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Corruptio rekommenderar filmen, "The Passion of the Christ ".<br />

Inget i världen har förändrats sedan Jesus mördades. Den som sett filmen och är vaken inser vilket land det är som, i modern tid, "tystats" såsom<br />

Jesus blev tystad, utav samma makt och anledning.<br />

Bild: Mel Gibsons film, The Passion of the Christ.<br />

Leading roll in all wars and conflicts since 1939. The Swedish government has the leading roll in all wars since 1939. In the book (will be out<br />

soon) You can read more about how the Swedish government is supporting war and conflicts.<br />

Foto: The Swedish government.<br />



The swedish police has proven many times that they are capable of murdering children...<br />

On the 13 of May 2000 in Kalmar, the 19 year old Magnus Carlsson was savagely beaten and killed by the Swedish police. Magnus Carlsson was<br />

shot in the back of the head by the police.<br />

Foto: Swedish police stopped Magnus Carlsson BMW and killed him by shooting him in the back of his head.<br />

Other victims who were murdered by the Swedish police and prison guards:<br />

31 year old Mikael Pettersson was shot in the back by a police officer while fleeing from car accident in 2000 March 31.<br />

28 year old Bruce Joel Jason Hulthén murdered by four guards after he tried to run away.<br />

35 year old Peter Andersson was savagely beaten and strangled to death by four police officers in Örebro.<br />

Photo: Johan Liljekvist, murdered by the Swedish police, April 2008.<br />

För mer än tio år sedan pratade Hells Angels president om polisens brottsprovokationer. Se videon nedan där Thomas Möller berättar om att<br />

polisen begår brottsprovokationer. Polisen ville inte delta i tv-programmet för att dom inte pratar med mc-gängen sade polisens talesman. Men,<br />

polisens kriminella infiltratörer Peter Rätz och Max Åström fanns, vid tiden för programmets aktualitet, redan bland mc-gängen. Den fd. polischefen,<br />

Olle Liljegren, som "drev" infiltratörerna, dömdes 2006 för vapenbrott. I videon kan Ni även höra Möllers advokat prata. Advokat Sven-Eric Olsson<br />

har tidigare arbetat som åklagare innan han sadlade om till advokat.<br />

Wolf in Sheep Clothing. More than 70% of the refugees that came to Sweden seeking asylum between 1984-1994, came from countries that the<br />

Swedish criminal government sold weapons to the same year. Thousands of Bosnian refugees who came to Sweden in 1992-1996 were driven in<br />

busses across Sweden for days, and then driven back to Germany. This trick was done to get rid of many of the Bosnian refugees. Swedish police<br />

held many refugees and asylum seekers in prison for long time without any cause. More than thirty thousand refugees were held in dirty camps for<br />

more than five years. Many took their own life tired of waiting for an answer from the Swedish authorities. Empty apartments all over Sweden was<br />

left empty. The Swedish government made all kinds of torture like acts to make the refugees leave Sweden on thier own free will. The Bosnians who<br />

left Sweden early live now like kings in their home country. The ones who got to stay in Sweden have nothing. Many of the men are in Swedish<br />

prisons, just like the Swedish government planned.

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