20.04.2023 Aufrufe

[PDF]❤️Download ⚡️ Xiu Yang: The Ancient Chinese Art of Self-Cultivation for a Healthier, Happier, More Balanced Life

COPY LINK: https://reader.ebookexprees.com/yum/0486841723 ********************************************* BOOK SYNOPSIS: A beautiful and timely gift. &#8212 Sifu Matthew Cohen, Founder, Sacred Energy Arts Founder For centuries, Chinese sages, rulers, and spiritual seekers have embraced a simple yet powerful principle that enables them to live in harmony with the source of nature and all life. The art of self-cultivation or xiu yang (pronounced sheow yaang) is based on the concept that we can nurt

COPY LINK: https://reader.ebookexprees.com/yum/0486841723

A beautiful and timely gift. &#8212 Sifu Matthew Cohen, Founder, Sacred Energy Arts Founder For centuries, Chinese sages, rulers, and spiritual seekers have embraced a simple yet powerful principle that enables them to live in harmony with the source of nature and all life. The art of self-cultivation or xiu yang (pronounced sheow yaang) is based on the concept that we can nurt


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Xiu Yang: The Ancient Chinese Art of Self-Cultivation for a Healthier,

Happier, More Balanced Life




A beautiful and timely gift. &#8212Sifu Matthew Cohen, Founder, Sacred Energy Arts Founder For

centuries, Chinese sages, rulers, and spiritual seekers have embraced a simple yet powerful

principle that enables them to live in harmony with the source of nature and all life. The art of selfcultivation

or xiu yang (pronounced sheow yaang) is based on the concept that we can nurture our

capacity to be fully human and awake, finding balance and peace in our home, life, and

community. Author Mimi Kuo-Deemer leads readers through a combination of practices from

meditation and mindfulness to yoga and qigong, offering ancient wisdom to help with

contemporary challenges. Exquisite ... for anyone interested in building a sustainable life that is

imbued with vibrant healthy, mental and emotional clarity, and the most basic human need of all:

happiness. &#8212Donna Farhi, author ofYoga Mind, Body &ampSpirit A treasure chest for the

heart and mind, a potent tonic for body and breath, and a vibrant life essence for the spirit.

&#8212Simon Low, Principal of The Yoga Academy Kuo-Deemer doesn't simply write about these

ancient teachings, she shares the fruits of practicing them, processing timeless truths in her own

heart and mind and body, so that we can do so in ours. Xiu Yang gives glimpses of her own

transformational self-cultivation, while showing us a path for our own. &#8212Martin Lylward, Co-

Founder, The Mindfulness Institute Profound and powerful. &#8212Norman Blair, author

ofBrightening Our Inner SkiesAlmost lost in China over the past century's onslaught of

modernisation, xiu yang is now at the centre of Chinese people's search for values and belief

&#8212a tribute to the enduring power of these ancient practices. In this slender but powerful

book, Mimi Kuo-Deemer unlocks xiu yang for the modern reader, de-mystifying it without losing

the eternal, timeless qualities that have made it one of Chinese people's most potent ways of living

a good, honourable, happy, and healthy life. &#8212Ian Johnson, Pulitzer Prize-winning author

ofThe Souls of China: The Return of Religion After Mao

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