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FREE READ [PDF] Rapid Wordpress Websites: A visual step-by-step guide to building Wordpress websites fast! (Webmaster Se

COPY LINK: https://numpack-gareng.blogspot.com/?ichi=1499314469 ********************************************* BOOK SYNOPSIS: Rapid Wordpress Websites A visual step-by-step guide to building Wordpress websites fast! Updated 8th October to Cover Wordpress version 4Did you ever wish there was a tutorial that would show you just what you needed to know to create your first Wordpress website, without having to wade through stuff you'll never use?Well this book is that tutorial. It teaches you on a strictly need-to-know basis, and will have you building your own website in hours. And I don't leave

COPY LINK: https://numpack-gareng.blogspot.com/?ichi=1499314469

Rapid Wordpress Websites A visual step-by-step guide to building Wordpress websites fast! Updated 8th October to Cover Wordpress version 4Did you ever wish there was a tutorial that would show you just what you needed to know to create your first Wordpress website, without having to wade through stuff you'll never use?Well this book is that tutorial. It teaches you on a strictly need-to-know basis, and will have you building your own website in hours. And I don't leave

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Rapid Wordpress Websites: A visual step-by-step guide to building

Wordpress websites fast! (Webmaster Series)




Rapid Wordpress Websites A visual step-by-step guide to building Wordpress websites fast!

Updated 8th October to Cover Wordpress version 4Did you ever wish there was a tutorial that

would show you just what you needed to know to create your first Wordpress website, without

having to wade through stuff you'll never use?Well this book is that tutorial. It teaches you on a

strictly need-to-know basis, and will have you building your own website in hours. And I don't leave

you stranded either. I created a companion website for readers of this book, with tutorials and help

to take your Wordpress skills to the next level, when, and only when, YOU are ready.What's in this

book?We start at the very beginning by getting good, reliable web hosting and choosing a domain

name. I actually walk you through every step, so there will be no confusion. Once you have your

domain, we'll install Wordpress and have a look around the Wordpress Dashboard - think of this

as your mission control.After planning what we want to do, we'll actually build the companion site

as we work through the book. We cover the essential settings in Wordpress that you need to

know, how to use the editor, the difference between pages and post, categories and tags, etc.We'll

set up custom navigation so your visitors can find their way around your Wordpress site, and

carefully use widgets to enhance the design and user experience. Once the site is built, we'll play

around with customizing the look and feel using themes, and I'll point you in the direction of some

interesting plugins you might like to look at. These will be covered in more depth on the

companion website. The book will take you from nothing to a complete website in hours, and I'll

point out a number of beginner mistakes and things to avoid. Who am I?My name is Andy Williams

and I am a Wordpress-a-holic. I've been using Wordpress for nearly 10 years to build sites for

myself, and my clients. I run a newsletter over at ezseonews.com.

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