23.09.2012 Aufrufe

Borreliose im Kindes- u. Jugendalter

Borreliose im Kindes- u. Jugendalter

Borreliose im Kindes- u. Jugendalter


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Borrelien<br />

Figure 239-1 Electron micrographs of Borrelia burgdorferi. The spirochetes have a transverse diameter of about 0.2 mm and 7 to 11 flagella, which are shown (left panel)<br />

in cross-section in the upper and middle pictures and in tangential section in the lower picture. In longitudinal section (right panel), the organism has an apparent sl<strong>im</strong>e<br />

layer, an outer membrane, flagellae, a cell wall, and cytoplasmic constituents; its length is 11 to 39 mm. (&#215;40,000, except upper left [&#215;60,000]). (From Steere<br />

AC, Grodzicki RL, Kornblatt AN, et al. The spirochetal etiology of Lyme disease. N Engl J Med. 1983;308:733, with permission. Copyright &#169; 1983 Massachusetts<br />

Medical Society. All rights reserved.)<br />

Downloaded from: Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases (on 27 July 2008 02:29 PM)<br />

©2007 Elsevier

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