tukaj. - Zelena Slovenija

tukaj. - Zelena Slovenija

tukaj. - Zelena Slovenija


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EOL-41-december-December-08 Uvodnik 3Uvodnik EditorialČasa za odgovore ni velikoKadar pride do velikih pretresov, ko okoliščineniso več takšne, kot smo jih bili vajeni, sepraviloma vprašamo, kako naprej. Še zlasti, čese razmere obrnejo na slabše. Kot na primersedaj.Vzrokov za spraševanje je več, ne le zaradi recesije,ki jo konkretno čuti že marsikatero podjetje.Kaj se dogaja na področju globalnih censurovin, tudi odpadnih? Kaj državam, podjetjemin državljanom prinašajo nove okoljskezaveze, nov zakonodajni okvir? Ali Evropa indržave z njim mislijo resno?Kaj storiti s tistimi sistemskimi rešitvami, naprimer shemami, ki imajo v praksi očitne anomalije?Bodo tisti, ki nanje odkrito opozarjajo – tudi vtej številki revije – (končno) dobili sogovornikav državi? Vprašanj je veliko, vse jasneje paje, da časa za odgovore ni veliko.Jasno je nekaj. Spremenjene okoliščine zahtevajospremenjen način ravnanja. Po starem nebo več šlo, vsaj dolgo ne. Fleksibilnost, inovativnost,adaptibilnost so zmagovalne lastnosti.Pomembne so za vsakega izmed nas, za podjetjain tudi za državo.In še nekaj. Zmage nikoli ni brez optimizma.Veliko optimizma torej v letu 2009!Jože Volfand,glavni urednikNot Much Time Left forAnswersWhen we are thrown into great turmoil, whencircumstances cease to be as we were used to, weordinarily ask ourselves how to proceed. Especially,if things take a turn for the worse. Such asthey have done now, for example.Apart from the recession, which is alreadydrastically affecting many companies, there aremany reasons to be asking questions. What ishappening with the global prices of raw materials,waste materials included? What are the newenvironmental commitments – the new legislativecontext – going to bring for companies, andfor countries and their citizens? Are Europeanand other countries serious about them?What to do with the legislative solutions, for example,schemes, which exhibit obvious anomalieswhen put into practice?Will those who are openly drawing attention tothem – in this issue included – find a discussionpartner in the country (finally)? The questionsare many, but it is getting ever clearer that thereis not much time left for answers.One thing is certain. A change in the circumstancesrequires a change in how things are handled.The old ways are no longer viable, at leastnot in the long-term. Flexibility, innovation,adaptability – these are the winning qualities.They are important for each and every one of us,for companies, and even for the country.And one more thing. Victory never comes withoutoptimism. I therefore wish you a great dealof optimism in 2009!Jože Volfand,Editor-in-Chief

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