22.12.2012 Aufrufe

Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall: Erinnerungen und Briefe - GAMS

Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall: Erinnerungen und Briefe - GAMS

Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall: Erinnerungen und Briefe - GAMS


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India, by H.H. Wilson, Esq. secretary<br />

to the Asiatic society of Bengal etc.<br />

Calcutta 1828. grl. 8. Vol. I. 355<br />

Seiten; Vol. II. 149 S.<br />

4) History of the rise of the Mahomedan<br />

power in India till the year A. D.<br />

1612 translated from the original<br />

Persian of Mahommed Kasim<br />

Ferishta, by John Briggs, M.R.A.S.<br />

lieutenant-colonel in the Madras<br />

army; to which is added, and<br />

account of the conquest, by the kings<br />

of Hydrabad of those parts of the<br />

Madras provinces denominated the<br />

ceded districts and northers circars,<br />

with copious notes. In four volumes.<br />

London 1829. gr. 8. Vol. I. 529 S.; Vol.<br />

II. 559 S.; Vol. III. 528 S.; Vol. IV. 644<br />

S.<br />

5) Annals and antiquities of Rajast'han<br />

or the central and Western<br />

Rajpoot states of India, by<br />

Lieutenant-colonel James Tod, late<br />

political agent to the Western<br />

Rajpoot states. London 1829; im<br />

größten Quart. Vol. I. 806 S.<br />

6) Versuch einer Literatur der<br />

Sanskritsprache, <strong>von</strong> Friedrich<br />

Adelung, kaiserl. russischem wirkl.<br />

Staatsrath <strong>und</strong> Ritter, Direktor des<br />

orient. Instituts bey dem Ministerium<br />

der auswärtigen Angelegenheiten<br />

<strong>und</strong> Ehrenmitglied mehrerer<br />

– 1971 –

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