br />

\o Ullllt-~lltll\Lil t't1Ht\tlf1Qlll<br />

"' Gilt l &Lilt\& t\llQLMtlll<br />

p lllo rtlll Y. l.. lll::tu llllttllttlllllllll UHt-llllL \o lA M ll L~<br />

'<br />

ttl lA llt~lll.rtl.IJft<br />

' I ,. ,.,<br />

L tlllllllUHt-l.llllt\<br />

I Pp "'<br />

..::tLII.Urtt\f1UilLI!l::tu Ht-lll&1<br />

'tl" ,. 't I p .... U<br />

..<br />

llRUUUrtlllt-ll.<br />

;> ... ...<br />

-::tUttH It'll rtt'~ll tlll. lll Ill tUrtt l 11.1t-l ll<br />

p p I.. I<br />

llL~::tUlll1Ht' llllltt Uf.~1LUt1t-llttt~<br />

I p .. II- 1<br />

t'l.l ,.<br />

I<br />

L ~ rtl~ U.M.11lltll t1 llU1 Q U.H I !A Ill 111:: t UL Q 1<br />

o .. ~~ p II> 't I<br />

t-ll~CI1 L&llU.1 RIAlLIA::ll.lltlli.LiltU.UU UQ<br />

11 Ito ,..• p ,. p ~<br />

ttU::ll.ttt~ll\11 Ullf11 Ullllt'LillllllltGIHil1<br />

"' 1 I I I I I p<br />

t' ttHL ll.lllllt\ Ulrtlll ~::tUl II.LG 1U Ullll 11 flU. I<br />

t' .. ,. I 1'-<br />

UHt-lllll t1 lltlli.LiltU.UrtlWil t\1-t I&Lt\LQ<br />

Pp .. p "', II> o<br />

rt Utt UULilQ rtlt~ ~ll!Att 1 Lrtt1Uil~1<br />

.. ,. ... 't ~ ...<br />

lA l.. tt att~~l.la ttl L tu ~ t1tt utt til. rt t u rt au<br />

't ... p ,. 11 I ......<br />

t-LilllLlll::tUilt\1 tH1 ft1 ~QUI!l11 ll.~~a::&<br />

I I " , \o1 ~~ pI<br />

ftllllllMHt'.IJilltt t-~~rtllHilllol UttiJU !:'LiliA.<br />

?"' .. ,.,. l't<br />

::run. t-LilUtU-11 lliA.1 Utt.trtlliA.l::tULIA.t't\1-t<br />

I p t'l '-1 ..._ y.o ,.<br />

UUll rt ~llllil ::tU Lll1 tLU ~ll. UHt-llllltt<br />

-. I ,. p p ...,<br />

,t-Lil~ttt:;t-GU::li.UlllGLII. lbll.IJ1Hilrtt lQ1<br />

,,. ,. ""'"'II<br />

t-Ill ::Gll1rt1 tU11Utl.l111lLlllttrt Gill,<br />

p ~~ .. ,.,. ,.<br />

.<br />

LtUilllU<br />

I p<br />

ttLIA llllllllLlll::tU~UII.tt.IJ LtttLIA.t\Lt-llLt<br />

I I ,. ,. I I<br />

Lt rt1 Lll.lt-&Ht-Uilltt t1 t-llU11ltl&Lilt1LIA.<br />

I ill,. 11-P .,. ""'• 'til p 1<br />

Lll.t-ttHrt11lLHLII.TtttllLlll IA. IlLI!l:: t U~UIJ1 Lrtlll.lll.t\llrt~Ul t-t\1-tttt<br />

t' ~~~ 1 I 't I '"llo .. ,. .. ,. t' ,.<br />

.. ~Il.~,~Ut_L'I1~U, LfU~~t.~ '<br />

LR.rtL~f1L~~~U<br />

I<br />

...,.<br />

l., Grt~,tl.VI. ~ Lll'ti.VI. ~f1~ 't\L!AitL~~~::~ ,~ t ~t~L_. 'ti.VI.~'ti.~C'G~~U.<br />

~C'~faL 't\f1,Ufa~faL 'ti.G~ t\~C'G~~G~tf11~Ft~U~~C'~~tLHG "' "'<br />

t\~~ 'ttL!AG~f1,'tl.~,,'t\C.,.~ L., t~t<br />

L., C'L ~Lf1 ,U~ 1rt~LGLUL~LJrgC. 't\L ~C'LU.G ~C'G ~ ,C'fab! 11$ JrgrtU.IatL~LG 't\f1,'t\LU.LC.<br />

I 1 ~ " I;' 'T' P' 'T' P' p )I IP I I<br />

~ b<br />

Lra!Lilfl ~ttC.~!L~U.M~,c. C'~~tL!!L@tl.L!AC'~ 'ti.L t\Lrt'ti.,UC'G ~ 1!1~L~,C'G~ ,~

... "' 'ltl J) , d ~ , .. '1 .;.<br />

(J}Y!(J)1 Y~1tJ mnn t'tffll(llllltJ\11 J t!Vl<br />

... ... , t<br />

m t1tl!U'l'::m'l' tVllllJ1nmrmn-um-u u<br />

'1tJ"''1, ... "'tl ,-,., ,<br />

lJY~ nmtnn -s::ln-s LLu1llnlJflltlll~l<br />

... d I I .I. J) "' I<br />

n 'lliVtlmn ll(J}nVw'Vl ~::u nlJY'i mumlJ<br />

I<br />

11<br />

hnm hmJY~lH'IlU<br />

dL I d ~<br />

-<br />

(lf)'fl-1<br />

~lm'lfl"l11n'l'"llJ\ll1lJ<br />

., II 'ltJ'i '1 I .. ~ I '111..(<br />

ll"U l'ltl'l\ll1tJ l LY'itl )J)J Lfl"llJl'tf1tJ 1f)f)<br />

I II ., .., d I d t .:1

Rabbit with Three Legs<br />

Suwanna Kriengkraipetch<br />

Among the That the term kra-tai am Archan Kong had to give up his inq- carrytng a mall fi h which wa ai<br />

kha which i tran lated a "a rabbit uiry. Later he was taught the magic Stngh in disguise 1n 1t beck and fled<br />

with three leg " an allegorical of making him elf invisible from the to Nonbur1 where he et free of at<br />

phrase for calling or comparing with monk but instead of using it in a Singh. In tead of behavtng him elf 1n<br />

any per on who 1 tubborn to ht good way, he neaked in to the royal the right path, Nai ingh wa ttll<br />

wrong opinion and idea to the end. palace to steal the food to eat. He did leadtng a notorious ltfe and at the<br />

The origtn of this phra e IS ttll con- it several time and at the end wa end took a death punt hment without<br />

trover ial but many belteve that 1t arrested by the palace guard . A death any help from hi own teacher a<br />

was handed down from the Ayudhya puni hment wa pa ed on him but by before.<br />

period. There wa a tory about a the time he wa about to be executed,<br />

To many people thi tory of<br />

magtcal monk, Phra Archan Kong hi teacher, Arch an Kong came to help ''rabbit with three leg .. ha been<br />

who t ok up re idence m Wat Buddhai htm. Before the monk took actton tn known a a ociated wtth Wat Budd hat<br />

Sa wan, Ayudhya. lie had two tudent , aving him he again asked the convic. Sawan tnce the Ayudhya period. but<br />

Nat hat and Nat tngh who llved ted man about the number of the however, a tory like thts wa al o<br />

wtth him in the wat. One day ht roa ted rabbtt. The an wer wa till told in Nakhon Sri Thammarat in<br />

rabbit wa killed by a dog and the three leg . Archan Kong who wa outhern Thailand. The difference<br />

monk then ordered Nat ingh to roa t touched with hi tudent' single min- wa only the animal of the ca e 1n<br />

1t for his meal. The boy wa o temp- dedne took pity on him and then point wa a chevrotain- k ra- JOng am<br />

ted by the deltctou mell of the ro ted u ed hi magic to free him from the kha. At the pre ent t1me th1 allego.<br />

animal that he tole one of 1t leg to execuuon. Later the king knew that rica! phra e-kra-t:1i am kha eem to<br />

eat. At lunch the monk ob erved that 1t was the help of Archan Kong that be distorted a kra-tai kha deow or a<br />

one of the rabbit' leg wa mi ing set free the convtcted, so he ordered rabbit with one leg although it<br />

and then que tioned the boy about it. the soldier to follow them to the ymbolical meantng till per 1 t .<br />

Nai Singh replied that the rabbit had wat. To e cape from being captured<br />

three ll:gs and still confirmed it until the monk disgui ed himself a a heron

•<br />


'<br />

' '<br />

( ~fl\llfll(l1Jflfl'U)<br />

~-~i"~ " • ~-~ -1... -~_,<br />

l~l! n '!1-l '!11 '11Hll'il! \Jl'HilJ u11u~·"u111v<br />

tJ I ~ ell<br />

l 'i 11'11lJW u H'fi 1::0 fl1 nn::uu 1uw u<br />

•<br />

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~::L1lJlJ'Il'UltHlJtN LYIULlJtllVI L1JYI-,11J11'U<br />

0 d. -1<br />

umu 1'Ul~11 '11lJtu LlJ tl-l umfl., n11m 1'!1<br />

l<br />

-4-1.11 c4 ,.. dl<br />

'11-llJ \Jl 'U \Jl tl L 1J'U Lfll L-l tlt1 'IJtl-l Vi11 '11lJtll tlU<br />

.j a I ... .,j ..<br />

lJ1n'!ltJ1JlJWnnn~ nmn1fln11'!1Luu<br />

I I .. .:J ., ol .,<br />

Ill tlU1-l tlUN'H'U-lL1JtH'flJUfl1tlUllU1~1J<br />

t I I ~ d .._ ..&" I<br />

\Jl-1 IL\Jlllr-1 t1~ 'U t'l ~J ~~~l~ -,:: 11lJ lll1JVI ( tl Yltl-l)<br />

~ .:1 "" oi-l -1 I" ..<br />

'11\IL 1J'Uflt'I1NnHlJ1YIL~U1 tl ntJU N'H'U-1<br />

~ " " ., ,' " ,<br />

l1J'U t'llJ ... Uf! i 'IJYI<br />

... U \Jl1\ln1J11(-I'U~ 'U l 'l1:: L ~ 1<br />

o .. ., "'llSI I<br />

11)Jfl1LLll\llJl11-,1'!1 -1 1Jfl11lJ LlJ ~LL'U<br />

I .:j .,l .!.I~ ~ l ., i .,<br />

. ... " . ~<br />

11L1Jtlt1lJU ~<br />

Yl11L-,lJlJ'IJ'U tHHJVt'l 'IJYlU<br />

d .. II I e1 4 •<br />

mJ Lfl1 tJ ul u 'Hu -lt'l tll'i':: .,1'!1lNf111 ~,.,<br />

l'Htlf.l fltl\Jltl'lHn1\IUJtl-lt'l111fl inn LlJtl<br />

II 4 )6 Sloi .. I<br />

n 11 'ILlJ tJ-l'IJ u 11 n 111 m1 11 IJl tJUMU-111<br />

.,..<br />

~ "' ~ r l ,.., ' " ... ..... "'<br />

fH) LrllJl '11 Lllrlt'l-.1 t'11U Ltlrl.Jl'l1l1111<br />

0 , 0 " .._ , ' ., 1 d ,--4<br />

U1Vi11U' f11 Ltlrl-.1 U~'II~11LUUl'1l<br />

~ "" ' • , Q ~<br />

'UUU L'HlJ<br />

L'Vfll::l~ (llJ(llUL UUL~{)U'IJU<br />

""l '. .Jm'l1::-<br />

.,",~ ... ~ 'u ............<br />

1~1llr-IU~U TltllJfl11lJ11 t'IU1UVl'111111<br />

. "' ,<br />

0<br />

... l<br />

u1rn1u l'n::A'Jtl11tn1'11'r1mn l·n::rrnr<br />

1 ... .. ..<br />

L'r1Yl'r11'1U 1 Vl1::'Jl'IIU 111111 rn::mt>n 11u<br />

"r ., o,ooo<br />

'Vl1 ::'J 1'11fln'l1::m·l~ L<br />

"'<br />

tl1~1~1.1<br />

.. ..<br />

Ul '!IUV11 '111::~ 1~11v<br />

U1 cn,ooo<br />

"' .. ... "' d<br />

Vl'J::fl1\'1~n'Jtl1!U~1H1::VI1~11t.J<br />

\.11 cn,ooo<br />

. .<br />

'1 ""' "'.I-' d<br />

'U\J '!lt.J{) 1(\j 11.1'1111t'l'r11!U1'!11~11t.J<br />

. .<br />

... .... .... .... d<br />

'II U ~ U~ 1l'l11.1 t.JVi1lJ L 'r1Wl \'1 'r11! 1-.1~ 1~ 11t.J<br />

U1 e,fl111lUVI tl1t'1'r111l'Hl'r111Ul'r1 ~1~11~<br />

U1 e,ooo<br />

.... ... "' ... ,<br />

11t'l1-.lt't'r11l L'llt.IU~ 1~1n11J U1 doo<br />

U1 boo<br />

•<br />

... "' .., ... "' ..<br />

11t'l1-.lt>U'r1fl1 L'!lt.JL'IIt.l11lU~tl1t.JflUl'r1 1{)~<br />

. .. ,<br />

l~1::1"111U'll1t.l<br />

Ul boo<br />

.. ... • ... d ...<br />

1"1 11J n f.l HlJ1t.J fl n ~ u 1 Ln t.J1 n UYl11 'HJJN 111 ~<br />

I tJ d I d<br />

nn 11lJ l'U1~UU ~::L HULL U-lt.lfll'l11H1Jtll<br />

c4 t ~ t t<br />

tltlnLUlJ'I!U "1 f1tl'IIUYi1::1JH111'11f11 'IIU<br />

t t .. "'<br />

l'i'J::11'11fl1 'IIUVl'J::f11LLfl::'!llJf11 LLt'l::lJ<br />

.. .. ..<br />

... .c. ' , 1 1 ~ 1 't.1 lJ 11u 1 ., lu n 11l'l1 :: 11 'lll'lll<br />

' .:., ' -4 Ill d<br />

111N "1 'r11lUtlt.IN11U-1 LUUl'l11HlJ\\IULl-<br />

... "' ,. ~<br />

"' . "'<br />

'11 l'llJ'HU 1'11 L Ul 1 tl.J'UUU'II1'JlJL U t.JlJU1::Ll'ltll<br />

' -4 .... ~ ... .c.<br />

(L'tlunnfllt'l 'll~t.J ~lJ 'lltl un1111 tln~ 1J1 ~u<br />

., ... ll ' -4 .. "" d<br />

u~~uuu) t>t.J1-l'Hu~ nwuuYl'J1'111Jtll<br />

.... ... "' , .......<br />

lHJilliU1fl (l"Hl'r1'11U1'r1) lJ'HU 1'r1'r11l'l1J<br />

... , . ' "' ... ,<br />

1nt.J1nU'IIN fftl~1111ll HU~LL 1nlJH1HU 1<br />

Ill • ' .. -4<br />

1U\Jl'l'J::lJ'H111'!1f11 t'1MI'l1LL'HU-1HM'r1<br />

..<br />

c:l "" .. , ""<br />

L UU ~N 11-.11Jli1HU 1LUlJVl1::f11 L Unf.)-<br />

..<br />

~, ttuttarntHtllH1LilH nartrmn &1ML~<br />

I '" If' I I ~ If If<br />

ULrtrtiAU1::trrtLnUa.Ut-ttH::LtM 1 ttl a~1<br />

~ II'_. I ....<br />

rtl L&1ML~Il\11 t-a1t\lA.U1::trrtLnl.1aJ.!t-ttH<br />

I io IC If I l II' '"<br />

..<br />

ttl naN&LaLII.t'li.LJ.!1t-llltLULt&l L~lt\t'~<br />

1.1 ~ If "' ';I I I. If 'I( _.<br />

Lll.t'li.UlatHilLtM.rtntlllllM.tt1 M.Ll9 ~ 11M<br />

.. ..... "' .. ~ ~... "" 0<br />

LrtL&ll.tL~t'UHnLULrtalll ttttllA.1~1 Lllot-n<br />

If IC '" 1 ;I I /C .. o'"<br />

::u11Ut11t-tl9tt11HHL1~, Lt~mnM.1 &LttJJ<br />

:1 f" p /C .. II ~<br />

~~rt~L&1t.tl~~11 tt::aal9 M.tttltt<br />

tC I tC " l "' '' ,. ... :'<br />

::1.111 tl ::aal9 "UM.Lrt LtnLI11lattartH1~<br />

l4 ,.. ,. " • ~ tt-<br />

L. t'Ltlll!)Uil\1~111l.. L U1trtLWI1UtnUH1Lillla<br />

P P I IC '" 't' "'<br />

a J.!t'ttHtt rt11AU1::trtrtLnl.l flUWU T U ·u<br />

II''" I" I" "<br />

llLM.t-a~ , lA.U1::trtrtLil.l.l aJJt-M.Ht\1 na<br />

' I'"' , ff' ,. It,<br />

Lta11.1::1.111 tttMLM. It .... ,. , ~ ·~ ..<br />

Lrt, Ltttn~11:-t\HLI.9t\t\Ll91W! Ll9 ttttHI.9<br />

I,.~ •';I• o ';1';1<br />

L&lJ~11 I /Cio Opl "' p ~<br />

lW! o 0 ,C ... I I ... ~ 1.4L't<br />

rtu::tr tt .<br />

If ';Ill,. ~<br />

1111 t1rtlllii'\M ll.t'li.LJ.!1t'lllH ~GMltA.rl.LtU&La<br />

·"""'';Ill<br />

t' & t\ ttl9 nunt~t\111<br />

... p • •"'" I ~ ,. I I<br />

p I "' .....<br />

L 11.1 tt ll<br />

~ ~ tf a , ,. ,. ,.<br />

1:-M.HLI.9Ua ,,UM<br />

ll\111:-llllrtl!)l ';I uur11t\H1t\ttLUt1t'lU<br />

';I Lij Ll9fU.tl91 ULrtnal..t-LillaJJt-M.HttLa~l<br />

"'ttnt 1 Ul!)1 n111 L &1 t.u ~a rt1<br />

';I ,. P f" IC 1C t<br />

. ~~ tt t\Ul11 L rt rtnl9 I lA.Lnll na tUI:- 't., tU<br />

nltlrtHLttWtt.1.tt1t\Ut-a ';I '!" f:"<br />

t\Lilli.Lt tti11Lnllna f:" tUt-tUI:- ';I tl91l1111:-llll .,':1 U1<br />

lllftHLtt.1.tll11 f" (llLI!l::tU) nll.lllA.J.ltl9::tt.1.<br />

natllnt111n111::t tC rtt UM.rlM.JJil.l.lt' I'"' tLUII.Ltt-t t\ L rtHL tll\1:-UJJH taUil\~lLI\lLa<br />

I ,. ,C I I<br />

nLn~t-lA.UUL~Illlllt 1:-lA. rtl tl9t- JJU Ul9 im 111<br />

.':1 &- IC "' ';I ... f"<br />

t\ t\1.9 ll 1\lM.l::trrtLIDL 11.1:- ll.lllllWtt-atD::& U<br />

';I •'f> IC "'IC ,..., ~ If p<br />

L~ t.ttA1HUHtUart1 UWLrttLUUtA.attHt<br />

If ~ 1C I 't II'<br />

tL~tlUN.1.M.1 nalJULtrtt-~ nLU.trtntllllU.\<br />

'-• , .. ,. ,. t:- ~ .....<br />

ttL L ll.t' A.Ul tLUaij tt,UG:: tM.U111lltll<br />

tl .... tt- U -., II> I<br />

nLtt.1.rtaUl 1\lrtH Ltt.t rtUUllllf'f.1.1:-Q rt1<br />

...... p ,. ... "'<br />

t'LtJ.!::U 11 Ulll 1.9tttl.! 1:- G rt1 t'L t IH L U ttllo 1<br />

tC "- "' II "' "- I<br />

~ 1\lrtH L t t.UlA.Il tt I t rtl W rt U11 t1L Jfi11~Jttl11<br />

~ p "' "' loll ~I 1C I IC f:"<br />

L U 11\lrtHLtM.t\111 L ttt Ut-a nun lA.t\11 t::& rtQ n<br />

1p j:>l'" I .'1"1?. I<br />

U rt~1 ttllllloltl\1111\aLilllnatUHUUL&<br />

p ... ~ p "' ...<br />

l ft 1\lrtHL tt.\ t\111L tUn t 1 ttiUilttlln rt.U<br />

p j:> I ~ ';I ~ "'<br />

1\lrtH Ltt.1.llJ.1111 M. L nt ll t1t\a t 1 ttL 11 t' llll rt<br />

p p I II' If ';I<br />

t-Ilt\ U L t.1.lA.IIlftH Lt t.1. UtM 1:-Q~a llll t\t.\tl 1.91<br />

"' 't ? "' "'<br />

lA.ttfltfbl\1 L ttHtl\t\111::&t-ijttl\nA.IliAIJ<br />

'!" j:> I I. 1C "' II' ';I "'"' "'<br />

tij::tt.1. Lt~1 ttLIA.tti1.J.!::&Gt.1.1At-LlA.rtt-&<br />

I IC io ... "' 'I" ~ ...<br />

nut Lll.t- li.L 1.11 ::u 11 nLt Lrt till nLtM. rtntlllllt.t<br />

IC"' 1",. ,.~,. ...<br />

1:-lltliJUrtrtl • lA.IlLUIIottL~tLUN.1.li.Lt<br />

... I ,.1 .. '!" "'<br />

-::tt.tttl t-lliHLG~uiA.mtUHII.Utt.tt\1111:-lll<br />

';Ill ,. 1C P"~<br />

(nL~::tu) n~~tlltAJJtl9::tt.ttti11Lrttttl1 191.9<br />

• "' ... ..... ..... IJ' .. .....<br />

tt~M.I11 tl9li.Lt l Hrt ::tt.4. t\111::&L ttl 11.1:-A.LIJ 1<br />

.. ,. ,. Ill"'<br />

t'~tLU flGlJULtrllt.tLIA~lt\111 (allotrt~)<br />

';I I ~ ... o IC f" 9'/CI<br />

tl9A.LtLI1.rt::tt.trtU t,. LM.I9anlltA •. t::tt.WA.t U<br />

~p 1\ ...<br />

Lli.Lt li.M.li.Lt::t t.1.ttt ntL&LI9tH llllrtHLtt.t<br />

..... p p<br />

ll.l rtl H li.Utt.1.ttl1 1t'lloULI11f11Ut.1.11lrtHLU.t<br />

11"' .. " j:>t- .. p<br />

lllt1ttl na .. rttUL&1 1911nA.lllA.JJI:-tUH,<br />

II 1.1 IC ~ "'... ... '<br />

t'tt~\ 11lll\rtltt~UUnLrtHtiUrtlllllt tt ~<br />

o,. "' '" I ~<br />

Lll.t-li.LJ.l11:-IDHLG~~tt-lltl91 t\lllt\tt (nLill<br />

IC"' ';111,.11 &- lof:>';l I<br />

-::tu) n A. IliA!.! tl9::t 1.1. !W u~ ijllltAa ~<br />

,. ._. ...,. "p ...,. I ,.. tC<br />

tt~l9ttLll t-ijl\rtl\ L rm L nut 1\lrtHU. 1.1.<br />

~,. 7 IC I ~ p<br />

lllllllt'LtU::U11LIIoi:-A.Lll1t'll\lll G~l:-& (nLI!l<br />

p IC If"' :fill. &- I<br />

-::tU) nA.IllA.IJtij::tt.1. ~Gt.1.rtl\ttijtt::tM.<br />

,. ~ "-... ~ '<br />

t-L uu& L tL t na tL uu t- ~rort HL t t.1.ll.l.ll11<br />

I ,. I '" p p<br />

rtlllrtHL tt.1.1ll flrtHtll11 UaGM. t::IDULf.t<br />

~p IC I "' •<br />

1:-LlA.ttlllli.Ut'll\LrtnLn l• U.1.~anlltA.M::tt.4.<br />

,. ':1• IC II "'<br />

& ~1 rt u tttl9 t llttllnrtlm L t 1.111 na lllrtHLtt.t<br />

p ';I ,. "' IC I p<br />

lll.!lllftltUrnu t\llMI!lll\U11l\tll111.rttatt<br />

p ~ I IC.. ~ p p _. p<br />

lllttlA.t-LnG (tL&ULUt'Ltl.!t\& ~tt'Ltll<br />

'!" I 1C "' IC I> "' IC<br />

nlA.\111111) t\L llrtHt\ I t\IDU U.1.11tHL J.ltt~<br />

, " ' .. " ,. 0 9;<br />

ttllllltlA. 11:-UJJ::U 11 ttll &&111\lrtHL tt.\ll.IJ 111<br />

IC "' top p<br />

ttl11lA.tll11 na nat 1 ttL 11 t-llltrt t-u ::11o u at- &<br />

p '!" I II' IC ';I ., ...<br />

1\lrtHLtt.\UU.\t\1:-~ t't.tlftllli:-LlA.nGrl Nl<br />

p " " "' p I 1,<br />

nLntt&ttlllrt1Hl1 1:-ll 1:-ti:-Ltll::llo l• LI .\~Gn<br />

IC ~ 1\ I IC I."' "' IC II<br />

-IliA ~t::tt.\& ~1 rtJJ art1 L tlJU Lt rt 1:- ~ l•Ul•<br />

p t I I""'<br />

tttfb tt& M.ll.1 l.. ftHM.Illt\UnGil\LIIot'L~t\ij<br />

~ I I ,. "' I b I<br />

UL&UGtt rtnal9 rtti\1.9H l.oUL• tf.rt1Lilftt-~<br />

I> I I , 1C I<br />

.. .. .. ..<br />

nallrtllt-tA. tt.ll::uurtt-tA. trtt::tM.t-tA.It~~otrt<br />

ft II I ,. ,. I I I l<br />

~al.llllt-~~11 rtrtUlAt\111 (t.\lA.1 t-iUGij) uaa<br />

ll~l'tP" .. "'<br />

-ttt::tllUL'r·1.1:-LlA.M.tJJ M.t\t'lA.IlGI1lA.ll\l111:-lU<br />

_. I ';I ';I I , f:> ~<br />

t\t!Jt'GM & 1 rt ( 1:-L llot'LilUGt\ tttllUGUI:-Lil<br />

IC I" IC "'<br />

M.lt\tiJ) t'LIIot-Lfll:-llA.Gl9UGttM.tlli1UijM.I11<br />

lo IC II' • "' I j:><br />

, M.l M.t.ll LtttUUnt1LUI1l\ttttt'Gft1t'll<br />

' I. " I "' f> 't'l> f1' ...<br />

ttll.L rt~aUill nat 1 t-~11 ::tr::tt.\ tl t ll\111:-llll rt<br />

~ I ,<br />

rtt Ut1t\tQttl11 L1.ttt.1.tl t\Uilll1.t::ll\Ul1.1.tf\t\!l<br />

.. ~ .f?'tlt':l"' ~<br />

t-a rt1 tllllll t-G rt1t'lltlftt'U t\lll:-t\llUtt.1.<br />

"' 'f> "' ~ \><br />

1\lrtlll t M.rt::ll.&LGIAI:-L U llUtULrtl..t-Lil\1:-G rt1<br />

p ... ~ I ~<br />

t-rlr~ttlU1 ttllUttLUUil\11 1\H tt U U.\t-Gft1 UM.<br />

,. "' p ' ~ ': "'<br />

ttl9r-J tttt ociHO~Zt ·u·t.t llM.Lt-tunumalliLt<br />

IC ';I • II- ,. ~ I<br />

&1 L~1HLLIAI:-& tllM.llllrtllt\1 nattA.LtUU<br />

0<br />

I. 1C IC ... ~ '" 1.1 ll '"<br />

P1l<br />

"'~"'IWI ·u·t.t llUHID op~.a. ·y·1.9 llttLHt~<br />

.. II- ..<br />

TUrtHLUAlliJill Lttlt\n~t tU11Lrt11 °~ tlt<br />

p p 1 11lt ~ 1C 11-<br />

QfttnlA.I t-alttnanl911:-lll lllll\Ulllltlll ttrttGtt<br />

t' 1, II' I ~ p i' "'p<br />

nLtt 11.1\lftHL tt.tll!Jf\ l H tlHLUI1UtnU1<br />

liP P II "' 't<br />

tt~lllrtHlt M lllllllt-L tJJ t' lA.rtatML ll.t' li.L ~ 1<br />

~p p If ';I IC IC "'<br />

1:-lliHl l.o LUUt~trlt-& lllt.\1::trlloltlllltlll<br />

':1.. .. ... "'<br />

rtLillnLtLrttlllnLtt.1.rtntlll!lt.1.LlA.f\tllL~<br />

1 .. ,-.. ,. ,.._ ,...~ o ,. o<br />

(ttll&~mll.t-llol~ 1t'~lA.Gl9) t ijtt::tt.\HlW<br />

,. ,.,. ... ':1'1"11' ..<br />

&I M.fl.ll tGlllA.t-tlllttM llot-llol~1t-~HL G~UlA.<br />

I. f:> I II>'!" • ~ IC ';I IC<br />

llltU~t lllt~lllt-art1tlll.t\tULt\ 1\lrtHL t M<br />

,.,,. "' ...... p<br />

n111 (lltlll::tu) nA.lllA.J.l.tij::tt.1. a~~o<br />

f:" I _. "' "' t<br />

1\lrtHLtl.\rtltM.UtLUU ~Gi!"'IZI 'U"t.\ 111:-ll<br />

p ~ I "' I II- ...<br />

M. l.oUits tltl9tllot'tlloLt::tMt'Lt.llrtGI11:-LtJ.l<br />

ll 1'" IC 11/C<br />

N\ 11LUH tllrtftu Ltl9M.::tMt-L tllt'L tH::ttt L<br />

o iC flol tC I "'<br />

rtUU 1:-tt\G ftlllltf1 111G U 1t' &rtl-1. ~ tl9 tt::tMrt<br />

... "' "' .. I ..<br />

tl9tt::tM.l9M.I11 HGt-Gtt-GUij t.tLUHil<br />

-. p I t o<br />

1:-QI.lij~floll~l til ~lnL~JUaG ttt::ll\t-1'11:-LlA.I:-ID<br />

.<br />

" ~ ,, .. ,. 'r ~<br />

Lrtntn t\llll.&lll• t.tlA.1t-t.Ual9 J''III"'IZI ·u·t.t<br />

" ,. , .<br />

ttL rtH ~ tt.Lil li.Lt t-L tu t-tiAuu l Lti.M ~1. ~an<br />

I '• ,... " 1'1<br />

·!llA.~\::t t.\& ~~ ftLHi.Lil::tM Ln::tt.{L &1L t\rt11<br />

" p IC :ll<br />

1:-1'1 t'GU na llolt Ulrt M.U Ullll L &1 ::tt.t &~1 rt J.1<br />

'1' ' --. "· p<br />

llrt.U ltlllllol t tt 111 t\ Gtfl. tt 111:-t U rt ~1<br />

"' ,. p .. "' ...<br />

tn~1 LtnU 1ll 1.11 tlA.t\ llUl<br />

~,. ~;> ...<br />

·t\16 tn ft~ f1.ll 11.1:-A.Ulllt.~a U1. n L tl rt tiD<br />

,. ,. " ... " ,...-.. "" 1 .. ,_<br />

nLtt.\rtn till !lt.tlloU::tM 1:-lltl UU llU1 ::llo Ul1.<br />

"' I> I'>"' ... I p"<br />

IAt\l tlA.tllJUlM.IlltnrtLH\1 LlA.lA.IlUI:-tlll::&<br />

.,.. p .. ,.,. ~. • .,.. ...<br />

IliA 11tLUUtA~nG1::Uillt M. M.~tlHt-tUilM.R.<br />

I '!" I> ;I "'<br />

t'G~tLU lll,Ll91\dJU I t rt t' ~ l.. nat 1 tt ~llll<br />

IC o lo I" "' \1' ~<br />

fbllVU.Ht~l t'& trtnGt1~ttt.\tU&LHrt::tM<br />

I '""'1>111~ t) •"'<br />

&(:)1ft!.! tt~t\fJllll\11 1:-ll\M.R.t'G t 11:- ttllllJLUnllt<br />

P "' I I ';I ~ II' I;> '<br />

t'LtAal.lllf\tlUt'Lt::tUt1.& U tttt ::allllfbHl<br />

,...,. 1 ,. :1 I It<br />

ttlt-ttllHtt,t-ll::(;&LG l.. Utllt\lloll\11 Lllol:-li.Ul<br />

"' j:" I "' \ ';I I If "'II<br />

tUI1.111nrtJJt fttf.1.lt~rti:-IU lllttUUltlllt<br />

j:> 1 ,. ~ I<br />

rtt 11::tt.\ll.l!)1ftJ.lnrt~t\a UU11L U1Lrtrtt-a Ill::&<br />

p ,.. I a I ,... II •<br />

Lllot'li.Ulllt.\ ~rtiU lA.LrtLU1lA.rtL~t-at trt)l<br />

IC "'II ~... ',1 I '!" t<br />

nLU.1.rt lltlllll 1.1.11U tllU1 L llot-lloUllllrtH L t M.<br />

"' .. ~"' "' 't IC "'" p<br />

11 till llfbUL ~ ttl11 LA. I:- li.L ll 1 t' llltl U ftl ti1.H 1<br />

"' o ,. o j:> •IC "' ';I ~ I p<br />

::llo ~tlllt'tUiltt~t-G~tLUil1 Lijftllll<br />

,. ~- 0<br />

f\ llt' lA.IIlftHLt 1.1.1:-GM\ 111 Ulll<br />

" ~ ':1 ;> p<br />

t'G Ill tt t1.llt.\I:-L tH ::t M. L Ut L~1 lA. tLU Llll t t 11<br />

1C ';I ,.... I IC '\"'<br />

llolt t-atijlt\& ~GUlli l.. t'LIHGrt1 Ulll\11<br />

\1' I II' "' I<br />

L ftl:- lUtULa::u 11 ntllaij 1\LlA.IIoLt:: tt.\11 t<br />

~ I II' "'

d<br />

, I "" I .- .- tl ..<br />

1<br />

f ~ ., ..... d...... '<br />

111\HJ:: 'IHJ!Jl1J'Uflfl'Ufl1J"t'i1fl'Y1V-lli'Yl<br />

"Il-l<br />

VtJ'YlNfi'U 'U11J1 VI n'Ylfl'U 'Yll1 !Jn11<br />

11 fi'U'U<br />

" .<br />

~ " o I 11 ci " t "" -1<br />

IJl'YlfJ-3 fl111 lll'Yl!l-3 'U'Ul1J'Un111Jl'Y1V-l<br />

... ~ • ,Gj , d<br />

~H '1 f1fllV1'YlV-lfl1LL'YlLU'UflV'ULt'ln '1 li1<br />

-1 1 cJi I "" -1 I u .I '<br />

~~~~·WVnL1J'ULLH'U'Yl11tJn11 'Y1V-l1utn '<br />

• ., ..., .I ~ ..., , I<br />

t11l111J1JVI'Yi1::"t~'Yl'l!lul11V1JVIV:: 11Jl1-l"]<br />

I ""., ... .,• ll'" " ~ tl tl<br />

VtJ1-l'YltJ~'UtJ1Jfl'UVtJ 'U11nl'U 11JV~l'YH~1<br />

dl d ... I " tl ., 'I,... 't~l<br />

11J'U1VInLVI'UH1'Ufi'U'U'UtJ-l LVIV'UintJ-l L un<br />

n I, I • tl d<br />

1 ilnvu 1J~1~11fltJIJltlfJVIfi'U'U 1JNu1un<br />

"-4 • , , t<br />

~ 1 tJ Lfl1fJ-l1UVi11WYlV-lfl111 'YlV11tJ mu<br />

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n 11~ 'In 1~ In 1'!1'1'!11~ u 11 n 1'Yi1fl~ 1m f11 v .:~<br />

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1 U'Yi nw 'YlV~ 1l1t'IV~n Lu vv ~flllfi1\JI~ LLfl<br />

. .<br />

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1J1J LU~~'!IV~1H<br />

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• lir u ~ "' ., .. I<br />

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. ' , ,, .,<br />

lunmg1J1t1V'Ul1~~11<br />

"' ' ' ,<br />

'l11'Yltl-lii'Y1Lifl ~1J'U L1Jf)'C\tJ~<br />

fltl-l<br />

.. ,ll ,, '<br />

IV1'Yl!l-31t11'!1~'!11'U1 ~'H1tJ l1M~1fl'!IM<br />

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oi<br />

•<br />

1 H ~111 fi'U'U~'U nv u ~u nV~1J ~1u 1mv.:~<br />

~ dl , .. , " ., , • , ., t<br />

11V'U11J'UIIlLIJl::1fl1Vfl'U1JN V11'Ul1MIIl-l<br />

1.- .. , t I c:j<br />

11 llll111J 11 u" n v VI 'Yl .:111 fl1 n 1 u 11 1 n 1u u<br />

• • ., d el ' Jl , ,<br />

1 l11JV'ULflVI-llfl1J~V~VI'Iflt'l1111t'l1 ~ 1\1~1.:1<br />

-4 tl I

.<br />

lo .,., I.,<br />

t11111lHJn111'U~'U~<br />

'Yifl'U1LL 11LH\111n'U"<br />


.. ,~ ~ "'<br />

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. , '<br />

{) ()Yl 1!Jn1!J()()'U LC'U<br />

., I d ~.q<br />

'U lJ 1 1 L 1'1 Hll'ffi<br />

, "'<br />

mm 'll1'U wm umnr~ ..:~<br />

"'<br />

'm~,::·n'l!mw<br />

It<br />

n '::U1'UL1'1 !J11J1<br />

c! •<br />


.,<br />

... ' -4<br />


.. & & ~, .... & ...<br />

Ll'llJfll'l1 L'Hl11'U LLl1Vfl1'l[J1[J1lJ[JW<br />

d c:f "' tl d I 1d d,<br />

Lf1ULHWL UWV1~t\J '!!1H'I1-l L liL?IH?IlJY~'l1'HlJW<br />

' .,<br />

ci. f1'WLV11n'U<br />

"" , d<br />

lH\J'VIthl'IJ11 m 1'1U11ll1'U ::'l11 flvn<br />

' ., oil "" ""<br />

LV11n'U11'1 LH'WVf11~ lJ LVlU'U~VI'lVUVI<br />

.., "1 tl 1& d I I<br />

n::'t'fl'l LU(;l1ULV1U'W<br />

'<br />

. ..<br />

LH'W~::m1 e oo Lt'UJ<br />

col ... ' ~l ""<br />

LU'Wf11lHillH'~'l::Vfl1'lVI'11lH111-1 t'11(;l<br />

"" ~"q oil~·~',<br />

~:: lJ fl1 u mlm u v mn v L<br />

lJ 1 n<br />

lJ u/l VI<br />

., ~.1"'' ...<br />

t'l 'I L n~L 't'l'l1:: L UlJ1VI LL~ f11'W 'H1lJ l'l'l::Vfl1'l<br />

ClOd<br />

..<br />

' ' , ,<br />

"LL 'llJf11'l1 'H'H1W<br />

... & ...<br />

LL'HVfl1'lU1U1lJUW<br />

d c:f ...<br />

Lf)[J L'H'\.U U 'W £11~ W<br />

, d ' 'd d<br />

'!!1l1'1\l L H Lt'lllt'llJl~'l1'HlJW<br />

1 {) lJ £l1VIt'I1Vlt'11 L<br />

0 "" ., ' oil q<br />

'W U'l LlJ L lllJ £l'U L ff U'l 'W 1'1ll 'I 'l1lJ<br />

t ...... ~ d ,,, .,d<br />

t'l1L?IflL~Vl LtllJ'11lJ [J11JWWL'!l1L~1£l1WU'WV1<br />

' ., .,<br />

.<br />

VV'Wl111'W n l'lL ff'W 1:: L l'l'l1::£l n\l'lnt'l£l'WVI1VIl'i W<br />

,, .-d ., oJO/""<br />

LL~1L £lUl~~11Jt'l[J Vln1Wll1-llHLffU'IfflJ'l"

" 111 & & .I<br />

l11fl1tJ 1tJ 1lJun1tJ<br />

' 11'SW<br />

' " i '<br />

vvinM:: m~-s<br />

" ., , ,<br />

LU'SlJL 11fl?l1flMlJ1<br />

"" "" .. "<br />

I~ {)lJLl ~ lJI 'HlJ {)'UI ~ [J).Jfl N<br />

~ "' " ...<br />

I 'S{)'l~ n-s NIL 'SlJ~'U }:Jf1<br />

L1 'SlJ'St111 'SlJYl~'U 1<br />

L1 ~ lJ I l1 d 'U l1'U " 1'U "''I 'U {)'U II 'SlJ"<br />

' "" d'l "' ' .. '<br />

Vl1lJIHI'St>'Unflt>1'ULL~lJ & fl1 llnl'SLIH<br />

d ' "' "" ' ...<br />

vn::w 111vw n .:~ nnu 1 ttlJ vu n 'll'l 1:: nfl11<br />

• ' "' .I ,<br />

fl111 tJ ltJ11.Jun1tJ w ~ 'Ufl'l ::li1Jltlfl'l ~<br />

' "" .. ' ~ "' ~ d "' '<br />

en YllJ}1'S{)[J11Jl1'U'l 11fl'lfllJtJ\.I'UmiU1 1<br />

~ • ' ' ' d~ ' ~<br />

~nl1'Ut>tJ<br />

.<br />

.. .... 411 eJ ,, ' "'<br />

Lll1fl'll'l'S::'U1'S1tJWfl'l en YllJ~'l<br />

vvn ~ ::~ n u n::lJ~ H~ n tJLLttn .:~vn::t>fl1'S<br />

~ oj II "' ' tJ<br />

l111JW " "' 't l1 "'1.. 11 t'11'UIJ1n~" ' ~ 'l uvw~t>tJYlnnn<br />

~ '"'"' ~<br />

... " " d .. "<br />

1 n1'!! 'I'll 1un1nnnumw

Lo Cl1ing Cha<br />

{Swing Festival)<br />

Kanchanagabhun<br />

One important ceremony recognized<br />

by tho e of Bhramin religion celebrated<br />

in recognitton of the New Year i<br />

the Lo Ching Cha ( Swing) Festival.<br />

The said ceremony was celebrated<br />

and recognized by those of Buddhist<br />

religion since of old under royal patronage<br />

of King .<br />

The Bhramins are devided into<br />

two groups. One recognize the God<br />

Siva as their highe t e teem and more<br />

uperior the God Narai ( Narayana)<br />

call the Swing Fe ttval ''Triyampa-<br />

wai". One that recognize Narai their Fe tival, ba ed on the belief that the<br />

htghest e teem god have named the God Narai de cended tQ earth follow<br />

festival "Tripawai".<br />

tng the God tva' biddings.<br />

Based on hi torian fact , Bhramin The preparation for the ceremony<br />

who tntroduced their religion to the include numerou detail and is recpeople<br />

especially the cttizen of Na- ognizcd a reltgiou . or e ample :<br />

korn Srt ThammaraJ are Bhramtn the Swing it elf mu t be made of copwho<br />

worship the God Stva. Thu per and the ceremony it elf i accomthe<br />

Thai' celebratton of the fe tival panied by ritual of pomp pagentry<br />

i carried out according to Bhramin<br />

of the Stva cult.<br />

and the fe tivities not to forget the<br />

splender of the main pr~ce sion.<br />

However, Bhramins who wor htp<br />

the God Stva also celebrate the Swtng<br />

• ... • J ~ o w "' w J tl II ... w J o1 -4.. I w w -4<br />

'Yi1::111J'II~L 1J lJ01fl11f'lt)lJl!lH'IIO~'Yi1::lJ111tJtll llJ111'Yin1M11JnlJYlffn tiiJ t1nfi'Yi1:: If! 11JQn1fllNn1 fllJ1111J N1JO~HnlJtJ 1'!fnHIYl ~<br />

Lacquered a nd glided ripture abinet from Wa t Hong. Ra tanaram , tle;icting the . tory o f Rama , a n ther rcincaru ti n of i hnu,<br />

eogag d in com t with Ravana . Km Rama IV period .<br />



u1mrrnturiJ ltJ- nrru mnr mw.,<br />

1<br />

I I Aoo -/ I<br />

1U1UU1=:fllf111f3Jtf01 J.mfl1 '7<br />

•<br />

... .. • ,.J . "<br />

u ~mn n U1'if3J ~o tfmuntf1 q;<br />

u11f3JU1!J~f1Uu<br />

.. .. .., ...<br />

::nmttfflmuu1u<br />

urmrtmo fi3J1~Junr ~w<br />

,;'IOJ!,fiF171Ff11fJnflv7,7no bet' um<br />

.. .. I' ...<br />

onmumJ - tt.rno J.l.<br />

ttf11 mnfiEJ u ~ u~tJf1111fn71<br />

1<br />

.,<br />

If U013J11llfl=:t lJfl<br />

" ~ oJumn?JI-!U1 lflntiioJT u11<br />

3J 3J0U tt1?r llU1 =:'111iul fW<br />

1 1<br />

m,<br />

1111,)1114 u


., , ... ~ al .. .... ., 11 t ., ., ....<br />

nu~lnUnl l~tJ1'1J ll\JtJ ll un::LNllOL \J tllfl'lll-lO ~Oll lullll-ll! 'l L 'Uflt'lH1fltn1~,

0 ,<br />

.<br />

1'11lJtllJ1'HILI'I\J<br />

.<br />

" d .:1 ,<br />

t'fl\J'Vll LU\JI'IU<br />

tHltl<br />

0 "" "<br />

tl1L1Hlfl'\JlfllJ<br />

• ... "' eJ • ., ~ " ., ...<br />

Mll\.10\.1 l"l1J1l.ll'llfl011nonllln '~l11~~l1lJIJ 1'11~0Ut111111lJl1\.IM1J~

.. " ~ r. .. ~<br />

n u fl"'nthn1vw 1 ~nnuu :amu-lnfln'~ hwJIIlll ... -lll1fl r~u1<br />


u " .,<br />

n11n11~v1A11nuuu<br />

0 ., , , ....<br />

nTH11J"'ri'J 1~AUl~U1<br />

..<br />

"'<br />

JJ'i~fll11-11~'U1i11lJ'Utl.:J'lflVI<br />

...<br />


.. .<br />

nnnmMamna1v .<br />

tl .fi

II " .I. .. J ~<br />

nnu.,<br />

.. .<br />

.<br />

. .<br />

n1vu -uu oul1-u llln 'lll 1.1-,::91 tl'lu::un~fln11JVll ~<br />

nmvmn-lfiOYl 1t11v

.<br />

"'<br />

II ~ ., -4 d<br />

'ri1Z'rll1111lhhi1J UYil.h::fllJI ~tlU 11U<br />

. .<br />

-4<br />

1 tl1Jl11111fl anu1<br />

"' .<br />


q<br />

fl1U 11lHU Jfl 'i~<br />

'\<br />

•SI .,., ~ I<br />

, ' , ., ~<br />

t'llN"\ILW'i'llJtJ'.i'lln1t'IY1 ~<br />

.. ~<br />

'i'll1.JL~tJHlJt:llJ1~1<br />

ennnuunv-<br />

'i'!lJULUt'llJ nq~1nl<br />

~ .,<br />

t'ltl1Ul1 n "lf.J 'll'U mlfl n 1111n ~ 1 n'i'l tl1 u u<br />

.. ~<br />

..<br />

L 'U ()-.1 ~ 1fllJ fl11lJ fH\1~ Lfl rl ()'U l 'U 1JYI fl11lJ<br />

~ d ~<br />

l'n::'Ufl1'Hrl1-.1•1 '\Jtl-.1 ()~1YI!J L~'HlJf'!t1~n<br />

~ , , , .. ll<br />

1J1-.l\Jl()'U ~-.1'\J()LLfli'\JlHOfl\llD-.1 ~-l'U<br />

, ~ .<br />

,<br />

• · 'H'U1 de lwu l'i.ft. eci~ o l~1::L~1<br />

V'UYI111lJ ..'U ,~0..,1DL~OUI10~ cu L~()-.1<br />

lm'lo<br />

t~GI ., ' •<br />

un LU'U !J-lfl-ltl!J Ol LlJtl-.1 hLno<br />

, ,~ ., el ,<br />

lz,. 'HU 1 G~ lllDlll'H -l?llJ!J l'n::L ~1YIHI-<br />

., ~ .. d d<br />

11lJ'UYI'H'U-l Vt1:: UIIH'1 '\JD-ll'l1::tl-lfl<br />

, .., • d<br />

LL nL 1J'U Yt~ ::~J 1\llfl 1'\Jtl-ll't1::()-.lfl<br />

.<br />

en. 'HJ1 den nmuun'\JtllJLLtt::rHnlh1n<br />

' -1.<br />

fh~Lfft'fl'Ul'IY11ifllll111~YI ••-••<br />

, Gl • ~<br />

LLflL1J'U l'IYll!fllll111~YI ~~~-~1.<br />

i1<br />

.<br />

'Utlfl1lllflll:lltNflt]l:l<br />

rV<br />

There are 14 noted butlding complexe<br />

which rcpre ented the temple<br />

mountain of the "-ing.<br />

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complcxe which mo t of them represented<br />

the temple mountain of king.

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