11.10.2017 Aufrufe


GASTROLINI.DE is a germany based wholesale company for catering products. At the moment, we have more than 30,000 catering products on stock, such as kitchen knives, kitchenware, cooking utensils, cooking utensils, refrigerators, stoves, microwaves, grills, baking dishes, restaurant equipment, hotel equipment and barbed goods. We have a wide selection of top brands such as Kenwood, Dualit, Waring, Lincat and Churchill. These brands are all available at the best price-performance, equipped with specially-priced discounts. The clothing range consists of unisex models for men and women. We can equip you with cooking clothes as well as clothing for operating personnel and protective clothing. We sell all leading brands of chef knives such as Victorinox, Wüsthof, Déglon Sabatier and many more. Different professional ovens are available as needed, such as electric ovens, convection ovens, combi-ovens and pizza ovens. We also have a wide assortment of cooking appliances for many different purposes as well as induction cooking plates, deep fryers, baking dishes, grills, rice cookers, waffle irons and much more. On our website we do not offer a classic online shop, because we negotiate with you a quickly, uncomplicated and individually price discount. This creates a service-oriented transparency with a common win-win situation.

GASTROLINI.DE is a germany based wholesale company for catering products. At the moment, we have more than 30,000 catering products on stock, such as kitchen knives, kitchenware, cooking utensils, cooking utensils, refrigerators, stoves, microwaves, grills, baking dishes, restaurant equipment, hotel equipment and barbed goods. We have a wide selection of top brands such as Kenwood, Dualit, Waring, Lincat and Churchill. These brands are all available at the best price-performance, equipped with specially-priced discounts. The clothing range consists of unisex models for men and women. We can equip you with cooking clothes as well as clothing for operating personnel and protective clothing. We sell all leading brands of chef knives such as Victorinox, Wüsthof, Déglon Sabatier and many more. Different professional ovens are available as needed, such as electric ovens, convection ovens, combi-ovens and pizza ovens. We also have a wide assortment of cooking appliances for many different purposes as well as induction cooking plates, deep fryers, baking dishes, grills, rice cookers, waffle irons and much more. On our website we do not offer a classic online shop, because we negotiate with you a quickly, uncomplicated and individually price discount. This creates a service-oriented transparency with a common win-win situation.


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Pizzaöfen<br />


Mit Pizzaöfen von Bartscher zaubern Sie ein Stück Italien auf den Tisch<br />

Knusprig-lockerer Boden – frischer, saftiger Belag:<br />

Mit den Pizzaöfen von Bartscher gelingt einfach jede Pizza!<br />

Das Geheimnis liegt in der bedarfsgerechten Regulierung der Ober- und Unterhitze.<br />

Während der Boden auf dem heißen Schamottstein bei ca. 400 Grad knusprig-kross gebacken wird,<br />

gart die reduzierte Oberhitze die Toppings langsam und schonend. So bleibt der Pizzabelag schön saftig.<br />

Egal, ob Sie gelegentlich eine Pizza, Flammkuchen oder<br />

Baguettes servieren, oder eine Pizzeria mit hohen Durchlaufzahlen<br />

führen: Bartscher hält den richtigen Ofen für<br />

Sie bereit! Vom kompakten Einsteigermodell CT 100<br />

über den Pizzaofen NT 622VS mit Vollschamott-<br />

Ummantelung bis hin zum Highend-Produkt ET 205<br />

mit einer Kapazität von 2 x 9 Pizzen. Alle Pizzaöfen sind<br />

für den täglichen professionellen Einsatz ausgerichtet.<br />

Sicher im Einsatz, einfach im Handling, verlässlich im<br />

Backen - und obendrein Energie sparend. Zusätzlich<br />

können Sie aus unserem qualitativ hochwertigen Zubehörsortiment<br />

aus Teigknet- und Ausrollmaschinen, passenden<br />

Untergestellen, Schiebern oder Rollern auswählen.<br />

Mit Bartscher haben Sie das perfekte Equipment an der<br />

Hand, damit jede Pizza ein Genuss wird.<br />

Buon appetito!<br />

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