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Jahrbuch 1994

Jahrbuch 1994

Jahrbuch 1994


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Daniel, H.: Muon catalyzed fusion: old and new aspects of energy production. - In: Hyperf.<br />

interact. 82 (1993) S. 409-421.<br />

Daniel, H.: The Garching neutrino mass experiments (Status Report). - In: Prog. in particle<br />

and nucl. phys. 32 (<strong>1994</strong>) S. 175-184.<br />

Daniel, H.; Hartmann, F.J.; Neumann, W.; Schott, W.: Measurement of the stopping power<br />

for μ- at energies in the eV range. - In: "LEMS'93". Ed.: M. Leon. Los Alamos: Los Alamos<br />

National Laboratory, NM, <strong>1994</strong>.<br />

Daniel, H; Hartmann, F.J.; Neumann, W.; Schott, W.: Measurement of the stopping power<br />

for μ- at energies in the eV range. - In: Phys. let. A 191 (<strong>1994</strong>) S. 155-158.<br />

Eades, J.; Morita, N.; Ito, T.M.; Ito, Y.; Kawachi, A.; Nakamura, S.N.; Hayano, R.S.;<br />

Iwasaki, M.; Shigaki, K.; Tamura, H.; Sugai, I.; Widmann, E.; Yamazaki, T.; Higemoto,<br />

W.; Nishida, N.; Hartmann, F.J.; Daniel, H.; von Egidy, T.; Hofmann, P.; Kim, Y.-S.: A<br />

naturally occuring trap for antiprotons. - In: Hyperf. interact. 81 (1993) S. 227-237.<br />

Georgii, R.; von Egidy, T.; Klora, J.; Lindner, H.; Mayerhofer, U.; Ott, J.; Schauer, W.;<br />

von Neumann-Cosel, P.; Richter, A.; Schlegel, C.; Schulz, R.; Khitrov, V.A.; Sukhovoj,<br />

A.M.; Vojnov, A.V.; Simonova, L.J.; Prokofjev, P.T.: Complete level scheme of l24Te up<br />

to 3.5 MeV excitation energy. - In: "Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy". Ed.: J. Kern.<br />

Singapore: World Scientif., S. 338-345.<br />

Haninger, T.; Lotfranaei, M.S.; von Egidy, T.; Hartmann, F.J.; Hofmann, P.;Kim, Y.S.;<br />

Märten, H.; Ruben, A.: Folding angle and excitation energy of fragments from 235U(n,f) and 252Cf(sf) reactions. - In: Nucl. phys. A 572 (<strong>1994</strong>) S. 294-316.<br />

Hartmann, F.J.: Slowing down of low-energy muons. - In: "LEMS'93". Ed. M. Leon. Los<br />

Alamos: Los Alamos National Laboratory, NM, <strong>1994</strong>.<br />

Hartmann, F.J.; Baumann, P.; Daniel, H.; von Egidy, T.; Grunewald, S.; Lipowsky, R.;<br />

Moser, E.; Schott, W.; Ackerbauer, P.; Breunlich, W.H.; Fuchs, M.; Jeitler, M.; Kammel,<br />

P.; Marton, J.; Nägele, N.; Werner, J.; Zmeskal, J.; Bossy, H.; Crowe, K.M.; Sherman,<br />

R.H.; Lou, K.; Petitjean, C.; Markushin, V.E.: The PSI experiments on muon-catalyzed pt<br />

fusion. - In: Hyperf. interact. 82 (1993) S. 259-269.<br />

Hayano, R.S.; Maas, F.E.; Torii, H.A.; Morita, N.; Kumakura, M.; Yamazaki, T.; Masuda,<br />

H.; Sugai, I.; Hartmann, F.J.; Daniel, H.; von Egidy, T.;Ketzer, B.; Müller, W.; Schmid,<br />

W.; Horvath, D.; Eades, J.; Widmann, E: Laser studies of the dPcay chain of metastable antiprotonic<br />

helium atoms. - In: Phys. rev. let. 73 ( <strong>1994</strong>) S. 1485-1488.<br />

Hechtl, E.; Eckstein, W.; Roth, J.: Reflection and self-Sputtering of Nickel at oblique<br />

angles of ion incidence. - In: Nucl. instrum. and meth. B 90 (<strong>1994</strong>) S. 505-508.<br />

Hofmann, P.; Iljinov, A.S.; Kim, Y.S.; Mebel, M.V.; Daniel, H.; David, P.; von Egidy, T.;<br />

Haninger, T.; Hartmann, F.J.; Jastrzebski, J.; Kurcewicz, W.; Lieb, J.; Machner, H.;<br />

Plendl, H.S.; Riepe, G.; Wright, B.; Ziock, K.: Fission of heavy nuclei induced by stopped<br />

antiproton. I. Inclusive characteristics of fission fragments. - In: Phys. rev. C 49 (<strong>1994</strong>)<br />

S. 2555-2568.<br />

Iljinov, A.S.; Mebel, M.V.; Daniel, H.; von Egidy, T.; Hartmann, F.J.; Hofmann, P.; Kim,<br />

Y.S.: Antiproton-induced nuclear fission. - In: Phys. atomic nuclei 57 (<strong>1994</strong>) S. 1218-<br />

1225 [Yadernaya Fizika 57 (<strong>1994</strong>) S. 1286-1293].<br />


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