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was the Georgia President and Jewish U.S. State Department officials screaming about how Georgia was “invaded” by Russia!<br />

6) Instead of condemning Georgia from the outset for the invasion and massacre, Neocon controlled politicians such as George Bush are condemning<br />

Russia and attempting to move America and Europe toward a completely unjustified conflict with Russia.<br />

Six reasons why the heavily Jewish-influenced media and political establishment of America side with Georgia<br />

1) As Israeli newspapers freely report, Israel has long allied itself with Georgia, trained its troops, and supplied weapons to Georgia. Key figures in<br />

the Georgia government are Israeli citizens and partisans for Israel, including the “Georgian” who directly launched the war, Defense Minister Davit<br />

Kezerashvili. The major “Georgia” Spokesman is Temur Yakobashvili, also an Israeli citizen, is Georgia’s minister of reintegration.<br />

2) Israel has strategic oil pipeline and economic interests in Georgia that it wants to keep under control.<br />

3) Israel and Jewish powerbrokers around the world are angry with Russia because Russia keeps the Jewish Neoconcontrolled United States from<br />

total domination of United Nations policy toward Palestine, Syria, Lebanon and toward a war against Iran.<br />

4) The Russian government has had the courage to prosecute some of the Jewish criminal Oligarchs in Russia such as Berezovsky, Gusinsky,<br />

Khodorkovsky and others, a great many of whom have fled with their stolen billions to Israel and other nations.<br />

5) Russia is a democratic state, and not controlled by special interests such as the United States is by AIPAC and Jewish campaign money. While<br />

Jewish-influenced newspapers and politicians complain about “democracy in Russia,” America maintains a completely controlled two party system<br />

that is structured to stifle Third Party dissent and representation. Russia is no longer a communist state but an anti-communist state in the true sense.<br />

While Russia has moved toward more freedom and healthy national sentiment, America has moved toward more state control of every aspect of life.<br />

Ironically, today American policy is dominated by Neocons, a Jewish extremist led group that was founded by followers of Leon Trotsky (Lev<br />

Bronstein) the notorious Jewish Bolshevik head of the Red Army in the early years of the Communist revolution in Russia, a man who murdered<br />

millions of Christians.<br />

6) Zionists are trying to make the great, overwhelming White nation of Russia an enemy of America and Europe because nationalist Russia stymies<br />

their plans for the Mideast and for the New World Order. The conflict between Russia and Georgia is not in the true interest of either country, but<br />

one in which their main enemy, Russia is weakened both financially and in the court of world opinion, and Israel gets to sell Georgia more weapons.<br />

Once you understand the powerful role of the Jewish supremacists in media and government you can begin understand the nature of the world’s<br />

major conflicts.<br />

Ny skottlossning i Göteborg! 19 aug. 2008. Två personer skottskadades ikväll i Göteborg. Polisens infiltratör Sinisa Nikolic har beväpnat ligor i<br />

Göteborg sedan 1996. Vapnen köpte han från polisens guldgosse, den fd. vapenhandlaren Sven-Erik Halberg från Älmhult. Vapenhandlaren fick en<br />

stor del utav dom illegala vapnen från polisens beslags-lager i Stockholm. Justitiedepartementet gav hösten 2001 order till Växjö-åklagare Christer<br />

Johanson att dölja infiltratörers och mc-gängens inblandning kring Halberg. Ärliga poliser fick ingen chans att säkra vapnen som<br />

infiltratörer/informatörer sålt eller rent av hade på lager. Nu viner kulor kring oskyldigas huvuden i Göteborg.<br />

Bilder: Skottlossning i Göteborg, två skadade 19 aug. 2008.<br />

Paolo Roberto vaknade! Han gick ur sosse-partiet 2006 och sade i media, "Socialdemokratin är korrupt. Man tar inte längre besluten för<br />

Sveriges väl utan för att behålla makten". Grattis säger corruptio till Paolo Roberto!<br />

Bodström spelar falsk-spel och fjäskar väljare till bedragar-partiet Socialfallsdemokraterna! Nyligen uttalade sig Thomas Bodström i media<br />

om att han vill stoppa FRA. Ska man skratta eller? Bodström var den politiker som gav order till kriminella Växjö-åklagare att, i utredningen kring<br />

Växjö vapenhärva (B1597-01), dölja polis-infiltratörers och mc-gängens inblandning. Därmed dödade socialdemokraten Bodström den 23-åriga<br />

Alexandra Wikström från Knutby, 18-årige Amin Mosavi från Gbg, 28-årige Ivan Pasic från Hbg, och många andra som dödats med vapen som<br />

polisens infiltratörer sålt .<br />

Bild: Bodström utklädd till transa.<br />

SWEDISH GOVERNMENT IS THE SHIT! Neck deep in debt the Swedish criminal government refuses to compensate all the victims that have<br />

been killed or wounded by weapons that has been illegaly sold by the Swedish police since 1995. Also, the Swedish regime does not want to pay it´s<br />

debts to all of those who has been wrongly jailed. Tens of thousands people in Sweden have been serving prison time for a crime they did not<br />

commit. The Swedish mafia state does not listen to ctiticism and that is the way the Swedish democracy works. By bribes and threats towards UN,<br />

the European Court, EU and other institutions, the Swedish dictatorship holds it´s corrupted regime together. The Swedish government is the biggest<br />

fraud in our worlds history.<br />

Foto: Red Card to the worlds most criminal government, Sweden.

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