Parafuso de esteira
Parafuso de esteira
Parafuso de esteira
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<strong>Parafuso</strong> <strong>de</strong> Esteira<br />
Bolt-Track<br />
Projetados com cabeça sextavada abaulada reforçada;<br />
Sistema exclusivo <strong>de</strong> aperto;<br />
Endurecidos por meio <strong>de</strong> um processo <strong>de</strong> tratamento térmico por indução para ir <strong>de</strong> encontro<br />
ou exce<strong>de</strong>r a dureza do parafuso permitindo fácil instalação e remoção <strong>de</strong> sapatas.<br />
Superam as especificações da classe 8 SAE quanto a resistência a tração e à carga <strong>de</strong> prova, e a<br />
resistência a tração mínima <strong>de</strong> 170.000 psi.<br />
Porcas quadradas endurecidas e com tratamento térmico por indução para ir <strong>de</strong> encontro ou<br />
exce<strong>de</strong>r a dureza do parafuso permitindo fácil instalação e remoção <strong>de</strong> sapatas.<br />
It is <strong>de</strong>signed with curved strengthened hexagon head;<br />
It has an exclusive tighten system;<br />
The bolt is toughened by a heat treatment induction process to reach the OEM<br />
requirementis and to facilitate the install and removal of the shoes;<br />
It is over the 8 SAE class requirements regarding the tension resistance, bur<strong>de</strong>n tighten and<br />
the minimun tension resistance of 170.000 psi;<br />
The nut track is toughened by a heat treatment induction process to reach the OEM<br />
requirementis and to facilitate the install and removal of the shoes.<br />
4I7538<br />
5I6125<br />
9W3619<br />
9W3361<br />
6Y0846<br />
9W3361<br />
<strong>Parafuso</strong><br />
Bolt<br />
Porca<br />
Nut Truck<br />
<strong>Parafuso</strong><br />
Bolt<br />
Porca<br />
Nut Track<br />
<strong>Parafuso</strong><br />
Bolt<br />
Porca<br />
Nut Truck<br />
4K7038<br />
7K2017<br />
7H3597<br />
1M1408<br />
1S1859<br />
1S1860<br />
<strong>Parafuso</strong><br />
Bolt<br />
Porca<br />
Nut Truck<br />
<strong>Parafuso</strong><br />
Bolt<br />
Porca<br />
Nut Truck<br />
<strong>Parafuso</strong><br />
Bolt<br />
Porca<br />
Nut Truck<br />
6V1723<br />
2S2140<br />
7H3599<br />
2S2140<br />
2M5657<br />
1S6421<br />
<strong>Parafuso</strong><br />
Bolt<br />
Porca<br />
Nut Truck<br />
<strong>Parafuso</strong><br />
Bolt<br />
Porca<br />
Nut Truck<br />
<strong>Parafuso</strong><br />
Bolt<br />
Porca<br />
Nut Truck<br />
6Y9024<br />
9W4381<br />
<strong>Parafuso</strong><br />
Bolt<br />
Porca<br />
Nut Truck<br />
7H3598<br />
1S1860<br />
<strong>Parafuso</strong><br />
Bolt<br />
Porca<br />
Nut Truck<br />
7T1000<br />
598221<br />
<strong>Parafuso</strong><br />
Bolt<br />
Porca<br />
Nut Truck
Núm ero da<br />
Peça<br />
<strong>Parafuso</strong>s <strong>de</strong> Esteira / Polegadas<br />
Mo<strong>de</strong>lo<br />
Tam anho da<br />
Ros ca (pol -<br />
TPI)<br />
Com pr. Do<br />
Paraf. Pol<br />
4K7038 D4 9/16 1. 5/8<br />
7K2017 D4 9/16 PORCA<br />
7H3597 D4 5/8 2. 3/32<br />
1M1408 D4 5/8 PORCA<br />
1S1859 D6,D7 3/4 2. 5/32<br />
1S1860 D6,D7 3/4 PORCA<br />
7H3598 D8H,D8K 3/4 2. 13/32<br />
1S1860 D8H,D8K 3/4 PORCA<br />
6V1723 D8T,D8N,D8R,D8L 7/8 3. 1/2<br />
2S2140 D8T,D8N,D8R,D8L 7/8 PORCA<br />
7H3599 D7R,D7H,D8 7/8 2. 17/32<br />
2S2140 D7R,D7H,D8 7/8 PORCA<br />
2M5657 D9 1 2. 15/16<br />
1S6421 D9 1 PORCA<br />
7T1000 D10T/R/N 1 1/8 3. 3/4<br />
598221 D10T/R/N 1 1/8 PORCA<br />
Número da<br />
Peça<br />
<strong>Parafuso</strong>s <strong>de</strong> Esteira / Métrico<br />
Mo<strong>de</strong>lo<br />
Tamanho da<br />
Rosca (dia x<br />
passo)<br />
Compr. Do<br />
Paraf. (mm)<br />
4I7538 311,312 M16 46mm<br />
5I6125 311,312 M16 PORCA<br />
9W3619<br />
315,317,318,319,320,321,322<br />
M20<br />
55mm<br />
9W3361 315,317,318,319,320,321,322 M20 PORCA<br />
6Y0846<br />
9W3361<br />
317,318,319,320,321,322,320S,325 M20<br />
317,318,319,320,321,322,320S,325 M20<br />
68mm<br />
PORCA<br />
6Y9024 330,345,350,D6R M22 67mm<br />
9W4381 330,345,350,D6R M22 PORCA