මහාමේඝ 2563 දුරුතු (2020 ජනවාරි) මස කලාපය

පසුගිය කලාපවල පළවූ ලිපි කියවීම සඳහා පිවිසෙන්න - www.mahamegha.lk/e-paper

පසුගිය කලාපවල පළවූ ලිපි කියවීම සඳහා පිවිසෙන්න - www.mahamegha.lk/e-paper


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f.!;u nqÿrcqkaf.a ioyï idu ikafoaYh /f.k'''

From page 28..

Intermittent Fasting - New revelation ....

emphasize fasting during nighttime. Instead, there

are various types of dieting techniques including

combinations of fasting and non-fasting, commonly

known as time-restricted eating. One such method

uses 14 or 16 hour fasting based on one’s personal

convenience, meaning one can either skip dinner or

breakfast. 4 hour window diet, in which one eats only

during 4 hour window and fast for 20 hours, is also

very popular among those who are keen on staying


In Hinduism, fasting is a method of

purifying the mind. As a Bodhisatta, the ascetic

Siddhartha practiced various methods of fasting;

at times forgoing food for days and knew it to be

fruitless when practiced to an extreme degree. The

Lord Buddha explains in many suttas the purpose

of eating for monks. In Rathopama Sutta of the

Saṃyutta Nikaya (Saḷāyatanasaṃyutta), the most

compassionate Buddha says: ‘And how, monks, is

a monk moderate in eating? Here, reflecting wisely,

a monk takes food neither for amusement nor for

intoxication nor for the sake of physical beauty

and attractiveness, but only for the support and

maintenance of this body, for ending discomfort, and

for assisting the spiritual life, considering: “Thus I

shall terminate present hunger and not arouse further

hunger, and I shall be healthy and blameless and live

in comfort.”

The Lord Buddha uses a simile of a chariot

wheel to explain further. He says just as we grease a

wheel of a cart for the smooth running of the wheel,

in order to get the work done, we use food to sustain

this life to practice the noble path.

Further, all this new scientific evidence about

the benefits of fasting and all the excitement about it

is limited to maintaining this life, this body; a worldly

objective. But when the Lord Buddha set forth a

discipline it is not limited just to the betterment of

this life, it is also to overcome the suffering of the

continuous cycle of rebirth. Therefore, when the Lord

Buddha advised monks not to eat after noon and

refrain from a nighttime meal, that fasting method is

conducive to good health and spiritual development.

Therefore we as lay disciples of the Buddha

should fast on poya days when observing higher

precepts emulating the great arahants with spiritual

advancement as the objective. Because few in this

world practice fasting to that end. Just as there are

only a few who cross the ocean of existence Buddha

said there are only a few who refrain from food after

the sun reaches its zenith. Even more so when fasting

for spiritual progression.

The Japanese Nobel Prize-winner’s discovery

shows that abstaining from food and keeping fasts

is healthy. For many in the world this may seem as

a 'new revelation' but for us Buddhists it's as old as

the hills. Because we know for a fact that Buddha

stated this many millennia ago. Therefore this

article is by no means another vain attempt to show

that Buddhism agrees with Science or vice-versa

as Science cannot hold a candle to the marvelous

wisdom of the Buddha.

What we should understand is of all the

people in the world how fortunate we are to be the

disciples of the Buddha. Hence, let us not let this

momentous opportunity to be guided by the sublime

teachings of the Buddha pass us without reaping

whatever benefit we can from it.

Written by

Prajapathi Jayawardena



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