lamhil september 2012 - E-Pao!

lamhil september 2012 - E-Pao!

lamhil september 2012 - E-Pao!


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LAMHIL SEPTEMBER <strong>2012</strong> OPINION<br />

20<br />

EXAMINATION FEVER By C. Lalboy Doungel, Shivajian<br />

Many people think that exam is the<br />

only time to get to know with books, and I<br />

am no different from this category of<br />

people who love last minute study-last<br />

minute hero! The adverse effect is<br />

stress,tension,frustration and panic when we<br />

constantly work(study) without a break<br />

during the exam; that brings us nothing but<br />

failure at the end. All of us inclusive of who<br />

we are wants to do well in life, and show<br />

to the world that we can do.But most of<br />

us don t achieve what we wish to because<br />

of so many reasons; and laziness could be<br />

one of them.sometimes I would daydream<br />

asking myself,how beautiful life would be<br />

without this word called laziness . We know<br />

what should have been done and what is<br />

best for us; but why still stay idle? lets boot<br />

out laziness from us so that we are not<br />

defeated or else we will be called Mr.defeat/<br />

failure even if we don t like it. The most<br />

exciting gala events(the KSO sports and<br />

Silver Jubilee celebration) is approaching<br />

and everyone young and old is exited! but<br />

when I think of the exam that is ahead I<br />

am filled with tension.WHY? may be, not<br />

beng prepared is one reason! There is an<br />

old popular maxim that says, slow and<br />

steady wins the race . However, it is not<br />

always applicable in today s rat-race of cutthroat<br />

competition. Rather a new maxim,<br />

fast and furious could be a better option<br />

(as I call it). Ask yourself, Am I using my<br />

mental ability to make history or am I using<br />

it merely to record history made by<br />

others?Lets remind ourselves regularly that<br />

that we are better than we think we are,think<br />

success and Believe Big.It is better for us to<br />

study in advance to avoid problems during<br />

the Exams. From the start of the academic<br />

year/session devoting some time to study<br />

would also help in solving all these<br />

problems as there will be no undue panic<br />

when exams have to be taken. Most people<br />

from Northeast and the Kukis in particular<br />

no doubt, loves to play Football than study,<br />

and I am no different. Regular exercise,<br />

playing games and a healthy diet are indeed<br />

important for us to maintain good health<br />

to do well in our studies.But our mentality<br />

in trying to maintain balance between our<br />

study and playing lies the problem because<br />

most of us in dept don t know the reason<br />

why we are here, if I m not wrong! Most<br />

of us are fussy about things that will lead<br />

us nowhere and the worst thing is we love<br />

doing them; and also love stories that can<br />

kill our time.And we are often the victim<br />

of the entice of the glamour world and<br />

find no time for studies which should be<br />

our main concern.The upcoming<br />

JUBILEE SPORTS of the KSO should<br />

not hinder us in achieving what we are<br />

suppose to achieve or else we become a<br />

ding-bat.If we want to be successful, let s<br />

stop thinking I should have started a<br />

month/year ago .Instead think, I am going<br />

to start now,my best weeks,months and<br />

years are ahead of me .Proving oneself as<br />

Mr.failure at the end can really hurt that will<br />

not even have a cure.lets take the chance<br />

now or else we will miss the bus. Better<br />

late than never remember this! lets once<br />

again reason together what our priority is<br />

before we run out of time. lets not panic.<br />

Time and Tide waits for none so let s be<br />

on our guard so that we don t cry in the<br />


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