31.03.2023 Aufrufe

book✔read⚡ Anti-D Explained

COPY LINK : https://fastpdf.bookcenterapp.com/yump/199980645X Fifty years ago, we learned that giving a medicine called Anti-D to childbearing women with rhesus negative blood could help protect their future babies from an age-old disease. But the same research which showed this also raised some tantalising questions, to which we still don't know all the answers. Today, rhesus negative women are offered Anti-D at several points during their pregnancy and birth journeys. Many would like to know more than they can read in the standard information leaflets on this topic. Many have questions abou

COPY LINK : https://fastpdf.bookcenterapp.com/yump/199980645X

Fifty years ago, we learned that giving a medicine called Anti-D to childbearing women with rhesus negative blood could help protect their future babies from an age-old disease. But the same research which showed this also raised some tantalising questions, to which we still don't know all the answers. Today, rhesus negative women are offered Anti-D at several points during their pregnancy and birth journeys. Many would like to know more than they can read in the standard information leaflets on this topic. Many have questions abou

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Anti-D Explained

Description :

Fifty years ago, we learned that giving a medicine called Anti-D to

childbearing women with rhesus negative blood could help protect

their future babies from an age-old disease. But the same research

which showed this also raised some tantalising questions, to which

we still don't know all the answers. Today, rhesus negative women

are offered Anti-D at several points during their pregnancy and birth

journeys. Many would like to know more than they can read in the

standard information leaflets on this topic. Many have questions

about whether they really need this medicine. This book has been

written to explain the issues, to answer key questions and to share

information about what we do and do not know about Anti-D and

related topics from research evidence and current thinking. Dr Sara

Wickham is an author, speaker and researcher who has been writing

and lecturing about Anti-D and pregnancy and birth related topics

for more than twenty years. &quotSarWickham has found an original

way to raise judicious yet unusual questions. Thanks to her

exceptional capacity for lateral thinking she has developed the art of

'hitting the nail on the head'. The genuine pioneers are those who

raise the right questions at the right time.&quotDr Michel Odent,

Founder, Primal Health Research Centre. Foreword by Dr Michel


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