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<strong>CONSELHO</strong> <strong>DE</strong> <strong>RECURSOS</strong> <strong>DA</strong> PREVIDÊNCIA <strong>SOCIAL</strong><br />

<strong>Primeira</strong> Câmara de Julgamento<br />

PAUTA <strong>DE</strong> JULGAMENTO<br />

Pauta de Julgamento dos recursos das sessões ordinárias a serem realizadas no curso do<br />

mês de SETEMBRO de 2011, na sede do Órgão, situada SAS - Q 4 - BL "K" - 8º<br />

AN<strong>DA</strong>R, Brasília, DISTRITO FE<strong>DE</strong>RAL, nas datas e horários a seguir mencionados,<br />

podendo, entretanto, nessa mesma sessão ou sessões subsequentes, serem julgados os<br />

processos adiados ou constantes de pautas já publicadas<br />

Dia 01/09/2011 a partir das 09:00 horas.<br />

Relator(a): JÚNIA COSTA<br />

NB: 0533.021.932-5 (SE) Interessados: INSS e MARLENE DOS SANTOS EVARISTO<br />

NB: 0071.153.511-6 (RJ) Interessados: INSS e ALICE NOEMIA PIRES<br />

NB: 0542.147.720-3 (ES) Interessados: INSS e <strong>DE</strong>OMAR JOSE PEREIRA<br />

NB: 0147.810.210-9 (SP) Interessados: INSS e MARCOS ANTONIO FERNAN<strong>DE</strong>S<br />

NB: 0153.629.211-4 (SP) Interessados: INSS e CICERO SEBASTIAO <strong>DA</strong> SILVA<br />

NB: 0515.371.692-5 (ES) Interessados: INSS e CENTRALFER CENTRAL <strong>DE</strong> FERRO<br />

LT<strong>DA</strong>.<br />

NB: 0144.414.191-8 (MG) Interessados: INSS e MARIA SOARES <strong>DE</strong> SOUZA<br />


NB: 0153.499.541-0 (BA) Interessados: INSS e TELMA ALMEI<strong>DA</strong> MELO<br />

NB: 0145.350.891-8 (PE) Interessados: INSS e RAIMUNDO EGIDIO FILOMENO<br />

NB: 0067.541.982-4 (SP) Interessados: INSS e CLAUDIO SORATO<br />

NB: 0139.194.131-1 (RJ) Interessados: INSS e MARIA <strong>DA</strong> PENHA SILVA E SILVA<br />

NB: 0101.924.271-7 (BA) Interessados: INSS e DURVAL CAMPOS <strong>DE</strong> JESUS<br />

NB: 0152.355.220-1 (RJ) Interessados: INSS e ADILSON RIBEIRO PINA<br />

NB: 0151.455.901-0 (RJ) Interessados: INSS e MARILENE DUQUE <strong>DE</strong> OLIVEIRA<br />

LEITE<br />

NB: 0147.961.051-5 (BA) Interessados: INSS e A<strong>DE</strong>LICIO FRANCISCO <strong>DE</strong> LIMA<br />

PT: 36254.000800/2010-76 (SP) Interessados: INSS e FAUSTINO <strong>DE</strong> SIQUEIRA<br />


NB: 0142.003.280-9 (SP) Interessados: INSS e AVELINO DONIZETE CARVALHO<br />

NB: 0149.392.500-5 (SP) Interessados: INSS e JOSE CARLOS <strong>DE</strong>LFINO PEREIRA<br />

PT: 36936.000920/2009-61 (MG) Interessados: INSS e MARINA GONÇALVES <strong>DE</strong><br />

JESUS<br />

PT: 35376.000553/2009-25 (SP) Interessados: INSS e EDSON GARCIA<br />

Dia 02/09/2011 a partir das 09:00 horas.<br />

Relator(a): JÚNIA COSTA<br />

NB: 0147.882.630-1 (SP) Interessados: INSS e ALTINO NOGUEIRA LIMA<br />

NB: 0147.727.552-2 (MG) Interessados: INSS e EDNEIA BALDI<br />

NB: 0150.988.931-8 (RJ) Interessados: INSS e PEDRO MARTINS <strong>DE</strong> OLIVEIRA<br />

NB: 0147.377.372-2 (SP) Interessados: INSS e ANA RITA <strong>DE</strong> ALMEI<strong>DA</strong> SANTOS<br />

NB: 0150.926.661-2 (SP) Interessados: INSS e MARIA APARECI<strong>DA</strong> <strong>DE</strong> SOUZA<br />

CASTRO<br />

NB: 0570.246.840-2 (SP) Interessados: INSS e MARLI FATIMA DOS SANTOS

NB: 0151.483.440-2 (ES) Interessados: INSS e MARIA <strong>DE</strong> SOUZA JESUS<br />

NB: 0521.250.751-7 (MG) Interessados: INSS e EVANIO PEREIRA <strong>DE</strong> SOUSA<br />

NB: 0146.940.000-3 (ES) Interessados: INSS e MARIA ROSA <strong>DE</strong> MOURA<br />


NB: 0123.110.090-4 (RS) Interessados: INSS e ELVIRA SCHERER<br />

NB: 0149.513.980-5 (CE) Interessados: INSS e MARIA DO SOCORRO SILVA<br />


NB: 0147.751.741-0 (RS) Interessados: INSS e OLGA RAQUEL GIMENEZ<br />


NB: 0152.591.611-1 (MG) Interessados: INSS e ANA MARIA RIBEIRO PAES<br />

NB: 0152.704.871-0 (SP) Interessados: INSS e GILSON GIMAIEL<br />

NB: 0148.896.310-7 (PB) Interessados: INSS e RAIMUN<strong>DA</strong> MOTA <strong>DE</strong> ALMEI<strong>DA</strong><br />

NB: 0148.402.321-5 (RN) Interessados: INSS e LINDINALVA MARROQUE <strong>DE</strong><br />

ARRU<strong>DA</strong><br />

NB: 0150.966.831-1 (MG) Interessados: INSS e JENIFFER <strong>DE</strong> PAULA GOMES<br />

NB: 0539.663.971-3 (ES) Interessados: INSS e EDIMILSON BELIZARIO <strong>DA</strong> SILVA<br />

NB: 0541.076.280-7 (MG) Interessados: INSS e GABRIEL CANEDO VINHAL<br />

NB: 0151.005.651-0 (SP) Interessados: INSS e GILENO NUNES <strong>DE</strong> MENEZES<br />

NB: 0153.548.031-6 (SP) Interessados: INSS e WALTER FERREIRA <strong>DA</strong> SILVA<br />

NB: 0126.639.871-3 (CE) Interessados: INSS e BEATRIZ MORAES MACHADO<br />

NB: 0152.704.741-2 (SP) Interessados: INSS e NIVALDO PEREIRA DOS SANTOS<br />

NB: 0149.554.451-3 (SP) Interessados: INSS e JOAO PAULO <strong>DA</strong> SILVA NETO<br />

NB: 0543.138.941-2 (CE) Interessados: INSS e ANTONIO SERGIO SOUZA<br />

NB: 0153.230.740-0 (CE) Interessados: INSS e DOMITILIA NONATO SAMPAIO<br />

NB: 0147.812.151-0 (SP) Interessados: INSS e CLAUDINEI APARECIDO<br />


Dia 05/09/2011 a partir das 09:00 horas.<br />

Relator(a): JÚNIA COSTA<br />

NB: 0153.675.340-5 (PR) Interessados: INSS e VILMA TORTOLA <strong>DA</strong> SILVA<br />

NB: 0150.676.971-0 (SP) Interessados: INSS e DIVA MARCHINI FERNAN<strong>DE</strong>S<br />

NB: 0151.382.490-0 (RJ) Interessados: INSS e JOAO PEREIRA DOS SANTOS<br />

NB: 0147.961.400-6 (BA) Interessados: INSS e NARCISO NUNES DOS SANTOS<br />

NB: 0144.455.172-5 (PE) Interessados: INSS e MANASSES INACIO TORRES<br />

NB: 0149.944.571-4 (SP) Interessados: INSS e JOAO TIUBA<br />

NB: 0150.447.900-6 (GO) Interessados: INSS e EFIGENIA CONCEIÇAO <strong>DE</strong> JESUS<br />

NB: 0536.940.142-6 (GO) Interessados: INSS e OSVALDO JOAQUIM <strong>DA</strong> SILVA<br />

NB: 0147.990.430-6 (PE) Interessados: INSS e AMARA COELHO <strong>DA</strong> SILVEIRA<br />

NB: 0131.297.921-3 (RJ) Interessados: INSS e CARLOS HENRIQUE SILVA ARAUJO<br />

NB: 0149.793.771-7 (BA) Interessados: INSS e JANIVALDO FRANCISCO BARBOSA<br />

NB: 0532.761.970-9 (MG) Interessados: INSS e VAL<strong>DE</strong>LINO AZEVEDO SILVA<br />

NB: 0149.144.231-7 (BA) Interessados: INSS e A<strong>DE</strong>RBAL GILSON VIEIRA <strong>DE</strong><br />


NB: 0151.243.720-1 (ES) Interessados: INSS e MARIZETE ASSIS <strong>DA</strong> SILVA<br />

NB: 0141.315.812-6 (MG) Interessados: INSS e <strong>DA</strong>LILA FIRMINO <strong>DA</strong> SILVA<br />

NB: 0145.236.070-4 (SP) Interessados: INSS e ADRIANA APARECI<strong>DA</strong> REZEN<strong>DE</strong><br />

NB: 0149.133.681-9 (SP) Interessados: INSS e AL<strong>DE</strong>MIRO <strong>DA</strong> SILVA ROCHA<br />

NB: 0139.280.550-0 (PI) Interessados: INSS e CLAUDIA ADRIANA <strong>DE</strong> SOUSA SILVA<br />

LIMA<br />

NB: 0152.564.211-9 (SP) Interessados: INSS e FRANCISCO GOMES DOS SANTOS<br />

FILHO<br />

NB: 0147.847.330-1 (MG) Interessados: INSS e LUIZ JULIO VIEIRA <strong>DE</strong> CASTRO<br />

NB: 0103.599.260-1 (SP) Interessados: INSS e PAULO <strong>DE</strong> OLIVEIRA SOARES

NB: 0148.440.160-0 (SP) Interessados: INSS e JOSE ROBERTO RODRIGUES<br />

NB: 0150.210.252-5 (SP) Interessados: INSS e ANTONIO ISIDORO <strong>DA</strong>LA ANTONIA<br />

Dia 01/09/2011 a partir das 09:30 horas.<br />


NB: 0142.979.692-5 (CE) Interessados: INSS e ALBERTO CESAR RAUPP GURGEL<br />

NB: 0148.123.331-6 (SP) Interessados: INSS e HERMANDO OLIVEIRA PAULA<br />

NB: 0135.131.240-2 (RJ) Interessados: INSS e ARILFA MONTEIRO <strong>DA</strong> CUNHA<br />

ABREU<br />

NB: 0150.769.381-5 (CE) Interessados: INSS e RAIMUN<strong>DA</strong> NONATA <strong>DE</strong> MESQUITA<br />

SILVA<br />

NB: 0144.303.121-3 (MT) Interessados: INSS e ASTERIO BATISTA <strong>DE</strong> ARAUJO<br />

NB: 0146.930.131-5 (AM) Interessados: INSS e ROSELENE LOPES DOS SANTOS<br />

CORREA<br />

NB: 0300.488.811-6 (RJ) Interessados: INSS e ROSILEA DOS SANTOS<br />

PT: 37324.012438/2006-91 (SP) Interessados: INSS e EDJESUN LINS <strong>DE</strong><br />


NB: 0540.728.551-3 (BA) Interessados: INSS e JOSE PEREIRA LIMA<br />

NB: 0142.328.802-2 (MG) Interessados: INSS e APARECI<strong>DA</strong> <strong>DE</strong> JESUS OLIVEIRA<br />

ROCHA<br />

NB: 0144.613.082-4 (RJ) Interessados: INSS e JORGE RODRIGUES <strong>DA</strong> SILVA<br />

NB: 0145.878.990-7 (SP) Interessados: INSS e HUMBERTO MAPELLI<br />

NB: 0134.676.860-6 (RJ) Interessados: INSS e LENIR NAZARET WAN<strong>DE</strong>ROSCK<br />


NB: 0148.057.961-8 (BA) Interessados: INSS e NAIR AMENO <strong>DA</strong> SILVA<br />

NB: 0089.998.781-8 (RS) Interessados: INSS e LUBIA TEREZINHA FISCHER<br />


NB: 0144.028.650-4 (RJ) Interessados: INSS e MARIA <strong>DE</strong> FÁTIMA DO NASCIMENTO<br />

LOPES<br />

NB: 0533.269.991-0 (SP) Interessados: INSS e EURI<strong>DE</strong>S ARAUJO SILVA SANTOS<br />

NB: 0543.599.601-1 (SP) Interessados: INSS e ROSENEI<strong>DE</strong> HELENA <strong>DE</strong> SOUZA<br />

NB: 0152.562.570-2 (SP) Interessados: INSS e OSVALDIR APARECIDO<br />


NB: 0144.878.132-6 (MG) Interessados: INSS e PEDRO ASSIS FILHO<br />

PT: 37316.003782/2008-51 (SP) Interessados: INSS e IVONE POLEZE MAZZERO<br />

NB: 0146.826.461-0 (SP) Interessados: INSS e PAULO OSORIO SIVEIRA BUENO<br />

Dia 02/09/2011 a partir das 09:30 horas.<br />


NB: 0148.103.791-6 (RJ) Interessados: INSS e NEI<strong>DE</strong> BARROS PAIVA<br />

NB: 0146.713.640-6 (SP) Interessados: INSS e MARCOS CECILIO GONCALEZ <strong>DA</strong><br />

SILVA<br />

NB: 0514.296.781-6 (SP) Interessados: INSS e ANA MARIA <strong>DE</strong> OLIVEIRA TEIXEIRA<br />

NB: 0520.294.331-4 (SC) Interessados: INSS e ANA CLEIA <strong>DE</strong> JESUS<br />

NB: 0532.106.090-4 (SP) Interessados: INSS e MARIA MINERVINA DOS SANTOS<br />

LOPES<br />

NB: 0151.315.300-2 (SP) Interessados: INSS e <strong>DA</strong>RCI HORTOLANI<br />

NB: 0531.778.220-8 (PR) Interessados: INSS e NILZA APARECI<strong>DA</strong> MEIRA<br />

NB: 0537.378.431-8 (BA) Interessados: INSS e ALAN SILVA SANTANA<br />

NB: 0300.469.831-7 (PA) Interessados: INSS e ROSEMERY PRATA <strong>DE</strong> MIRAN<strong>DA</strong>/<br />

ERCILIO SEABRA <strong>DA</strong> SILVA

NB: 0152.505.691-0 (AM) Interessados: INSS e JACIREI<strong>DE</strong> DIAS DOS SANTOS<br />

NB: 0152.100.021-0 (SP) Interessados: INSS e RUTE PEREIRA <strong>DA</strong> SILVA<br />

NB: 0152.165.001-0 (SP) Interessados: INSS e CREUSA PILLA <strong>DE</strong>STER<br />

NB: 0146.253.841-7 (PA) Interessados: INSS e ODILA DO NASCIMENTO BEZERRA<br />

NB: 0144.186.571-0 (RJ) Interessados: INSS e JOSIELITA CASSIANO <strong>DA</strong> SILVA<br />

NB: 0144.968.051-5 (RS) Interessados: INSS e PEDRO NOLI <strong>DE</strong> CARVALHO<br />

NB: 0147.200.121-1 (SP) Interessados: INSS e ANTONIO FRANCISCO DOS<br />

SANTOS<br />

NB: 0131.755.851-8 (RJ) Interessados: INSS e EDUARDO LEVY CARDOSO<br />


NB: 0538.199.170-0 (SP) Interessados: INSS e MAURINA GOMES <strong>DE</strong> OLIVEIRA<br />

NB: 0538.951.251-7 (SP) Interessados: INSS e NATALIA LUZ EUGENIO ME<strong>DE</strong>IROS<br />

NB: 0115.695.052-7 (MG) Interessados: INSS e NADIR GONÇALVES BARBOSA<br />

NB: 0143.517.050-1 (PA) Interessados: INSS e JOSÉ GERALDO OLIVEIRA COSTA /<br />

ANA MARIA <strong>DE</strong> JESUS COSTA<br />

NB: 0138.198.800-5 (RJ) Interessados: INSS e <strong>DA</strong>MIAO GONÇALVES MAGALHAES<br />

NB: 0148.822.621-8 (SP) Interessados: INSS e JOSE BENEDITO <strong>DE</strong> ALMEI<strong>DA</strong><br />

PT: 35485.000522/2010-71 (SP) Interessados: INSS e <strong>DA</strong>VINO MUNHOZ <strong>DE</strong><br />


Dia 05/09/2011 a partir das 09:30 horas.<br />


NB: 0143.130.140-7 (SP) Interessados: INSS e PEDRO PEREIRA <strong>DA</strong> SILVA<br />

NB: 0150.425.111-0 (SP) Interessados: INSS e GERMANO JOSE GRAF<br />

NB: 0139.020.081-4 (MG) Interessados: INSS e LOUR<strong>DE</strong>S D'ASSUNÇÃO <strong>DE</strong> SENA<br />

COSTA<br />

NB: 0138.482.002-4 (SP) Interessados: INSS e APARECIDO RODRIGUES <strong>DA</strong> CRUZ<br />

NB: 0142.974.871-8 (SP) Interessados: INSS e MARIA FERREIRA MEDRADO<br />


NB: 0152.852.952-6 (BA) Interessados: INSS e NAIR MARIA MATOS<br />

NB: 0150.026.420-0 (RS) Interessados: INSS e MIGUEL WRZESINSKI<br />

NB: 0115.723.710-7 (SP) Interessados: INSS e A<strong>DE</strong>MIR CARLOS <strong>DE</strong> MELO<br />

NB: 0145.644.710-3 (SP) Interessados: INSS e JOSE RAIMUNDO <strong>DA</strong> SILVA<br />

NB: 0147.521.261-2 (PR) Interessados: INSS e ELISEU FRANCISCO <strong>DE</strong> ASSIS<br />

NB: 0152.819.600-4 (SP) Interessados: INSS e NEUZA MARIA <strong>DA</strong> SILVA SANTINON<br />

NB: 0508.214.691-9 (RS) Interessados: INSS e VILSON MARINO ALVES<br />

NB: 0151.420.861-7 (CE) Interessados: INSS e ROSIMEIRE <strong>DE</strong> SOUZA ARAUJO<br />

NB: 0538.208.831-0 (BA) Interessados: INSS e MARCO ANTONIO SANTOS <strong>DA</strong><br />

PAIXAO<br />

NB: 0143.295.711-0 (MG) Interessados: INSS e HOMERO ANTONIO DOS SANTOS<br />

NB: 0153.550.921-7 (SP) Interessados: INSS e ORLANDO JOSE FREIRE<br />

NB: 0147.764.520-6 (SP) Interessados: INSS e SIDNEI SANTOS <strong>DE</strong> OLIVEIRA<br />

NB: 0147.496.641-9 (SP) Interessados: INSS e JOSE RUBENS PEREIRA LIMA<br />

NB: 0151.927.961-0 (RJ) Interessados: INSS e FLAVIO CORREA CARVALHO<br />

NB: 0151.963.230-1 (CE) Interessados: INSS e FRANCISCO MONTEIRO FILHO<br />

NB: 0147.505.491-0 (CE) Interessados: INSS e EDSON ARAUJO LIMA<br />

NB: 0148.808.560-6 (RJ) Interessados: INSS e <strong>DA</strong>IANA ELANE <strong>DE</strong> SOUZA<br />

Dia 05/09/2011 a partir das 10:30 horas.<br />


NB: 0544.072.121-1 (RN) Interessados: INSS e FRANCISCA MARIA MOURA <strong>DA</strong><br />

CRUZ<br />

NB: 0539.692.691-7 (SP) Interessados: INSS e MARLENE <strong>DE</strong> SIQUEIRA REIS <strong>DE</strong><br />


NB: 0128.250.160-4 (PR) Interessados: INSS e DOUGLAS AFONSO VIEIRA LOPES<br />

NB: 0544.437.710-8 (SE) Interessados: INSS e LAYANNE ALMEI<strong>DA</strong> SANTOS<br />

NB: 0116.292.082-0 (RS) Interessados: INSS e ZIL<strong>DA</strong> MELO <strong>DA</strong><br />

FONSECA(SEG.INST.ANTONIO GOMES <strong>DA</strong><br />

NB: 0152.076.361-9 (RN) Interessados: INSS e MARIA <strong>DA</strong> GUIA <strong>DE</strong> ARAUJO<br />

NB: 0151.534.371-2 (SP) Interessados: INSS e ROSA SIQUEIRA <strong>DE</strong> QUEIROZ<br />

BRUNO<br />

PT: 36216.006990/2010-91 (SP) Interessados: INSS e <strong>DA</strong>NILO MARTINS DOS<br />

SANTOS<br />

NB: 0141.921.840-6 (CE) Interessados: INSS e JOÃO FREIRE RIBEIRO<br />

NB: 0143.186.771-0 (SP) Interessados: INSS e JORGE WALTER WO<strong>DE</strong>VOTZKY<br />

NB: 0151.359.140-9 (ES) Interessados: INSS e JOSE ZANEZII<br />

NB: 0150.846.970-6 (SP) Interessados: INSS e ANTONIO NILTON <strong>DA</strong> SILVA<br />

NB: 0136.033.101-5 (MG) Interessados: INSS e ANTONIO SOARES DOS SANTOS<br />

NB: 0543.644.601-5 (PR) Interessados: INSS e TANIA ZOLET BERNARTT<br />

NB: 0153.647.370-4 (BA) Interessados: INSS e <strong>DE</strong>LVINA ANDRA<strong>DE</strong> <strong>DE</strong> JESUS<br />

NB: 0300.506.131-2 (PR) Interessados: INSS e ANA A<strong>DE</strong>JANIRA FERREIRA NEIA<br />

NB: 0150.704.491-4 (PI) Interessados: INSS e MARCIANE SOUSA <strong>DE</strong> OLIVEIRA<br />

NB: 0151.707.200-7 (PR) Interessados: INSS e BENEDITO ANSELMO SERENA<br />

NB: 0148.174.581-3 (ES) Interessados: INSS e WILLES POLLY ROSA<br />

NB: 0149.121.031-9 (SP) Interessados: INSS e SALVADOR <strong>DE</strong> BRITO<br />

NB: 0151.179.400-0 (SP) Interessados: INSS e AMARO JOSE <strong>DA</strong> SILVA<br />

Dia 01/09/2011 a partir das 10:00 horas.<br />

Relator(a): NÁDIA <strong>DE</strong> CASTRO AMARAL FRANCO WALLER<br />

NB: 0147.945.901-9 (PE) Interessados: INSS e LAURINETE MARIA <strong>DA</strong> SILVA<br />

NB: 0150.696.900-0 (MG) Interessados: INSS e MARIA MA<strong>DA</strong>LENA MARQUES<br />


NB: 0146.672.090-2 (SP) Interessados: INSS e JOSE SIMAO DOS SANTOS FILHO<br />

NB: 0151.877.585-0 (SP) Interessados: INSS e JULIO VIEIRA MOTA<br />

NB: 0148.080.910-9 (MG) Interessados: INSS e ANTONIO LOURENÇO RIBEIRO<br />

NB: 0051.045.881-5 (MG) Interessados: INSS e WALMIR PECANHA<br />

NB: 0147.765.980-0 (SP) Interessados: INSS e DIVA <strong>DE</strong> OLIVEIRA DORTA<br />

NB: 0147.253.201-2 (DF) Interessados: INSS e ORLANDO GUIMARÃES CEZAR<br />

NB: 0140.006.712-7 (MG) Interessados: INSS e ANTONIO CARLOS JACINTO<br />

NB: 0151.206.160-0 (PA) Interessados: INSS e MARIA <strong>DE</strong> JESUS COHEN <strong>DE</strong> ALMEI<br />

<strong>DA</strong> / BENEDITO <strong>DE</strong><br />

NB: 0141.493.921-0 (AM) Interessados: INSS e LEONI<strong>DA</strong>S <strong>DA</strong> SILVA BRITO<br />

NB: 0152.603.081-8 (PE) Interessados: INSS e EDILSON JOSE <strong>DA</strong> SILVA<br />

NB: 0123.604.760-2 (MG) Interessados: INSS e ENIL<strong>DA</strong> APARECI<strong>DA</strong> SALES<br />

NB: 0132.776.481-1 (MG) Interessados: INSS e PAOLA PAULINO <strong>DE</strong> ASSIS<br />

BECKER<br />

NB: 0147.845.301-7 (MG) Interessados: INSS e LEONI<strong>DA</strong>S NOGUEIRA PRIMO<br />

NB: 0142.262.660-9 (RJ) Interessados: INSS e ILMA COUTINHO SOARES<br />

NB: 0142.819.132-9 (PR) Interessados: INSS e JOSE CARLOS LEMOS<br />

NB: 0543.576.501-0 (PB) Interessados: INSS e MARIA GORETTI MOUSINHO DOS<br />

SANTOS<br />

NB: 0149.214.681-9 (PR) Interessados: INSS e JORGE PEREIRA<br />

NB: 0149.297.291-3 (ES) Interessados: INSS e LIVIO BENEDITO GOMES

NB: 0129.794.832-4 (BA) Interessados: INSS e ANTONIO GUIMARÃES<br />

NB: 0142.784.451-5 (MT) Interessados: INSS e NEUZA PEREIRA REIS<br />

NB: 0534.321.481-5 (SP) Interessados: INSS e ADRIANA APARECI<strong>DA</strong> SANTANA<br />

NB: 0149.006.852-7 (RJ) Interessados: INSS e ZENITA VALA<strong>DA</strong>RES <strong>DE</strong> SOUZA<br />

NB: 0141.236.640-0 (BA) Interessados: INSS e ANA MARIA <strong>DA</strong> CONCEIÇÃO<br />

ADORNO<br />

Dia 02/09/2011 a partir das 10:00 horas.<br />

Relator(a): NÁDIA <strong>DE</strong> CASTRO AMARAL FRANCO WALLER<br />

NB: 0152.012.080-7 (SP) Interessados: INSS e SERGIO RICARDO ALVES<br />

NB: 0147.790.060-5 (PR) Interessados: INSS e ANTONIO <strong>DA</strong>S GRAÇAS LEMOS<br />

NB: 0147.423.601-1 (SP) Interessados: INSS e ERIVALDO DIAS DOS SANTOS<br />

NB: 0143.854.751-7 (PR) Interessados: INSS e ELCIO NASCIMENTO LOPES<br />

NB: 0152.604.391-0 (PI) Interessados: INSS e CARLOS ALBERTO PEREIRA <strong>DA</strong><br />

SILVA<br />

NB: 0151.554.690-7 (GO) Interessados: INSS e JAIRA MARTINS <strong>DA</strong> SILVEIRA<br />

NB: 0149.741.400-5 (BA) Interessados: INSS e ANA SOUZA SANTOS<br />

NB: 0143.452.602-7 (ES) Interessados: INSS e JESSICA DO MONTE ALMEI<strong>DA</strong><br />

NB: 0152.022.881-0 (SP) Interessados: INSS e GILDO CASTRO <strong>DA</strong> SILVA<br />

NB: 0536.903.910-7 (SC) Interessados: INSS e DIEGO EVALDO WERNKE<br />

NB: 0148.248.191-7 (RN) Interessados: INSS e MARIA VANUZA SILVA <strong>DE</strong> SOUZA<br />

NB: 0146.459.030-0 (MS) Interessados: INSS e VAN<strong>DE</strong>RLEI NOGUEIRA <strong>DA</strong> SILVA<br />

NB: 0153.052.800-0 (SP) Interessados: INSS e JOSE VIEIRA <strong>DA</strong> SILVA<br />

NB: 0134.896.791-6 (MG) Interessados: INSS e ANGELA MARIA CATARINA DOS<br />

REIS<br />

NB: 0139.402.030-6 (SP) Interessados: INSS e SEBASTIAO ALVES <strong>DA</strong> SILVA<br />

NB: 0141.224.461-4 (SP) Interessados: INSS e LUIZ ANTONIO TEODORO<br />

NB: 0150.084.690-0 (SP) Interessados: INSS e JURANDINO LISBOA <strong>DE</strong> JESUS<br />

NB: 0148.264.700-9 (SP) Interessados: INSS e IRENIO GREGORIO DOS SANTOS<br />

NB: 0048.839.250-0 (CE) Interessados: INSS e ANTONIA RODRIGUES <strong>DE</strong> SOUSA<br />

NB: 0151.301.721-4 (MG) Interessados: INSS e MARIA LUCIA MACHADO<br />

NB: 0147.338.821-7 (BA) Interessados: INSS e JOSENILTON MARQUES DOS<br />

ANJOS<br />

NB: 0151.530.471-7 (SP) Interessados: INSS e ANTONIO JUAREZ <strong>DE</strong>LAVY QUOOS<br />

NB: 0146.702.440-3 (RJ) Interessados: INSS e FATIMA <strong>DA</strong>RRIAUX <strong>DA</strong> SILVA<br />

NB: 0107.248.431-2 (SP) Interessados: INSS e IVAIR SILVA<br />

NB: 0151.674.830-9 (SP) Interessados: INSS e JOSE CLAUDIO AJONAS<br />

Dia 05/09/2011 a partir das 10:00 horas.<br />

Relator(a): NÁDIA <strong>DE</strong> CASTRO AMARAL FRANCO WALLER<br />

NB: 0051.567.311-0 (MG) Interessados: INSS e MARIA <strong>DE</strong> LOUR<strong>DE</strong>S NOGUEIRA<br />

<strong>DE</strong> OLIVEIRA<br />

NB: 0136.174.000-8 (SP) Interessados: INSS e GENESIO FORTUNATO <strong>DE</strong><br />


NB: 0139.008.451-2 (CE) Interessados: INSS e FRANCISCO EDUARDO ARAGAO<br />

CATUN<strong>DA</strong><br />

NB: 0138.755.620-4 (SP) Interessados: INSS e PAULO CESAR CAVALHEIRO<br />

NB: 0113.616.131-4 (BA) Interessados: INSS e BELARMINO <strong>DE</strong> CASTRO DOURADO<br />

NB: 0134.358.280-3 (MG) Interessados: INSS e JOSE ANTONIO MORAIS FILHO<br />

NB: 0150.969.561-0 (MG) Interessados: INSS e MARIA SILVANA MARTINS DUTRA<br />

NB: 0094.160.880-8 (MG) Interessados: INSS e JESUS SOARES <strong>DE</strong> OLIVEIRA

NB: 0148.960.411-9 (RS) Interessados: INSS e PEDRINHO MASSAROTTO<br />

PT: 36984.000944/2009-44 (MG) Interessados: INSS e MILTON <strong>DA</strong> MOTA PORTO<br />

NB: 0152.135.521-2 (PR) Interessados: INSS e SUELI MARIA DOS SANTOS<br />

NB: 0146.222.010-7 (SP) Interessados: INSS e <strong>DA</strong>ILTON DOS SANTOS<br />

NB: 0143.059.421-4 (SP) Interessados: INSS e JOSE APARECIDO PONCE<br />

NB: 0152.266.231-3 (ES) Interessados: INSS e JOSE MARCOS RODRIGUES<br />

NB: 0047.924.720-0 (SP) Interessados: INSS e FRANCISCO TENTOR<br />

NB: 0153.001.651-4 (ES) Interessados: INSS e TANIA MARA GARCIA PEREIRA<br />

NB: 0148.719.750-8 (SP) Interessados: INSS e ELIZEO <strong>DE</strong> OLIVEIRA ERVILHA<br />

NB: 0141.913.770-8 (SP) Interessados: INSS e LEONIL<strong>DA</strong> CANDIDO <strong>DE</strong> SOUZA<br />

NB: 0137.105.941-9 (MG) Interessados: INSS e MARIA <strong>DA</strong>S GRACAS NATIVI<strong>DA</strong><strong>DE</strong><br />

NB: 0542.234.641-2 (GO) Interessados: INSS e WASHINGTON RIBERTI MIRAN<strong>DA</strong><br />

NB: 0506.446.100-0 (GO) Interessados: INSS e ANA CLAUDIA <strong>DE</strong> SENA COSTA<br />

NB: 0535.156.540-0 (SP) Interessados: INSS e CELSO BARRETO <strong>DA</strong> SILVA<br />

NB: 0517.705.930-4 (MG) Interessados: INSS e MARIA <strong>DA</strong> GLORIA SILVA<br />

NB: 0151.371.904-9 (MG) Interessados: INSS e MARIA <strong>DE</strong> LOUR<strong>DE</strong>S HERCULANO<br />


NB: 0151.072.381-9 (SP) Interessados: INSS e TEREZINHA <strong>DE</strong> FATIMA SILVA<br />

ROCHA<br />

Dia 01/09/2011 a partir das 14:00 horas.<br />


NB: 0148.764.930-1 (SP) Interessados: INSS e NELIO <strong>DA</strong> SILVA<br />

NB: 0149.549.992-5 (SP) Interessados: INSS e SONIA REGINA ISSA UNE<br />

NB: 0152.044.870-5 (GO) Interessados: INSS e ANTONIO <strong>DE</strong> SOUZA MACHADO<br />

NB: 0150.526.342-2 (SP) Interessados: INSS e ADRIANO GOMES DOS SANTOS<br />

NB: 0147.727.832-7 (MG) Interessados: INSS e ANDRE GARCIA<br />

NB: 0150.995.081-5 (RS) Interessados: INSS e JOSE AL<strong>DE</strong>NI RAMOS MOYSES<br />

NB: 0147.200.400-8 (SP) Interessados: INSS e ANTONIO EUCLI<strong>DE</strong>S CAVALCANTI<br />

NB: 0152.158.291-0 (SP) Interessados: INSS e VALDIR PASSONI<br />

NB: 0136.249.381-0 (SP) Interessados: INSS e <strong>DE</strong>LCINO EVANGELISTA <strong>DE</strong><br />

ANDRA<strong>DE</strong><br />

NB: 0133.406.992-9 (SP) Interessados: INSS e WAN<strong>DE</strong>RLEY JÚLIO BARBOSA<br />

NB: 0147.926.810-8 (SP) Interessados: INSS e MARIA HELENA <strong>DE</strong> SOUZA<br />


NB: 0149.808.960-4 (MG) Interessados: INSS e ANTONIO EUSTÁQUIO<br />

NB: 0150.297.452-2 (CE) Interessados: INSS e CARMEZINA MARTINS LIMA<br />

NB: 0148.953.030-1 (RJ) Interessados: INSS e LUIZ VIANA JUNIOR<br />

NB: 0147.193.330-7 (SP) Interessados: INSS e EDSON ANTONIO FERREIRA<br />

NB: 0147.380.872-0 (SP) Interessados: INSS e ANTONIO EVANGELISTA <strong>DA</strong> SILVA<br />

NB: 0147.958.171-0 (SE) Interessados: INSS e ANTONIO JOSE CASTRO <strong>DE</strong><br />

ANDRA<strong>DE</strong>S<br />

NB: 0132.524.550-7 (BA) Interessados: INSS e DOMINGAS <strong>DA</strong> CONCEIÇÃO<br />


NB: 0150.929.700-3 (SP) Interessados: INSS e JOAO BORGES<br />

NB: 0514.801.322-9 (SP) Interessados: INSS e MARIA GONCALVES SOARES<br />


NB: 0146.787.451-2 (BA) Interessados: INSS e CLEUZA SANTOS ALMEI<strong>DA</strong><br />

NB: 0118.321.270-1 (RJ) Interessados: INSS e ANGELO CARVALHO RIBEIRO<br />

PT: 36018.000170/2009-99 (GO) Interessados: INSS e PEDRO PEREIRA DO<br />


NB: 0136.559.381-6 (RO) Interessados: INSS e IRACI ELIAS CAMARGO<br />


Dia 02/09/2011 a partir das 14:00 horas.<br />


NB: 0145.539.321-2 (SP) Interessados: INSS e GERALDO NERI LEOPOLDINO<br />

NB: 0147.879.991-6 (SP) Interessados: INSS e JUVENIL <strong>DA</strong> CRUZ COSTA<br />

NB: 0108.917.187-8 (SP) Interessados: INSS e JUCELINO REGIS RIOS<br />

NB: 0142.576.151-5 (BA) Interessados: INSS e CELSO ARAUJO MOREIRA<br />

NB: 0137.320.201-4 (RJ) Interessados: INSS e JOSIMAR RODRIGUES <strong>DE</strong> SOUZA<br />

NB: 0560.783.821-4 (SP) Interessados: INSS e VALMIRA MARIA PINHEIRO<br />

NB: 0538.996.581-3 (MG) Interessados: INSS e ELIETE APARECI<strong>DA</strong> PEREIRA <strong>DE</strong><br />

SOUSA<br />

NB: 0147.684.361-6 (SC) Interessados: INSS e DINO GERMANO LASSOLLI<br />

NB: 0148.107.290-8 (RJ) Interessados: INSS e JOSE CONCEICAO<br />

NB: 0148.893.622-3 (MG) Interessados: INSS e PEDRO GOMES DO NASCIMENTO<br />

NB: 0148.038.251-2 (SP) Interessados: INSS e ERNANE ROBERTO <strong>DE</strong> OLIVEIRA<br />

IBARRA<br />

NB: 0127.302.503-0 (BA) Interessados: INSS e ABIGAIR <strong>DE</strong> SOUZA CAYRES<br />

NB: 0153.613.010-6 (SC) Interessados: INSS e E<strong>DE</strong>N ROBERTO ALVES<br />

NB: 0147.254.781-8 (TO) Interessados: INSS e ILMA KRUKWANE CALIXTO<br />


NB: 0149.643.720-6 (RJ) Interessados: INSS e WALTER FIALHO <strong>DA</strong> FONSECA<br />

NB: 0096.190.482-8 (RN) Interessados: INSS e MARIA <strong>DA</strong>S NEVES BRAZ<br />

NB: 0150.746.750-5 (RN) Interessados: INSS e HUGO AMANCIO ME<strong>DE</strong>IROS<br />

NB: 0532.083.981-9 (SP) Interessados: INSS e JOSE FRANCISCO SANTOS<br />

NB: 0139.346.252-6 (BA) Interessados: INSS e ERODINO SOUZA<br />

NB: 0152.628.640-5 (SP) Interessados: INSS e GILBERTO VIEIRA<br />

NB: 0137.836.272-9 (PA) Interessados: INSS e JOSE BRASIL DOS SANTOS<br />

AMORIM<br />

NB: 0143.029.262-5 (PR) Interessados: INSS e HORACIA BARBOSA<br />

NB: 0535.060.930-7 (RJ) Interessados: INSS e JOANA ANGELICA VIEIRA <strong>DE</strong><br />


NB: 0152.302.831-6 (SP) Interessados: INSS e JOSE PEDRO <strong>DA</strong> SILVA<br />

NB: 0136.287.311-7 (MA) Interessados: INSS e FRANCISCO FERREIRA <strong>DA</strong> CRUZ<br />

NB: 0144.909.162-5 (SP) Interessados: INSS e VERA APARECI<strong>DA</strong> <strong>DA</strong> SILVA<br />


PT: 36264.000053/2009-13 (SP) Interessados: INSS e SAINT GOBAIN VIDROS SA<br />

NB: 0152.214.894-6 (PR) Interessados: INSS e PEDRA SIMAO BONACIN<br />

Dia 05/09/2011 a partir das 14:00 horas.<br />


NB: 0125.411.560-6 (SP) Interessados: INSS e MARIO ROBERTO HIRSCHHEIMER<br />

NB: 0142.564.481-0 (SP) Interessados: INSS e JOSÉ CARLOS GABRIEL SANTOS<br />

NB: 0143.452.920-4 (ES) Interessados: INSS e LINA SCHWANS <strong>DE</strong> SOUSA<br />

NB: 0148.601.141-9 (RJ) Interessados: INSS e SEBASTIÃO CAMILO DOS SANTOS<br />

NB: 0149.778.250-0 (SP) Interessados: INSS e JOSE JANIEL MIRAN<strong>DA</strong> SILVA<br />

NB: 0110.294.862-1 (SP) Interessados: INSS e RAIMUNDO BARBOSA <strong>DA</strong> SILVA<br />

NB: 0141.711.592-8 (SP) Interessados: INSS e GERALDO LUIZ SORATO<br />

NB: 0146.279.442-1 (SP) Interessados: INSS e JAYME APARECIDO LEANDRO<br />

NB: 0149.502.121-9 (SP) Interessados: INSS e PEDRO TOBIAS <strong>DE</strong> ARAUJO<br />

NB: 0142.998.571-0 (RJ) Interessados: INSS e WAGNER SILVEIRA MENDONÇA<br />

NB: 0147.393.210-3 (ES) Interessados: INSS e A<strong>DE</strong>MIR <strong>DE</strong> OLIVEIRA LUZ

NB: 0135.582.611-7 (MG) Interessados: INSS e GETULIO MOREIRA SOUZA<br />

NB: 0149.083.511-0 (BA) Interessados: INSS e NEUDIRA PINHEIRO DOS SANTOS<br />

NB: 0300.464.471-3 (SP) Interessados: INSS e ANGELINA JACINTHO<br />

NB: 0152.820.130-0 (SP) Interessados: INSS e CYRO ROSA JUNIOR<br />

NB: 0146.276.421-2 (SP) Interessados: INSS e ENI BARROS NUNES<br />

NB: 0151.029.150-1 (MG) Interessados: INSS e MARIA TEREZINHA SILVA<br />


NB: 0141.394.871-2 (RJ) Interessados: INSS e ONORIO GALDINO SA<br />

NB: 0134.676.591-7 (RJ) Interessados: INSS e FABIO PARÁ<br />

NB: 0152.939.261-3 (PA) Interessados: INSS e EVERALDINO ARAUJO <strong>DE</strong> MORAIS<br />

NB: 0149.893.361-8 (RS) Interessados: INSS e LORECI KIPPER<br />

NB: 0149.747.451-2 (ES) Interessados: INSS e EL<strong>DE</strong>S BENOIR MENDONCA<br />

NB: 0149.786.246-6 (SP) Interessados: INSS e ENI BARROS NUNES<br />

NB: 0142.798.472-4 (MG) Interessados: INSS e JOSE APARECIDO DIAS<br />

NB: 0145.418.011-8 (RJ) Interessados: INSS e JACY PORTUGAL<br />

NB: 0140.048.330-9 (MG) Interessados: INSS e MARIA DO CARMO ALVES <strong>DE</strong><br />

ARAUJO<br />

Ana Cristina Evangelista<br />

Presidente da 1ª Câmara de Julgamento

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