22.07.2021 Aufrufe


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at least stabilize the house enough to use as a reasonably fortified

shelter. And that’s when the miracles started happening.

By that very evening, through the power of Facebook, we had

secured a new roof–that was being donated! And everything from

there fell into place in a way that we could have never imagined.

Some longtime supporter friends of Shower Power called and

offered to provide us with the support of a general contractor to help

get us started. Sheetrock and all the supplies needed to hang it was

donated. A 2.5 ton HVAC and the installation of it was donated.

The calls kept coming–and so did the cash.

We started referring to our supporters as our “Village” and we

updated everyone routinely through Facebook. Plumbing fixtures

were donated along with windows and doors. An electrical company

agreed to donate all of the wiring and its installation–and the

owner of that company acted as a general contractor that got us

across the finish line.

Drywall installation was donated. Custom cabinets were built,

donated, and installed. A college group came and painted the entire

interior. A local business owner purchased flooring for us and the

company she purchased it from donated the installation! It was

amazing—and it had God’s fingerprints all over it.

38 • MAY 2021

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