Mangere College 2020 Magazine
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The Principal's Report 2
50th Jubilee 2021 3
Staff 4
Haere Mai to new staff 6
Ka kite anō au i a koutou 7
Haere rā e te piki kōtuku,
Jocelyn Maitland
Head Girl’s Report 10
Head Boy’s Report 11
Student Leaders 12
Prizegivings 13
Support Staff 20
Our Library 22
Refugee Activities 24
Ofa Tu’ungafasi and Hunter
Paisami visit MC
The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award 27
MC Media 29
Rise of the To’a book launch 30
Nga Rangitahi Toa 31
Toko Hauora 32
Languages 43
Mathematics 49
Performing Arts 50
Physical Education 55
Science 56
Student Services 57
Technology 59
Sports Awards 63
Basketball 67
Netball 69
Rugby 71
Tag Football 74
Volleyball 75
Leavers 2020
Year 13 Students 79
Year 13 Quotes 80
Class of 2020 84
Achievement Centre 34
Art Department 35
Business Department 36
Careers 37
English: Creative Writing 39
Form photos 86
Sponsors 96
PLEASE NOTE: All artwork labels are to be read clockwise from top left.
Front Cover: Afu’alo Fonise
Back Cover: Dave Siulangapo
Inside Front: Dave Siulangapo, Mahdieh Ahmadi, Hermon Mani,
Afu’alo Fonise, Cejaye Ikiua
Inside Back: Dhuet Metotisi, Lemalie Seiuli, Lemalie Seiuli
Joanne Latif
Deb Ward, Emily Heeney,
Hermann Arp, Faye Wong, Helen Nicholls
Printing and Design: Repro Graphics
Māngere College - 2020 1
The Principal's Report
Well, what a year 2020 has
been! Who could have
foreseen that we would
be here at the end of the
year with a pandemic still
affecting many parts of
the world, having lived
through two lockdowns
and for us to have faced
the many challenges
that have been thrown
at us. I am immensely
proud of our whole school
community and how
we have risen to these
challenges together.
2020 marks my 5th year at Māngere
College and I love my job now just as
much as when I started - probably
even more so. The students and staff
at this school work hard to improve
what we do each day and have a
strong bond with each other, what
we call the MC Family, and I am
humbled to be a part of this family.
Our school strengths of support and
kindness have been highlighted this
year more than ever and brought us
through some tough times but also
brought us closer together.
I am more excited about the future
for Māngere College now than ever
before - to be able to build on these
strengths and prepare our students
for their futures.
COVID and lockdowns have taught
us many things and have magnified
differences and highlighted
inequalities in our communities
but they have also created
The arrival of laptops from the
Ministry gave us the ability to
provide all of our senior students
with a device at home and have set
us up with a base to work on in the
future - to ensure all our students
have access to online learning at
home in this digital era.
We have seen the advantage of
online learning but returning
to school after lockdown also
highlighted the connections that we
all thrive on. Coming back together
gave us an appreciation of our
students’ need to be connected to
each other and their teachers.
It was the focus and sense of
urgency that our students had
when they returned to school that
really impressed me and their
resilience shone through this year.
Our Wellbeing focus and our
work with the Toko collaboration
has gained more relevance and
importance this year. We know that
students’ well-being is taken care
of when they have a strong sense
of their own identity, language and
culture. When they can connect
strongly with other people and
important places and when they
feel a control over their education
and feel equipped with the skills to
succeed. These are things that we
focus on at Māngere College this
year more than ever.
We have continued to work closely
with local schools in our Community
of Learning - the Māngere Kahui
Ako. The goals of our Kahui Ako
align strongly with what we want
for our students: to be digitally
competent and equipped to face
the future, to have a strong sense of
their own education pathway and a
feeling of control over their destiny
and to be strong in their own wellbeing.
Our future is exciting with a 50th
Jubilee to celebrate next year and
significant property development
to plan for. But we are not waiting
for new buildings to make changes.
This year we have started with a
curriculum review to ensure that our
curriculum is engaging and relevant
for our students. We have focussed
on improving our mentoring and
guidance of students to support
them to reach their goals and on
monitoring their progress more
closely with the use of up to date
The housing developments in the
area point to the growth we will
see in the school over the next few
years and we have started talks
with the Ministry about property
developments. Our challenge as we
move forward is to keep our strong
values and connections as we grow
and change.
The strength of Māngere College is
in its people - staff, students and our
Kei te tika te korero
He aha te mea nui o te ao?
He tangata! He tangata! He
‘The strength
of Māngere
College is in
its people -
staff, students
and our
2 Māngere College - 2020
Māngere College
APRIL 2021
APRIL 2021
Tickets available through or through
our website -
Māngere College - 2020 3
Māngere College Staff
Back Row: Elizabeth Tupua, Brian Aubrey, Daniel Wong, Asariah Potini, Parwati Reddy
4th Row: Maryam Akhlaqi, Malae Aloalii, Melissa Tualaulelei, Tai Uamaki, Huni Fifita, Subrail Naidu, Milo West, Rapuani Wade, Raselin Imraan, Satend Sharma
3rd Row: Neville Padavatan, Faye Wong, Jose Torres, To’asavili Telea, Alisi Tatafu, Mohammed Sameem, Fuatino Nuusavili, Kevin Davis, Nicholas Chan, Levi Manhire,
Ngatokorua Teina, Frances McIntosh, Xiang Zhao
2nd Row: Samer Hormes, Rosalie Kwan, Amera Franso, Pauline Monteiro Kumar, Abtesam Salim, Kathleen Beaton, Mereana Bobbie McMaster, Mohammed Zaim,
Emma McCosh, Nalini Singh, Arihana Hakiwai, Kirita Leniu, Fisiitotoa Bloomfield
Front Row: Nicky Haeata-Ruwhiu, Henry Fesulua’i, Mike Christo, Ben Euden, Michael Darragh, Vivian Maskell, Keir Whipp, Deborah Ward, Tom Webb, Melegalenuu
Ah Sam, Helen Faamoe, Lynn Keating, Roshni Singh, Savitri Nadan, Viliami Bloomfield
4 Māngere College - 2020
Staff List
T Webb, BA (Oxon), PGCE, MEdLd (Hons)
M Ah Sam, PCT, ACTD, Dip T
D Ward, MA (Hons), MProfStuds (Ed) (Hons), Dip T
K Whipp, MEdLM (Hons), Dip T, Dip Dr, BA (Term 1 & 2)
J Hardy, BA Hons, PGCE (Term 3 & 4)
H Faamoe
Achievement Centre
N Haeata-Ruwhiu, B Ed in PE & Health,
Dip T
M Christo, MFA, Dip T
Careers M Karanga, BVA, Dip T, PG Arts, MAEdL
Commerce S Nadan, PGDE, BA, Dip Ed
L Keating
Helen Nicholls Ph D, Dip ELT (Dist),
Dip Tchg
Languages H Fesulua’i, BA, Dip T, PGDED (Term 1 & 2)
A Hakiwai, MTEL, BA (Term 3 & 4)
F Bloomfield, BA, Dip Ed, Dip T (Term 3 & 4)
Learning Support R Singh, MEd(Hons), PGDE,
Mathematics K Ma, BSc, Dip T
Performing Arts
B Euden, BMus, PGCE
Physical Education & Health
M Darragh, BA (Hons) (QTS), PGTC
A Potini, BPhEd
Science V Bloomfield, MEdL, BSc, Dip T,
D Wong, BSc, Dip T
Social Sciences V Bloomfield, MEdL, BSc, Dip T,
Student Services
P Campbell, MC, BSc, Dip T
Year 9
Year 10
Year 11
Year 12
Year 13
V Maskell, TTC, Dip SS
B Aubrey, B.Ed, Dip T
F Bloomfield, BA, Dip Ed, Dip T
N Chan, PG Dip CS, Dip AT
K Davis, BSc, Dip T
K Fale, BSR
H Fifita, BA, Dip T
A Franso, Dip T
S Hormes, BSc, Dip T
R Imraan, PGCE, BSc, Dip T
A Tatafu, BA, Dip A, PGDT, PGCertAP
T Telea, MTEL, BCA
M Aloalii, BEd, Dip Ed, Cert TESL
E McCosh, BEd, Grad Dip OEd
N Padavatan, BA, HEDip, FDip Ed,
A Potini BPhEd
E Tupua, MA(Hons), Dip TESL, Dip T
S Sharma, BEd, Dip T, PG Cert DCL
F McIntosh, MSc(Hons), Dip T
S Folau, BCA, Dip T
L Manhire, Dip T
S Naidu, BA, Dip T
F Nuusavili, BA, Dip T
P Reddy, BCom, Dip T, Grad Dip TESL, PGDip AT
M Sameem, PGDip AT, BEd Tech, Dip T
N Samu, MProfStuds (Ed) (Hons), BA, Dip T
N Singh, BEd
N Teina
J Torres
L Tu’ua
M Tualaulelei, BPE
A Upokokeu-Henry, BDanSt, PG Dip DanSt, Dip T
R Wade, BVA, Dip T
Z Xiang
M Zaim, BA, Dip AS, Dip T
Accounts & Payroll
Administrator E Sayasaya (Term 4)
B McMaster
Communications Manager J Latif, BCMS, Dip T, Dip CA
Community Liaison & Mentor K Leniu BA Crim
Counsellor T Elder, BA, Dip T,
PGDip Counselling
Data Manager
J Lafo’ou
A Beazley
M Nuku
P Kumar
L Williams, BNurs,
PGCert Child Health
H Aish,
R Cabilla (Term 1, 2 & 3)
E Hunt (Term 3, 4)
Office Administrator
K Beazley
Performing Arts Technician E Heeney, LTCL, AIRMT
Principal’s PA
& School Administrator F Wong
K Franklin
Refugee Bilingual Tutor M Akhlaqi
& Liaison Support Worker
Refugee Support Worker R Kwan
Resource Room Manager A Salim
Science Technician
S Narrayan
Student Services’ Administrator K Beaton
Social Worker
T Allan Poko
Sports’ Coordinator
T Uamaki
Staff Support Technician R Siulangapo
Star and Gateway Coordinator L Reade
Teacher Aides
H Arp, C Masoe,
N Palelei, C-M Savaiinaea
Tuckshop Contractor
L Jacobs
Uniform Shop Volunteer M France
R Parkinson
Volunteer Gardener
M Aerenga
Drum Tutor
Piano/Strings Tutor
Vocal/Woodwind Tutor
Guitar Tutor
E Whyte
E Allen
E Heeney
N Loo
Māngere College - 2020 5
Haere mai to new staff
Tarsha started working at MC
in term 1 as our MASSiSS Social
Worker. Previous to working at our
school, she was the social worker for
Otahuhu College.
Tarsha tells us, “I can be cool and I
can be mean, but I am fair. I call it
how I see it and I’m always down for
a feed.”
She is finding working at MC
interesting. Thanks for joining us
Kylie had an interesting start to her
job, joining at Alert Level 2 as the
new Receptionist. She has returned
to the workforce after being a
stay-at-home mum to her 2 young
Kylie loves being the first point of
contact for all the lovely families
that come in and she is enjoying
the supportive staff. She likes the
outdoors, sports and F45.
Levi started at MC in term 1 as a
Health and PE teacher. Previous to
working here, he was teaching in
Porirua. Levi enjoys playing Rugby
League, Rugby and Volleyball. He
also enjoys spending time with
his daughter. Levi is finding the
students and staff really welcoming,
and a highlight is scoring 2 tries in
the 1st XV vs Teachers rugby game.
We welcome Sarita as our new
Laboratory Technician at MC this
year. She worked previously in a
commercial laboratory, SGS NZ
Ltd, for 30 years. She has also
been employed by the Ministry of
Agriculture and Fisheries. Although
Sarita started in Term 3, she is
enjoying the staff and students
and her science team. When not in
school, Sarita likes to travel, garden
Tane Teina is our new Kuki Airani
Language Teacher. He was
previously working as a contractor
in the building industry. Tane
Teina enjoys being a grandad and
spending time with his wife and
family. He is loving his time at MC
and connecting with the students
and seeing his language and culture
still alive at MC.
Jose joined us this year as a Social
Studies/History Teacher. He was
previously teaching at Riccarton
High School in Christchurch. Jose is
an avid skier and also plays soccer
and table tennis. He is finding his
time at MC really enjoyable with the
strong staff family and the students
have made him feel really welcome
Lālāosalafai has joined us as a
Samoan and Careers teacher.
Previous to coming to MC, he was
teaching at De La Salle College. He
is enjoying getting to know staff
and students here at MC. In his
spare time he does triathlons, ocean
swims, exercising with his kids and
doing the gardening.
6 Māngere College - 2020
This year Misato was our volunteer
for the uniform shop. She has
enjoyed interacting with the
students in the shop and staff also.
Misato has been in NZ for 1 year,
previously living in Thailand and she
was born in Japan. Misato will work
with Learning Support next year as a
Teacher Aide .
Zhao started in term 1 as our new
Mandarin teacher. He was previously
working at Elim Christian College.
Zhao loves music, reading and
He is enjoying the students here at
MC and loves their energy.
This year we welcomed our new
Deputy Principal Jonathan Hardy.
The school held a powhiri for Jonathan in which
students from his previous school Kaipara
College came to tautoko him.
Jonathan was previously the Associate Principal
at Kaipara College in Helensville between 2014
and 2020.
Jonathan’s beginnings at Māngere College
have been a little different than usual. After only 2 days we went into Level
3 lockdown. He is getting to meet everyone and learn the ways of Māngere
College. Jonathan has been impressed with how friendly, polite and
supportive everyone has been in the past few months he has worked at
Māngere College.
Jonathan loves sports, particularly football, league, rugby, cricket, and he
plays golf regularly. Jonathan’s real passion is travelling and experiencing
new cultures, visiting temples, going on treks, trying new activities like scuba
diving, hang gliding and canyoning.
Ka kite anō au i a koutou
This year we said goodbye to our Deputy
Principal, Keir Whipp, as he started his new
position at Botany Downs Secondary College.
Keir began at Māngere College in 2017 as he intended to
go on giving his best for the school community. During
lockdown you could see him in the background of TV
clips working up to the last minute sorting out devices
and workbooks for students. His calm, thoughtful and
highly supportive leadership will be truly missed both
by students and staff. Keir was a rare person who is ever
cheerful and looking to improve in everything he does.
He crafted the complex arrangements needed for the
whole school always putting students and staff before
his own needs. We look forward to this link with Botany
College and to sharing these ideas and connections for
our students.
Māngere College - 2020 7
Debra Pene has left Māngere
College after 12 years as the STAR
and GATEWAY co-ordinator. She
gave students the opportunity to
gain workplace experience while
also achieving credits from on-thejob
of trades courses while getting a boost
towards completing NCEA level 2 or 3.
She was Year 13 Dean for 5 years and
was able to use her skills to build and
support very effective student leader
Many students benefited from her
encouragement and care as they
completed their work placement,
gained first aid certificates,
forklift licences, confidence in the
workplace, knowledge of their future
career choices and motivation.
Debra Pene also managed the
students doing courses at Manukau
Institute of Technology. The
opportunities for the students
increased because of her drive to
get the best for them. Many of our
senior students were able to attend
MIT and build an understanding
Students and staff have appreciated
Mrs Pene’s professional and realistic
approach. Whether it was teaching
Career Development, arranging a
Careers Expo, supporting students
who needed CV’s or knowledge of
their career pathways, everything Mrs
Pene did was to advance student’s
confidence, achievement and choices.
She has moved into a job where she will
continue to use her energy and skills to
support help create career pathways for
young people.
We wish her well in this endeavor and
for her future.
In Term 1 we sadly said farewell
to Mr Fesulua’i. Unfortunately
due to the Covid Lockdown we
were unable to farewell him
properly at the time but we had
a staff farewell in June. It was
a beautiful celebration with
sharing of gifts, ie toga from
Lemoa’s aiga, speeches and
some dancing.
Lemoa had been teaching for
almost one year when he joined
the Māngere College staff in 2009.
His teaching subjects are Gagana
Samoa and English. Throughout
his time at MC, Lemoa was highly
committed to engaging the
students in their learning. Some of
the highlights for him have been the
MC Malaga to Samoa, leading the
Samoan group during Polyfest with
many wins, the gardening activities
during the Wider Living week and
seeing the students achieving
excellent knowledge of the Samoan
language and culture.
He is leaving Māngere College to
take up a position of Professional
Teaching Fellow / Lecturer in Pacific
Studies (Samoan) at the University
of Auckland. We wish him all the
best and know that the University
of Auckland will benefit highly from
his knowledge and experience.
Lemoa will be greatly missed by our
students and staff.
I le fa’aiuga o le masina o Mati, na
faaiuina ai galuega fa’afaiaoga a le
Tofa ia Lemoa Henry Fesulua’i mai
le tatou Kolisi ona o lona valaauina e
avea ma Faiaoga i le gagana Samoa
i le Iunivesite a Aukilani.
Sa lei mafai ona fai se fa’amavaega
aloa’ia ma le Susuga i le faiaoga ona
sa tapunia faatopetope le aoga ona
o le fa’ama’i o le Covid 19. E ui i lea,
sa taumafai lava vasega a Lemoa e
faatino pea lo latou valevalealofa i le
Susuga a le faiaoga.
O le a misia lava Lemoa e le Kolisi
a Magele ae maise tama ma teine
o loo a’oa’oina le gagana Samoa,
faapea latou sa i le Kulupu Samoa.
Ia manuia lou vala’auina, foai e
Kuldip began at Māngere
College 16 years ago as the
Science Laboratory Technician.
le Atua le malosi ma le atamai e
fa’aauauina ai le galuega ua tofia oe
e te galue ai.
He brought a wealth of knowledge
along with him as he had
previously been a Principal at a
high school in Fiji as well as having
vast experience in the laboratory.
Kuldip has been a valued member
of the Science Department. He was
always willing to help staff in the
classroom and out of the classroom
as well as supporting students with
their science work and coming
along to the field trips.
Kuldip has left MC to head into
retirement. We wish him all the
best for the next chapter of his life.
8 Māngere College - 2020
Haere rā e te piki kōtuku,
Jocelyn Maitland
On the 11th of November,
two days before her 78th
birthday and two years into
her retirement, Jocelyn passed
away peacefully at home with
her family.
We remember Jocelyn for her
dedication and commitment to this
kura. In her four decades working in
the office at Māngere College she
supported every principal from Ivan
Armstrong, the founding principal,
to Tom Webb, our current principal.
Jocelyn was renowned for her
knowledge of school protocols and
procedures and made sure we all
knew what to do and when.
Always at her desk by 7am she
would start her day putting things
in place so that our day would run
as smoothly as possible. Whether it
be clearing messages and sending
us important information, doing
mountains of photocopying,
organising the school vans for
trips out or greeting visitors at the
reception counter, she was ‘onto it’.
Ex-students coming to enrol their
own children would be surprised
and reassured to see Jocelyn’s
familiar face as their first point of
Jocelyn’s daughters were both
educated at Māngere College. Like
their mother they have shown
dedication to this school – Louise
is the current tuckshop manager
and both Stephanie and Louise are
assisting with preparations for our
50th Jubilee next year. We offer
them and their families our sincere
sympathy. Their loss is ours.
Jocelyn was a constant in our lives.
She gave her best years to us and for
that we are most grateful.
Nō reira e te whaea, haere atu ki
a ratou mā kua taka i te nuku o te
whenua i mua i a koe.
Kia hora te marino, kia whakapapa
pounamu te moana, kia tere te
kaarohirohi i tō haerenga.
Kia hora te marino, kia whakapapa
pounamu te moana, kia tere te
kaarohirohi i tō haerenga.
'Jocelyn was
a constant in
our lives. She
gave her best
years to us
and for that
we are most
Māngere College - 2020 9
Head Girl’s Report
Ae oute le’i asaina le nata i fale o aana lea na pisia ai
vae o le nofoa fia o Lilomaiava, e ao ina ou faatulou.
Tulou, tulou, tulouna lava. Lulu atu outou paia ma outou
mamalu o le a le o’o iai se faamatalaga.
O a’u o Herilla Victoria Salu Finauga,
oute mimita lava i lo’u aganu’u ma
lo’u gagana.
First and foremost, all the glory and
praise be to the Most High, who has
blessed me beyond measure.
Four years ago I entered the front
gates, scared, isolated and extremely
nervous. It is difficult to describe
what has been a rollercoaster of
a journey for us all. Whether you
arrived at the very start of Year
9 or joined us along the way -
undoubtedly our experiences have
brought us together as a family.
The class of 2020. What a year this
has been for us. Thank you everyone
for your patience and perseverance
throughout the year. Despite
COVID 19 being in the way of many
opportunities and activities, we
managed to fight through it and
created the most memorable year
for us all.
I have overcome a lot of barriers
this year, and I am proud to say that
due to the unconditional lectures
and daily prayers from my parents,
the support system from my family,
I was able to complete the year
as your Head Girl of 2020. A goal
that I had aimed for, and now have
My fellow students of Māngere
College, it does not matter whether
you’re academically skilful or
physically skilful or both. Believe
in yourself and have a positive
mindset. Make careful choices,
so that your choices will reflect
positively on yourself and the course
of your actions will take you further
in life. The teachers at this school
have helped me grow into the
person I am today and for that, I am
very grateful. The Māngere College
family has helped me strengthen
my cultural values and embrace my
There are so many of you I would
like to give credit to, for making
this journey a memorable one. You
have shaped and moulded me
into the bold person I am today. I
acknowledge my subject teachers
who pushed me to the limit, to
complete assessments and made
sure I went home with a bulk of
homework to do. Also, to my friends
who motivated me to run for Head
Girl, and always complimented my
mum’s tuna sandwiches, thank you
for being by my side.
Thank you Mr Webb for believing
in me and trusting me as your
Head Girl for 2020. Thank you Mrs
Ah Sam. A mother figure to us all,
a matriarch to the school and an
influential woman at heart. You
continue to inspire me and always
push me beyond limits. Mālo Le
tautua Mama.
Thank you to all the teachers
at Māngere College who have
supported me through my time and
who continue to be an inspiration
for our students.
Finally, my deepest gratitude to
the two people who believed in
me and invested in my dreams
right from the start. My parents
are my ultimate role models and
my driving force in life. As migrants
from Samoa, they sacrificed their
home to come to New Zealand to
find a better future for me and my
siblings. Because of you, I am who I
am today.
As my final encouragement to our
students, I would like to leave with
you a little thought in mind. No
matter where life takes you, never
forget the sacrifices your parents
made to get you this far in life. The
future belongs to those who are
prepared for it. Set your goals, work
hard to achieve them and continue
to ‘Seek the Heights .’
Faafetai Lava Kolisi o Magele, mālo
le tautua mālo tautai.
- Herilla Salu
10 Māngere College - 2020
Head Boy’s Report
Fakatapu ki he ‘Otua Mafimafi ‘oku ‘afio hotau
lotolotngá Tapu ki he Puleako, Tokoni puleakó pea pehē
ki he kau faiako ‘o e Kolisi Māngere. Tapu ki he Poate ‘o
e ‘apiakó, kau matāpule, mo e fānau ako hono kotoa.
Faka’apa’apa lahi ki he ngaahi mātu’a tauhi fānaú pea ki
ha sola mo ha vūlangi ‘oku tau tefua he Kolosi Māngere
he ‘aho ni kae ‘ataa mo‘oku ke fakamonū hoku koloa he
kātoanga tānaki tu’unga ‘o e ta’u fakaako 2020.
What a journey it has been this
year. From the moment I walked
through those gates I had no idea of
the family that I was about to join, I
had no idea of the journey that I was
about to begin. Because I walked
through these gates, I was able to
meet new people that I would call
lifelong friends. I was able to hone
my talents and improve greatly in
certain areas of my education.
This school not only exceeded my
expectations but expanded my love
for it during my time here. I was
shown the importance of a school
family and how embracing it is
always better than hiding from it.
Something I will always remember
is the MC values and the message
of a school family that we always
I would like to give a huge thank you
to every teacher that I have had the
pleasure to work with during my
time at MC. You have played a huge
part in my successes. To my dear
parents, you play the biggest role in
my life. You do the most for me and I
am truly grateful for you. At the end
of the day all my accomplishments
reflect on you both and everything
I do is for you. To my beautiful
Mum, thank you for everything. I
will never forget what you say to
me, whether it’s during a car ride
or whether you’re growling at me.
Everything you do for me is always
more than enough. If it weren’t
for your ongoing encouragement,
continuous love and support, I
wouldn’t be the person I am today.
Thank you, Mum.
To all my Year 13s, we made it.
Whether you joined late, or if you
were here at the start, we are all
family now. From singing in pretty
much every class with the boys to
finally performing together, and
from cracking jokes in the hotspot
and anywhere where we could all
laugh as only polys could.
This is the saddest part of our high
school years. The part when we
leave our second home or for some
of us our first. A place where we not
only developed in our education
but evolved as individuals. The place
where the iconic John & the Boyz
was formed, and the home of our
very own Samoan Cowboy. The
memories go on and will live on in
our hearts, but it does not end here.
Be prepared and eager to go out
into the real world and take on the
challenges of life head-on. Always
remember your whys and the
importance of family. At the end of
the day, it is all on us to make our
parents proud and to push ourselves
and strive for what we’re aiming
to achieve. So be ready and don’t
hesitate when the world comes
knocking at your door. It has been
a pleasure being able to endure
through this journey with such a
unique and diverse bunch.
I am grateful for the time I’ve had
with you all and the memories that
we’ve made. From the bottom of my
heart, I wish nothing but love and
support for your future endeavours.
But for now, this is us. So, cheers to
us, the class of 2020.
- ‘Unaloto Leleifi
Māngere College - 2020 11
Back Row: Olathe Taumihau, ‘Etina Kaliopasi, Ane Filimoehala, ‘Emalata Kiole
2nd Row:Ofa ‘Ahomana, Petissa Leha’uli, Reupena Kilipati, Younis Ahmat Abdallah, Sanele Ioane, Asena Panuve
Front Row: Diana Pio, Aaron Koiatu, Herilla Salu, Mr Tom Webb (Principal), ‘Unaloto Leleifi, Patricia Beazley, Pj Campbell
Student Leaders
The student leaders have been a great example to the rest of the school
this year. With 2020 being such a difficult year, it was great to see our
student leaders stepping up and being so present and visual especially in
the lockdowns.
They have all contributed to the needs of the students, responding
appropriately and with compassion when needed and ensuring everyone
feels part of the MC Whanau.
It has been a pleasure working alongside them this year.
- Mr Darragh
12 Māngere College - 2020
Year 11 and 12 Prizegiving
Excellent Attendance for 2020
Year 11
Brandon Reid
Trent Lafaele
Glassie Fabian Thomas
Indi Reihana
Krizzia Mae Quinones
100% Attendance for 2020 Year 11
D’nadcyn Matia
Oumaima Ahmat Abdallah
Lua Omoregie
Sifila Palu
Gardenia Lemoa
Johnathan Losefa
100% Attendance for 2 Years Year
Makarios Si’uoalii Lelemia
100% Attendance for 3 Years Year 11
Fatima Hussaini
Loreal Urika Filifilia
Excellent Attendance for 2020
Year 12
Bobbie Sue Sood
Onosa’i Ah Mann
Faith Tanu Talapa
Shivashna Raj
Teinia Akama
Alec Ah-Lam
Romeo Fidow
Aliitasi Seuteni
O’Shay Murphy
Salote Seuteni
Phuong Nguyen
Tarial Seuteni
100% Attendance for 2020 Year 12
Luisa Toomata
Tupou Filipine
Salealii Mau'u
100% Attendance for 2 years
Year 12
Reuben Funaki
Mason Chan-Ting
Adam Isitolo Lui
Makeleta Alofaki
Hser Chri
Mele Tonga
100% Attendance for 3 years Year 12
Adyhana Urika Filifilia
Jordan Mauu
Anne Tupou
100% Attendance for 4 years Year
Ethan Sigglekow
Mahdieh Ahmadi
Talalelei Senitofo
Rugby 1st XV – Player of the Year
Rugby Girls – Player of the Year
Tag Football Girls – Player of the Year
Tag Football boys – Player of the Year
U17 Girls Basketball Player of the Year
U17 Boys Basketball Player of the Year
Volleyball Senior Girls - Player of the
Sportsmanship Girl of the Year
Joe Saina
Mele Lelenoa
Jahriena Maybir
Te-Mana Williams-Tawhi
Jorjane Aerenga
Likaan Davis-Ratumu
Adyhana Urika Filifilia
Mele Tu'akalau
FOR 2021
Anne Tupou - Head Girl
Jordan Mauu - Head Boy
Alec Ah-Lam
Rachel Auora
Romeo Fidow
Jahriena Maybir
Talalelei Senitofo
Bobbie Sue Sood
Luisa Toomata
Makeleta Alofaki
Alexis Fenton
O-Shay Murphy
Dave Siulangapo
Nathan Taufahema
Mele Tu’akalau
Adyhana Urika Filifilia
Māngere College - 2020 13
Level 1 Māori
Sheree Bell
Form Class Prize 12AU
Bobbie Sue Sood
Form Class Prize 11BF
Trent Lafaele
Level 2 Career Development
Bobbie Sue Sood
Level 1 Mathematics Band 2
Trent Lafaele
Level 2 Geography
Bobbie Sue Sood
Level 1 Physical Education
Brandon Reid
Level 2 Health
Bobbie Sue Sood
Level 1 Mathematics Band 4
Jacinta Uluakiola
Level 2 English Literacy
Katherine Pairama
Level 1 English
Dhuet Metotisi
Level 2 Mathematics Band 3
Katherine Pairama
Level 1 Mathematics Band 3
Dhuet Metotisi
Level 2 Cook Islands Māori
Rachel Auora
Level 1 Digital Studies
Glassie Fabian Thomas
Level 2 History
Ruby Winter
Level 1 Mechanical
Engineering Technology
Level 1 English Literacy
Level 1 Art
Level 1 Music
Level 1 Samoan
Form Class Prize 11BM
Form Class Prize 11FA
Level 1 Accounting
Level 1 Mandarin
Level 1 Mathematics Band 1
Level 1 Science Physics
Level 1 Building Construction
and Allied Trades
Level 1 Accounting
Level 1 Tongan
Level 1 Sports Science
Form Class Prize 11FO
Level 1 English Academic
Level 1 History
Level 1 Design and Visual
Communication Technology
Level 1 Business Studies
Level 1 Fashion Focus
Level 1 Dance
Form Class Prize 11HE
Level 1 Catering
Form Class Prize 11ZA
Level 1 Geography
Level 1 Health
Level 1 Science Biology
Multi Level 1 ESOL
Level 1 Cook Islands Māori
Glassie Fabian Thomas
James Dean
Lemalie Seiuli
Pearl Taisi
Pearl Taisi
Susana Tooala
Krizzia Mae Quinones
Krizzia Mae Quinones
Krizzia Mae Quinones
Krizzia Mae Quinones
Krizzia Mae Quinones
Raees Ali
Roselyn Tafa
Elizabeth Cocker
Genesis Poko
Lua Omoregie
Lua Omoregie
Maddison Elkington
Makarini Puiri
Sifila Palu
Sifila Palu
TeAmorangi Nuku
Siobahn Mafileo
Tai Puiri
Honora Lynch
Honora Lynch
Loreal Urika Filifilia
Loreal Urika Filifilia
Suaesi Leaula
Tereapii Mani
Level 2 Hospitality
Level 2 Accounting
Level 2 Mathematics Band 2
Form Class Prize 12HI
Level 2 Fashion Focus
Level 2 Music
Level 2 Samoan
Level 2 Technology
Level 2 Digital Studies
Form Class Prize 12HS
Level 2 Samoan
Level 2 Sports Science
Multi Level 2 ESOL
Level 2 English
Level 2 Mathematics and
Level 2 Art
Level 2 Biology
Level 2 Chemistry
Level 2 Physics
Level 2 Mechanical
Engineering Technology
Vocational Pathways Careers
Form Class Prize 12RE
Level 2 English Academic
Level 2 Māori
Level 2 Building and Construction
and Allied Trade
Level 2 Business Studies
Level 2 Art Printmaking
Level 2 Health
Level 2 Tongan
Form Class Prize 12SI
Ruby Winter
Alec Ah-Lam
Alec Ah-Lam
Luisa Toomata
Luisa Toomata
Rheima Misa T Iuta
Rheima Misa T Iuta
Sebit Ayak John
Xaviar Rehu
Adyhana Urika Filifilia
Adyhana Urika Filifilia
Adyhana Urika Filifilia
Faith Tanu Talapa
Jordan Mauu
Jordan Mauu
Mahdieh Ahmadi
Shivashna Raj
Shivashna Raj
Shivashna Raj
Teina Akama
Abigail Panuve
Hermon Mani
Alexis Fenton
Alexis Fenton
Cejaye Ikiua
Henry Ah Sam
Loti Fehoko
Makeleta Alofaki
Makeleta Alofaki
Talalelei Senitofo
Most Improved 1 ESOL
Fuifui Faatafe 11FA
Level 2 Tourism Studies
Level 2 Dance
Talalelei Senitofo
Jahriena Maybir
Level 2 Design and Visual
Communication Technology
Pesi Tevaga
Level 2 Mandarin
Phuong Nguyen
Form Class Prize 12WE
Tarial Seuteni
Level 2 Sports Leadership
Faye Tapuosi
14 Māngere College - 2020
Emily Heeney Cup for Best Vocalist
Senior Dance Award
Renouf Cup for Musical Performance
Renouf Cup for Musical Performance
Renouf Cup for Musical Performance
Thwaites Cup for the Most Improved
Senior Music Student
Ryders Cup for Achievement
with Distinction in the 'Gateway'
The Pedder Cup for Most Progress in
the Achievement Centre
Outstanding Achievement in the
Arts – The Pedder Cup
Year 12 Speech Award
Year 12 Speech Award
Library Prize
Sports Council
Knight Award for Outstanding
Contribution to Sport
Outstanding Achievement in the
Performing Arts
Trish Smith Prize for Courage and
First Foundation Scholarship
D'nadcyn Matia
Mele Lelenoa
Crystal Fineaso
Hoparonee Aleni
Pearl Taisi
Siobahn Mafileo
Adam Isitolo Lui
Violetta Langi
Hermon Mani
Mele Tu'akalau
Romeo Fidow
Ethan Sigglekow
Alec Ah-Lam
Adyhana Urika
Adyhana Urika
Maddison Elkington
Mahdieh Ahmadi
Top R2 Winner of the Year – Year 11 Sifila Palu
Top R2 Winner of the Year – Year 12 Talalelei Senitofo
Siobahn Mafileo
Bobbie Sue Sood
Krizzia Mae Quinones
Shivashna Raj
Māngere College - 2020 15
Year 13 Prizegiving
Volleyball Senior Boys - Player
of the Year
Blessing Tanu Talapa
Netball Player of the Year Patricia Beazley
Sports Girl of the Year Patricia Beazley
Sports Boy of the Year Kaisa Faamausili
Mixed Netball Player of the Year Kaisa Faamausili
Hall Award for Sportsmanship Ane Filimoehala
Johnson Cup for Outstanding
Personal Achievement in Sport
Ramona Mafileo
Sportsmanship Boy of the Year Daniel Esera
Aldridge Award for
Reupena Kilipati
Excellence Attendance for 2020
'Ofa 'Ahomana
Miraclerena Misa T Iuta
Diana Pio
Ferila Falanai
Euangelion Pasa
Reupena Kilipati
100% Attendance for 2020
Tauiai Falanai
Ane Filimoehala
100% Attendance for 3 years
‘Etina Kaliopasi
100% Attendance for 5 years
‘Unaloto Leleifi
16 Māngere College - 2020
Glenys Erickson
Memorial Cup
Ramona Mafileo
For the senior student who has best demonstrated throughout
their time at Māngere College a high standard of achievement,
participation and perseverance.
Elizabeth Ellett
Memoral Prize
for Meritorious
Liona Vaihea
For the senior student who has achieved to a high level in one
or more areas of the school
David Gock Cup for the
Spirit of Rotary
Aaron Koiatu
For the senior student who upholds the Rotary Four Way Test:
Of the things we think, say or do, is it the TRUTH, is it FAIR to all
concerned, will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS
and will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
Stan Kepa Prize for
Leadership in Cultural
Reupena Kilipati
For the student who has shown leadership and role model
qualities in one, or across a range of cultures.
Williams and
Cunningham Prize for
Reupena Kilipati
For the student who is polite, courteous and cheerful; showing
respect for others yet retaining their own personal strength.
Watson Prize for
Service to the
Teava Tonitara
For the student who puts themselves forward to help out in the
school and the wider community.
Benson Award for
Service to Others
PJ Campbell
For the student who cheerfully helps staff and other students
in a range of activities without being asked.
Lambie Prize for
Patricia Beazley
For the student who demonstrates leadership qualities and is
looked up to by the student body as a role model.
Bader Award
Madina Salam
The recipient will have overcome a significant hurdle in
their life to become a model citizen of the school and make
considerable progress in their education.
Māngere College
Diana Pio
This Scholarship has been made possible by an anonymous
donation to the school. It covers the fees, up to $6000, for the
first year of tertiary study.
Form Class Prize 13EU 'Ofa 'Ahomana
Level 3 Technology 'Ofa 'Ahomana
Level 3 English 'Ofa 'Ahomana
Level 3 Sports Science Tiri Atiau
Level 3 Biology 'Etina Kaliopasi
Level 3 Tongan 'Etina Kaliopasi
Level 3 Business Studies Miraclerena Misa T Iuta
Level 3 Mathematics Miraclerena Misa T Iuta
Level 3 Tourism Studies Chu Moo Paw
Vocational Pathways English Leo Akeripa Sa
Form Class Prize 13FI Pj Campbell
Level 3 Chemistry Pj Campbell
Level 3 Digital Technology Pj Campbell
Level 3 English Academic Pj Campbell
Level 3 Art Printmaking (Digital) Monalisa Selu
Level 3 Māori Parani Toetoe
Level 3 Cook Islands Prize Teava Tonitara
Level 2 Catering Tauiai Falanai
Level 3 Samoan Language Herilla Victoria Salu
Level 3 Hospitality and Customer
Form Class Prize 13IM Siti Pio
Teina Whakatane
Form Class Prize 13NA Ferila Falanai
Level 3 Dance Patricia Beazley
Level 3 Geography Patricia Beazley
Level 3 Catering Roimata Engu
Form Class Prize 13SA Ane Filimoehala
Level 3 Economics Ane Filimoehala
Level 3 History Ane Filimoehala
Level 3 Sports Leadership Otila Niko
Level 3 Art Nika Taufa
Level 3 Design and Visual
Communication Technology
Nika Taufa
Vocational Pathways Mathematics Younis Ahmat Abdallah
Vocational Pathways Technology Younis Ahmat Abdallah
Level 3 Building and Construction
and Allied Trade Skills
Level 3 Samoan Language
Reupena Kilipati
Reupena Kilipati
Level 3 Music Reupena Kilipati
Form Class Prize 13TN Daniel Esera
Level 3 Accounting Thu Nguyen
Level 3 Career Development Thu Nguyen
Level 3 Fashion Thu Nguyen
Level 3 Mathematics with Calculus Thu Nguyen
Level 3 Mathematics with Statistics Thu Nguyen
Level 3 English Literacy Madina Salam Khel
Level 3 ESOL Madina Salam Khel
Scholarship Samoan
Cynthia Misi Tuitamai
Elizabeth Ellett
Scholarship Recipient
2021 - 2023
Herilla Victoria
This Scholarship is made possible by a bequest from the estate
of Elizabeth Ellett, a long-time supporter of the College. The
Scholarship is $4000 per year for 3 years of University study.
Māngere College - 2020 17
FOR 2020:
Miraclerena Misa T Iuta
This cup is awarded to the year 13 student who has achieved the best
results in NCEA assessments this year.
‘Etina Kaliopasi
18 Māngere College - 2020
Outstanding Achievement in
the Performing Arts
Principal's Prize for Head
Outstanding Achievement in
the Performing Arts
Performing Arts Showcase
Supreme Award
Outstanding Achievement in
the Performing Arts
Rhyders Cup for Achievement
with Distinction in the ‘Gateway’
Mike Pero's Entrepreneur of
the Year Award for the Best
Production Manager of the Year
'Ofa 'Ahomana
'Unaloto Leleifi
'Unaloto Leleifi
'Unaloto Leleifi
Tererei Samuel
Benjamin Tuilaepa
Liona Vailea
Writers' Award PJ Campbell
The 2020 SENIOR Manawa
Whenua Hauora
Award for Leadership in
Outstanding Contribution as a
Student Leader
PJ Campbell
PJ Campbell
Leadership of Student Council PJ Campbell
Outstanding Achievement in
the Performing Arts
Ngatokorima Epi
Puhoro Student of the Year Malachi Karika-Lole
Principal Prize for Deputy Head
Principal's Prize for Head
Aaron Koiatu
Herilla Victoria Salu
Courtney Award for Commerce Herilla Victoria Salu
The Sports Council Award Herilla Victoria Salu
Mike Pero’s Entrepreneur of the
Year Award for the Best CEO of
the Year
Herilla Victoria Salu
Lion Foundation Young
Enterprise Award: The
Entrepreneur for the year 2020
for South Auckland Region
Opeloge Ah Sam Award for
Senior Music Composer
of the Year
Principal Prize for Deputy Head
Outstanding Achievement in
the Performing Arts
Outstanding Achievement in
the Performing Arts
Outstanding Achievement in
the Performing Arts
Outstanding Achievement in
the Performing Arts
Mike Pero’s Entrepreneur of
the Year Award for the Best
Marketing Manager of the Year
Most Improved Student in the
Learning Centre
Mike Pero’s Entrepreneur of the
Year Award for the Best Sales
Manager of the Year
Senior Samoan Oratory Trophy
(sponsored by 5 Star Motors)
Anavatausi- Ethnic Guardian
Herilla Victoria Salu
Alex Angaa’elangi
Patricia Beazley
Kaisa Faamausili
Johnathon Lemalu
Cezanne Ratumu-
Faamanu Sanerivi
Joell Fuimaono
Aaron James
Cynthia Misi Tuitamai
Miraclerena Misa T Iuta
Teava Tonitara
Measina - Ethnic Value Cup Cynthia Misi Tuitamai
Year 13 Top R2 Winner of
the Year
Year 13 Student of the
Year 2020
Chu Moo Paw
Daniel Esera
The University of Auckland Vaka
Moana Scholarship 2020
The University of Auckland Vaka
Moana Scholarship 2020
The University of Auckland Vaka
Moana Scholarship 2020
The University of Auckland Vaka
Moana Scholarship 2020
The University of Auckland Vaka
Moana Scholarship 2020
University of Waikato Pacific
Excellence Scholarship
The Prime Minister’s Vocational
Excellence Award
‘Etina Kaliopasi
Miraclerena Misa T Iuta
Monalisa Selu
Petissa Leha’uli
Cynthia Misi Tuitamai
Miraclerena Misa T Iuta
Shakwon Aria
Māngere College Leavers’
Māngere College Leavers’
Māngere College Leavers’
Māngere College Leavers’
Māngere College Leavers’
Māngere College Leavers’
Māngere College Leavers’
Younis Ahmat
Reupena Kilipati
Asena Panuve
Chu Moo Paw
PJ Campbell
Madina Salam Khel
Teava Tonitara
Ema Piutau Scholarship Ane Filimoehala
Chemical Solutions Scholarship
‘Etina Kaliopasi
Māngere College - 2020 19
Support Staff
2020 is the Chinese year of
the Rat. The beginnings
of an auspicious year and
one to show strength of
personality as revealed
throughout the year.
The return excitement after the long
hot summer was met with energy
and enthusiasm as staff re-united
again with colleagues and students.
The keenness and eagerness of staff
to support the new Year 9 intake
journey and the continuance of
work with the returning students a
year older was positively telling.
The successes of the school and
ultimately student achievements
are celebrated by support staff. They
were there, they were involved, they
supported, and they contributed to
the student’s pathway of learning.
Support staff contribute towards
meeting the school’s strategic
objectives which include
■ extra learning support assisting
students to achieve their goals
■ supporting students for gateway
experience and identifying
pathways options for career
■ options and assistance to
embrace and overcome
language challenges and cultural
barriers in a new country and
adjusting to school life
■ widening different learning
opportunities to engage in
alternative education
■ providing expert and specialised
support in a healthcare model
for mental, physical, emotional
■ delivering a safe and connected
learning environment through IT
and property needs
■ keeping updated information
20 Māngere College - 2020
and links through the school
website, facebook and instagram
■ safe management of hazardous
chemicals and walking the talk
on health and safety
■ supporting green fingers and
benefitting from the school
“It takes a village (our school) to raise
a child (our students and leaders of
the future)”. Support staff are part
of that village who walk alongside
teaching staff led by the school
leadership team who help to shape
students’ learning potential to excel.
Bang! – Covid19 and lockdown, a
100-year event that took everyone
by surprise. The impact of this
significant health phenomenon
on students, staff and the wider
community, the country, the world
was nothing anyone expected to
Fast-tracked into a realm of
technology-based solutions saw
students learning from home,
teachers engaging in virtual
classrooms. Using the cloud, google
classrooms and other tools to
help maintain and engage in ongoing
learning from the comfort
of home was a new experience
for many. Support staff assisted
teachers and students to maintain
a connected home learning
environment. Administration staff
coordinated responses to a barrage
of community enquiries and made
learning resources available.
As the pandemic set in, Support
staff forums moved online.
Technology fast-tracked everyone
to engage and work differently. The
normality of usual day to day school
life was challenging.
Online connections became a
melting pot of blurred and frozen
images and robotic voices. Good
humour, patience and kindness
helped us maintain sanity. The
support staff forums have
benefitted staff with professional
development and strengthened the
group network.
Sadly, we farewelled the following
staff during the year
■ Science Technician Kuldip Singh
left us in Term 2 after more than
10+ years
■ Nurse Roman Cabilla who was
relieving for Erin Hunt was
farewelled in Term 3
■ Teacher Aide Carmel-Maria
Savaiinaea left in Term 4 to
pursue a pathway to teaching
We welcomed new support staff
■ Kylie Franklin the new office
■ Sarita Narayan the Science Lab
■ A welcome back to Nurse Erin
Hunt returning from maternity
A special acknowledgement to the
many school volunteers supporting
the Sports Department, uniform
and stationery shop and the school
garden. Their commitment to our
school has been invaluable.
The year has now ended, and the
major disruptions almost seem
to be past us, however the work
continues for admin staff behind
the scenes completing end of
year processes with planning and
preparations for the new year.
Thank you to all support staff
and the work you do – it makes a
Season’s greetings and a prosperous
New Year.
- Helen Faamoe
Māngere College - 2020 21
Despite the challenges 2020 brought, the library did not
fail to be a safe and peaceful haven for students. Our
library family consists of 54 students and is constantly
increasing as we have new and existing students of
the college eager to become librarians. The existing
librarians also upgraded their skills by completing their
Throughout this year there have
been various events celebrated
in our library such as the cultural
language weeks. Like every year,
with the help of various teaching
staff and students, Mrs Kumar
dressed up the mannequins in
traditional costumes according
to the various language weeks
celebrated in school this year as well.
The library also hosted Matariki
celebrations where students learned
how to make shapes and objects
with strings.
students in the club.
Our library also plays an essential
role in appealing to our potential
students. Each year we have
students from various schools
come in to experience first-hand all
that Māngere College has to offer.
This year Māngere East, Bader and
Viscount visited the library and got
to experience the opportunities and
services our library has to offer. Our
treasure of books was one of the
main highlights.
Being a student librarian unlocks
various hidden potential in students,
and serves to give back to our
community. Not only does it build
our confidence and skills, it also
provides a sense of belonging, bond
and friendship between fellow
librarians and the entire student
It has been a rewarding and
memorable year and I am sure our
library family will work together to
make the coming years even better
than the last.
- Shivashna Raj 12HS
The Tongan language week was
especially memorable, as Māngere
College was graced with a visit from
David Riley, the author of Rise of To’a
(who also happens to be an ex MC
student). Ms Alisi Tatafu was the coauthor
of this book. The visit made
students of the college motivated to
indeed seek the heights and realise
the importance of books in our lives.
The library also hosts Scholars’
Club twice a week. This club
assists students to complete their
assessments, homework and study
for difficult exams. Our friendly and
helpful teachers make beverages
and snacks for the hardworking
22 Māngere College - 2020
Sitting on the floor: Aqila Rajab Ali, Kalara Williams, Shwe Ko, Danielle Mancer, Jade Peniuesi & Hserku Hser
Sitting on chairs: Shivashna Raj, Chu Moo Paw, Mrs. Kumar, Asena Panuve, Chri Hser & Ruth Williams
Standing – first row: Mee Cho Shwe, Roanna Wah, Katherine Pio, Krizzia M Quinones, Tavara Williams & Fatima Hussaini
Standing – second row: Jordan Mauu, Adyhana Urika Filifilia, Ali Habibi, Alec Ah-Lam, Thu Nguyen, Tala Senitofo &
O-Shay Murphy
Standing on chairs: Nargis Hussaini, Mahdieh Ahmadi, Bobbie Sue Sood, Alexis Fenton, Anne Tupou & Lua Omoregie.
Absent: Mahnaz Barbari, Engelene Gasologa, Toalima Leilua, Tukura Munokoa, Hadi Sultani, Josiah Ah-Lam,
Shriti Chandra, Fetalaiga Mauu, Katarina Singh, Latai Tonga, Eh Htaw Kue Wah, Oumaima Ahmat Abdallah,
Saleha Sameem, Najia Hussaini, Violetta Langi, Abigail Panuve, Kwae Reh, Me Reh, Ethan Sigglekow, Mele Tonga,
Abdirizak Abdulmanan Ahmed, Younis Ahmat Abdallah, ‘Etina Kaliopasi, Reupena Kilipati, Madina Salam Khel &
Olathe Taumihau.
Māngere College - 2020 23
Refugee Activities
Going out on the Refugee
Big Day Out was the best
opportunity for the students to
meet new students of Māngere
College and get to know each
other better.
We played lots of different
Icebreaker games, introducing
names with favourite body actions.
We also talked about our future
goals and how to achieve them,
which was so fun. We also really
enjoyed the different variety of
foods at lunch. Thanks to RASNZ
(Refugee as Survivors New
Zealand) who were there with us
students and made the day more
special for the refugees.
For every refugee, Māngere
College is the best place they
could wish to come to because we
celebrate World Refugee Day with
honour and love. I would like to
say a big thanks to you all for your
- Madina Salem Khel
2020 RASNZ
RASNZ held an awards evening at
the Refugee Resettlement Centre,
to acknowledge and thank those
who have made an exceptional
contribution to resettled
communities in Auckland.
Chu Moo Paw, who is a passionate
advocate for young people was
awarded the Youth Award. She
choreographed the Bamboo and
karen dances for Polyfest. Chu Moo
also coordinates and teaches the
karen language to the youth, assist
with fundraising activities for her
During Term 4 we held our annual Refugee Careers Dinner in
the Staff Room at Māngere College.
There were speakers from MIT, AUT and University of Auckland who gave
our refugee students a slide show presentation and were able to help
inform students of various University programmes, scholarships and
enrolment information.
The families were all given a supermarket voucher to buy ingredients
towards a plate food representing their culture.
24 Māngere College - 2020
Every Wednesday after school,
there is an active group of refugee
students and other staff and
students who plant, weed and get
to take home vegetables to their
whanau. The club is led by Rosalie
Kwan and we also have volunteer
Metua Aerenga tending to the
garden and supporting our students
to get the best possible outcome
from their gardening. Everyone is
welcome to join!
People around the world are marking World Refugee
Day on June 20, 2020.
Every year, millions of people are
forced to flee from their homes
in order to keep safe from war,
persecution or natural disaster.
Those who have to leave their
country are called refugees. The
International World Refugee Day
aims to raise awareness of this issue,
which affects millions of people
across the world.
The latest figures from the United
Nations (UN) suggest that every
minute, around 25 people have to
leave everything behind in search of
a safer life.
It is a time to acknowledge the
strength and courage of millions of
people who have been forced to flee
their homes.
Māngere College - 2020 25
From Friends to Foes:
Wallabies centre
Oikoumene “Hunter”
Paisami and All Blacks
prop Ofa Tu’ungafasi both
hail from Māngere College
and the pair returned to
school in term 4 this year.
“We really appreciate them coming
back and showing what hard work
and strong values can get you.” says
principal Tom Webb.
Paisami and Tu’ungafasi know each
well off the field, as Paisami is good
friends with Tu’ungafasi’s younger
brother and often stays with the
family when he returns to New
Zealand. Even though Tu’ungafasi
left high school three years before
Paisami began, he says the
accomplished Blues and All Blacks
prop was an inspiration growing up.
“He would always say it doesn’t
matter what school you go to
because you can make it from
anywhere. Given he has been able
to make it out of Māngere College
to the Super Rugby and All Blacks
level, I’ve always looked up to him.”
Both players shared with the pupils
the challenges they’ve overcome to
make it into professional rugby. For
Paisami, he says moving to Australia
in Year 12 and having to make new
friends and learn a new culture was
tough. While he quickly made it into
the Australian school boys team,
his career hit a crossroads when he
was cut by the Melbourne Rebels
squad in 2018. However, he was able
to catch the eye of former All Blacks
lock and Reds coach Brad Thorne,
and within a short period of time
he’s become a consistent figure for
his new team.
rugby career, as it has taught him
the importance of hard work and
taking nothing for granted. He says
his main inspiration was seeing how
hard his own parents worked.
“I had 12 siblings, and my dad was
the only one working to support
us, so life was pretty tough. When
I started at Māngere College, I
couldn’t speak any English, but
I remember sitting in assembly
thinking I want to get to the end of
my time here and be able to give a
speech to all the students – and I’ve
done that. I believe anyone else can
achieve what they want if they work
hard and believe in themselves.”
Māngere College head girl Herilla
Salu says having two successful
Pasifika former pupils share their
journey had a big impact on her and
her peers.
“Knowing they’ve come from
the same background as us can
definitely inspire us – and as Year
13s who are leaving school soon and
having to decide what we’re going
to be doing in our future, it can
motivate us to believe in ourselves
and go for what we dream of doing.”
Was originally published in The
Tu’ungafasi says being from a
smaller public school has been the
best foundation for his professional
26 Māngere College - 2020
Duke of Edinburgh Award:
An adventurous journey
Earlier this term a group of
students from our school were
chosen to participate in the
Duke of Edinburgh Award
with Shannon Bentermen, our
award leader from the Blue
Light organisation. Through
this journey of self-discovery, we
were pushed to our limits and
recognised our own personal
achievements. To complete this
award we had to learn a new
skill, volunteer service to others,
and take part in physical activity.
There is also an adventurous
journey camp where we did
outdoor activities. The biggest
challenge we faced was hiking
up Mt Tauhara that took us a
total of three hours. The Duke
of Edinburgh Award is a great
opportunity for students to break
out of their comfort zone and
try new things to enhance their
personal potential.
- Alexis Fenton
We headed to Mt Tauhara to
begin our adventurous journey.
We challenged ourselves to be
responsible, caring for other
members of our group and we
pushed each other to hike that
winding and sometimes narrow and
steep trail. The total distance was a
2.5 km climb to the summit at 1088
metres. This experience helped us to
improve our health and fitness.
We got out of our comfort zone
and completed the hike to the
summit, taking in the breath-taking
panoramic view.
The next day we hiked from Taupo
township to Spa Park along the
riverbank of the Waikato River to
Huka Falls for lunch. We had to to
complete challenges on the way
and took the opportunity to develop
self-confidence and teamwork skills.
to develop self-confidence and
teamwork skills.
We all accepted the challenge and
made it to the end of the journey!
- Rosalie Kwan
Māngere College - 2020 27
Students who took part in the
Duke of Edinburgh Award:
Henry Ah Sam 12SI
Mahdieh Ahmadi 12HS
Oumaima Ahmat
Abdallah 11BM
Lovely Alipate 12RE
Makeleta Alofaki 12SI
Mahdi Barbari 10TR
Loti Fehoko 12SI
Alexis Fenton 12SI
Tupou Filipine 12HS
Reuben Funaki 12AU
Ali Habiabi 12HS
Hserku Hser 10TU
Fatima Hussaini 11FA
Najia Hussaini 12HS
Nargis Hussaini 10TR
Noelani Mataki 12SI
Charlie Nguyen 9ND
Phuong Nguyen 12WE
Thu Nguyen 13TN
Abigail Panuve 12RE
James Harry Punzalan
Krizzia Mae Quinones
Aqila Rajab Ali 10TR
Kwae Reh 12WE
Me Reh 12WE
Oo Reh 12WE
Soe Reh 12WE
Sonia Salaikeni 12HI
Tamera Sale 11FA
Tala Senitofo 12SI
Mee Cho Shwe 9DV
Dave Siulangapo 12SI
Hadi Sultani 9CS
Agnes Talataina 12HI
Pesi Tevaga 12WE
Mele Tonga 12WE
Luisa Toomata 12HI
Anne Tupou 12SI
Adyhana Urika Filifilia
Lilio Vea 10TR
Eh Htaw Kue Wah 10TR
Roanna Wah 10TU
28 Māngere College - 2020
MC Media
This is the second year of the MC Media club running
at MC. Covid-19 slowed down some of the MC Media
activities, but we were still able to capture many
exciting school events. We had some new students
join the group and learn some technical skills and
gain some media exposure. Looking forward to some
exciting things happening in 2021 – watch this space!
On July 31, there was a Māngere
Candidate Debate in the Māngere
Town Centre in preparation for the
2020 Election.
Olathe Taumihau, Mele Tuakalau
and PJ Campbell from Māngere
College were invited as part of MC
Media to speak to the four local
candidates and ask them questions
relating to the youth of Māngere.
The candidates were Labour’s
Aupito Su’a William Sio, National’s
Agnes Loheni, the Greens’ Reverend
Peter Sykes and Fuiavailili Ala’ilima
from the New Conservatives Party.
The students did an exceptional job
with some challenging questions
directed at the candidates.
Awesome work!
After being postponed twice, our
Performing Arts Showcase was
finally able to go ahead on Monday
28th and Tuesday 29th September,
in the school holidays. The Showcase
was an awesome celebration for
our school with singing, dancing,
spoken word and drama. MC Media
had a crew of 6 students who
helped to photograph and film the
event. Thank you to Alec Ah-Lam,
O-Shay Murphy, Tavake Kamana,
Makeleta Alofaki, Anne Tupou
and Tala Senifo who all worked
hard to capture the amazing
performances. Check out the photos
on our Instagram account - @ and videos
on the Māngere College Performing
Arts Youtube channel.
Some of the Auckland Ballers visited
school during term 4 to document
our senior basketball students.
They let MC Media students Mele
Tu’akalau, Makeleta Alofaki, Tavake
Kamana and Anne Tupou use the
cameras and gave them some
quick tutorials on how to handle
the professional gear. It was such
a great learning experience for
the MC Media students who came
away really excited about the media
industry with also the possibility of
further connections, part-time work
or apprentice type training.
The group that came through
included Seth Siope, Matavai
Taulangau and Reagan Butler who
are all professionals in the media
industry and are mostly from South
- Joanne Latif
Māngere College - 2020 29
Rise of the To’a:
During Tongan Language Week, Year 9 Dean and Social Sciences teacher, Alisi Tatafu
launched her new book ‘Rise of the To’a’ alongside co-auther David Riley.
David is an alumni MC student, so launching the book at the school and in our school library seemed the perfect fit.
‘Rise of the To’a’ is about the Mate Ma’a Tonga League team, and was written to inspire our Pasifica youth to overcome
their challenges just as the MMT team did to win the Rugby World Cup in 2017.
Well done to Ms Tatafu, what an awesome achievement!
30 Māngere College - 2020
Ngā Rangatahi Toa
This year has seen us
have some amazing
opportunities where there
haven’t been any before!
We have grown, we have adapted
and we continue to respond to the
needs of our rangatahi and whānau.
While our landscape changed,
so have we. We remained agile,
open and continued processing
in real time. Throughout this year
we planned to fail and shoot those
gaps when windows would open
up where we could be together
and connect. This has enabled
us to reach some phenomenal
achievements alongside our
Māngere College students.
Here are some highlights from the
■ Online workshops in Level 4 & 3
■ Creation of our haka
■ Base FM internships
■ performing at We love Aotearoa
■ Wassup at 10am project
■ Auckland Live workshop week
■ Fresh Movement and creative
artist workshops
■ Allpress Coffee barista training
■ Fresh new students for 2020/2021
■ 3 new rangatahi leaders in paid
employment with us
- Huia O’Sullivan
‘Executive director
Ngā Rangatahi Toa’
Māngere College - 2020 31
Toko Hauora
The 2020 Manawa Whenua Hauora programme began with
breakfasts for all year levels in Term 1, providing a platform for
students to connect with each other, their form teachers and
other staff as MC family at the beginning of the school year.
The advent of the Covid 19
pandemic with two lockdowns
affected how things were organised.
During lockdowns, the Toko team
ran a series of online workshops for
both staff and students covering
such topics as Keeping Connected,
Dealing with Emotions, Coping
with Stress, Mindfulness, Resilience
and Identity. They also supported
Ms Elizabeth Tupua, the school’s
wellbeing coordinator, by providing
prizes for her lockdown challenges.
Once the lockdowns were lifted,
workshops continued in the
auditorium on Wednesdays after
school, and guest speakers included
Māngere College’s very own Mr Mike
Darragh and Mr Paul Campbell.
Prior to school re-opening, the
Toko Collaboration Charitable Trust
collaborated with Māngere College’s
Hauora team to produce a video
that reassured students they were
welcome back, would be safe in
Alert Level 2 and that looking after
their wellbeing would help them
cope and build resilience.
The Manawa Whenua Hauora
programme has gone from strength
to strength with a Toko leadership
training day held in the first week
of the July school holidays for its
leaders. This was a very successful
joint venture with the NZ Defence
Force and the Māori wardens. A new
Manawa Whenua Hauora badge
was designed by Matua Maehe
Nuku and presented to students
at a Parents’ Fono in October. New
wellbeing awards for prizegiving
were also set in place for the
Manawa Whenua Hauora leaders.
It is very pleasing to see these
young leaders develop and grow
in confidence and leadership, and
the Toko Collaboration Charitable
Trust would like to wholeheartedly
thank all the staff and parents for
supporting the students in this
- Marina Potter
32 Māngere College - 2020
Māngere College - 2020 33
Achievement Centre
Tasi Limoni started at the Ambury School for Riding in 2019 – a partnered approach
to helping him achieve in both his learning and in life. After an unsettled start, Tasi
soon became an inspirational leader among his peers and a pillar of respect and
responsibility. Adding to this, Tasi mastered the art of riding and caring for the
This year with the recommendation
of the Principal and staff at Ambury,
Tasi attended an Automotive
class at the Manukau Institute
of Technology (MIT), in what was
only to be a two-week trial. Oneweek
in, Tasi was accepted into
the full Automotive Course at
MIT. From successfully stringing
paragraphs together and solving
math problems in the Learning
Centre, to cooking and baking in
the Achievement Centre, through
to riding and tending to horses
at Ambury…Tasi is now a full-time
student at MIT. Congratulations
This has been quite the year for
everyone. Even with the Covid19
lockdowns, students in the
Achievement Centre qualified for
their learners licenses, participated
in cultural performances for
language weeks and public
events, taught Year 7 and Year 8
students sports skills, went on work
experience and first aid courses and
were even named in the school’s 1st
XV Rugby team. We acknowledge
Jeremiah Falanaipupu and Nathan
Taufahema who were named in
the team for 2020. Nathan was also
appointed as co-captain.
We are also extremely proud of
Violetta Langi and Nathan for taking
a leap outside their comfort zones
to submit applications to become
Student Leaders. Nathan was
successful and will be a Student
Leader in 2021. The mere fact they
applied, is a huge achievement.
The Mamba Mentality (introduced
and made famous by the late L.A
Lakers and NBA great, Kobe Bryant)
means “to be on a constant quest
to try be better today than you were
yesterday”. This has been our ACH
focus for 2020. We’re ACHIEVING IT
every single day.
- Hermann Arp
34 Māngere College - 2020
Art: Hermon Mani
Hermon Mani has clearly
demonstrated his creative
powers this year, excelling
in the Art disciplines of
painting and printmaking
at NCEA level 2.
He came into his own when helping
with the tutoring of the year 8
groups from neighbouring schools
for our Open Week, being able to
confidently demonstrate skills and
communicate ideas. Hermon is
from the Cook Islands and has been
in New Zealand since he was in year
- Mike Christo
Māngere College - 2020 35
Business Department
2020 was a very unusual year for everyone. Though we
planned to do so many school trips, COVID-19 stopped
us. Our Accounting, Economics and Business students
were to travel to Wellington, so instead a virtual outing
was organised to help them complete their course
work, to gain their NCEA credits.
the Regional Final Award and the
Excellence in Sustainability Award.
The students in this business group:
Herilla Salu, Miraclerena Tuta, Liona
Vailea, Cynthia Misi, Joell Fuimaonu
and Esther Siaki.
The Year 11 and 12 Business groups
were able to carry out their market
days successfully, selling food that
had been prepared by students and
making a profit.
Our Year 13 business students had
a successful year with their creative
ventures. One of the groups called
‘Handy Mates’’ created fruit and
veggie bags out of donated Air
New Zealand head rest covers.
The students made the product,
advertised it and sold them
successfully. Led by Herilla Salu,
Cynthia Misi, MIraclerena Tuta, Joell
Fuimaono, Liona Vailea and Esther
Siaki, they were selected to present
in the final round of an almost
“Dragon’s Den-like” pitch at Young
Enterprise Studies, resulting in an
overwhelming win. They will be
awarded a prize for their fantastic
work with a sustainable product.
The second Year 13 business group,
‘Corona Busters’, was led by Olathe
and they produced masks which
helped to prevent the spread of
COVID-19. While the lockdowns
hindered the profit margins, they
had first-hand knowledge on how to
run a business in a difficult scenario.
Young Enterprise Studies Auckland
South Awards
In term 4, our Y13 Business students
won 3 awards at the Young
Enterprise Studies (YES) South
Group 1 - ‘Handy Mates’ received
Group 2 - ‘Corona Busters’ received
the Excellence in Validation Award!
Students in this business group:
Ofa Ulunga, Olathe Taumihau,
Amelia Fehoko, Sapela Tiavaasue,
Eneleata Pulemau, Rozlyn Tikinau,
Anasta Manukau.
Our Head Girl Herilla Salu won the
best Chief Executive Officer of the
year award.
A special mention goes to Ms.
Nadan for her support in helping
these students to succeed.
The Business Education
Department has had a successful
year considering nationwide and
global challenges.
36 Māngere College - 2020
Careers at
Māngere College
Kia ora and warm Pacific greetings to you all. I am Ms Karanga
and 2020 was my first full year at Māngere College, in charge of the
Careers Department, and what a whirlwind year it has been.
We coped through two lockdowns, which threw all our plans for
work experience out the window and into the unknown.
Mrs Reade stepped up into the
position of Star and Gateway
Coordinator like a boss, and worked
miracles around the Auckland area.
She has undertaken a mammoth
job, vacated by Mrs Pene who
resigned last year. Mrs Reade, along
with Mrs Kwan and Mrs Akhlaqi has
helped us numerous times with our
students’ needs in Careers, and I
would like to acknowledge them for
their efforts.
Careers would not cope without our
awesome teacher Mrs Nu’usavili,
she has worked wonders in our
career programme ensuring that
all students reach their highest
capabilities. I am glad to announce
she has become a permanent
member of our team and will help
facilitate again in 2021. “Faafetai tele
In Vocational Pathways the boys
have had an opportunity to attend
various training institutes around
Auckland and develop different
skill sets. This year has seen them
journey them from MIT, to KIWA in
Papakura, to Vision College in East
Tamaki and to On Demand Logistics
in Manurewa, to work experience in
Waiuku, and to complete their driver
licensing, forklift licences, and Site
Safe certificates.
We would like to acknowledge the
work of Mr Perks, and Mr Aviga from
Manurewa High School who helped
us bring our students into these
amazing opportunities.
Also, to Ms Sarah Redmond from
ARA who has done a fantastic job,
organising our school to be given
these life changing opportunities.
During Māori Language week,
we were able to secure ABSCA,
Aotearoa Bone and Stone Carving
Academy to come and hold a
workshop for our young Rangatahi
at Māngere College. This is the
first time we have been able to do
this, and Whaea Arihana was able
to share in this experience with
our students. Mr Maha Tomo, is
the carver who also came with his
partner to present and facilitate
our students. This workshop will be
available again in 2021.
Māngere College - 2020 37
Throughout the Careers classes
we have had some outstanding
students who have in one year
completed Level 2 and 3 in 2020,
which has allowed them to focus on
a sixth subject in 2021. I would like to
also mention a massive thank you
to all the students who have made
the next step forward in their Hikoi/
Malaga/Journey into tertiary studies.
The Careers Expo on July 31st
allowed students to see what was on
offer in the wide world. 2021’s Expo
will be bigger and more focussed
on industry, apprenticeships and
Universities, so watch this space.
Māngere College has had some
fantastic students accepted all
over the beautiful country of
Aotearoa, into universities and
training institutes that will enable
them to work towards their dream
degrees and careers. Massive
congratulations to those of you
who were successful in securing
scholarships and placements at our
top Universities.
There will be some students who
are still planning their future and
have joined the ARA expo which will
happen on the 12th of November.
These students will have been
bridged into permanent work by
this day but have been working
hard to gain the licences and tickets
in training for their employment
Scholarship planning for 2021
students in Year 12: this is the year
that you will need to aim for those
Merits and Excellences in your
subjects, this will help you apply
for University scholarships in 2022.
Tertiary study is all about planning
and working towards a common
goal of personal achievement.
On a final note to all students who
want that dream career, plan and
commit to seek the heights of
personal achievement, and believe
in yourself!
“He Mahi Tahi Tatou Mo Te Oranga
We should work together for the
wellbeing of everyone.
- Ms Karanga
38 Māngere College - 2020
English: Creative Writing
Hi, my name is Reupena
Luamanu Kilipati and I am
a country singer and the
MC Samoan Cowboy.
I was born and raised in Samoa.
When I was little, I started singing
everyday especially when I would go
to the plantation to work. It made
working fun. When I finished work,
I would take a break and naturally
begin singing to myself. I had a little
bit of a country twang and I thought
to myself how amazing it was
because I felt that God had given
me a gift and I had recognised it. I
began to sing at church in the choir
and solo. This is where I was able
to get a lot of experience and over
time, I began to create my own style.
My voice was always strong, but it
began to develop more and more.
As I grew it seemed so did my voice.
I’ve always been appreciative of it
because it is a blessing from God.
In Samoa I had dreams of recording
my music, but it seemed impossible
to me. It wasn’t until I moved
to New Zealand that I began to
see a way of turning my dreams
into reality. At Māngere College,
I took music. It has always been
my passion and my number one
subject at school. I think that it
was the first step in my journey. I
began to become more confident
in myself. During this time, I started
playing around with music with
my friends and sometimes we
recorded ourselves on our phones
and uploaded these to youtube so
that we could share our music with
a wider audience. It was fun, but I
still wanted to do something more
I was thinking about recording a
cover of the song called ‘Trying to
get over you’ by Vince Gill because I
loved the lyrics and melody. I wasn’t
sure how to go about it, so I talked
to the music teachers to see if they
could help. They suggested we
record it at school. The equipment
wasn’t state of the art, but I think we
got a pretty good recording. After
getting the soundtrack down I was
thinking of making a music video
for it. I felt so inspired to make it
happen that I discussed it with Ms
Emily. She suggested that we could
film it at Ambury Farm. I asked my
best friend to help me out. She
agreed to act for me in the video.
The song is about a relationship. His
girl moves on and he sings to her
about all the things that they were
promised from the stars. The words
of the song are so powerful to me
because I feel the emotions of the
song when I sing it. The video was
fun and difficult to produce all at the
same time. We incorporated riding
a horse in the clip and so that was a
challenge because I wanted to look
natural as if I had grown up around
horses. It was the same for my best
friend. It was the first time she had
been around horses too.
With some clever editing the video
turned out really well. I was proud
of it. I hope to follow my musical
dream and I can’t wait to find out
where it takes me.
Māngere College - 2020 39
“Mevrig” Mum sighed.
“You’re finally sixteen my dear!” She
continued, as I watched her peel the
“Go get ready now darling, the
guests are going to be here any
time now!” She said.
I nodded and quickly ran up the
stairs to search for a suitable dress
for tonight. We had invited our new
street neighbours to come over for
dinner and suggested a ‘90’s style’
theme. I was excited, kind of. I mean
my mum wasn’t really the type to
let anyone in the house since her
boyfriend went missing. I picked the
dress I randomly found in the attic
once when I was up there and put it
on. Then I quickly rushed down to
take over my mum’s duties so she
could get ready as well.
“Ding, Ding.” The doorbell rang! I
walked politely to the door with a
smile ready to greet our new socalled
neighbours. As I opened the
door - wait - there was no one there.
I turned around to look at mum
only to find her looking at my knees.
My knees? I wanted to know what
she was looking at, but it wasn’t my
knees. It was a child! It was a little
girl with her teddy that had a name
tag reading ‘Louisa’. The teddy was
a bit ugly, but the little girl looked
quite presentable.
“What’s your name?” I asked kindly.
She didn’t say anything, in fact,
5 seconds later she just put her
teddy near her ear and walked in
MY house like she owned it. It was
“Bella!” Mrs Carol said as she
appeared in our doorway looking at
her child.
“I deeply apologise for my daughter.”
She worriedly exclaimed.
“No need for that! Children are so
innocent. They don’t know what not
to say!” Mum replied, grinning.
As Mum and Mrs Carol laughed,
Mr Carol decided to join the
A few moments later Mr and Mrs
Carol introduced their daughter and
said that she always held her teddy
to her ear everywhere she went
because she felt safe with her teddy
close. Moments later we all sat down
to eat dinner. We were supposed to
have five dining seats, but instead
we added an extra one for ‘Louisa’
the teddy. Even better Louisa was
right next to me. I stared at it for
a few seconds then I looked back
at mum. She was too busy talking
with the guests to notice me so I
just sat there.
As we all had to close our eyes for
prayer, I heard a whisper…
“I know what you did!”
“...What was that? Who said that?”
I said, interrupting the prayer. I
was scared. I looked to see that the
teddy beside me was gone.
Mum looked at me angrily. Til
‘BOOM’ The ceiling fell down out of
nowhere. A body covered in blood
fell from the attic with a note saying
‘Mevrig did this.’ Mum screamed as
she noticed the ring on the body’s
It was her boyfriend.
- Mary Silva 9NU
40 Māngere College - 2020
ESOL Department
One day Danny knew that
he had won the lotto, but he
realised that he had lost the
Then he looked for it in the
rubbish but it was already empty.
He asked Sam (his friend), “Do you
know where the rubbish goes?”
Sam showed him where the
rubbish bin was.
He went to where he had left the
rubbish but he couldn’t find it.
Next, he went and asked a group
of people to help him find his
lotto ticket. He was looking for his
ticket. Everyone was searching.
They heard Sam say “I found it”.
They all looked at Sam.
Sam found the lotto ticket in the
rubbish. They went to the shop
and said “we won”
Sam gave the lotto ticket to the man
and HAPPILY shared the money
BY Mary Ainiu YEAR 9NU
In 2017 Kwae, Oo and Me
Reh came to New Zealand
from Karenni Banmai Naison
Refugee Camp in Thailand.
The camp is situated on
the border of Burma and
We were born in the camp. All
refugees are not allowed to leave the
camp. You are allowed to go to the
hospital only with an appointment.
The education is very low and we
can grow vegetables for our use.
It’s difficult to get a passport which
is required to work outside the
Soe Reh came to NewZealand in
2018. Our families applied to UNHCR
(United Nations High Commissioner
for Refugees) to be resettled. We
had to wait two years before the
paperwork was finalised.
Now we have a better life, education,
a warm home and an opportunity to
own a car.
We are very fortunate to be
welcomed by a friendly country.
- Oo Reh, Kwae Reh, Soe Reh, Me
Reh and Key Reh
Māngere College - 2020 41
Refugees are people who
have been forced to leave
or escape their country
because of war or natural
disasters, but those are only
some reasons. I came to New
Zealand because my parents
wanted to start a new
chapter in life for my siblings
and me.
It was an awesome first experience
of New Zealand and I felt very
blessed to be coming to Aotearoa.
The freedom of life came back, even
though I missed my friends back
there. I had no clue how to speak
English, and it was pretty hard back
then. Looking back, I was nervous
about learning from the start.
My first school really supported
me with subjects and my everyday
routine. It was tough getting used to
everything and where places were.
My hard work and dedication
helped me to be motivated to
keep going, even when it felt
like a rollercoaster. I actually felt
really happy and proud of my
parents for leaving their family
to help my sister and me with
our future. Looking back to our
first arrival, it was quite funny
and I was nervous because every
road we took, there was always
sand in our faces. We got to stay
in a hotel for 2-3 days until we
got to the place we had to stay.
Life was surely impressive, to be
honest. So every road or path
we take is always possible for
right and wrong. Don’t give up
in life and keep working towards
your dream. Right now I’m at
Māngere College to learn more
about the future dreams for our
- Shwe Ko
I was born in Afghanistan but moved
to Pakistan with my mother and two
sisters when I was young. We stayed in
a place for widows and had a room with
a shared kitchen and bathrooms. I went
to school and made friends who I played
hide and seek with in the dark.
My Mum worked as a cleaner, sometimes my sister
and I would help her.
I can see the differences between Pakistan and
New Zealand. In Pakistan, there were no flowers
or trees. Sometimes I miss my friends. I can speak
When I came to New Zealand my life changed, and
I am happy to be able to smile. Thank you.
- Aqila Rajab Ali
42 Māngere College - 2020
‘E ivi no toku nei ivi, e kiko no toku nei kiko,
Kia Orana tatou katoatoa. This year we celebrated Cook Islands Language
Week in full Cook Islands style and fashion. “Te atua mou e, ko koe rai te pu,
o te pa enua e.” Our anthem opened up Cook Islands language week in the
hotspot. We hosted events at lunchtime to show our Cook Islands culture
and closed our week of celebrations with a Rotaianga event for families on
Saturday. Overall our Cook Islands Students Association worked together to
bring about a week of culture, language and celebrations. Te atua te aroa.
Cook Islands
- Mr Upokokeu-Henry
Māngere College - 2020 43
Māori Department
Matariki 2020 was
celebrated throughout
the kura.
Our students learnt Mahi Whai
(string games), Māori hand games
such as Hei Tama – Tu tama, Takatu
and Hipitoito. We also had a Staff
Professional Learning Development
in which staff were able to learn
about the importance of the names
and meanings of each star in the
Matariki Cluster.
These stars are Tipuanuku,
Tipuarangi, Waiti, Waita,
Waipunarangi, Ururangi,
Pohutukawa, Hiwaiterangi, Matariki.
Despite Covid-19, we are as a school
looking forward to continuing with
Mau Rakau into the year 20201. We
will have 2 of our students (Sylas
Wilson Year 11 and Kasey Wehi
Year 10) representing Māngere
College achieving their Level 1 or
‘Poutahi’ in Mau Rakau 2020. It has
been a challenging year for the 2
boys, however, they were able to
learn the Kupu (words), Karakia
(prayer or chants), Mahi Rakau
(Taiaha movements) and Waewae
Nuku (Footwork). A huge thanks
to Chris Wiremu and Nga Pou
Tuakana (Higher Level Seniors) for
coordinating Mau Rakau this year.
Kapa Haka has been a struggle
this year. Because of the Level
restrictions, we were not able to
have mass gatherings or people
from other bubbles to achieve what
we wanted to, however at the start
this year Matua Maehe, Whaea Jane
Paul and Whaea Arihana had the
opportunity to see how talented
some of our MC students are. Our
range included vocals, action songs,
haka, good memory with words and
other fundamentals.
WEEK 2020
Māori Language week 2020 was
filled with amazing opportunities for
tauira and Kaiako.
We had ARO music running
workshops with our tauira Māori,
Māori music playing all week, Toi
Manawa Pounamu workshop,
Staff doing their pepeha and a
department kaitiaki for PLD, year
9 Te Reo Māori students teaching
the other year 9 students different
things and the school wide Māori
Moment where MC all contributed
to the 1 Million people sharing in
the Māori moment. Ka mau ra te
wehi! We really did contribute to the
theme, Kia kaha te reo Māori.
44 Māngere College - 2020
Māngere College - 2020 45
Samoan Department
E muamua ona te’a mea i
Matautusa, o le vi’iga ma le
fa’afetai i leTapaau Sili oi le
lagi, aua o lona alofa ma lona
agalelei, o lo’o maua ai pea
le soifua laulelei i lo outou
soifua ma so matou ola. E
muamua ona fa’atalofa atu
i le Susuga i le Ali’i Pule ma
ona soatau fa’apea le vasega
o ali’i ma tamaita’i faiaoga
o le laumua, tainane le paia
ma le mamalu i matua o lo’o
faia le faiva o le taputapua’i,
e pei o le faiva o le toeaina
o Fe’epo i lona atali’i o le
Leatiogie. Talofa, Talofa lava!
a’afiaga o le fa’amai o le Koviti 19,
ua a’afia ai le lalolagi atoa aemaise
ai polokalame fa’ata’atitia i le
fa’atauaina o le aganu’u a Samoa i
totonu o Niu Sila nei. Peita’i ua le
tini ma tau lau o le fa’amoemoe o
alo ma fanau o le Kolisi o Magele
sa tapena ma sauni iai. E momoli
ai le agaga o le fa’afetai i le paia
ma le ma’ave ese’ese o matua i le
latou titifaitama ma le manatu i
alo ma fanau o le kulupu Samoa o
lo’o aotauina i le Kolisi maualuga
o Magele. Liliu mai ala o le lupe
i le vasega o fai’aoga mo le latou
foi pitola’au i le fa’afaileleina ma
le tapu’eina o alo ma fanau ina ia
fa’atumauina tu ma aga fa’asamoa
moni. Ae lei la’aloa se fa’amatalaga, e
ao foi ina avatu se agaga fa’afetai i le
vala’ulia fa’aaloalo sa auai atu ai nisi
o tama ma teine o le Vasega 12 ma le
13 Gagana Samoa sa fa’ataunu’uina
i le Faletusi i Magele. O se tasi lea
o avanoa matagofie e fa’ailoa ai le
taua o tu ma aga fa’asamoa i Niu
Sila nei. Mulia’i ai se fa’amatalaga, e
momoli atu ai se fa’afetai le a’ua’u i
alo ma fanau o le kulupu Samoa, i lo
outou talisapaia ma le lagolagosua
i le fa’amoemoe e pei ona iai. E ui
lava e lei tau lau o le fa’amoemoe
ae talitonu se lagona o Aganu’u ma
Agaifanua o se oso, po’o se ai lea mo
lau malaga i le lumanai.
O lenei tausaga i le vaiaso o le
Gagana Samoa sa fa’aautuina e
fa’apea, “Tapena sou oso ma lau
malaga”. Ua le’o toe po se lilo i
46 Māngere College - 2020
First of all, we give all the glory and
praise to our Heavenly Father who
has guided us throughout this
year. Unfortunately, because of the
horrible pandemic of COVID 19, our
yearly event at the ASB Polyfest was
canceled. However, our Samoan
Polyfest Group had the opportunity
to perform in front of families and
friends during the Fiafia Night that
was held in the gym. Within that
short amount of time that was
given to us, we made some very
memorable memories together as
a family.
With Polyfest being cancelled,
we received some very sad news
that one of our greatest teachers
was leaving Māngere College. Mr.
Fesulu’ai has been working at this
school for more than 4 years, and
though it was heartbreaking for us
to see him leave, we couldn’t have
been happier to see that he is going
to do bigger and greater things at
the University of Auckland. Words
are not enough to describe your
hard work and dedication towards
your gagana Samoa classes and to
the school.
We were very fortunate that with
the lockdown being at Level 1
during Samoan Language Week, we
were able to celebrate our cultural
activities in school. Special thanks
to Carmel who was our MC for the
week and her team. Also, thank you
to every performer who was brave
enough to take part in the interval
and lunch time activities. We also
had the opportunity to celebrate
Samoan language week with the
teachers and staff members of
Māngere College.
Another memorable time for us
was when we had the privilege
to perform at the Māngere East
Festival at the Māngere East Library.
We were so thankful to Joanne
Latif our productions and media
manager who got us involved in the
festival and we were able to perform
to get some extra credits.
Our theme this year is “Prepare
yourself a gift for your travels”. We
believe that COVID 19 was a way
for us to realize how important it
is to always prepare for the future
or what may happen next. Our
motivation for you is that you
prepare yourself today so you won’t
need to worry tomorrow. Set your
goals now and work hard to achieve
them. Thank you and God bless!
- Miraclerena Iuta & Herilla Salu
Māngere College - 2020 47
Tongan Department
“We welcome you to join us in Enriching Aoteroa through faith & prayer.” (Theme of Tonga
Language Week 2020) Fakakoloa ‘o Aotearoa ‘aki ‘a e lotu mo’oni.
Māngere College’s Tonga Language
week was a treat for both the
eyes and soul. Every lunchtime
activity was opened with a hymn &
prayer by our Tongan teachers and
students. Every day was packed
with performances from all year
levels, displaying the nature of the
“‘Ulungaanga Faka-Tonga”.
It has been inspirational to watch
our students showcase their passion
for their culture through songs,
dance, and even a traditional kava
From colourful “teunga” customs to
beautiful “faiva” traditional dances,
our Tongan students brought us
the real live Tongan experience.
But this week could not have
happened without the help of
all our performers and Tongan
students & staff. Thank you so much
for enriching MC in your culture.
To all our staff members who
stayed patient and understanding
throughout the week “‘oku mau
hounga ‘ia” we are truly grateful
and appreciate your support for our
students. To the students and staff
who were the backbone of Tonga
Language Week who held the
foundation of every performance
and off/on stage preparation – thank
you. A special shoutout to all our
senior students who worked behind
the scenes in preparation for Tonga
Language Week. You have all played
a big role in Tonga Language week
- Ms Bloomfield
48 Māngere College - 2020
With an excitingly different approach to the
year, it was testing times for our students and
But being able to model attributes that we promote in our
classrooms, we were able to problem-solve and try to deliver
the curriculum as best we could given the disruptions
caused by COVID. What was pleasing to see was the
increased number of students using Education Perfect
for Math, teachers upskilling in using online platforms to
communicate and more importantly becoming more
flexible and understanding of our students’ needs.
As some normality came back into our year, the Math
department was involved in Open Week where we got to
share what we offer in terms of courses, support in Math
and extra-curricular to our feeder schools Viscount, Sir
Douglas Bader and Māngere Central.
Furthermore, to continue providing opportunities, we
offered the level 1 MCAT exam to more of our Year 11
students, some of our Year 12 and Year 13 students attended
the Pacific Academy study Ako sessions during term 3
holidays and we entered 4 junior teams into each of the
South Auckland Mathematics Competion (SAMC) events.
There were some pleasing results by both year 9 and year
10 teams and we were fortunate enough to host two of the
four events and be cheered on by our peers and teachers.
An interesting year to say the least but some valuable
learning experiences by both the department members
and students. We would like to wish our 13VPM, 3MAT,
3MAS and 3MAC students all the best for their future
endeavours (36° 57’ 34.96” S 174° 47’ 30.466” E).
- Katalina Ma
Māngere College - 2020 49
Mazbou Q with vocalists Caylis, Temaleti & D’nadcyn
This year our music
students had the chance
to be mentored by some
of NZ’s finest musicians.
These included Anonymouz
(Music Producer, Beat Maker,
Videographer) via the NZ Music
Commission, Shelley Cocker
(Founder & Producer, NZ Music
Theatre Company) and Mazbou Q
(Music producer, Musician, Rapper).
Anonymouz mentored our senior
music students in Songwriting
and Composition, and offered
them valuable insights into the
NZ Music Industry, whilst Shelley
worked with our talented female
vocalists, focussing on stage craft
and performance. Three of our
vocalists also had the opportunity
to workshop with Mazbou Q, where
he analysed their performances
and stage craft and helped them
to gain confidence in their ability
and potential. Many thanks to these
music mentors for working with our
students to help them achieve their
Shelley with our vocalists
Anonymouz working with L1 Songwriting Students
50 Māngere College - 2020
16 MC Music students took
on the New Found Sound
Competition this year – our
groups John & Tha Boys, Niu
Sound, Dolce and Duet Una
& Pypher.
New Found Sound is a competition
for upcoming musicians, singers
and bands. Regional heats kicked
off in July throughout the Auckland
and Hamilton regions. Our four
groups headed to the South Heats
at the Māngere Arts Centre on 13th
July. After a fun night filled with
many stand out music and dance
performances, our groups came out
on top - with John & Tha Boys and
Niu Sound placing 1st equal in the
Band category, and Una & Pypher
placing 1st in the Duo category.
Our performers backstage at the South Heats
Fast forward to 1st August, when
our finalists took to the stage in the
Final at TAPAC in Western Springs,
competing against the best of the
best. They had the opportunity to
perform to a packed crowd and
enjoyed the camaraderie between
all the groups backstage. John &
Tha Boys, Niu Sound and Duo Una &
Pypher all performed brilliantly, with
great feedback from the crowd and
judges alike. The competition was
stiff, with the winners decided by a
mixture of audience vote and judges
Congratulations to John & Tha
Boys who placed 1st Runner Up
in the most highly-contested
Band category, and to Niu Sound
who gained the highest judges
scores on the night. Outstanding
results for all our performers who
are to be commended for their
professionalism, dedication and
team spirit throughout the course of
the competition.
South Heats Winners
Niu Sound backstage
at the Finals John & Tha Boys backstage at the Finals 1st Runner Up at the Finals: John & Tha Boys
Māngere College - 2020 51
Our Performing Arts students were finally able to put their Showcase on, after two
prior cancellations due to Covid. Held at our MC Auditorium over two nights, Monday
28th and Tuesday 29th September, our 2020 Showcase was a celebration of music,
dance, drama and spoken word, all delivered by our talented performing artists.
Our Level 1 – 3 Dancers took to the
stage with a variety of hip-hop,
contemporary, Pasifika and fusion
dance styles, while our music
groups Duende, Dolce, Grace Notes,
Niu Sound, and John & Tha Boys,
together with instrumentalists,
performed a mix of pop and R&B
arrangements that showcased their
stellar vocals and rich harmonies.
More highlights included powerful
and passionate performances by
our Spoken Word Crew, and vibrant
drama pieces by our junior actors.
John & The Boys
Grace Notes
Niu Sound
52 Māngere College - 2020
Dance Leadership Award:
Patricia Beazley
Music Leadership Award:
Duende (Pearl Taisi, Hoparonee
Aleni, Crystal Fineaso)
Tech Team Award:
Monalisa Selu
Support Crew Award:
Miraclerena Misa T Iuta
Most Promising Actor:
Nise Lam
Most Promising Dancer:
Jahriena Maybir
Most Promising Instrumentalist:
Lakai Maea
Most Promising Vocalist:
Kaisa Faamausili
All-Rounder Award:
Mele Lelenoa
The MC Way Award:
Reupena Kilipati
2020 Supreme Award:
Unaloto Leleifi
Māngere College - 2020 53
Over the course of 7
weeks, a group of our
music students had the
opportunity to work with
Kava Bowl Media on an
original track and music
Working in the KBM studio with
Producer, Malachi Samuelu,
instrumentalists Ofa Ahomana
and Tererei Samuel laid down
instrumental tracks whilst
vocalists Adyhana Urika Filifilia,
D’nadcyn Matia, Pearl Taisi, Unaloto
Leleifi, Johnathon Lemalu, Kaisa
Faamausili, Cezanne Ratumu-
Wharton, Faamanu Sanerivi
recorded solo and harmony parts
as they watched the layers start to
form the song. The music video was
shot in three stages, both at MC
and on location close to Mangere
Mountain with filmographer Dylan
Crummer and director John Tapu.
It was an incredible experience for
everyone involved in the project;
overcoming challenges, learning
new skills and focus, and celebrating
‘The MC Way’ in the process.
The support for the song has
been immense - within the first
weekend of its release, the song saw
over 20,000 views, and hundreds
of shares and positive feedback.
Massive thanks to Kava Bowl Media
for their work on this project and to
our MC Family and Community for
the support of the song.
On 31st August, Year 13 Music
student Alex Angaa’elangi aka
Mizgf.C was featured on the
Pacific Media Network’s Radio
531 PI - ‘E Tu Rise Up Youth
Show’. This also livestreamed on
Facebook. He talked about his
musical inspirations, his work
ethic and his artistic process
and was able to offer words
of encouragement to other
aspiring beatmakers and music
producers – “…never give up. If
you are doing something and
you love doing it, don’t
stop the grind. You’ve
gotta stay committed
and follow your dreams,
because in the end, it
always pays off.”
Soon after he was featured
in another interview, live on
radio with John Pulu. You
can listen to Alex’s music
on Spotify, Instagram,
Facebook, Tiktok, Google
Play, iTunes and YouTube.
54 Māngere College - 2020
Physical Education
Yesterday Level 1 and Level 2
Sports science classes went to the
Vector Wero Whitewater Park. We
learnt about river crossing, risk
management and gained some
safety skills. We got to jump in the
river and float down the stream
through grade 4 and 5 white water.
We also got to paddle inflatable
boats down the stream. It was
very scary but fun. To finish we all
went over the 7 meter drop in the
inflatable raft.
All of the students were great and
thanks to all our teachers and to
Wero Whitewater Park for the
- Jahriena Maybir
In February this year our Year 12
sports leaders ran the Big Day Out
for the new Year 9 students. The
Big Day Out is an all day activities
day, designed to help the Year 9’s
get to know each other, their form
teachers and have loads of fun.
A big shout out to our Year 12 sports
leaders students who all planned
and delivered the activities, it was a
fantastic day.
- Mike Darragh
Māngere College - 2020 55
Science Department
In the images above, students are doing titration to find the
concentration of acid in white vinegar.
Then they compared their findings to see if the concentration
claimed by the manufactures is correct or not.
Social Science
56 Māngere College - 2020
Student Services
Our Student Services team aims to support the health and well-being of students at
Māngere College so they can reach their academic and personal potential.
We are fortunate to have a
counselling team of five, consisting
of Teresa Elder and Paul Campbell
along with three Placement
Counsellors from tertiary institutions
(Simaima Afemui, Nancy Robertson
and Robertalyn Bristowe) to
provide a confidential environment,
supporting mental well-being.
Our Community Liaison Officer &
Mentor, Kiri Leniu and Social Worker,
Tarsh Allan-Poko have formed strong
connections with students and
whanau to support their well-being
and engagement in school.
Student Services Team from left: Teresa Elder, Kiri Leniu, Paul Campbell, Tarsh Allan-Poko, Kathleen Beaton, Laura Williams,
Hanneke Aish.
Māngere College - 2020 57
What a year it has been! Our nursing team has been super flexible as we navigate our way through the
different alert levels ensuring we kept staff and students safe throughout the Covid19 outbreaks.
We said goodbye to Roman in Term
3 as we welcomed back Erin from
maternity leave. Roman will be
missed. Our nursing team is now
made up of Laura Williams, Erin
Hunt and Hanneke Aish. We were
also very proud to co-host an event
with Counties Manukau Health in
Term 3 this year. We hosted the Hon.
Julie Ann Genter who announced
that the government is investing
up to $40 million for a year-long
measles-catch-up campaign. It
was a busy but wonderful morning
vaccinating students while TV
cameras rolled. Our school sits at
approximately 85% of students
vaccinated against Measles, Mumps
and Rubella. We look forward to our
summer break and will be raring to
go in 2021.
Erin Hunt
Roman Cabilla
Nancy Robertson
Teresa Elder
Robertalyn (Birdie)
Hanneke Aish
Simaima Afemui
58 Māngere College - 2020
Technology teachers wearing masks that had been made for Covid-19 during lunch time workshops.
Technology Department
Here is a screenshot
of a Year 11 Digital
Technologies project.
This was a game
that was developed
on Scratch about
concerns, in which
players have to collect
falling trash from the
sky on school grounds
for points.
A guardian is a
person or spirit who
protects us from
ill-doing, whether
physical, mental or
spiritual. We have
chosen the RURU
as our guardian, as
it is mythologically
a guardian of the
spiritual world.
We hope to
represent the
guardianship of
RURU by making
RURU-themed covid
masks, showing how
we can protect one
another from viral
Māngere College - 2020 59
Ms Singh demonstrating how to prepare
pizzas for Year 9 Food Technology
Our Level 3 Catering students at Manukau Institute of Technology completing an
Year 9 Food Technology students
making pizza
Catering students serving teachers as part of their NCEA
60 Māngere College - 2020
The L2 Metal cohort were
introduced to CAD, primarily
focussing on mechanical CAD
that was used for product and
machinery design whereby
the students derived working
drawings of their machinists
hammer project.
L2 Metal cohort proudly displaying their constructed projects.
Cutting the taper at the
knurl termination point:
Set compound slide at –5
degrees. Calculate and
set the turning speed
appropriately. Cut the
taper down until the minor
diameter is about 0.570”.
Finish turning the remaining
handle section from the end
of taper to the nut boss at
Isaako Isaako (left) and Ngatokorima Epi Mana displaying their Level 3 BCT
Coffee Table with Rimu Curved inlays.
Lakai Maea displaying his Year 11
1BCT Small Bedside Table
Tic Tac Toe Board Game. Precision measuring,
marking, cutting and assembling. Students have
made an excellent start on their first Woodwork
Māngere College - 2020 61
62 Māngere College - 2020
Junior Girls Ruth Williams 10ZH Ruth Williams 10ZH Ariata Tonitara 9DV
Junior Boys Benjamin Temu 9MN Key Reh 9MN Joshua Siulangapo
U17 Boys Likaan Davis-Ratumu 12RE Likaan Davis-Ratumu 12RE Detroit Stewart 12RE
U17 Girls Jorjane Aerenga 12HI Jorjane Aerenga 12HI To'o Moananu 12RE
Senior Red Wednesday Anne Tupou 12SI Suaesi Vui 11ZA Cassie Lualua 11BM
Senior Blue Wednesday Emalata Kiole 13FI Herilla Salu 13IM Ane Filimoehala 13SA
Senior Mixed Kaisa Faamausili 13SA Teava Tonitara 13FI Cezanne Ratumu-Wharton
Senior Red Friday Noah Finau-Mose 11FO Merita Tuakore 11BM Monday Ayak John 10FR
Senior Blue Friday Patricia Beazley 13SA Tarleaa Grant-Te Ruahanga
Tarleaa Grant-Te Ruahanga
1st XV Joe Sania 12AU Nathan Taufahema 12WE Jeremiah Falanaipupu 12HI
Girls Red Silia Palenapa 10ZH Silia Palenapa 10ZH Azariah Fuamatu 10ZH
Girls Blue Mele Lelenoa 11ZA Mele Lelenoa 11ZA Joell Fuimaono 13TN
Tag Football
Senior Boys
Te Mana Williams-Tawhi
Hosking Viniki 10WG
Mathew Aimasi 12HS
senior Girls Jahriena Maybir 12WE Poini Lutui 12SI Vanessa Samaeli 12RE
Table Tennis
Senior Kwae Reh 12WE SimionePanuve 9DA
Senior Boys Blessing Tanu Talap 13IM Makarious Siuoalii 11FA Atunasia Tupou 11BF
Senior Girls Adyhana Urika Filifilia 12HS Loreal Urika Filifilia 11ZA Tame Tau Taupau 12HS
Māngere College - 2020 63
Senior Sports Girl
Senior Sports Boy
Knight Award for outstanding
contribution to sport
Patricia Beazley 13SA
Kaisa Faamausili 13SA
Adyhana Urika Filifilia 12HS
Hall Award for Sportsmanship (female) Ane Filimoehala 13SA
Aldridge Award for Sportsmanship
Team of the Year
Johnson Cup
Sports Council
Sportsmanship Boy of the Year
Sportsmanship Girl of the Year
Reupena Kilipati 13TN
Senior Netball Red team (Friday)
Ramona Mafileo 13SA
Alec Ah-Lam 12HI
Daniel Esera 13TN
Mele Tu'akalau 12RE
64 Māngere College - 2020
Māngere College - 2020 65
66 Māngere College - 2020
During Term 4, the
Auckland Ballers ran
a workshop with our
U17 Girls and Boy’s
Basketball teams.
The crew that visited were
a group of passionate
basketballers who run an
Instagram page called @
aucklandballers and you’ll
find their website at www. From
their website: ‘Auckland
Ballers organically evolved
into a new media platform
utilizing creative gifts to
tell other peoples stories
through film, photography,
graphic design, and art.’
During the workshop, our
MC Media students used the
cameras to photograph and
video our basketball teams
and what you see here is all
taken by Māngere College
To watch the video, scan the
QR Code with an app on
your phone.
All photographs were taken
by Makeleta Alofaki 12SI.
Māngere College - 2020 67
Back Row: Roimata Engu (referee), Benitio Henry, Joseph Agafili,
Hosking Viniki, Joshua Siulangapo, Winston Ngawhika
Front Row: Sapati Faaleaoga, Benjamin Temu, Key Reh, Maufau
Back Row: Roimata Engu (Referee), Ruth Williams, Fangaipulotu
Tupou, Ariata Tonitara
Front Row: Tavara Williams, Kairangi Tekena, Kalara Williams
Back Row: Alex Angaa’elangi, Sa’I Ah Mann, Henry Ah Sam,
Likaan Davis-Ratumu, Genesis Poko, Dave Siulangapo
Front Row: Mason Chan-Ting, Tupou Filipine, Nuhaka Maitai
Back Row: Roimata Engu, Mara Vaifale, Janet Su’a,
Ramona Mafileo
Front Row: To’o Faasisila, Jorjane Aerenga,
Prettisha-Mei Atonio-Seiuli
68 Māngere College - 2020
Māngere College - 2020 69
Back Row (L-R): Roimata Engu, Sylvia Faingaanuku
Front Row (L-R): Miracleerena Misa T Iuta, Alexis Fenton, Katherine
Pairama, Patricia Beazley
Back Row (L-R): Patricia Beazley, Ane Filimoehala, Sylvia Faingaanuku,
Tulei Salu, Roimata Mafileo (Coach)
Front Row (L-R): Herilla Salu, Rheima Misa T Iuta, Miraclerena
Misa T Iuta
Back Row (L-R): Suaesi Leaula, Cassie Lualua, Kaufoou Mafi,
Sela Mafi
Front Row (L-R): Pulotu Kaifa, ‘Alamoni Matangi, Merita
Back Row (L-R): Cezanne Ratumu-Wharton, Teava Tonitara,
Cassandra Tere, Kaisa Faamausili, Ramona Mafileo (Coach)
Front Row (L-R): Pairi Enua, Johnathon Lemalu, Ella Yipouli
Back Row (L-R): Kaufoou Mafi, Pulotu Kaifa, Monday Ayak John,
Merita Tuakore, Sela Mafi, Te Amorangi Nuku
Front Row (L-R): Vani Kaufusi, ‘Alamoni Matangi, Noah Finau-
Mose, Mele Lelenoa, Maaria Karika-Nuku
70 Māngere College - 2020
This year has been one to remember but not always for the desired reasons. Preparations
were severely disrupted by the COVID pandemic and the two lock-downs came at crucial
points in the season which had the overall effect of blocking our progress in the competitions
into which we were entered. A reduced number of entries resulted in MC fielding only a boys’
first fifteen (1st XV) and two girls’ 10-a-side teams.
Standing (L-R): Apollonia Sofara, Kairangi
Tekena, Meliame Funaki
Seated (L-R): Faye Keniseli, Norina Paulo, Sisilia
Palenapa, Nise Lam, Asariah Fuamatu
We started after the first
lockdown ended but the real
surprise was having more
than 40 girls show up to our
training sessions.
This was a feature of the girls’
season and although the numbers
dropped away over time, we still had
sufficient numbers to send out two
teams each Monday afternoon.
The A team started with a big win
over Waitakere College. Captain
Mele Lelenoa was a standout
performer, as were Adyhana, Tame
and Jas. We faltered a little after a
mid-week non- competition game
against Otahuhu College when it
was halted because of a serious
injury to one of their players. The
game was evenly poised at the time
with no score. There was a huge
crowd for this home game (and it
continued for the whole season).
Ironically, when we played OC in the
competition rounds, the same result
occurred when one of our girls
sustained a severe head injury. That
game was registered as a 0-0 draw
and acted as another brake to our
Losses to Avondale and Howick and
a scheduled game against Tangaroa
ended the season when the second
lockdown happened in August.
Auckland didn’t open early enough
to complete the playoffs, so this is
how we ended.
The B team was captained by Silia
Palenapa. The most outstanding
feature for this season was the
wonderful team spirit carried
throughout each week, with
the numbers attending training
sessions and games remaining
consistently high. Being supportive
of teammates carried them through
tough results on-field and their
determined effort was excellent.
Comprising mostly juniors from
Years 9 and 10, it bodes well for the
future of girls’ rugby at Māngere
College. Many thanks to coaches
Rob Hukatai and Fred Leniu for their
ongoing support and instruction.
Māngere College - 2020 71
Perhaps the best way to
describe this season is
that it was an amazing
journey that took a group
of unlinked individuals
and led them from a
state of uncertainty
about what lay ahead
to one of self-belief,
increasing confidence
and eventual success.
The first steps in this journey were
made with the appointment
of new coaches Bond Tagaloa
and Sam (Oto) Tuia. Their
experience coaching school and
representative teams had an
immediate effect on the group,
starting out small and gradually
growing into a formidable team.
Together with the support of
team manager, Kiri Leniu and the
sponsorship of the Leniu family,
things were ripe to challenge and
win the Auckland Schools Rugby
1C competition and compete for
promotion to 1B in 2021. … And
then COVID-19 struck and put a
hold on everything!
Upon return from lockdown, we
restarted preparations for the
2020 promotion-relegation game
with Avondale. These included
early morning fitness sessions,
afternoon team trainings and
3rd row – Kaisa Faamausili, Malachi Karika-Lole, Folau Tongotongo, Mathew Aimasi,
Harold Fuimaono.
2nd row – Jeremiah Falanaipupu, Sweetie Neria, Sanele Ioane, Lee Toluono, Mathew
1st Row – Joe Saina, Vai Havea, Blessing Talapa, Nathan Taufahema, Daniel Esera,
Gideon Faiane, Cezanne Ratumu-Wharton.
Absent – Tevita Aleluia, John Bureta, Patalione Filipine, Kalavite Fukofuka, Isaako
Isaako, AJ Maselino, Faamanu Sanerivi, Jeffrey Taulanga, LB Tuaeu, Talia Vete, Ceasor
72 Māngere College - 2020
Pre-season games against a
teachers & dads selection, Southern
Cross Campus and Alfriston College
followed. However, we learned
some tough lessons in the loss
to Avondale 13-17 and again the
following weekend against Marcellin
in the first round of 1C competition.
During the term 2 holidays, training
sessions and a team outing to Laser
Strike gave opportunities for team
bonding that were capped with
another loss to Mt Roskill Grammar
in a non-competition match, and
our first win of the season against 1B
opponents, One Tree Hill College.
And then COVID did it again…
Our return to school and hopes
for a return to competition didn’t
eventuate due to Auckland’s Level
3 & 2.5 lock-downs which effectively
ended all rugby competitions in the
city. With scheduled, but unplayed,
games against lower placed schools
Edgewater, Papatoetoe, Alfriston
and Mt Albert Grammar C we were
unable to improve on our 2nd
placing on the table and because of
the major disruptions in 2020, the
rugby union decided there will be
no promotion-relegation next year.
The team grew as a unit. Individuals
emerged as leaders and tacticians
on-field. Things were building very
nicely as the various elements came
together into the ‘perfect storm’ of
coaches, management, players and
families to produce success in 2020.
Another constant feature of the
season was the amount of support
we had from parents and friends at
away games and home fixtures. We
hope that will continue in the future.
Off the field we became a focus
point for Kava Bowl Media Sky TV
series “Pacific Brothers and Sisters”.
The team featured in a weekly
five minute segment titled “Real
XV”. The nation was introduced
to team captains Nathan and LB,
players Jeremiah, Daniel, Blessing,
Faamanu, Vai and many others in
the team. We got a lot of interest
and support from viewers around
the country including some from as
far away as Wellington who wanted
to buy tickets in the team raffle that
also featured on the show. Another
Palmerston North viewer offered to
buy boots for the boys who revealed
they didn’t have boots that fit.
Throughout the season we had
guest visits from Julian Savea and
Danny Tusitala who helped with the
coaching. La’auli Sir Michael Jones
and Pita Alatini presented team
jerseys at the pre- season dinner.
Huge thanks go to Bond and Oto for
their work with the team and each
boy individually. Thanks again to the
Leniu Crew who sponsored the work
and to all our parents and staff who
supported us through the year. 2021
promises to be one where we build
from a starting point of strength
with the return of almost half the
squad. Onwards and upwards from
here… Keep your eyes on this team.
It was definitely a season to
- Nathan Samu
‘Huge thanks
goes to Bond
and Oto for
their work
with the team
and each boy
Māngere College - 2020 73
Tag Football
Table Tennis
In 2020 we had
an enthusiastic
group of students
weekly at
Our 2020
Champion is Kwae
Reh with runner-up
Simione Panuve.
74 Māngere College - 2020
The Senior Volleyball Boys A
team started the season in term 1
strongly with wins over One Tree
Hill, Tamaki College, Sir Edmond
Hillary Collegiate and a close 3-2 set
loss against De La Salle. The boys
had many moments of success in
all of their games in the Premier
division at Auckland Champs but
were challenged to convert that
success into winning more games.
Nonetheless, they are excited for
next year’s season as a rebuilding
phase for the team with many
promising juniors coming through
into senior volleyball.
Māngere College - 2020 75
We have two Junior Boys Volleyball teams and both teams have competed in close games and have had
some good wins. They have started to gel together and are working on their skills as a team. The Junior
A Boys Volleyball team are excited to compete at Auckland Champs and are motivated to challenge
themselves against higher-level teams.
Back Row (L-R): Antonio Tanginoa, Niko Apineru,
Ricardo Samuelu,
Front Row (L-R): Tauvela Sauni, Sione Tupou, Sakimi Vailoa
Back Row (L-R): Mary Ainiu, Sufali Pename, Christine Leatioo,
Fangaipulotu Tupou, Yona Fotualii, Fetalaiga Mauu
Front Row (L-R): Luisa Lualua, Seti Savele, Leta Aleni, Lilio Vea,
Miracle Ikahihifo
Back Row (L-R): Rahui Amarama, AJ Maselino, Sapati Faaleaoga
Front Row (L-R): Eutakio Tauia, Joseph Agafili, Avi Narayan
Reihana, Maafu Taufoou
Back Row (L-R):Jasmine Lemoa, Kurarua Mateo, Esther Paepae,
Roanna Wah
Front Row (L-R): Cancy Maro, Meliame Funaki, Tulei Salu
76 Māngere College - 2020
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Māngere College - 2020 77
78 Māngere College - 2020
Year 13 Students
Back Row: Ramona Mafileo, Amelia Fehoko, Jeffrey Taulanga, Tiri Atiau, Makaila Ben
6th Row: Pairi Enua, Tiare Marsters, Thu Nguyen, Brendalee Pouwhare, Monalisa Selu, Theresa Maluatoga, Cecilia Ngani, Parani Toetoe, Caela Thompson,
Toluaiava Tavita
5th Row: Josh Kavana, Otila Niko, Teina Whakatane, Benjamin Akaiti, Ngatokorima Epi Mana, Sokoau Marama Tautu, Joela Napaa, Blessing Tanu Talapa,
Shakwon Aria, Tevita Aleluia, George Aleki Su’emai, Jasmarie Tohilima-Franklin, Joell Fuimaono
4th Row: Alex Angaa’elangi, Euangelion Pasa, Malachi Karika-Lole, Patalione Filipine, Leo Akeripa Sa, John Rimatuu, Talia Vete, Lee Tagitagiamoo Toluono, John
Bureta, Sitiveni Tongotongo, Ofa Ulunga, Daniel Esera, Liona Vailea, Cynthia Misi Tuitamai
3rd Row: Atalia Ueni, Levy Aigaalii, Kalavite Fukofuka, Felise Siaki, Maui Tereapii, Faamanu Sanerivi, Aaron James, Suia Samuelu, Sonny Maki, Cezanne Ratumu-
Wharton, Tyrone Tavita Hall, Johnathon Lemalu, Kaisa Faamausili, Sweetie Neria
2nd Row: Madina Salam Khel, Chu Moo Paw, Eneleata Pulemau, Nika Taufa, Temera Teingoa, Salome Sitani, Esther Siaki, Sylvia Faingaanuku, Sapela Tiavaasue,
Kristina Levi, Tina Vaihu, Grace Ah Chong, Ella Yipouli, Rozlyn Tikinau, Miraclerena Misa T Iuta
Front Row: Pj Campbell, ‘Emalata Kiole, ‘Etina Kaliopasi, Asena Panuve, Reupena Kilipati, Aaron Koiatu, Herilla Salu, ‘Unaloto Leleifi, Patricia Beazley, Younis
Ahmat Abdallah, Petissa Leha’uli, ‘Ofa ‘Ahomana, Sanele Ioane, Ane Filimoehala, Olathe Taumihau, Diana Pio
Māngere College - 2020 79
School LeaversCLASS OF 2020
Roses are Red,
Violets are Blue,
I’m Black.
Making excuses
can’t be excused
so stand beside
me, follow even
though I’m your
Sorry Ms for
eating your
lunch. You’re the
If you’re going
through hell
never give up,
you dont wanna
stop in hell By
SheffLevz 13.3z
I don’t have a
“cann I get a
- @patalione.
#4 Nigel - Rest in
Have a good day.
Make every day
And so the
I love you
straight away
Girl dont study
me, You won’t
graduate ♀️
Love over hate,
fight with fear,
know your not
alone cause GOD
is always there
MC for life
This world
wouldn’t be as
beautiful without
Mamiii lookin’
like a sweet one
Aint no Krabs
around here
It is what it is
Live a whole life
inside -out with a
grateful heart.
The bond
between your
brothers can
never be broken
A wise girl knows
her limits, a
smart girl knows
she has none.
-Marylin Monroe
84 Māngere College - 2020
Māngere College - 2020 85
Form Group Photos
Back Row: Paroa Tauira, Hadi Sultani,
Hekaitepo Taukiri, Fuka Kuli, Gene
Atanoa, Osai Pasikala
3rd Row: Mairi Nikau, Jeremiah
Heurea, LaceyLu Tohilima-Franklin,
Mele Fakatava, Serina Fonoti, Maiah
Hemara, Tauvela Sauni
2nd Row: Pj Campbell (Student
Leader), Mele Kaufusi, Jimmy Lee-
Lo, Moana Pouli, Ben Hepi-Brown,
Taylence Cecil, Mr Mike Christo
Front Row: Chass Ngaruhe,
Mackenzie Teaurere-West, Talita
Ake, Serena Seve, Beuty-Matagofie
Autagavaia, Manatu Tupou, Mahnaz
Absent: Ansar Abbas, Devante Roma
Back Row: Bronson Sofara, Simione
Panuve, Avi Narayan Reihana, Lana
3rd Row: Herilla Salu (Student
Leader), Rahui Amarama, Dayna
Tinirau, Charnaye Banaba, Kylie-Cacey
Tepoono, Mem Williams, Aliyah Tango
2nd Row: ‘Emalata Kiole (Student
Leader), Mercedez Petersen- Tofilau,
Maafu Taufoou, Deniro Autagavaia,
Carlin Robertson, Andrew Fepuleai,
Sapati Faaleaoga, Joseph Agafili, Mr
Michael Darragh (Teacher)
Front Row: Shwe Ko, Anna La’ai, Mafi
Latu, Marianne Tulimaiau, Lily Funaki,
Helena Tulikihakau, Mya Lokeni-Vea
Absent: Engelene Gasologa
Back Row: Thor Dey, Pasi Moimoi,
D’jon Tafili, Ezekiel Karika-Nuku, Tiori
Tairi, Isaac Rani
3rd Row: ‘Ofa ‘Ahomana (Student
Leader), Luke Soafa, Dejah Faleni
Maiava, Nise Lam, Ariata Tonitara,
Fay Keniseli, Hoki Cook, Petissa
Leha’uli (Student Leader)
2nd Row: Younis Ahmat Abdallah
(Student Leader), Joseph Apaapa,
Pula Fretton, Sonny Ofisa, Junior
Marurai, Brianna Saina, Elizana
Tuakore, Mr Kevin Davis (Teacher)
Front Row: Mee Cho Shwe, Ian
Teingoa, Maryjane Lazarus, Kalara
Williams, Kerena Emery, Jessie
Robson, Anahiiri Karamaena-
Absent: Mary Ainiu, Sufali Pename
86 Māngere College - 2020
Back Row: Dion Jones, Maaria
Karika-Nuku, Tangituangane
Tokotini, Key Reh, Oscar Siaki
3rd Row: Grace Tanginoa,
Christopher Faafiaula, Tavana Otto,
Benjamin Temu, Kurarua Mateo,
Penina Brown, Leta Aleni, Olathe
Taumihau (Student Leader)
2nd Row: ‘Unaloto Leleifi (Student
Leader), Augustino Tuala, Benitio
Henry, Sam Kaifa, Benjamayn
Faumuina, Engelene Gasologa, Jade
Peniuesi, Mr Levi Manhire (Teacher)
Front Row: Nafanua Kirisimasi, Ana
Kiel, Tavara Williams, Atalua Paulo,
Fangaipulotu Tupou, Tricia Latimer,
Tukura Munokoa
Absent: Halewayne Levi, Tulei Salu
Back Row: Miki Fonua, Litrell Vi,
Teivanui Taero, Junior Teinaki
3rd Row: Diana Pio (Student
Leader), Tra Briggs, Charlie
Nguyen, Sita Siosifa, Ramona
Tomuli Pritchard, Anthony Ioane ,
Faauila Henry
2nd Row: ‘Etina Kaliopasi (Student
Teacher), Janaia Levao, Taliah Hill,
Sam Salefao, Stanley Afualo, Nancy
Fale’ofa, Erasmus Kavapalu, Mrs
Savitri Nadan (Teacher)
Front Row: Asotolu Pelesasa,
Toalima Leilua, Halaevalu Liava’a,
Sira Singapu, Danielle Mancer, Ina
Raea, Jan Faatafe
Absent: Jacob Lal, Cherysh
Makaheti, Shyniarh Wynyard
Back Row: Clare Tauia, Soti Soti,
Patience Tuala, Sufali Pename,
Dean Alipate, Luaiva Kome
3rd Row: Vaipouli Apineru, Ane
Po’uliva’ati, Frederick Papalii, Talitai
Sila Vai, Henry Mataora, Mekarenna
Fidow, Aaron Koiatu (Student
2nd Row: Andrew Gasologa, Hugo
Ng Chok, Evangelia Utai Su’a, ‘Ileini
Loumoli, Maria Terii, Kevin Faasao,
Ms Fuatino Nuusavili (Teacher)
Front Row: Ane Filimoehala
(Student Leader), Kyarha Ngani,
Tutai Katuke, Mary Silva, Jane
Wolfgramme, Tiueti Fua, Patricia
Beazley (Student Leader)
Absent: Luisa Pita, Harold Sauni
Māngere College - 2020 87
Back Row: Tydus McIvor, Aaniah
Kapaiwai, Carlito Sitenitu, Emma
3rd Row: Sandra Kakapu, Jasmine
Lemoa, Monday Ayak John,
Meliame Funaki, Andre Tangata-
2nd Row: Pauliasi Tu’akalau,
Rimoni Moananu, Kaleb
Tongotongo Samuelu, Vela Peaufa,
Yetshi Oleko, Martin Pulemau, Mrs
Amera Franso (Teacher)
Front Row: Tisharna Tarapipipi,
Kairangi Tekena, Sela Alofaki,
Cancy Maro, Shriti Chandra, Luisa
Lualua, Esther Soti
Back Row: George Akaiti, Preston
Ngawhika, Mairangi Gilbert, Grace
Iuta, Daymon Ormsby
2nd Row: Jacob Mokalei, Sakimi
Vailoa, Esther Moli, William Tolutau,
Jaezahra Rewha, Paris Martin-
Dehar, Mr Mohammed Sameem
Front Row: Almeera Shah, Belina
Aneterea, Emma Eti, Norina Paulo,
Miracle Ikahihifo, Margaret Keniseli,
Rosielina Ariki
Absent: Zivana Hafoka, Taufahema
Manu, Dvonte Tango, Alex Tapatu
Lui, Leahana Teraitua, Rawiri Toe
Back Row: Joe Seiuli, Dorian Sao-
Mafiti, Aj King, Tani Edwin, Hunter
Houltham, Pearl Afitu, Andrew
2nd Row: Tupou Tonga, Mounga
Palu, Omani Nofoagatotoa, Tavake
Kamana, Dameighn Tuakore, Mahdi
Barbari, Mr Jose Torres (Teacher)
Front Row: Eh Htaw Kue Wah,
Lilio Vea, Sharon La’ai, Nargis
Hussaini, Apollonia Sofara, Deja
Ropati, Aqila Rajab Ali
Absent: Mikayle Babulal, Barbara
Etuale, Elizabeth Magele, Trinity
Manuel, Siala Salaikeni, Kani
88 Māngere College - 2020
Back Row: Aaron Fruean,
Honehina Leleifi, Polly Henry,
Fetalaiga Mauu
3rd Row: Upulasi Sauni, Luke Kemp,
Latai Tonga, Majik Moreland, ‘Anaseini
2nd Row: Sione Tupou, Josiah
Ah-Lam, AJ Maselino, Niko
Apineru, Caylis Masinamua,
Ricardo Samuelu, Ms Melissa
Tualaulelei (Teacher)
Front Row: Hserku Hser, Reipai
Murupaenga-Falwasser, Tia
Isaako, Seti Savele, Roanna Wah,
Rangimarie Marsters, Natalee
Absent: Nancy Mataio, Eutakio
Back Row: Tyler Baker, Edward
Tutai, Cleveland Riki-Rotohiko,
Tevina Manapori-Rikiau, Taeaoalii
2nd Row: Lupemu’a Kaufusi,
Winston Ngawhika, Pati Luka,
Vailea Filipine, Zyrus Jenkins, Nila
Tupou, Simione ‘Ahomana, Joshua
Front Row: Marianda Rani,
Josie Siaosi Ah Wong, Abygale
Matamua, Mele Kata, Asi Halauafu,
Sela Mafi, Katarina Singh
Absent: Anahera Falwasser,
Manaia Graham, Azriel Henry,
Hosking Viniki, Mr Daniel Wong
Back Row: Teeu Koiatu, Jeremiah
Tapuosi, Jewls Riki-Rotohiko, Troy
3rd Row: Francois Peni, Mere
Atanoa, Xavier Tanu, Antonio
Tanginoa, Ruth Williams
2nd Row: Kasey Weh, ‘Supileo
Tongotongo, Frank Taufa, Azariah
Fuamatu, Bradley Ah Sam, Adrienne
Faamausili, Mr Xiang Zhao (Teacher)
Front Row: Priya-Tiare Toa, Nelly
Green, Ata Siulepa, Silia Palenapa,
Sharon Ioane, Jaedyn Farrell,
Shalom Faalau Pasese
Absent: Zhijaya Ahotaha, Serenay
Geros, Fitililitonga Graham,
Christopher Havili
Māngere College - 2020 89
Back Row: Tapuarorangi Koiatu,
Vaoa Lagaaia, Zac Ieremia
3rd Row: Nelly Tongotongo, Kylie
Taunga, Marion Ford, Kerriose-
Apolimafou Folasaitu, Gideon
Faiane, Vaine Katuke
2nd Row: Brandon Reid, Uasi
Tulikihakau, Ethan Funaki, Alofa
Ieriko Sepu, Mathew Tonga,
Lincoln Wehi
Front Row: Lex Ah Wong Walker,
Grace Talakai, Pulotu Kaifa, Lilyan
Kaufusi, Keri Harris Riwhi-Moihi,
Sheree Bell, Skye Kaweroa
Absent: Taylor Kahaki, Trent
Lafaele, D’nadcyn Matia, Bonnie-
Ray Osman, Atunaisa Tupou, Mr
Viliami Bloomfield (Teacher)
Back Row: Susana Tooala, Benjamin
‘Ahomana, Kaufoou Mafi, Frencesca
3rd Row: Lemalie Seiuli, Elizabeth
Apineru, Crystal Fineaso, Troy
Filipine, Pearl Taisi, Ofa Lalahi
2nd Row: Jordan Vaatiuola, Ernest
Davida, Glassie Fabian Thomas,
Christian Angaa’elangi, Dennis
Sofara, Merita-Jade Tuakore,
Brandon Baker, Ms Fisiitotoa
Bloomfield (Teacher)
Front Row: Monique Webster,
Hoparonee Aleni, Dhuet Metotisi,
Oumaima Ahmat Abdallah, Sallyrita
Anthony, Grace Terepai, Cassie
Absent: Hinemoa Ah Chong,
Tymeah Amopiu-Baker, James Dean,
Amanaki Filimoehala, Sylas Wilson
Back Row: Temaleti Sinani,
Tamera Sale, Neomai Tamo’ua,
Vani Kaufusi, Te-Mana Williams-
Tawhi, ‘Alamoni Matangi
3rd Row: Indi Reihana, Fereti
Mamoe, Anthony Kirisimasi, ‘Aki
Fonise, Soolua Sooula, Junior
Loufono, Ngatokorua William
2nd Row: Samuel Goodwin, Raees
Ali, Edgar Schaumkel, Daniel Selu,
Tehillah Siamomua, Makarios
Siuoalii Ielemia, Mr Ken Fale
Front Row: Krizzia Mae Quinones,
Lua Anae, Roselyn Tafa, Fatima
Hussaini, Saleha Sameem,
Metuangaro Rio, Fuifui Faatafe
Absent: Tuhi Baker, Ngaire Biddle,
Pandora Rani
90 Māngere College - 2020
Back Row: Doreen Lavea,
Folauhola Tongotongo, Maria
Pompey, Lucy Iona, Meaalofa
Sauni, Kadara Poaru Raki
2nd Row: Cornelius Julius Daniels,
Demitrious McIvor, Isaleli Neria, Lza
Opai, Genesis Poko, Makarini Puiri,
Sifila Palu, Henslahval Lilo
Front Row: Noah Finau-Mose,
Katherine Pio, Alofasau Pene,
Martha Peo, Val Aimasi, Lua
Omoregie, Maddison Elkington
Absent: Lilly-Anne Ikiua,
TeAmorangi Nuku, Tavailau
Roberts, April Tunupopo, Patrick
Westerlund, Mr Siosaia Folau
Back Row: Alosina Moeai’a
Toleafoa, Jason Lal, Charlotte Vili,
Makel Puiri-Tuia
3rd Row: Suli Petaia, Feloki Faiva,
Kaloni Manuel, Xavier Tumai, John
2nd Row: Anna-Tetapu George,
Loseti Masi, Lakai Maea, Dangel-
Rae Miri, Hamyoni Amituanai, Tai
Puiri, Mr Alexander Upokokeu-
Henry (Teacher)
Front Row: Lexus Walters,
Mereanna Hopoi, Te-Mauri Tokotini
Nanua, Lavinda Lemalu-Sauaki,
Siobahn Mafileo, Gardenia Lemoa,
Aaliyah Leilua
Absent: Kalos Kiel, Will Leleifi,
Nelio Mateo, Tiara Ormsby,
Raylanny Taufa, Te Mahara Taylor
Back Row: Madison Wilson,
Tereapii Mani, Ashley Toiu, Tony
3rd Row: James Wilson, Timothy
Smith, Ua Siosifa, Suaesi Leaula,
Pypher Tohilima-Franklin, Maleeq
Start, Janet Taukiri
2nd Row: Lui Joseph-Kaitani,
Harold Utaatu, Izaiah Maki, Manoa
Teata, Ceasor Vili, Johnathan
Iosefa, Loreal Urika Filifilia, Mr
Mohammed Zaim (Teacher)
Front Row: Ausage Tusi, Payton
Golotoa, Kiana Webster, Mele
Lelenoa, Honora Lynch, Kimotea
Tereda, Mara Dawson
Absent: Lupe Ofa, Marcel Tere,
Joaquin Marsters
Māngere College - 2020 91
Back Row: Ngametua Tarai, Sa’i
Ah Mann, Paul Wehi
Front Row: Tarleaa Grant-Te
Ruahanga, Joe Saina, Talita Atu,
Reuben Funaki, Katherine Pairama
Absent: Vincent Ah Sue,
Vaimanino Luamanuvae, Eedie
Muliau, Jennifer Prescott, Leylane
Rako, Bobbie Sue Sood, Mythayus
Tawhi, Ruby Winter, Mr Brian
Aubrey (Teacher)
Back Row: Aaron Enua, Jeremiah
Falanaipupu, Sebit Ayak John,
Alec Ah-Lam, Ms Arihana Hakiwai
Front Row: Antonia Vili, Te
Aroha Marsters, Jorjane Aerenga,
Prettisha-Mei Atonio-Seiuli,
Rheima Misa T Iuta
Absent: Mason Chan-Ting, Tasi
Limoni, Nuhaka Maitai, Jordyn-
Nirel Manusina, Danielle Niutao
Tafale, Daisy Rahui Tepaano, Xaviar
Rehu, Sonia Salaikeni, Agnes
Talataina, Veronica Teinaki, Luisa
Toomata, Jerimiah Tufuga
Back Row: Ali Habibi, Adyhana
Urika Filifilia, Bryniah Petersen-
Tofilau, Adam Isitolo Lui, Abraham
Utaatu, Sefo Felauai
2nd Row: Janet Su’a, Vai Havea,
Tupou Filipine, Ethan Sigglekow,
Teina Akama, Jordan Mauu, Mele
Asolelei Fretton, Mr Samer Hormes
Front Row: Shivashna Raj, Vaevae
Tariau, Mahdieh Ahmadi, Faith
Tanu Talapa, Tame Tau Taupau,
Najia Hussaini
Absent: Mathew Aimasi, Mara
92 Māngere College - 2020
Back Row: Hermon Mani, Harold
Fuimaono, Vi Viniki
2nd Row: Lovely Alipate, Romeo
Fidow, Detroit Stewart, Likaan
Davis-Ratumu, Levi Tavai, Shandra
Foai, Mrs Parwati Reddy (Teacher)
Front Row: Vaokaho Fuimaono,
To’o Moananu, Elizabeth Lavea,
Julia Ofisa, Vanessa Samaeli
Absent: Abigail Panuve, Mele
Tu’akalau, David Tavita Hall, Lb
Back Row: Poini Lutui, Anne
Tupou, Noelani Mataki, Afu’alo
Fonise, O-Shay Murphy, Wisdom
2nd Row: Felea Maluatoga, Junior
Ngakiau, Manuia Faasao, Dave
Siulangapo, Henry Ah Sam, Ms
Nalini Singh (Teacher)
Front Row: Tala Senitofo, Alexis
Fenton, Loti Fehoko, Salote
Seuteni, Aliitasi Seuteni, Makeleta
Absent: Theresa Kumar-Lui, Eirene
Teofilo, Unaloto Ofa, Ceyaye Ikiua,
De’Vante Terry
Back Row: Louisa Faireka, Salealii
Mau’u, Kwae Reh
2nd Row: Pesi Tevaga, Oo Reh, Me
Reh, Soe Reh, Nathan Taufahema,
Jas Tere, Ms Milo West (Teacher)
Front Row: Ser Moo Wah, Faye
Tapuosi, Esther Andrew, Jahriena
Maybir, Elisapeta Gasu, Jeaniro
Muavae, Phuong Nguyen
Absent: Hser Chri, Te Awaroa
Kaihe, Violetta Langi, Tarial Seuteni,
Mark Siaki, Nuulelei Tinei Fili, Mele
Tonga, Thomas Williams
Māngere College - 2020 93
Back Row: Chu Moo Paw,
Miraclerena Misa T Iuta, Eneleata
2nd Row: Caela Thompson, Tiri
Atiau, Liona Vailea, Amelia Fehoko,
Mr Ben Euden (Teacher)
Front Row: Diana Pio, ‘Etina
Kaliopasi, ‘Unaloto Leleifi, ‘Ofa
‘Ahomana, Sanele Ioane
Absent: To’oa Faasisila, Oikoumene
Futi, Julliette Mauala, Tiulipe
Palenapa, Tererei Samuel, Metua
Tonitara, Benjamin Tuilaepa, Talia
Back Row: Brendalee Pouwhare,
Makaila Ben, Pairi Enua, Monalisa
2nd Row: Ngatokorima Epi Mana,
Levy Aigaalii, Maui Tereapii, Felise
Siaki, Leo Akeripa Sa, Kalavite
Fukofuka, Mr Huni Fifita (Teacher)
Front Row: Parani Toetoe, Tina
Vaihu, ‘Emalata Kiole, Pj Campbell,
Petissa Leha’uli, Apii Tavioni, Tiare
Absent: Taitusi Hafoka, Kayleb
Himone Henry, Taylor Manuel,
Cassandra Tere, Joyce Tiotala,
Te Aroha Tokotini Nanua, Teava
Back Row: Malachi Karika-Lole,
Benjamin Akaiti
2nd Row: Joela Napaa, Blessing
Tanu Talapa, John Bureta, Lee
Tagitagiamoo Toluono, Josh Kavana,
Ms Raselin Imraan (Teacher)
Front Row: Rozlyn Tikinau, Toluaiava
Tavita, Olathe Taumihau, Aaron
Koiatu, Herilla Salu, Atalia Ueni, Ella
Absent: Marc Chand, Noelle
Eteuati, Ene Faleapa, Masina Ianusi,
Nehemiah Mafi, Siti Pio
94 Māngere College - 2020
Back Row: Patalione Filipine,
Sweetie Neria, Oliva Perenise,
Sonny Maki, Tyrone Tavita Hall,
Abdirizak Abdulmanan Ahmed, Mr
Subrail Naidu (Teacher)
Front Row: Temera Teingoa, Teina
Whakatane, George Aleki Su’emai,
Shakwon Aria, Afe Pailegutu,
Jasmarie Tohilima-Franklin,
Theresa Maluatoga
Absent: Ferila Falanai, Tauiai
Falanai, Kahdel Leilua, Shalom
Maro, Christina Soosemea
Back Row: Sitiveni Tongotongo,
Tevita Aleluia, Alex Angaa’elangi,
John Rimatuu, Sokoau Marama
2nd Row: Kaisa Faamausili,
Johnathon Lemalu, Cezanne
Ratumu-Wharton, Ofa Ulunga,
Faamanu Sanerivi, Jeffrey
Front Row: Nika Taufa, Ramona
Mafileo, Patricia Beazley, Sapela
Tiavaasue, Ane Filimoehala, Cecilia
Ngani, Otila Niko
Absent: Anasta Manukuo, Mr
Nathan Samu (Teacher)
Back Row: Kristina Levi, Salome
Sitani, Thu Nguyen, Cynthia Misi
Tuitamai, Zabiullah Salam Khel
2nd Row: Rosalie Kwan (Support
Staff), Daniel Esera, Aaron James,
Suia Samuelu, Euangelion Pasa,
Mr Ngatokorua Teina (Teacher)
Front Row: Esther Siaki, Madina
Salam Khel, Reupena Kilipati,
Asena Panuve, Younis Ahmat
Abdallah, Grace Ah Chong, Sylvia
Absent: Samuel Faasavalu,
Rosemary Felauai, Joell Fuimaono,
Isaako Isaako, Poe Myar, Siaosi
Pohahau, Blessing Taituave
Fuimaono, Savannah Vaifale
Māngere College - 2020 95
Māngere College
Māngere College continues to be very grateful to our local businesses and individuals who provide
financial support to our students. This commitment helps Māngere College students achieve to their
Financial support allows us to provide three groups of scholarships each year:
• The Māngere College Entrance Scholarships cover most of the costs associated with starting as
a Year 9 student at Māngere College.
• The Māngere College Senior Scholarships are awarded to deserving Year 10 students. These are
worth $500 and are used by the recipients to cover the cost of uniform and other school costs
over their senior years.
• Year 13 students can apply for the Māngere College Leavers' Scholarships. These awards are
valued at up to $1500 to assist students to meet the costs of tertiary study.
If you are interested in offering Māngere College any financial sponsorship which would further
enhance our students’ future pathways please don’t hesitate to contact the school on
96 Māngere College - 2020