18.11.2013 Aufrufe

Zur Lage der Bahá'í im Iran Aktuelle Verfolgungen und ... - Pro Asyl

Zur Lage der Bahá'í im Iran Aktuelle Verfolgungen und ... - Pro Asyl

Zur Lage der Bahá'í im Iran Aktuelle Verfolgungen und ... - Pro Asyl


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<strong>Zur</strong> <strong>Lage</strong> <strong>der</strong> Bahá’í <strong>im</strong> <strong>Iran</strong>: <strong>Aktuelle</strong> <strong>Verfolgungen</strong> <strong>und</strong> <strong>der</strong>en Hintergründe 20<br />

United Nations, General Assembly, Doc. A/51/542, Implementation<br />

of the Declaration on the El<strong>im</strong>ination of All Forms of Religious<br />

Intolerance and Discr<strong>im</strong>ination Based on Religion or Belief. Inter<strong>im</strong>-<br />

Report submitted by Mr. Abdelfattah Amor, Special Rapporteur, 23<br />

October 1996 [enthält die Empfehlungen des Berichterstatters an die iranische<br />

Regierung zur Gleichstellung <strong>der</strong> Bahá’í <strong>im</strong> <strong>Iran</strong>]<br />

United Nations, General Assembly, Doc. A/C.3/56/L.50, Resolution<br />

on the Situation of Human Rights in the Islamic Republic of <strong>Iran</strong>, 20<br />

November 2001<br />

United Nations, Economic and Social Council, Doc. E/CN.4/2001/63,<br />

Civil and Political Rights, Including Religious Intolerance, Report<br />

submitted by Mr. Abdelfattah Amor, Special Rapporteur, Februar<br />

2001<br />

United Nations, Economic and Social Council, Doc. E/CN.4/2001/39,<br />

Question of the Violation of Human Rights and F<strong>und</strong>amental<br />

Freedoms in any Part of the World, Report on the situation of human<br />

rights in the Islamic Republic of <strong>Iran</strong>, prepared by the Special<br />

Representative of the Commission on Human Rights, Mr. Maurice<br />

Danby Copithorne, Januar 2001

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