Os Eucaliptos e as Aves da Quinta de São Francisco
Os Eucaliptos e as Aves da Quinta de São Francisco
Os Eucaliptos e as Aves da Quinta de São Francisco
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<strong>Os</strong> <strong>Eucaliptos</strong> e <strong>as</strong> <strong>Aves</strong><br />
<strong>da</strong> <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong><br />
The Eucalyptus and Birds in <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong>
<strong>Os</strong> <strong>Eucaliptos</strong> e <strong>as</strong> <strong>Aves</strong><br />
<strong>da</strong> <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong><br />
The Eucalyptus and Birds in <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong><br />
Textos Texts susana Torrão<br />
Fotografi<strong>as</strong> Photographs paulo oliveira
<strong>Os</strong> <strong>Eucaliptos</strong> e <strong>as</strong> <strong>Aves</strong> <strong>da</strong> <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong> The Eucalyptus and Birds in <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong>
Ficha Técnica Credits<br />
Título Title<br />
<strong>Os</strong> <strong>Eucaliptos</strong> e <strong>as</strong> <strong>Aves</strong> <strong>da</strong> <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong><br />
The Eucalyptus and Birds in <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong><br />
Edição edition<br />
Grupo Portucel Soporcel<br />
Portucel Soporcel Group<br />
Coor<strong>de</strong>nação Text Co-ordination<br />
João Soares<br />
Assessoria do Conselho <strong>de</strong> Administração para a Floresta e Ambiente Forest and Environment Advisor to the Board of Directors<br />
Ana Nery<br />
Departamento <strong>de</strong> Imagem e Comunicação Institucional Corporate Image and Communication Manager<br />
Autora author<br />
Susana Torrão<br />
O texto foi <strong>de</strong>senvolvido com b<strong>as</strong>e nos livros <strong>Eucaliptos</strong> Centenários <strong>da</strong> <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong> <strong>de</strong> Lísia Lopes e <strong>Aves</strong> <strong>da</strong> <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong><br />
<strong>Francisco</strong> <strong>de</strong> Milena Matos e António Luís, ambos publicados pelo RAIZ – Instituto <strong>de</strong> Investigação <strong>da</strong> Floresta e Papel<br />
Text b<strong>as</strong>ed on the books <strong>Eucaliptos</strong> Centenários <strong>da</strong> <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong> by Lísia Lopes and <strong>Aves</strong> <strong>da</strong> <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong> by Milena<br />
Matos and António Luís, both published by RAIZ – Instituto <strong>de</strong> Investigação <strong>da</strong> Floresta e Papel (Forest and Paper Research Institute)<br />
Apoio Técnico e Científico Technical and scientific support<br />
Leonor Gue<strong>de</strong>s, Lísia Lopes e Milena Matos Leonor Gue<strong>de</strong>s, Lísia Lopes and Milena Matos<br />
Fotografi<strong>as</strong> photographs<br />
Paulo Oliveira<br />
Lísia Lopes – pp. 71 (baixo down), 76 (baixo down), 79 (baixo down), 80 (baixo down), 83 (baixo down), 87 (baixo down), 88<br />
Arquivo <strong>da</strong> família <strong>de</strong> Jaime <strong>de</strong> Magalhães Lima Photographs kindly lent by the family of Jaime <strong>de</strong> Magalhães Lima – pp. 20, 23, 25, 26 e 31<br />
Ilustrações illustrations<br />
Milena Matos<br />
Tradução Translation<br />
Almei<strong>da</strong> <strong>de</strong> Carvalho<br />
Revisão Text revision<br />
Brazelina Pinto / David Michael Greer<br />
Design gráfico Graphic Design<br />
P-06 – Atelier, Ambientes e Comunicação L<strong>da</strong>.<br />
Pré-impressão prepress<br />
Undo, L<strong>da</strong>.<br />
Impressão printing<br />
Norprint – Artes Gráfic<strong>as</strong>, S.A.<br />
ISBN<br />
978-972-797-162-6<br />
Depósito legal legal Depot<br />
266 733/07<br />
Execução <strong>de</strong> projecto editorial editorial project<br />
Medialivros – Activi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong>s Editoriais, S.A.<br />
Coor<strong>de</strong>nação <strong>da</strong> execução do projecto editorial Co-ordination<br />
V<strong>as</strong>co Ramirez Pessanha<br />
Quero agra<strong>de</strong>cer ao Instituto RAIZ, n<strong>as</strong> pesso<strong>as</strong><br />
<strong>da</strong> Eng. a Leonor Gue<strong>de</strong>s e Eng. o Serafim Tavares<br />
e à Portucel, na pessoa do Eng. o João Soares,<br />
por todo o apoio e disponibili<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> mostrados.<br />
Agra<strong>de</strong>ço ain<strong>da</strong> às biólog<strong>as</strong> Lísia Lopes e Milena<br />
Matos pelo apoio e revisão científica dos textos<br />
e, por último, quero prestar o meu<br />
agra<strong>de</strong>cimento a Jaime <strong>de</strong> Magalhães Lima<br />
M<strong>as</strong>carenh<strong>as</strong>, bisneto do antigo proprietário<br />
<strong>da</strong> <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong>, por tod<strong>as</strong> <strong>as</strong><br />
informações e material original cedido.<br />
I would like to thank Instituto RAIZ, and in<br />
particular, Leonor Gue<strong>de</strong>s and Serafim Tavares,<br />
<strong>as</strong> well <strong>as</strong> Portucel, especially João Soares for all<br />
their support and <strong>as</strong>sistance. I would also like to<br />
thank the biologists, Lísia Lopes and Milene Matos<br />
for their support and scientific text revision.<br />
L<strong>as</strong>tly, I would like to express my gratitu<strong>de</strong> to<br />
Jaime <strong>de</strong> Magalhães Lima M<strong>as</strong>carenh<strong>as</strong>, great<br />
grandchild of the former owner of <strong>Quinta</strong><br />
<strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong>, for all the information and<br />
for the original material he lent us.
Índice<br />
In<strong>de</strong>x<br />
9<br />
15<br />
19<br />
21<br />
29<br />
33<br />
35<br />
37<br />
43<br />
49<br />
51<br />
54<br />
91<br />
109<br />
109<br />
137<br />
145<br />
Mensagem do Presi<strong>de</strong>nte Message from the Chairman<br />
Introdução Introduction<br />
A <strong>Quinta</strong> e a História The <strong>Quinta</strong> and its History<br />
O homem The man<br />
O local The place<br />
As bo<strong>as</strong> águ<strong>as</strong> The good waters<br />
A <strong>Quinta</strong> e a Ciência The <strong>Quinta</strong> and science<br />
Actual activi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> do RAIZ RAIZ current activity<br />
Biodiversi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> Biodiversity<br />
A <strong>Quinta</strong> e a Natureza The <strong>Quinta</strong> and nature<br />
Espécies florestais na <strong>Quinta</strong> Forest species in the <strong>Quinta</strong><br />
<strong>Eucaliptos</strong> <strong>da</strong> <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong> The Eucalyptus of <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong><br />
As outr<strong>as</strong> árvores <strong>da</strong> <strong>Quinta</strong> The other trees in the <strong>Quinta</strong><br />
Espécies animais na <strong>Quinta</strong> Animal species in the <strong>Quinta</strong><br />
As aves <strong>da</strong> <strong>Quinta</strong> The birds in the <strong>Quinta</strong><br />
Outros animais <strong>da</strong> <strong>Quinta</strong> Other animals found in the <strong>Quinta</strong><br />
Lista d<strong>as</strong> espécies vegetais e animais <strong>da</strong> <strong>Quinta</strong><br />
List of plant and animal species in the <strong>Quinta</strong>
Mensagem do Presi<strong>de</strong>nte<br />
Message from the Chairman<br />
Este livro transporta-nos para um espaço que<br />
confina com o nosso imaginário <strong>de</strong> floresta.<br />
A floresta que convi<strong>da</strong> ao p<strong>as</strong>seio e a <strong>de</strong>sfrutar<br />
do ver<strong>de</strong> tranquilo <strong>de</strong> bel<strong>as</strong> árvores frondos<strong>as</strong>,<br />
ao saborear do canto dos pássaros e ao pisar d<strong>as</strong><br />
folh<strong>as</strong> que atapetam os caminhos. E o cheiro,<br />
o inconfundível aroma dos eucaliptos.<br />
O legado natural <strong>da</strong> <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong> é<br />
obra <strong>de</strong> um espírito liberal e empreen<strong>de</strong>dor com<br />
um forte sentido <strong>de</strong> inovação e experimentação<br />
como foi o <strong>de</strong> Jaime <strong>de</strong> Magalhães Lima.<br />
A poucos quilómetros <strong>de</strong> Eixo, local on<strong>de</strong> se<br />
situa a <strong>Quinta</strong>, proprie<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> pertencente ao<br />
grupo Portucel Soporcel <strong>de</strong>s<strong>de</strong> 1982, tomou<br />
forma um projecto industrial on<strong>de</strong>, em 1957, há<br />
exactamente 50 anos, foi produzi<strong>da</strong> a primeira<br />
p<strong>as</strong>ta <strong>de</strong> papel <strong>de</strong> eucalipto, ao processo kraft,<br />
a nível mundial. A Fábrica <strong>de</strong> Cacia, projecto<br />
promovido e li<strong>de</strong>rado pelo meu avô materno,<br />
Manuel Santos Mendonça, foi <strong>as</strong>sim<br />
This book carries us away to a place that<br />
bor<strong>de</strong>rs on our forest imagery. A forest which<br />
invites us for a stroll and to enjoy the peaceful<br />
green of the beautiful leafy trees, the sound of<br />
bird song and of leaves being trod<strong>de</strong>n by our<br />
feet <strong>as</strong> we walk along the leaf-carpeted paths.<br />
All this with the unmistakable lingering<br />
eucalyptus aroma.<br />
The natural legacy of <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong><br />
is the work of a liberal and entrepreneurial<br />
spirit with a strong inclination for innovation<br />
and experimentation, <strong>as</strong> w<strong>as</strong> Jaime <strong>de</strong><br />
Magalhães Lima.<br />
The <strong>Quinta</strong> is located just a few kilometres<br />
from Eixo, and h<strong>as</strong> been in the hands of the<br />
Portucel Soporcel group since 1982. This w<strong>as</strong><br />
where an industrial project w<strong>as</strong> initiated<br />
exactly 50 years ago, in 1957, with the<br />
production of the first eucalyptus pulp, using<br />
the Kraft process for the first time in the<br />
world. The Cacia Mill, a project which w<strong>as</strong>
mensagem do presi<strong>de</strong>nte<br />
mensagem do presi<strong>de</strong>nte<br />
12 message from the chairman message from the chairman 13<br />
o laboratório on<strong>de</strong>, através <strong>da</strong> inovação<br />
e experimentação, se afirmou a crescente<br />
vocação do País como produtor <strong>de</strong> p<strong>as</strong>ta e <strong>de</strong><br />
papel <strong>de</strong> eleva<strong>da</strong> quali<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong>, <strong>da</strong>ndo origem a<br />
uma fileira industrial do eucalipto que dá hoje<br />
cart<strong>as</strong> no mercado internacional.<br />
P<strong>as</strong>sear na <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong>, local que<br />
alberga o Instituto <strong>de</strong> Investigação <strong>da</strong> Floresta e<br />
do Papel – RAIZ, é sentir a conciliação entre uma<br />
activi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> que <strong>as</strong>senta na utilização sustentável<br />
<strong>de</strong> um recurso natural renovável, a floresta <strong>de</strong><br />
eucalipto, e a Natureza.<br />
A <strong>de</strong>fesa dos valores naturais e <strong>da</strong><br />
biodiversi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> são hoje vertentes indissociáveis<br />
<strong>da</strong> gestão e do <strong>de</strong>senvolvimento do negócio do<br />
grupo Portucel Soporcel. A gestão sustentável<br />
<strong>da</strong> floresta, <strong>as</strong>sente n<strong>as</strong> melhores técnic<strong>as</strong><br />
disponíveis na área ambiental e na investigação<br />
aplica<strong>da</strong>, permite-nos produzir um papel<br />
<strong>de</strong> quali<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> superior numa lógica<br />
<strong>de</strong> eco-eficiência e renovação.<br />
É, pois, com enorme satisfação que reunimos<br />
neste livro, um registo vivo em papel, o melhor<br />
do nosso esforço em preservar os valores<br />
naturais do nosso património: cui<strong>da</strong>r dos belos<br />
e frondosos eucaliptos, alguns já árvores<br />
centenári<strong>as</strong>, dos carvalhos e dos cedros, e <strong>da</strong><br />
riqueza animal que neles habita, como forma <strong>de</strong><br />
manter viva a atitu<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> respeito pela Natureza<br />
que nos <strong>de</strong>ixou Jaime <strong>de</strong> Magalhães Lima.<br />
Pedro Mendonça <strong>de</strong> Queiroz Pereira<br />
Presi<strong>de</strong>nte do Conselho <strong>de</strong> Administração.<br />
promoted and led by my maternal grandfather,<br />
Manuel Santos Mendonça, w<strong>as</strong> hence the<br />
laboratory where, through innovation and<br />
experimentation, the country’s strong vocation <strong>as</strong><br />
a pulp and high quality paper producer w<strong>as</strong><br />
confirmed. This gave rise to a renowned<br />
eucalyptus industry which is currently a m<strong>as</strong>ter<br />
in the international market.<br />
Strolling around the <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong>,<br />
the place which now lodges RAIZ – Instituto <strong>de</strong><br />
Investigação <strong>da</strong> Floresta e do Papel (Forest and<br />
Paper Research Institute) one feels the<br />
harmonious combination of an activity that is<br />
gui<strong>de</strong>d by the sustainable use of a renewable<br />
natural resource, the eucalyptus forest, and<br />
Nature.<br />
The protection of natural and biodiversity values<br />
are currently intrinsically bound to the<br />
management and <strong>de</strong>velopment of the Portucel<br />
Soporcel group’s business. The forest’s<br />
sustainable management combining the best<br />
environmental and applied research techniques<br />
enables us to produce a higher quality paper<br />
ruled by principles of eco-efficiency and<br />
renovation.<br />
So, in this book, we are extremely ple<strong>as</strong>ed to<br />
provi<strong>de</strong> a living record of our continued efforts to<br />
preserve the natural values of our heritage:<br />
taking care of the beautiful and leafy eucalyptus,<br />
some of which are century old specimens, of the<br />
oaks and ce<strong>da</strong>rs <strong>as</strong> well <strong>as</strong> of the animal wealth<br />
which lives here, <strong>as</strong> the means to keep the respect<br />
which Jaime <strong>de</strong> Magalhães Lima had for Nature.<br />
Pedro Mendonça <strong>de</strong> Queiroz Pereira<br />
Chairman of the Board
Introdução<br />
Introduction<br />
Todos os di<strong>as</strong> a vi<strong>da</strong> renova-se na <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong>.<br />
Life renews itself every<strong>da</strong>y at <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong>.<br />
A <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong>, compra<strong>da</strong> pela<br />
Portucel em 1982, é hoje, <strong>de</strong>ntro do universo do<br />
Grupo, local <strong>de</strong> encontro <strong>de</strong> vários saberes. Nela<br />
se cruzam a investigação científica ao serviço <strong>da</strong><br />
indústria papeleira, a colaboração com o mundo<br />
académico e os valores <strong>de</strong> preservação do<br />
património histórico e natural.<br />
A nove quilómetros <strong>de</strong> Aveiro, na locali<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> do<br />
Eixo, a <strong>Quinta</strong> foi <strong>de</strong>s<strong>de</strong> logo o local escolhido<br />
pela Portucel para aí <strong>de</strong>senvolver os seus<br />
trabalhos <strong>de</strong> investigação científica. Des<strong>de</strong> 1997<br />
proprie<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> do RAIZ — Instituto <strong>de</strong> Investigação<br />
<strong>da</strong> Floresta e do Papel, no qual o grupo Portucel<br />
Soporcel <strong>de</strong>têm uma participação maioritária,<br />
os 14 hectares <strong>de</strong> terreno distribuídos por du<strong>as</strong><br />
encost<strong>as</strong> atravessad<strong>as</strong> por uma linha <strong>de</strong> água,<br />
acolhem um arboreto com mais <strong>de</strong> 150 espécies<br />
<strong>de</strong> árvores, entre <strong>as</strong> quais se contam para cima<br />
<strong>de</strong> 100 espécies <strong>de</strong> eucalipto, bem como os<br />
laboratórios do Instituto.<br />
<strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong>, acquired by Portucel in<br />
1982, is currently, within the Group, the meeting<br />
point for varied knowledge , where intense<br />
scientific research, focused on serving needs<br />
across the paper industry, meets with the<br />
aca<strong>de</strong>mic world and historic and natural heritage.<br />
When Portucel bought the <strong>Quinta</strong>, nine<br />
kilometres from Aveiro, in the Eixo region, it w<strong>as</strong><br />
immediately <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d to convert it into its<br />
scientific research centre. Owned since 1997 by<br />
RAIZ — Instituto <strong>de</strong> Investigação <strong>da</strong> Floresta e do<br />
Papel (Forest and Paper Research Institute),<br />
where the Portucel Soporcel group h<strong>as</strong> a major<br />
stake, the 14-hectare property consists of two<br />
slopes, crossed by a stream, and is covered by an<br />
arboretum with over 150 tree species, of which<br />
well over 100 are eucalyptus. It is also home to<br />
the Institute’s laboratories.
18 introdução<br />
introdução<br />
introduction introduction 19<br />
A colaboração do RAIZ com vários pólos do<br />
ensino superior no País — Universi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong><br />
Aveiro, Universi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> Trás-os-Montes e Alto<br />
Douro, Universi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> <strong>da</strong> Beira Interior, Instituto<br />
Superior <strong>de</strong> Agronomia ou, no estrangeiro,<br />
instituições como o Cooperative Research<br />
Center for Sustainable Production Forestry —<br />
levou ao reconhecimento <strong>de</strong> objectivos comuns<br />
à indústria e ao mundo académico, existindo<br />
<strong>de</strong>s<strong>de</strong> então, um trabalho conjunto para<br />
a realização <strong>de</strong>sses fins. Ao longo dos anos,<br />
a <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong> tornou-se ponto<br />
<strong>de</strong> reunião entre professores universitários e<br />
técnicos <strong>da</strong> indústria, representando um papel<br />
importante na formação em ambos os sectores.<br />
Enquanto maior produtor europeu <strong>de</strong> p<strong>as</strong>ta<br />
branca <strong>de</strong> eucalipto e estando entre os maiores<br />
produtores <strong>de</strong> papéis finos não revestidos<br />
<strong>da</strong> Europa, o grupo Portucel Soporcel gere 3,2%<br />
<strong>da</strong> área florestal portuguesa e 14,4% <strong>da</strong> floresta<br />
nacional <strong>de</strong> eucalipto. Consciente que o sucesso<br />
na fileira florestal só é possível com<br />
a preservação dos valores ambientais, o Grupo<br />
<strong>as</strong>sumiu em pleno a missão social <strong>de</strong> produzir<br />
riqueza <strong>de</strong> forma sustenta<strong>da</strong>. Através <strong>da</strong><br />
RAIZ’s collaboration with different advanced<br />
learning centres in the country, namely the<br />
University of Aveiro, University of Trás os Montes<br />
e Alto Douro, University of Beira Interior,<br />
Agronomical Science Faculty, and abroad with<br />
institutions like the Cooperative Research Centre<br />
for Sustainable Production Forestry, led to the<br />
i<strong>de</strong>ntification of objectives that are common to<br />
the paper industry and the aca<strong>de</strong>mic world.<br />
Through the combined effort of these entities,<br />
the goals have been successfully achieved.<br />
Throughout the years, <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong><br />
h<strong>as</strong> evolved into a meeting place for university<br />
teachers and the industry’s professionals, who<br />
play a very important role in the training<br />
of both sectors.<br />
As the largest European producer of bleached<br />
eucalyptus white pulp and one of Europe’s main<br />
producers of uncoated woodfree papers, the<br />
Portucel Soporcel group manages 3.2% of the<br />
country’s forests and 14.4% of the national<br />
eucalyptus forests. Aware of the fact that success<br />
in forestry is only possible through the<br />
conservation of environmental values,<br />
the Group is fully<br />
O forte trinado <strong>da</strong> carriça é uma presença constante.<br />
The winter wren’s strong trill is constantly heard.<br />
investigação científica procura não só um ca<strong>da</strong><br />
vez melhor aproveitamento dos recursos<br />
hídricos e uma gestão profissional d<strong>as</strong> florest<strong>as</strong><br />
e dos solos, como uma ca<strong>da</strong> vez maior auto-<br />
-suficiência energética e um maior investimento<br />
em alternativ<strong>as</strong> energétic<strong>as</strong> úteis à indústria<br />
e ao País. Garante <strong>as</strong>sim, <strong>de</strong> forma simultânea,<br />
a preservação ambiental e o futuro económico<br />
<strong>da</strong> activi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong>.<br />
Na fileira florestal, como em muit<strong>as</strong> outr<strong>as</strong><br />
áre<strong>as</strong>, só o conhecimento permite aumentar<br />
os níveis <strong>de</strong> competitivi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> d<strong>as</strong> empres<strong>as</strong> que<br />
jogam no mercado global. E, numa lógica <strong>de</strong><br />
<strong>de</strong>senvolvimento sustentável, ser competitivo<br />
p<strong>as</strong>sa pela preocupação <strong>de</strong> pôr o saber<br />
ao serviço d<strong>as</strong> activi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong>s económic<strong>as</strong> e <strong>da</strong><br />
comuni<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> e pelo crescimento <strong>da</strong> activi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong><br />
no respeito dos valores sociais e ambientais.<br />
Prátic<strong>as</strong> que caracterizam os <strong>de</strong>sígnios<br />
do Grupo.<br />
committed to the principles of sustained<br />
<strong>de</strong>velopment in its generation of wealth. B<strong>as</strong>ed<br />
on scientific research, it not only seeks to make<br />
the most of the available water resources and<br />
optimise its forest and soil management, but also<br />
to become self-sufficient in energy terms and to<br />
invest in alternative energies that are profitable<br />
both to the industry and the country. In doing so,<br />
it simultaneously guarantees environmental<br />
protection and the business’ economic future.<br />
In forestry, just like in so many other are<strong>as</strong>,<br />
knowledge is the only thing that enables the<br />
incre<strong>as</strong>e of competitiveness of companies<br />
operating in the global market. If sustainable<br />
<strong>de</strong>velopment must be competitive, then it must<br />
place this knowledge at the disposal of the<br />
economic activities and the community, and<br />
business must be carried out with full respect<br />
of the social and environmental values. These are<br />
the principles followed by the Group to attain<br />
its goals.
A <strong>Quinta</strong> e a História The <strong>Quinta</strong> and its History
O homem<br />
The man<br />
Jaime <strong>de</strong> Magalhães Lima no seu escritório.<br />
Ver<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong>iro santuário para o intelectual aveirense<br />
Jaime <strong>de</strong> Magalhães Lima in his office.<br />
A real sanctuary for the intellectual from Aveiro.<br />
I<strong>de</strong>alista, liberal, anti-racista, religioso,<br />
empreen<strong>de</strong>dor. <strong>São</strong> estes alguns dos adjectivos<br />
atribuídos a Jaime <strong>de</strong> Magalhães Lima,<br />
intelectual aveirense que em 1896 recebeu a<br />
<strong>Quinta</strong> do Vale do Soão como herança paterna.<br />
Rebaptizou-a como <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong> e,<br />
fazendo <strong>de</strong>la o seu refúgio na parte final <strong>da</strong> sua<br />
vi<strong>da</strong>, ali plantou um notável arboreto <strong>de</strong><br />
eucaliptos — hoje centenários — e produziu<br />
muita <strong>da</strong> sua obra literária. A guiá-lo teve a<br />
religião, o amor à natureza e a curiosi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong><br />
científica.<br />
O homem que tinha como mentores <strong>São</strong><br />
<strong>Francisco</strong> <strong>de</strong> Assis, Leão Tolstoi, John Ruskin<br />
Alexandre Herculano, Oliveira Martins e Antero<br />
<strong>de</strong> Quental, era por natureza <strong>da</strong>do à reflexão<br />
e ao isolamento. M<strong>as</strong> ao longo <strong>da</strong> sua vi<strong>da</strong>,<br />
a curiosi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> intelectual e o sentimento <strong>de</strong><br />
serviço ao outro obrigaram-no a um percurso<br />
em constante movimento que o levou ao cargo<br />
<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>putado regenerador por Aveiro, presi<strong>de</strong>nte<br />
<strong>da</strong> Câmara <strong>de</strong> Aveiro, provedor <strong>da</strong> Santa C<strong>as</strong>a<br />
<strong>da</strong> Misericórdia e presi<strong>de</strong>nte honorário<br />
<strong>da</strong> Socie<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> Vegetariana <strong>de</strong> Portugal.<br />
Jaime <strong>de</strong> Magalhães Lima n<strong>as</strong>ceu em Aveiro<br />
a 15 <strong>de</strong> Outubro <strong>de</strong> 1859, filho do português<br />
Seb<strong>as</strong>tião <strong>de</strong> Carvalho Lima e <strong>da</strong> br<strong>as</strong>ileira<br />
An i<strong>de</strong>alist, liberal, anti-racist, religious and<br />
entrepreneurial individual. These are some of the<br />
adjectives that <strong>de</strong>scribe Jaime <strong>de</strong> Magalhães<br />
Lima, an intellectual from Aveiro, who inherited<br />
<strong>Quinta</strong> do Vale do Soão from his father, in 1896.<br />
He re-named it <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong> and,<br />
using it <strong>as</strong> his refuge in the final <strong>da</strong>ys of his life, he<br />
planted a remarkable eucalyptus arboretum, with<br />
some specimens now a century old. This w<strong>as</strong> also<br />
where Jaime <strong>de</strong> Magalhães Lima produced much<br />
of his literary work. Guiding him throughout life<br />
w<strong>as</strong> religion, his love for nature and his scientific<br />
curiosity.<br />
This man, whose mentors were Saint Francis of<br />
Assisi, Leo Tolstoy, John Ruskin, Alexandre<br />
Herculano, Oliveira Martins and Antero <strong>de</strong><br />
Quental, w<strong>as</strong> by nature given to reflection and<br />
isolation. However, during his lifetime, his<br />
intellectual curiosity and <strong>de</strong>sire to help others,<br />
forced him to follow quite an active path, ending<br />
up <strong>as</strong> Regeneration representative for Aveiro,<br />
Mayor of Aveiro, purveyor of Santa C<strong>as</strong>a <strong>da</strong><br />
Misericórdia (charitable institution) and honorary<br />
presi<strong>de</strong>nt of the Vegetarian Society of Portugal.<br />
Jaime <strong>de</strong> Magalhães Lima w<strong>as</strong> born in Aveiro on<br />
15 th October 1859, son of the Portuguese,<br />
Seb<strong>as</strong>tião <strong>de</strong> Carvalho Lima and of the Brazilian,
a quinta e a história<br />
a quinta e a história<br />
24 the quinta and its history the quinta and its history 25<br />
Leocádia Rodrigues <strong>de</strong> Magalhães, no palacete<br />
que o pai fizera construir sobre <strong>as</strong> ruín<strong>as</strong> do<br />
antigo convento do Carmo. Des<strong>de</strong> cedo, esteve<br />
ro<strong>de</strong>ado pela política: o pai, filiado no Partido<br />
Histórico (esquer<strong>da</strong> liberal) foi <strong>de</strong>putado,<br />
presi<strong>de</strong>nte <strong>da</strong> Câmara <strong>de</strong> Aveiro e <strong>da</strong> Junta<br />
Geral do Distrito. Aos 16 anos Jaime seguiu para<br />
Coimbra on<strong>de</strong> se formou em Direito, em 1880.<br />
Foi durante os tempos <strong>de</strong> estu<strong>da</strong>nte que o<br />
contacto com escritores estrangeiros lhe<br />
começou a mol<strong>da</strong>r os i<strong>de</strong>ais, ao mesmo tempo<br />
que lhe causava uma crise religiosa. Nos anos<br />
seguintes, o convívio com nomes como Antero<br />
<strong>de</strong> Quental — a quem admirava o i<strong>de</strong>alismo —<br />
Guerra Junqueiro ou Oliveira Martins e,<br />
sobretudo, a leitura d<strong>as</strong> obr<strong>as</strong> <strong>de</strong> Leão Tolstoi,<br />
<strong>de</strong>volveram-lhe a perspectiva cristã <strong>da</strong> vi<strong>da</strong>, na<br />
linha d<strong>as</strong> pregações <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong> <strong>de</strong> Assis.<br />
Não é <strong>de</strong> espantar por isso que, quando em 1888<br />
uma viagem pela Europa o conduziu a pontos<br />
tão distantes como a Suíça, Inglaterra, França<br />
ou Alemanha, o périplo p<strong>as</strong>s<strong>as</strong>se também por<br />
I<strong>as</strong>naia Poliana, a quinta on<strong>de</strong> Leão Tolstoi<br />
<strong>de</strong>cidira viver como um camponês, <strong>de</strong>pois <strong>de</strong><br />
abandonar a vi<strong>da</strong> <strong>de</strong> nobre que o título <strong>de</strong> con<strong>de</strong><br />
lhe concedia. Aos 29 anos, Jaime <strong>de</strong> Magalhães<br />
Lima <strong>de</strong>screve <strong>São</strong> Petersburgo como «uma<br />
ci<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> afrancesa<strong>da</strong>, como <strong>de</strong> resto o são tod<strong>as</strong><br />
<strong>as</strong> ci<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong>s mo<strong>de</strong>rn<strong>as</strong>». O encontro com o<br />
escritor russo, com quem teve uma longa troca<br />
<strong>de</strong> impressões, marcou-o profun<strong>da</strong>mente,<br />
chegando mesmo a afirmar: «O pensamento voa<br />
mais alto em du<strong>as</strong> hor<strong>as</strong> <strong>de</strong> palestra com um<br />
homem <strong>de</strong> génio do que em dois anos <strong>de</strong><br />
meditação solitária.»<br />
Jaime <strong>de</strong> Magalhães Lima escreveu a Tolstoi na<br />
sequência <strong>da</strong> visita que lhe fez, encontrando-se<br />
no Museu Tolstoi, em Moscovo, uma carta sua<br />
para o escritor <strong>da</strong>ta<strong>da</strong> <strong>de</strong> 1889.<br />
Em 1892 publicou «As Doutrin<strong>as</strong> do Con<strong>de</strong> Leão<br />
Tolstoi», com <strong>as</strong> su<strong>as</strong> reflexões sobre a filosofia<br />
e pensamento do romancista russo.<br />
Em 1900 escreveu uma crítica ao romance<br />
«Ressurreição», <strong>de</strong> Tolstoi, incluí<strong>da</strong> no livro<br />
«Not<strong>as</strong> <strong>de</strong> um Provinciano» e em 1909 traduziu<br />
do Inglês «O Ensino <strong>de</strong> Jesus».<br />
Leocádia Rodrigues <strong>de</strong> Magalhães, in the small<br />
mansion which his father had built over the ruins<br />
of the old Carmo convent. From an early age, he<br />
w<strong>as</strong> surroun<strong>de</strong>d by politicians. His father,<br />
affiliated to the Historic Party (liberal left) w<strong>as</strong> a<br />
party representative, Mayor of Aveiro and<br />
presi<strong>de</strong>nt of the District Assembly. At 16 years old,<br />
Jaime moved to Coimbra where he completed his<br />
Law <strong>de</strong>gree in 1880. During his stu<strong>de</strong>nt <strong>da</strong>ys,<br />
when reading works by foreign authors, his i<strong>de</strong>als<br />
began to take shape. This w<strong>as</strong> also when he began<br />
to suffer from a religious crisis. In the years that<br />
followed, the contact with names like Antero <strong>de</strong><br />
Quental, whose i<strong>de</strong>alism he greatly admired,<br />
Guerra Junqueiro or Oliveira Martins and, above<br />
all, the reading of Leo Tolstoy’s works, gave him<br />
back the Christian perspective of life in line with<br />
Saint Francis of Assisi’s teachings.<br />
It is thus no won<strong>de</strong>r that, when he went on a<br />
journey around Europe in 1880, travelling to such<br />
far away places <strong>as</strong> Switzerland, England, France<br />
or Germany, his trip also exten<strong>de</strong>d to inclu<strong>de</strong><br />
Y<strong>as</strong>naia Polyana, the farm where Leo Tolstoy<br />
started his farming life, after abandoning the life<br />
of a nobleman, granted by his title of earl.<br />
At 29, Jaime <strong>de</strong> Magalhães Lima <strong>de</strong>scribes<br />
St. Petersburg <strong>as</strong> “a French-like city, much like<br />
all other mo<strong>de</strong>rn cities”. The meeting with the<br />
Russian writer, with whom he had a long<br />
conversation, profoundly marked him, going <strong>as</strong><br />
far <strong>as</strong> making the following <strong>as</strong>sertion: “The<br />
thought travels to much higher levels in a two-<br />
hour lecture with a genius than in two years of<br />
solitary meditation”. The two men continued to<br />
correspond with each other until Tolstoy’s <strong>de</strong>ath<br />
Com o cunhado, Júlio Henriques, lente <strong>da</strong> Universi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> Coimbra<br />
e mentor <strong>da</strong> mo<strong>de</strong>rnização do Jardim Botânico <strong>da</strong> ci<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong>.<br />
With his brother in law, Júlio Henriques, a professor at the University of<br />
Coimbra and adviser in the mo<strong>de</strong>rnisation of the city’s Botanical Gar<strong>de</strong>n.<br />
Em criança e como homem maduro.<br />
As a child and <strong>as</strong> a mature man.
a quinta e a história<br />
a quinta e a história<br />
26 the quinta and its history the quinta and its history 27<br />
No regresso <strong>da</strong> Europa Jaime <strong>de</strong> Magalhães<br />
Lima c<strong>as</strong>ou, em 1889, com uma d<strong>as</strong> filh<strong>as</strong> do<br />
morgado <strong>da</strong> c<strong>as</strong>a <strong>de</strong> Con<strong>de</strong>ixa, Maria do Car<strong>da</strong>l<br />
<strong>de</strong> Lemos Pereira <strong>de</strong> Lacer<strong>da</strong>, para <strong>de</strong>scanso <strong>de</strong><br />
Antero <strong>de</strong> Quental a quem já tar<strong>da</strong>va ver o<br />
amigo constituir família. De acordo com Antero,<br />
só seriam ver<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong>iramente livres os homens<br />
que voluntariamente limit<strong>as</strong>sem a sua liber<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong>.<br />
Depois <strong>de</strong> c<strong>as</strong>ado, Jaime <strong>de</strong> Magalhães Lima<br />
teve uma participação activa na vi<strong>da</strong> política.<br />
Envolveu-se com a Liga Patriótica do Norte, foi<br />
eleito presi<strong>de</strong>nte <strong>da</strong> Câmara <strong>de</strong> Aveiro em 1892<br />
e <strong>de</strong>putado pelo partido regenerador no ano<br />
seguinte. Apesar <strong>de</strong> ter her<strong>da</strong>do a <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong><br />
<strong>Francisco</strong> em 1896, só em 1908, <strong>de</strong>pois <strong>da</strong> que<strong>da</strong><br />
<strong>de</strong> João Franco, se instalou na proprie<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> do<br />
Eixo af<strong>as</strong>tando-se <strong>de</strong>finitivamente <strong>da</strong> política.<br />
Viveu ali <strong>as</strong> últim<strong>as</strong> três décad<strong>as</strong> <strong>de</strong> vi<strong>da</strong>,<br />
durante <strong>as</strong> quais o seu carácter religioso<br />
se acentuou. Politicamente liberal, Jaime<br />
<strong>de</strong> Magalhães Lima combateu sempre o<br />
liberalismo corrupto, o individualismo e <strong>as</strong><br />
revoluções que produziam mu<strong>da</strong>nç<strong>as</strong> <strong>de</strong>m<strong>as</strong>iado<br />
rápid<strong>as</strong>. No canto do paraíso em que quis<br />
transformar a <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong>,<br />
procurou não só o contacto directo e inspirador<br />
(one of the letters sent by Jaime <strong>de</strong> Magalhães<br />
Lima to the writer is currently at the Tolstoy<br />
Museum in Moscow), and it w<strong>as</strong> the owner of<br />
<strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong> who, in 1889 wrote Not<strong>as</strong><br />
<strong>de</strong> um provinciano — a critique of Tolstoy’s<br />
Resurrection — and who, in 1909, translated<br />
Jesus’ Teachings from English.<br />
On his return from Europe, Jaime <strong>de</strong> Magalhães<br />
Lima w<strong>as</strong> married in 1889 to one of the <strong>da</strong>ughters<br />
of the el<strong>de</strong>st son of the C<strong>as</strong>a <strong>de</strong> Con<strong>de</strong>ixa, Maria<br />
do Car<strong>da</strong>l <strong>de</strong> Lemos Pereira <strong>de</strong> Lacer<strong>da</strong>, much to<br />
the relief of Antero <strong>de</strong> Quental who longed to see<br />
his friend set up a family. According to Antero,<br />
the only men who were really free were those<br />
who voluntarily limited their freedom.<br />
Once married, Jaime <strong>de</strong> Magalhães Lima w<strong>as</strong> very<br />
active in political circles. He w<strong>as</strong> involved with<br />
the Patriotic League of the North, appointed <strong>as</strong><br />
Mayor of Aveiro in 1892 and <strong>as</strong> a representative of<br />
the Regeneration Party the following year. Even<br />
though he had inherited <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong><br />
in 1896, it w<strong>as</strong> only in 1908, after the fall of João<br />
Franco that he settled in the property in Eixo and<br />
abandoned politics.<br />
As reflexões <strong>de</strong> Jaime <strong>de</strong> Magalhães Lima são testemunho <strong>da</strong> importância <strong>da</strong> leitura na sua vi<strong>da</strong>.<br />
«<strong>Os</strong> livros, consoladores, mansos companheiros… c<strong>as</strong>a on<strong>de</strong> não os veja, está incompleta;<br />
dia em que não leio, foi <strong>da</strong> maior fadiga. (Vozes do meu lar)».<br />
Jaime <strong>de</strong> Magalhães Lima’s reflections confirm the importance played by reading in his life.<br />
“Books, comforting and peaceful companions…a house where they can’t be seen is incomplete;<br />
a <strong>da</strong>y when I don’t read is the weariest. (Voices from my home)”.<br />
com a natureza como também realizou<br />
experiênci<strong>as</strong> que aliavam a beleza à economia.<br />
A plantação do arboreto <strong>de</strong> eucaliptos é o<br />
melhor exemplo <strong>de</strong>ss<strong>as</strong> experiênci<strong>as</strong>. Depois <strong>de</strong><br />
contactar pela primeira vez com a espécie cerca<br />
<strong>de</strong> 1880, fez <strong>as</strong> primeir<strong>as</strong> sementeir<strong>as</strong> em 1902,<br />
seguindo-se a plantação <strong>de</strong> um arboreto<br />
com 80 espécies <strong>de</strong> eucaliptos, em 1906. Nesta<br />
tarefa contou com a colaboração do cunhado,<br />
Júlio Henriques, que fora nomeado lente <strong>da</strong><br />
Universi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> Coimbra em 1873 e sob a<br />
direcção <strong>de</strong> quem o Jardim Botânico <strong>da</strong> ci<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong><br />
do Mon<strong>de</strong>go se tinha mo<strong>de</strong>rnizado. Foi Júlio<br />
Henriques o responsável pela intensificação d<strong>as</strong><br />
permut<strong>as</strong> <strong>de</strong> plant<strong>as</strong> e sementes com jardins<br />
<strong>de</strong> todo o mundo, em particular <strong>da</strong> Austrália.<br />
Foi ele quem conseguiu, do Jardim Botânico <strong>de</strong><br />
Buitenzorg, em Java, sementes <strong>de</strong> Chinchona,<br />
espécie <strong>de</strong> cuja árvore se extrai o quinino,<br />
substância essencial no combate ao paludismo<br />
que na altura gr<strong>as</strong>sava no país. O proprietário <strong>da</strong><br />
<strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong> aproveitou os<br />
conhecimentos científicos do cunhado para ter<br />
acesso a algum<strong>as</strong> d<strong>as</strong> espécies que chegavam<br />
do outro lado do Mundo.<br />
Jaime <strong>de</strong> Magalhães Lima via a floresta como<br />
uma fonte <strong>de</strong> riqueza, tendo escrito em 1920:<br />
«Não há caixa económica que, em segurança<br />
e rendimento, se compare com a plantação <strong>de</strong><br />
uma árvore (…) Eu diria a quem pu<strong>de</strong>sse dispor<br />
<strong>de</strong> um mo<strong>de</strong>stíssimo pecúlio que compr<strong>as</strong>se<br />
uma leirita <strong>de</strong> bravio e a arrote<strong>as</strong>se e plant<strong>as</strong>se<br />
<strong>de</strong> árvores, se queria estar certo <strong>de</strong> multiplicar<br />
seus parcos bens e legar aos filhos um pé-<strong>de</strong>-<br />
-meia em que não entra traça e que durante
a quinta e a história<br />
a quinta e a história<br />
28 the quinta and its history the quinta and its history 29<br />
This w<strong>as</strong> where he spent the l<strong>as</strong>t three <strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong>s of<br />
his life and during this period his religious<br />
character w<strong>as</strong> intensified. Politically liberal,<br />
Jaime <strong>de</strong> Magalhães Lima always fought against<br />
corrupt liberalism, individualism and the<br />
revolutions which resulted in extremely quick<br />
changes. In this corner of the world, the paradise-<br />
like <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong>, he not only<br />
established direct contact with nature but also<br />
carried out experiments that combined beauty<br />
with economy.<br />
The plantation of the eucalyptus arboretum<br />
is the best example of such experiments. After<br />
his first contact with the species around 1880,<br />
he planted the first trees in 1902, and this w<strong>as</strong><br />
followed by the plantation of an arboretum<br />
of some 80 eucalyptus species in 1906.<br />
For Jaime <strong>de</strong> Magalhães Lima, the forest w<strong>as</strong><br />
a source of wealth and, in 1920, he wrote the<br />
following: “There is no savings’ bank that can be<br />
<strong>as</strong> safe and profitable <strong>as</strong> the planting of a tree (…)<br />
I would go <strong>as</strong> far <strong>as</strong> saying that if someone h<strong>as</strong><br />
enough savings to buy a very mo<strong>de</strong>st swath of<br />
wild land, clears it up and plants it with trees will<br />
surely be able to multiply his sparse funds and<br />
leave his children a patrimony, with the ad<strong>de</strong>d<br />
benefit of being able to enjoy the sha<strong>de</strong> and<br />
ple<strong>as</strong>ure conferred by these trees”. These<br />
<strong>as</strong>sertions are all the more meaningful if we take<br />
into account the fact that Europe w<strong>as</strong> at this<br />
time very short in wood supplies <strong>as</strong> a result<br />
of the First World War.<br />
Ad<strong>de</strong>d to the beauty, comfort and wood<br />
production w<strong>as</strong> the fact that the various<br />
Com a mulher e <strong>as</strong> filh<strong>as</strong> na <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong>.<br />
With his wife and <strong>da</strong>ughters in <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong>.<br />
a vi<strong>da</strong> nos <strong>de</strong>u sombra e prazer». Afirmações<br />
que fazem mais sentido quando se sabe que a<br />
Europa vivia uma esc<strong>as</strong>sez <strong>de</strong> ma<strong>de</strong>ira <strong>de</strong>pois<br />
<strong>da</strong> I Guerra Mundial.<br />
À beleza, conforto e produção <strong>de</strong> ma<strong>de</strong>ira,<br />
juntava-se ain<strong>da</strong> o facto <strong>de</strong> <strong>as</strong> vári<strong>as</strong> espécies<br />
<strong>de</strong> eucaliptos florescerem em diferentes époc<strong>as</strong><br />
do ano. Facto que, como apicultor, muito<br />
interessava a Jaime <strong>de</strong> Magalhães Lima.<br />
Cultivando sempre o gosto pelo belo e pela<br />
natureza selvagem o proprietário <strong>da</strong> <strong>Quinta</strong><br />
plantou ain<strong>da</strong> uma série <strong>de</strong> acáci<strong>as</strong> «a trouxe<br />
mouche» para combater a aparente monotonia<br />
<strong>da</strong> floresta <strong>de</strong> eucaliptos. Em 1920 publicou <strong>as</strong><br />
conclusões <strong>da</strong> sua observação no livro<br />
<strong>Eucaliptos</strong> e Acáci<strong>as</strong> — Vinte anos <strong>de</strong><br />
experiênci<strong>as</strong>, no qual relata os usos que po<strong>de</strong>m<br />
ser <strong>da</strong>dos à ma<strong>de</strong>ira d<strong>as</strong> vári<strong>as</strong> espécies, o seu<br />
comportamento e os cui<strong>da</strong>dos a ter com ca<strong>da</strong><br />
uma <strong>de</strong>l<strong>as</strong>.<br />
Na f<strong>as</strong>e final <strong>da</strong> vi<strong>da</strong>, Jaime <strong>de</strong> Magalhães Lima<br />
consi<strong>de</strong>rava mu<strong>da</strong>r-se para uma c<strong>as</strong>a mais<br />
mo<strong>de</strong>sta, seguindo ca<strong>da</strong> vez mais os preceitos<br />
<strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong> <strong>de</strong> Assis. No entanto acabou<br />
por morrer na <strong>Quinta</strong>, a 25 <strong>de</strong> Fevereiro <strong>de</strong> 1936.<br />
Em preparação tinha sete obr<strong>as</strong> literári<strong>as</strong>, entre<br />
<strong>as</strong> quais a biografia <strong>de</strong> Leão Tolstoi.<br />
O património natural <strong>da</strong> <strong>Quinta</strong> foi preservado<br />
pela filha e pelos netos do intelectual aveirense<br />
que se recusaram sempre a cortar os eucaliptos<br />
plantados em 1906, mantendo-se a proprie<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong><br />
na família até 1982.<br />
eucalyptus species bloomed at different times of<br />
the year. As an apiculturist, this fact w<strong>as</strong> of great<br />
interest to Jaime <strong>de</strong> Magalhães Lima.<br />
As an admirer and promoter of beautiful things<br />
and of the wild, the <strong>Quinta</strong>’s owner also planted<br />
a series of acaci<strong>as</strong> at random to break up the<br />
apparent monotony of the eucalyptus forest.<br />
In 1920, he published the conclusions of his<br />
observation, in the book Eucalyptus and Acaci<strong>as</strong><br />
— Twenty years of experiments, in which he<br />
writes about the uses of the wood from the<br />
different species, their behaviour and special<br />
care required by each of them.<br />
In the final stage of his life, Jaime <strong>de</strong> Magalhães<br />
Lima consi<strong>de</strong>red moving to a more mo<strong>de</strong>st house,<br />
according to the principles of St. Francis of Assisi,<br />
in which he incre<strong>as</strong>ingly believed. However, he<br />
en<strong>de</strong>d up dying at the <strong>Quinta</strong>, on 25 th February<br />
1936. He w<strong>as</strong> working on seven literary works,<br />
amongst which w<strong>as</strong> Leo Tolstoy’s biography.<br />
The <strong>Quinta</strong>’s natural heritage w<strong>as</strong> preserved by<br />
his <strong>da</strong>ughter and grand children, who refused to<br />
cut down the eucalyptus planted in 1906.<br />
The property remained in the family until 1982.
O local<br />
The place<br />
Ao procurar transformar a <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong><br />
<strong>Francisco</strong> no seu retiro, Jaime <strong>de</strong> Magalhães<br />
Lima transpôs a sua i<strong>de</strong>ologia para a<br />
arquitectura <strong>da</strong> c<strong>as</strong>a <strong>da</strong> família. A organização<br />
do espaço reflecte não só a concepção<br />
franciscana <strong>da</strong> existência, seguindo os<br />
propósitos <strong>de</strong> uma vi<strong>da</strong> simples, pobre e em<br />
respeito com a natureza, como outro tipo <strong>de</strong><br />
influênci<strong>as</strong>. É o c<strong>as</strong>o do movimento Arts &<br />
Crafts, corrente <strong>de</strong> pensamento inglesa do final<br />
do século XIX que propunha o artesanato criativo<br />
como alternativa à mecanização e à produção<br />
em m<strong>as</strong>sa.<br />
A entra<strong>da</strong> simples <strong>de</strong> uma c<strong>as</strong>a vira<strong>da</strong> para a Natureza.<br />
The simple entrance to a Nature-oriented house.<br />
Com traços muito simples e o recurso<br />
a materiais pobres como o adobe e aos tons<br />
discretos do ocre, o edifício amarelo tem a<br />
facha<strong>da</strong> vira<strong>da</strong> não para a rua m<strong>as</strong> para a mata,<br />
numa concepção franciscana <strong>da</strong> arquitectura.<br />
Um facto revelado ain<strong>da</strong> no fóssil <strong>de</strong> amonite<br />
In seeking to convert <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong> into<br />
his refuge, Jaime <strong>de</strong> Magalhães Lima transposed<br />
his i<strong>de</strong>ology into the family house’s architecture.<br />
The spatial organisation reflects not only the<br />
Franciscan concept of existence, b<strong>as</strong>ed on leading<br />
a simple and poor life, with respect for nature,<br />
but also other influences. One such influence w<strong>as</strong><br />
the Arts & Crafts Movement, an English aesthetic<br />
movement in the late 19 th century, which<br />
recommen<strong>de</strong>d creative arts and crafts <strong>as</strong> an<br />
alternative to machine-ma<strong>de</strong> production and<br />
m<strong>as</strong>s production.<br />
With very simple features and using poor<br />
materials, such <strong>as</strong> adobe and discreet ochre<br />
tones, the yellow building’s faça<strong>de</strong> instead of<br />
facing the street faces the woods, in line with<br />
a Franciscan architectural concept, further<br />
emph<strong>as</strong>ised by the ammonite fossil inserted over<br />
the entrance door. Once insi<strong>de</strong>, it is e<strong>as</strong>y<br />
to un<strong>de</strong>rstand that, abiding with the i<strong>de</strong>als<br />
of oneness with nature, the eyes always fall onto<br />
the green of the trees, be it from the small<br />
veran<strong>da</strong> on top of the entrance, the enclosed<br />
gallery or the office of Jaime <strong>de</strong> Magalhães Lima.
a quinta e a história<br />
a quinta e a história<br />
32 the quinta and its history the quinta and its history 33<br />
inserido sobre a porta <strong>da</strong> entra<strong>da</strong>. No interior<br />
é fácil perceber que, obe<strong>de</strong>cendo aos i<strong>de</strong>ais<br />
<strong>de</strong> comunhão com a Natureza, tanto <strong>da</strong> pequena<br />
varan<strong>da</strong> sobre a entra<strong>da</strong>, como <strong>da</strong> galeria<br />
fecha<strong>da</strong> ou do gabinete <strong>de</strong> Jaime <strong>de</strong> Magalhães<br />
Lima, os olhos caem sempre sobre o ver<strong>de</strong> d<strong>as</strong><br />
árvores.<br />
Enquanto habitou o local, e como forma<br />
<strong>de</strong> <strong>as</strong>segurar a contemplação constante <strong>da</strong><br />
Natureza, o antigo presi<strong>de</strong>nte <strong>da</strong> Câmara <strong>de</strong><br />
Aveiro proibiu o uso <strong>de</strong> cortin<strong>as</strong> no seu gabinete,<br />
n<strong>as</strong> pare<strong>de</strong>s do qual estava um retrato <strong>de</strong> Leão<br />
Tolstoi. Ain<strong>da</strong> hoje, com a c<strong>as</strong>a a aguar<strong>da</strong>r<br />
recuperação, o gabinete do intelectual —<br />
espaçoso, com vári<strong>as</strong> janel<strong>as</strong> e a antiga<br />
salamandra encosta<strong>da</strong> a uma d<strong>as</strong> pare<strong>de</strong>s —<br />
transmite uma sensação <strong>de</strong> calma. Com os<br />
traços simples do exterior a repetirem-se <strong>de</strong>ntro<br />
<strong>da</strong> c<strong>as</strong>a, todo o an<strong>da</strong>r superior do edifício respira<br />
sereni<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong>: o amarelo n<strong>as</strong> pare<strong>de</strong>s côa a luz<br />
exterior, os vários quartos são simples e na<br />
cozinha impera a gran<strong>de</strong> chaminé e <strong>as</strong><br />
prateleir<strong>as</strong>, ain<strong>da</strong> colocad<strong>as</strong> n<strong>as</strong> pare<strong>de</strong>s.<br />
Outro dos pontos que po<strong>de</strong>rá ter acolhido<br />
<strong>as</strong> reflexões do antigo proprietário é a varan<strong>da</strong><br />
fecha<strong>da</strong>, que corre ao longo <strong>de</strong> um dos lados <strong>da</strong><br />
c<strong>as</strong>a. A meio <strong>da</strong> galeria a lareira que outrora<br />
garantia o conforto à família revela a presença do<br />
actual habitante <strong>da</strong> c<strong>as</strong>a — o monte <strong>de</strong> pequenos<br />
ossos atesta a presença <strong>da</strong> coruja d<strong>as</strong> torres que<br />
se instalou na chaminé.<br />
Também a capela é vota<strong>da</strong> a <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong>.<br />
Está liga<strong>da</strong> ao edifício principal através <strong>de</strong> uma<br />
galeria estreita, <strong>de</strong> tecto baixo, que conduz ao<br />
coro. Ao meio, du<strong>as</strong> janel<strong>as</strong> paralel<strong>as</strong> permitem,<br />
<strong>de</strong> novo, contemplar o exterior. É uma capela<br />
pequena, <strong>de</strong> carácter <strong>de</strong>spojado e imagens<br />
simples. No altar domina um baixo-relevo<br />
While he lived in the <strong>Quinta</strong>, and to guarantee the<br />
permanent contemplation of Nature, the former<br />
Mayor of Aveiro, banned all sorts of curtains from<br />
his offices, on the walls of which he hung a<br />
portrait of Leo Tolstoy. Even now, while the house<br />
waits to be recuperated, the intellectual’s office<br />
— spacious, with various windows and the old<br />
salaman<strong>de</strong>r stove resting against one of the walls<br />
— conveys a feeling of calmness. With the<br />
external simple lines repeating themselves insi<strong>de</strong><br />
the house, the entire top floor of the building<br />
exu<strong>de</strong>s serenity: the yellow of the walls filters the<br />
external light, the different rooms are simple and<br />
in the kitchen, it is the great chimney and shelves<br />
that prevail.<br />
Another spot which may have attracted the<br />
reflections of the former property owner is the<br />
enclosed veran<strong>da</strong> which runs along one of the<br />
si<strong>de</strong>s of the house. In the middle of the gallery,<br />
the fireplace which once provi<strong>de</strong>d much comfort<br />
to the family confirms the presence of the house’s<br />
current inhabitant. The small pile of bones<br />
confirms the occupancy of the barn owl which<br />
h<strong>as</strong> settled in the chimney.<br />
The chapel is also <strong>de</strong>dicated to St. Francis. It is<br />
connected to the main building by a narrow, low-<br />
ceiling gallery, which leads to the choir. In the<br />
middle of this, two parallel windows once again<br />
enable one to contemplate the outsi<strong>de</strong>. It is a<br />
small chapel, stripped of any <strong>de</strong>coration and with<br />
simple images. The altar is dominated by a<br />
C<strong>as</strong>a <strong>da</strong> <strong>Quinta</strong>, início do século XX.<br />
The <strong>Quinta</strong>’s house – beginning of the 20 th century.<br />
policromo em ma<strong>de</strong>ira representando<br />
<strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong> <strong>de</strong> Assis, cuja autoria foi atribuí<strong>da</strong><br />
ao escultor António Teixeira Lopes. Apesar <strong>da</strong><br />
pequena dimensão, o interior <strong>da</strong> capela alberga<br />
ain<strong>da</strong> um púlpito e <strong>as</strong> estações <strong>da</strong> via-sacra,<br />
escolhidos <strong>de</strong> acordo com o tamanho do edifício.<br />
polychromatic woo<strong>de</strong>n b<strong>as</strong>-relief representing<br />
St. Francis of Assisi, sculpted by António Teixeira<br />
Lopes. Despite its small dimensions, there is also<br />
a pulpit and the Stations of the Cross insi<strong>de</strong> the<br />
chapel, which were specifically chosen for this<br />
building’s size.
As bo<strong>as</strong> águ<strong>as</strong><br />
The good waters<br />
O céu visto a partir <strong>da</strong> velha n<strong>as</strong>cente.<br />
The sky seen from the old spring.<br />
No exterior a sensação <strong>de</strong> frescura é <strong>da</strong><strong>da</strong> tanto<br />
pelo arvoredo como pela presença do curso <strong>de</strong><br />
água que a atravessa. A isto junta-se uma<br />
n<strong>as</strong>cente localiza<strong>da</strong> junto aos bancos <strong>de</strong> pedra<br />
que Jaime <strong>de</strong> Magalhães Lima mandou colocar<br />
junto ao arboreto então recém-plantado.<br />
Um pouco para a direita, alguns <strong>de</strong>graus <strong>de</strong>scem<br />
até uma porta <strong>de</strong> ma<strong>de</strong>ira. Por trás fica a<br />
n<strong>as</strong>cente para a qual chegaram a existir planos<br />
<strong>de</strong> exploração comercial. Na ver<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong>, em 1935,<br />
a Direcção-Geral <strong>de</strong> Min<strong>as</strong> conce<strong>de</strong>u a licença<br />
<strong>de</strong> exploração <strong>da</strong> n<strong>as</strong>cente para a produção<br />
<strong>de</strong> água <strong>de</strong> mesa engarrafa<strong>da</strong>, plano que foi<br />
retomado no início <strong>da</strong> déca<strong>da</strong> <strong>de</strong> 70, m<strong>as</strong> nunca<br />
levado à prática. De acordo com <strong>as</strong> análises<br />
feit<strong>as</strong> em 1935 e 1969 a água <strong>da</strong> <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong><br />
<strong>Francisco</strong> é <strong>de</strong> um tipo raro em Portugal —<br />
sulfata<strong>da</strong> e alumínica — e bacteriologicamente<br />
muito pura.<br />
Outsi<strong>de</strong>, a feeling of coolness is provi<strong>de</strong>d both by<br />
the surrounding trees and the water course that<br />
traverses the land. Ad<strong>de</strong>d to this, is a spring<br />
located next to the stone benches which Jaime<br />
<strong>de</strong> Magalhães Lima or<strong>de</strong>red to be placed next to<br />
the then recently planted arboretum. Behind is<br />
the spring for which there once existed plans for a<br />
business. In fact, in 1935, the Directorate-General<br />
for Mines granted the licence to use the spring in<br />
the production of bottled drinking water, a plan<br />
which w<strong>as</strong> resumed in the beginning of the 70’s<br />
but never put into practice. According to the tests<br />
un<strong>de</strong>rtaken in 1935 and 1969, the water found in<br />
<strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong> is quite rare in Portugal<br />
— sulphated and aluminous — and very pure<br />
A <strong>Quinta</strong> e a Ciência The <strong>Quinta</strong> and Science
Actual activi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> do RAIZ<br />
RAIZ current activity<br />
No RAIZ procuram-se soluções para uma<br />
maior eco-eficiência <strong>da</strong> Indústria.<br />
RAIZ looks for the best eco-efficiency solutions.<br />
No âmbito do trabalho <strong>de</strong>senvolvido ao nível<br />
<strong>da</strong> Investigação Aplica<strong>da</strong> — tanto na área<br />
tecnológica como florestal — <strong>da</strong> Consultoria<br />
e <strong>da</strong> Formação, muita <strong>da</strong> acção do RAIZ tem<br />
incidido sobre soluções que favorecem uma<br />
exploração sustentável <strong>da</strong> fileira florestal.<br />
Para isso tem concebido ferrament<strong>as</strong> que<br />
permitem o diagnóstico do solo e do estado<br />
nutricional dos povoamentos <strong>de</strong> eucalipto o que,<br />
a médio prazo, garante uma exploração<br />
equilibra<strong>da</strong> <strong>da</strong> floresta e a utilização dos<br />
terrenos mais a<strong>de</strong>quados a ca<strong>da</strong> tipo <strong>de</strong><br />
produção. Para chegar a este ponto, foram<br />
essenciais os trabalhos <strong>de</strong> zonagem<br />
<strong>de</strong>senvolvidos nos últimos anos, com<br />
a caracterização dos solos em tod<strong>as</strong> <strong>as</strong><br />
proprie<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong>s do grupo Portucel Soporcel.<br />
Nos primórdios <strong>da</strong> indústria <strong>da</strong> p<strong>as</strong>ta e do papel,<br />
era impossível estimar a produtivi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong>,<br />
os consumos <strong>de</strong> água ou <strong>as</strong> necessi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong>s<br />
nutricionais <strong>as</strong>sociad<strong>as</strong> a ca<strong>da</strong> exploração o que,<br />
em alguns c<strong>as</strong>os, po<strong>de</strong>ria trazer resultados<br />
inesperados. O trabalho do RAIZ permite,<br />
através <strong>da</strong> caracterização d<strong>as</strong> amostr<strong>as</strong> do solo<br />
recolhid<strong>as</strong>, <strong>de</strong>finir tanto <strong>as</strong> proprie<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong>s<br />
químic<strong>as</strong> do solo, como a sua pedregosi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong>,<br />
inclinação ou <strong>as</strong> necessi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong>s nutricionais.<br />
Esta informação, <strong>de</strong>pois <strong>de</strong> cruza<strong>da</strong> com os<br />
In the scope of Applied Research — both in the<br />
are<strong>as</strong> of technology and forestry — Consultancy<br />
and Training, a great <strong>de</strong>al of the work un<strong>de</strong>rtaken by<br />
RAIZ h<strong>as</strong> been focused on the provision of solutions<br />
which promote a sustainable forest chain.<br />
Hence, it h<strong>as</strong> <strong>de</strong>signed the necessary tools to<br />
diagnose the soil and nutritional conditions of the<br />
eucalyptus plantations, which in the medium<br />
term, will guarantee a well-balanced operation<br />
of the forestry area and the choice of land that is<br />
more appropriate for each specific production.<br />
To reach this stage, it is fun<strong>da</strong>mental to<br />
un<strong>de</strong>rtake soil zoning works throughout the<br />
Portucel Soporcel group´s property, a t<strong>as</strong>k that<br />
will take several years to complete.<br />
In the early <strong>da</strong>ys of the pulp and paper industry,<br />
it w<strong>as</strong> impossible to estimate the levels of<br />
productivity, water consumption or nutritional<br />
needs of each specific planted area, which in<br />
some c<strong>as</strong>es led to unexpected results. The<br />
activity performed by RAIZ not only <strong>de</strong>fines the<br />
soil’s chemical properties, but also its stone<br />
content, slope or nutritional needs, through the<br />
characterisation of soil samples. Once this<br />
information is matched with the available <strong>da</strong>ta on<br />
the climate conditions in the different are<strong>as</strong>, it<br />
will i<strong>de</strong>ntify homogeneous soil zones, after which<br />
it can be <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d which species to plant. As the
a quinta e a ciência<br />
a quinta e a ciência<br />
40 the quinta and science the quinta and science 41<br />
<strong>da</strong>dos conhecidos sobre o clima dos diferentes<br />
locais, vai i<strong>de</strong>ntificar zon<strong>as</strong> <strong>de</strong> solo homogéne<strong>as</strong>,<br />
po<strong>de</strong>ndo <strong>de</strong>pois ser <strong>de</strong>finido o tipo <strong>de</strong> planta que<br />
ali <strong>de</strong>verá ser instala<strong>da</strong>. Como hoje são<br />
já conhecid<strong>as</strong> <strong>as</strong> necessi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong>s nutricionais<br />
do eucalipto e os diferentes program<strong>as</strong><br />
<strong>de</strong> fertilização usados em ca<strong>da</strong> tipo <strong>de</strong> solo,<br />
é possível, antes ain<strong>da</strong> <strong>da</strong> plantação, saber não<br />
só os índices <strong>de</strong> produtivi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> do terreno como<br />
<strong>as</strong> condições do solo quando a primeira<br />
exploração chegar ao fim.<br />
Ain<strong>da</strong> ao nível <strong>da</strong> floresta, o projecto <strong>de</strong><br />
combate a prag<strong>as</strong> permite uma guerra limpa a<br />
alguns dos malefícios que atacam <strong>as</strong> plantações<br />
<strong>de</strong> eucalipto. Nos laboratórios do RAIZ é<br />
estu<strong>da</strong><strong>da</strong> a forma natural <strong>de</strong> combater prag<strong>as</strong><br />
como <strong>as</strong> espécies do género Phorancanta,<br />
vulgarmente conheci<strong>da</strong> como broca do<br />
eucalipto — larva que escava <strong>as</strong> su<strong>as</strong> galeri<strong>as</strong><br />
entre a zona do tronco e a c<strong>as</strong>ca <strong>da</strong> árvore<br />
interrompendo o fluxo <strong>da</strong> seiva o que, em c<strong>as</strong>os<br />
limite, po<strong>de</strong> levar à sua morte. Para controlar a<br />
praga, são libertados insectos que par<strong>as</strong>itam os<br />
ovos <strong>de</strong>sta larva, e põem fim ao seu ciclo <strong>de</strong> vi<strong>da</strong>.<br />
E se no campo é <strong>de</strong>sejável que a exploração seja<br />
feita com o mínimo <strong>de</strong> impactes negativos, ao<br />
nível industrial <strong>as</strong> pressões para uma activi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong><br />
o menos poluidora possível são ca<strong>da</strong> vez<br />
maiores. Nesse sentido, o RAIZ tem <strong>de</strong>senvolvido<br />
soluções que aumentem os níveis <strong>de</strong> eco-<br />
-eficiência d<strong>as</strong> uni<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong> produção <strong>de</strong> p<strong>as</strong>ta.<br />
Um exemplo disso foi a investigação que<br />
permitiu a valorização dos resíduos sólidos<br />
<strong>da</strong> produção <strong>de</strong> p<strong>as</strong>ta que, em vez <strong>de</strong> serem<br />
<strong>de</strong>positados em aterro, são hoje usados<br />
em fertilizantes ou incorporados em papéis<br />
<strong>de</strong> embalagem, produtos cerâmicos e <strong>de</strong><br />
construção civil. Acções como esta, além<br />
<strong>de</strong> contribuírem para uma indústria<br />
ecologicamente mais sustentável, levam<br />
a uma redução dos g<strong>as</strong>tos relacionados<br />
com a <strong>de</strong>posição em aterro, bem como<br />
os custos <strong>de</strong> produção.<br />
Aberta à comuni<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong>, a <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong>slumbra os visitantes<br />
com <strong>as</strong> su<strong>as</strong> árvores centenári<strong>as</strong>.<br />
Open to the community, visitors are <strong>da</strong>zzled by the <strong>Quinta</strong>’s<br />
century-old trees.<br />
eucalyptus nutritional needs and the different<br />
fertilisation programmes for each type of soil are<br />
currently known, before going ahead with any<br />
plantation it is possible to know the soil’s<br />
productivity in<strong>de</strong>x <strong>as</strong> well <strong>as</strong> the respective soil’s<br />
conditions when the first cycle comes to an end.<br />
Still in terms of forestry, the implemented pest<br />
control programme provi<strong>de</strong>s the tools for a clean<br />
war against the species that specifically attack<br />
eucalyptus plantations. Studies are un<strong>de</strong>rtaken<br />
at the laboratories of RAIZ to find the natural<br />
means of fighting against pests, like Phoracantha<br />
species, better known <strong>as</strong> eucalyptus drill — a<br />
larva that excavates the galleries between the<br />
trunk area and the tree’s bark, interrupting the<br />
sap flow, in some c<strong>as</strong>es leading to the tree’s<br />
<strong>de</strong>ath. To control this pest, insects which feed on<br />
this larva’s eggs are rele<strong>as</strong>ed and thus terminate<br />
their life cycle.<br />
And if the intention is that the eucalyptus<br />
plantation causes the le<strong>as</strong>t environmental<br />
impact to the soil, then at an industrial level the<br />
pressure for an incre<strong>as</strong>ingly less pollutant<br />
activity is growing. In this context, RAIZ h<strong>as</strong><br />
<strong>de</strong>signed solutions that incre<strong>as</strong>e the levels of eco-<br />
efficiency at the pulp production mills. One of<br />
these solutions is the possibility to recuperate the<br />
pulp production solid w<strong>as</strong>te material, which<br />
instead of being taken to a landfill is now used to<br />
make fertilisers or incorporated in packaging<br />
paper, ceramic and civil construction materials.<br />
Actions like this not only contribute to an<br />
industry that is incre<strong>as</strong>ingly ecologically<br />
sustainable but also to a cut in the costs incurred<br />
with the transport of w<strong>as</strong>te materials to landfills<br />
and in production costs.<br />
RAIZ is simultaneously working on the<br />
<strong>de</strong>velopment of research projects involving the<br />
reduction of water consumption levels in the
a quinta e a ciência<br />
a quinta e a ciência<br />
42 the quinta and science the quinta and science 43<br />
Ao mesmo tempo, o RAIZ está a <strong>de</strong>senvolver<br />
projectos <strong>de</strong> investigação cujo objectivo p<strong>as</strong>sa<br />
pela redução dos níveis <strong>de</strong> consumo <strong>de</strong> água na<br />
indústria e pela i<strong>de</strong>ntificação e eventual<br />
exploração <strong>de</strong> alternativ<strong>as</strong> energétic<strong>as</strong> com<br />
maior recurso à bioenergia.Est<strong>as</strong> acções são o<br />
reflexo <strong>da</strong> aposta do grupo Portucel Soporcel na<br />
investigação enquanto suporte <strong>da</strong> produção <strong>de</strong><br />
p<strong>as</strong>ta e <strong>de</strong> papel <strong>de</strong> eleva<strong>da</strong> quali<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong>,<br />
garantindo a racionalização no uso <strong>de</strong> recursos<br />
naturais e o investimento n<strong>as</strong> melhores prátic<strong>as</strong><br />
disponíveis na área <strong>da</strong> preservação ambiental.<br />
O Instituto está longe <strong>de</strong> ser uma enti<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong><br />
fecha<strong>da</strong> na sua <strong>Quinta</strong>.<br />
Des<strong>de</strong> a sua criação que foi feita uma aposta<br />
n<strong>as</strong> relações com a socie<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong>. Num primeiro<br />
momento com a comuni<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> científica, através<br />
d<strong>as</strong> ligações às vári<strong>as</strong> Universi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong>s com quem<br />
trabalha. Esta abertura permite não só o<br />
<strong>de</strong>senvolvimento <strong>de</strong> projectos comuns que<br />
trazem ao RAIZ investigadores e estu<strong>da</strong>ntes<br />
<strong>de</strong> vários pólos do ensino superior, como a<br />
elaboração <strong>de</strong> pareceres sobre alguns dos<br />
program<strong>as</strong> curriculares <strong>da</strong> Universi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong><br />
Aveiro e a criação <strong>de</strong> mestrados e pós-<br />
-graduações.<br />
industry and the i<strong>de</strong>ntification and possibilities of<br />
energy alternatives, namely an incre<strong>as</strong>ed<br />
utilisation of bioenergy.<br />
These me<strong>as</strong>ures reflect the Portucel Soporcel<br />
group’s commitment to research <strong>as</strong> the b<strong>as</strong>is for<br />
pulp and high quality paper production,<br />
guaranteeing the rational use of natural<br />
resources and investments in the best available<br />
techniques in the area of environmental<br />
protection.<br />
Enclosed within the <strong>Quinta</strong>, the Institute is far<br />
from being isolated from the rest of the world.<br />
Ever since its creation, it w<strong>as</strong> its intention to work<br />
closely with society. It immediately opened its<br />
doors to the scientific community through<br />
relationships established with the different<br />
universities with which it works. This <strong>as</strong>sociation<br />
not only enables the <strong>de</strong>velopment of common<br />
projects which attract researchers and stu<strong>de</strong>nts<br />
from the country’s various higher education<br />
institutions to RAIZ, but also the elaboration of<br />
opinions on some of Aveiro University’s curricular<br />
Dois organismos que atacam <strong>as</strong> folh<strong>as</strong> do eucalipto.<br />
Two organisms that attack eucalyptus leaves.<br />
Laboratório químico do RAIZ.<br />
RAIZ’s chemical laboratory.<br />
Mais recentemente, houve uma abertura<br />
do RAIZ ao agrupamento <strong>de</strong> escol<strong>as</strong> <strong>da</strong> vila.<br />
A iniciativa partiu <strong>da</strong> vonta<strong>de</strong> do Instituto<br />
em abrir o seu património à comuni<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> e<br />
beneficiar <strong>da</strong> maior abertura do público escolar,<br />
para <strong>de</strong>senvolver acções <strong>de</strong> sensibilização para<br />
a necessi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> preservação d<strong>as</strong> espécies ou os<br />
cui<strong>da</strong>dos a ter com <strong>as</strong> árvores. Des<strong>de</strong> então, são<br />
frequentes <strong>as</strong> visit<strong>as</strong> d<strong>as</strong> escol<strong>as</strong> <strong>da</strong> região tanto<br />
às instalações do RAIZ como à própria <strong>Quinta</strong>.<br />
No p<strong>as</strong>sado, uma acção <strong>de</strong> observação<br />
e i<strong>de</strong>ntificação d<strong>as</strong> aves, levou à criação do<br />
projecto «Criar Raízes». Da observação d<strong>as</strong> aves<br />
p<strong>as</strong>sou-se à construção dos ninhos na escola e à<br />
sua colocação no arboreto. Testemunh<strong>as</strong> <strong>da</strong> boa<br />
relação com a comuni<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> em que se insere,<br />
os ninhos ain<strong>da</strong> lá estão, m<strong>as</strong> os pássaros <strong>da</strong><br />
<strong>Quinta</strong> preferem os ramos d<strong>as</strong> árvores<br />
para construir os ninhos e <strong>de</strong>positar os ovos.<br />
programmes and the creation of m<strong>as</strong>ter<br />
and post-graduate <strong>de</strong>grees.<br />
More recently, RAIZ exten<strong>de</strong>d its contacts to<br />
inclu<strong>de</strong> the village’s schools. It is the Institute’s<br />
intention to present its heritage to the<br />
community and schools, to <strong>de</strong>velop awareness<br />
programmes for the need to preserve the species<br />
or on the special care required by trees. Since<br />
then, there have been frequent visits by the<br />
region’s schools to RAIZ and the <strong>Quinta</strong> itself.<br />
In the p<strong>as</strong>t, a bird watching and i<strong>de</strong>ntification<br />
experiment led to the creation of the project<br />
“Creating Roots”. From bird watching, the focus<br />
moved to nest building in schools and respective<br />
placement in the arboretum. To prove the sound<br />
relationship that exists with the surrounding<br />
community, the nests are still there but the birds<br />
prefer the branches for nest building<br />
and egg laying.
Biodiversi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong><br />
Biodiversity<br />
É às primeir<strong>as</strong> hor<strong>as</strong> do dia que o tordo<br />
anima a <strong>Quinta</strong> com o seu canto.<br />
The song thrush livens up the <strong>Quinta</strong> at <strong>da</strong>ybreak.<br />
As árvores e <strong>as</strong> aves <strong>da</strong> <strong>Quinta</strong><br />
É a diversi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> espécies vegetais presente<br />
na <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong> que faz <strong>de</strong>la um<br />
local <strong>de</strong> eleição para vári<strong>as</strong> aves. A isto junta-se<br />
a pequena dimensão <strong>da</strong> proprie<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong>, que lhe<br />
granjeia visit<strong>as</strong> d<strong>as</strong> espécies que habitam nos<br />
terrenos vizinhos.<br />
Mesmo num espaço limitado, são fáceis <strong>de</strong><br />
i<strong>de</strong>ntificar algum<strong>as</strong> preferênci<strong>as</strong> no território.<br />
Se espécies mais urban<strong>as</strong> como a andorinha<br />
e o par<strong>da</strong>l são sobretudo observáveis perto do<br />
núcleo <strong>de</strong> edifícios, junto à entra<strong>da</strong>, outr<strong>as</strong>,<br />
como o pica-pau malhado são difíceis <strong>de</strong><br />
encontrar: muito sensíveis à presença humana<br />
preferem retirar-se para os limites <strong>da</strong><br />
proprie<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong>, sobretudo em zon<strong>as</strong> n<strong>as</strong> quais<br />
predomine o eucalipto.<br />
Indiferentes à espécie <strong>de</strong> árvore que os acolhe,<br />
rol<strong>as</strong>, pombos e estorninhos, escolhem<br />
sobretudo exemplares <strong>de</strong> gran<strong>de</strong> porte. Rapin<strong>as</strong><br />
e cucos — os últimos visitam a <strong>Quinta</strong> apen<strong>as</strong><br />
no Verão — escolhem <strong>as</strong> árvores com troncos<br />
livres <strong>de</strong> ramagem, por serem os melhores<br />
para pousar.<br />
Outros animais, como a alvéola-cinzenta, são<br />
observáveis ao longo <strong>de</strong> todo o curso <strong>de</strong> água.<br />
E <strong>de</strong>pois há o pisco-<strong>de</strong>-peito-ruivo ou o melro,<br />
que surgem um pouco por todo o lado.<br />
Na ver<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong>, mesmo sem uma relação directa<br />
entre uma árvore e uma <strong>de</strong>termina<strong>da</strong> espécie <strong>de</strong><br />
ave, a varie<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> aves presente na <strong>Quinta</strong>,<br />
confirma que a diversi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> flora ali existente<br />
é um dos <strong>as</strong>pectos que a torna única.<br />
The trees and the birds in the <strong>Quinta</strong><br />
The re<strong>as</strong>on why various bird species have chosen<br />
<strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong> <strong>as</strong> their home is because<br />
of the diverse existing vegetation. Ad<strong>de</strong>d to this is<br />
the small size of the property, which attracts the<br />
visits of species from the surrounding grounds.<br />
Even if the area is limited, it is e<strong>as</strong>y to i<strong>de</strong>ntify<br />
some territorial preferences. If more urban<br />
species, like the swallow and the sparrow, can be<br />
mainly seen closer to the group of buildings next<br />
to the entrance, others like the greater spotted<br />
woodpecker are difficult to find; very sensitive to<br />
human presence, they would rather retreat to the<br />
property’s boun<strong>da</strong>ries, to are<strong>as</strong> where there are<br />
more eucalyptus.<br />
Indifferent to the species of hosting trees, doves,<br />
pigeons and starlings normally choose large-<br />
sized trees. As for the birds of prey and cuckoos,<br />
the latter only visit the <strong>Quinta</strong> in the summer,<br />
they choose branch-free tree trunks, <strong>as</strong> they<br />
are the best on which to perch.<br />
Other animals, like the grey wagtail, can be seen<br />
along the extension of the water course. And then<br />
there is the robin or the blackbird which can be<br />
seen all over the property. In fact, even if there is<br />
no direct relationship with a tree and a respective<br />
bird species, the existing variety of birds confirms<br />
that the flora diversity is one of the features that<br />
make it unique.
a quinta e a ciência<br />
46 the quinta and science<br />
Biodiversi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>ntro <strong>de</strong> um eucaliptal<br />
Num eucaliptal, como em qualquer outra<br />
monocultura, a biodiversi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> será sempre mais<br />
baixa do que numa floresta povoa<strong>da</strong> com<br />
diferentes espécies vegetais. O que não quer<br />
dizer que uma exploração intensiva <strong>de</strong> eucalipto<br />
<strong>de</strong>va ser vista como um <strong>de</strong>serto, bem pelo<br />
contrário. Na ver<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong>, do solo à copa <strong>da</strong> árvore<br />
mais alta, é possível encontrar form<strong>as</strong> <strong>de</strong> vi<strong>da</strong><br />
diversificad<strong>as</strong> numa floresta <strong>de</strong> eucaliptos.<br />
Tal <strong>de</strong>ve-se, em parte, à forma como é feita a<br />
distribuição d<strong>as</strong> manch<strong>as</strong> <strong>de</strong> eucaliptal pelo<br />
País. Em Portugal, o mais comum é que <strong>as</strong><br />
plantações apareçam intercalad<strong>as</strong> com outros<br />
tipos <strong>de</strong> cultura, quer se trate <strong>de</strong> outros tipos<br />
<strong>de</strong> floresta ou <strong>de</strong> terrenos agrícol<strong>as</strong>.<br />
É esta vizinhança que está na origem <strong>da</strong><br />
complementari<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> entre os diferentes<br />
habitats. E quem visita regularmente um<br />
eucaliptal é disso testemunha.<br />
Muitos dos animais que se alimentam nos<br />
campos em redor buscam abrigo no meio <strong>da</strong><br />
floresta <strong>de</strong> eucaliptos, que é procura<strong>da</strong> por<br />
vári<strong>as</strong> espécies cinegétic<strong>as</strong>. As corç<strong>as</strong> buscam<br />
não só um local <strong>de</strong> repouso como também bons<br />
troncos em que possam roçar <strong>as</strong> armações. <strong>Os</strong><br />
javalis — cuja activi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> é sobretudo nocturna —<br />
encontram ali um bom local <strong>de</strong> refúgio.<br />
O mesmo fazem <strong>as</strong> perdizes, os coelhos e <strong>as</strong><br />
lebres e, no seu encalço, e também procurando<br />
a protecção d<strong>as</strong> árvores, <strong>as</strong> rapos<strong>as</strong>.<br />
Biodiversity within a eucalyptus grove<br />
In a eucalyptus grove, just like in any other<br />
monoculture, biodiversity is always less than in a<br />
forest planted with different plant species.<br />
This does not mean that an intensive eucalyptus<br />
plantation should be consi<strong>de</strong>red <strong>as</strong> a <strong>de</strong>sert, but<br />
quite the contrary. In fact, from the soil to the<br />
tallest tree top, it is in<strong>de</strong>ed possible to find<br />
diversified living forms in a eucalyptus forest.<br />
This is partly due to the way that eucalyptus<br />
groves are distributed around the country. In<br />
Portugal, it is most common to see plantations<br />
alternating with other kinds of agriculture, either<br />
for forestry or farming purposes. As a result of<br />
this land exploitation, the different habitats<br />
complement each other. Those who regularly<br />
visit eucalyptus groves can testify to this<br />
situation.<br />
Many of the animals which look for food in the<br />
surrounding fields find their shelter in the<br />
eucalyptus forest, which is also sought by various<br />
hunting species. Does, for example, not only find<br />
a place to rest here but also look for good tree<br />
trunks on which to rub their antlers. Wild boars,<br />
which are most active at night, also find a good<br />
refuge here. The same applies to partridges,<br />
rabbits and hares, which are hunted by foxes<br />
seeking shelter in these forests.<br />
À sombra <strong>de</strong> um eucaliptal convivem vári<strong>as</strong> espécies.<br />
Various species socialise in the sha<strong>de</strong> of a eucalyptus grove.
a quinta e a ciência<br />
48<br />
a quinta e a ciência<br />
the quinta and science the quinta and science 49<br />
De<strong>da</strong>leira em flor.<br />
Flowering foxglove.<br />
N<strong>as</strong> cop<strong>as</strong> d<strong>as</strong> árvores, <strong>as</strong> sementes do<br />
eucalipto, bem protegid<strong>as</strong> <strong>de</strong>ntro d<strong>as</strong> cápsul<strong>as</strong>,<br />
são inacessíveis à maior parte d<strong>as</strong> aves que <strong>as</strong><br />
procuram apen<strong>as</strong> para pousar. M<strong>as</strong> os troncos<br />
são muito procurados por pica-paus, em busca<br />
dos insectos que se alojam entre a c<strong>as</strong>ca<br />
e o tronco <strong>da</strong> árvore. Ironicamente, a presença<br />
do pica-pau traz más notíci<strong>as</strong> para a indústria.<br />
Afinal apen<strong>as</strong> <strong>as</strong> árvores atacad<strong>as</strong> por prag<strong>as</strong><br />
lhe po<strong>de</strong>m fornecer alimento.<br />
A todo o conjunto <strong>de</strong> animais que acabam por<br />
integrar <strong>as</strong> mat<strong>as</strong> <strong>de</strong> eucaliptos no seu habitat,<br />
juntam-se ain<strong>da</strong> numerosos insectos e to<strong>da</strong><br />
a fauna microbiana do solo que permite que<br />
a terra permaneça fértil e <strong>as</strong> árvores cresçam<br />
saudáveis até ao próximo corte.<br />
A biodiversi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> patente na <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong><br />
<strong>Francisco</strong> é o reflexo <strong>da</strong> atitu<strong>de</strong> e <strong>da</strong> prática<br />
do grupo Portucel Soporcel em matéria <strong>de</strong><br />
<strong>de</strong>fesa <strong>da</strong> biodiversi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> e <strong>de</strong> conservação dos<br />
valores naturais do seu património florestal<br />
enquanto parte integrante <strong>da</strong> política <strong>de</strong><br />
sustentabili<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> do Grupo.<br />
In the trees’ crowns, the eucalyptus seeds, well<br />
protected within their capsules, are inaccessible<br />
to most of the birds which only look for trees on<br />
which to perch. However, the trunks are very<br />
much wanted by woodpeckers looking for the<br />
insects that lodge themselves between the tree’s<br />
bark and trunk. Ironically, the woodpecker’s<br />
presence is bad news for the industry. After all,<br />
only pest rid<strong>de</strong>n trees supply this bird species<br />
with food.<br />
Joining the animal community in the eucalyptus<br />
forests are numerous insects and an entire<br />
microbial fauna that lives in the soil and enables<br />
it to remain fertile for the trees to grow healthily<br />
until their next cut.<br />
The existing biodiversity at <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong><br />
<strong>Francisco</strong> reflects the attitu<strong>de</strong> and practices of<br />
the Portucel Soporcel group, which is committed<br />
to protecting and preserving the biodiversity and<br />
the natural values of its forestry heritage in line<br />
with the Group’s principles of sustainable<br />
<strong>de</strong>velopment.<br />
<strong>Aves</strong> como o pisco-<strong>de</strong>-peito-ruivo<br />
procuram abrigo nos ramos do eucaliptal.<br />
Birds, like the robin, look for shelter in the eucalyptus branches.
A <strong>Quinta</strong> e a Natureza The <strong>Quinta</strong> and Nature
Espécies florestais na <strong>Quinta</strong><br />
Forest species in the <strong>Quinta</strong><br />
Apesar <strong>da</strong> aparência rugosa, a c<strong>as</strong>ca <strong>de</strong> alguns eucaliptos é fofa e agradável ao toque.<br />
Despite the rough-looking appearance, the bark of several eucalyptuses is soft and ple<strong>as</strong>ant to touch.<br />
Sobre o eucalipto<br />
Árvores que ultrap<strong>as</strong>sam os 70 metros <strong>de</strong> altura<br />
e exemplares que pouco mais são que arbustos,<br />
c<strong>as</strong>c<strong>as</strong> que caem em tir<strong>as</strong>, outr<strong>as</strong> que lembram<br />
cortiça, outr<strong>as</strong> ain<strong>da</strong> cuj<strong>as</strong> fibr<strong>as</strong> entrelaçad<strong>as</strong><br />
se <strong>as</strong>semelham a c<strong>as</strong>ca <strong>de</strong> coco; flores<br />
vermelh<strong>as</strong> que dão vi<strong>da</strong> a jardins ou cachos <strong>de</strong><br />
flores amarel<strong>as</strong> que chamam <strong>as</strong> abelh<strong>as</strong>, frutos<br />
<strong>de</strong> vários tamanhos e formatos. Apesar <strong>de</strong> muito<br />
diferentes, tod<strong>as</strong> est<strong>as</strong> característic<strong>as</strong> po<strong>de</strong>m<br />
ser atribuíd<strong>as</strong> ao eucalipto, árvore que conta<br />
com mais <strong>de</strong> 600 espécies conhecid<strong>as</strong>, tod<strong>as</strong><br />
diferentes entre si.<br />
Na sua maioria, <strong>as</strong> divers<strong>as</strong> varie<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong>s são<br />
originári<strong>as</strong> <strong>da</strong> Austrália e <strong>da</strong> T<strong>as</strong>mânia. Foi<br />
durante a expedição <strong>de</strong> Cook, em 1770, que o<br />
Oci<strong>de</strong>nte conheceu o primeiro eucalipto, o<br />
Eucalyptus obliqua, <strong>de</strong>scrito para a ciência 18<br />
anos mais tar<strong>de</strong> pelo botânico francês L’Héritier.<br />
Facts about the eucalyptus<br />
There are eucalyptus trees that surp<strong>as</strong>s<br />
70 metres in height whilst there are others that<br />
are little more than bushes, others whose bark<br />
sheds in long strips, others that resemble cork,<br />
and yet other specimens whose intertwined fibres<br />
look like the shell of coconuts. There are some<br />
whose red flowers add life to gar<strong>de</strong>ns or whose<br />
clusters of yellow flowers are a bee’s <strong>de</strong>light,<br />
also with fruit of different sizes and shapes.<br />
Even though they are very different, all these<br />
characteristics pertain to the eucalyptus, a tree<br />
of which there are over 600 species known,<br />
all different from one another.<br />
Most of the varieties originated in Australia and<br />
T<strong>as</strong>mania. It w<strong>as</strong> during Cook’s expedition in 1770,<br />
that the West first learnt of the eucalyptus, the<br />
Eucalyptus obliqua, which w<strong>as</strong> 18 years later<br />
scientifically <strong>de</strong>scribed by the French botanist,<br />
L’Héritier.<br />
In Portugal, the first eucalyptus appeared around<br />
1830, in Vila Nova <strong>de</strong> Gaia, but the species w<strong>as</strong><br />
only disseminated some 30 years later. This w<strong>as</strong><br />
however quite a successful venture, <strong>as</strong> by 1870<br />
several plantations could already be seen<br />
scattered around the country.
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54 the quinta and nature the quinta and nature 55<br />
Em Portugal os primeiros eucaliptos<br />
apareceram por volta <strong>de</strong> 1830, em Vila Nova<br />
<strong>de</strong> Gaia, m<strong>as</strong> só 30 anos <strong>de</strong>pois começaram a ter<br />
alguma difusão. Com relativo sucesso já que,<br />
por volta <strong>de</strong> 1870 já existiam vári<strong>as</strong> plantações<br />
espalhad<strong>as</strong> pelo País.<br />
Des<strong>de</strong> o início foi uma árvore polémica — para<br />
uns tinha tod<strong>as</strong> <strong>as</strong> virtu<strong>de</strong>s enquanto outros a<br />
responsabilizavam pela origem <strong>de</strong> vários males.<br />
<strong>Os</strong> primeiros garantiam-na capaz <strong>de</strong> povoar<br />
<strong>de</strong>sertos e curar a febre. <strong>Os</strong> segundos<br />
apontavam-lhe a fraca resistência<br />
e a capaci<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> abrigar prag<strong>as</strong> <strong>de</strong> mosquitos<br />
e aju<strong>da</strong>r na propagação <strong>de</strong> doenç<strong>as</strong>.<br />
Na reali<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong>, o eucalipto resiste bem a prag<strong>as</strong><br />
e doenç<strong>as</strong> por ter sido trazido para fora d<strong>as</strong> su<strong>as</strong><br />
regiões <strong>de</strong> origem através <strong>de</strong> sementes, o que<br />
o colocou a salvo dos seus inimigos naturais.<br />
Como tem uma história evolutiva relativamente<br />
recente — últimos 35 milhões <strong>de</strong> anos — ain<strong>da</strong> é<br />
frequente a hibri<strong>da</strong>ção entre espécies. Para <strong>as</strong><br />
distinguir, a c<strong>as</strong>ca é um elemento essencial.<br />
No entanto, como é um elemento muito<br />
variável, po<strong>de</strong> induzir em erro. Existem<br />
eucaliptos <strong>de</strong> c<strong>as</strong>ca caduca e c<strong>as</strong>ca persistente.<br />
No primeiro c<strong>as</strong>o, a c<strong>as</strong>ca po<strong>de</strong> separar-se do<br />
tronco quer através <strong>de</strong> tir<strong>as</strong>, escam<strong>as</strong> ou plac<strong>as</strong>,<br />
sendo os eucaliptos <strong>de</strong> c<strong>as</strong>ca caduca<br />
diferenciados pela cor do tronco. Folh<strong>as</strong>, flores e<br />
frutos também aju<strong>da</strong>m a diferenciar <strong>as</strong> espécies.<br />
Devido aos vários óleos essenciais que contêm,<br />
<strong>as</strong> folh<strong>as</strong> po<strong>de</strong>m apresentar diferentes<br />
perfumes. Assim, enquanto o Eucalyptus saligna<br />
e o Eucalyptus smithii cheiram a limão,<br />
o Eucalyptus macarthuri tem perfume a j<strong>as</strong>mim<br />
e o Eucalyptus lienaris a hortelã-pimenta.<br />
Muitos <strong>de</strong>stes óleos são usados em perfumaria<br />
e farmácia.<br />
Des<strong>de</strong> que foi introduzido na Europa que o<br />
eucalipto foi conotado com a retenção <strong>da</strong> água<br />
Right from the start, the eucalyptus w<strong>as</strong> quite a<br />
controversial tree, <strong>as</strong> some people believed that it<br />
had all the virtues whilst others blamed it for<br />
various vices. The former guaranteed that it w<strong>as</strong><br />
possible to plant them in <strong>de</strong>serts and that it could<br />
heal c<strong>as</strong>es of fever. The latter pointed out its<br />
weak resistance and the capacity for attracting<br />
mosquito plagues and spreading dise<strong>as</strong>es.<br />
In fact, the eucalyptus is quite resistant to pests<br />
and dise<strong>as</strong>e <strong>as</strong> it w<strong>as</strong> transported from its native<br />
regions in seeds, placing it in safety from its<br />
natural enemies.<br />
As its evolutionary p<strong>as</strong>t is relatively recent<br />
— the l<strong>as</strong>t 35 million years — crossbreeding is still<br />
frequent amongst species. One of the ways to<br />
distinguish the different species is by the bark.<br />
However, <strong>as</strong> this tends to be quite a variable<br />
element, it may lead to mistakes. There are<br />
eucalyptus trees with <strong>de</strong>ciduous and persistent<br />
barks. In the <strong>de</strong>ciduous kind, the bark may<br />
separate from the trunk either by shedding<br />
Espécie <strong>de</strong> crescimento rápido, o eucalipto eleva-se <strong>de</strong>zen<strong>as</strong> <strong>de</strong> metros acima do solo.<br />
A f<strong>as</strong>t-growing species, the eucalyptus can grow several dozen metres above the ground.<br />
existente no terreno. Na ver<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong>, o eucalipto<br />
é muito eficiente na utilização <strong>da</strong> água<br />
disponível pois, sem raízes long<strong>as</strong> ou profund<strong>as</strong>,<br />
a árvore consegue regular a transpiração<br />
através d<strong>as</strong> folh<strong>as</strong>, retendo a água em excesso<br />
para a usar em períodos <strong>de</strong> seca. No entanto,<br />
dita o bom senso que não se plantem eucaliptais<br />
— ou outro tipo <strong>de</strong> floresta — em áre<strong>as</strong> n<strong>as</strong> quais<br />
a água seja necessária para outros fins. É uma<br />
espécie <strong>de</strong> crescimento rápido, muito útil no<br />
combate ao efeito <strong>de</strong> estufa, uma vez que<br />
é um fixador <strong>de</strong> dióxido <strong>de</strong> carbono.<br />
Portugal foi pioneiro a nível mundial na<br />
utilização <strong>da</strong> ma<strong>de</strong>ira <strong>de</strong> eucalipto para o<br />
fabrico <strong>de</strong> p<strong>as</strong>ta <strong>de</strong> papel pelo processo kraft,<br />
em 1957, na fábrica <strong>de</strong> Cacia. A partir <strong>de</strong> então a<br />
plantação <strong>de</strong> eucaliptos intensificou-se no País,<br />
sendo o Eucalyptus globulus a espécie com uma<br />
propagação generaliza<strong>da</strong>, representando 95%<br />
do eucaliptal nacional. Actualmente, o<br />
eucalipto ocupa 19% do total <strong>da</strong> área florestal<br />
portuguesa e 7,3% do território nacional.<br />
in long strips, scales or sheets. The trees’ leaves,<br />
flowers and fruit also help in differentiating<br />
the species.<br />
Owing to its essential oil content, the leaves may<br />
have different perfumes. Hence, whilst the<br />
Eucalyptus saligna and Eucalyptus smithii smell<br />
of lemon, the Eucalyptus macarthuri h<strong>as</strong> a<br />
j<strong>as</strong>mine scent and the Eucalyptus lienaris of<br />
peppermint. Many of these oils are used in the<br />
perfume industry and in pharmacology.<br />
Ever since its introduction in Europe, it h<strong>as</strong> been<br />
wi<strong>de</strong>ly suggested that the eucalyptus is good at<br />
retaining the water that is found in the soil. In<br />
fact, the eucalyptus is very efficient in utilising<br />
the available water <strong>as</strong>, even without long and<br />
<strong>de</strong>ep roots, the tree is able to regulate leaf<br />
transpiration, storing excess water for drought<br />
periods. Nonetheless, common sense dictates<br />
that one should not plant eucalyptus groves<br />
— or any other type of forest — in are<strong>as</strong> where<br />
water may be required for other purposes.<br />
It is a f<strong>as</strong>t growing species, very useful in fighting<br />
against greenhouse effects, <strong>as</strong> it is good<br />
in carbon dioxi<strong>de</strong> fixation.<br />
In 1957, Portugal became the first country in the<br />
world to use eucalyptus wood <strong>as</strong> the raw material<br />
to produce paper pulp, using the Kraft process, at<br />
its Cacia mill. Since then, eucalyptus plantations<br />
have intensified throughout the country, with<br />
Eucalyptus globulus <strong>as</strong> the species with the most<br />
generalised propagation rates, representing 95%<br />
of the national eucalyptus forest. Currently, the<br />
eucalyptus occupies 19% of the total Portuguese<br />
forestry area and 7.3% of the national territory.
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56 the quinta and nature<br />
<strong>Eucaliptos</strong> <strong>da</strong> <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong><br />
É o perfume que primeiro dá <strong>as</strong> bo<strong>as</strong>-vind<strong>as</strong><br />
a quem entra na <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong>.<br />
À chega<strong>da</strong> é impossível não notar o odor a<br />
eucalipto que paira no ar. Algo que não é <strong>de</strong><br />
estranhar quando se sabe que, d<strong>as</strong> 150 espécies<br />
<strong>de</strong> árvores que povoam os 14 hectares <strong>da</strong><br />
proprie<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong>, 100 correspon<strong>de</strong>m a diferentes<br />
espécies <strong>de</strong> eucaliptos, 37 dos quais são<br />
exemplares centenários. Inseri<strong>da</strong> num ambiente<br />
com o tipo ecológico Mediterrâneo Atlântico e<br />
<strong>de</strong> solo arenoso, a <strong>Quinta</strong> reúne condições<br />
favoráveis ao crescimento dos eucaliptos.<br />
É essa uma d<strong>as</strong> razões para que vários dos seus<br />
exemplares atinjam portes notáveis.<br />
Se a visita for feita no princípio do Verão, <strong>de</strong>pois<br />
do olfacto será a visão o segundo sentido a ser<br />
<strong>de</strong>spertado, com os olhos a serem atraídos pel<strong>as</strong><br />
manch<strong>as</strong> cor <strong>de</strong> fogo que surgem por trás <strong>da</strong><br />
capela. É aí que se encontram alguns<br />
exemplares <strong>de</strong> Eucalyptus ficifolia cuja beleza<br />
está n<strong>as</strong> su<strong>as</strong> flores com estames vermelhos<br />
e alaranjados, <strong>as</strong> quais surgem entre Junho<br />
e Agosto. A entra<strong>da</strong> <strong>da</strong> proprie<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> é ain<strong>da</strong><br />
marca<strong>da</strong> pela existência <strong>de</strong> vários exemplares<br />
centenários <strong>de</strong> Eucalyptus globulus a espécie<br />
mais comum em Portugal e a que é mais usa<strong>da</strong><br />
para fins industriais. O exemplar que ali se<br />
encontra é, entre os <strong>da</strong> sua espécie, o mais belo<br />
The eucalyptus of <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong><br />
Upon entering <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong>, we are<br />
first greeted by the perfume. It is impossible not<br />
to notice the prevailing eucalyptus scent. A fact<br />
that should not be surprising when we know that<br />
out of the 150 tree species found in the property’s<br />
14-hectares, 100 of these correspond to different<br />
eucalyptus species, 37 of which are centenary-<br />
old. Implanted in a Mediterranean-Atlantic<br />
ecological environment with sandy soils, the<br />
<strong>Quinta</strong> h<strong>as</strong> all the favourable attributes for<br />
growing eucalyptus. This is one of the re<strong>as</strong>ons<br />
why some of these trees reach outstanding sizes.<br />
If the tour is taken in the beginning of the<br />
summer, the awakening of the sense of smell is<br />
followed by that of vision, with one’s eyes being<br />
immediately drawn to the fiery smears that<br />
appear behind the chapel. This is where you will<br />
find various Eucalyptus ficifolia whose beauty is<br />
found in its flowers’ red and orangey stamens,<br />
which can be seen between June and August. The<br />
property’s entrance is also striking for its various<br />
centenary-old Eucalyptus globulus, the most<br />
common species in Portugal and the one that is<br />
most wi<strong>de</strong>ly used for industrial purposes. One of<br />
the trees which one can find here is, amongst<br />
those of its kind, the most beautiful example<br />
in the <strong>Quinta</strong>, currently me<strong>as</strong>uring around 42<br />
metres in height. This is the only eucalyptus that<br />
h<strong>as</strong> solitary flowers. But even so, its flowering,<br />
which can be seen in the middle of winter — from<br />
October to March — is impossible to go by<br />
unnoticed. The white Eucalyptus globulus flowers<br />
have numerous stamens that form tufts.<br />
At the end of the <strong>de</strong>scent, leading to the stone<br />
benches where Jaime <strong>de</strong> Magalhães Lima used to<br />
sit, the path goes up again to the right. The<br />
ground is carpeted in leaves and twigs, the ivy<br />
mixes with the ground vegetation and climbs up<br />
several tree trunks in various parts of the <strong>Quinta</strong>.<br />
<strong>Eucaliptos</strong> <strong>da</strong> <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong> cobertos por um manto ver<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> hera.<br />
Eucalyptus in <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong> covered with green ivy.
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58 the quinta and nature the quinta and nature 59<br />
Árvores centenári<strong>as</strong> e exemplares jovens<br />
convivem lado a lado na <strong>Quinta</strong>.<br />
At the <strong>Quinta</strong>, century-old trees and<br />
young trees live si<strong>de</strong> by si<strong>de</strong>.<br />
<strong>da</strong> <strong>Quinta</strong>, medindo actualmente perto<br />
<strong>de</strong> 42 metros <strong>de</strong> altura. Este é o único eucalipto<br />
que exibe flores solitári<strong>as</strong>. M<strong>as</strong> nem por isso a<br />
sua floração, que po<strong>de</strong> ser observa<strong>da</strong> em pleno<br />
Inverno — <strong>de</strong> Outubro a Março — p<strong>as</strong>sa<br />
<strong>de</strong>spercebi<strong>da</strong>. De cor branca, <strong>as</strong> flores do<br />
Eucalyptus globulus têm estames numerosos<br />
que formam penachos.<br />
Ao fim <strong>da</strong> <strong>de</strong>sci<strong>da</strong> que leva aos bancos <strong>de</strong> pedra<br />
em que se sentava Jaime <strong>de</strong> Magalhães Lima, à<br />
direita, p<strong>as</strong>sando pel<strong>as</strong> escad<strong>as</strong> que <strong>de</strong>scem até<br />
à n<strong>as</strong>cente, o caminho volta a subir. O chão está<br />
atapetado <strong>de</strong> folh<strong>as</strong> e galhos, a hera mistura-se<br />
com a vegetação r<strong>as</strong>teira e sobe aos troncos <strong>de</strong><br />
algum<strong>as</strong> árvores, cenário que se repete um<br />
pouco por to<strong>da</strong> a <strong>Quinta</strong>. Nesta zona, os<br />
eucaliptos são a espécie dominante com<br />
exemplares <strong>de</strong> gran<strong>de</strong> porte a ombrearem com<br />
outros mais recentes. Já <strong>de</strong>pois <strong>de</strong> adquirir a<br />
In this area, the eucalyptus trees are the<br />
dominating species, with large-sized specimens<br />
standing shoul<strong>de</strong>r to shoul<strong>de</strong>r with other more<br />
recently planted ones. After purch<strong>as</strong>ing the<br />
property, Portucel planted new arboretums<br />
in 1984 and 1987, which means that there are<br />
various trees that are around twenty<br />
or so years old.<br />
Some of the specimens are striking for their size<br />
and others for their characteristics. Consi<strong>de</strong>ring<br />
the smooth and polished surface of the trunk of<br />
the Eucalyptus grandis, the tree’s crown appears<br />
to be totally inaccessible. The trees of this<br />
species, originally from New South Wales and<br />
Queensland, may grow to a height of 60 metres,<br />
and are characterised by their straight trunks and<br />
bark, which at scant metres from the b<strong>as</strong>is, gains<br />
a totally smooth and whitish appearance.
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60 the quinta and nature the quinta and nature 61<br />
proprie<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong>, a Portucel plantou novos arboretos<br />
em 1984 e 1987, pelo que existem vári<strong>as</strong> árvores<br />
que ron<strong>da</strong>m os vinte e poucos anos.<br />
Há exemplares que impressionam pela<br />
dimensão e outros pel<strong>as</strong> su<strong>as</strong> característic<strong>as</strong>.<br />
À vista do tronco liso e polido do Eucalyptus<br />
grandis a copa <strong>da</strong> árvore parece totalmente<br />
inacessível. <strong>Os</strong> exemplares <strong>de</strong>sta espécie<br />
originária <strong>da</strong> Nova Gales do Sul e <strong>da</strong><br />
Queenslândia po<strong>de</strong>m atingir os 60 metros <strong>de</strong><br />
altura, e são caracterizados pelo fuste direito<br />
do seu tronco e pela c<strong>as</strong>ca que, a alguns metros<br />
<strong>da</strong> b<strong>as</strong>e, ganha uma aparência totalmente lisa<br />
e esbranquiça<strong>da</strong>.<br />
In the middle of the trees, silence is interrupted<br />
by the creaking of the trunks, which on rubbing<br />
against each other, produce sounds similar<br />
to badly oiled doors typical of old houses. Back<br />
to the spring, the path that follows along the<br />
arboretum planted by Jaime <strong>de</strong> Magalhães Lima<br />
is a “cool stroll”, guaranteed by the sha<strong>de</strong><br />
provi<strong>de</strong>d by the hundreds of large-sized trees and<br />
the green of species like the ferns that cover the<br />
ground all the way down to the edges of the<br />
water course. Amongst these trees, there is a<br />
Resistentes, os frutos do eucalipto protegem <strong>as</strong> sementes no seu interior.<br />
The resistant eucalyptus fruit protect the seeds enclosed insi<strong>de</strong> them.<br />
No meio d<strong>as</strong> árvores o silêncio é quebrado pelo<br />
ranger dos troncos que, ao roçarem uns nos<br />
outros emitem um som semelhante ao d<strong>as</strong><br />
port<strong>as</strong> mal olead<strong>as</strong> <strong>de</strong> uma c<strong>as</strong>a antiga. De volta<br />
à n<strong>as</strong>cente, o caminho que segue ao longo do<br />
arboreto plantado por Jaime <strong>de</strong> Magalhães<br />
Lima revela um «p<strong>as</strong>seio fresco», com a sombra<br />
garanti<strong>da</strong> pel<strong>as</strong> centen<strong>as</strong> <strong>de</strong> árvores <strong>de</strong> gran<strong>de</strong><br />
porte e o ver<strong>de</strong> <strong>as</strong>segurado por espécies como os<br />
fetos que povoam o chão e vão até à beira <strong>da</strong><br />
linha <strong>de</strong> água. No meio do arvoredo <strong>de</strong>staca-se<br />
um exemplar <strong>de</strong> Eucalyptus racemosa. Olhando<br />
para cima, por entre a folhagem, é praticamente<br />
impossível ver o topo. Na <strong>Quinta</strong>, uma d<strong>as</strong><br />
árvores mais notáveis <strong>de</strong>sta espécie me<strong>de</strong> cerca<br />
<strong>de</strong> 44 metros <strong>de</strong> altura e 3,8 metros <strong>de</strong><br />
«perímetro à altura do peito» (a cerca <strong>de</strong> um<br />
metro e trinta do solo). É uma espécie cuj<strong>as</strong><br />
folh<strong>as</strong>, semelhantes a estreit<strong>as</strong> lanç<strong>as</strong>, libertam<br />
um perfume a hortelã-pimenta. Originário <strong>da</strong><br />
Nova Gales do Sul, é consi<strong>de</strong>rado um eucalipto<br />
<strong>de</strong> gran<strong>de</strong> porte, com tronco direito, c<strong>as</strong>ca<br />
caduca, lisa, esbranquiça<strong>da</strong> na parte superior<br />
do tronco e ramos, e persistente na parte<br />
inferior. As flores, branc<strong>as</strong> e presentes em<br />
umbel<strong>as</strong> que reúnem entre sete a quinze flores,<br />
surgem entre Fevereiro e Abril. É uma d<strong>as</strong><br />
espécies cujos exemplares são consi<strong>de</strong>rados<br />
dos <strong>de</strong> maior porte no País.<br />
specimen of Eucalyptus racemosa. Looking up<br />
and through its foliage, it is practically impossible<br />
to see its top. One of the remarkable examples of<br />
this tree species in the <strong>Quinta</strong> is around 44<br />
metres tall and h<strong>as</strong> a “perimeter at bre<strong>as</strong>t height”<br />
(approximately one metre and thirty centimetres<br />
from ground level) of 3.8 metres. Its leaves, which<br />
resemble narrow spears, rele<strong>as</strong>e a peppermint<br />
perfume. Originally from New South Wales, this<br />
eucalyptus is consi<strong>de</strong>red a large-sized species,<br />
h<strong>as</strong> a straight trunk, <strong>de</strong>ciduous and smooth bark,<br />
whilst the top section of the trunk and stems are<br />
whitish and the bottom section is persistent. Its<br />
flowers, white and arranged in umbel-like cymes<br />
containing between seven and fifteen units,<br />
appear between February and April. The<br />
specimens of this species found in the <strong>Quinta</strong> are<br />
amongst the largest in the country.
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62 the quinta and nature the quinta and nature 63<br />
O Eucalyptus racemosa não é o único a receber<br />
esta distinção. Na ver<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong>, entre <strong>as</strong> espécies<br />
mais antig<strong>as</strong> <strong>da</strong> <strong>Quinta</strong>, algum<strong>as</strong> estão<br />
cl<strong>as</strong>sificad<strong>as</strong> como os exemplares <strong>de</strong> eucalipto<br />
<strong>de</strong> maior porte existentes em Portugal. Nesta<br />
situação surgem, além do Eucalyptus racemosa,<br />
o Eucalyptus obliqua, o Eucalyptus globulus<br />
sbsp. globulus e o Eucalyptus calophylla.<br />
Em condições excepcionais, os exemplares<br />
do Eucalyptus calophylla po<strong>de</strong>m atingir<br />
os 60 metros <strong>de</strong> altura. Na <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong><br />
<strong>Francisco</strong>, um dos exemplares centenários<br />
tem hoje 40 metros <strong>de</strong> altura e três metros <strong>de</strong><br />
perímetro e é o mais alto registado em Portugal.<br />
M<strong>as</strong> não é só o tamanho que chama a atenção<br />
nesta árvore.<br />
A c<strong>as</strong>ca, c<strong>as</strong>tanha, é feltrosa e áspera ao toque,<br />
persistente em todo o tronco e ramos. As folh<strong>as</strong><br />
jovens com a face superior <strong>de</strong> um ver<strong>de</strong> mais<br />
escuro, têm pêlos n<strong>as</strong> margens e ao longo <strong>da</strong><br />
nervura mediana e os frutos, semelhantes a<br />
pequen<strong>as</strong> cabaç<strong>as</strong>, impressionam pela sua<br />
dimensão, já que chegam a ter quatro<br />
centímetros.<br />
The Eucalyptus racemosa is not the only one to<br />
enjoy this distinction. In fact, amongst the ol<strong>de</strong>st<br />
species in the <strong>Quinta</strong> there are some eucalyptus<br />
specimens that have been listed <strong>as</strong> the largest<br />
ones in Portugal. This applies to the Eucalyptus<br />
racemosa, Eucalyptus obliqua, Eucalyptus<br />
globulus sbsp. globulus and Eucalyptus<br />
calophylla.<br />
In exceptional conditions, the Eucalyptus<br />
calophylla trees may grow to up to 60 metres. In<br />
<strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong>, one of the centenary-old<br />
specimens is now 40 metres tall and, with its<br />
three metre perimeter, is the highest one<br />
registered in Portugal. But, one is not only<br />
attracted by the tree’s height. Its brown and felt-<br />
like bark is rough to the touch and is persistent<br />
throughout the trunk and stems. The surface of<br />
the juvenile leaves is of a <strong>da</strong>rker green tone, with<br />
hair on the margin and along the mid-rib. The<br />
fruit, which resemble small gourds, are striking<br />
for their size <strong>as</strong> they can grow to four<br />
centimetres.<br />
Eucalyptus obliqua, the first to be scientifically<br />
<strong>de</strong>scribed, is another type of “giant” <strong>as</strong> it can<br />
reach a height of 90 metres. The most<br />
remarkable specimens of this species in the<br />
<strong>Quinta</strong> are already 45 metres high, with five<br />
metre perimeter. And even if one cannot<br />
distinguish the l<strong>as</strong>t leaves in the crown, this<br />
eucalyptus species shows its beauty at eye level.<br />
Amidst its bark’s fibres is the reddish tone of the<br />
tree’s wood. And if one looks at some of its leaves,<br />
it is obvious to see why the tree h<strong>as</strong> been given<br />
this name: the oblique-shaped b<strong>as</strong>e of its adult<br />
leaves.<br />
Gigantes. <strong>Os</strong> Eucalyptus racemosa, E. obliqua e E. globulus<br />
estão entre <strong>as</strong> árvores <strong>de</strong> maior porte em Portugal.<br />
Giants. The Eucalyptus racemosa, E. obliqua and E. globulus<br />
are amongst the largest-growing trees in Portugal.
<strong>Os</strong> cachos <strong>de</strong> flores são um chamariz para <strong>as</strong> abelh<strong>as</strong>.<br />
The flower clusters magnetise bees.<br />
O Eucalyptus obliqua — o primeiro a ser <strong>de</strong>scrito<br />
cientificamente — é outra espécie <strong>de</strong> «gigante»<br />
já que é uma árvore que po<strong>de</strong> atingir<br />
os 90 metros. Na <strong>Quinta</strong>, os exemplares mais<br />
notáveis atingem já os 45 metros, <strong>de</strong>vi<strong>da</strong>mente<br />
acompanhados por um perímetro <strong>de</strong> cinco<br />
metros. E mesmo que não se lhe consigam<br />
distinguir <strong>as</strong> últim<strong>as</strong> folh<strong>as</strong> <strong>da</strong> copa, ao nível dos<br />
olhos este é um eucalipto que mostra já a sua<br />
beleza. Por entre <strong>as</strong> fibr<strong>as</strong> <strong>da</strong> c<strong>as</strong>ca, surge o tom<br />
avermelhado <strong>da</strong> ma<strong>de</strong>ira <strong>da</strong> árvore. E, ao pegar<br />
em algum<strong>as</strong> folh<strong>as</strong> torna-se evi<strong>de</strong>nte a razão<br />
do seu nome: a b<strong>as</strong>e oblíqua d<strong>as</strong> su<strong>as</strong> folh<strong>as</strong><br />
adult<strong>as</strong>.<br />
<strong>Os</strong> 50 metros <strong>de</strong> altura <strong>de</strong> um dos exemplares<br />
<strong>de</strong> Eucalyptus polyanthemos também marcam<br />
a diferença. Esta é uma espécie que, por norma,<br />
não ultrap<strong>as</strong>sa os 25 metros e é caracteriza<strong>da</strong><br />
pela sua copa arredon<strong>da</strong><strong>da</strong> e c<strong>as</strong>ca muito<br />
variável: rugosa e persistente na meta<strong>de</strong> inferior<br />
do tronco, caduca nos ramos e restante parte,<br />
que acaba por <strong>de</strong>ixar manch<strong>as</strong> ac<strong>as</strong>tanhad<strong>as</strong><br />
no tronco.<br />
M<strong>as</strong> nem só <strong>de</strong> gigantes se faz a <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong><br />
<strong>Francisco</strong>. Por norma o Eucalyptus risdonii não<br />
ultrap<strong>as</strong>sa os 8 metros <strong>de</strong> altura. É uma espécie<br />
endémica <strong>da</strong> T<strong>as</strong>mânia cujos exemplares<br />
existentes na proprie<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> se <strong>de</strong>stacam pelo tom<br />
azul-acinzentado <strong>da</strong> folhagem. De entre eles,<br />
o mais notável é uma árvore centenária que<br />
atingiu já uma altura <strong>de</strong> 20 metros.<br />
a quinta e a natureza<br />
the quinta and nature 65<br />
The 50-metre height of one of the specimens of<br />
Eucalyptus polyanthemos also sets the<br />
difference. As a norm, this species does not<br />
exceed 25 metres in height and is characterised<br />
by a roun<strong>de</strong>d top and very variable bark: wrinkly<br />
and persistent in the bottom half of the trunk and<br />
<strong>de</strong>ciduous in the branches and remaining<br />
sections, finishing with brownish smears<br />
in the trunk.<br />
However, there are not only giants in <strong>Quinta</strong><br />
<strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong>. Normally, the Eucalyptus<br />
risdonii does not grow higher than 8 metres.<br />
As an en<strong>de</strong>mic species from T<strong>as</strong>mania, the<br />
specimens found in these grounds distinguish<br />
themselves from the others because of the<br />
greyish-blue tone of their foliage. Amongst these,<br />
the most remarkable example is a centenary-old<br />
tree that is already 20 metres tall.<br />
An observation of the eucalyptus in the <strong>Quinta</strong><br />
turns out to be an invitation to the sense of touch.<br />
In some of them, the fibrous bark is soft like a<br />
mattress and in others it sheds <strong>as</strong> if it were sheets<br />
of rolled up paper, <strong>as</strong> in the c<strong>as</strong>e of Eucalyptus<br />
viminalis, from T<strong>as</strong>mania, Southern Australia and<br />
Victoria, whose bark sheds in long strips, leaving<br />
its yellowish-beige trunk barren. In others, the<br />
bark resembles the honeycombs of a giant<br />
beehive. Curiously enough, it is not the<br />
Eucalyptus melliodora that h<strong>as</strong> this feature,<br />
<strong>as</strong> its quite variable bark h<strong>as</strong> a scaly and fibrous<br />
appearance in the trunk section, where it is
a quinta e a natureza<br />
66 the quinta and nature<br />
A observação dos eucaliptos <strong>da</strong> <strong>Quinta</strong> acaba<br />
por ser um convite ao tacto. Em alguns, a c<strong>as</strong>ca<br />
fibrosa parece fofa como um colchão, noutros<br />
cai como se <strong>de</strong> folh<strong>as</strong> <strong>de</strong> papel enrolado se<br />
trat<strong>as</strong>se — c<strong>as</strong>o do Eucalyptus viminalis uma<br />
espécie originária <strong>da</strong> T<strong>as</strong>mânia, Austrália do Sul<br />
e Vitória cuja c<strong>as</strong>ca se <strong>de</strong>staca em long<strong>as</strong> tir<strong>as</strong><br />
<strong>de</strong>ixando à vista o tronco <strong>de</strong> um creme<br />
amarelado. Noutros ain<strong>da</strong> a c<strong>as</strong>ca lembra<br />
os favos <strong>de</strong> mel <strong>de</strong> uma colmeia gigante.<br />
Curiosamente, não é o Eucalyptus melliodora a<br />
apresentar esta característica, já que a sua<br />
c<strong>as</strong>ca, muito variável, tem um <strong>as</strong>pecto<br />
escamoso e fibroso no tronco — on<strong>de</strong> tem um<br />
carácter persistente — tornando-se caduca nos<br />
ramos. O seu nome <strong>de</strong>ve-se à floração muito<br />
intensa que o caracteriza, o que o transformou<br />
numa árvore aprecia<strong>da</strong> pelos apicultores.<br />
As flores, branc<strong>as</strong> ou rosad<strong>as</strong>, surgem entre<br />
Fevereiro e Abril em conjuntos que variam entre<br />
<strong>as</strong> três e <strong>as</strong> sete uni<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong>s.<br />
Continuando a percorrer o velho arboreto<br />
surgem mais exemplares <strong>de</strong> Eucalyptus obliqua,<br />
com a sua c<strong>as</strong>ca <strong>de</strong> fibr<strong>as</strong> entrelaçad<strong>as</strong>, e outros<br />
<strong>de</strong> Eucalyptus botryoi<strong>de</strong>s, estes últimos com o<br />
tronco coberto <strong>de</strong> líquenes. <strong>São</strong> vári<strong>as</strong> <strong>as</strong><br />
árvores <strong>da</strong> <strong>Quinta</strong> que surgem com líquenes e<br />
musgo nos seus troncos e ramos, e em alguns<br />
pontos o musgo cobre também o chão. <strong>São</strong><br />
elementos que revelam a boa quali<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> do ar<br />
que ali se respira. <strong>Os</strong> líquenes resultam <strong>de</strong> uma<br />
<strong>as</strong>sociação entre um fungo e uma alga<br />
microscópica e, por não terem raízes, absorvem<br />
<strong>da</strong> atmosfera todos os nutrientes <strong>de</strong> que<br />
necessitam. Assim, tornam-se muito sensíveis<br />
ao efeito tóxico <strong>de</strong> elementos poluentes do ar<br />
uma vez que os absorvem ao mesmo tempo.<br />
persistent, turning to <strong>de</strong>ciduous in the branches.<br />
The name <strong>de</strong>rives from its intense flowering,<br />
which h<strong>as</strong> transformed the species into a tree<br />
very much appreciated by apiculturists. The white<br />
or pinkish flowers appear between February and<br />
April in bunches of three to seven units.<br />
As we move along the old arboretum, there are<br />
more specimens of Eucalyptus obliqua, with their<br />
barks of intertwined fibres, and of Eucalyptus<br />
botryoi<strong>de</strong>s, with their lichen-covered trunks.<br />
There are various trees in the <strong>Quinta</strong> that have<br />
lichens and moss in their trunks and branches,<br />
and in several are<strong>as</strong>, the ground is covered in<br />
moss. These elements <strong>de</strong>monstrate the good<br />
quality of the air which one breathes here.<br />
Lichens result from an <strong>as</strong>sociation between a<br />
fungus and a microscopic alga, and <strong>as</strong> they have<br />
no roots, they absorb all the required nutrients<br />
from the atmosphere. Hence, they are very<br />
sensitive to the toxic effects of the polluting<br />
elements in the air. When pollution levels are<br />
high, the more sensitive lichen species perish,<br />
transforming them into reliable indicators of the<br />
atmospheric quality.<br />
A native of the Australian co<strong>as</strong>t, the Eucalyptus<br />
botryoi<strong>de</strong>s is one of the most common species in<br />
the <strong>Quinta</strong>. Owing to its wood’s reddish tone, it<br />
w<strong>as</strong> given the name of “fake mahogany” and it is<br />
wi<strong>de</strong>ly used in interior <strong>de</strong>coration. In Nature, the<br />
species’ eye catcher is its bark, which is fibrous<br />
and h<strong>as</strong> <strong>de</strong>ep grooves. It is a large-sized tree, with<br />
small fruit which may be seen in bundles of up to<br />
11 units.<br />
Ar puro. A presença <strong>de</strong> líquenes atesta a boa quali<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> do ar na <strong>Quinta</strong>.<br />
Fresh air. The presence of lichens confirms the good quality of the air in the <strong>Quinta</strong>.
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a quinta e a natureza<br />
68 the quinta and nature the quinta and nature 69<br />
Quando os níveis <strong>de</strong> poluição são elevados, <strong>as</strong><br />
espécies <strong>de</strong> líquenes mais sensíveis acabam por<br />
morrer, característica que os transforma em<br />
indicadores fiáveis <strong>da</strong> quali<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> atmosférica.<br />
Natural do litoral <strong>da</strong> Austrália o Eucalyptus<br />
botryoi<strong>de</strong>s é uma d<strong>as</strong> árvores mais comuns <strong>da</strong><br />
<strong>Quinta</strong>. O tom avermelhado <strong>da</strong> sua ma<strong>de</strong>ira<br />
valeu-lhe o nome <strong>de</strong> «falso mogno», sendo uma<br />
espécie usa<strong>da</strong> em revestimentos interiores.<br />
Na Natureza o que mais chama a atenção<br />
é a sua c<strong>as</strong>ca, fibrosa e <strong>de</strong> sulcos profundos.<br />
É uma árvore <strong>de</strong> gran<strong>de</strong> porte com frutos <strong>de</strong><br />
muito pequena dimensão que po<strong>de</strong>m surgir<br />
em conjuntos até onze uni<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong>s.<br />
Amongst the centenary-old trees found in the<br />
property, the Eucalyptus smithii is the most<br />
numerous. Its f<strong>as</strong>t growing foliage is not very<br />
<strong>de</strong>nse and resembles narrow and sharp spears,<br />
<strong>as</strong> the extremity is much narrower than the rest.<br />
Another differentiating <strong>as</strong>pect is the lemon scent<br />
rele<strong>as</strong>ed by its juvenile leaves. The bark, almost<br />
entirely persistent throughout its trunk, is of a<br />
reddish-brown tone and the flowers, which can<br />
be seen from July to October, are white and<br />
arranged in seven-bud umbel-like cymes.<br />
Primavera eterna. As diferentes époc<strong>as</strong> <strong>de</strong> floração são uma<br />
d<strong>as</strong> característic<strong>as</strong> que mais agra<strong>da</strong> aos apicultores.<br />
Eternal spring. The different flowering periods are one<br />
of the characteristics which most ple<strong>as</strong>e apiculturists.<br />
Explosão <strong>de</strong> cor. O Eucalytus ficifolia <strong>de</strong>ve às su<strong>as</strong> flores muita <strong>da</strong> sua fama.<br />
Colour explosion. Eucalytus ficifolia owes much of its fame to its flowers.<br />
Entre <strong>as</strong> árvores centenári<strong>as</strong> <strong>da</strong> proprie<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong><br />
o Eucalyptus smithii é o mais numeroso.<br />
A folhagem <strong>de</strong>ste eucalipto que se caracteriza<br />
pelo seu crescimento rápido é pouco <strong>de</strong>nsa e <strong>as</strong><br />
su<strong>as</strong> folh<strong>as</strong> <strong>as</strong>semelham-se a long<strong>as</strong> lanç<strong>as</strong>,<br />
estreit<strong>as</strong> e afiad<strong>as</strong>, já que a extremi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> é<br />
b<strong>as</strong>tante mais estreita que o resto. Outro ponto<br />
distintivo é o perfume a limão, libertado pel<strong>as</strong><br />
folh<strong>as</strong> jovens. A c<strong>as</strong>ca, persistente em qu<strong>as</strong>e<br />
todo o tronco, exibe um tom c<strong>as</strong>tanho-<br />
-avermelhado e <strong>as</strong> flores — observáveis <strong>de</strong> Julho<br />
a Outubro — são branc<strong>as</strong>, surgindo em umbel<strong>as</strong><br />
<strong>de</strong> sete botões.<br />
The trees’ observation is only interrupted by the<br />
noise of the leaves, the running water, the<br />
unexpected creaking of some of the trunks and<br />
the birds’ singing. Close to the water line, where<br />
the bamboo plantation emerges again, a fork on<br />
the path provi<strong>de</strong>s an extension to the right. As we<br />
follow it, we find various specimens of Eucalyptus<br />
robusta. Some of these were probably sprouts —<br />
from the stalk b<strong>as</strong>is and the roots from where<br />
new stems sprout — and have three trunks<br />
emerging at the b<strong>as</strong>is. This tree is very inviting to<br />
the touch, <strong>as</strong> its reddish-brown spongy bark is soft<br />
and thick. Another peculiarity of this eucalyptus<br />
is its buds, in the shape of slightly roun<strong>de</strong>d<br />
spindles, which are seen in groups of in between<br />
nine and fifteen units. Normally, the tree h<strong>as</strong> a<br />
straight trunk and <strong>de</strong>nse foliage, and its adult<br />
leaves are sickle-shaped and of a <strong>da</strong>rker green on<br />
the upper surface. This is another species native<br />
to New South Wales and one that also comes into<br />
bloom still in the winter, with the first white<br />
flowers appearing in February.
a quinta e a natureza<br />
a quinta e a natureza<br />
70 the quinta and nature the quinta and nature 71<br />
A observação d<strong>as</strong> árvores é apen<strong>as</strong> interrompi<strong>da</strong><br />
pelo barulho d<strong>as</strong> folh<strong>as</strong>, o correr <strong>da</strong> água,<br />
o ranger inesperado <strong>de</strong> alguns troncos e o canto<br />
dos pássaros. Junto à linha <strong>de</strong> água, no ponto<br />
em que surge o canavial <strong>de</strong> bambu, uma<br />
bifurcação faz com que o caminho se prolongue<br />
para a direita. Seguindo-o, encontram-se vários<br />
exemplares <strong>de</strong> Eucalyptus robusta. Alguns,<br />
talvez resultado <strong>de</strong> um rebentamento por toiça<br />
— a b<strong>as</strong>e do caule e <strong>da</strong> raiz <strong>de</strong> on<strong>de</strong> n<strong>as</strong>cem<br />
novos caules — têm três troncos logo <strong>de</strong>s<strong>de</strong><br />
a b<strong>as</strong>e.<br />
É uma árvore que dá vonta<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> tocar. A c<strong>as</strong>ca<br />
esponjosa é fofa e muito espessa, <strong>de</strong> um tom<br />
c<strong>as</strong>tanho-avermelhado. Outra d<strong>as</strong> curiosi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong>s<br />
<strong>de</strong>ste eucalipto são os seus botões, em forma <strong>de</strong><br />
fusos um pouco bojudos, que surgem agrupados<br />
em conjuntos <strong>de</strong> nove a quinze. Por norma, a<br />
árvore tem um fuste direito e a folhagem <strong>de</strong>nsa<br />
tendo <strong>as</strong> folh<strong>as</strong> adult<strong>as</strong>, em forma <strong>de</strong> foice,<br />
um tom <strong>de</strong> ver<strong>de</strong> mais escuro na face superior.<br />
É outra d<strong>as</strong> espécies originári<strong>as</strong> <strong>da</strong> Nova Gales<br />
do Sul e outra cuja floração começa ain<strong>da</strong><br />
no Inverno, com <strong>as</strong> primeir<strong>as</strong> flores branc<strong>as</strong><br />
a surgirem em Fevereiro.<br />
For all eucalyptus lovers, <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong><br />
is an endless source of surprises. However, one<br />
must keep one’s eyes well open <strong>as</strong> some of the<br />
species have certain characteristics which the<br />
less experienced will not recognise on a first<br />
glance <strong>as</strong> eucalyptus. This is the c<strong>as</strong>e of<br />
Eucalyptus kirtoneana and Eucalyptus<br />
paniculata. The former’s trunk is scaly and of a<br />
greyish tone, quite similar to that of the pine tree.<br />
This is a hybrid species that resulted from the<br />
interbreeding between Eucalyptus robusta and<br />
Eucalyptus tereticornis — a large-sized species,<br />
whose tallest trees, with <strong>de</strong>ciduous, smooth and<br />
greyish bark, may reach heights of 90 metres.<br />
Of smaller size is the Eucalyptus kirtoneana<br />
which can reach 35 metres. One of the specimens<br />
in the <strong>Quinta</strong> is already 25 metres tall.<br />
As for the Eucalyptus paniculata, it h<strong>as</strong> a very<br />
thick and suberose bark, i<strong>de</strong>ntical to cork, of a<br />
brownish-grey tone and with <strong>de</strong>ep grooves.<br />
It is a native of New South Wales and its tallest<br />
specimens may reach 50 metres in height.<br />
This tree comes into bloom at the <strong>Quinta</strong><br />
between June and August and the tallest<br />
example is close to 30 metres.<br />
Perfume, forma e cor distinguem <strong>as</strong> folh<strong>as</strong> dos vários eucaliptos.<br />
Aqui, folh<strong>as</strong> <strong>de</strong> Eucalyptus saligna.<br />
Perfume, shape and colour distinguish the different eucalyptus.<br />
This photograph shows the leaves of Eucalyptus saligna.
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a quinta e a natureza<br />
72 the quinta and nature the quinta and nature 73<br />
Para os apaixonados dos eucaliptos, a <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong><br />
<strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong> é uma fonte <strong>de</strong> surpres<strong>as</strong>. M<strong>as</strong> os<br />
olhos têm <strong>de</strong> permanecer bem abertos, uma vez<br />
que algum<strong>as</strong> d<strong>as</strong> espécies têm característic<strong>as</strong><br />
que, os menos experientes, num primeiro<br />
momento, não atribuiriam ao eucalipto. É o c<strong>as</strong>o<br />
do Eucalyptus kirtoneana e do Eucalyptus<br />
paniculata. O tronco do primeiro apresenta uma<br />
c<strong>as</strong>ca escamosa <strong>de</strong> tom acinzentado um pouco<br />
semelhante à do pinheiro. Trata-se <strong>de</strong> um<br />
híbrido resultante do cruzamento entre o<br />
Eucalyptus robusta e o Eucalyptus tereticornis<br />
— uma espécie <strong>de</strong> gran<strong>de</strong> porte cuj<strong>as</strong> árvores<br />
mais alt<strong>as</strong>, com troncos <strong>de</strong> c<strong>as</strong>ca caduca, lisa<br />
e acinzenta<strong>da</strong>, po<strong>de</strong>m atingir os 90 metros <strong>de</strong><br />
altura. De menor porte, o Eucalyptus kirtoneana<br />
po<strong>de</strong> atingir os 35 metros. Um dos exemplares<br />
<strong>da</strong> <strong>Quinta</strong> tem uma altura <strong>de</strong> 25 metros.<br />
Já o Eucalyptus paniculata apresenta uma<br />
c<strong>as</strong>ca muito espessa e suberosa — idêntica à<br />
cortiça — <strong>de</strong> tom cinzento-ac<strong>as</strong>tanhado e com<br />
sulcos profundos. É uma espécie originária <strong>da</strong><br />
Nova Gales do Sul, cujos maiores exemplares<br />
po<strong>de</strong>m atingir os 50 metros <strong>de</strong> altura. Na <strong>Quinta</strong>,<br />
é uma árvore que floresce entre Junho e Agosto<br />
e o maior exemplar tem perto <strong>de</strong> 30 metros.<br />
Esponjosa, fibrosa ou com escam<strong>as</strong>, a c<strong>as</strong>ca distingue <strong>as</strong> vári<strong>as</strong> espécies.<br />
Spongy, fibrous or scaly, the bark differentiates the various species..<br />
The Eucalyptus punctata and Eucalyptus<br />
macrorhyncha distinguish themselves from other<br />
species because of their bark. When the bark<br />
sheds from the trunk of Eucalyptus punctata it<br />
falls in roun<strong>de</strong>d sheets, the trunk gaining a<br />
spotted appearance, with drawings formed by<br />
various “circles” — the points from where the bark<br />
<strong>de</strong>taches itself, leaving the <strong>da</strong>rk grey trunk<br />
visible. As opposed to other species, the trunk<br />
of this eucalyptus is not ple<strong>as</strong>ant to the touch <strong>as</strong><br />
it is rough and with age, it becomes granulated.<br />
With an estimated maximum height of 35 metres,<br />
this species grows spontaneously in the region<br />
South of Sydney and on the co<strong>as</strong>t of New South<br />
Wales and Queensland. In the <strong>Quinta</strong>, flowering<br />
takes place in the winter and spring, between<br />
December and April.<br />
Também o Eucalyptus punctata e o Eucalyptus<br />
macrorhyncha marcam a diferença pel<strong>as</strong> su<strong>as</strong><br />
c<strong>as</strong>c<strong>as</strong>. Ao <strong>de</strong>stacar-se do tronco a c<strong>as</strong>ca<br />
do Eucalyptus punctata cai em plac<strong>as</strong><br />
arredon<strong>da</strong>d<strong>as</strong> o que dá ao tronco a sua<br />
aparência macula<strong>da</strong>, com <strong>de</strong>senhos formados<br />
por vári<strong>as</strong> «bol<strong>as</strong>» — os pontos em que, caí<strong>da</strong> a<br />
c<strong>as</strong>ca, o tronco cinzento-escuro se torna visível.<br />
Ao contrário <strong>de</strong> outr<strong>as</strong> espécies, o tronco <strong>de</strong>ste<br />
eucalipto não é agradável ao toque <strong>da</strong><strong>da</strong> a sua<br />
natureza áspera que, com a i<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong>, se torna<br />
granulado. Com uma altura máxima estima<strong>da</strong><br />
em 35 metros, esta é uma espécie que aparece<br />
espontaneamente na região a Sul <strong>de</strong> Sydney e<br />
no litoral <strong>da</strong> Nova Gales do Sul e Queenslândia.<br />
Na <strong>Quinta</strong> a floração dá-se no Inverno e<br />
Primavera, entre os meses <strong>de</strong> Dezembro e Abril.<br />
No c<strong>as</strong>o do Eucalyptus macrorhyncha o que o<br />
distingue é a c<strong>as</strong>ca muito fibrosa, c<strong>as</strong>tanho-<br />
-avermelhado e persistente em to<strong>da</strong> a árvore<br />
à excepção dos ramos. Na sua região natal<br />
— os estados <strong>de</strong> Vitória, Austrália do Sul,<br />
Queenslândia e Nova Gales do Sul — floresce<br />
entre Janeiro e Abril. As su<strong>as</strong> folh<strong>as</strong>, larg<strong>as</strong><br />
e em forma <strong>de</strong> foice, enquanto jovens têm pêlos<br />
e <strong>as</strong> su<strong>as</strong> margens tanto po<strong>de</strong>m ser inteir<strong>as</strong><br />
como <strong>de</strong>ntad<strong>as</strong> <strong>de</strong> forma irregular.
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a quinta e a natureza<br />
74 the quinta and nature the quinta and nature 75<br />
In the c<strong>as</strong>e of Eucalyptus macrorhyncha the<br />
difference is in the bark, which is very fibrous,<br />
reddish-brown and persistent throughout the<br />
tree, except for the branches. In its native region,<br />
the states of Victoria, South Australia,<br />
Queensland and New South Wales, it comes into<br />
bloom between January and April. Whilst young,<br />
its large and sickle-shaped leaves have hairs and<br />
its margins are either entire or irregularly<br />
toothed.<br />
Towards the end of May, the buds of Eucalyptus<br />
maculate start to form. Ovoid in shape, they have<br />
an intense red ring around the operculum, one of<br />
the most interesting features in this species of<br />
eucalyptus, which may grow <strong>as</strong> tall <strong>as</strong> 45 metres.<br />
The white or creamy flowers appear shortly after,<br />
between June and August. Even if quite small in<br />
size, the existing specimens in the <strong>Quinta</strong> are<br />
e<strong>as</strong>ily i<strong>de</strong>ntifiable due to their whitish trunks. In<br />
general, the latter is straight and the smooth<br />
bark sheds in small sheets, leaving greyish spots<br />
and small grooves in the trunk.<br />
Nos finais <strong>de</strong> Maio começam a surgir os botões<br />
do Eucalyptus maculata. De forma ovói<strong>de</strong>, os<br />
botões exibem um anel <strong>de</strong> um vermelho intenso<br />
em torno do opérculo, tornando-os um dos<br />
elementos mais interessantes <strong>de</strong>ste eucalipto<br />
que po<strong>de</strong> chegar aos 45 metros <strong>de</strong> altura. As<br />
flores, branc<strong>as</strong> ou cremes, surgem pouco <strong>de</strong>pois,<br />
entre Junho e Agosto. Embora <strong>de</strong> pequeno<br />
porte, os exemplares <strong>de</strong>ste eucalipto existentes<br />
na <strong>Quinta</strong> são facilmente i<strong>de</strong>ntificáveis pela cor<br />
esbranquiça<strong>da</strong> do tronco. Em geral este é direito<br />
e a c<strong>as</strong>ca, lisa, <strong>de</strong>staca-se em pequen<strong>as</strong> plac<strong>as</strong><br />
<strong>de</strong>ixando mácul<strong>as</strong> <strong>de</strong> um creme acinzentado e<br />
pequen<strong>as</strong> <strong>de</strong>pressões no tronco.<br />
Por to<strong>da</strong> a proprie<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> o ar é fresco e, em alguns<br />
pontos, húmido, o que favorece a existência<br />
<strong>de</strong> colóni<strong>as</strong> <strong>de</strong> mosquitos e melg<strong>as</strong>, difíceis<br />
<strong>de</strong> evitar quando se observam <strong>as</strong> vári<strong>as</strong> espécies<br />
<strong>de</strong> árvores ali existentes. Uma <strong>de</strong>l<strong>as</strong>,<br />
o Eucalyptus elata está particularmente bem<br />
a<strong>da</strong>ptado ao clima <strong>da</strong> região, com bons níveis <strong>de</strong><br />
<strong>de</strong>senvolvimento e regeneração. Árvore <strong>de</strong> fuste<br />
direito, po<strong>de</strong> crescer até aos 40 metros <strong>de</strong><br />
altura. Graç<strong>as</strong> às bo<strong>as</strong> condições que reúne, a<br />
<strong>Quinta</strong> tem alguns exemplares notáveis, o maior<br />
dos quais atinge os 41 metros. É um eucalipto<br />
espontâneo no estado <strong>de</strong> Vitória e <strong>da</strong> Nova Gales<br />
do Sul, caracterizado pela sua c<strong>as</strong>ca fibrosa,<br />
c<strong>as</strong>tanho-avermelhado, caduca até meta<strong>de</strong><br />
do tronco e persistente no resto. Nos meses<br />
<strong>de</strong> Março a Maio a árvore ganha uma beleza<br />
renova<strong>da</strong> com <strong>as</strong> flores branc<strong>as</strong> que surgem<br />
em conjuntos que po<strong>de</strong>m ir até às 30 uni<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong>s.<br />
Tão pequen<strong>as</strong> como uma unha ou com tamanhos que atingem<br />
os 5 centímetros, graç<strong>as</strong> à sua dimensão, forma e cor <strong>as</strong> cápsul<strong>as</strong><br />
aju<strong>da</strong>m a distinguir <strong>as</strong> vári<strong>as</strong> espécies <strong>de</strong> eucaliptos.<br />
As small <strong>as</strong> fingernails or <strong>as</strong> big <strong>as</strong> 5 centimetres, their size, shape<br />
and colour help to distinguish the various eucalyptus species.<br />
Throughout the estate, the air is fresh and in<br />
some are<strong>as</strong> humid, encouraging the existence of<br />
mosquito and gnat colonies, which are hard to<br />
avoid when we take into account the existing tree<br />
species. One of them, the Eucalyptus elata is<br />
particularly well a<strong>da</strong>pted to the region’s climate,<br />
showing good levels of <strong>de</strong>velopment and<br />
regeneration. With a straight shaft, it may grow<br />
up to 40 metres. Thanks to the <strong>Quinta</strong>’s optimum<br />
conditions, there are some remarkable<br />
specimens, the largest of which is 41 metres. This<br />
eucalyptus grows spontaneously in the state of<br />
Victoria and New South Wales, and is<br />
characterised by its fibrous, reddish-brown bark,<br />
which is <strong>de</strong>ciduous up to half of its trunk and<br />
persistent in the rest. From March to May the tree<br />
gains a renewed beauty, with its white flowers<br />
arranged in groups of <strong>as</strong> many <strong>as</strong> 30 units.
a quinta e a natureza<br />
76 the quinta and nature<br />
O Eucalyptus pulchella é outra d<strong>as</strong> espécies<br />
que se a<strong>da</strong>ptou bem às condições <strong>da</strong> <strong>Quinta</strong><br />
<strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong>. E é também d<strong>as</strong> mais fáceis<br />
<strong>de</strong> reconhecer já que <strong>as</strong> su<strong>as</strong> folh<strong>as</strong> lineares<br />
— muito estreit<strong>as</strong> e direit<strong>as</strong> — são pouco<br />
comuns. Po<strong>de</strong> atingir os 40 metros <strong>de</strong> altura e<br />
um dos exemplares mais notáveis existentes na<br />
proprie<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> ultrap<strong>as</strong>sou já essa marca. É uma<br />
árvore endémica <strong>da</strong> T<strong>as</strong>mânia, caracteriza<strong>da</strong><br />
pelo seu tronco liso que po<strong>de</strong> ter divers<strong>as</strong><br />
tonali<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong>s: do esver<strong>de</strong>ado ao rosado, p<strong>as</strong>sando<br />
pelo amarelado, o esbranquiçado e o creme. As<br />
flores, branc<strong>as</strong>, surgem entre Dezembro e Março<br />
em umbel<strong>as</strong> que po<strong>de</strong>m ter mais <strong>de</strong> 15 uni<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong>s.<br />
Por muit<strong>as</strong> volt<strong>as</strong> que o visitante dê, no fim <strong>de</strong><br />
um p<strong>as</strong>seio pela <strong>Quinta</strong>, ficam sempre algum<strong>as</strong><br />
espécies por <strong>de</strong>scobrir, tantos são os eucaliptos<br />
existentes na proprie<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong>. <strong>Os</strong> indivíduos mais<br />
velhos impressionam pelo seu porte outros,<br />
mais jovens, surpreen<strong>de</strong>m pel<strong>as</strong> su<strong>as</strong> form<strong>as</strong>,<br />
cores e cheiros.<br />
No meio do canavial <strong>de</strong> bambu está uma árvore<br />
caí<strong>da</strong> sobre o ribeiro, com o tronco coberto <strong>de</strong><br />
musgo e ro<strong>de</strong>a<strong>da</strong> já <strong>de</strong> nov<strong>as</strong> plant<strong>as</strong>. Na <strong>Quinta</strong><br />
<strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong> o ciclo <strong>da</strong> vi<strong>da</strong> continua, com a<br />
Natureza a seguir o curso habitual: árvores<br />
jovens que ganham nova vi<strong>da</strong>, velhos eucaliptos<br />
que caem e outros ain<strong>da</strong>, que teimosamente<br />
mostram a sua vitali<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> e resistência e voltam<br />
a n<strong>as</strong>cer <strong>de</strong>pois <strong>de</strong> cortados, <strong>da</strong>ndo uma nova<br />
hipótese a uma vi<strong>da</strong> já centenária.<br />
The Eucalyptus pulchella is another of the<br />
species which h<strong>as</strong> a<strong>da</strong>pted well to the conditions<br />
of <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong>. And it is also one of<br />
the e<strong>as</strong>iest to recognise, with its unusual linear,<br />
very narrow and straight leaves. It may grow up<br />
to 40 metres and one of the <strong>Quinta</strong>’s most<br />
striking examples of these trees h<strong>as</strong> already<br />
surp<strong>as</strong>sed this height. It is an en<strong>de</strong>mic tree from<br />
T<strong>as</strong>mania, characterised by its smooth trunk,<br />
which may have a range of differing tones: from<br />
greenish to pinkish, but also including yellowish,<br />
whitish or creamy. The white flowers which can<br />
be seen between December and March are<br />
arranged in umbel-like cymes, containing <strong>as</strong><br />
many <strong>as</strong> 15 units.<br />
No matter how many times one goes around the<br />
<strong>Quinta</strong> and because of the existing number of<br />
eucalyptus, there will always be some species<br />
which go unnoticed. The ol<strong>de</strong>st trees are striking<br />
for their size, whilst the younger ones for their<br />
shape, format, colours and scent.<br />
In the middle of the bamboo plantation, there<br />
is a fallen tree over the stream, and its trunk is<br />
covered in moss and surroun<strong>de</strong>d by new plants.<br />
The cycle of life goes on in <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong><br />
<strong>Francisco</strong>, with nature following its course: young<br />
trees gain new life, old eucalyptus fall whilst<br />
others stubbornly show their vitality and<br />
resistance, being born again after being<br />
cut down, giving a new chance to an already<br />
centenary-old life.
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a quinta e a natureza<br />
78 the quinta and nature the quinta and nature 79<br />
Eucalyptus globulus Labill. subsp. globulus<br />
Exemplares representativos na <strong>Quinta</strong><br />
À entra<strong>da</strong> encontra-se o exemplar mais bonito<br />
que tem actualmente 42 metros <strong>de</strong> altura<br />
e 4,8 metros <strong>de</strong> P. A. P*. O exemplar mais alto,<br />
resulta <strong>da</strong> rebentação por toiça, tem cinco<br />
ramos o mais alto dos quais atinge os 57 metros<br />
<strong>de</strong> altura e 3 metros <strong>de</strong> P. A. P.<br />
Natural <strong>da</strong> região litoral Su<strong>de</strong>ste e Sul <strong>da</strong><br />
T<strong>as</strong>mânia o Eucalyptus globulus é uma espécie<br />
<strong>de</strong> gran<strong>de</strong> porte, po<strong>de</strong>ndo algum<strong>as</strong> árvores<br />
atingir os 70 metros <strong>de</strong> altura. O tronco é em<br />
geral direito, largo m<strong>as</strong> com o tempo po<strong>de</strong><br />
sofrer torções em espiral. A c<strong>as</strong>ca tem um tom<br />
par<strong>da</strong>cento e liberta-se <strong>da</strong> árvore em tir<strong>as</strong><br />
longitudinais; em exemplares mais velhos<br />
a c<strong>as</strong>ca acaba por se tornar persistente<br />
na b<strong>as</strong>e do tronco.<br />
As folh<strong>as</strong> mais jovens, <strong>de</strong> um azul-acinzentado,<br />
são algo ceros<strong>as</strong>, não têm pedículo e vão<br />
mu<strong>da</strong>ndo <strong>de</strong> forma <strong>de</strong>s<strong>de</strong> o oblongo à forma<br />
<strong>de</strong> lança. No estado adulto mantêm a forma<br />
e ficam cobert<strong>as</strong> <strong>de</strong> glândul<strong>as</strong> translúcid<strong>as</strong>.<br />
A floração dá-se entre Outubro e Março. Esta é a<br />
única espécie <strong>de</strong> eucalipto a apresentar flores<br />
solitári<strong>as</strong> que se distinguem pelos numerosos<br />
estames que formam um penacho. Tal como <strong>as</strong><br />
flores, os frutos <strong>de</strong>ste eucalipto, que me<strong>de</strong>m<br />
entre 1,4 a 2,5 cm, qu<strong>as</strong>e não têm pedículo.<br />
É a espécie mais difundi<strong>da</strong> em Portugal e aquela<br />
que é utiliza<strong>da</strong> na fileira florestal para fins<br />
industriais.<br />
*P. A. P. — Perímetro à altura do peito<br />
(1,30 m do solo)<br />
Eucalyptus globulus Labill. subsp. globulus<br />
representative specimens found in the <strong>Quinta</strong><br />
The most beautiful specimen is located at the<br />
entrance, and is currently 42 metres tall and<br />
its bre<strong>as</strong>t height perimeter (BHP*) is 4.8 metres.<br />
The tallest example w<strong>as</strong> a sprout from stumps,<br />
which h<strong>as</strong> five stems, the tallest of which is now<br />
57 metres tall and its BHP is 3 metres.<br />
A native of the Southe<strong>as</strong>t and South co<strong>as</strong>t of<br />
T<strong>as</strong>mania, Eucalyptus globulus is a large-sized<br />
species, some of its trees growing <strong>as</strong> high<br />
<strong>as</strong> 70 metres. In general, its trunk is straight and<br />
broad, but over time it may un<strong>de</strong>rgo spiral twists.<br />
The bark is of a <strong>da</strong>rk grey tone and sheds in<br />
longitudinal strips from the trunk; in ol<strong>de</strong>r<br />
specimens, the bark becomes persistent<br />
at the b<strong>as</strong>is of the trunk.<br />
The younger, greyish-blue leaves are somewhat<br />
waxy, have no peduncle and gradually change<br />
from their original elliptic shape to a spear shape.<br />
In their adult condition, they keep this shape and<br />
become covered in translucent glands.<br />
Flowering occurs between October and March.<br />
This is the only eucalyptus species that displays<br />
solitary flowers, distinguished by their numerous<br />
stamens arranged in tufts. Just like its flowers,<br />
the fruit of this eucalyptus, which me<strong>as</strong>ure on<br />
average between 1.4 and 2.5 cm, are almost<br />
peduncle free.<br />
This is the most wi<strong>de</strong>spread species in Portugal<br />
and the one which is most used for industrial<br />
purposes.<br />
*BHP — Bre<strong>as</strong>t height perimeter<br />
(1.30 m from ground level)
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80 the quinta and nature the quinta and nature 81<br />
Eucalyptus botryoi<strong>de</strong>s Sm.<br />
Exemplares representativos na <strong>Quinta</strong><br />
Espécie abun<strong>da</strong>nte na proprie<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong>. A maior<br />
árvore tem 55 metros <strong>de</strong> altura e 3,8 metros<br />
<strong>de</strong> P. A. P.<br />
É uma espécie originária do litoral <strong>da</strong> Austrália,<br />
caracteriza<strong>da</strong> pela folhagem muito <strong>de</strong>nsa<br />
e ver<strong>de</strong>. De fuste direito, é uma árvore <strong>de</strong> gran<strong>de</strong><br />
porte que po<strong>de</strong> chegar aos 50 metros <strong>de</strong> altura.<br />
A sua imagem <strong>de</strong> marca é a c<strong>as</strong>ca, fibrosa<br />
e feltrosa, com sulcos profundos, <strong>de</strong> cor<br />
c<strong>as</strong>tanho--avermelhado.<br />
O tom avermelhado repete-se nos ramos e nos<br />
pedículos d<strong>as</strong> folh<strong>as</strong>. Nos exemplares juvenis <strong>as</strong><br />
folh<strong>as</strong> surgem por vezes opost<strong>as</strong> em pares,<br />
p<strong>as</strong>sando a aparecer <strong>de</strong> forma alterna<strong>da</strong> na f<strong>as</strong>e<br />
adulta, quando adquirem a sua coloração<br />
<strong>de</strong>finitiva, sendo a face superior <strong>de</strong> um ver<strong>de</strong><br />
mais escuro.<br />
A floração ocorre entre Abril e Junho. <strong>Os</strong> botões<br />
surgem em conjuntos que vão <strong>de</strong> 7 a 11, têm<br />
forma ovói<strong>de</strong> e dão origem a um conjunto <strong>de</strong><br />
flores branc<strong>as</strong>. <strong>Os</strong> frutos são <strong>de</strong> pequena<br />
dimensão, não ultrap<strong>as</strong>sando os 0,9 cm<br />
<strong>de</strong> comprimento.<br />
A sua ma<strong>de</strong>ira, mo<strong>de</strong>ra<strong>da</strong>mente pesa<strong>da</strong>, é usa<strong>da</strong><br />
em revestimento <strong>de</strong> interiores e na construção<br />
naval. Pelo tom, semelhante ao do mogno,<br />
é por vezes conhecido como «falso mogno».<br />
Eucalyptus botryoi<strong>de</strong>s Sm.<br />
representative specimens found in the <strong>Quinta</strong><br />
This species abounds in the property grounds.<br />
The tallest tree is 55 metres high and its BHP<br />
is 3.8 metres.<br />
This species is originally from the co<strong>as</strong>t of<br />
Australia, and is characterised by its very <strong>de</strong>nse<br />
and green foliage. With a straight trunk, it is a<br />
large-sized tree that can grow <strong>as</strong> high <strong>as</strong> 50<br />
metres. Its brand image is its reddish-brown bark<br />
which is fibrous and felt-like, with <strong>de</strong>ep grooves.<br />
The reddish tone repeats itself in the stems and<br />
leaf peduncles. In the juvenile specimens, the<br />
leaves are sometimes arranged in opposite pairs,<br />
whilst in their adult form they are arranged<br />
alternately and change into their final colouring,<br />
with the top surface of a <strong>da</strong>rker green.<br />
Flowering occurs between April and June.<br />
The buds are arranged in groups of seven<br />
to eleven units, are oval in shape and open up into<br />
white flowers. The fruit are small and no longer<br />
than 0.9 cm.<br />
Its mo<strong>de</strong>rately heavy wood is used in interior<br />
<strong>de</strong>coration and in shipbuilding. Because of its<br />
tone, which resembles mahogany, it is sometimes<br />
better known <strong>as</strong> “fake mahogany”.
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a quinta e a natureza<br />
82 the quinta and nature the quinta and nature 83<br />
Eucalyptus ficifolia F. Muell<br />
Exemplares representativos na <strong>Quinta</strong><br />
Existem alguns exemplares, que se <strong>de</strong>stacam<br />
pelo colorido d<strong>as</strong> flores e pelo tamanho<br />
dos frutos.<br />
Este pequeno eucalipto — chega até aos<br />
10 metros <strong>de</strong> altura — é endémico <strong>da</strong> Austrália<br />
Oci<strong>de</strong>ntal. De copa arredon<strong>da</strong><strong>da</strong> é muito usado<br />
como árvore ornamental <strong>de</strong>vido à beleza d<strong>as</strong><br />
su<strong>as</strong> flores. Na Natureza prefere solos arenosos<br />
e pouco férteis m<strong>as</strong>, <strong>de</strong>s<strong>de</strong> que não seja exposta<br />
ao frio intenso ou a solos encharcados,<br />
é uma espécie <strong>de</strong> a<strong>da</strong>ptação fácil.<br />
Trata-se <strong>de</strong> uma espécie com c<strong>as</strong>ca persistente,<br />
áspera, dura ao toque e <strong>de</strong> cor cinzento-<br />
-ac<strong>as</strong>tanhado.<br />
A gran<strong>de</strong> beleza <strong>de</strong>sta árvore resi<strong>de</strong> n<strong>as</strong> su<strong>as</strong><br />
flores, <strong>de</strong> estames vermelhos e alaranjados.<br />
A floração dá-se entre Junho e Agosto e <strong>as</strong><br />
flores surgem em umbel<strong>as</strong> com três a sete<br />
flores. Também os frutos são característicos,<br />
com 2 a 3 cm <strong>de</strong> comprimento, <strong>de</strong> forma ovói<strong>de</strong>,<br />
são suportados por um longo pedículo,<br />
lembrando pequen<strong>as</strong> lantern<strong>as</strong> <strong>de</strong> papel.<br />
As folh<strong>as</strong>, na f<strong>as</strong>e adulta, têm uma consistência<br />
dura e surgem <strong>de</strong> forma alterna<strong>da</strong>. Têm um<br />
<strong>de</strong>senho largo e ovado e margens ondulad<strong>as</strong>.<br />
Nos exemplares juvenis <strong>as</strong> folh<strong>as</strong> têm<br />
a face superior <strong>de</strong> um ver<strong>de</strong> mais escuro<br />
e apresentam--se opost<strong>as</strong> em três a quatro nós.<br />
Eucalyptus ficifolia F. Muell<br />
representative specimens found in the <strong>Quinta</strong><br />
The existing trees are distinguished from other<br />
species because of the colours of their flowers<br />
and the size of their fruit.<br />
This small eucalyptus, which can grow <strong>as</strong> high <strong>as</strong><br />
10 metres, is an en<strong>de</strong>mic species of Western<br />
Australia. With its roun<strong>de</strong>d top, it is very often<br />
used <strong>as</strong> an ornamental tree because of its<br />
beautiful flowers. It naturally prefers sandy and<br />
not very fertile soils, and provi<strong>de</strong>d that it is not<br />
exposed to extreme cold or water-logged<br />
grounds, this species finds it e<strong>as</strong>y to a<strong>da</strong>pt.<br />
These trees have a persistent, rough and<br />
hard-to-the-touch bark, and their colour<br />
is a brownish-grey.<br />
The great beauty of this tree lies in the red and<br />
orangey stamens of its flowers. Flowering occurs<br />
between June and August, in umbel-like cymes<br />
containing three to seven flowers. Likewise,<br />
the fruit are also characteristic, with a length<br />
of 2 to 3 cm, oval-shaped and supported by a long<br />
peduncle, resembling small paper lanterns.<br />
In adult branches, the leaves are hard and the<br />
arrangement is alternate. They are wi<strong>de</strong> and<br />
ovate in shape and the margins undulate. In<br />
juvenile specimens, the leaves’ upper surface<br />
is a <strong>da</strong>rker green and the branches have opposite<br />
leaves at every 3 or 4 no<strong>de</strong>s.
a quinta e a natureza<br />
a quinta e a natureza<br />
84 the quinta and nature the quinta and nature 85<br />
Eucalyptus obliqua L’Hér.<br />
Exemplares representativos na <strong>Quinta</strong><br />
Comum na proprie<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong>, um dos exemplares<br />
mais notáveis me<strong>de</strong> perto <strong>de</strong> 45 metros <strong>de</strong><br />
altura e 5 metros <strong>de</strong> P. A. P.<br />
É dos eucaliptos com maior área <strong>de</strong> distribuição<br />
na Austrália, po<strong>de</strong>ndo ser encontrado na Nova<br />
Gales do Sul, Vitória, Austrália do Sul e<br />
T<strong>as</strong>mânia. É uma espécie <strong>de</strong> gran<strong>de</strong> porte, cujos<br />
exemplares maiores chegam a ter 90 metros<br />
<strong>de</strong> altura.<br />
Com uma c<strong>as</strong>ca c<strong>as</strong>tanho-avermelhado<br />
extremamente fibrosa, entrelaça<strong>da</strong> que se<br />
apresenta por vezes compacta, este eucalipto<br />
<strong>de</strong>ve o seu nome à forma <strong>da</strong> b<strong>as</strong>e d<strong>as</strong> folh<strong>as</strong>.<br />
Na ver<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong>, <strong>as</strong> folh<strong>as</strong> adult<strong>as</strong> têm uma b<strong>as</strong>e<br />
niti<strong>da</strong>mente oblíqua, sendo ligeiramente<br />
ondulad<strong>as</strong> e ocorrendo <strong>de</strong> forma alterna<strong>da</strong>.<br />
As folh<strong>as</strong> juvenis qu<strong>as</strong>e não têm pedículo e<br />
n<strong>as</strong>cem <strong>de</strong> forma oposta em dois a sete nós.<br />
É entre Junho e Agosto que <strong>as</strong> flores, branc<strong>as</strong><br />
e que surgem em umbel<strong>as</strong> com 11 a 15 uni<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong>s,<br />
cobrem a árvore. <strong>Os</strong> frutos, suportados por um<br />
pé muito curto, me<strong>de</strong>m perto <strong>de</strong> um centímetro.<br />
A ma<strong>de</strong>ira <strong>de</strong>ste eucalipto é pesa<strong>da</strong>, sendo<br />
usa<strong>da</strong> na construção civil, em estrutur<strong>as</strong><br />
e carpintari<strong>as</strong> <strong>de</strong> exteriores e interiores<br />
e no revestimento <strong>de</strong> pisos.<br />
Foi a primeira espécie <strong>de</strong> eucalipto a ser<br />
<strong>de</strong>scrita, em 1788, pelo botânico francês<br />
L’Héritier.<br />
Eucalyptus obliqua L’Hér.<br />
representative specimens found in the <strong>Quinta</strong><br />
Wi<strong>de</strong>spread in the property grounds, with its most<br />
striking example me<strong>as</strong>uring almost 45 metres,<br />
with a BHP of 5 metres.<br />
This is one of the most wi<strong>de</strong>ly distributed<br />
eucalyptus species in Australia, and can be found<br />
in New South Wales, Victoria, Southern Australia<br />
and T<strong>as</strong>mania. It is a large-sized tree, whose<br />
largest specimens may reach heights<br />
of 90 metres.<br />
With its reddish-brown bark, extremely fibrous<br />
and compactly intertwined in some sections, this<br />
eucalyptus owes its name to its leaves’ b<strong>as</strong>e. In<br />
fact, adult leaves have a clearly oblique shape,<br />
slightly undulated and alternate. Juvenile leaves<br />
have almost no peduncle and their arrangement<br />
is opposite in two to seven no<strong>de</strong>s.<br />
Flowering occurs between June and August in<br />
umbel-like cymes containing from 11 to 15 units<br />
and cover the tree. The fruit, supported by a very<br />
short peduncle, me<strong>as</strong>ure around one centimetre.<br />
This eucalyptus’ wood is heavy and is used in civil<br />
construction, structures and exterior and interior<br />
carpentry works <strong>as</strong> well <strong>as</strong> in floorings.<br />
It w<strong>as</strong> the first eucalyptus species to be <strong>de</strong>scribed,<br />
in 1788, by the French botanist, L’Héritier.
a quinta e a natureza<br />
a quinta e a natureza<br />
86 the quinta and nature the quinta and nature 87<br />
Eucalyptus smithii R.T. Baker<br />
Exemplares representativos na <strong>Quinta</strong><br />
Assinalam-se alguns exemplares <strong>de</strong> porte<br />
notável com cerca <strong>de</strong> 45 metros <strong>de</strong> altura<br />
e 3,55 metros <strong>de</strong> P. A. P.<br />
Com origem na Nova Gales do Sul esta<br />
é uma espécie <strong>de</strong> crescimento rápido, cujos<br />
exemplares maiores po<strong>de</strong>m atingir<br />
os 45 metros <strong>de</strong> altura.<br />
De tronco direito e ramos ligeiramente<br />
pen<strong>de</strong>ntes, caracteriza-se por ter uma folhagem<br />
pouco <strong>de</strong>nsa.<br />
A c<strong>as</strong>ca, c<strong>as</strong>tanho-avermelhado, apresenta-se<br />
com diferentes textur<strong>as</strong>: rugosa, compacta<br />
ou com fissur<strong>as</strong> longitudinais. É persistente<br />
em qu<strong>as</strong>e todo o tronco e caduca nos ramos,<br />
dos quais se separa em tir<strong>as</strong>.<br />
As folh<strong>as</strong> juvenis, <strong>de</strong> um azul-acinzentado, têm<br />
um característico perfume a limão. Surgem<br />
opost<strong>as</strong>, qu<strong>as</strong>e sem pedículo e em forma <strong>de</strong><br />
lança. Já <strong>as</strong> folh<strong>as</strong> adult<strong>as</strong>, long<strong>as</strong> e estreit<strong>as</strong>,<br />
surgem dispost<strong>as</strong> <strong>de</strong> forma alterna<strong>da</strong> ao longo<br />
do caule, com pedículo e com o mesmo tom <strong>de</strong><br />
ver<strong>de</strong> em amb<strong>as</strong> <strong>as</strong> faces.<br />
As umbel<strong>as</strong> <strong>de</strong> sete botões florescem <strong>de</strong> Julho<br />
a Outubro. <strong>Os</strong> frutos, com um pedículo curto,<br />
têm forma ovói<strong>de</strong> ou subglobosa e me<strong>de</strong>m<br />
entre 0,5 a 0,8 cm <strong>de</strong> comprimento.<br />
No seu estado selvagem esta espécie prefere<br />
clim<strong>as</strong> quentes e húmidos.<br />
D<strong>as</strong> folh<strong>as</strong> <strong>de</strong>ste eucalipto é extraído um óleo<br />
essencial usado em cosmética e aromaterapia.<br />
Eucalyptus smithii R.T. Baker<br />
representative specimens found in the <strong>Quinta</strong><br />
The largest of these are approximately 45 metres<br />
high and have a BHP of 3.55 metres.<br />
Originally from New South Wales, this is a f<strong>as</strong>t<br />
growing species, whose largest specimens can<br />
grow <strong>as</strong> high <strong>as</strong> 45 metres.<br />
With a straight trunk and slightly hanging<br />
branches, one of its distinguishing characteristics<br />
is its not very <strong>de</strong>nse foliage.<br />
The reddish-brown bark h<strong>as</strong> different textures<br />
which can be either wrinkly, compact or<br />
displaying longitudinal fissures. It is persistent<br />
throughout most of its trunk and <strong>de</strong>ciduous<br />
in its stems, from which it sheds in strips.<br />
The juvenile leaves, of a greyish-blue, have a<br />
characteristic lemony scent. They are spear-<br />
shaped, arranged opposite each other and their<br />
peduncle is almost non-existent. The long and<br />
narrow peduncle-bearing adult leaves are<br />
arranged alternately along the stem and their<br />
green colour is the same on both surfaces.<br />
The seven-bud umbel-like cymes flower between<br />
July and October. The short-peduncle fruit are<br />
ovoid or sub-spherical in shape and their length<br />
varies between 0.5 and 0.8 centimetres.<br />
In the wild, this species prefers a warm<br />
and humid climate.<br />
An essential oil is extracted from the leaves of<br />
this eucalyptus, which is used in cosmetics and<br />
a quinta e a natureza<br />
a quinta e a natureza<br />
88 the quinta and nature the quinta and nature 89<br />
Eucalyptus amyg<strong>da</strong>lina Labill<br />
Exemplares representativos na <strong>Quinta</strong><br />
Um exemplar <strong>de</strong> porte excepcional com<br />
43 metros <strong>de</strong> altura e 2,4 metros <strong>de</strong> P. A. P.<br />
Espécie espontânea em qu<strong>as</strong>e to<strong>da</strong> a T<strong>as</strong>mânia o<br />
Eucalyptus amyg<strong>da</strong>lina é caracterizado pela sua<br />
folhagem <strong>de</strong>nsa e fuste direito que, em<br />
condições excepcionais, po<strong>de</strong> ultrap<strong>as</strong>sar os<br />
30 metros.<br />
A c<strong>as</strong>ca é persistente no tronco, finamente<br />
fibrosa e fendi<strong>da</strong> no sentido longitudinal, sendo<br />
caduca nos ramos, on<strong>de</strong> é lisa.<br />
As folh<strong>as</strong> <strong>de</strong>sta espécie <strong>de</strong> eucalipto são ric<strong>as</strong><br />
em pipeterona, um óleo essencial, o que faz com<br />
que, ao serem esmagad<strong>as</strong> libertem um perfume<br />
a hortelã-pimenta. No seu estado juvenil,<br />
<strong>as</strong> folh<strong>as</strong> aparecem nos ramos opost<strong>as</strong> em 10 a<br />
15 partes, <strong>de</strong> pedículo muito curto ou sem ele,<br />
com um formato semelhante a uma foice.<br />
No estado adulto a forma <strong>de</strong> foice mantém-se,<br />
registando- -se já a existência do pé e estando<br />
<strong>as</strong> folh<strong>as</strong> dispost<strong>as</strong> <strong>de</strong> forma alterna<strong>da</strong>.<br />
A floração, que ocorre <strong>de</strong> Março a Maio, dá-se<br />
quando os botões amarelos (cerca <strong>de</strong> 11 a 15 por<br />
umbela) <strong>de</strong>spontam <strong>da</strong>ndo lugar a um conjunto<br />
<strong>de</strong> flores branc<strong>as</strong>. <strong>Os</strong> frutos do Eucalyptus<br />
amyg<strong>da</strong>lina pouco ultrap<strong>as</strong>sam o meio<br />
centímetro e têm a forma <strong>de</strong> pequenos globos.<br />
Eucalyptus amyg<strong>da</strong>lina Labill<br />
representative specimens found in the <strong>Quinta</strong><br />
There is one tree with exceptional dimensions,<br />
with a height of 43 metres and a BHP<br />
of 2.4 metres.<br />
A spontaneous species throughout most of<br />
T<strong>as</strong>mania, Eucalyptus amyg<strong>da</strong>lina is<br />
characterised by its <strong>de</strong>nse foliage and straight<br />
trunk, which in exceptional conditions may<br />
exceed 30 metres in height.<br />
The bark is persistent throughout the trunk,<br />
thinly fibrous and split longitudinally, and<br />
<strong>de</strong>ciduous in the stems where its texture is<br />
smooth.<br />
This eucalyptus’ leaves are rich in pipeterone,<br />
an essential oil which when crushed rele<strong>as</strong>es a<br />
peppermint perfume. In their juvenile condition,<br />
the branches have opposite sickle-shaped leaves<br />
in 10 to 15 sections, with a very short or non-<br />
existent peduncle. In their adult stage, the leaves’<br />
sickle-shape remains but the leaves are now<br />
attached to a peduncle. Leaf arrangement is<br />
alternate in adult branches.<br />
Flowering, which occurs from March to May, takes<br />
place when the yellow buds (between 11 and 15 in<br />
each umbel-like cyme) emerge and give rise to<br />
bundles of white flowers. The fruit of Eucalyptus<br />
amyg<strong>da</strong>lina are a little more than half a<br />
centimetre and resemble small globes.
a quinta e a natureza<br />
a quinta e a natureza<br />
90 the quinta and nature the quinta and nature 91<br />
Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Mai<strong>de</strong>n<br />
Exemplares representativos na <strong>Quinta</strong><br />
Exemplar resultante <strong>de</strong> rebentação por toiça<br />
cujo tronco maior tem perto <strong>de</strong> 29 metros<br />
<strong>de</strong> altura e 2,75 metros <strong>de</strong> P. A. P.<br />
Na Nova Gales do Sul e na Queenslândia é uma<br />
espécie espontânea, surgindo sobretudo<br />
n<strong>as</strong> margens dos cursos <strong>de</strong> água. É um eucalipto<br />
<strong>de</strong> fuste direito que chega a atingir os 60 metros<br />
<strong>de</strong> altura. A c<strong>as</strong>ca, <strong>de</strong> um tom c<strong>as</strong>tanho-<br />
-acinzentado é persistente na b<strong>as</strong>e até alguns<br />
metros <strong>de</strong> altura, <strong>de</strong> carácter fibroso. A partir<br />
<strong>da</strong>í é caduca, com uma aparência muito lisa e<br />
esbranquiça<strong>da</strong>, com alguns reflexos <strong>de</strong> azul<br />
e laranja, caindo em long<strong>as</strong> tir<strong>as</strong>.<br />
A árvore po<strong>de</strong> ser observa<strong>da</strong> em floração entre<br />
Dezembro e Maio, estando <strong>as</strong> flores dispost<strong>as</strong> em<br />
umbel<strong>as</strong> que po<strong>de</strong>m reunir entre 7 e 11 flores.<br />
Nos botões, <strong>de</strong> forma ovói<strong>de</strong>, regista-se a qu<strong>as</strong>e<br />
total ausência <strong>de</strong> pedículo, característica que se<br />
repete nos frutos, <strong>de</strong> tom cinzento-azulado.<br />
As folh<strong>as</strong> juvenis têm um pedículo curto,<br />
margem ondula<strong>da</strong> e aparecem opost<strong>as</strong> em<br />
apen<strong>as</strong> alguns pares. No estado adulto, mantêm<br />
o ondulado <strong>da</strong> margem, aparecendo já <strong>de</strong> forma<br />
alterna<strong>da</strong> e exibindo um tom <strong>de</strong> ver<strong>de</strong> mais claro<br />
na face inferior.<br />
Na sua região <strong>de</strong> origem cresce num regime<br />
sub-tropical e aprecia solos <strong>de</strong> origem vulcânica,<br />
não tolerando bem a sombra. À semelhança do<br />
Eucalyptus globulus, o Eucalyptus grandis<br />
é uma d<strong>as</strong> espécies mais utilizad<strong>as</strong> na indústria<br />
a nível mundial. A sua ma<strong>de</strong>ira é leve e é usa<strong>da</strong><br />
sobretudo para <strong>de</strong>coração e caixilharia.<br />
As árvores mais velh<strong>as</strong> são também usad<strong>as</strong> para<br />
postes <strong>de</strong> telefone.<br />
Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Mai<strong>de</strong>n<br />
representative specimens found in the <strong>Quinta</strong><br />
The tallest example w<strong>as</strong> a sprout from stumps,<br />
the tallest of which now me<strong>as</strong>ures almost<br />
29 metres in height and its BHP is 2.75 metres.<br />
This species grows spontaneously in New South<br />
Wales and in Queensland, and emerges mostly<br />
next to the edges of water courses. This<br />
eucalyptus h<strong>as</strong> a straight trunk that can grow <strong>as</strong><br />
high <strong>as</strong> 60 metres. The greyish-brown bark is<br />
persistent from the b<strong>as</strong>e up to a few metres<br />
of its extension, where it is also fibrous. From<br />
here upwards, it becomes <strong>de</strong>ciduous, and its<br />
appearance is very smooth and whitish, with<br />
a few blue and orange reflexes, and sheds<br />
in long strips.<br />
The tree can be seen flowering between<br />
December and May, with its umbel-like cymes<br />
containing between seven and eleven flowers.<br />
The ovoid-shaped buds have almost no peduncle,<br />
a feature that is also common to the bluish-grey<br />
fruits.<br />
The juvenile leaves have a short peduncle,<br />
undulated-margins and are only arranged<br />
opposite each other in some of the leaf pairs. In<br />
their adult stage, the leaves’ undulated margins<br />
remain, their bottom surface is of a lighter tone<br />
of green and their arrangement is alternate.<br />
In their native land, this species grows in a subtropical<br />
climate and appreciates soils of volcanic<br />
origin, not tolerating much sha<strong>de</strong>. Just like<br />
Eucalyptus globulus, the Eucalyptus grandis is<br />
one of the most wi<strong>de</strong>ly used species for industrial<br />
purposes on a worldwi<strong>de</strong> scale. Its wood is light<br />
and is mostly used in <strong>de</strong>coration and frameworks.<br />
The ol<strong>de</strong>r trees are also used for making<br />
telephone posts.
As olai<strong>as</strong> em flor criam uma mancha rosa junto à c<strong>as</strong>a <strong>da</strong> <strong>Quinta</strong>.<br />
The flowering Jud<strong>as</strong> trees create a pink coat next to the <strong>Quinta</strong>’s house.<br />
As outr<strong>as</strong> árvores <strong>da</strong> <strong>Quinta</strong><br />
Descendo, um pouco <strong>de</strong>pois do edifício <strong>da</strong> <strong>Quinta</strong><br />
e d<strong>as</strong> instalações do RAIZ, surge uma primeira<br />
mancha <strong>de</strong> mata frondosa. Misturam-se os<br />
vários tipos <strong>de</strong> árvores: carvalhos com <strong>as</strong> folh<strong>as</strong><br />
ain<strong>da</strong> fresc<strong>as</strong> <strong>da</strong> Primavera, cedros, ciprestes, os<br />
sempre presentes eucaliptos e outra vegetação<br />
arbustiva. Pelo meio, misturam-se algum<strong>as</strong><br />
caméli<strong>as</strong> em plena floração. Seguindo pela<br />
direita, ao fim <strong>da</strong> <strong>de</strong>sci<strong>da</strong>, no meio <strong>de</strong> outr<strong>as</strong><br />
árvores, uma sequóia ergue-se majestosa a<br />
<strong>de</strong>zen<strong>as</strong> <strong>de</strong> metros do chão. Tratando-se <strong>de</strong> uma<br />
espécie que po<strong>de</strong> viver por milhares <strong>de</strong> anos,<br />
este é um exemplar jovem, com cerca <strong>de</strong> um<br />
século <strong>de</strong> história para contar.<br />
The other trees in the <strong>Quinta</strong><br />
a quinta e a natureza<br />
the quinta and nature 93<br />
Walking down p<strong>as</strong>t the house and the<br />
installations of RAIZ, we come up to the first area<br />
of frondose woods. Here, we find a mix of trees,<br />
which inclu<strong>de</strong>s oaks with their fresh spring<br />
leaves, ce<strong>da</strong>rs, cypresses, the omnipresent<br />
eucalyptus and other shrubs. Permeating this<br />
area are various camelli<strong>as</strong> in full bloom.<br />
Continuing on to the right and at the end of the<br />
<strong>de</strong>scent, there is a majestic sequoia, rising a few<br />
dozen metres up from the ground amongst other<br />
trees. As this species is able to live for thousands<br />
of years, it is quite a young specimen, given that it<br />
only h<strong>as</strong> a century-old story to be told.
a quinta e a natureza<br />
94 the quinta and nature<br />
Ao contrário <strong>da</strong> sequóia — seguramente<br />
planta<strong>da</strong> por Jaime <strong>de</strong> Magalhães Lima —<br />
espécies como o carvalho alvarinho (Quercus<br />
robur) e o buxo (Buxus sempervirens) são os<br />
testemunhos <strong>da</strong> mata primitiva que po<strong>de</strong>rá ter<br />
aqui existido antes do político aveirense ter<br />
avançado com a plantação do seu exótico<br />
arboreto <strong>de</strong> eucaliptos. Amb<strong>as</strong> <strong>as</strong> espécies<br />
são autóctones do território português, cuj<strong>as</strong><br />
florest<strong>as</strong> originais eram compost<strong>as</strong> por vári<strong>as</strong><br />
espécies <strong>de</strong> carvalho — incluindo a azinheira<br />
e o sobreiro — oliveira e ain<strong>da</strong> árvores como o<br />
buxo. Nessa floresta primordial, o Tejo marcava<br />
<strong>as</strong> fronteir<strong>as</strong>, a Norte do rio predominavam os<br />
carvalhos <strong>de</strong> folha caduca e a Sul os <strong>de</strong> folha<br />
permanente, c<strong>as</strong>o do sobreiro.<br />
Alguns dos exemplares <strong>de</strong> carvalho que<br />
encontramos na <strong>Quinta</strong>, muitos já centenários,<br />
estão cheios <strong>de</strong> bugalhos que, apesar <strong>da</strong> beleza<br />
aparente, não são mais do que a reacção <strong>da</strong><br />
árvore à pica<strong>da</strong> <strong>de</strong> um insecto par<strong>as</strong>ita. Por sua<br />
As opposed to the sequoia, surely planted by<br />
Jaime <strong>de</strong> Magalhães Lima — species like the<br />
English oak (Quercus Robur) and the common box<br />
(Buxus semperviriens) are the witnesses of the<br />
primitive forest which may have existed before<br />
the politician from Aveiro went ahead with the<br />
plantation of his exotic eucalyptus arboretum.<br />
Both species are natives of the Portuguese<br />
territory, whose original forests had various oak<br />
species, including the holm and cork oaks, olive<br />
trees and trees like the common box. In this<br />
primordial forest, the Tagus River <strong>de</strong>lineated the<br />
bor<strong>de</strong>rs, where <strong>de</strong>ciduous-leaved oaks<br />
predominated in the North and persistent-leaved<br />
oaks, like the cork oak, predominated<br />
in the South.<br />
Junto à linha <strong>de</strong> água, o bambu cria o pano <strong>de</strong> fundo para a sequóia.<br />
Along the water course, the bamboos serve <strong>as</strong> the background for the sequoia.
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a quinta e a natureza<br />
96 the quinta and nature the quinta and nature 97<br />
vez, o buxo, livre <strong>da</strong> tirania dos jardineiros,<br />
<strong>de</strong>ixou <strong>de</strong> ter porte arbustivo para atingir porte<br />
arbóreo. É à direita dos portões <strong>da</strong> <strong>Quinta</strong>,<br />
misturados na vegetação que se encontram dois<br />
buxos com cerca <strong>de</strong> sete metros <strong>de</strong> altura, m<strong>as</strong><br />
qu<strong>as</strong>e p<strong>as</strong>sando <strong>de</strong>spercebidos a olhos menos<br />
treinados. Apesar <strong>de</strong> ser uma árvore um tanto<br />
<strong>de</strong>sajeita<strong>da</strong>, trata-se <strong>de</strong> dois exemplares raros<br />
já que é pouco comum que a espécie atinja<br />
o porte arbóreo.<br />
M<strong>as</strong> rente ao chão, a gilbar<strong>de</strong>ira (Ruscus<br />
aculeatus) é outra espécie que testemunha<br />
a existência <strong>da</strong> antiga mata. É um arbusto<br />
espontâneo no País que, <strong>de</strong>vido às bag<strong>as</strong><br />
vermelh<strong>as</strong>, é frequentemente usado como<br />
substituto do azevinho n<strong>as</strong> <strong>de</strong>corações<br />
natalíci<strong>as</strong>.<br />
No fim do Inverno <strong>as</strong> caméli<strong>as</strong> alegram o arboreto com apontamentos <strong>de</strong> cor.<br />
At the end of the winter, the camelli<strong>as</strong> liven up the arboretum with their different sha<strong>de</strong>s of colour..<br />
Some of the oaks in the <strong>Quinta</strong>, many of which are<br />
centenary-old, are full of gallnuts, which <strong>de</strong>spite<br />
their apparent beauty, are nothing but the tree’s<br />
reaction to the bite of a par<strong>as</strong>itic insect. In its<br />
turn, the box, free of the gar<strong>de</strong>ners’ tyrannical<br />
acts, is no longer a bush but more like a tree. To<br />
the right of the gates of the <strong>Quinta</strong>, there are two<br />
box trees of around seven metres in height, mixed<br />
with the vegetation and hence e<strong>as</strong>ily overlooked<br />
by the less trained eye. Even though it is quite a<br />
clumsy tree, these two specimens are unusual<br />
because this species rarely grows to tree size.<br />
Pelo meio do arvoredo ergue-se um sobreiro<br />
com cerca <strong>de</strong> nove metros, autêntica relíquia<br />
vegetal mistura<strong>da</strong> com <strong>as</strong> outr<strong>as</strong> espécies <strong>da</strong><br />
<strong>Quinta</strong>. No vale que atravessa a proprie<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong>,<br />
o solo húmido nem sempre favorece <strong>as</strong> árvores<br />
mais velh<strong>as</strong> que, com dificul<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> em fixar <strong>as</strong><br />
su<strong>as</strong> raízes, ficam vulneráveis aos ventos do<br />
Inverno, acabando <strong>as</strong> mais frágeis por cair.<br />
Há alguns anos, uma forte chuva<strong>da</strong> fez com que<br />
o curso <strong>de</strong> água saísse do seu leito criando um<br />
fosso no meio <strong>da</strong> <strong>Quinta</strong>. Depois <strong>de</strong> reconduzi<strong>da</strong><br />
a água ao seu leito habitual, e com a zona já<br />
recupera<strong>da</strong>, o vale entre a mancha <strong>de</strong> vegetação<br />
<strong>da</strong> encosta Norte e o canavial <strong>de</strong> bambus,<br />
é ocupado por plant<strong>as</strong> mais r<strong>as</strong>teir<strong>as</strong>,
a quinta e a natureza<br />
a quinta e a natureza<br />
98 the quinta and nature the quinta and nature 99<br />
The butcher’s broom (Ruscus aculeatus) that<br />
grows close to the ground is further proof that<br />
testifies to the existence of the old woods. This<br />
bush grows spontaneously in the country and its<br />
red berries, which resemble holly, are frequently<br />
used in Christm<strong>as</strong> <strong>de</strong>corations.<br />
Amidst the tree grove is a nine-metre high cork<br />
oak, a true vegetal relic mixed with the other<br />
species in the <strong>Quinta</strong>. In the valley that traverses<br />
the property, the <strong>da</strong>mp soil is not always<br />
favourable for ol<strong>de</strong>r trees, which find it difficult<br />
to root and thus become vulnerable to the wintry<br />
winds, with the weakest ending up on the ground.<br />
A few years ago, strong rainfall led the water<br />
course to overflow, creating a ditch in the middle<br />
Plantad<strong>as</strong> no início do século XX,<br />
<strong>as</strong> acáci<strong>as</strong> ain<strong>da</strong> se mantêm na <strong>Quinta</strong>.<br />
Planted at the beginning of the 20 th century,<br />
the acaci<strong>as</strong> still flourish in the <strong>Quinta</strong>.<br />
transformando-se num autêntico paraíso para<br />
o embu<strong>de</strong> (Oenanthe crocata) comum em todo<br />
o País, m<strong>as</strong> que tem preferência pelos solos<br />
húmidos e margens dos cursos <strong>de</strong> água.<br />
Do património vegetal <strong>da</strong> <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong><br />
<strong>Francisco</strong> fazem ain<strong>da</strong> parte alguns exemplares<br />
<strong>de</strong> pinheiro manso (Pinus pinea), o único pinheiro<br />
autóctone <strong>de</strong> Portugal, e vários tipos <strong>de</strong> cedros<br />
cuja plantação, a avaliar pelo porte, será<br />
contemporânea <strong>da</strong> dos eucaliptos centenários<br />
do arboreto <strong>de</strong> Jaime <strong>de</strong> Magalhães Lima. Por<br />
entre a vegetação observam-se ain<strong>da</strong> algum<strong>as</strong><br />
d<strong>as</strong> acáci<strong>as</strong> plantad<strong>as</strong> pelo fun<strong>da</strong>dor <strong>da</strong> <strong>Quinta</strong>,<br />
hoje árvores com mais <strong>de</strong> um século<br />
<strong>de</strong> existência que se erguem a vários metros<br />
do solo. Com gran<strong>de</strong> valor ornamental, esta<br />
of the <strong>Quinta</strong>. With the water diverted back to its<br />
original bed and after recovering the area, the<br />
valley between the vegetation on the Northern<br />
slope and the cane plantation is now occupied by<br />
creeping plants, a genuine paradise for the<br />
hemlock water dropwort (Oenanthe crocata)<br />
found all over the country, but preferably in <strong>da</strong>mp<br />
soils and on the banks of water courses.<br />
Also inclu<strong>de</strong>d in the flora of <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong><br />
<strong>Francisco</strong> are some specimens of stone pines<br />
(Pinus pinea), the only pine tree that is a native<br />
of Portugal, and various types of ce<strong>da</strong>rs, which<br />
judging by the size, must have been planted at<br />
the same time <strong>as</strong> the centenary-old eucalyptus<br />
found in Jaime <strong>de</strong> Magalhães Lima’s arboretum.
a quinta e a natureza<br />
a quinta e a natureza<br />
100 the quinta and nature the quinta and nature 101<br />
espécie exótica é hoje consi<strong>de</strong>ra<strong>da</strong> uma<br />
«infestante» nos vários países europeus, pelo<br />
que periodicamente são realizados trabalhos<br />
na <strong>Quinta</strong> para controlar a sua propagação.<br />
Aos exemplares <strong>de</strong> cedro-do-buçaco (Cupressus<br />
lusitanica) — que na ver<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> é originário do<br />
México e não <strong>da</strong> mata portuguesa — juntam-se<br />
ain<strong>da</strong> vários ciprestes <strong>de</strong> gran<strong>de</strong> porte. Sendo<br />
uma árvore muito usa<strong>da</strong> em locais <strong>de</strong> carácter<br />
religioso, e tendo em conta os i<strong>de</strong>ais do antigo<br />
proprietário <strong>da</strong> <strong>Quinta</strong>, a presença dos ciprestes<br />
não é surpreen<strong>de</strong>nte.<br />
Uma outra espécie que faz parte <strong>da</strong> imagem <strong>de</strong><br />
marca <strong>da</strong> <strong>Quinta</strong> é o bambu. Não há certez<strong>as</strong><br />
sobre a <strong>da</strong>ta <strong>da</strong> sua plantação, o certo é que, à<br />
<strong>da</strong>ta <strong>da</strong> compra <strong>da</strong> <strong>Quinta</strong> pela Portucel, <strong>as</strong> du<strong>as</strong><br />
manch<strong>as</strong> <strong>de</strong> bambu, junto ao curso <strong>de</strong> água que<br />
atravessa o vale, já existiam. Hoje formam uma<br />
autêntica barreira, <strong>de</strong>nsa e escura, <strong>de</strong> can<strong>as</strong><br />
com vários metros <strong>de</strong> altura.<br />
One can also see a few acaci<strong>as</strong> growing amongst<br />
the vegetation, which judging by their height<br />
were also probably planted by the foun<strong>de</strong>r<br />
of the <strong>Quinta</strong> over a century ago. Ornamentally<br />
precious, this exotic species is currently<br />
consi<strong>de</strong>red <strong>as</strong> an “inv<strong>as</strong>ive” species in Europe,<br />
and therefore it is regularly submitted to<br />
propagation-control treatments in the <strong>Quinta</strong>.<br />
Along with the Mexican cypress (Cupressus<br />
lusitanica) — which is in fact originally from<br />
Mexico and not from the Portuguese forests —<br />
there are several large-sized cypresses. Wi<strong>de</strong>ly<br />
used in religious places and consi<strong>de</strong>ring the i<strong>de</strong>als<br />
of the <strong>Quinta</strong>’s former owner, it is not surprising<br />
to see these trees here.<br />
Another species inclu<strong>de</strong>d in the <strong>Quinta</strong>’s brand<br />
image is bamboo. There is no information<br />
concerning its exact <strong>da</strong>te of plantation, but one<br />
thing is certain. When the <strong>Quinta</strong> w<strong>as</strong> purch<strong>as</strong>ed<br />
by Portucel, the two bamboo patches, close to<br />
the watercourse that crosses the valley, were<br />
already there. To<strong>da</strong>y, they form a <strong>de</strong>nse, <strong>da</strong>rk<br />
and tall barrier of canes.
a quinta e a natureza<br />
102 the quinta and nature<br />
M<strong>as</strong> nem só <strong>de</strong> árvores <strong>de</strong> gran<strong>de</strong> porte é<br />
construído o património vegetal <strong>da</strong> <strong>Quinta</strong>.<br />
Entre a antiga c<strong>as</strong>a <strong>de</strong> família e a capela surge<br />
um medronheiro (Arbutus unedo), espécie que,<br />
por ter a floração e a maturação dos frutos do<br />
ano anterior feit<strong>as</strong> em simultâneo, tem gran<strong>de</strong><br />
valor <strong>de</strong>corativo. Quando cultiva<strong>da</strong> em gran<strong>de</strong>s<br />
quanti<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong>s, esta pequena árvore característica<br />
<strong>da</strong> mata mediterrânica dá ain<strong>da</strong> os frutos<br />
essenciais para produzir a aguar<strong>de</strong>nte<br />
<strong>de</strong> medronho.<br />
É também junto à c<strong>as</strong>a que surge um exemplar<br />
<strong>de</strong> carvalho americano (Quercus rubra) também<br />
muito procurado como árvore ornamental:<br />
no Outono <strong>as</strong> su<strong>as</strong> folh<strong>as</strong> adquirem diversos tons<br />
<strong>de</strong> vermelho e laranja que lhe dão<br />
uma beleza única.<br />
Muito mais recente na <strong>Quinta</strong>, m<strong>as</strong> d<strong>as</strong> mais<br />
antig<strong>as</strong> espécies vegetais do mundo, a Ginkgo<br />
biloba ergue-se direita junto ao edifício do RAIZ.<br />
É um exemplar recente, plantado já <strong>de</strong>pois <strong>da</strong><br />
compra <strong>da</strong> <strong>Quinta</strong> pelo Grupo, m<strong>as</strong> tem carácter<br />
histórico por ser consi<strong>de</strong>rado um «fóssil vivo».<br />
Afinal, juntamente com os fetos e <strong>as</strong> cic<strong>as</strong>, é<br />
uma d<strong>as</strong> pouc<strong>as</strong> espécies que ain<strong>da</strong> presenciou<br />
a p<strong>as</strong>sagem dos dinossauros pelo Planeta.<br />
However, the <strong>Quinta</strong>’s plant heritage does not<br />
only inclu<strong>de</strong> large-sized trees. Between the old<br />
family house and the chapel there is a strawberry<br />
tree, a plant species whose fruit mature for<br />
12 months at the same time <strong>as</strong> the next flowering<br />
and is hence of a precious <strong>de</strong>corative value. When<br />
planted in large quantities, this small tree typical<br />
of Mediterranean forests bears enough fruit to<br />
produce a kind of strong brandy, which is ma<strong>de</strong><br />
in Portugal and known <strong>as</strong> “Aguar<strong>de</strong>nte <strong>de</strong><br />
medronho”.<br />
Near the house, we also find a Northern red oak<br />
(Quercus rubra) very much used for ornamental<br />
purposes. In the autumn, its leaves turn into<br />
uniquely beautiful sha<strong>de</strong>s of red and orange.<br />
Much more recent to the <strong>Quinta</strong>, and yet one of<br />
the most ancient plant species in the world, is the<br />
Ginkgo biloba that grows next to the building<br />
of RAIZ. Recently planted, after the <strong>Quinta</strong> w<strong>as</strong><br />
acquired by the Group, it h<strong>as</strong> a historic character<br />
<strong>as</strong> it is consi<strong>de</strong>red a “living fossil”. After all,<br />
together with the ferns and the cycads, it is one<br />
of the few species that witnessed the dinosaurs’<br />
p<strong>as</strong>sage in our planet.<br />
Fóssil vivo, a Ginko biloba foi d<strong>as</strong> primeir<strong>as</strong> espécies arbóre<strong>as</strong> do planeta.<br />
A living fossil, the Ginkgo biloba w<strong>as</strong> one of the planet’s first tree species.
a quinta e a natureza<br />
a quinta e a natureza<br />
104 the quinta and nature the quinta and nature 105<br />
carvalho-alvarinho<br />
Quercus robur L.<br />
On<strong>de</strong> po<strong>de</strong> ser encontrado na <strong>Quinta</strong><br />
Zon<strong>as</strong> <strong>da</strong> mata antiga.<br />
Árvore <strong>de</strong> gran<strong>de</strong> porte, o carvalho-alvarinho<br />
dominou <strong>as</strong> florest<strong>as</strong> do Minho, Douro Litoral<br />
e Beir<strong>as</strong> durante séculos. Apesar <strong>de</strong> serem já<br />
centenários, os carvalhos <strong>da</strong> <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong><br />
<strong>Francisco</strong> são exemplares ain<strong>da</strong> recentes, tendo<br />
em conta que esta é uma espécie cujo tempo <strong>de</strong><br />
vi<strong>da</strong> varia entre os 500 e os mil anos, po<strong>de</strong>ndo<br />
atingir altur<strong>as</strong> superiores a 40 metros. Também<br />
conhecido por carvalho-roble, caracteriza-se<br />
pelo tronco forte, direito com c<strong>as</strong>ca grossa e<br />
acinzenta<strong>da</strong>, escurecendo com a i<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong>, e com<br />
sulcos longitudinais mais ou menos profundos.<br />
Árvore <strong>de</strong> folha caduca, o carvalho-alvarinho<br />
tem folh<strong>as</strong> lobad<strong>as</strong>, com disposição alterna<strong>da</strong> ao<br />
longo dos ramos e que, quando jovens, têm um<br />
tom ver<strong>de</strong>-claro. Espécie <strong>de</strong> raízes profund<strong>as</strong><br />
prefere solos frescos, húmidos e profundos,<br />
ricos em nutrientes. Floresce <strong>de</strong> Abril a Maio<br />
e os frutos começam a surgir em Setembro.<br />
É a espécie <strong>de</strong> Quercus mais abun<strong>da</strong>nte em to<strong>da</strong><br />
a Europa e a sua distribuição vai <strong>de</strong>s<strong>de</strong> o nível<br />
do mar até uma altitu<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> mil metros.<br />
A sua ma<strong>de</strong>ira, muito dura e com anéis <strong>de</strong><br />
crescimento bem <strong>de</strong>marcados, é pesa<strong>da</strong> e<br />
resistente à putrefacção. Por este motivo é<br />
usado <strong>de</strong>s<strong>de</strong> há séculos na construção naval,<br />
tanoaria e marcenaria. O seu fruto — a bolota —<br />
já foi b<strong>as</strong>e <strong>da</strong> alimentação do gado suíno. Devido<br />
à sua beleza o carvalho é ain<strong>da</strong> usado como<br />
árvore <strong>de</strong> sombra em jardins e parques.<br />
Na <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong> encontram-se<br />
vários exemplares centenários <strong>de</strong> gran<strong>de</strong><br />
beleza. Alguns, além do fruto, apresentam <strong>as</strong><br />
«galh<strong>as</strong>» ou «bugalhos», que são excrescênci<strong>as</strong><br />
produzid<strong>as</strong> pelo <strong>de</strong>senvolvimento anormal<br />
do tecido vegetal como reacção a picad<strong>as</strong> <strong>de</strong><br />
certos insectos.<br />
english oak<br />
Quercus robur L.<br />
Where to find it in the <strong>Quinta</strong><br />
Old forest are<strong>as</strong>.<br />
A large-sized tree, the English oak dominated the<br />
forests in Minho, Douro Litoral and Beir<strong>as</strong> for<br />
many centuries. Despite being centenary-old,<br />
the oaks in <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong> are recent<br />
specimens, <strong>as</strong> their lifetime varies between 500<br />
and 1000 years, being able to attain heights of<br />
more than 40 metres. Also known <strong>as</strong> white oak, it<br />
is characterised by its strong straight trunk, with<br />
a thick and grey bark, which becomes <strong>da</strong>rker with<br />
age and bearing longitudinal grooves of varying<br />
<strong>de</strong>pth. A <strong>de</strong>ciduous tree, the English oak h<strong>as</strong><br />
lobed leaves, arranged alternately throughout its<br />
branches, which are light green in their juvenile<br />
years. With roots embed<strong>de</strong>d <strong>de</strong>ep in the ground,<br />
it thrives in fresh, <strong>da</strong>mp, <strong>de</strong>ep and nutrient-rich<br />
soils. Flowering from April to May, the fruit<br />
emerge in September. It is the most abun<strong>da</strong>nt<br />
species of Quercus in Europe and its distribution<br />
is found from the sea level up to an altitu<strong>de</strong> of<br />
one thousand metres. Its very hard wood, with<br />
well-<strong>de</strong>fined growth rings, is heavy and resistant<br />
to putrefaction. For this re<strong>as</strong>on, it h<strong>as</strong> been wi<strong>de</strong>ly<br />
used for many centuries in shipbuilding, barrel-<br />
making and carpentry. Its fruit, the acorn, w<strong>as</strong><br />
once used to feed pigs. Because of its beauty, the<br />
English oak is also used <strong>as</strong> a sha<strong>de</strong> tree in gar<strong>de</strong>ns<br />
and parks. There are several centenary-old<br />
beautiful examples of this tree in <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong><br />
<strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong>. Apart from their fruit, they also<br />
have “galls” or “gallnuts”, which are vegetal<br />
tissue swellings that grow <strong>as</strong> a reaction to the<br />
bites of certain insects.
a quinta e a natureza<br />
a quinta e a natureza<br />
106 the quinta and nature the quinta and nature 107<br />
buxo<br />
Buxus sempervirens L.<br />
On<strong>de</strong> po<strong>de</strong> ser encontrado na <strong>Quinta</strong><br />
Por entre a vegetação, à direita <strong>da</strong> entra<strong>da</strong>.<br />
Natural <strong>da</strong> Europa do Sul, Norte <strong>de</strong> África e<br />
Sudoeste Asiático, o buxo é uma lenhosa <strong>de</strong><br />
crescimento lento. Por norma possui porte<br />
arbustivo, m<strong>as</strong> po<strong>de</strong> ter porte arbóreo,<br />
crescendo até aos nove metros <strong>de</strong> altura<br />
no seu habitat natural.<br />
Devido à sua boa resistência às pod<strong>as</strong> e à sua<br />
longevi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong>, o buxo foi sempre muito usado em<br />
jardinagem, sobretudo na construção <strong>de</strong> sebes.<br />
As folh<strong>as</strong>, perenes, são ver<strong>de</strong>s-escur<strong>as</strong> na face<br />
superior e mais clar<strong>as</strong> na inferior, com uma<br />
nervura central bem evi<strong>de</strong>nte. A floração dá-se<br />
entre Abril e Maio, e <strong>as</strong> flores, <strong>de</strong> cor branca,<br />
ocorrem agrupad<strong>as</strong> na axila d<strong>as</strong> folh<strong>as</strong>,<br />
geralmente com uma flor feminina no centro,<br />
sendo <strong>as</strong> restantes m<strong>as</strong>culin<strong>as</strong>. <strong>Os</strong> frutos têm<br />
forma <strong>de</strong> pequen<strong>as</strong> cápsul<strong>as</strong> e abrem-se através<br />
<strong>de</strong> três valv<strong>as</strong>.<br />
Apesar <strong>de</strong> tolerar o frio, o buxo prefere crescer<br />
sob a luz directa do sol, em solos férteis. Em<br />
Portugal ocorre, no estado selvagem, ao longo<br />
do vale do rio Sabor (cerca <strong>de</strong> 75% <strong>da</strong> população<br />
total), no troço nacional do rio Douro e na parte<br />
final do Tua.<br />
A sua ma<strong>de</strong>ira, a mais dura e <strong>de</strong>nsa d<strong>as</strong> regiões<br />
europei<strong>as</strong> meridionais, é fácil <strong>de</strong> tornear e,<br />
mesmo <strong>de</strong>pois <strong>de</strong> seca, raramente fen<strong>de</strong>.<br />
Des<strong>de</strong> sempre o buxo foi usado em instrumentos<br />
musicais, escultura e na construção <strong>de</strong> tornos<br />
<strong>de</strong> ma<strong>de</strong>ira.<br />
Na <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong> existem alguns<br />
exemplares <strong>de</strong> porte arbóreo, com cerca <strong>de</strong> seis<br />
a sete metros <strong>de</strong> altura.<br />
common box<br />
Buxus sempervirens L.<br />
Where to find it in the <strong>Quinta</strong><br />
Amongst the vegetation, on the right si<strong>de</strong> of the<br />
entrance.<br />
Originally from Southern Europe, North Africa<br />
and Southwest Asia, common box is a slow-<br />
growing woody shrub. It is normally grown <strong>as</strong> a<br />
bush but can grow to tree proportions, attaining<br />
heights of nine metres in its natural habitat.<br />
Owing to its good resistance to pruning and to its<br />
longevity, common box h<strong>as</strong> always been used in<br />
gar<strong>de</strong>ning, mainly in hedges. The perennial leaves<br />
are <strong>da</strong>rk green on the upper surface and lighter in<br />
the lower surface, with a clear mid-rib. Flowering<br />
occurs between April and May, and the white<br />
flowers, emerge in groups in the leaves’ axiles,<br />
normally with a female flower in the centre<br />
surroun<strong>de</strong>d by male ones. The fruit resemble<br />
small capsules and open up through three valves.<br />
Despite being a cold-tolerant species, the<br />
common box thrives in places with direct<br />
sunlight, and fertile soils. In Portugal and in its<br />
wild condition, it grows along the valley of the<br />
Sabor River (approximately 75% of the total box<br />
population), in the Portuguese section<br />
of the Douro River and in the final section<br />
of the Tua River.<br />
Its wood, the har<strong>de</strong>st and <strong>de</strong>nsest of the European<br />
meridian regions, is e<strong>as</strong>y to shape and seldom<br />
splits even when dry. Box h<strong>as</strong> been used over time<br />
in the making of musical instruments, sculpture<br />
and wood turning lathes.<br />
There are a few specimens of box trees in <strong>Quinta</strong><br />
<strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong>, with heights of around six or<br />
seven metres.
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108 the quinta and nature the quinta and nature 109<br />
cedro-do-buçaco<br />
Cupressus lusitanica Mill.<br />
On<strong>de</strong> po<strong>de</strong> ser encontrado na <strong>Quinta</strong><br />
Na zona <strong>de</strong> mata antiga em frente aos edifícios.<br />
O cedro-do-buçaco não só não é um cedro como<br />
não é nativo <strong>de</strong> Portugal. Originária <strong>da</strong> América<br />
Central, d<strong>as</strong> montanh<strong>as</strong> do México e Guatemala,<br />
a espécie foi introduzi<strong>da</strong> em Portugal no sécu-<br />
lo XVII na mata do antigo Convento do Buçaco,<br />
sendo <strong>de</strong>pois enviados alguns exemplares para<br />
outros países <strong>da</strong> Europa. O equívoco na sua<br />
cl<strong>as</strong>sificação pren<strong>de</strong>-se ain<strong>da</strong> com o perfume<br />
que emana, semelhante ao do cedro, vindo <strong>da</strong>í<br />
o seu nome vulgar.<br />
Trata-se <strong>de</strong> uma conífera <strong>de</strong> crescimento rápido,<br />
que po<strong>de</strong> chegar aos 30 metros <strong>de</strong> altura.<br />
O tronco, geralmente direito e cilindrício, tem<br />
uma c<strong>as</strong>ca c<strong>as</strong>tanho-avermelhado, que po<strong>de</strong> ser<br />
<strong>de</strong>staca<strong>da</strong> facilmente. É uma árvore b<strong>as</strong>tante<br />
a<strong>da</strong>ptável já que, apesar <strong>de</strong> preferir os clim<strong>as</strong><br />
húmidos tolera bem a seca e resiste à poluição<br />
urbana. O seu crescimento rápido é potenciado<br />
se for plantado em áre<strong>as</strong> abert<strong>as</strong> com exposição<br />
directa ao sol. Tudo isto faz com que seja muito<br />
utilizado como árvore ornamental e na<br />
construção <strong>de</strong> sebes.<br />
As folh<strong>as</strong>, em forma <strong>de</strong> escama, possuem<br />
o ápice levantado, o que confere um toque<br />
áspero aos ramos.<br />
Tem como frutos gálbul<strong>as</strong> azuis acinzentad<strong>as</strong><br />
que com a i<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> se tornam c<strong>as</strong>tanh<strong>as</strong>. A sua<br />
ma<strong>de</strong>ira, duradoura e flexível, é usa<strong>da</strong> em<br />
carpintaria fina e painéis <strong>de</strong>corativos, sendo o<br />
óleo apreciado pela indústria cosmética.<br />
Também é conhecido como cipreste-<strong>de</strong>-<br />
-Portugal ou cedro-<strong>de</strong>-Goa.<br />
É a espécie <strong>de</strong> Cupressus mais difundi<strong>da</strong> no<br />
nosso país, encontrando-se na <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong><br />
<strong>Francisco</strong> alguns dos exemplares mais notáveis.<br />
mexican cypress<br />
Cupressus lusitanica Mill.<br />
Where to find it in the <strong>Quinta</strong><br />
In the old forest are<strong>as</strong> in front of the buildings.<br />
The Mexican cypress is neither a ce<strong>da</strong>r nor a<br />
native of Portugal. Originally from Central<br />
America, from the mountains of Mexico and<br />
Guatemala, this species w<strong>as</strong> first introduced in<br />
Portugal in the seventeenth century in the forest<br />
of the old Buçaco Convent, from where several<br />
specimens were later sent on to other European<br />
countries. Another mistake in its cl<strong>as</strong>sification is<br />
owed to its ce<strong>da</strong>r-like scent and thus the origin of<br />
its common name.<br />
This is a f<strong>as</strong>t-growing conifer which can grow up<br />
to 30 metres. The trunk, normally straight and<br />
cylindrical, h<strong>as</strong> a reddish-brown bark, which e<strong>as</strong>ily<br />
sheds. It a<strong>da</strong>pts e<strong>as</strong>ily to its surroundings, and<br />
even though it prefers humid climates it tolerates<br />
droughts and is resistant to urban pollution.<br />
Its <strong>de</strong>velopment will be further encouraged if the<br />
tree is planted in are<strong>as</strong> with direct sunlight.<br />
As a result, this species is wi<strong>de</strong>ly used <strong>as</strong> an<br />
ornamental tree and in hedge construction.<br />
Its scale-shaped leaves have an elevated apex,<br />
making their stems quite rough to the touch.<br />
Its fruit are in the form of bluish galbulus, which<br />
turn brown with age. Its enduring and flexible<br />
wood is used in fine carpentry works and its oil is<br />
used in the cosmetic industry.<br />
It is also known <strong>as</strong> cypress of Portugal<br />
or ce<strong>da</strong>r of Goa.<br />
This is the most wi<strong>de</strong>spread species of Cupressus<br />
in our country, and some of its most remarkable<br />
specimens are found in <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong>.
Espécies animais <strong>da</strong> <strong>Quinta</strong><br />
Animal species in the <strong>Quinta</strong><br />
As aves <strong>da</strong> <strong>Quinta</strong><br />
Um p<strong>as</strong>seio pela <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong> feito<br />
às primeir<strong>as</strong> hor<strong>as</strong> <strong>da</strong> manhã será sempre<br />
acompanhado pelo canto d<strong>as</strong> vári<strong>as</strong> aves que<br />
ali habitam ou procuram alimento. As últim<strong>as</strong><br />
observações, feit<strong>as</strong> em 2006, revelaram<br />
a presença <strong>de</strong> 38 espécies, 16 <strong>de</strong>l<strong>as</strong> com<br />
nidificação confirma<strong>da</strong> na <strong>Quinta</strong>. A est<strong>as</strong><br />
juntam-se oito cuja reprodução na proprie<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong><br />
é provável e oito com nidificação possível.<br />
Mesmo não tendo sido <strong>de</strong>tectad<strong>as</strong> espécies<br />
ameaçad<strong>as</strong>, a riqueza <strong>de</strong> avifauna <strong>da</strong><br />
proprie<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> do Eixo é notável, sobretudo<br />
aten<strong>de</strong>ndo à dimensão limita<strong>da</strong> <strong>da</strong> mesma.<br />
Por ali se encontram aves <strong>de</strong> diferentes famíli<strong>as</strong>,<br />
ecologia e modos <strong>de</strong> vi<strong>da</strong>, espécies diurn<strong>as</strong><br />
e nocturn<strong>as</strong>, resi<strong>de</strong>ntes e migratóri<strong>as</strong>. E se nem<br />
tod<strong>as</strong> <strong>as</strong> espécies são fáceis <strong>de</strong> observar, ao<br />
percorrer os caminhos <strong>da</strong> <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong>scobrem-se<br />
<strong>as</strong> preferênci<strong>as</strong> territoriais dos diferentes<br />
habitantes.<br />
The birds in the <strong>Quinta</strong><br />
A stroll around <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong> at<br />
<strong>da</strong>ybreak will always be accompanied by the<br />
singing of different birds, which either live or look<br />
for food in these grounds. After the l<strong>as</strong>t<br />
observations, un<strong>de</strong>rtaken in 2006, it w<strong>as</strong><br />
conclu<strong>de</strong>d that there are 38 species present,<br />
16 of which with confirmed nesting in the <strong>Quinta</strong>.<br />
Ad<strong>de</strong>d to these are another eight which possibly<br />
reproduce in the property and eight more which<br />
possibly build their nests here.<br />
Even though it w<strong>as</strong> not possible to i<strong>de</strong>ntify any<br />
threatened species, the existing bird diversity in<br />
the Eixo property is remarkable, even more so<br />
when we consi<strong>de</strong>r the latter’s limited dimension.<br />
Here one can find birds from different families,<br />
ecologies and life styles, <strong>da</strong>ytime and night time<br />
species, resi<strong>de</strong>nt and migratory ones. And if it is<br />
not so e<strong>as</strong>y to see them all, if one takes a walk<br />
around the paths of the <strong>Quinta</strong> it is possible to<br />
discover the different inhabitants’ territorial<br />
a quinta e a natureza<br />
a quinta e a natureza<br />
112 the quinta and nature the quinta and nature 113<br />
Ao p<strong>as</strong>sar junto à parte mais cerra<strong>da</strong> <strong>da</strong> mata, é<br />
possível ouvir carriç<strong>as</strong> (Troglodytes troglodytes),<br />
toutinegr<strong>as</strong> (Sylvia melanocephala), o<br />
inconfundível arrulhar d<strong>as</strong> rol<strong>as</strong> (Streptopelia<br />
<strong>de</strong>caocto) e os estorninhos (Sturnus unicolor).<br />
A pequena carriça é facilmente i<strong>de</strong>ntifica<strong>da</strong> pelo<br />
seu canto vibrante, que parece pouco a<strong>de</strong>quado<br />
a uma ave <strong>de</strong> tão pequeno porte. Em Portugal é<br />
uma espécie comum tanto em matos e sebes<br />
como em bosques húmidos e florest<strong>as</strong>.<br />
Com uma forma arredon<strong>da</strong><strong>da</strong>, os seus ninhos<br />
são bem construídos. Também os estorninhos<br />
<strong>de</strong>nunciam a sua presença ao cantarem<br />
ruidosamente quando se juntam em bando n<strong>as</strong><br />
árvores mais alt<strong>as</strong> na plantação <strong>de</strong> folhos<strong>as</strong> e<br />
junto ao edifício principal do RAIZ. De pen<strong>as</strong><br />
negr<strong>as</strong> e brilhantes é uma espécie muito comum<br />
em todo o País, mostrando clara preferência por<br />
zon<strong>as</strong> com diversi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> flora como os campos<br />
agrícol<strong>as</strong> e os bosques.<br />
P<strong>as</strong>sing close to the forest’s thickest area, it is<br />
possible to hear wrens (Troglodytes troglodytes),<br />
warblers (Sylvia melanocephala), the<br />
unmistakable cooing of doves (Streptopelia<br />
<strong>de</strong>caocto) and starlings (Sturnus unicolor). The<br />
small wren is e<strong>as</strong>ily i<strong>de</strong>ntified by its thrilling<br />
singing, which does not appear fitting to such a<br />
small bird. In Portugal, it is commonly found both<br />
in thickets and hedges and in <strong>da</strong>mp woods and<br />
forests. Roun<strong>de</strong>d in shape, their nests are quite<br />
well-built. Starlings also mark their presence<br />
with their noisy singing, <strong>as</strong> they flock in the<br />
highest leafy trees and next to the main building<br />
of RAIZ. With black and shiny feathers, this is a<br />
very common species throughout the country,<br />
clearly preferring are<strong>as</strong> with a diversified flora,<br />
A toutinegra-<strong>de</strong>-barrete é uma d<strong>as</strong> aves que escolheu a <strong>Quinta</strong> para nidificar.<br />
The blackcap warbler is one of the bird species that chose the <strong>Quinta</strong> to nest in.<br />
A estrelinha-real po<strong>de</strong> ser escuta<strong>da</strong> no bosque junto à linha <strong>de</strong> água.<br />
The firecrest can be heard in the woods close to the water course.<br />
Com um pouco <strong>de</strong> sorte, é possível ver a<br />
toutinegra-<strong>de</strong>-barrete (Sylvia atricapilla), mais<br />
comum na proprie<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> do que a sua congénere,<br />
a toutinegra-dos-valados (Sylvia<br />
melanocephala). Po<strong>de</strong>ndo ser encontra<strong>da</strong> em<br />
vários tipos <strong>de</strong> habitat a toutinegra-<strong>de</strong>-barrete<br />
prefere <strong>as</strong> mat<strong>as</strong> ribeirinh<strong>as</strong> on<strong>de</strong> é facilmente<br />
i<strong>de</strong>ntificável pelo «barrete» que lhe dá o nome,<br />
preto nos machos e c<strong>as</strong>tanho n<strong>as</strong> fême<strong>as</strong>.<br />
É uma ave resi<strong>de</strong>nte em Portugal, cuja época <strong>de</strong><br />
reprodução tem início em Abril e po<strong>de</strong> ser vista<br />
na <strong>Quinta</strong> durante todo o ano. Com nidificação<br />
confirma<strong>da</strong>, constrói o ninho com palh<strong>as</strong> e erv<strong>as</strong><br />
sec<strong>as</strong>. Uma estrutura tão frágil que obriga a<br />
toutinegra a fazer um ninho por ca<strong>da</strong> nova<br />
postura — o equivalente a três ninhos por<br />
estação reprodutiva.<br />
such <strong>as</strong> agricultural grounds and woods.<br />
With a bit of luck, one will be able spot the<br />
blackcap warbler (Sylvia atricapilla), which is<br />
found in greater numbers in the property than the<br />
other member of its family, the Sardinian warbler<br />
(Sylvia melanocephala). The blackcap warbler<br />
can be found in different habitats, but prefers<br />
riversi<strong>de</strong> woods, where a black “cap” makes it e<strong>as</strong>y<br />
to i<strong>de</strong>ntify the males and the brown “cap” the<br />
females. As a resi<strong>de</strong>nt species in Portugal, its<br />
breeding se<strong>as</strong>on begins in April and it can be seen<br />
in the <strong>Quinta</strong> throughout the year.<br />
With confirmed nesting, it builds with straw and<br />
dried gr<strong>as</strong>ses. This structure is so fragile, that the<br />
warbler must build a new nest each time it lays<br />
its eggs, that is, three nests for each breeding<br />
a quinta e a natureza<br />
114 the quinta and nature<br />
O bosque que acompanha a linha <strong>de</strong> água foi<br />
eleito pela estrelinha-real (Rugulus ignicapillus)<br />
para seu habitat. O pequeno tamanho, a forma<br />
arredon<strong>da</strong><strong>da</strong> do corpo e a lista alaranja<strong>da</strong> na<br />
coroa, i<strong>de</strong>ntificam-na rapi<strong>da</strong>mente, m<strong>as</strong> como<br />
prefere a copa d<strong>as</strong> árvores para pousar, é mais<br />
fácil ouvi-la do que vê-la. O seu chamamento<br />
soa como uma espécie <strong>de</strong> «bisbisbis» muito<br />
ténue. No mesmo local, m<strong>as</strong> mais junto ao solo,<br />
observa-se a alvéola-cinzenta (Motacilla<br />
cinerea), sobretudo às primeir<strong>as</strong> hor<strong>as</strong><br />
<strong>da</strong> manhã.<br />
O canavial <strong>de</strong> bambus, <strong>de</strong>nso e escuro, não é<br />
muito procurado pel<strong>as</strong> aves. M<strong>as</strong> do meio <strong>da</strong><br />
proprie<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> até ao fim <strong>da</strong> encosta Norte, fica o<br />
território do chapim-carvoeiro (Parus ater),<br />
que evita <strong>as</strong> zon<strong>as</strong> com um povoamento<br />
puro <strong>de</strong> eucalipto. Trata-se <strong>de</strong> uma espécie<br />
essencialmente florestal cuja distribuição<br />
em Portugal é mais comum no Noroeste do<br />
território. De cabeça negra, faces e nuca<br />
branc<strong>as</strong>, dorso cinzento e ventre esbranquiçado,<br />
esta pequena ave dá-se a conhecer pela sua<br />
«voz» — um canto trinado e repetitivo. Já o seu<br />
congénere chapim-<strong>de</strong>-poupa (Parus cristatus),<br />
<strong>de</strong> carácter mais reservado, é uma d<strong>as</strong> espécies<br />
mais difíceis <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>tectar na <strong>Quinta</strong>, por ser<br />
menos comum e ter um canto menos sonoro.<br />
Caracteriza<strong>da</strong> pela crista no alto <strong>da</strong> cabeça<br />
branca e preta, esta ave emite um canto com<br />
um som borbulhante.<br />
The thicket along the waterline w<strong>as</strong> the chosen<br />
habitat for the fire crest (Rugulus ignicapillus).<br />
Its small size, roun<strong>de</strong>d body shape and the<br />
orangey stripe on its crest rapidly i<strong>de</strong>ntify it, but<br />
<strong>as</strong> it prefers the trees’ crowns on which to perch it<br />
is e<strong>as</strong>ier to hear than to see. Its call sounds like<br />
a sort of very feeble “bisbisbis”. On the same<br />
location, but closer to the ground, one can see<br />
the grey wagtail (Motacilla cinerea), mainly<br />
in the early hours of the <strong>da</strong>y.<br />
The thick and <strong>da</strong>rk bamboo plantation is not very<br />
much appreciated by the birds. But halfway into<br />
the property up to the end of the Northern slope<br />
is the coal tit’s (Parus ater) territory, which avoids<br />
are<strong>as</strong> exclusively planted with eucalyptus. This is<br />
essentially a forest species, whose distribution in<br />
Portugal is most common in the Northwest. With<br />
a black head, white face and nape, grey back and<br />
whitish belly, this bird is e<strong>as</strong>ily i<strong>de</strong>ntified by its<br />
“voice”, consisting of a warbling and repetitive<br />
sound. As for the crested tit (Parus cristatus),<br />
of a more reserved nature, this is one of the most<br />
difficult species to see in the <strong>Quinta</strong>, because<br />
it is not so common and because its singing is less<br />
resounding. Characterised by a comb on its black<br />
and white head, this bird’s singing resembles<br />
a bubbling sound.<br />
Acrobata. O chapim-azul é d<strong>as</strong> aves mais facilmente observáveis na <strong>Quinta</strong>.<br />
Acrobat. The blue tit is one of the e<strong>as</strong>iest species to watch in the <strong>Quinta</strong>.
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116 the quinta and nature the quinta and nature 117<br />
Curioso e sociável. Assim é o pisco-<strong>de</strong>-peito-ruivo.<br />
Curious and sociable: two words that sum the robin up.<br />
Também esquiva é a fuinha-dos-juncos (Cisticola<br />
juncidis), que prefere manter-se escondi<strong>da</strong> n<strong>as</strong><br />
sebes do extremo Este <strong>da</strong> proprie<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong>. É uma<br />
pequena ave que habita e se reproduz nos<br />
campos <strong>de</strong> cultivo vizinhos e que po<strong>de</strong> ser<br />
observa<strong>da</strong> quando faz os seus voos ondulantes<br />
acompanhados <strong>de</strong> um canto ritmado.<br />
O cuco (Cuculus canorus) também prefere<br />
ocupar os limites <strong>da</strong> <strong>Quinta</strong>. Este visitante<br />
estival chega em meados <strong>de</strong> Março e regressa<br />
ao Norte <strong>de</strong> África com o fim do Verão. Na<br />
Primavera é frequente ouvir o seu chamamento<br />
característico, po<strong>de</strong>ndo ser escutad<strong>as</strong> vári<strong>as</strong><br />
aves ao mesmo tempo. Machos e fême<strong>as</strong> são<br />
b<strong>as</strong>tante diferentes: enquanto o macho tem<br />
o dorso cinzento a fêmea é arruiva<strong>da</strong>, sendo<br />
o ventre riscado <strong>de</strong> escuro sobre um fundo claro.<br />
O cuco não faz ninho, preferindo par<strong>as</strong>itar a<br />
postura <strong>de</strong> outr<strong>as</strong> espécies, com maior<br />
preferência para <strong>as</strong> alvéol<strong>as</strong> (Motacilla cinerea<br />
e Motacilla alba) e rabirruivos (Phoenicurus<br />
ochruros) — espécies nidificantes na<br />
proprie<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong>. Durante a época <strong>da</strong> reprodução,<br />
se a fêmea do cuco foi cria<strong>da</strong> por uma alvéola,<br />
vai procurar um ninho <strong>de</strong>ssa espécie para aí<br />
<strong>de</strong>positar o seu ovo. Se a manobra é <strong>de</strong>tecta<strong>da</strong><br />
o ovo é posto fora do ninho, m<strong>as</strong> na maioria d<strong>as</strong><br />
vezes é a cria do cuco que, <strong>de</strong>pois <strong>de</strong> n<strong>as</strong>cer,<br />
expulsa ovos e cri<strong>as</strong>, garantindo um tratamento<br />
exclusivo por parte dos seus «pais adoptivos».<br />
Always slipping away is the fan-tailed warbler<br />
(Cisticola juncidis), which prefers to hi<strong>de</strong> in the<br />
hedges on the property’s E<strong>as</strong>tern boun<strong>da</strong>ries.<br />
This is a small bird that lives and reproduces<br />
in the neighbouring farming land and which<br />
can be seen during its undulating flights<br />
accompanied by its rhythmic singing.<br />
The cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) also prefers to<br />
occupy the boun<strong>da</strong>ries of the <strong>Quinta</strong>. This<br />
summer visitor arrives in the middle of March,<br />
returning to North Africa at the end of the<br />
summer. In the spring, it is common to hear its<br />
characteristic calling sometimes simultaneously<br />
ma<strong>de</strong> by various birds. Males differ very much<br />
from females, in that the male h<strong>as</strong> a grey back<br />
and the female’s is reddish, and the belly h<strong>as</strong> <strong>da</strong>rk<br />
stripes over a light background. The cuckoo does<br />
not build its own nest opting to use those of other<br />
species, preferably those of wagtails (Motacilla<br />
cinerea and Motacilla alba) and black redstarts<br />
(Phoenicurus ochruros), the property’s nidifying<br />
species. During the breeding se<strong>as</strong>on, if the<br />
cuckoo’s female w<strong>as</strong> raised by a wagtail, it will<br />
search for a nest built by this species in which to<br />
lay its egg. However, if this act is <strong>de</strong>tected, then<br />
the egg is laid outsi<strong>de</strong> the nest, but most of the<br />
time it is the cuckoo’s young that, after being<br />
born, expel the eggs and other young,<br />
guaranteeing an exclusive rearing by their<br />
“foster parents”.
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118 the quinta and nature the quinta and nature 119<br />
Ain<strong>da</strong> n<strong>as</strong> fronteir<strong>as</strong> <strong>da</strong> proprie<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong>, no seu<br />
extremo Sudoeste, marca presença o gavião<br />
(Accipiter nisus), uma rapina diurna <strong>de</strong> pequeno<br />
porte com preferência pela vi<strong>da</strong> na floresta e<br />
que frequenta a <strong>Quinta</strong> para caçar.<br />
Ao avançar no terreno é frequente ver gaios<br />
(Garrulus glan<strong>da</strong>rius) a voar pelo arvoredo<br />
enquanto lançam os seus gritos roucos,<br />
ou na relva junto aos edifícios. A zona «urbana»<br />
<strong>da</strong> proprie<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> é procura<strong>da</strong> por vári<strong>as</strong> espécies,<br />
como é o c<strong>as</strong>o <strong>da</strong> alvéola-branca (Motacilla<br />
alba), <strong>da</strong> felosinha (Phylloscopus collybita)<br />
e do rabirruivo (Phoenicurus ochruros). Um c<strong>as</strong>al<br />
<strong>de</strong>stes últimos escolheu o sobreiro junto ao<br />
edifício do RAIZ para fazer o ninho. A espécie é<br />
i<strong>de</strong>ntificável tanto pel<strong>as</strong> pen<strong>as</strong> ruiv<strong>as</strong> <strong>da</strong> cau<strong>da</strong><br />
como pelo canto, que soa um pouco como vidro<br />
a ser moído. Já a felosinha é apen<strong>as</strong> observável<br />
no Inverno, quando vem p<strong>as</strong>sar a estação fria a<br />
Portugal. Comum em todo o País, escolhe mat<strong>as</strong><br />
ribeirinh<strong>as</strong> e bosques <strong>de</strong>nsos on<strong>de</strong> encontra os<br />
invertebrados <strong>de</strong> que se alimenta. Na <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong><br />
<strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong> tem por hábito reunir-se em<br />
bandos no extremo Noroeste <strong>da</strong> proprie<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong>,<br />
junto à estra<strong>da</strong>, tornando-se b<strong>as</strong>tante audível.<br />
Still found within the property, more precisely in<br />
its South Western limits, is the sparrow hawk<br />
(Accipiter nisus), a small, <strong>da</strong>ytime bird of prey<br />
which prefers to live in the forest but visits the<br />
<strong>Quinta</strong> to hunt for food.<br />
Moving along, it is common to see jays (Garrulus<br />
glan<strong>da</strong>rius) flying among the trees, hoarsely<br />
crying or resting on the gr<strong>as</strong>s next to the<br />
buildings. The property’s “urban” area is sought by<br />
various species, <strong>as</strong> in the c<strong>as</strong>e of the white<br />
wagtail (Motacilla alba), common chiffchaff<br />
(Phylloscopus collybita) and the black redstart<br />
(Phoenicurus ochruros). A couple of these chose<br />
the cork oak next to the premises of RAIZ to build<br />
their nest. The species is i<strong>de</strong>ntifiable by its tail’s<br />
red feathers and its singing, which sounds like<br />
gl<strong>as</strong>s being ground. The common chiffchaff can<br />
only be seen in the winter, when it comes to<br />
spend the cold se<strong>as</strong>on in Portugal. Found<br />
throughout the country, it prefers riversi<strong>de</strong><br />
thickets and <strong>de</strong>nse woods where it finds the<br />
invertebrates on which it feeds. In <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong><br />
<strong>Francisco</strong>, these birds flock together in the<br />
property’s North E<strong>as</strong>t boun<strong>da</strong>ry, close to the road,<br />
making quite a loud noise. Very sociable, the<br />
white wagtail can only be seen near the <strong>Quinta</strong>,<br />
being quite e<strong>as</strong>y to i<strong>de</strong>ntify because of its elegant<br />
posture, swinging tail and black “bib”.<br />
Na Primavera são vári<strong>as</strong> <strong>as</strong> aves que escolhem a <strong>Quinta</strong> para se reproduzir.<br />
Various bird species choose the <strong>Quinta</strong> to reproduce in the spring.<br />
Tímido, o chapim-<strong>de</strong>-poupa torna-se difícil <strong>de</strong> observar.<br />
The timid crested tit is difficult to watch.<br />
Muito sociável, a alvéola-branca (Motacilla alba)<br />
só se encontra junto aos edifícios <strong>da</strong> <strong>Quinta</strong>,<br />
sendo fácil <strong>de</strong> i<strong>de</strong>ntificar pelo porte elegante,<br />
o balançar <strong>da</strong> cau<strong>da</strong> e o «babete» negro<br />
que ostenta.<br />
Dispers<strong>as</strong> por to<strong>da</strong> a <strong>Quinta</strong>, encontram-se<br />
vári<strong>as</strong> espécies <strong>de</strong> aves como o pisco-<strong>de</strong>-peito-<br />
-ruivo (Erithacus rubecula), a milheirinha<br />
(Serinus serinus), o verdilhão (Carduelis chloris),<br />
o melro (Turdus merula) e a trepa<strong>de</strong>ira-comum<br />
(Certhia brachy<strong>da</strong>ctyla).<br />
A trepa<strong>de</strong>ira tem uma alimentação à b<strong>as</strong>e<br />
<strong>de</strong> insectos e aranh<strong>as</strong> que captura n<strong>as</strong> c<strong>as</strong>c<strong>as</strong><br />
d<strong>as</strong> árvores. Assim, é frequente vê-la a trepar<br />
aos troncos, investigando a existência dos seus<br />
alimentos favoritos. Muito comum na<br />
proprie<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong>, prefere <strong>as</strong> árvores <strong>de</strong> maior porte<br />
em zon<strong>as</strong> <strong>de</strong> arbustos baixos, no Sudoeste <strong>da</strong><br />
<strong>Quinta</strong>, para observar melhor os troncos<br />
on<strong>de</strong> se alimenta.<br />
Com <strong>as</strong> su<strong>as</strong> cores vibrantes o pisco-<strong>de</strong>-peito-<br />
-ruivo aparece um pouco por todo o lado.<br />
Insectívoro por excelência, procura alimento no<br />
solo e o seu carácter pouco tímido torna-o uma<br />
d<strong>as</strong> aves mais fáceis <strong>de</strong> encontrar. O que<br />
acontece também com a milheirinha, que não<br />
se <strong>as</strong>susta com a aproximação <strong>de</strong> pesso<strong>as</strong>.
À procura <strong>de</strong> comi<strong>da</strong>. É na c<strong>as</strong>ca d<strong>as</strong> árvores que<br />
o pica-pau-malhado encontra os insectos <strong>de</strong> que se alimenta.<br />
Searching for food. The greater spotted woodpecker finds the<br />
insects on which it feeds in the trees’ bark.<br />
Scattered throughout the <strong>Quinta</strong> are various bird<br />
species like the robin (Erithacus rubecula), the<br />
serin (Serinus serinus), the greenfinch (Carduelis<br />
chloris), the blackbird (Turdus merula) and the<br />
short-toed tree creeper (Certhia brachy<strong>da</strong>ctyla).<br />
The short-toed tree creeper feeds on insects and<br />
spi<strong>de</strong>rs which it finds in trees’ bark. Hence it is<br />
common to see it creeping up trunks, looking for<br />
its favourite food. Often seen around these<br />
grounds, it prefers large-sized trees in are<strong>as</strong><br />
where there are short shrubs, <strong>as</strong> in the South<br />
Western area of the <strong>Quinta</strong>, where it finds it<br />
better to look for food.<br />
With its vibrant colours, the robin can also be<br />
seen all over the <strong>Quinta</strong>. An insectivore ‘par<br />
excellence’, it looks for food in the soil and its<br />
<strong>da</strong>untless character makes it one of the e<strong>as</strong>iest<br />
birds to find. The same applies to the serin, which<br />
is not frightened by human presence.<br />
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A escolha do seu lugar na <strong>Quinta</strong> pren<strong>de</strong>-se não<br />
apen<strong>as</strong> com <strong>as</strong> característic<strong>as</strong> <strong>de</strong> ca<strong>da</strong> espécie<br />
como também com o tipo <strong>de</strong> activi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong><br />
<strong>de</strong>senvolvido pel<strong>as</strong> diferentes aves. Há quem ali<br />
viva e procure um bom local para reprodução,<br />
outros buscam abrigo e há quem ali tenha<br />
o seu território <strong>de</strong> caça.<br />
É o c<strong>as</strong>o d<strong>as</strong> quatro aves <strong>de</strong> rapina presentes na<br />
<strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong>: milhafre-preto (Milvus<br />
migrans), gavião (Accipiter nisus), águia-<strong>de</strong>-<strong>as</strong>a-<br />
-redon<strong>da</strong> (Buteo buteo) e peneireiro-comum<br />
(Falco tinnunculus). À excepção do gavião,<br />
a<strong>da</strong>ptado à caça <strong>de</strong>ntro <strong>da</strong> floresta, tod<strong>as</strong> <strong>as</strong><br />
outr<strong>as</strong> elegem os espaços abertos <strong>da</strong> <strong>Quinta</strong><br />
para caçar, m<strong>as</strong> nenhuma nidifica ali.<br />
O milhafre-preto é uma ave <strong>de</strong> rapina diurna<br />
facilmente i<strong>de</strong>ntificado pela forma bifurca<strong>da</strong> <strong>da</strong><br />
cau<strong>da</strong>, e chega a Portugal na Primavera, vindo<br />
do Norte <strong>de</strong> África. Comum em todo o País<br />
prefere <strong>as</strong> zon<strong>as</strong> húmid<strong>as</strong> e <strong>as</strong> margens dos<br />
cursos <strong>de</strong> água para viver, construindo os ninhos<br />
com pequenos ramos n<strong>as</strong> cop<strong>as</strong> d<strong>as</strong> árvores.<br />
A sua dieta inclui mamíferos, aves, répteis,<br />
anfíbios, peixes e insectos, pres<strong>as</strong> que procura<br />
<strong>de</strong>s<strong>de</strong> a hora <strong>de</strong> almoço até ao final <strong>da</strong> tar<strong>de</strong>.
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a quinta e a natureza<br />
122 the quinta and nature the quinta and nature 123<br />
O pint<strong>as</strong>silgo, o melro e a milheirinha po<strong>de</strong>m observar-se em vári<strong>as</strong> zon<strong>as</strong> <strong>da</strong> <strong>Quinta</strong>.<br />
The european goldfinch, blackbird and serin can be seen in different places in the <strong>Quinta</strong>.<br />
The place which the different species have<br />
chosen to occupy does not <strong>de</strong>pend on the<br />
respective characteristics but also on the type of<br />
activity which they each perform. There are some<br />
which live here but look for another place to<br />
breed, whilst others find their shelter or hunting<br />
grounds here.<br />
This is the c<strong>as</strong>e of the four birds of prey which are<br />
found in <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong>: the black kite<br />
(Milvus migrans), the sparrow hawk (Accipiter<br />
nisus), the common buzzard (Buteo buteo) and<br />
the common kestrel (Falco tinnunculus). Except<br />
for the sparrow hawk, a<strong>da</strong>pted to forest hunting,<br />
all the other species prefer the <strong>Quinta</strong>’s open<br />
spaces for hunting, but none of them build their<br />
nests in this area. The black kite is a <strong>da</strong>ytime bird<br />
of prey, e<strong>as</strong>ily i<strong>de</strong>ntifiable by its forked tail,<br />
arriving in Portugal in the spring, directly from<br />
North Africa. Found all over the country, it prefers<br />
to live in humid are<strong>as</strong> and on watercourse<br />
margins, building nests with small twigs in the<br />
treetops. Its diet inclu<strong>de</strong>s mammals, birds,<br />
reptiles, amphibians, fish and insects, which it<br />
looks for from lunchtime to dusk.<br />
Também o peneireiro escolhe <strong>as</strong> hor<strong>as</strong> quentes<br />
do dia para caçar e a sua dieta é semelhante à<br />
do milhafre. Quando caça, o peneireiro fica<br />
parado no ar, batendo <strong>as</strong> <strong>as</strong><strong>as</strong> rapi<strong>da</strong>mente, num<br />
movimento baptizado como «peneirar». Trata-se<br />
<strong>de</strong> um falcão, <strong>de</strong> dimensão média, <strong>de</strong> <strong>as</strong><strong>as</strong> e<br />
cau<strong>da</strong> comprid<strong>as</strong>, cuj<strong>as</strong> pen<strong>as</strong> do dorso e face<br />
superior são <strong>de</strong> um c<strong>as</strong>tanho-alaranjado.<br />
Presente em habitats que vão <strong>da</strong> planície às<br />
zon<strong>as</strong> montanhos<strong>as</strong>, p<strong>as</strong>sando pelos terrenos<br />
<strong>de</strong> cultivo, evita manch<strong>as</strong> florestais extens<strong>as</strong>.<br />
É <strong>de</strong> crer que o c<strong>as</strong>al <strong>de</strong> águi<strong>as</strong>-<strong>de</strong>-<strong>as</strong>a-redon<strong>da</strong><br />
que frequenta a <strong>Quinta</strong> tenha o seu ninho n<strong>as</strong><br />
proximi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong>s já que no Verão é possível escutar<br />
o chamamento d<strong>as</strong> cri<strong>as</strong>. Esta é uma espécie<br />
que faz a postura sempre no mesmo ninho,<br />
que restaura todos os anos. Em Portugal está<br />
dispersa por todo o País, elegendo a copa dos<br />
pinheiros bravos para construir o ninho. No início<br />
<strong>de</strong> Abril o c<strong>as</strong>al começa a restaurá-lo e a<br />
incubação dos ovos, feita pelo c<strong>as</strong>al, prolonga-se<br />
por um período <strong>de</strong> 35 di<strong>as</strong>. Tem na sua dieta<br />
ratos, lagartos, insectos e <strong>as</strong> su<strong>as</strong> larv<strong>as</strong>, bem<br />
como coelhos os quais, <strong>de</strong>pois <strong>de</strong> um longo<br />
período <strong>de</strong>saparecidos <strong>da</strong> <strong>Quinta</strong> voltaram agora<br />
a ser observados. Numa primeira f<strong>as</strong>e a fêmea<br />
corta <strong>as</strong> pres<strong>as</strong> capturad<strong>as</strong> para <strong>as</strong> <strong>da</strong>r às cri<strong>as</strong>,<br />
p<strong>as</strong>sando <strong>de</strong>pois a ser os juvenis a cortar o seu<br />
próprio alimento. <strong>Os</strong> adultos caçam n<strong>as</strong> áre<strong>as</strong><br />
abert<strong>as</strong> dos campos agrícol<strong>as</strong> que fazem<br />
fronteira com a <strong>Quinta</strong>, bem como no interior <strong>da</strong><br />
proprie<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong>. A águia-<strong>de</strong>-<strong>as</strong>a-redon<strong>da</strong> distingue-<br />
-se pela silhueta compacta, com <strong>as</strong><strong>as</strong> larg<strong>as</strong> e<br />
cau<strong>da</strong> aberta em leque.<br />
The kestrel also chooses the hottest time of the<br />
<strong>da</strong>y to hunt and its diet is similar to that of the<br />
kite. When it hunts, the kestrel hovers in the air,<br />
rapidly flapping its wings, in a movement known<br />
<strong>as</strong> “hovering”. It is a medium-sized falcon, with<br />
long wings and tail, whose back and upper<br />
surface feathers are orangey brown. It is found in<br />
habitats ranging from plains to mountainous<br />
regions, including farmed grounds but avoiding<br />
extensively forested are<strong>as</strong>.<br />
It is believed that the common buzzard couple,<br />
which visits the <strong>Quinta</strong>, h<strong>as</strong> its nest in the vicinity<br />
because it is possible to hear the young calling in<br />
the summer. This species lays its eggs always in<br />
the same nest, which it restores every year. It is<br />
scattered throughout Portugal, choosing the<br />
maritime pine crowns on which to build its nests.<br />
In the beginning of April, the couple starts<br />
restoring it and the egg incubation by the couple,<br />
extends over a 35-<strong>da</strong>y period. Its diet inclu<strong>de</strong>s<br />
mice, lizards, insects and their larva, <strong>as</strong> well <strong>as</strong><br />
rabbits, which disappeared from the <strong>Quinta</strong> for a<br />
long period but have now returned. Firstly, the<br />
female tears up the captured prey to feed her<br />
young, whilst later on the young feed themselves.<br />
Adults hunt in the covered are<strong>as</strong> of the<br />
neighbouring farmed lands which bor<strong>de</strong>r the<br />
<strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>as</strong> well <strong>as</strong> in the property’s grounds. The<br />
common buzzard is differentiated by its compact<br />
silhouette, its broad wings and fanlike tail.
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124 the quinta and nature the quinta and nature 125<br />
É durante a Primavera que se torna mais fácil<br />
observar <strong>as</strong> vári<strong>as</strong> aves já que este é o principal<br />
período <strong>de</strong> reprodução d<strong>as</strong> espécies que ali<br />
nidificam. Nesta altura os animais afadigam-se<br />
a construir os ninhos, em rituais <strong>de</strong><br />
ac<strong>as</strong>alamento e na recolha <strong>de</strong> alimentos<br />
para <strong>as</strong> cri<strong>as</strong>.<br />
O comportamento do pisco-<strong>de</strong>-peito-ruivo<br />
altera-se entre Abril e Julho e o macho <strong>de</strong>ixa<br />
<strong>de</strong> tolerar a presença <strong>de</strong> elementos <strong>da</strong> mesma<br />
espécie, no seu território, durante todo o período<br />
<strong>de</strong> reprodução. Depois <strong>de</strong> uma incubação <strong>de</strong><br />
du<strong>as</strong> seman<strong>as</strong>, os cinco a sete ovos <strong>da</strong> postura<br />
eclo<strong>de</strong>m, num ninho construído numa cavi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong><br />
no solo. Ao contrário dos pais, caracterizados<br />
pel<strong>as</strong> su<strong>as</strong> cores vibrantes, <strong>as</strong> cri<strong>as</strong> apresentam<br />
um tom escuro uniforme.<br />
Mais difíceis <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>tectar são os ninhos <strong>da</strong><br />
trepa<strong>de</strong>ira-comum (Certhia brachy<strong>da</strong>ctyla),<br />
sempre bem escondidos em cavi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong><br />
troncos.<br />
During the spring it is e<strong>as</strong>ier to watch certain<br />
species, <strong>as</strong> this is the main breeding se<strong>as</strong>on in the<br />
<strong>Quinta</strong>. At this time of year, the animals are busy<br />
building their nests, in coupling rituals and in the<br />
collection of food for their young.<br />
The behaviour of the robin changes between<br />
April and July, with the male not tolerating the<br />
presence of members of the same species within<br />
its territory during the breeding se<strong>as</strong>on. After a<br />
two-week incubation period, the five or seven laid<br />
eggs hatch in a nest built on a soil cavity.<br />
Contrary to the parents’ vibrant colours,<br />
the young have a uniform <strong>da</strong>rk tone.<br />
More difficult to find are the short-toed tree<br />
creepers’ (Certhia brachy<strong>da</strong>ctyla) nests which are<br />
always well hid<strong>de</strong>n in holes in tree trunks.<br />
The two woodpecker species that exist in the<br />
<strong>Quinta</strong> build their nests here. Very sensitive to<br />
human presence, they are quite difficult to watch<br />
but e<strong>as</strong>y to <strong>de</strong>tect through their calling and wood<br />
pecking. At the <strong>Quinta</strong>, the green woodpecker<br />
(Picus viridis) chooses places where there are tall<br />
trees, on which it builds its nest, looking for<br />
cavities in the trunk which it wi<strong>de</strong>ns and drills<br />
with strong pecks ma<strong>de</strong> with its beak. The<br />
breeding se<strong>as</strong>on extends from May to the<br />
beginning of July, when the wood pecking sound<br />
intensifies together with the frequency of the<br />
callings, resembling laughter. As implied by the<br />
name, green dominates in this woodpecker<br />
species, which also h<strong>as</strong> a red patch that goes<br />
from the head to the nape. The tip of its<br />
tail is yellowish.<br />
O verdilhão é d<strong>as</strong> espécies mais comuns.<br />
The greenfinch is one of the most wi<strong>de</strong>spread species.<br />
Pre<strong>da</strong>dor. O gavião vem à <strong>Quinta</strong> para se alimentar.<br />
A pre<strong>da</strong>tor. The sparrow hawk comes to the <strong>Quinta</strong> to feed.
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126 the quinta and nature the quinta and nature 127<br />
As du<strong>as</strong> espécies <strong>de</strong> pica-paus existentes na<br />
<strong>Quinta</strong> têm nidificação comprova<strong>da</strong> no local.<br />
Muito sensíveis à presença humana são animais<br />
difíceis <strong>de</strong> observar, m<strong>as</strong> facilmente <strong>de</strong>tectáveis<br />
através dos seus chamamentos e do tamborilar<br />
na ma<strong>de</strong>ira. Na <strong>Quinta</strong>, o peto-real (Picus viridis)<br />
escolhe os locais com árvores alt<strong>as</strong> on<strong>de</strong><br />
constrói o ninho, procurando cavi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong>s no<br />
tronco que <strong>de</strong>pois alarga e afun<strong>da</strong> com fortes<br />
pancad<strong>as</strong> com o bico. O período <strong>de</strong> reprodução<br />
esten<strong>de</strong>-se <strong>de</strong> Maio até ao início <strong>de</strong> Julho, altura<br />
em que o som do tamborilar na ma<strong>de</strong>ira se<br />
intensifica, bem como a frequência dos seus<br />
chamamentos, semelhantes a gargalhad<strong>as</strong>.<br />
No peto-real a cor dominante é o ver<strong>de</strong>, com<br />
uma mancha vermelha que vai <strong>da</strong> cabeça<br />
à nuca e a b<strong>as</strong>e <strong>da</strong> cau<strong>da</strong> amarela<strong>da</strong>.<br />
The greater spotted woodpecker (Dendrocopus<br />
major) chooses the <strong>Quinta</strong>’s are<strong>as</strong> solely planted<br />
with eucalyptus, especially the places where<br />
there is less human activity. It is another species<br />
that nests here and one of the resi<strong>de</strong>nt bird<br />
species in Portugal. Both woodpecker species are<br />
characterised by their tail feathers, which owing<br />
to their strength enable the birds to perch on the<br />
tree trunks whilst searching for food or during<br />
nest building.<br />
A escreve<strong>de</strong>ira é uma espécie característica do Norte do País.<br />
The cirl bunting is typical from the northern region of the country.<br />
Já o pica-pau-malhado (Dendrocopus major)<br />
escolhe <strong>as</strong> zon<strong>as</strong> <strong>de</strong> eucaliptal puro <strong>da</strong> <strong>Quinta</strong>,<br />
sobretudo nos pontos com menos activi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong><br />
humana. É outra d<strong>as</strong> espécies nidificantes na<br />
<strong>Quinta</strong> e uma d<strong>as</strong> aves resi<strong>de</strong>ntes em Portugal.<br />
Amb<strong>as</strong> <strong>as</strong> espécies <strong>de</strong> pica-paus são<br />
caracterizad<strong>as</strong> pel<strong>as</strong> pen<strong>as</strong> <strong>da</strong> cau<strong>da</strong>, b<strong>as</strong>tante<br />
fortes que servem <strong>de</strong> apoio no tronco quando<br />
buscam alimento ou constroem o ninho.<br />
Entre outr<strong>as</strong> espécies com nidificação<br />
confirma<strong>da</strong> na proprie<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> encontram-se o<br />
tentilhão (Fringilla coelebs), o chapim-real<br />
(Parus major) e o verdilhão-comum (Carduelis<br />
chloris). O tentilhão é d<strong>as</strong> espécies mais<br />
apreciad<strong>as</strong> em Portugal tanto pela sua beleza —<br />
o macho tem o peito e o ventre <strong>de</strong> um tom<br />
c<strong>as</strong>tanho-avermelhado, que contr<strong>as</strong>ta com a<br />
cabeça e a nuca <strong>de</strong> um cinzento-azulado — como<br />
pelo canto. Sociável, é d<strong>as</strong> aves mais facilmente<br />
observáveis na <strong>Quinta</strong> on<strong>de</strong> constrói o ninho,<br />
Amongst the other species with confirmed<br />
nesting in the property are the chaffinch (Fringilla<br />
coelebs), the great tit (Parus major) and the<br />
greenfinch (Carduelis chloris). The chaffinch is<br />
one of the most appreciated species in Portugal<br />
both for its beauty — the male’s reddish-brown<br />
chest and belly contr<strong>as</strong>t with the bluish-grey<br />
head and nape — and its singing. A sociable<br />
animal, it is one of the e<strong>as</strong>iest species to watch in<br />
the <strong>Quinta</strong> where it builds a perfect nest in the<br />
shape of a small bowl. Likewise, the great tit, the<br />
largest of all tits and the one which is busiest<br />
looking for artificial nests, is careful in building<br />
its own. I<strong>de</strong>ntifiable by its yellow belly with a<br />
black stripe, black head and white face, from<br />
March onwards it starts looking for a cavity in<br />
which to build its nest. It starts by filling it up<br />
with moss and then by lining it with fluff and hair.<br />
During the incubation period, the male is<br />
responsible for feeding the female with larva,
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128 the quinta and nature the quinta and nature 129<br />
muito perfeito, semelhante a uma pequena<br />
tigela. Também o chapim-real — o maior dos<br />
chapins e aquele que mais procura os ninhos<br />
artificiais — tem cui<strong>da</strong>do com a construção do<br />
ninho. I<strong>de</strong>ntificável pelo ventre amarelo com<br />
uma lista negra, a cabeça preta e <strong>as</strong> faces<br />
branc<strong>as</strong>, a partir <strong>de</strong> Março começa a procurar<br />
uma cavi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> para fazer o ninho. Começa por<br />
enchê-la com musgo, forrando <strong>de</strong>pois o interior<br />
com penugem e pêlo. Durante a incubação cabe<br />
ao macho alimentar a fêmea com larv<strong>as</strong>,<br />
insectos e sementes. As cri<strong>as</strong> abandonam<br />
o ninho com cerca <strong>de</strong> 20 di<strong>as</strong>.<br />
Um mês <strong>de</strong>pois, em Abril, é a vez do verdilhão<br />
começar a construir o ninho, normalmente feito<br />
n<strong>as</strong> sebes, árvores ou beirais <strong>de</strong> janel<strong>as</strong>. É uma<br />
espécie mais comum na faixa litoral do País, que<br />
gosta <strong>de</strong> zon<strong>as</strong> com vegetação mista. Na <strong>Quinta</strong><br />
surge um pouco por todo o lado, sendo fácil<br />
encontrá-lo a cantar no cimo dos edifícios ou<br />
nos ramos externos d<strong>as</strong> árvores.<br />
Nem sempre é fácil comprovar a nidificação d<strong>as</strong><br />
vári<strong>as</strong> espécies que habitam a <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong><br />
<strong>Francisco</strong>. Para algum<strong>as</strong> apen<strong>as</strong> é possível<br />
adiantar a hipótese <strong>de</strong> reprodução no local, para<br />
outr<strong>as</strong> a nidificação é <strong>da</strong><strong>da</strong> como provável. É o<br />
c<strong>as</strong>o do pombo-torcaz (Columba palumbus), do<br />
pombo-d<strong>as</strong>-roch<strong>as</strong> (Columba livia), <strong>da</strong> rola-brava<br />
insects and seeds. The young abandon their nests<br />
when they are about 20 <strong>da</strong>ys old. A month later,<br />
in April, it is the greenfinch’s turn to start building<br />
its nest, normally on hedges, trees or window<br />
sills. This species is more common along the<br />
Portuguese co<strong>as</strong>t <strong>as</strong> it enjoys are<strong>as</strong> with mixed<br />
vegetation. They can be seen scattered around<br />
the <strong>Quinta</strong> and are e<strong>as</strong>y to find singing from<br />
building tops or trees’ external branches.<br />
It is not always e<strong>as</strong>y to prove the nesting of the<br />
different species that live in <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong><br />
<strong>Francisco</strong>. In some c<strong>as</strong>es, it is only possible to<br />
consi<strong>de</strong>r that breeding takes place locally, whilst<br />
nesting of other species is possible. Such is the<br />
c<strong>as</strong>e of the wood pigeon (Columba palumbus),<br />
common pigeon (Columba livia), turtle dove<br />
(Streptopelia turtur) and collared dove<br />
(Streptopelia <strong>de</strong>caocto). It is common to hear<br />
these species year round, but because of their<br />
preference for the highest tree branches, it is not<br />
always e<strong>as</strong>y to see them. The wood pigeon is the<br />
largest Portuguese columbiform bird, and is<br />
commonly found in the Northern and Central<br />
regions of Portugal <strong>as</strong> well <strong>as</strong> in the plains of the<br />
Alentejo. Robust and with a grey plumage, it is<br />
differentiated from other pigeons because of its<br />
O gaio tem por hábito armazenar bolot<strong>as</strong> para se alimentar no Inverno.<br />
The jay h<strong>as</strong> the habit of collecting acorns to feed on in the winter.
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130 the quinta and nature the quinta and nature 131<br />
N<strong>as</strong> fême<strong>as</strong>, o barrete <strong>da</strong> toutinegra é c<strong>as</strong>tanho-arruivado.<br />
In female warblers, the cap is brownish-red.<br />
Beleza rara. A poupa é d<strong>as</strong> espécies menos frequentes na <strong>Quinta</strong>.<br />
A rare beauty. The hoopoe is one of the less frequent visitors to the <strong>Quinta</strong>.<br />
(Streptopelia turtur) e <strong>da</strong> rola-turca<br />
(Streptopelia <strong>de</strong>caocto). É frequente ouvir est<strong>as</strong><br />
espécies ao longo <strong>de</strong> todo o ano m<strong>as</strong>, <strong>de</strong>vido<br />
à sua preferência pelos troncos mais altos d<strong>as</strong><br />
árvores, nem sempre são fáceis <strong>de</strong> observar.<br />
O pombo-torcaz é o maior columbiforme<br />
português, sendo comum no Norte e Centro<br />
do País e na planície alentejana. Entroncado<br />
e <strong>de</strong> plumagem cinzenta, distingue-se pela<br />
mancha branca do pescoço. É uma ave gregária,<br />
m<strong>as</strong> no período reprodutivo procura zon<strong>as</strong> mais<br />
sossegad<strong>as</strong> para fazer o ninho. É nele que a<br />
fêmea põe dois ovos brancos que vai incubar<br />
ao longo <strong>de</strong> 18 di<strong>as</strong>. Um mês <strong>de</strong>pois, os jovens<br />
abandonam o ninho. Da sua dieta constam<br />
grãos, que recolhe em zon<strong>as</strong> abert<strong>as</strong> como os<br />
campos <strong>de</strong> cultivo, a que junta algum<strong>as</strong> bolot<strong>as</strong><br />
no Inverno. Na estação fria a população<br />
aumenta com a chega<strong>da</strong> <strong>de</strong> bandos vindos do<br />
Norte <strong>da</strong> Europa, on<strong>de</strong> o alimento já esc<strong>as</strong>seia.<br />
Des<strong>de</strong> que, no início dos anos 60, chegou<br />
à Península Ibérica vin<strong>da</strong> do Su<strong>de</strong>ste europeu,<br />
a população <strong>da</strong> rola-turca tem aumentado em<br />
todo o País, sendo hoje uma espécie resi<strong>de</strong>nte.<br />
É facilmente i<strong>de</strong>ntificável por ser mais clara<br />
que a rola-brava e pelo típico colar escuro.<br />
A rola-brava é menos comum. Trata-se <strong>de</strong> uma<br />
espécie migradora que chega a Portugal em<br />
meados <strong>de</strong> Abril. O ninho é qu<strong>as</strong>e sempre<br />
construído por entre a vegetação <strong>de</strong>nsa.<br />
A incubação dos dois ovos <strong>de</strong>mora cerca <strong>de</strong> du<strong>as</strong><br />
seman<strong>as</strong> e p<strong>as</strong>sados 20 di<strong>as</strong> <strong>as</strong> cri<strong>as</strong> estão<br />
pront<strong>as</strong> para abandonar o ninho.<br />
white spot on the neck. It is a gregarious bird,<br />
which looks for quieter are<strong>as</strong> to build its nest<br />
during the breeding se<strong>as</strong>on. The female <strong>de</strong>posits<br />
two white eggs in this nest, which incubate<br />
for 18 <strong>da</strong>ys. A month later, the young leave<br />
the nest. Their diet inclu<strong>de</strong>s grains, which they<br />
collect from open cultivated fields, to which they<br />
add acorns in the winter time. During the cold<br />
se<strong>as</strong>on, the population grows with the arriving<br />
flocks from Northern Europe, where food<br />
becomes scarce.<br />
Since its arrival in the Iberian Peninsula in the<br />
beginning of the 60’s, from Southe<strong>as</strong>t Europe, the<br />
collared-dove population h<strong>as</strong> grown throughout<br />
the whole country, and is now a resi<strong>de</strong>nt species.<br />
It is e<strong>as</strong>y to i<strong>de</strong>ntify because its colour is lighter<br />
than that of the turtle dove and because of its<br />
typical <strong>da</strong>rk collar. The turtle dove is less<br />
common and is a migratory species that arrives<br />
in Portugal around the middle of April. The nest<br />
is almost always built amongst <strong>de</strong>nse vegetation.<br />
The two-egg incubation takes about two weeks<br />
and 20 <strong>da</strong>ys later, the young are ready to leave<br />
the nest.
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132 the quinta and nature the quinta and nature 133<br />
A poupa (Upupa epops) e o tordo-pinto (Turdus<br />
philomelos) são outr<strong>as</strong> d<strong>as</strong> espécies rar<strong>as</strong><br />
na <strong>Quinta</strong>. A primeira <strong>de</strong>ixa-se observar com<br />
alguma facili<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> já que parece habitar n<strong>as</strong><br />
quint<strong>as</strong> vizinh<strong>as</strong>. De <strong>as</strong>pecto inconfundível,<br />
com a sua poupa, o rosa-amarelado d<strong>as</strong> pen<strong>as</strong><br />
e <strong>as</strong><strong>as</strong> larg<strong>as</strong> e arredon<strong>da</strong>d<strong>as</strong> com list<strong>as</strong> pret<strong>as</strong><br />
e branc<strong>as</strong>, é d<strong>as</strong> mais bonit<strong>as</strong> aves portugues<strong>as</strong>.<br />
Já o tordo dá-se a conhecer na Primavera,<br />
quando, <strong>de</strong> manhã muito cedo, é possível ouvi-lo<br />
cantar n<strong>as</strong> zon<strong>as</strong> com árvores alt<strong>as</strong> <strong>de</strong> folha<br />
caduca.<br />
Em conjunto, <strong>as</strong> aves <strong>da</strong> <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong><br />
garantem parte <strong>da</strong> sua riqueza natural e<br />
formam a ban<strong>da</strong> sonora perfeita para todos<br />
aqueles que a percorrem.<br />
The hoopoe (Upupa epops) and the song thrush<br />
(Turdus philomelos) are other rare species found<br />
in the <strong>Quinta</strong>. The first one can be quite e<strong>as</strong>ily<br />
seen <strong>as</strong> it probably lives in the neighbouring<br />
farms. This is one of the prettiest Portuguese bird<br />
species, which is hard to mistake because of its<br />
crest, its yellowy-pink feathers and its broad and<br />
round black and white-striped wings. As for the<br />
thrush, it emerges in the spring, and it is possible<br />
to hear it singing very early in the morning in<br />
are<strong>as</strong> with tall <strong>de</strong>ciduous trees.<br />
As a whole, the birds of <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong><br />
guarantee a part of its natural wealth and form<br />
the perfect soundtrack for all those who stroll<br />
around its grounds.<br />
É no Inverno, quando a comi<strong>da</strong> esc<strong>as</strong>seia, que <strong>as</strong> aves mais recorrem a comedouros.<br />
In the winter, when food is scarce, birds go to fee<strong>de</strong>rs.
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134 the quinta and nature the quinta and nature 135<br />
gaio<br />
Garrulus glan<strong>da</strong>rius<br />
On<strong>de</strong> po<strong>de</strong> ser observado na <strong>Quinta</strong><br />
Cop<strong>as</strong> d<strong>as</strong> árvores, jardim e zona urbana.<br />
Nidificação<br />
Possível.<br />
Mais do que ver, é fácil ouvir os gaios na <strong>Quinta</strong><br />
<strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong>, quando lançam os seus gritos<br />
roucos e estri<strong>de</strong>ntes. O gaio é um corví<strong>de</strong>o e em<br />
Portugal é uma espécie resi<strong>de</strong>nte. Ao contrário<br />
dos corvos e gralh<strong>as</strong>, a plumagem do gaio é<br />
muito colori<strong>da</strong>, sendo <strong>as</strong> pen<strong>as</strong> azuis d<strong>as</strong> <strong>as</strong><strong>as</strong> —<br />
que contr<strong>as</strong>tam com outr<strong>as</strong> branc<strong>as</strong> e pret<strong>as</strong><br />
— a sua imagem <strong>de</strong> marca. O resto do corpo é<br />
coberto por pen<strong>as</strong> c<strong>as</strong>tanho-rosado no dorso,<br />
bege no ventre e ain<strong>da</strong> um «bigo<strong>de</strong>»<br />
preto junto ao bico.<br />
Trata-se <strong>de</strong> uma ave omnívora alimentando-se<br />
<strong>de</strong> insectos, rãs, ovos, musaranhos e ratos, n<strong>as</strong><br />
florest<strong>as</strong> <strong>de</strong> carvalhos, pinhais e montados on<strong>de</strong><br />
habita. Previ<strong>de</strong>nte, durante o Outono a ave<br />
colecciona bolot<strong>as</strong> que guar<strong>da</strong> em buracos<br />
que escava no solo, fend<strong>as</strong> <strong>de</strong> roch<strong>as</strong> e cavi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong>s<br />
d<strong>as</strong> árvores. Muit<strong>as</strong> vezes esquece-se dos seus<br />
escon<strong>de</strong>rijos, contribuindo para a disseminação<br />
<strong>de</strong> vári<strong>as</strong> espécies <strong>de</strong> árvores, já que muit<strong>as</strong><br />
sementes que enterra acabam por germinar.<br />
A partir <strong>de</strong> fins <strong>de</strong> Abril os c<strong>as</strong>ais <strong>de</strong> gaios<br />
constroem os ninhos em conjunto, usando<br />
palh<strong>as</strong> e pequen<strong>as</strong> raízes. A incubação dos ovos<br />
— seis ou sete — <strong>de</strong>mora perto <strong>de</strong> 16 di<strong>as</strong>.<br />
<strong>Os</strong> ninhos são facilmente localizáveis pelos<br />
chamamentos estri<strong>de</strong>ntes d<strong>as</strong> cri<strong>as</strong>, que pe<strong>de</strong>m<br />
alimento aos pais.<br />
jay<br />
Garrulus glan<strong>da</strong>rius<br />
Where to find it in the <strong>Quinta</strong><br />
Tree crowns, gar<strong>de</strong>n and urban area.<br />
nesting<br />
Possible.<br />
In <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong> it is e<strong>as</strong>ier to hear the<br />
jays’ coarse and piercing cries than to see the<br />
birds themselves. The jay is a corvine and resi<strong>de</strong>nt<br />
species in Portugal. Contrary to ravens and crows,<br />
the jay’s plumage is colourful, and its brand<br />
image is its wings’ blue feathers, which contr<strong>as</strong>t<br />
with other black and white feathers. The rest of<br />
the body is covered by pinkish-brown feathers on<br />
the back, beige feathers on the belly and a black<br />
“moustache” next to the beak.<br />
As an omnivorous bird, it feeds on insects, frogs,<br />
eggs, shrews and mice which it finds in its chosen<br />
habitats of oak, pine and cork oak forests. During<br />
the autumn, it is pru<strong>de</strong>nt enough to collect<br />
acorns which it stores in holes excavated on the<br />
ground, rock fissures and tree cavities. It often<br />
forgets its hiding places and thus contributes to<br />
the dissemination of various tree species, given<br />
that many of the seeds which it buries in the soil<br />
end up germinating.<br />
At the end of April, jay couples start building their<br />
nests together, using straw and small roots.<br />
Egg incubation, of six or seven eggs, takes 16 <strong>da</strong>ys.<br />
The young’s piercing cries for food make it e<strong>as</strong>y<br />
to find their nests.<br />
gavião<br />
Accipiter nisus<br />
On<strong>de</strong> po<strong>de</strong> ser observado na <strong>Quinta</strong><br />
De difícil observação.<br />
Vem à <strong>Quinta</strong> para se alimentar.<br />
Nidificação<br />
Não.<br />
O gavião escolhe florest<strong>as</strong> e zon<strong>as</strong> em que se<br />
misturem os bosques com os terrenos agrícol<strong>as</strong><br />
como habitat. A <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong>, espaço<br />
florestal inserido entre o meio urbano e os<br />
terrenos agrícol<strong>as</strong> serve-lhe como território<br />
<strong>de</strong> caça e por isso visita a proprie<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong><br />
frequentemente.<br />
O gavião é uma ave <strong>de</strong> rapina diurna, mais<br />
comum no Norte e Centro do território<br />
português. De pequena dimensão, tem <strong>as</strong><strong>as</strong><br />
curt<strong>as</strong>, larg<strong>as</strong> e pontiagud<strong>as</strong>, a<strong>da</strong>ptad<strong>as</strong> para<br />
a caça em espaços fechados como <strong>as</strong> florest<strong>as</strong>,<br />
e cau<strong>da</strong> compri<strong>da</strong>. No ventre a plumagem<br />
é risca<strong>da</strong>.<br />
Alimenta-se <strong>de</strong> pequen<strong>as</strong> aves m<strong>as</strong>, como a<br />
fêmea é maior do que o macho — cujo tamanho<br />
é equivalente ao <strong>de</strong> uma rola-brava — <strong>as</strong> pres<strong>as</strong><br />
que esta captura são <strong>de</strong> maior dimensão. Macho<br />
e fêmea perseguem <strong>as</strong> su<strong>as</strong> pres<strong>as</strong> com voos<br />
rápidos, capturando-<strong>as</strong> esticando <strong>as</strong> pat<strong>as</strong><br />
para a frente.<br />
Todos os anos o gavião constrói um novo ninho<br />
com gravetos e pequen<strong>as</strong> ramagens se possível<br />
perto do ninho usado no ano anterior.<br />
A reprodução tem início no final <strong>de</strong> Abril, com<br />
a fêmea a pôr cerca <strong>de</strong> cinco ovos, e durante<br />
a incubação e primeiros di<strong>as</strong> <strong>de</strong> vi<strong>da</strong> d<strong>as</strong> cri<strong>as</strong>,<br />
é o macho que caça para a família. Depois<br />
os juvenis são alimentados por ambos<br />
os progenitores. Nesta espécie, enquanto<br />
os adultos são se<strong>de</strong>ntários <strong>as</strong> aves jovens<br />
po<strong>de</strong>m migrar.<br />
sparrow hawk<br />
Accipiter nisus<br />
Where to find it in the <strong>Quinta</strong><br />
Difficult to watch.<br />
Comes to the <strong>Quinta</strong> to feed.<br />
nesting<br />
No.<br />
The sparrow hawk chooses forests and are<strong>as</strong><br />
where there is a mix of woods and farmed land <strong>as</strong><br />
its habitat. <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong>, with its<br />
forested area within an urban zone and<br />
agricultural land, is used <strong>as</strong> the bird’s hunting<br />
grounds making it a frequent visitor at the<br />
property.<br />
The sparrow hawk is a <strong>da</strong>ytime bird of prey, more<br />
common in the North and Centre of Portugal.<br />
Small in size, it h<strong>as</strong> short, wi<strong>de</strong> and pointed wings,<br />
a<strong>da</strong>pted to hunting in closed places like forests,<br />
and it h<strong>as</strong> a long tail. The plumage on its belly is<br />
striped.<br />
It feeds on small birds, but because the female is<br />
larger than the male, whose size is equivalent to<br />
that of the turtle dove, the prey which it captures<br />
are bigger. Males and females follow their prey in<br />
rapid flights, capturing them by stretching out<br />
their legs.<br />
The sparrow hawk builds a new nest every year<br />
with twigs and small branches, preferably near<br />
the previous year’s nest. Breeding begins at the<br />
end of April, with the female laying around<br />
five eggs, and during the incubation period and<br />
the first <strong>da</strong>ys of the young’s life, the male is<br />
responsible for feeding the family. Later on,<br />
the young are fed by both parents. In this bird<br />
species, the adults are se<strong>de</strong>ntary but the young<br />
birds may migrate.
a quinta e a natureza<br />
a quinta e a natureza<br />
136 the quinta and nature the quinta and nature 137<br />
alvéola-cinzenta<br />
Motacilla cinerea<br />
On<strong>de</strong> po<strong>de</strong> ser observa<strong>da</strong> na <strong>Quinta</strong><br />
Junto à linha <strong>de</strong> água.<br />
Nidificação<br />
Possível.<br />
Muito fácil <strong>de</strong> i<strong>de</strong>ntificar pelo seu abdómen<br />
amarelo-vivo, dorso cinzento e, nos adultos,<br />
um pequeno babete negro, a alvéola-cinzenta<br />
é facilmente observável às primeir<strong>as</strong> hor<strong>as</strong><br />
<strong>da</strong> manhã.<br />
Tal como outr<strong>as</strong> alvéol<strong>as</strong>, abana<br />
constantemente a cau<strong>da</strong> — do género é a<br />
espécie que tem a cau<strong>da</strong> mais compri<strong>da</strong> e <strong>as</strong><br />
pat<strong>as</strong> mais curt<strong>as</strong> — e é possível observá-la<br />
junto a qu<strong>as</strong>e todos os cursos <strong>de</strong> água, dos<br />
pequenos ribeiros aos gran<strong>de</strong>s rios. É n<strong>as</strong><br />
margens que constrói o ninho, uma taça<br />
apruma<strong>da</strong> que po<strong>de</strong> ser encontra<strong>da</strong> em buracos<br />
<strong>de</strong> roch<strong>as</strong>, <strong>de</strong> pontes <strong>de</strong> pedra ou moinhos<br />
<strong>de</strong> água.<br />
O período <strong>de</strong> nidificação ocorre na Primavera<br />
po<strong>de</strong>ndo haver uma a du<strong>as</strong> postur<strong>as</strong> por ano.<br />
Ca<strong>da</strong> postura é composta por quatro a seis ovos<br />
e, <strong>de</strong>pois <strong>de</strong> 11 a 14 di<strong>as</strong> <strong>de</strong> incubação, n<strong>as</strong>cem<br />
<strong>as</strong> cri<strong>as</strong>, que fazem o primeiro voo cerca<br />
<strong>de</strong> du<strong>as</strong> seman<strong>as</strong> <strong>de</strong>pois.<br />
Trata-se <strong>de</strong> uma ave insectívora, que por vezes<br />
é vista a peneirar sobre a água, em busca<br />
<strong>de</strong> alimento.<br />
grey wagtail<br />
Motacilla cinerea<br />
Where to find it in the <strong>Quinta</strong><br />
Close to the water line.<br />
nesting<br />
Possible.<br />
E<strong>as</strong>ily i<strong>de</strong>ntified because of its bright yellow<br />
belly, grey back, and in the adults, because of the<br />
small black bib, the grey wagtail may be seen in<br />
the early hours of the <strong>da</strong>y.<br />
Just like other wagtails, it constantly wags its<br />
tail, but amongst the other species’ genres, it is<br />
the one with the longest tail and shortest legs.<br />
It can be seen close to most water courses, be it a<br />
small or large river. Nest building takes place on<br />
river banks and its nest h<strong>as</strong> the shape of an<br />
upright bowl, and can be found in holes in rocks,<br />
bridges or water mills.<br />
The nesting period is in the spring and there may<br />
be <strong>as</strong> many <strong>as</strong> two annual egg laying acts, each<br />
of four to six eggs. Incubation takes around 11 to<br />
14 <strong>da</strong>ys, after which the eggs hatch and the<br />
young are ready to take their first flight within<br />
the following two weeks.<br />
This is an insectivorous bird, which is sometimes<br />
seen hovering over the water in search of food.<br />
picapau-malhado<br />
Dendrocopus major<br />
On<strong>de</strong> po<strong>de</strong> ser observado na <strong>Quinta</strong><br />
N<strong>as</strong> zon<strong>as</strong> com árvores alt<strong>as</strong>,<br />
à excepção do limite Sul.<br />
Nidificação<br />
Confirma<strong>da</strong>.<br />
É o mais comum dos pica-paus, reconhecido<br />
pela plumagem branca e preta, com a parte<br />
inferior tr<strong>as</strong>eira vermelho-vivo, tendo o macho<br />
uma espécie <strong>de</strong> barrete vermelho. Para habitar<br />
escolhe florest<strong>as</strong> m<strong>as</strong> também parques e<br />
jardins. Quando lhe faltam <strong>as</strong> árvores não hesita<br />
em socorrer-se dos postes telefónicos para fazer<br />
o ninho.<br />
Espécie resi<strong>de</strong>nte em Portugal, ocorre em todo o<br />
território m<strong>as</strong> é mais comum no Centro e no Sul.<br />
Trata-se <strong>de</strong> uma ave trepadora, que procura<br />
na c<strong>as</strong>ca d<strong>as</strong> árvores os insectos <strong>de</strong> que se<br />
alimenta, chegando a <strong>de</strong>sc<strong>as</strong>car os troncos para<br />
<strong>de</strong> lá retirar <strong>as</strong> larv<strong>as</strong> com a aju<strong>da</strong> <strong>da</strong> sua língua<br />
viscosa. À dieta junta ain<strong>da</strong> sementes<br />
<strong>de</strong> conífer<strong>as</strong> e, oc<strong>as</strong>ionalmente, ovos e cri<strong>as</strong><br />
<strong>de</strong> outr<strong>as</strong> aves.<br />
A época <strong>de</strong> nidificação dá-se a partir <strong>de</strong> fins<br />
<strong>de</strong> Abril e <strong>da</strong> postura <strong>de</strong> cerca <strong>de</strong> seis ovos<br />
brancos resulta o n<strong>as</strong>cimento d<strong>as</strong> cri<strong>as</strong> <strong>de</strong>pois<br />
<strong>de</strong> 12 a 13 di<strong>as</strong>. Tanto a incubação dos ovos como<br />
a alimentação d<strong>as</strong> cri<strong>as</strong> é feita pelos dois<br />
progenitores. Para alimentar a prole, os adultos<br />
armazenam alimentos no bico dirigindo-se<br />
<strong>de</strong>pois para o ninho. À chega<strong>da</strong> batem<br />
vigorosamente com o bico na entra<strong>da</strong> do orifício,<br />
para que <strong>as</strong> cri<strong>as</strong> venham receber a refeição.<br />
De carácter reservado, na <strong>Quinta</strong> a sua presença<br />
é <strong>de</strong>tecta<strong>da</strong> sobretudo através do tamborilar<br />
na ma<strong>de</strong>ira e dos chamamentos agudos, uma<br />
espécie <strong>de</strong> «kiiick» que po<strong>de</strong> ser ouvido através<br />
do arvoredo.<br />
greater spotted woodpecker<br />
Dendrocopus major<br />
Where to find it in the <strong>Quinta</strong><br />
In are<strong>as</strong> where there are tall trees,<br />
except in the Southern boun<strong>da</strong>ry of the <strong>Quinta</strong>.<br />
nesting<br />
Confirmed.<br />
This is the most common woodpecker, recognised<br />
by its black and white plumage, with its bottom’s<br />
bright red section and the male’s red cap. Its<br />
favourite habitats are forests, parks and gar<strong>de</strong>ns.<br />
In the absence of trees for building its nest, it<br />
resorts to telephone posts.<br />
A resi<strong>de</strong>nt species in Portugal, it is found<br />
throughout the country, but mostly in the Central<br />
and Southern regions. As a creeping species, it<br />
looks for insects in trees’ bark, going <strong>as</strong> far <strong>as</strong><br />
shelling trunks from which it removes larva with<br />
its viscous tongue. Ad<strong>de</strong>d to its diet are the seed<br />
of coniferous trees and occ<strong>as</strong>ionally the eggs and<br />
young of other birds.<br />
Nest building starts at the end of April, with the<br />
hatching of the six eggs taking place 12 or 13 <strong>da</strong>ys<br />
later. Egg incubation and feeding of the young is<br />
shared between the two parents. To feed the<br />
family, adults store food in their beaks and then<br />
take it to their nests. On arrival, they peck<br />
violently at the orifice’s opening for the young to<br />
collect their meal.<br />
Of a reserved nature, the woodpecker’s presence<br />
in the <strong>Quinta</strong> is mainly <strong>de</strong>tected through its wood<br />
pecking sounds and acute callings that sound like<br />
a sort of “kiiick” which can be heard in the trees.
As aves e os anfíbios são um chamariz para a cobra-rateira.<br />
Birds and amphibians are a perfect attraction for the montepellier snake.<br />
Outros animais <strong>da</strong> <strong>Quinta</strong><br />
Às vári<strong>as</strong> espécies <strong>de</strong> aves que ocupam ou visitam<br />
a <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong>, junta-se ain<strong>da</strong> um<br />
conjunto <strong>de</strong> outros animais que reúne répteis,<br />
anfíbios — bo<strong>as</strong> pres<strong>as</strong> para algum<strong>as</strong> aves — e<br />
pequenos mamíferos.<br />
Ao p<strong>as</strong>sar junto dos limites <strong>da</strong> proprie<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> é fácil<br />
encontrar os buracos que <strong>as</strong> rapos<strong>as</strong> (Vulpes<br />
vulpes) escavam por baixo <strong>da</strong> cerca para entrar na<br />
proprie<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong>. Com a sua pelagem avermelha<strong>da</strong><br />
característica, orelh<strong>as</strong> gran<strong>de</strong>s e,<br />
frequentemente, ponta <strong>da</strong> cau<strong>da</strong> branca, este<br />
carnívoro está disseminado por todo o País sendo,<br />
em muit<strong>as</strong> regiões, o pre<strong>da</strong>dor dominante.<br />
Como tolera bem a presença humana, a<strong>da</strong>pta-se<br />
facilmente a vários tipos <strong>de</strong> habitats, com<br />
preferência por áre<strong>as</strong> em que se misturem zon<strong>as</strong><br />
agrícol<strong>as</strong> com terrenos <strong>de</strong> vegetação mais<br />
fecha<strong>da</strong> — situação que ocorre na <strong>Quinta</strong><br />
<strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong>.<br />
Other animals found in the <strong>Quinta</strong><br />
a quinta e a natureza<br />
the quinta and nature 139<br />
Ad<strong>de</strong>d to the various birds that inhabit or visit<br />
<strong>de</strong> <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong>, are other animals like<br />
reptiles, amphibians - good prey for some bird<br />
species — and small mammals.<br />
P<strong>as</strong>sing close to the property’s boun<strong>da</strong>ries, it is<br />
e<strong>as</strong>y to find the holes which the red foxes (Vulpes<br />
vulpes) dig un<strong>de</strong>r the fences. With their<br />
characteristic reddish fur, big ears and frequently<br />
white-tipped tail, this carnivore is found<br />
throughout the country, and is the dominating<br />
pre<strong>da</strong>tor in many regions. As it tolerates human<br />
presence quite well, it a<strong>da</strong>pts e<strong>as</strong>ily to various<br />
types of habitats, but prefers are<strong>as</strong> with a mix of<br />
agricultural land and <strong>de</strong>nsely vegetated grounds,<br />
such <strong>as</strong> those found in <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong>.<br />
The red fox is not very picky about food, feeding<br />
on small mammals like rabbits, birds, reptiles<br />
and amphibians. As rabbits do not abound in the<br />
<strong>Quinta</strong>, it must come here looking for shelter or<br />
to hunt small birds.
a quinta e a natureza<br />
a quinta e a natureza<br />
140 the quinta and nature the quinta and nature 141<br />
A raposa não é muito selectiva com o que come,<br />
alimentando-se <strong>de</strong> pequenos mamíferos como os<br />
coelhos, aves, répteis e anfíbios. Uma vez que na<br />
<strong>Quinta</strong> os coelhos não são muito abun<strong>da</strong>ntes,<br />
é <strong>de</strong> calcular que procure este território em busca<br />
<strong>de</strong> abrigo e para caçar pequen<strong>as</strong> aves.<br />
Animal <strong>de</strong> hábitos maioritariamente nocturnos,<br />
nem sempre é fácil observar a raposa, cujo<br />
período <strong>de</strong> ac<strong>as</strong>alamento vai <strong>de</strong> Dezembro a<br />
Fevereiro. Depois <strong>de</strong> uma gestação <strong>de</strong> 52 di<strong>as</strong>,<br />
n<strong>as</strong>cem <strong>as</strong> cri<strong>as</strong>, ceg<strong>as</strong> e <strong>de</strong> pelagem c<strong>as</strong>tanho-<br />
-escura. <strong>Os</strong> filhotes ficam com os pais até ao<br />
Outono, altura em que estão prontos para se<br />
tornar in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>ntes.<br />
Com dois tanques e a linha <strong>de</strong> água que a<br />
atravessa, a <strong>Quinta</strong> dá abrigo a vários anfíbios,<br />
dos quais se <strong>de</strong>stacam a rã-ver<strong>de</strong> (Rana perezi)<br />
e a salamandra-<strong>de</strong>-pint<strong>as</strong>-amarel<strong>as</strong> (Salamandra<br />
salamandra). Se a aproximação a qualquer um<br />
dos tanques existentes na <strong>Quinta</strong> for feita com<br />
precaução é possível observar vári<strong>as</strong> rãs em plena<br />
activi<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong>. A rã-ver<strong>de</strong> é o mais comum dos<br />
anfíbios nacionais, ocorrendo em to<strong>da</strong> a Península<br />
Ibérica e Sul <strong>de</strong> França, à excepção <strong>de</strong> algum<strong>as</strong><br />
áre<strong>as</strong> montanhos<strong>as</strong> com altitu<strong>de</strong>s superiores a<br />
2000 metros.<br />
De olhos salientes e cerca <strong>de</strong> 7 cm, esta espécie<br />
distingue-se <strong>da</strong> rã-ibérica pelos tímpanos, bem<br />
visíveis, colocados atrás dos olhos e pel<strong>as</strong><br />
manch<strong>as</strong> <strong>de</strong> pigmentação <strong>da</strong> pele. O dorso é<br />
esver<strong>de</strong>ado ou ac<strong>as</strong>tanhado, com manch<strong>as</strong><br />
escur<strong>as</strong>, sendo dividido por uma linha vertebral<br />
An animal which is most active at night and not<br />
always e<strong>as</strong>y to see, is the red fox, whose coupling<br />
se<strong>as</strong>on takes place between December and<br />
February. After a 52-<strong>da</strong>y gestation period, the<br />
blind young are born, covered with a <strong>da</strong>rk brown<br />
fur. The offspring stay with the parents until the<br />
autumn, when they are ready to be in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt.<br />
With two reservoirs and a waterline crossing its<br />
grounds, the <strong>Quinta</strong> is home to various<br />
amphibians, amongst which are the green frog<br />
(Rana perezi) and the fire-salaman<strong>de</strong>r<br />
(Salamandra salamandra). If one carefully<br />
approaches either of these reservoirs, it is<br />
possible to see these frogs in full activity. The<br />
green frog is the most common of all national<br />
amphibians, and can be found all over the Iberian<br />
Peninsula and the South of France, except<br />
in the mountainous are<strong>as</strong> with altitu<strong>de</strong>s<br />
above 2 000 metres.<br />
With protruding eyes and me<strong>as</strong>uring around<br />
seven centimetres, this species is distinguished<br />
from the Iberian green frog because of its ear<br />
drums, located behind the eyes and by the<br />
pigmentation spots on its skin. The greenish or<br />
brownish back h<strong>as</strong> <strong>da</strong>rk spots on it and is divi<strong>de</strong>d<br />
by a light green vertebral line. The abdomen is<br />
Alimentando-se <strong>de</strong> caracóis, insectos e vermes,<br />
o sapo-comum é um bom aliado dos agricultores.<br />
Feeding on snails, insects and worms, the common toad is a good farmers’ ally.
a quinta e a natureza<br />
a quinta e a natureza<br />
142 the quinta and nature the quinta and nature 143<br />
ver<strong>de</strong>-clara. O ventre é esbranquiçado, com<br />
manch<strong>as</strong> escur<strong>as</strong> <strong>de</strong> tamanho variável. Nesta<br />
espécie a fêmea é maior do que o macho, que tem<br />
um saco vocal <strong>de</strong> cor cinzenta que, quando não<br />
está inflado, aparece como uma prega <strong>de</strong> pele dos<br />
dois lados <strong>da</strong> boca.<br />
Entre Março e Julho, o macho atrai a fêmea<br />
através do coaxar, para <strong>da</strong>r início à reprodução.<br />
O macho abraça a companheira por trás e esta<br />
<strong>de</strong>posita entre 800 a 10 mil ovos em cachos que<br />
po<strong>de</strong>m pren<strong>de</strong>r-se à vegetação. Quando o calor<br />
<strong>de</strong> Verão aperta, estes animais que po<strong>de</strong>m chegar<br />
aos 10 anos <strong>de</strong> i<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong>, enterram-se na lama<br />
para se refrescar.<br />
whitish, with <strong>da</strong>rk spots of varying sizes. In this<br />
species, the female is larger than the male, which<br />
h<strong>as</strong> a grey vocal pouch, which when not inflated,<br />
looks like a skin cre<strong>as</strong>e that hangs on both si<strong>de</strong>s<br />
of its mouth.<br />
Between March and July, the male attracts<br />
the female with its croaking to initiate breeding.<br />
The male embraces the partner from behind and<br />
the latter <strong>de</strong>posits between 800 and 10 000 eggs<br />
in clusters, some of which may become attached<br />
to the vegetation. These animals may live up to<br />
10 years and in the heat of the summer, they bury<br />
themselves in the mud to cool themselves down.<br />
O tritão é um dos anfíbios presentes na <strong>Quinta</strong>.<br />
The newt is one of the amphibians found in the <strong>Quinta</strong>.<br />
A salamandra é fácil <strong>de</strong> reconhecer pelo fundo<br />
negro com band<strong>as</strong> e pint<strong>as</strong> amarel<strong>as</strong>. <strong>Os</strong> vários<br />
padrões funcionam como autênticos bilhetes <strong>de</strong><br />
i<strong>de</strong>nti<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> já que ca<strong>da</strong> animal tem um diferente.<br />
Um adulto me<strong>de</strong> cerca <strong>de</strong> 30 centímetros e<br />
alimenta-se <strong>de</strong> escaravelhos, formig<strong>as</strong>, aranh<strong>as</strong>,<br />
mosc<strong>as</strong>, mosquitos, lesm<strong>as</strong> e caracóis. Apesar<br />
do <strong>as</strong>pecto pacífico, os machos <strong>da</strong> espécie são<br />
territoriais e, se for necessário, lutam entre si para<br />
<strong>de</strong>fen<strong>de</strong>r os 100 metros quadrados do terreno que<br />
lhes pertence. Comum em todo o País m<strong>as</strong> mais<br />
abun<strong>da</strong>nte no Norte, a salamandra é o único<br />
anfíbio <strong>de</strong> reprodução ovovivípara existente em<br />
Portugal.<br />
The salaman<strong>de</strong>r is e<strong>as</strong>y to i<strong>de</strong>ntify with its <strong>da</strong>rk<br />
skin with yellow stripes and spots. The various<br />
patterns serve <strong>as</strong> i<strong>de</strong>ntity cards, since each<br />
animal h<strong>as</strong> a different one. An adult salaman<strong>de</strong>r<br />
me<strong>as</strong>ures around 30 centimetres and feeds on<br />
beetles, ants, spi<strong>de</strong>rs, mosquitoes, slugs and<br />
snails. Despite their peaceful appearance, the<br />
males are territorial and if necessary, fight<br />
between themselves to protect the 100 square<br />
metres which they own. Found throughout the<br />
country, but more abun<strong>da</strong>nt in the North, the<br />
salaman<strong>de</strong>r is the only amphibian with an<br />
ovoviviparous reproduction in Portugal.
a quinta e a natureza<br />
a quinta e a natureza<br />
144 the quinta and nature the quinta and nature 145<br />
Com cores que vão do amarelo ao c<strong>as</strong>tanho-<br />
-escuro, pele rugosa e verrug<strong>as</strong> salientes no dorso,<br />
o sapo-comum (Bufo bufo) é outro dos habitantes<br />
<strong>da</strong> <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong>. B<strong>as</strong>tante frequente<br />
em todo o País, esta espécie po<strong>de</strong> chegar aos 21<br />
centímetros. Embora tenha hábitos terrestres o<br />
sapo procura charcos ou braços <strong>de</strong> rios para se<br />
reproduzir, ocorrendo o ac<strong>as</strong>alamento <strong>de</strong> forma<br />
similar ao <strong>da</strong> rã ver<strong>de</strong>. Apesar do «mau <strong>as</strong>pecto», o<br />
sapo é um dos melhores amigos dos agricultores<br />
ao alimentar-se <strong>de</strong> insectos, caracóis e vermes.<br />
Entre os seus pre<strong>da</strong>dores estão vári<strong>as</strong> aves <strong>de</strong><br />
rapina, a cobra <strong>de</strong> água (Natrix maura) — <strong>de</strong><br />
possível ocorrência na <strong>Quinta</strong> — e a víbora (Vipera<br />
lat<strong>as</strong>tei).<br />
With colours that range from yellow to <strong>da</strong>rk<br />
brown, wrinkly skin and protruding warts on its<br />
back, the common toad (Bufo bufo) is another<br />
inhabitant of <strong>Quinta</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>São</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong>. Frequently<br />
seen all over the country, this species may grow<br />
up to 21 centimetres. Even though it h<strong>as</strong><br />
terrestrial habits, the common toad looks for<br />
ponds or river inlets to breed, with coupling acts<br />
similar to those of the green frog. Despite its “bad<br />
looks”, the common toad is one of the farmers’<br />
best friends <strong>as</strong> it feeds on insects, snails and<br />
worms. Amongst its pre<strong>da</strong>tors are various birds of<br />
prey, the viperine snake (Natrix maura) — which<br />
probably exists in the <strong>Quinta</strong> — and the venomous<br />
viper (Vipera lat<strong>as</strong>tei).<br />
Pre<strong>da</strong>dora <strong>de</strong> topo, a raposa é uma visita <strong>as</strong>sídua <strong>da</strong> <strong>Quinta</strong>.<br />
As a top pre<strong>da</strong>tor, the fox is an <strong>as</strong>siduous visitor to the <strong>Quinta</strong>.<br />
Uma d<strong>as</strong> espécies que mais se aproxima dos<br />
edifícios <strong>da</strong> <strong>Quinta</strong> é a lagartixa-do-mato<br />
(Psammodromus algirus) m<strong>as</strong>, como é muito<br />
sensível aos movimentos, torna-se difícil<br />
<strong>de</strong> observar. É a maior d<strong>as</strong> noss<strong>as</strong> lagartix<strong>as</strong><br />
— o corpo chega até aos nove centímetros sendo a<br />
cau<strong>da</strong> mais <strong>de</strong> meta<strong>de</strong> do corpo — e está presente<br />
em todo o território nacional. A<strong>da</strong>pta-se a qu<strong>as</strong>e<br />
todos os habitats m<strong>as</strong> é mais comum nos matos e<br />
bosques mediterrânicos, chegando a trepar a<br />
arbustos e árvores. Machos e fême<strong>as</strong> distinguem-<br />
-se facilmente já que o macho é mais robusto, tem<br />
a cabeça mais alta e possui a garganta e a parte<br />
lateral <strong>da</strong> cabeça pigmenta<strong>da</strong> <strong>de</strong> laranja ou<br />
vermelho. Por sua vez, a fêmea tem <strong>as</strong> linh<strong>as</strong><br />
branc<strong>as</strong> dorso-laterais que caracterizam a espécie<br />
mais evi<strong>de</strong>ntes. Apesar <strong>de</strong> ter escolhido a <strong>Quinta</strong><br />
para habitar, a lagartixa inclui-se na dieta <strong>de</strong><br />
vários dos animais que a frequentam: entre os<br />
seus pre<strong>da</strong>dores estão rapos<strong>as</strong>, aves <strong>de</strong> rapina<br />
e vári<strong>as</strong> espécies <strong>de</strong> cobr<strong>as</strong>.<br />
One of the species that is found closer to the<br />
buildings of the <strong>Quinta</strong> is the large<br />
psammodromus (Psammodromus algirus) but,<br />
because it is very sensitive to movement, it is<br />
difficult to see. This is our largest lizard, with its<br />
body me<strong>as</strong>uring up to nine centimetres and the<br />
tail occupying over half of the body. It can be<br />
found throughout Portugal. It a<strong>da</strong>pts to most<br />
habitats, but prefers Mediterranean thickets and<br />
woods, in some c<strong>as</strong>es climbing up shrubs and<br />
trees. It is e<strong>as</strong>y to distinguish the male from the<br />
female, <strong>as</strong> the male is more robust. Its head<br />
stands higher and its throat and the lateral<br />
section of its head h<strong>as</strong> orange or red<br />
pigmentation. In its turn, the female h<strong>as</strong> the<br />
species’ characteristic white lines more<br />
emphatically on its si<strong>de</strong>s and back. Even though<br />
the lizard chose to live in the <strong>Quinta</strong>, it is part of<br />
the diet of the various animals which live here. Its<br />
pre<strong>da</strong>tors inclu<strong>de</strong> the red fox, birds of prey and<br />
various snake species.
Lista d<strong>as</strong> espécies vegetais e animais <strong>da</strong> <strong>Quinta</strong><br />
List of plant and animal species in the <strong>Quinta</strong><br />
A rã-ver<strong>de</strong> fez dos tanques <strong>da</strong> <strong>Quinta</strong> o seu habitat.<br />
The green frog h<strong>as</strong> chosen the <strong>Quinta</strong>’s ponds <strong>as</strong> its habitat.<br />
Espécies vegetais Plant species<br />
<strong>Eucaliptos</strong><br />
E. albens<br />
E. amplifolia<br />
E. amyg<strong>da</strong>lina<br />
E. behriana<br />
E. benthamii<br />
E. largiflorens<br />
E. bicostata<br />
E. blakelyi<br />
E. bosistoana<br />
E. botryoi<strong>de</strong>s<br />
E. botryoi<strong>de</strong>s ssp. platicarpa<br />
E. brockwayi<br />
E. calophylla<br />
E. camaldulensis<br />
E. capitellata<br />
E. cinerea<br />
E. citriodora<br />
E. cornuta<br />
E. cosmophylla<br />
E. claudocalyx<br />
E. cneorifolia<br />
E. crebra<br />
E. <strong>da</strong>lrympleana<br />
eucalyptus<br />
E. albens<br />
E. amplifolia<br />
E. amyg<strong>da</strong>lina<br />
E. behriana<br />
E. benthamii<br />
E. largiflorens<br />
E. bicostata<br />
E. blakelyi<br />
E. bosistoana<br />
E. botryoi<strong>de</strong>s<br />
E. botryoi<strong>de</strong>s ssp. platicarpa<br />
E. brockwayi<br />
E. calophylla<br />
E. camaldulensis<br />
E. capitellata<br />
E. cinerea<br />
E. citriodora<br />
E. cornuta<br />
E. cosmophylla<br />
E. claudocalyx<br />
E. cneorifolia<br />
E. crebra<br />
E. <strong>da</strong>lrympleana
espécies vegetais e animais na quinta<br />
espécies vegetais e animais na quinta<br />
148 plant and animal species in the quinta plant and animal species in the quinta 149<br />
E. <strong>de</strong>albata<br />
E. <strong>de</strong>legatensis<br />
E. diversifolia<br />
E. dumosa<br />
E. dund<strong>as</strong>ii<br />
E. elata<br />
E. elaeophora<br />
E. eremophila<br />
E. eugenioi<strong>de</strong>s<br />
E. exserta<br />
E. ficifolia<br />
E. globulus subsp. globulus<br />
E. globulus subsp. mai<strong>de</strong>ni<br />
E. goniacalyx<br />
E. grandis<br />
E. gracilis<br />
E. gunnii<br />
E. x insizwaaensis<br />
E. haem<strong>as</strong>toma<br />
E. hemiphloia<br />
E. kirtoneana<br />
E. largiflorens<br />
E. elata<br />
E. leucoxylon<br />
E. pulchella<br />
E. longifolia<br />
E. longifolia var. turbinata<br />
E. macarthurii<br />
E. macrorhyncha subsp. macrorhyncha<br />
E. <strong>de</strong>albata<br />
E. <strong>de</strong>legatensis<br />
E. diversifolia<br />
E. dumosa<br />
E. dund<strong>as</strong>ii<br />
E. elata<br />
E. elaeophora<br />
E. eremophila<br />
E. eugenioi<strong>de</strong>s<br />
E. exserta<br />
E. ficifolia<br />
E. globulus subsp. globulus<br />
E. globulus subsp. mai<strong>de</strong>ni<br />
E. goniacalyx<br />
E. grandis<br />
E. gracilis<br />
E. gunnii<br />
E. x insizwaaensis<br />
E. haem<strong>as</strong>toma<br />
E. hemiphloia<br />
E. kirtoneana<br />
E. largiflorens<br />
E. elata<br />
E. leucoxylon<br />
E. pulchella<br />
E. longifolia<br />
E. longifolia var. turbinata<br />
E. macarthurii<br />
E. macrorhyncha subsp. macrorhyncha<br />
Junto à c<strong>as</strong>a, <strong>as</strong> glicíni<strong>as</strong> caem em cachos lil<strong>as</strong>es.<br />
Close to the house, the glycinia hang down in lilac bundles.
espécies vegetais e animais na quinta<br />
espécies vegetais e animais na quinta<br />
150 plant and animal species in the quinta plant and animal species in the quinta 151<br />
E. maculata<br />
E. marginata<br />
E. megacarpa<br />
E. melliodora<br />
E. microcarpa<br />
E. microcorys<br />
E. microtheca<br />
E. muelleriana<br />
E. nitens<br />
E. niti<strong>da</strong><br />
E. obtusiflora<br />
E. obliqua<br />
E. occi<strong>de</strong>ntalis<br />
E. oleosa<br />
E. ovata subsp. ovata<br />
E. paniculata<br />
E. pauciflora<br />
E. pellita<br />
E. piperita<br />
E. maculata<br />
E. marginata<br />
E. megacarpa<br />
E. melliodora<br />
E. microcarpa<br />
E. microcorys<br />
E. microtheca<br />
E. muelleriana<br />
E. nitens<br />
E. niti<strong>da</strong><br />
E. obtusiflora<br />
E. obliqua<br />
E. occi<strong>de</strong>ntalis<br />
E. oleosa<br />
E. ovata subsp. ovata<br />
E. paniculata<br />
E. pauciflora<br />
E. pellita<br />
E. piperita<br />
A bananeira marca presença junto ao núcleo edificado <strong>da</strong> <strong>Quinta</strong>.<br />
The banana tree is located next to the <strong>Quinta</strong>’s buildings.<br />
<strong>Os</strong> eucaliptos são <strong>de</strong>s<strong>de</strong> há um século o símbolo do lugar.<br />
Eucalyptus have been the <strong>Quinta</strong>’s symbol for a century.<br />
E. polyanthemos subsp. polyanthemos<br />
E. populifolia<br />
E. pulchella<br />
E. punctata<br />
E. racemosa<br />
E. regnans<br />
E. resinifera subsp. resinifera<br />
E. risdonii<br />
E. robusta<br />
E. rubi<strong>da</strong><br />
E. rudis<br />
E. sargentii<br />
E. sieberi<br />
E. saligna<br />
E. salubris<br />
E. eugenioi<strong>de</strong>s<br />
E. seeana<br />
E. si<strong>de</strong>roxylon<br />
E. racemosa<br />
E. smithii<br />
E. spatulata<br />
E. stellulata<br />
E. stricta<br />
E. stuartiana<br />
E. studleyensis<br />
E. t<strong>as</strong>manica<br />
E. tereticornis subsp. tereticornis<br />
E. trabutii<br />
E. urophylla<br />
E. viminalis subsp. viminalis<br />
E. viminalis var. racemosa<br />
E. viridis<br />
E. wandoo<br />
E. polyanthemos subsp. polyanthemos<br />
E. populifolia<br />
E. pulchella<br />
E. punctata<br />
E. racemosa<br />
E. regnans<br />
E. resinifera subsp. resinifera<br />
E. risdonii<br />
E. robusta<br />
E. rubi<strong>da</strong><br />
E. rudis<br />
E. sargentii<br />
E. sieberi<br />
E. saligna<br />
E. salubris<br />
E. eugenioi<strong>de</strong>s<br />
E. seeana<br />
E. si<strong>de</strong>roxylon<br />
E. racemosa<br />
E. smithii<br />
E. spatulata<br />
E. stellulata<br />
E. stricta<br />
E. stuartiana<br />
E. studleyensis<br />
E. t<strong>as</strong>manica<br />
E. tereticornis subsp. tereticornis<br />
E. trabutii<br />
E. urophylla<br />
E. viminalis subsp. viminalis<br />
E. viminalis var. racemosa<br />
E. viridis<br />
E. wandoo
espécies vegetais e animais na quinta<br />
espécies vegetais e animais na quinta<br />
152 plant and animal species in the quinta plant and animal species in the quinta 153<br />
Outr<strong>as</strong> espécies arbóre<strong>as</strong> e arbustiv<strong>as</strong><br />
Acácia-austrália Acacia melanoxylon<br />
Acácia-<strong>de</strong>-espig<strong>as</strong> Acacia longifolia<br />
Acácia-mimosa Acacia <strong>de</strong>albata<br />
Ácer-do-japão Acer palmatum<br />
Ameixeira dos jardins Prunus cer<strong>as</strong>ifera var.<br />
pissardii<br />
Árvore do Vinagre Tristania conferta<br />
Buxo Buxus sempervirens<br />
Camélia Camellia japonica<br />
Caliandra Inga pulcherrima<br />
Carvalho-alvarinho Quercus robur<br />
Carvalho-americano Quercus rubra<br />
Cedro-do-atl<strong>as</strong> Cedrus atlantica<br />
Cedro-do-buçaco Cupressus lusitanica<br />
Cedro-do-oregon Chamaecyparis lawsoniana<br />
Ciprestre-comum Cupressus sempervirens<br />
Escova-<strong>de</strong>-garrafa Callistemon lanceolatus<br />
Falsa-acácia Robinia pseudoacacia<br />
Falsa-árvore-do-incenso Pittosporum<br />
undulatum<br />
Folhado Viburnum tinus<br />
Gilbar<strong>de</strong>ira Ruscus aculeatus<br />
Ginkgo Ginkgo biloba<br />
Háquea-folha-<strong>de</strong>-salgueiro Hakea salicifolia<br />
Hibisco <strong>da</strong> Síria Hibiscus syriacus<br />
Lantana Lantana camara<br />
Laranjeira Citrus sinensis<br />
Magnólia Magnolia<br />
Melaleuca Melaleuca linerifolia<br />
Medronheiro Arbutus unedo<br />
Metrosi<strong>de</strong>ro ou árvore-<strong>de</strong>-fogo Metrosi<strong>de</strong>rus<br />
flori<strong>da</strong><br />
Murta comum Myrtus communis<br />
Olaia Cercis siliqu<strong>as</strong>trum<br />
Pinheiro-bravo Pinus pin<strong>as</strong>ter<br />
Pinheiro-manso Pinus pinea<br />
Sequóia Sequoia sempervirens<br />
Silv<strong>as</strong> Rubus ulmifolius<br />
Sobreiro Quercus suber<br />
Tuia Thuja plicata<br />
Tuia-maçã Thuja occi<strong>de</strong>ntalis<br />
other trees and bushes<br />
Australian blackwood Acacia melanoxylon<br />
Sydney gol<strong>de</strong>n wattle Acacia longifolia<br />
Silver wattle Acacia <strong>de</strong>albata<br />
Japanese maple Acer palmatum<br />
Purple leaf plum Prunus cer<strong>as</strong>ifera var. pissardii<br />
Brisbane box Tristania conferta<br />
Common box Buxus sempervirens<br />
Camelia Camellia japonica<br />
Red t<strong>as</strong>sel flower Inga pulcherrima<br />
English oak Quercus robur<br />
Northern red oak Quercus rubra<br />
Blue atl<strong>as</strong> ce<strong>da</strong>r Cedrus atlantica<br />
Mexican cypress Cupressus lusitanica<br />
Lawson’s cypress Chamaecyparis lawsoniana<br />
Mediterranean cypress Cupressus sempervirens<br />
Red bottlebrush bush Callistemon lanceolatus<br />
Black locust Robinia pseudoacacia<br />
Australian cheesewood Pittosporum undulatum<br />
Spring bouquet Viburnum tinus<br />
Butcher’s broom Ruscus aculeatus<br />
Ginkgo Ginkgo biloba<br />
Willow-leaved Hakea Hakea salicifolia<br />
Rose-of-Sharon Hibiscus Hibiscus syriacus<br />
Lantana Lantana camara<br />
Sweet Orange Citrus sinensis<br />
Magnolia Magnolia<br />
Cajeput tree Melaleuca linerifolia<br />
Strawberry tree Arbutus unedo<br />
Metrosi<strong>de</strong>ro Metrosi<strong>de</strong>rus flori<strong>da</strong><br />
Common myrtle Myrtus communis<br />
Jud<strong>as</strong> tree Cercis siliqu<strong>as</strong>trum<br />
Stone pine Pinus pin<strong>as</strong>ter<br />
Maritime pine Pinus pinea<br />
Redwood Sequoia sempervirens<br />
Elmleaf blackberry Rubus ulmifolius<br />
Cork oak Quercus suber<br />
Western redce<strong>da</strong>r Thuja plicata<br />
Northern white ce<strong>da</strong>r Thuja occi<strong>de</strong>ntalis<br />
Leveza. O vento levará <strong>as</strong> sementes do <strong>de</strong>nte-<strong>de</strong>-leão para longe.<br />
Lightness. The wind will blow the <strong>da</strong>n<strong>de</strong>lion seeds far away.<br />
Espécies herbáce<strong>as</strong><br />
Bambu Bambusa sp<br />
Canabraz Heracleum sphondylium<br />
Cebola-<strong>de</strong>-França Allium triquetum<br />
Cardo Galactites tomentosa<br />
De<strong>da</strong>leira Digitalis purpurea<br />
Dente-<strong>de</strong>-leão Taraxacum ekmanii<br />
Embu<strong>de</strong> Oenanthe crocata<br />
Erva-<strong>de</strong>-são-roberto Geranium robertianum<br />
Erva-gor<strong>da</strong> Arctotheca calendula<br />
Feto-ordinário Pteridium aquilinum<br />
Granza-brava Rubia peregrina<br />
Hera-trepa<strong>de</strong>ira He<strong>de</strong>ra ma<strong>de</strong>rensis subsp.<br />
iberica<br />
Hipericão-do-gerês Hypericum androsenum<br />
Jarro Zante<strong>de</strong>schia aethiopica<br />
Nariz-<strong>de</strong>-zorra Silene gallica<br />
Taráxaco Traxacum officinale<br />
Urtigão Urtica dioica<br />
Vinca Vinca difformis<br />
Violeta Viola riviniana<br />
Herbaceous species<br />
Bamboo Bambusa sp.<br />
Hogweed Heracleum sphondylium<br />
Three-cornered leek Allium triquetrum<br />
Boar thistle Galactites tomentosa<br />
Purple foxglove Digitalis purpurea<br />
Dan<strong>de</strong>lion Taraxacum ekmanii<br />
Hemlock water dropwort Oenanthe crocata<br />
Herb Robert Geranium robertianum<br />
Cape weed Arctotheca calendula<br />
Bracken fern Pteridium aquilinum<br />
Wild mad<strong>de</strong>r Rubia peregrina<br />
Climbing ivy He<strong>de</strong>era ma<strong>de</strong>rensis subsp. iberica<br />
St. John’s wort Hypericum androsenum<br />
Calla lily Zante<strong>de</strong>schia aethiopica<br />
Small-flowered catchfly Silene gallica<br />
Common <strong>da</strong>n<strong>de</strong>lion Traxacum officinale<br />
Stinging nettle Urtica dioica<br />
Vinca Vinca difformis<br />
Common-dog violet Viola riviniana
espécies vegetais e animais na quinta<br />
154 plant and animal species in the quinta<br />
Espécies animais<br />
Ocorrem na zona do Eixo e na própria <strong>Quinta</strong> —<br />
algum<strong>as</strong> apen<strong>as</strong> pontualmente.<br />
<strong>Aves</strong><br />
Família Accipitri<strong>da</strong>e<br />
Milhafre preto Milvus migrans<br />
Gavião Accipiter nisus<br />
Águia-<strong>de</strong>-<strong>as</strong>a-redon<strong>da</strong> Buteo buteo<br />
Família Falconi<strong>da</strong>e<br />
Peneireiro Falco tinnunculus<br />
Família Columbi<strong>da</strong>e<br />
Pombo-d<strong>as</strong>-roch<strong>as</strong>/Doméstico Columba livia<br />
Pombo-torcaz Columba palumbus<br />
Rola-turca Streptopelia <strong>de</strong>caocto<br />
Rola-brava Streptopelia turtur<br />
Seixa Columba oen<strong>as</strong><br />
Família Cuculi<strong>da</strong>e<br />
Cuco Cuculus canorus<br />
Família Ciconnii<strong>da</strong>e<br />
Cegonha branca Ciconia ciconia<br />
Família Apodi<strong>da</strong>e<br />
Andorinhão-preto Apus apus<br />
Animal species<br />
Found in Eixo and in the <strong>Quinta</strong> — some of these<br />
species are only seen occ<strong>as</strong>ionally.<br />
Birds<br />
accipitri<strong>da</strong>e family<br />
Black kite Milvus migrans<br />
Sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus<br />
Buzzard Buteo buteo<br />
Falconi<strong>da</strong>e family<br />
Kestrel Falco tinnunculus<br />
Columbi<strong>da</strong>e family<br />
Rock dove Columba livia<br />
Wood pigeon Columba palumbus<br />
Collared dove Streptopelia <strong>de</strong>caocto<br />
Turtle dove Streptopelia turtur<br />
Stock dove Columba oen<strong>as</strong><br />
Cuculi<strong>da</strong>e family<br />
Common cuckoo Cuculus canorus<br />
Ciconnii<strong>da</strong>e family<br />
White stork Ciconia ciconia<br />
apodi<strong>da</strong>e family<br />
Common swift Apus apus<br />
O gafanhoto-ver<strong>de</strong> é um dos insectos que habitam a <strong>Quinta</strong>.<br />
The green gr<strong>as</strong>shopper is one of the insects that live in the <strong>Quinta</strong>.
espécies vegetais e animais na quinta<br />
espécies vegetais e animais na quinta<br />
156 plant and animal species in the quinta plant and animal species in the quinta 157<br />
Na teia construí<strong>da</strong> no meio dos ramos, a aranha<br />
aguar<strong>da</strong> pacientemente a sua presa.<br />
The spi<strong>de</strong>r patiently waits for its prey in the cobweb<br />
woven amidst the branches.<br />
O sardão é o maior lagarto <strong>da</strong> Península Ibérica.<br />
The green lizard is the largest living in the Iberian Peninsula.<br />
Família Hirundini<strong>da</strong>e<br />
Andorinha-d<strong>as</strong>-barreir<strong>as</strong> Riparia riparia<br />
Andorinha-d<strong>as</strong>-chaminés Hirundo rustica<br />
Andorinha-dos-beirais Delichon urbicum<br />
Família Upupi<strong>da</strong>e<br />
Poupa Upupa epops<br />
Família Pici<strong>da</strong>e<br />
Peto-real Picus viridis<br />
Pica-pau-malhado Dendrocopus major<br />
Família Motacilli<strong>da</strong>e<br />
Alvéola-cinzenta Motacilla cinerea<br />
Alvéola-branca Motacilla alba<br />
Petinha-dos-prados Anthus pratensis<br />
Família Troglodyti<strong>da</strong>e<br />
Carriça Troglodytes troglodytes<br />
Família Turdi<strong>da</strong>e<br />
Pisco-<strong>de</strong>-peito-ruivo Erithacus rubecula<br />
Rabirruivo Phoenicurus ochruros<br />
Melro Turdus merula<br />
Tordo-pinto Turdus philomelos<br />
Hirundini<strong>da</strong>e family<br />
Bank swallow Riparia riparia<br />
Barn swallow Hirundo rustica<br />
House Martin Delichon urbicum<br />
upupi<strong>da</strong>e family<br />
Hoopoe Upupa epops<br />
pici<strong>da</strong>e family<br />
Green woodpecker Picus viridis<br />
Greater spotted woodpecker Dendrocopus major<br />
Motacilli<strong>da</strong>e family<br />
Grey wagtail Motacilla cinerea<br />
White wagtail Motacilla alba<br />
Meadow pipit Anthus pratensis<br />
Troglodyti<strong>da</strong>e family<br />
Winter wren Troglodytes troglodytes<br />
Turdi<strong>da</strong>e family<br />
Robin Erithacus rubecula<br />
Black redstart Phoenicurus ochruros<br />
Blackbird Turdus merula<br />
Song thrush Turdus philomelos
espécies vegetais e animais na quinta<br />
espécies vegetais e animais na quinta<br />
158 plant and animal species in the quinta plant and animal species in the quinta 159<br />
Família Sylvii<strong>da</strong>e<br />
Fuinha-dos-juncos Cisticola juncidis<br />
Toutinegra-<strong>de</strong>-barrete Sylvia atricapilla<br />
Toutinegra-dos-valados Sylvia melanocephala<br />
Felosinha Phylloscopus collybita<br />
Estrelinha-real Rugulus ignicapillus<br />
Família Aegithali<strong>da</strong>e<br />
Chapim-rabilongo Aegithalos cau<strong>da</strong>tus<br />
Família Pari<strong>da</strong>e<br />
Chapim-<strong>de</strong>-poupa Parus cristatus<br />
Chapim-carvoeiro Parus ater<br />
Chapim-azul Parus caeruleus<br />
Chapim-real Parus major<br />
Família Certhii<strong>da</strong>e<br />
Trepa<strong>de</strong>ira-comum Certhia brachy<strong>da</strong>ctyla<br />
Família Corvi<strong>da</strong>e<br />
Gaio Garrulus glan<strong>da</strong>rius<br />
Gralha-preta Corvus corone<br />
Pega Pica pica<br />
sylvii<strong>da</strong>e family<br />
Fan-tailed warbler Cisticola juncidis<br />
Blackcap warbler Sylvia atricapilla<br />
Sardinian warbler Sylvia melanocephala<br />
Common chiffchaff Phylloscopus collybita<br />
Firecrest Rugulus ignicapillus<br />
aegithali<strong>da</strong>e family<br />
Long-tailed tit Aegithalos cau<strong>da</strong>tus<br />
pari<strong>da</strong>e family<br />
Crested tit Parus cristatus<br />
Coal tit Parus ater<br />
Blue tit Parus caeruleus<br />
Great tit Parus major<br />
Certhii<strong>da</strong>e family<br />
Short-toed tree creeper Certhia brachy<strong>da</strong>ctyla<br />
Corvi<strong>da</strong>e family<br />
Jay Garrulus glan<strong>da</strong>rius<br />
Carrion crow Corvus corone<br />
Magpie Pica pica<br />
A chaminé <strong>da</strong> c<strong>as</strong>a é refúgio para a coruja-d<strong>as</strong>-torres.<br />
The house’s chimney is the shelter for the barn owl.<br />
Família Sturni<strong>da</strong>e<br />
Estorninho-preto Sturnus unicolor<br />
Família P<strong>as</strong>seri<strong>da</strong>e<br />
Par<strong>da</strong>l P<strong>as</strong>ser domesticus<br />
Família Fringlli<strong>da</strong>e<br />
Tentilhão Fringilia coelebs<br />
Milheirinha Serinus serinus<br />
Verdilhão-comum Carduelis chloris<br />
Pint<strong>as</strong>silgo Carduelis carduelis<br />
Família Ananti<strong>da</strong>e<br />
Pato-real An<strong>as</strong> platyrhynchos<br />
Família Caprimulgi<strong>da</strong>e<br />
Noitibó-cinzento Caprimulgus europaeus<br />
Família Tytoni<strong>da</strong>e<br />
Coruja-d<strong>as</strong>-torrres Tyto alba<br />
Família Strigi<strong>da</strong>e<br />
Coruja-do-mato Strix aluco<br />
sturni<strong>da</strong>e family<br />
Spotless starling Sturnus unicolor<br />
p<strong>as</strong>seri<strong>da</strong>e family<br />
House sparrow P<strong>as</strong>ser domesticus<br />
Fringilli<strong>da</strong>e family<br />
Chaffinch Fringilia coelebs<br />
Serin Serinus serinus<br />
Greenfinch Carduelis chloris<br />
European goldfinch Carduelis carduelis<br />
ananti<strong>da</strong>e Family<br />
Mallard An<strong>as</strong> platyrhynchos<br />
Caprimulgi<strong>da</strong>e Family<br />
Nightjar Caprimulgus europaeus<br />
Tytoni<strong>da</strong>e Family<br />
Barn owl Tyto alba<br />
strigi<strong>da</strong>e Family<br />
Tawny owl Strix aluco
espécies vegetais e animais na quinta<br />
espécies vegetais e animais na quinta<br />
160 plant and animal species in the quinta plant and animal species in the quinta 161<br />
Anfíbios<br />
Rã-ver<strong>de</strong> Rana perezi<br />
Rela Hyla arborea<br />
Salamandra-<strong>de</strong>-pint<strong>as</strong>-amarel<strong>as</strong> Salamandra<br />
salamandra<br />
Sapo-comum Bufo bufo<br />
Tritão-<strong>de</strong>-ventre-laranja Triturus boscai<br />
Tritão-marmorado Triturus marmoratus<br />
Crustáceos<br />
Lagostim-<strong>de</strong>-água-doce Procambarus clarkii<br />
Mamíferos<br />
Coelho-bravo Oryctolagus cuniculus<br />
Doninha Mustela nivalis<br />
Fuinha Martes foina<br />
Geneta Genetta genetta<br />
Morcego Rhinolophus sp.<br />
Musaranho-<strong>de</strong>-<strong>de</strong>ntes-vermelhos Sorex<br />
granarius<br />
Musaranho-<strong>de</strong>-<strong>de</strong>ntes-brancos Crocidura<br />
russula<br />
Ouriço-cacheiro Erinaceus europaeus<br />
Raposa Vulpes vulpes<br />
Ratazana Rattus norvegicus<br />
Rato-do-campo Apo<strong>de</strong>mus sylvaticus<br />
Rato-do-campo-<strong>de</strong>-rabo-curto Microtus agrestis<br />
Rato-c<strong>as</strong>eiro Mus domesticus<br />
Rato-cego Microtus lusitanicus<br />
Rato-d<strong>as</strong>-hort<strong>as</strong> Mus spretus<br />
Rato-preto Rattus rattus<br />
Texugo Meles meles<br />
Toupeira Talpa occi<strong>de</strong>ntalis<br />
amphibians<br />
Green frog Rana perezi<br />
European tree frog Hyla arborea<br />
Fire salaman<strong>de</strong>r Salamandra salamandra<br />
Common toad Bufo bufo<br />
Iberian newt Triturus boscai<br />
Marbled newt Triturus marmoratus<br />
Crustaceans<br />
Freshwater crayfish Procambarus clarkii<br />
Mammals<br />
European rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus<br />
Le<strong>as</strong>t we<strong>as</strong>el Mustela nivalis<br />
Beech marten Martes foina<br />
Common genet Genetta genetta<br />
Bat Rhinolophus sp.<br />
Iberian shrew Sorex granarius<br />
Greater white-toothed shrew Crocidura russula<br />
Hedgehog Erinaceus europaeus<br />
Red fox Vulpes vulpes<br />
Brown rat Rattus norvegicus<br />
Long-tailed field mouse Apo<strong>de</strong>mus sylvaticus<br />
Field vole Microtus agrestis<br />
House mouse Mus domesticus<br />
Lusitanian pine vole Microtus lusitanicus<br />
Algerian mouse Mus spretus<br />
Black rat Rattus rattus<br />
Eur<strong>as</strong>ian badger Meles meles<br />
Iberian mole Talpa occi<strong>de</strong>ntalis<br />
Répteis<br />
Cobra-<strong>de</strong>-esca<strong>da</strong> Elaphe scalaris<br />
Cobra-rateira Malpolon monspessulanus<br />
Cobra-<strong>de</strong>-água-viperina Natrix maura<br />
Cobra-<strong>de</strong>-água-<strong>de</strong>-colar Natrix natrix<br />
Fura-p<strong>as</strong>tos Chalci<strong>de</strong>s striatus<br />
Lagarto Lacerta lepi<strong>da</strong><br />
Lagarto-<strong>de</strong>-água Lacerta schreiberi<br />
Lagartixa-ibérica Po<strong>da</strong>rcis hispanica<br />
Lagartixa-do-mato Psammodromus algirus<br />
reptiles<br />
Lad<strong>de</strong>r snake Elaphe scalaris<br />
Montpellier snake Malpolon monspessulanus<br />
Viperine snake Natrix maura<br />
Gr<strong>as</strong>s snake Natrix natrix<br />
Western three-toed skink Chalci<strong>de</strong>s striatus<br />
Ocellated lizard Lacerta lepi<strong>da</strong><br />
Schreiber’s green lizard Lacerta schreiberi<br />
Iberian wall lizard Po<strong>da</strong>rcis hispanica<br />
Large psammodromus Psammodromus algirus