November-December'20 issue of Tekstil News Magazine

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International Textile Magazine


During the pandemic, the Turkish

textile industry, which has increased

its textile exports unlike

many countries, will crown its success

with the ITM 2021 Exhibition

to be held between 22 and 26 June


The Turkish textile industry made

a righteous name for itself all over

the world by playing a successful

game during the troublesome

coronavirus pandemic period.

Turkey, coming to the fore especially

in the field of production

of masks and protective textiles,

made happy textile machinery

manufacturers be content through

the continuation of the stability

in textile machinery commerce.

Kasım-Aralık / November-December 2020

The Turkish Textile Sector Will Crown Its

Success in ITM 2021

In this period, the Turkish textile

industry, which has increased its

textile exports unlike many countries,

will crown its success with

the ITM 2021 Exhibition to be held

between 22 and 26 June 2021.

Turkish textile companies revitalized

Turkey’s economy through

providing confidence in the supply

chain, taking rapid actions in

changing conditions, their strong

infrastructure, and dynamic and

skilled labor force. Many of the

European textile machinery manufacturers,

which had to take a

break in their production processes,

encountered a decrease in

their number of orders and sales,

while Turkey continued to both

purchases and sales of the textile

machinery. While the machinery

manufacturers exported more

than 50 percent of their products

to countries all around the world,

exports to Europe were 37 percent

with respect to the total exports


The economic recession experienced

in the Far East countries, let

Turkey take one step further. Turkey

demonstrated its potential to

be the center of the world especially

in the production of protective

textiles. The Turkish companies,

which engaged in the production

of high-quality masks and protective

textiles in hygienic conditions,

by using the advantages of early

delivery due to Turkey’s geographical

position have become a better

alternative compared to the companies

in China. They have also become

the first choice of the European

countries, which have turned

their route to nearby producers for


Experiencing no difficulties in the

supply of nonwovens, Turkey’s

most important export product

in the January-June 2020 period

was technical textiles. This product

group, which constitutes 27.2

percent of total textile exports,

achieved an increase of 43.9 percent

compared to the same period

of last year and reached the level

of 1.1 billion US Dollars. The export


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