30.09.2016 Aufrufe

Starling handbook Preview

Starling handbook Preview - Gamua, Starling Framework, Actionscript 3, AS3, Adobe AIR

Starling handbook Preview - Gamua, Starling Framework, Actionscript 3, AS3, Adobe AIR


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Pivot Points<br />

<br />

The code also introduces the concept of pivot points. Per default, the root of an<br />

image is at the top left (just as the stage’s root is at the top left). Via the pivotX and<br />

pivotY properties, you can move that root (the pivot point) to a different location.<br />

Above, we are moving the pivot point to the center of the bird’s body, which has<br />

two advantages:<br />

1. Should we want to rotate the bird later, it will rotate around its center.<br />

2. It will simplify the collision detection code we need to write a little later.<br />

Run the project now to see the bird airborne!<br />

Figure 7. The bird is in the air.<br />

Something seems to be wrong, though: there is no flapping animation, just a static image!<br />

That’s because the MovieClip doesn’t have any information about the passage of time yet; and<br />

without that information, it will simply stick to the very first frame.<br />

In this case, we want to have full control over the bird’s animation, so we update it manually once<br />

per frame. Let’s do this by adding the following method to the World class:<br />


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