Rezime - Komunikacija

Rezime - Komunikacija

Rezime - Komunikacija


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Summary<br />

Transition is defined in different ways. Yet, an agreement seems almost to exist that it<br />

represents the process of setting up private property, market economy and multi-party system in the<br />

countries that used to be regarded as socialist. In this process of transition an important role is played<br />

by management as well no matter whether it is public (state) or private (economic) management.<br />

The paper points to the main characteristics and changes in the modern management of the<br />

developed countries with private property and market economy whose organization model is the one<br />

that the transition countries are tending to achieve. In such an approach, the development of<br />

management under the impact of the changes within organizations and institutions and their<br />

autonomous development are pointed out and thus, in this context, both the public and the private<br />

management obtain specific traits in the transition countries.<br />

The peculiarity of management in the transition countries springs from the specific character<br />

of the economic subjects that develop and do business in the newly-established property relations (in<br />

which most often management is not separated from ownership in the sense that property-owners<br />

appear as managers as well) and from the state organization that has just started to take on the<br />

characteristics of the legal state. On top of all, the employed people find it difficult to accommodate to<br />

the new social conditions of the working activities.<br />

In the transition countries management should be developed along with all its specific traits<br />

since this is a prerequisite for their economies to be efficient, profitable and competitive on the regional<br />

(most of all, Balkan and European) and world markets. For management to develop it is necessary to<br />

organize modern education of managers and to discard the unacceptable attitude that it is sufficient for<br />

the manager profession that an individual has abilities for it, even more so if these abilities have<br />

manifested themselves only in the property acquisition in the transition process (and often in a legally<br />

and morally irregular way). Neither is it less difficult to create an economic elite than it is to establish<br />

private property and market economy. It is even more difficult to develop public management and<br />

educate staff for this management. The knowledge for management cannot be assigned in the same way<br />

as the manager positions are assigned. This is the knowledge that has to be mastered and constantly<br />

built upon and developed in accordance with the social development dynamics.<br />

Key Words: Transition, Management, Economic Elite, Education for Management,<br />

Private Property, Market<br />

1. Početak dvadesetog veka bio je u znaku ostvarivanja socijalističkih i<br />

komunističkih ideja (oktobarska revolucija 1917. godine u Rusiji) koje su u<br />

prethodnom (devetnaestom) veku bile, manje ili više, teorijski oblikovane i ideološki<br />

osmišljene. Tokom sedamdeset godina su te ideje društveno oblikovane razvojem<br />

socijalističkog društveno-ekonomskog sistema, u izvesnom broju zemalja centralne i<br />

istočne Evrope i Azije. Čak se sredinom tog (dvadesetog) veka smatralo, po nekim<br />


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