22.07.2021 Aufrufe


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The Albritton’s

Double the Blessings

Mistie Desper

“The Lord blessed me with lots of energy,” joked Shellie Albritton.

Shellie has served the Madison County area for over

12 years as a personal trainer and became the co-owner

of Burn Boot Camp in 2017. She said, “I started Burn

with my brother. We are a community offering amazing

support for each other.” The idea behind it, she explained,

was to give an outlet to women, especially moms, who

never take time for themselves when raising their families.

She added, “We want women to feel good about

themselves and we can give them that 45 minutes to

train, to sweat, to do something just for them.”

Admitting that she has always been “super active”

and just “likes to always be moving,” Shellie strives

to bring that motivation, enthusiasm, and support to

other women in the area. She stressed the importance

of women taking a break to recharge, and admitted,

“Doing this myself has made me a better mom.”

Hometown MADISON • 17

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