30.09.2016 Aufrufe

Starling handbook Preview

Starling handbook Preview - Gamua, Starling Framework, Actionscript 3, AS3, Adobe AIR

Starling handbook Preview - Gamua, Starling Framework, Actionscript 3, AS3, Adobe AIR


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Don’t forget to assign birdVelocity a value (zero, in this case). AS3 has a very<br />

peculiar default value for variables of type Number: NaN (not a number). So much<br />

for language designers not having a sense of humor!<br />

The next step is to update birdVelocity each frame, and to move the bird by that velocity.<br />

public function advanceTime(passedTime:Number):void<br />

{<br />

/* ... */<br />

}<br />

advancePhysics(passedTime); 1<br />

private function advancePhysics(passedTime:Number):void<br />

{<br />

_bird.y += _birdVelocity * passedTime; 2<br />

_birdVelocity += GRAVITY * passedTime; 3<br />

}<br />

public function flapBird():void 4<br />

{<br />

_birdVelocity = FLAP_VELOCITY;<br />

}<br />

1 The new method advancePhysics will contain our tiny physics engine.<br />

2 Move the bird along the y-axis, according to its current velocity.<br />

3 Add the GRAVITY to the bird’s current velocity.<br />

4 This method will be called when the player touches the screen. It instantly sets the bird’s<br />

velocity to a fixed value.<br />

That’s actually all our physics code. You probably agree that adding a full-fledged physics library<br />

would have been an overkill in this situation!<br />

There’s one more step to do: allowing the player to control the bird, i.e. to call that new flapBird<br />

method. Please open up the Game class and make the following modifications:<br />


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