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79. Sloan E.P., Hauri P., Bootzin R., Morin C., Stevenson M., Shapiro C. M.:<br />

The nuts and bolts of behavioral therapy for insomnia.<br />

J Psychosom Res, 1993; 37(1):19-37<br />

80. Späth-Schwalbe E., Scholler T., Kern W., Fehm H. L., Born J.:<br />

Nocturnal adrenocorticotropin and cortisol secretion depends on sleep duration and<br />

decreases in association with spontaneous awakening in the morning.<br />

J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 1992; 75:1431-5.<br />

81. Späth-Schwalbe E., Gofferje M., Kern W., Born J., Fehm H.L.:<br />

Sleep disruption alters nocturnal ACTH and cortisol secretory patterns.<br />

Biol Psychiatry, 1991 Mar 15; 29(6):575-84<br />

82. Strehl C., Gaber T., Löwenberg M., Hommes D. W., Verhaar A. P., Schellmann S.,<br />

Hahne M., Fangradt M., Wagegg M., Hoff P., Scheffold A., Spies C.M., Burmester G.<br />

R., Buttgereit, F.:<br />

Origin and functional activity of the membrane-bound glucocorticoid receptor.<br />

Arthritis Rheum, 2011 Dec; 63(12):3779-88<br />

83. Van Cauter E., Plat L., Leproult R., Copinschi G.:<br />

Alterations of circadian rhythmicity and sleep in aging: endocrine consequences.<br />

Horm Res, 1998; 49(3-4):147-52<br />

84. Van Cauter E., Leproult R., Plat L.:<br />

Age-related changes in slow wave sleep and REM sleep and relationship with growth<br />

hormone and cortisol levels in healthy men.<br />

JAMA, 2000; 284:861-8<br />

85. Veldhuis J. D., Iranmanesh A., Johnson M. L., Lizarralde G.:<br />

Amplitude, but not frequency, modulation of adrenocorticotropin secretory bursts gives<br />

rise to the nyctohemeral rhythm of the corticotropic axis in man.<br />

J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 1990 Aug; 71(2):452-63<br />

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