301. kriptografija u oracle bazi - Media Zona - My Paper

301. kriptografija u oracle bazi - Media Zona - My Paper

301. kriptografija u oracle bazi - Media Zona - My Paper


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Moderator<br />

Ninoslav Čerkez<br />

IN2<br />

ninoslav.cerkez@<br />

in2.hr<br />

Dvorana 1<br />

19.10.2011. 9:30<br />

Dvorana 1<br />

20.10.2011. 9:30<br />

Dvorana 1<br />

21.10.2011. 9:30<br />


300<br />



Predavanja pokrivaju značajne teme o razvoju aplikacija kroz APEX, ADF i JDeveloper,<br />

konkurentnom programiranju te u usporedbi alata za razvoj od Oracle Formsa, do ADF-a,što sa<br />

temama u grupi Java čini cjelinu. Biti će interesantna razmjena mišljenja na okruglom stolu o<br />

smjerovima kojima ide Oracle razvoj u Hrvatskoj i svijetu. Zlatko Sirotić će prezentirati<br />

konkurentno programiranje u Oracle <strong>bazi</strong>, Java i Eiffel programskim jezicima. Patrik Franković će<br />

dati pregled razvoja u Oracle razvojnim alatima. Steve Muench, već dugo prisutan na našim<br />

konferencijama, sudionicima će ukazati na novosti JDeveloper 11g R2. Patrick Wolf će<br />

prezentirati nove mogućnosti, način rukovanja pogreškama i rad s plug-inovima u razvojnom<br />

okruženju APEX 4.1., te o smjernicama daljnjeg razvoja APEX-a. Peter Raganitsch će prezentirati<br />

tajne profesionalaca u APEX-u te kako prevesti APEX aplikaciju. Deneš Kubiček će prezentirati<br />

problematiku sigurnosti u APEX aplikacijama. Andreja Sambolec će prezentirati NEOS ADF<br />

Kick start modul koji omogućava brži razvoj ADF aplikacija.<br />

Nisu izostale teme o standardnim poslovnim aplikacijama. Biti će interesantno čuti Željka Reljića<br />

o iskustvu uvođenja EBS u Nuklearnoj elektrani Krško. Nakon provedbe NEK je proglašen<br />

svjetskim oglednim centrom. Jelena Giljanović će ukazati na planiranje podizanja EBS na R12., a<br />

Damir Stepanić podsjetiti će na kritične faktore uspjeha implementacije ERP sustava. Zrinko<br />

Mršo će na radionici pokazati kako koristiti funkcionalnosti Hyperion Planning 11. Zlatko Vilušić<br />

će pokušati odgovoriti da li su constrainti dovoljni. O sigurnosti aplikacija i odakle početi po tom<br />

pitanju govorit će Vlatko Košturjak.<br />

Lectures covering relevant topics on the development of applications through APEX, ADF,<br />

JDeveloper, the competitive programming, comparison tools for the development from Oracle Forms<br />

and PL / SQL to ADF. With the themes of development and tools in Java covered by Group 9 all seem<br />

respectable volume issue. So it will be an interesting exchange of views at a roundtable in which<br />

direction Oracle is going development in Croatia and abroad.<br />

Zlatko Sirotić will present a competitive programming in Oracle, Java and Eiffel programming<br />

language. Patrik Frankovic will provide an overview of development in Oracle development tools..<br />

Steve Muench, have long been present at our events, participants will indicate the latest JDeveloper<br />

11g R2. Patrick Wolf will present new opportunities, the way error handling and working with plug-ins<br />

in the development environment APEX 4.1. and about the guidelines for further development and<br />

APEX. Peter Raganitsch will present the secrets of professionals in the APEX-and how to translate<br />

APEX application. Denes Kubiček will present problems of security in APEX applications. Andreja<br />

Sambolec will present NEOS ADF Kick start module, which enables faster development of the ADF<br />

applications.<br />

The event also included topics on standard business applications. It will be interesting to hear about the<br />

experiences of Zeljko Reljic on imlementation of EBS in the Nuclear Power Plant Krsko. After the<br />

implementation of the NPPK has been declared the world's competitive center. Jelena Giljanović will<br />

indicate the plan to raise the EBS R12. Damir Stepanić will remind the critical success factors in<br />

implementing ERP systems. Zrinko Mršo on workshop will demonstrate how to use the functionality of<br />

Hyperion Planning 11. Zlatko Vilušić will try to answer whether the constraint is sufficient. About<br />

applications security and where to begin will talk Vlatko Kosturjak.<br />

Ninoslav Čerkez se Oracle i Java tehnologijama bavi 13 godina. Nakon rada kao konzultant zadnjih<br />

10 godina je orijentiran na poslovne procese, edukaciju i razvoj softwera. Formalno obrazovanje je<br />

stjecao kroz diplomski i poslijediplomski studij na FER-u te doktorat, koji je u tijeku na istom<br />

fakultetu. Ostvario je niz stručnih certifikate za Oracle i Javu.<br />

Bio: Ninoslav Čerkez is Oracle and Java technologies engaged 13 years. After working as a consultant<br />

in last 10years has focused on business processes, education and softwarea development. Formal<br />

education was gained through graduate and postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Electrical<br />

Engineering and a PhD, which is in progress at the same university. He has achieved numerous<br />

professional certifications in Oracle and Java

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