25.03.2023 Aufrufe

_PDF_ Just-Right Comprehension Mini-Lessons: Grade 1 (Teaching Resources)

COPY LINK: https://pdf.bookcenterapp.com/yumpu/B00EE9S668 This resource includes more than 50 research-based comprehension mini-lessons that will engage children and help teachers meet the standards. Each mini-lesson is linked to a National Reading Panel strategy, such as monitoring comprehension, generating and answering questions, creating and using images, summarizing, and more. Includes lessons for fiction and nonfiction, plus ready-to-use graphic organizers and checklists.

COPY LINK: https://pdf.bookcenterapp.com/yumpu/B00EE9S668

This resource includes more than 50 research-based comprehension mini-lessons that will engage children and help teachers meet the standards. Each mini-lesson is linked to a National Reading Panel strategy, such as monitoring comprehension, generating and answering questions, creating and using images, summarizing, and more. Includes lessons for fiction and nonfiction, plus ready-to-use graphic organizers and checklists.

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Just-Right Comprehension Mini-Lessons:

Grade 1 (Teaching Resources)


Just-Right Comprehension Mini-Lessons:

Grade 1 (Teaching Resources)

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Just-Right Comprehension Mini-Lessons:

Grade 1 (Teaching Resources)


COPY LINK: https://pdf.bookcenterapp.com/yumpu/B00EE9S668 This resource includes more

than 50 research-based comprehension mini-lessons that will engage children and help teachers

meet the standards. Each mini-lesson is linked to a National Reading Panel strategy, such as

monitoring comprehension, generating and answering questions, creating and using images,

summarizing, and more. Includes lessons for fiction and nonfiction, plus ready-to-use graphic

organizers and checklists.

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