03.03.2013 Aufrufe

Katalog "Daily" (deutsch, englisch) - Petra Lottje

Katalog "Daily" (deutsch, englisch) - Petra Lottje

Katalog "Daily" (deutsch, englisch) - Petra Lottje


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Where you hide?<br />

Behind your narcissism, your greed, your hatred of yourself?<br />

I see you, you little worm! I see you…<br />

Can you smell your soul?<br />

Can you smell your lies?<br />

The carnage you´ve created.<br />

The imposter living within.<br />

Can you smell it?<br />

Can you smell the running dogshit?<br />

38<br />

The fermented puke that is your viscera?<br />


39<br />

Can you smell your mothers tears?<br />

Basierend auf den Worten und der Stimme von Charlie Sheen<br />

Asking all around here, why this feeble abortion survived?<br />

in einer Videobotschaft an Chuck Lorre, März 2011.<br />

You´re all traitors.<br />

Your rational egos will be your downfall.<br />

Based on the words and the voice of Charlie Sheen<br />

in a video message to Chuck Lorre, March 2011.<br />

© <strong>Petra</strong> <strong>Lottje</strong> 2012

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