301. kriptografija u oracle bazi - Media Zona - My Paper

301. kriptografija u oracle bazi - Media Zona - My Paper

301. kriptografija u oracle bazi - Media Zona - My Paper


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Petar Raganitsch<br />

click-click IT<br />

Solutions e.U.<br />

peter.raganitsch@<br />

click-click.at<br />

Dvorana 1<br />

20.10.2011. 16:30<br />

Predavanje:<br />

Općenito<br />

Za slušatelje:<br />

Iskusni (2-3.g)<br />

Namijenjeno:<br />

Developer<br />




Oracle APEX dolazi s ugrađenim Translation i Globalizaction mehanizmom, koji vam<br />

pomaže u stvaranju višejezične aplikacije. Ali to nije uvijek tako lako i jednostavno kao<br />

što izgleda na prvi pogled. Postoji nekoliko zamki i stvari koje doista trebate znati prije<br />

početka.<br />

U ovoj prezentaciji biti će pokazano što je ugrađeni Translation mehanizam u mogućnosti<br />

učiniti, a što je vama potrebno učiniti kod sebe. To će biti pogled iza zavjese da u<br />

potpunosti razumijete kako koncept Translation mehanizma funkcionira i kako trebate<br />

prilagoditi svoj razvojni ciklus na njega.<br />

Cilj je stvoriti višejezične Aplikacije uz minimalno opterećenje kod prevođenja uz<br />

maksimalnu podršku kroz Oracle APEX i druge alate.<br />

Prezentacije ima vrijednost za sve one koji se bave višejezičnim aplikacijama. Ovo će<br />

vam pomoći da uštedite novac i vaše zdravlje!<br />

No comprende Señor – Translate your APEX Application<br />

Oracle APEX comes with a built-in Translation and Globalization mechanism, which<br />

helps you in creating multilingual Applications. But it isn’t always as easy and<br />

straightforward as it looks on the first glance. There are several pitfalls and things you<br />

really want to know before starting.<br />

In this presentation I will tell you what the built-in Translation mechanism is able to do<br />

and what you need to do on your own. This will be a look behind the curtains to fully<br />

understand how the Translation concept works and how you need to adapt your<br />

development cycle to it. The goal is to create multilingual Applications with a minimum<br />

on overload through the translations and a maximum in support through Oracle APEX<br />

and other Tools. A valuable Session for all those dealing with multilingual Applications.<br />

This will help you saving money and your sanity !<br />

.<br />

Peter Raganitsch, osnivač i direktor „clic clic IT Solution“ Beč, Austrija, ima petnaest<br />

godina iskustva sa Oracle bazama podataka, Oracle Forms / Report, Oracle APEX, i web<br />

aplikacijama u cjelini. Njegova najbolja praksa je činiti stvari na način da se mogu<br />

ponovno upotrijebiti. Sudjelovao je u razvoju ApexLib Framework od verzije 2.0, i<br />

dodajući nove značajke koje nedostaju u jezgri APEX. Peterove blogove o<br />

svakodnevnom životu s APEXom potražite na http://www.<strong>oracle</strong>-and-apex.com.<br />

Bio:<br />

Peter Raganitsch, founder and director of „click-click IT Solutions“ in Vienna, Austria, has<br />

fifteen years’ deep experience with Oracle Databases, Oracle Forms/Report, Oracle<br />

APEX, and Web applications in general. His best practice is doing things in a way that<br />

they can be reused, he has been developing the ApexLib Framework since Version 2.0,<br />

and adds all the features he is missing in the core APEX product. Peter blogs about his<br />

daily life with APEX on http://www.<strong>oracle</strong>-and-apex.com

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