(FROST-2014) Concept paper - WMO

(FROST-2014) Concept paper - WMO

(FROST-2014) Concept paper - WMO


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CAS/WWRP/JSC5/Doc. 4.1 : p. 1<br />



5 th Joint Science Committee of the World Weather<br />

Research Programme<br />

<strong>WMO</strong><br />

Geneva, Switzerland (11-13 April 2012)<br />

CAS/WWRP/JSC5/DOC4.1<br />

(27 January 2012)<br />

Item: 4.1<br />

Forecast and Research: the Olympic Sochi Testbed (<strong>FROST</strong>-<strong>2014</strong>)<br />

<strong>Concept</strong> <strong>paper</strong><br />

Introduction<br />

The Next Olympic / Paralympic Games «Sochi-<strong>2014</strong>» (hereinafter referred to as<br />

«Olympics») will be held in Sochi, Russia, on February 8-23 / March 7-16, <strong>2014</strong>.<br />

Roshydromet (the Federal Service for HydroMeteorology and Environmental Monitoring) is<br />

responsible for provision of hydrological and meteorological support and services to<br />

ensure the safety of the guests and participants and efficient work of involved bodies. All<br />

forecast ranges are important for the Olympic meteorological services. However, out of<br />

these «seamless» needs the primary focus of the proposed project is on nowcasting and<br />

short-range weather forecasting.<br />

<strong>FROST</strong>-<strong>2014</strong> (<strong>FROST</strong> - Forecast and Research: the Olympic Sochi Testbed) project is<br />

proposed for the period from now to the Olympics:<br />

• To develop, enhance and demonstrate capabilities of modern systems of shortrange<br />

numerical weather prediction (NWP);<br />

• To further develop and demonstrate nowcasting in winter conditions for<br />

mountainous terrain and<br />

• To assess the effect of practical use of this information.<br />

Background and heritage<br />

The World Meteorological Organization’s World Weather Research Program (WWRP) has<br />

previously organized several Forecast Demonstration Projects (FDP) and Research<br />

Development Projects (RDP) to advance and demonstrate state-of-the-art nowcasting and<br />

forecasting systems. Mesoscale Alpine Programme (MAP) was the first RDP (1999) and<br />

was focused on understanding weather systems in complex terrain and flash flood events.<br />

Based on the success of MAP, the MAP-Demonstration Phase was organized in 2005 and<br />

focused on demonstrating the utility of prediction systems for hydrological flash flood<br />

applications. While in complex terrain, the focus was on precipitation. The Sydney 2000<br />

FDP focused on advancing and demonstrating summer convective nowcasting systems.<br />

The Beijing 2008 FDP was conducted with the goal to demonstrate nowcasting advances<br />

since 2000 and facilitate technology transfer into operations. In addition, the second<br />

project, Beijing 2008 RDP was carried out with focus on mesoscale ensemble prediction.<br />

In both projects the focus was on precipitation prediction, convective initiation and summer<br />

severe weather. SNOW-V10 (Science of Nowcasting Olympic Weather for Vancouver<br />

2010) project was approved as an RDP due to the novel aspects of the winter nowcasting,<br />


CAS/WWRP/JSC5/Doc. 4.1 : p. 2<br />

particularly in complex terrain, but operated as a blended RDP/FDP. Innovations included<br />

nowcasting of rain-snow boundary, snowfall intensity, phase, visibility (fog/low cloud),<br />

temperature, and wind.<br />

From the point of view of weather conditions, orography and meteorological needs these<br />

Olympics have much in common with the recent «Vancouver-2010» Olympic Games.<br />

Similar to Vancouver, high winds, visibility and low cloud, precipitation amount and phase<br />

are the critical weather elements. Following the FDP/RDP of the «Vancouver-2010», the<br />

present project offers a tremendous opportunity to continue and enhance the progress<br />

made there, develop and test new techniques for weather forecasting and nowcasting.<br />

<strong>FROST</strong>-<strong>2014</strong> is expected:<br />

• To extend experience of the B08RDP mesoscale ensemble prediction into<br />

mountain environment in winter season;<br />

• To extend the experience of MAP and MAP D-Phase to various weather elements;<br />

• To extend the experience of SNOW-V10, which was focused primarily on<br />

nowcasting, to more emphasis on NWP.<br />

The Venues<br />

The city of Sochi is located at approximately 44°N, 40°E at the Black sea coast. Sochi<br />

Olympic objects are separated between two clusters: a coastal cluster for ice sport<br />

competitions and a mountain cluster for snow sport events. The latter is located at<br />

Krasnaya Polyana township about 45 km away from the coast (Fig.1). Mountains of<br />

approximately 2 km height are typical for that region. The mountain cluster events are<br />

especially weather-sensitive.<br />

Fig.1. The two clusters of «Sochi-<strong>2014</strong>» Olympic venues:<br />


CAS/WWRP/JSC5/Doc. 4.1 : p. 3<br />

- The coastal cluster for ice sports competitions (Figure Skating, Short track Skating,<br />

Speed Skating, Ice Hockey, Curling, Ice training); Opening and Closing<br />

Ceremonies;<br />

- The mountain cluster for snow sports competitions (Alpine skiing, Cross-country<br />

skiing, Biathlon, Ski jumping and Nordic Combined, Freestyle and Snowboard,<br />

Bobsleigh, Luge and Skeleton).<br />

Weather conditions and challenges<br />

Winter weather conditions in the region of Sochi are mainly determined by the quasipermanent<br />

Black Sea baric depression and the spur of the Asian anticyclone. Rapidly<br />

passing cyclones accompanied by strong winds, snow- and rainfall are alternated with cold<br />

anti-cyclonic intrusions from the east. Main Caucasian ridge mitigates these cold intrusions<br />

and block warm wet landward air flows from the Black sea. The typical sea surface<br />

temperature near Sochi in February-March is 8-10ºC.<br />

Multiyear mean minimum near-surface temperatures in the mountain cluster in the period<br />

of the Olympics are negative at all altitudes; mean maximum temperatures are below zero<br />

at altitudes above 1600 m; and daily mean temperatures are negative at altitudes above<br />

700 m. In some years intense heatwaves might endanger the natural snow cover<br />

existence in the lowermost part of the mountain cluster.<br />

On the other hand, heavy snowfalls are also typical for this area. Maximum registered daily<br />

snowfall reported by the weather station Krasnaya Poliana (<strong>WMO</strong> index: 37107.<br />

Elevation: 568 m) was 92 cm. Winter maximum is clearly pronounced in the precipitation<br />

annual cycle. Mean monthly precipitation totals in Krasnaya Poliana for February and<br />

March are equal to 123 and 118 mm respectively. They tend to increase with elevation.<br />

Sharp weather contrasts and high spatial and temporal variability are typical for the region<br />

of the Olympics. Steep mountainous terrain and intricate mixture of maritime sub-tropical<br />

and Alpine environments make weather forecasting in this region extremely challenging.<br />

For the territory of Russia northern Caucasus is among the leaders with respect to the<br />

number of annually registered weather hazards (heavy precipitation, strong winds, icing<br />

etc). Although not frequent, thunderstorms might also take place in winter season.<br />

Precipitation intensity and type, gusting winds, visibility and cloud ceiling are the primary<br />

critical weather elements for the Sochi Olympics.<br />

Goals of the <strong>FROST</strong>-<strong>2014</strong> project<br />

Meteorological support of winter Olympics in mountainous terrain implies both fundamental<br />

research and practical forecast demonstration components. A blended RDP/FDP under<br />

the auspices of the Nowcasting and Mesoscale Weather Forecasting Research Working<br />

Groups of the WWRP is to be an appropriate organizational form for the project. The<br />

outputs of the project will be used to enhance the mesoscale and nowcasting services for<br />

the Olympics.<br />

Goals:<br />

• To improve and exploit:<br />


CAS/WWRP/JSC5/Doc. 4.1 : p. 4<br />

– high-resolution deterministic mesoscale forecasts of meteorological<br />

conditions in winter complex terrain environment, including downscaled<br />

modeling;<br />

– regional mesoscale EPS (Ensemble Prediction System) forecast products in<br />

winter complex terrain environment;<br />

– nowcast systems of high impact weather phenomena (snow levels, wind,<br />

visibility, precipitation type and intensity) in complex terrain.<br />

• To improve the understanding of physics of high impact weather phenomena in the<br />

region;<br />

• To deliver deterministic and probabilistic forecasts in real time to Olympic weather<br />

forecasters and decision makers and assess benefits of forecast improvement.<br />

• To assess benefits of forecast improvement (verification and societal impacts)<br />

As the project evolves these goals will be detailed.<br />

Deterministic NWP<br />

Project components and objectives<br />

NWP is considered to be a backbone of the <strong>FROST</strong>-<strong>2014</strong> project. The very complex<br />

region of Sochi provides a stimulating environment for the application of high-resolution<br />

meso-scale modeling methods for the purposes of short-term weather forecasting.<br />

There are many scientific issues that should be addressed within this deterministic<br />

component of the project, e.g.:<br />

• Impact of horizontal resolution and various physical processes on NWP of highimpact<br />

winter weather over a region with mountain terrain;<br />

• Mesoscale data assimilation and its impact on forecasts of winter weather;<br />

• Impact of better surface-atmosphere coupling on predictability of mesoscale<br />

phenomena;<br />

• Nowcasting potential of numerical models;<br />

• Predictability of various meteorological parameters/phenomena of winter weather in<br />

mountains (precipitation intensity and type, wind speed and direction, visibility, etc.).<br />

Development and testing of physical parameterizations for visibility, wind gusts,<br />

precipitation type and snow characteristics along with improvement of formulation of<br />

boundary layer and shallow convection should be a part of the project.<br />

The preliminary list of participants of this project component includes: COSMO, AROME,<br />

GEM, WRF, GRAPES (?), and HARMONIE. It is planned that in FDP mode <strong>FROST</strong>-<strong>2014</strong><br />

deterministic forecasts will have horizontal resolution of 2-2.5 km or finer, whereas in RDP<br />

mode 1 km or less. The groups that wish to go beyond this baseline in terms of resolution<br />

are welcome to do so. Besides, various approaches of downscaling of model forecasts to<br />

the locations of individual sport venues will be implemented, verified, and intercompared. It<br />

is worth noting that at the moment no operational model with resolution about 2 km is<br />

implemented for the region in question. Several models are expected to be implemented<br />

for the Sochi region with resolution of 1 km or finer (e.g. GEM/LAM, COSMO, AROME).<br />


CAS/WWRP/JSC5/Doc. 4.1 : p. 5<br />

COSMO will be the basic operational mesoscale NWP system of Roshydromet for the<br />

Sochi Olympics.<br />

Ensemble NWP<br />

Many scientific issues should be addressed in the framework of ensemble NWP<br />

component of the project, e.g.:<br />

• Forecast error growth and predictability on small spatial and temporal scales over<br />

steep terrain;<br />

• Representation of sources of uncertainty in LAM EPS systems. Methodologies for<br />

generating perturbations in initial conditions, lateral boundary conditions, surface<br />

fields, and model errors;<br />

• Interpretation and configuring of LAM-EPS in the context of high-impact weather in<br />

mountains;<br />

• Added value of convection permitting EPSs. Evaluation of the usefulness of coarser<br />

resolution EPSs to provide uncertainty information for prediction of weather<br />

elements at particular locations (which typically requires much higher horizontal<br />

resolution) compared to 1-km or less deterministic models;<br />

• Forecast uncertainty vs observational uncertainty in forecast verification.<br />

The main challenge for regional EPS systems is to accurately assess the probability of<br />

High-Impact Weather (HIW) events. With respect to the number of annually registered<br />

weather hazards (heavy precipitation, strong winds, icing etc.), northern Caucasus is one<br />

of the most affected regions on the territory of Russia. This region might be a good testing<br />

ground for the development of new probabilistic forecast products for HIW events. Due to<br />

the strong dependence of many winter sport events on weather conditions, HIW in the<br />

context of winter Olympics is not necessarily linked with very intense or extreme<br />

meteorological phenomena. E.g. for outdoor sport events HIW forecasting also includes<br />

accurate representation of cross-zero temperature transitions (especially critical for crosscountry<br />

skiing), precipitation type and other sensible weather changes with respect to the<br />

prescribed decision-making thresholds (Annex 6). Development and demonstration of<br />

various HIW-related specific products is part of this ensemble project component.<br />

EPSs with resolution of about 7 km or coarser are planned to be involved in the project in<br />

forecast demonstration mode, while EPSs with resolution about 2 km will contribute to the<br />

project in research mode. Tentative list of participants: COSMO, ALADIN LAEF, AROME<br />

EPS, GLAMEPS, and HARMON EPS. ECMWF officially informed Roshydromet about its<br />

readiness to provide lateral boundary conditions for a <strong>WMO</strong> project associated with<br />

«Sochi-<strong>2014</strong>» Olympics.<br />

Data assimilation<br />

The vast sea area on one side and mountainous terrain on the other side of Sochi impose<br />

serious restrictions on configuration of the ground-based observational network in the<br />

region. This geography requires the extensive use of satellite, Doppler radar and profiler<br />

facilities for sounding of the atmosphere and the underlying surface. This information will<br />

be of utmost importance as a source of meso-scale structures for NWP. Therefore, highresolution<br />

data assimilation is a matter of particular interest and a new aspect of WWRP<br />

projects.<br />


CAS/WWRP/JSC5/Doc. 4.1 : p. 6<br />

Several data assimilation approaches for the atmosphere and the underlying surface are<br />

expected to be tested. Some project participants will conduct experiments with identical<br />

model configurations with and without data assimilation to assess the data assimilation<br />

contribution to forecast performance.<br />

Assimilation of radar data in the region of Sochi may only be beneficial for a short forecast<br />

range because of lack of radar coverage to the west of Olympic venues. Rapid update<br />

cycle capability is therefore needed to exploit the potential benefits. Assimilation of satellite<br />

winds (AMV and ASCAT) and radiances over vast areas of the Black Sea is believed to be<br />

important as its effect may last longer.<br />

List of non-satellite data that are considered to be useful for assimilation in Sochi project<br />

includes:<br />

– Surface observations;<br />

– Radar winds;<br />

– Wind and temperature profiles from local sounders;<br />

– AMDAR.<br />

Assimilation of radar reflectivity aiming for a better representation of the thermodynamic<br />

structure of the atmosphere near precipitating clouds might not be too efficient and useful<br />

in winter, but this is an area that may be addressed in the RDP project.<br />

Data assimilation is to be included in both FDP (the existing technologies) and RDP (new<br />

developments) <strong>FROST</strong>-<strong>2014</strong> components.<br />

As suggested by the WWRP Working Group on Mesoscale Weather Forecasting<br />

Research, a simple downscaling from relatively low-resolution (7 km or coarser) regional<br />

data assimilation systems will be the baseline. For example, for COSMO-RU assimilation<br />

is to be run at resolution about 7 km with downscaling to 2 or 1 km. But groups that are<br />

able to go beyond that and assimilate observations from the «Sochi-<strong>2014</strong>» network (e.g.,<br />

radar radial winds, profilers) are encouraged to attempt the kilometric-scale data<br />

assimilation.<br />

Nowcasting<br />

SNOW-V10 was the first WWRP winter complex terrain nowcasting project. It remains to<br />

be demonstrated whether its results are universally applied and can be demonstrated in a<br />

different environment or with different observating network. <strong>FROST</strong>-<strong>2014</strong> provides an<br />

excellent opportunity to extend the experience of SNOW-V10 project in the scientifically<br />

challenging area of winter nowcasting in a region with complex terrain.<br />

Many issues should be tackled within this project component in the RDP mode, e.g.:<br />

- Nowcasting of high impact winter weather and multiple weather elements (wind speed<br />

and direction, wind gust, visibility, precipitation intensity and type) in complex terrain;<br />

- Improvement of blending procedures for NWP with time-extrapolated observations for<br />

winter;<br />

- Radar retrieval of precipitation type and intensity;<br />

- Diabatic and orographic effects on precipitation nowcasting in complex terrain;<br />

- Assessment and account for observational uncertainty (WGNR mandate).<br />

- Identification of local circulations and clouds controlled by effects of flow blocking,<br />

diabatic cooling due to melting snow, and evaporation of precipitation.<br />


CAS/WWRP/JSC5/Doc. 4.1 : p. 7<br />

A major challenge is the development of nowcasting systems or mesoscale NWP systems<br />

to fill the gap in the 4-6 hour lead time and, probably, up to the 12 hour range. Nowcasting<br />

potential of participating NWP models (COSMO, HARMONIE, AROME, GEM, and WRF)<br />

should be assessed for direct and post-processed (e.g. Kalman filter, 1-D model, MOS)<br />

model forecasts. Besides the meso-scale models, specialized nowcasting systems are<br />

expected to be used in the project (see Table 1). Capabilities of these technologies and<br />

new nowcasting products for winter HIW events are planned to be demonstrated in the<br />

FDP mode.<br />

Table 1. Tentative list of nowcasting systems participating in <strong>FROST</strong>-<strong>2014</strong><br />

System Forecast Spatial<br />

Output Products<br />

Period Resolution<br />

ABOM 0-6h 1km Precipitation rate and type; wind speed<br />

direction and gust; temperature; humidity;<br />

visibility; cloud base<br />

CARDS 0-2h 1km Location, intensity and track of storm cell; QPF;<br />

hail size; gust; downburst; mesocyclone<br />

INTW 0-6h 1km Precipitation rate and type; wind speed<br />

direction and gust; temperature; humidity;<br />

visbility; cloud base<br />

MeteoExpert 0-4h 1km Location, intensity and track of cloudiness and<br />

precipitation zones and dangerous weather<br />

(Thunderstorm, hail, microburst, icing and<br />

turbulence), QPF.<br />

STEPS 0-6h 1km QPF and precipitation probability<br />

INCA 0-6h 1km Precipitation intensity and type; wind;<br />

temperature; humidity; visibility (experimental<br />

mode)<br />

WSDDM 0-2h 0.2 km QPF; precipitation type and rate, visibility,<br />

temperature<br />

In general, current experience of nowcasting in Russia is very limited and associated<br />

mostly with areas of flat terrain. Outcomes of the proposed activity might be a long-term<br />

legacy of the project.<br />

Observations<br />

Roshydromet will provide the project partners with access to additional in-situ and remote<br />

sensing observations not normally available via the GTS. These observations will be<br />

available to the participants via Internet with minimal delays.<br />

In 2009-2010 18 automatic meteorological stations (AMS) were installed in the region by<br />

Roshydromet. Some of these stations were enhanced with additional sensors (visibility<br />

and cloud base) in the autumn 2011 (Annex 1). On account of investors, 10 AMS were<br />

installed and 7 AMS will be added in the area of sport venues during the winter 2011/2012.<br />

Besides, 8 AMS were installed and about 20 AMS should be mounted on the towers of<br />

mobile communication owned by the Megafon corporation. The frequency of observations<br />

will be station-dependent (it might be different for the different groups of stations:<br />

Roshydromet’s AMSs, AMSs owned by sport venue investors, and AMSs of the Megafon<br />


CAS/WWRP/JSC5/Doc. 4.1 : p. 8<br />

corporation). In general the sampling interval will not exceed 10 minutes. For a subset of<br />

the stations it will be substantially higher.<br />

More details on the AMSs (sensors and coordinates) are presented in Annex 1.<br />

Fig.2 AMSs in the region of Sochi (a similar map with zooming is available at<br />

http://frost<strong>2014</strong>.meteoinfo.ru). Notation: Roshydromet's AMSs are designated by red<br />

markers with label "*"; "E" - Roshydromet's air quality control stations; "R" - mountain<br />

skiing venue AMSs (owned by the Rosa-Khutor company); "G" - biathlon venue AMSs<br />

(owned by the Gazprom company);"M" – AMSs on the cellphone towers of the Megaphone<br />

operator; "A" - planned AMSs on the Megaphone cellphone towers. Moored sea buoys are<br />

designated by sail boats. Location of Doppler radar on the Akhun mountain is marked by<br />

white nested circles. The mountain cluster is outlined by the red cirle.<br />

Data from the new dual polarization Doppler weather radar WRM200 on Akhun mountain<br />

will be available by winter 2012/2013. Additional dual-polarization Dopplers in nearby<br />

airports might be installed later.<br />

Wind profiler, temperature/humidity profiler and Micro Rain Radar (MRR) will supplement<br />

the network by winter 2012/2013. It is quite likely that another MRR will be installed during<br />

the winter 2011/2012. In the Krasnaya Poliana valley these vertical soundings will be<br />

extremely important for diagnosis of the atmospheric lower layers screened from the<br />

Akhun Doppler radar by the mountains.<br />

The nearest to the mountain cluster upper air sounding station is located in Tuapse<br />

(approximately 100 km north-west). Soundings in Tuapse will be launched every 6 hours.<br />

Other ways to enhance the observational network are looked into (more frequent sounding<br />


CAS/WWRP/JSC5/Doc. 4.1 : p. 9<br />

at other nearest aerological stations including stations in Ukraine, Armenia, Turkey,<br />

Bulgaria; receiving of AMDAR data from Adler airport; etc).<br />

Several <strong>FROST</strong>-<strong>2014</strong> participants expressed their readiness to lend additional<br />

observational equipment for the project and interest to organization of an instrument<br />

intercomparison site. This opportunity is being worked on.<br />

Information Technologies<br />

Development of a comprehensive information resource wih appropriate IT-infrastructure<br />

and efficient data facilities is one of the key elements of the project. It is needed for<br />

operational data assimilation, forecasting and nowcasting, verification, for posterior<br />

diagnostic studies and analysis.<br />

Unification and integration of data flows from multiple observational platforms and forecast<br />

systems, timely information generation and delivery, efficient means of information<br />

presentation are crucial for the project success. The proposed version of the forecast data<br />

exchange protocol is presented in Annex 2.<br />

Data storage with authorized Internet access and capacity for information rescue and<br />

memory extention was organized for observation and forecast data exchange between the<br />

project participants via FTP and HTTP protocols. Initial version of the project web-site is<br />

available at http://frost<strong>2014</strong>.meteoinfo.ru. Some ideas for its web-interface that are<br />

currently being implemented, originally were taken from web-resources of the previous<br />

WWRP projects (e.g. elements of multi-window MAP D-Phase web-interface are being<br />

realized on the basis of Google Earth for visualisation of meteorological information).<br />

After the Olympics support of the <strong>FROST</strong>-<strong>2014</strong> http/ftp-server is planned for further<br />

retrospective studies (e.g. in the context of data assimilation).<br />

Training and understanding<br />

<strong>FROST</strong>-<strong>2014</strong> is intended as an ‘end-to-end’ project. Its products must be used by local<br />

forecasters for meteorological support of the future Olympics and preceding test sport<br />

events. Training is critically needed to benefit from <strong>FROST</strong>-<strong>2014</strong> nowcasts and forecasts<br />

issued in FDP mode. This need is enhanced by the currently modest experience of<br />

Roshydromet in nowcasting, high-resolution NWP and ensemble forecasting in complex<br />

terrain. The project will contribute to the capacity building for the Russian Weather Service<br />

in these and other related areas.<br />

Annual training courses for future Sochi Olympic forecasters and their practical<br />

participation in meteorological support of the test sport events have been practiced since<br />

autumn 2010. This practice will continue till the Olympics. It will be intensified as more<br />

technical facilities become available for forecasters. To get familiar and develop practical<br />

skills with various new forecast products their early availability is of utmost importance.<br />

This is also important for training of involved sport managers and decision makers.<br />

Enhanced observational facilities and new NWP instruments are expected to give a new<br />

look at the local weather phenomena in the region of the Olympics. The RDP project<br />


CAS/WWRP/JSC5/Doc. 4.1 : p. 10<br />

component can be of great help for better understanding of local HIW and development of<br />

conceptual models of local meteorological processes.<br />

Verification and Impact Assessments<br />

Given the probabilistic nature of small-scale weather, traditional verification of deterministic<br />

model output often fails to demonstrate the added value of high-resolution mesoscale<br />

forecasts. This has provoked an extensive research into alternative mesoscale verification<br />

methods. Along with traditional verification methods the substantial attention in <strong>FROST</strong>-<br />

<strong>2014</strong> should be given to new probabilistic approaches. Both user-oriented (in particular,<br />

with account for the thresholds for decision making) and research-oriented verification<br />

approaches will be employed. Spatial verification using remote sensing data will be applied<br />

to the predicted precipitation fields. The preliminary version of the project verification plan<br />

is presented in Annex 4.<br />

As a complex terrain imposes additional limitations on representativeness of pointwise<br />

contact observations, a substantial attention will be paid to account for statistical structure<br />

of observed fields and uncertainty in observations.<br />

Periodic formalized surveys among the Olympic forecasters will complement the results of<br />

objective verification. Year by year interviewing of the forecasters should help to<br />

understand how forecasters’ needs are changing. For example, how understanding of<br />

weather processes (conceptual models) or use of EPS products evolve. Analysis of these<br />

surveys is a part of social impact assessments, because the forecasters themselves or,<br />

e.g., venue managers might be considered as specific users.<br />

Participants and Governance/Project Management<br />

First meeting of potential participants of <strong>FROST</strong>-<strong>2014</strong> project was held in Sochi on 1-3<br />

March 2011 (more details are available in the meeting report at<br />

http://frost<strong>2014</strong>.meteoinfo.ru). The Science Steering Committee (SSC) composed of the<br />

leaders of participating organizations or their representatives was decided to oversee the<br />

project.<br />

The tentative SSC membership list is presented below:<br />

Dmitry Kiktev -<br />

Chair<br />

Hydrometcentre of Russia, Roshydromet<br />

Detlev Majewski COSMO<br />

Tiziana Paccagnella TIGGE-LAM<br />

Andrea Montani ARPA-SIMC<br />

Paul Joe WWRP Nowcasting Research Working Group<br />

Stephane Belair WWRP Working Group on Mesoscale Weather Forecasting<br />

Research<br />

George Isaac SNOW-V10, EC<br />

Roy Rasmussen NCAR<br />

Trond Iversen Hirlam/Aladin<br />

Pertti Nurmi Joint Working Group on Forecast Verification Research<br />

(JWGFVR)<br />

Yong Wang Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics (ZAMG)<br />


CAS/WWRP/JSC5/Doc. 4.1 : p. 11<br />

Jian Sun CMA<br />

Donghai Wang CMA/Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms, University<br />

of Oklahoma<br />

Dmitri Moisseev Helsinki University/Vaisala<br />

Peter Romanov NOAA<br />

Valery Lukyanov Hydrometcentre of Russia, Roshydromet - Chief Meteorologist<br />

of «Sochi-<strong>2014</strong>» Olympics<br />

Michael Tsyrulnikov Hydrometcentre of Russia, Roshydromet – NWP<br />

Four Working Groups were established to deal with various components of the project<br />

more specifically:<br />

WG1: Observations and nowcasting (including Verification)<br />

Chair: V.Lukyanov/D.Kiktev, International Co-Chair: G.Isaac<br />

WG2: NWP, ensembles and assimilation (including Verification)<br />

Chair: M.Tsyrulnikov/G.Rivin, International Co-Chair: A.Montani<br />

WG3: IT (including graphical tools, formats, archiving and telecommunication)<br />

Chair: D.Kiktev<br />

WG4: Products, training, end user assessment and social impacts<br />

Chair: I.Rozinkina/D.Kiktev<br />

Implementation Plan<br />

Schedule for Implementation includes:<br />

• <strong>Concept</strong> document;<br />

• Installation of equipment;<br />

• Preparation and testing of forecasting systems;<br />

• Trainings and Workshops;<br />

• Formal Plans.<br />

Winter 2011-12 is the pre-trial period and winter of 2012-13 the trial period, so that all the<br />

technologies should be implemented and tested during these two periods. “Pre-olympic”<br />

would be the period just before the Olympics where final tuning is done. Data collected<br />

during the following winters will be used for high resolution weather forecasting systems<br />

testing. The system will be revised and further tested. During the winter of 2013/14, the<br />

Olympic Winter, the formal evaluation of nowcasts and forecasts will be made. A summary<br />

of lessons learned and results achieved will be presented at the concluding WWRP<br />

RDP/FDP meeting after the Olympics.<br />

Preliminary implementation plan is presented in Annex 3. The experience of the pre-trial<br />

period (winter 2011-2012) will help to specify further details and needs (sufficiency of the<br />

existing data channels, forecasters’ requests for more or better products, modifications of<br />

data exchange protocol, etc).<br />

Note:<br />

Road safety nowcasts and forecasts are of great interest for Olympic logistics and<br />

potentially can be a part of the project. However, it might be difficult to provide efficient<br />

support of this activity from the hosting side other than data storage and access facilities,<br />

as Roshydromet doesn’t have its own road AMSs and by now this activity has been<br />

beyond the traditional scope of Roshydromet.<br />


CAS/WWRP/JSC5/Doc. 4.1 : p. 12<br />

Annex 1<br />

Automatic meteorological stations in the region of Sochi (including AMSs planned in<br />

Abkhazia)<br />

№ Name Coordinates Altitude,<br />

m<br />

Comments<br />

Latitude Longitude<br />

Roshydromet’s stations<br />

1 Magry 44.0167 39.1667 50 <strong>WMO</strong> index 37105<br />

2 Lazarevskoye 43.9000 39.3333 10 <strong>WMO</strong> index 37093<br />

3 Solokh-Aul 43.8000 39.6333 443 <strong>WMO</strong> index 37092<br />

4 Alpica-Service-<br />

1500<br />

43.6391 40.2933 1465<br />

5 Alpica-Service-<br />

1000<br />

43.6641 40.2927 1124 <strong>WMO</strong> index 37106<br />

6 Kepsha 43.6150 40.0491 180 <strong>WMO</strong> index 37100<br />

7 Adler airport 43.4391 39.9308 10<br />

8 Imeretinsky Bay 43.4000 39.9833 5 <strong>WMO</strong> index 37095<br />

9 Guzerpil 44.0000 40.1667 678<br />

10 Krasnaya Poliana 43.6823 40.2029 565 <strong>WMO</strong> index 37107<br />

11 Kordon Laura (in<br />

Esto-Sadok)<br />

43.6998 40.2652 575<br />

12 Aibga 43.6333 40.2833 2228<br />

13 Sochi<br />

agrometeorological<br />

station<br />

43.5733 39.7667 142<br />

14 Tuapse 44.0167 39.0167 39<br />

15 Jugba 44.3167 38.7167 23<br />

16 Gelendzik 44.1000 38.0000 27<br />

17 Novorossiisk 44.7167 37.8500 3<br />

18 Gorny 44.2833 39.2667 323<br />

Aviation Stations<br />

1 Dagomis 49.6500 39.6667 65<br />

2 Bocharov Ruchey 43.6208 39.7081 26<br />

3 Lunnaya Poilana 43.9344 39.8678 1797<br />

4 Orlenok 44.2635 38.8228 17<br />

5 Navaginka 43.6192 39.7342 15<br />

AMSs owned by «Roza Khutor» company (mountain skiing)<br />

1 RKHU1 (Aibga) 43.6233 40.3125 2320 Wind, T, RH, Pressure<br />

2 RKHU2 (Men’s<br />

Start)<br />

43.6336 40.3090 2137 Wind, T, RH, Liquid Precip,<br />

Reflected Short-Wave<br />

Radiation, Snow Height,<br />

Snow Surface Temperature<br />

3 RKHU3 (Women’s<br />

Start)<br />

43.6394 40.3131 1740 T, RH, Reflected Short-<br />

Wave Radiation, Snow<br />

Height, Snow Surface<br />

Temperature<br />

4 RKHU4 (Middle<br />

Point)<br />

43.6393 40.3131 1580 Wind, RH, Liquid<br />

Precipitation, Reflected<br />

Short-Wave Radiation,<br />

Snow Height, Snow<br />

Surface Temperature<br />


CAS/WWRP/JSC5/Doc. 4.1 : p. 13<br />

5 RKHU5 (Snowboard<br />

Park)<br />

43.6453 40.3314 1229 T, RH<br />

6 RKHU6 (Finish) 43.6451 40.3316 984 T, RH<br />

AMSs owned by the «Krasnaya Poliana» Company<br />

Ski Jump - 800 43.6742 40.2401 Winter 2011-2012<br />

Ski Jump - 650 43.6773 40.2401 Winter 2011-2012<br />

AMSs owned by the «Olympstroy» Company<br />

1 Nordic / Combined 43.6772 40.2355 Winter 2011-2012<br />

2 Bobsledding-start 43.6626 40.2861 Winter 2011-2012<br />

3 Bobsledding-finish 43.6687 40.2889 Winter 2011-2012<br />

AMSs owned by the «Gazprom» Company (biathlon)<br />

1 Biathlon-1450 43.6921 40.3271 1455 principal AMS<br />

2 Biathlon-1400 43.6931 40.3188 1405<br />

3 Biathlon-1480 43.6947 40.3288 1480<br />

4 Biathlon-1500 43.6930 40.3352 1495<br />

AMSs on the towers of mobile communication<br />

1 Sochi-Plastunka 43.6398 39.7573 138 Vaisala WXT520<br />

2<br />

Vaisala<br />

Adler-Galitsino 43.5342 39.9875 468 WXT520+videocamera<br />

3 Esto-Sadok 43.6872 40.2564 511 Vaisala WXT520<br />

4 Matsesta-Chai 43.6266 39.8775 408 Vaisala WXT520<br />

5 Khosta-Akhun<br />

Lufft WS600-UMB<br />

mountain 43.5481 39.8508 663 +videocamera<br />

6 Krasnaya Poliana-<br />

487<br />

MK 43.6731 40.2008<br />

Vaisala WXT520<br />

7 Sochi-Lake<br />

389<br />

Kalinovoye 43,6162 39,8819<br />

Vaisala WXT520<br />

8 Adler-Aeroport-MK 43,4450 39,9200 131 Vaisala WXT520<br />

Planned (and negotiated) stations on the towers of mobile communication on the<br />

territory of Abkhazia<br />

1 Gagra 43.2500 40.2667 7 Priority<br />

2 Gagra Ridge 43.3500 40.2833 1630<br />

3 Pitsunda 43.1500 40.3500 0 Priority<br />

4 Sukhumi Botanic<br />

Garden<br />

43.0167 41.0167 37<br />

Priority<br />

5 Gadauty 43.1000 40.6333 51 Priority<br />

6 Ashera 43.0333 41.0000 0<br />

7 Lata 43.0333 41.5167 450 Priority<br />

8 Adjara 43.1167 41.7333 952<br />

9 Ochemchiry 42.7000 41.4667 5<br />

10 Galy 42.6333 41.7333 64<br />

11 Pskhu 43.4000 40.8167 668 Priority<br />

12 Duripsh 43.1667 40.6167 250<br />

13 Akhaly-Aphony 43.0833 40.7833 -<br />

14 Kodory 42.8500 41.4667 130<br />

15 Babushery 42.8667 41.1333 13<br />

16 Qwezany 42.8500 41.6833 255 Priority<br />

Air-quality control station (ecological)<br />

1 ACK-А №1<br />

Tsvetnoy Bulvar 43,60192 39,72456<br />


CAS/WWRP/JSC5/Doc. 4.1 : p. 14<br />

2 АПК-А №1<br />

Krasnaya Poliana 43,68149 40,20546<br />

3 АПК-А №2<br />

Imeretinsky Bay 43,40472 39,95944<br />

4 АПК-А №3<br />

Imeretinsky Bay 43,41056 39,95472<br />

5 Kazachiy Brod 43.5167 39.9833 approximate coords<br />

6 The 5th km 43.6667 40.1833 approximate coords<br />

There are several groups of AMSs:<br />

1) Roshydromet's stations<br />

Equipped mostly with Vaisala sensors:<br />

Temperature and Relative Humidity – Vaisala QMH102;<br />

Atmospheric Pressure – Vaisala PMT16A;<br />

Precip gauge – VRG-101 or equivalent;<br />

Wind - RM | Young 05103.<br />

Additional sensors:<br />

Visibility – Vaisala PWD20 (at Kepsha, Lazarevskoe, Solokh-Aul, Krasnaya<br />

Poliana);<br />

Ceilometer – Vaisala CL31 (at Adler-airport, Sochi, Kepsha, Esto-Sadok, Krasnaya<br />

Poliana).<br />

2) Basic stations at sport venues owned by private developers:<br />

a) Roza-Khutor (Mountain skiing)<br />

AMS Producer - SensAlpin GmbH, Switzerland.<br />

Temperature sensor – Campbell T107;<br />

Relative humidity – Hydroclip S3;<br />

Snow temperature - Campbell T107B;<br />

Snow surface temperature - IR AlpuG;<br />

Wind Sensor - RM Young 05103;<br />

Snow Height – Campbell SR50A;<br />

Atmospheric Pressure - Setra CS100;<br />

Precipitation Sensor - Campbell ARG100;<br />

Irradiance – (pyranometer) Campbell CS300.<br />

Transformer/ Logger - Campbell CR1000<br />

b) Biathlon and skiing combined complex (Owner – Gazprom. AMSs are equipped<br />

with Vaisala sensors)<br />

Parameter Sensor Number<br />

Atmospheric Pressure Baro-1QML 1<br />

Wind Speed WAA252 2<br />

Wind Direction WAV252 1<br />

Snow Temperature QMT110 1<br />


CAS/WWRP/JSC5/Doc. 4.1 : p. 15<br />

Cloud Base Height CL31 1<br />

Precipitation Amount OTT Pluvio2 1<br />

Total Solar Radiation CMP6 1<br />

Temperature and Humidity HMP155 2<br />

Snow Height IRU9000 1<br />

Snow State DSC111 1<br />

Remote Sensor of Surface<br />

Temperature<br />

DST111 1<br />

Visibility and Precipitation Type PWD22 1<br />

c) Skiing stadium<br />

Parameter Sensor Number<br />

Atmospheric Pressure Baro-1QML 1<br />

Wind Speed WAA252 1<br />

Snow Temperature QMT110 1<br />

Temperature and Humidity HMP155 1<br />

Snow Height IRU9000 1<br />

Remote Sensor of Surface<br />

Temperature<br />

d) Topmost and lowermost points of biathlon tracks<br />

DST111 1<br />

Parameter Sensor Number<br />

Snow Temperature QMT110 1<br />

Temperature and Humidity HMP155 1<br />

Snow Height IRU9000 1<br />

Remote Sensor of Surface<br />

Temperature<br />

DST111 1<br />

e) Other sport venues – to be ready during the winter 2011-2012.<br />

3) AMSs on the towers of mobile communication – Vaisala WXT520 or LUFFT<br />

WS600-UMB.<br />


CAS/WWRP/JSC5/Doc. 4.1 : p. 16<br />

Forecast data exchange requirements for <strong>FROST</strong>-<strong>2014</strong> project<br />

Annex 2<br />

1) Two forms of data transfer:<br />

- Grid-point forecast (nowcast) fields for unified domains (GRIB1 or GRIB2 format);<br />

- Forecast time series at locations associated with observation sites (XML format).<br />

2) The finest available forecast resolution<br />

If we have 7 km/2 km as the finest resolution for FDP/RDP ensembles and 1 km/0.25 km<br />

resolution for FDP/RDP deterministic runs (we have such proposals) it is important to<br />

retain these resolutions for the exchange purposes.<br />

All forecasts should be interpolated to the unified common grids (see below) before their<br />

uploading. To avoid inflation of data amount due to the interpolation you can upload<br />

forecasts for the relevant subdomain of your original grid and provide us with your own<br />

interpolation program to the common grid.<br />

3) Common grid projection – a usual geographical Lon-Lat grid. No rotation.<br />

4) Grid domain, forecast range<br />

The following grid domains are proposed for data exchange only. All the participants are<br />

free to run their systems for larger domains.<br />

• Ensemble FDP<br />

The approximate grid spacing – 7 km. This means 0.0875°/0.063° along latitude/longitude<br />

at the latitude of Sochi.<br />

Krasnaya Poliana (43°41′0″N, 40°12′0″E) is suggested to be a reference grid point of the<br />

unified grid. As the main threat (southern cyclones) usually comes from the west the<br />

unified grid is not centred at Krasnaya Poliana - 1/3 of grid domain lies east from this<br />

reference grid point and 2/3 - west.<br />

The recommended grid domain - 286*285 grid points (Roughly ~2000*2000 km):<br />

- 171 steps west and 114 steps east of Krasnaya Poliana (25.2375°E-50.175°E);<br />

- 142 steps south and 142 steps north of Krasnaya Poliana (34.737(3)°N-<br />

52.629(3)°N). Such a coverage is broad enough for synoptic interpretation (see<br />

Fig.1 below).<br />

The recommended forecast range - 72 hr or more.<br />

Forecast time levels for grid-point fields: 0,3,6,9,12,15…hr (every 3 hours).<br />

Time resolution for pointwise time series at locations associated with observation sites: 1<br />

hr.<br />

The recommended forecast update frequency: 12 hr (2 times a day) or more frequently.<br />

Individual ensemble members rather than products – it gives more flexibility in further<br />

processing.<br />

• Ensemble RDP<br />

Unified grid step – 2 km. This means 0.0250°/0. 0180° along latitude/longitude at the<br />

latitude of Sochi.<br />


CAS/WWRP/JSC5/Doc. 4.1 : p. 17<br />

The recommended grid domain - 251*251 grid points (~500*500 km):<br />

150 grid steps west and 100 steps east of Krasnaya Poliana (36.45°E-42.7°E);<br />

125 grid steps south and 125 steps north of Krasnaya Poliana (41.4(3)°N-45.9(3)°N).<br />

The recommended forecast range - 24 hr or more.<br />

Forecast time levels for grid-point fields: 0, 1, 2, 3…24 hr (to assess model potential for<br />

nowcasting).<br />

Time resolution for pointwise time series at observation sites: 30 min.<br />

Forecast update: every 12 hr or more frequently.<br />

Individual ensemble members.<br />

• Deterministic FDP<br />

Unified grid step – 1 km. This means 0.0125°/0.0090° along latitude/longitude at the<br />

latitude of Sochi.<br />

The recommended domain – 301*301 grid points (roughly 300*300 km):<br />

- 200 grid steps west and 100 steps east of Krasnaya Poliana (37.7°E-41.45°E);<br />

- 150 grid steps south and 150 steps north of Krasnaya Poliana (42.(3)°N-45.0(3)°N).<br />

The recommended forecast range - 24 hr.<br />

Forecast time levels for grid-point fields: 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3…24 hr (to assess model<br />

potential for nowcasting).<br />

Time resolution for pointwise forecast time series at observation sites – 10 min.<br />

Forecast update: every 6 hr.<br />

• Deterministic RDP<br />

The unified grid spacing – 250 or 500 m depending on the highest available model<br />

resolution. The exact domain is to be specified later.<br />

The recommended forecast range - 12 hr or more.<br />

Forecast time levels for grid-point fields: 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6…12 hr (to assess<br />

model potential for nowcasting).<br />

The recommended time resolution for pointwise time series at locations associated with<br />

observation sites - 10 min.<br />

The recommended update interval: every 6 hr – if there is no high-resolution data<br />

assimilation, 3 hr otherwise.<br />

Note: Optimal choice of the set of time levels is dependent on real model resolution. For<br />

250 m model grid spacing half an hour time resolution might not be sufficient.<br />

• Nowcasting<br />

The unified grid domain – as for Deterministic FDP component.<br />

The recommended forecast range – 3-6 hr.<br />

Nowcast temporal resolution:<br />

for grid-point fields – 10 minutes when required, otherwise 1 hr;<br />

for pointwise time series – 5 min when required, otherwise 1 hr. Precipitation can be<br />

provided in higher temporal resolution.<br />

The recommended update frequency: from 10 to 60 min depending on parameter type and<br />

data availability.<br />


CAS/WWRP/JSC5/Doc. 4.1 : p. 18<br />

Fig.2.1 Domains suggested for <strong>FROST</strong>-<strong>2014</strong> forecast verifications: outer – for<br />

Ensemble FDP, intermediate – for Ensemble RDP, inner – for Deterministic FDP<br />

and nowcasting.<br />

5) Parameters:<br />

• For model ensembles and nowcasting:<br />

sensible weather and high-impact parameters - precipitation conditions (liquid and<br />

solid precipitation rate, freezing/frozen precipitation, accumulated snow), T2m,<br />

near-surface wind speed/direction/gusts, relative humidity, dew point temperature,<br />

visibility, cloudiness and cloud base and location of the zero-degree isotherm;<br />

Ensemble forecast fields of some other traditional synoptic variables (e.g., 500 hPa<br />

geopotential, T850) are of interest more for the purposes of synoptic interpretation<br />

rather than for forecast validation.<br />

• For deterministic runs: as for ensembles +<br />

- For grid fields: Temperature, relative humidity, geopotential and wind for 1000,<br />

925, 850, 700, 500 hPa levels;<br />

- For individual grid-points near locations of temperature/humidity and wind<br />

profilers: temperature, relative humidity, wind at original model levels + z-heights<br />

of original model levels;<br />

- MSLP;<br />

- …<br />

Other forecast variables and/or levels can be collected for diagnostic purposes,<br />

interpretation and development of conceptual models of regional hydrometeorological<br />

processes. However, the potentially available observational resources for their validation<br />

are quite limited.<br />


CAS/WWRP/JSC5/Doc. 4.1 : p. 19<br />

If meeting the listed requirements appears to be not feasible for a project participant, then<br />

relaxed requirements might be applied.<br />


CAS/WWRP/JSC5/Doc. 4.1 : p. 20<br />

<strong>FROST</strong>-<strong>2014</strong> Implementation Plan<br />

Annex 3<br />

№ Milestones Deliverables<br />

2011-2012 (Pre-trial Phase)<br />

Executive Timing<br />

1.1 Preparation of concept <strong>paper</strong> Submission of concept <strong>paper</strong><br />

to WWRP JSC<br />

D.Kiktev Nov-Dec 2011<br />

1.2 Organization of training couse for Enhanced practical skills and V.Lukyanov Oct 2011<br />

Olympic forecasters<br />

theoretical background in the<br />

Olympic forecasters team<br />

1.3 Participation of <strong>FROST</strong>-<strong>2014</strong><br />

representative in the 5 th International<br />

Participation in the<br />

Workshop and Training<br />

A.Muravev<br />

P.Nurmi,<br />

Dec 1-7, 2011,<br />

BoM, Melbourne<br />

Verification Methods Workshop course<br />

E.Atlaskin<br />

with support of<br />

the <strong>WMO</strong><br />

1.4 Organization of the Science Steering SSC meeting D.Kiktev Tentatively April<br />

Committee meeting<br />

2012<br />

1.5 Provide the participants with Time series at the project D.Kiktev Nov-Dec 2011<br />

observational time series for the<br />

previous winters<br />

web-site<br />

1.6 Provide access to the regional AMSs Authorised access to the D.Kiktev Nov-Dec 2011<br />

data and specify information available regional AMSs’<br />

exchange procedures<br />

data for project participants<br />

1.7 Installation of Micro Rain Radar at Data flow to the project FTP- (to be specified) Winter 2011-2012<br />

Roza Khutor sport venue<br />

server or (for winter 2011/12)<br />

(MRR is being bought by the venue off-line archiving at local<br />

owner)<br />

computer<br />

1. 8 Integration of COSMO-7km EPS COSMO-7km EPS A.Montani From Dec 2011-<br />

SOCHMEL to the project (FDP- SOCHMEL data flow to the<br />

Mar 2012<br />

project component)<br />

project server<br />

1. 9 Integration of Deterministic COSMO- COSMO-7km with DA data D.Majewski Dec 2011-Mar<br />

7km with data assimilation (DA) to<br />

the project (RDP project component)<br />

flow to the project server<br />

2012<br />

1.10 Integration of Determistic COSMO- COSMO-7km without DA G.Rivin From Oct 2011<br />

7km without DA to the project data flow to the project<br />

server<br />

onwards<br />

1.11 Evaluation and comparison of results Preliminary assessment of G.Rivin<br />

Mar 2012<br />

from two identical COSMO-7km DA contribution to the I.Rozinkina<br />

systems -with and without DA (RDPcomponent)<br />

forecast skill<br />

1.12 Integration of deterministic COSMO COSMO-2km data flow to G.Rivin From Oct 2011<br />

2.2 km runs (downscaled from 7 km)<br />

(FDP)<br />

the project server<br />

onwards<br />

1.13 First evaluation of the existing<br />

GLAMEPS system for the region of<br />

Sochi (FDP - component)<br />

1.14 Technical work in setting up<br />

Harmonie to run in ensemble mode<br />

and a first run with HarmonEPS<br />

finished, in hindcast mode (RDPcomponent)<br />

1.15 First test of local calibrated<br />

GLAMEPS forecasts (RDP)<br />

1.16 First version of GEM-LAM at 1km<br />

grid spacing will be run (might not be<br />

real-time at that stage). It will not<br />

include yet the initial conditions from<br />

the external high-resolution land<br />

surface system (FDP)<br />

1.17 Results of experiments with<br />

downscalling for COSMO-RU02<br />

GLAMEPS data flow to the<br />

project server<br />

Set up HarmonEPS.<br />

Calculated series of<br />

HarmonEPS hindcasts.<br />

First test results for local<br />

calibrated GLAMEPS<br />

forecasts<br />

GEM-LAM at 1km grid<br />

spacing initialized from a 10<br />

or 15-km regional GEM with<br />

initial conditions from<br />

4DVAR. At that stage without<br />

external high-resolution land<br />

surface system.<br />

Prelimunary results with<br />

statistical adaptation<br />

correction scheme for 2012<br />

winter for T2m for at sport<br />

venues<br />

I-L. Frogner Dec 2011<br />

I-L. Frogner,<br />

T.Iversen<br />

I-L. Frogner,<br />

T.Iversen<br />

S.Belair<br />

J.Milbrandt<br />

I.Rozinkina<br />

Dec 2011<br />

Dec 2011<br />

Dec 2011<br />

April 2012<br />


1.18 Experiments with snow satellite<br />

analysis for COSMO-RU system<br />

(FDP, not real time at that stage)<br />

1.19 Integration of forecast/nowcast data<br />

flows, archiving of<br />

forecasts/nowcasts and visualization<br />

of their results on the project web-site<br />

1.20 Real-time access to TIGGE forecasts<br />

1.21 Meteorological support of sport test<br />

events with use of forecast<br />

information from the project<br />

participants<br />

1.22 Survey among Olympic forecasters<br />

(as a part of impact assessment<br />

studies) (FDP)<br />

1.23 Synoptic evaluation of available<br />

<strong>FROST</strong>-<strong>2014</strong> forecasts/nowcasts for<br />

pre-trial winter (FDP?)<br />

1.24 Objective evaluation of Pre-trial<br />

forecasting/nowcasting results (RDP)<br />

1.25 Assessment of organizational<br />

feasibility to lend additional<br />

observational equipment from the<br />

project participants<br />

2.1 Discussion and decision on Akhun<br />

radar data format<br />

2.2 Traning course for Olympic<br />

forecasters. Might be combined with<br />

SSC meeting (2.2) - to be decided<br />

2.3 Organization of the Science Steering<br />

Committee meeting. Might be<br />

combined with training for<br />

forecasters (2.1) - to be decided.<br />

2.4 Integration of Akhun Doppler Radar<br />

into the project data sources<br />

2.5 Integration of wind and temperature<br />

profilers into the project data sources<br />

2.6 Integration of new Roshydromet’s<br />

MRR into the project data sources (it<br />

might be the second MRR in the<br />

region)<br />

2.7 Integration of microwave radiometer<br />

into the project data sources<br />

CAS/WWRP/JSC5/Doc. 4.1 : p. 21<br />

Preliminary results of<br />

COSMO-RU runs with snow<br />

satellite analysis<br />

Forecasts/Nowcasts of<br />

participating systems on the<br />

project web-site. Availability<br />

of results to Olympic<br />

forecasters via webinterface.<br />

Archiving of<br />

forecasts on the project<br />

server.<br />

Real-time access to TIGGE<br />

forecasts (with possibility to<br />

request new specific<br />

products)<br />

Preliminary practical<br />

acquaintance of Olympic<br />

forecasters with new<br />

nowcasting/forecasting<br />

products<br />

«Snapshot» of the current<br />

understanding and skill<br />

levels, needs and<br />

impressions<br />

Preliminary synoptic<br />

assessments of available<br />

<strong>FROST</strong>-<strong>2014</strong> forecasts<br />

First evaluation results and<br />

assessments of practical<br />

predictability for Sochi region<br />

Possible correction<br />

(enhancement) of the<br />

observational setup<br />

2012-2013 (Trial Period)<br />

Coordinated decision on<br />

Akhun radar data format<br />

Enhanced practical skills and<br />

theoretical background in the<br />

team of Olympic forecasters.<br />

Might be combined with SSC<br />

meeting (2.2) with master-<br />

class for Olympic forecasters<br />

SSC meeting<br />

Might be combined with<br />

Traning course for Olympic<br />

forecasters (2.1)<br />

Data flow from the Akhun<br />

Doppler radar to the project<br />

data server<br />

Data flow from wind and<br />

temperature profilers to the<br />

project data server<br />

Data flow from the<br />

Roshydromet’s MRR to the<br />

project data server<br />

Data flow from the<br />

microwave radiometer to the<br />

project data server<br />

I.Rozinkina<br />

P.Romanov<br />

April 2012<br />

D.Kiktev Winter 2011-2012<br />

(Depending on<br />

the time of<br />

availability of<br />

forecasts)<br />

T. Paccagnella To be specified<br />

V.Lukyanov Jan-Mar 2012<br />

V.Oganesian October-March<br />

2011-2012<br />

T.Dmitrieva,<br />

V.Fedorova,<br />

E.Vasilev<br />

A.Muravev,<br />

P.Nurmi,<br />

E.Atlaskin<br />

V.Lukyanov<br />

D.Kiktev<br />

Yu.Melnichuk,<br />

D.Moisseev,<br />

D.Majewski,<br />

P.Joe,<br />

M.Tsyrulnikov<br />

G.Rivin<br />

V.Lukyanov<br />

April 2012<br />

Spring 2012<br />

Spring 2012<br />

Jul 2012<br />

Oct-Nov 2012<br />

D.Kiktev To be decided.<br />

Options: Spring<br />

2012 or Oct-Nov<br />

2012 (timed to<br />

Yu.Melnichuk<br />

Forecasters<br />

Training)<br />

Nov 2012<br />

A.Koldaev Nov 2012<br />

A.Koldaev Nov 2012<br />

A.Koldaev Nov 2012<br />

2.8 Radar precipitation data analysis on Radar precipitation data Y.Melnichuk Dec 2012<br />


CAS/WWRP/JSC5/Doc. 4.1 : p. 22<br />

regular grid with 2 km resolution analysis available on the D.Moisseev - to<br />

project data server<br />

be confirmed<br />

2.9 Integration of additional AMSs on the Data from additional AMSs D.Kiktev As new AMSs are<br />

towers of mobile communication into<br />

the project data sources<br />

on the project server<br />

getting available<br />

2.10 Installation of extra-equipment from To be specified P.Joe,G.Isaac To be specified.<br />

the participants - COLDEX<br />

R.Rasmussen Depends on 1.25<br />

2.11<br />

instruments etc ? To be specified.<br />

Depends on 1.25. RDP?<br />

Integration of road AMSs into the Road stations data flow to N.Bocharnikov,T From Nov 2012<br />

project data sources (RDP)<br />

2.12 Road state nowcasting for regional<br />

highways (RDP)<br />

2.13 Road state nowcasting for regional<br />

highways (RDP)<br />

2.14 Integration of CARDS, ABOM, INTW<br />

and STEPS+ nowcasting systems to<br />

the project (FDP - component)<br />

2.15 Integration of WSDDM nowcasting<br />

system to the project (FDP?– to be<br />

specified)<br />

2.16 Integration of MeteoExpert<br />

nowcasting system to the project<br />

(FDP – component)<br />

the project server<br />

MeteoTrassa data flow to the<br />

project server<br />

Road state nowcasting data<br />

flow tot he project server –to<br />

be confirmed<br />

CARDS, ABOM, INTW and<br />

STEPS+ data flow to the<br />

project server<br />

WSDDM data flow to the<br />

project server<br />

MeteoExpert data flow to the<br />

project server<br />

.Bazlova<br />

N.Bocharnikov,T<br />

.Bazlova<br />

P.Nurmi,<br />

E.Atlaskin<br />

From Nov 2012<br />

To be specified.<br />

P.Joe, G.Isaac From Nov 2012<br />

R.Rasmussen From Nov 2012<br />

N.Bocharnikov /<br />

T.Bazlova<br />

2.17 Integration of INCA INCA fields on 1km grid A. Kann, C.<br />

Gruber, B. Bica<br />

2.18 GEM-LAM system at 1km grid<br />

spacing ready to run in real time with<br />

initial conditions from the external<br />

land surface system. (FDP)<br />

2.19 First version of GEM-LAM at 250-<br />

500m grid spacing will be run (not<br />

necessarily in near real time). The<br />

land surface initial conditions (snow,<br />

surface temperatures, soil moisture)<br />

will be provided by an external land<br />

surface system. (RDP)<br />

2.20 Prepare and verify products specific<br />

to Sochi over winter 2011/2012.<br />

Account for extra observations (if<br />

feasible) (FDP)<br />

2.21 Preparing for boundary data started.<br />

Start testing HarmonEPS on winter<br />

2011/2012 if boundary data is<br />

available, in hindcast mode.<br />

Preparation for a pre-operational<br />

system for the Sochi area.<br />

Experimental studies started<br />

tentatively involving: resolution<br />

impact studies, multi-model<br />

combination, RUC, Hybrid EPS-DA,<br />

assimilation/evaluation<br />

cover. (RDP)<br />

of snow<br />

2.22 Extended test of local calibrated<br />

GLAMEPS forecasts with more sites<br />

and parameters including validation<br />

(RDP)<br />

2.23 Experiments with deterministic<br />

COSMO model with resolution about<br />

1 km (RDP)<br />

2.24 Implementation of snow satellite<br />

analysis into COSMO-RU02 in<br />

GEM-LAM at 1km grid<br />

spacing initialized from a<br />

regional GEM with initial<br />

conditions from 4DVAR and<br />

external high-resolution land<br />

surface system.<br />

GEM-LAM at 250-500m grid<br />

spacing, with upper-air<br />

driven and initialized by the<br />

GEM-LAM 1km above, and<br />

with the surface initialized by<br />

the external land surface<br />

system at 250-m grid<br />

spacing.<br />

GLAMEPS data flow to the<br />

project server. Verification<br />

results for winter 2011/2012.<br />

Assessment of HarmonEPS<br />

performance in hindcast<br />

mode<br />

Testing results for local<br />

calibrated GLAMEPS<br />

forecasts<br />

Experimental deterministic<br />

high-resolution COSMO runs<br />

at the project server<br />

Deterministic COSMO-RU02<br />

runs with snow satellite<br />

S.Belair<br />

J.Milbrandt<br />

S.Belair<br />

J.Milbrandt<br />

From Nov 2012<br />

1 Jan 2013, as<br />

soon as all input<br />

data are available<br />

1 Nov 2012<br />

1 Nov 2012<br />

I-L. Frogner 1 Nov 2012<br />

I-L. Frogner,<br />

T.Iversen<br />

I-L. Frogner,<br />

T.Iversen<br />

1 Nov 2012<br />

1 Nov 2012<br />

G.Rivin Winter 2012-2013<br />

G.Rivin<br />

I.Rozinkina<br />

1 Jan 2013<br />


operational mode (FDP) analysis<br />

2.25 Development of operational MOSpostprocessing<br />

for the region of<br />

mountain cluster<br />

2.26 Conversion of the global 3D-Var to<br />

the limited area (RDP)<br />

2.27 Implementation of Real-Time<br />

Forecast Verification (RTFV) system<br />

2.28 System Integration and Delivery<br />

System with timely access to data<br />

and timely product issue<br />

2.29 Synoptic evaluation of available<br />

<strong>FROST</strong>-<strong>2014</strong> forecasts/nowcasts for<br />

winter 2012/2013 (FDP)<br />

2.30 Objective evaluation of winter<br />

2012/2013 nowcasts and forecasts<br />

using non-standard virification<br />

methods<br />

2.31 Meteorological support of sport test<br />

events with use of forecast<br />

information from the project<br />

participants<br />

2.32 Survey among Olympic forecasters<br />

and managers (as a part of impact<br />

assessment studies) (FDP)<br />

2.33 Meteorological support of sport test<br />

events with use of forecast<br />

information from the project<br />

participants<br />

2.34 System Integration and Delivery<br />

System with timely access to data<br />

and timely product issue<br />

2.35 Technical work to set up ALADIN-<br />

LAEF post-processing domain<br />

(Ensemble FDP-component)<br />

2.36 First evaluation of ALADIN-LAEF<br />

system for the region of Sochi (FDP -<br />

component)<br />

CAS/WWRP/JSC5/Doc. 4.1 : p. 23<br />

Operational MOS<br />

postprocessing<br />

Results of experimental<br />

COSMO runs with 3D-Var<br />

DA<br />

Results of RTFV available<br />

for forecasters and project<br />

participants via web<br />

Forecast tables as a first<br />

guess<br />

Synoptic assessments of<br />

available <strong>FROST</strong>-<strong>2014</strong><br />

forecasts<br />

Results of objective forecast<br />

evaluation using off-line new<br />

verification approaches<br />

Preliminary practical<br />

acquaintance of Olympic<br />

forecasters with new<br />

nowcasting/forecasting<br />

products<br />

«Snapshot» of the current<br />

understanding and skill<br />

levels, needs and<br />

impressions<br />

Practical experience of<br />

Olympic forecasters with<br />

new nowcasting/forecasting<br />

products<br />

Forecast tables as a first<br />

guess<br />

Implementation of extra postprocessing<br />

of operational<br />

ALADIN-LAEF forecasts<br />

ALADIN-LAEF data flow to<br />

the project server<br />

P.Vasilev 1 Dec 2012<br />

M.Tsyrulnikov Winter 2012-2013<br />

A.Muravev From Dec 2012<br />

D.Kiktev Dec 2012<br />

T.Dmitrieva,<br />

V.Fedorova,<br />

E.Vasilev<br />

A.Muravev,<br />

P.Nurmi,<br />

E.Atlaskin<br />

April 2013<br />

Apr 2013<br />

V.Lukyanov Jan-Mar 2013<br />

V.Oganesian Oct-Mar<br />

2012/2013<br />

V.Lukyanov Jan-Mar 2013<br />

D.Kiktev Dec 2012<br />

F.Weidle Summer 2012<br />

F.Weidle Summer/autumn<br />

2012<br />

2013-<strong>2014</strong> (Pre-Olympic, Olympic and Post-Olympic period)<br />

3.1 Final traning course for Olympic Enhanced practical skills and V.Lukyanov Oct-Nov 2012<br />

forecasters. Might be combined with theoretical background in the<br />

SSC meeting (3.2) - to be decided team of Olympic forecasters.<br />

Might be combined with SSC<br />

meeting (3.2) and training for<br />

Olympic forecasters<br />

3.2 Organization of the Science Steering SSC meeting<br />

D.Kiktev To be decided.<br />

Committee meeting. Might be Might be combined with<br />

Options: Spring<br />

combined with training for Olympic training for Olympic<br />

2013 or Oct-Nov<br />

forecasters (3.1)-to be decided. forecasters (3.1)<br />

2013 (timed to<br />

3.3 Integration of additional To be specified P.Joe, G.Isaac<br />

Final Training)<br />

To be specified.<br />

measurements (GPM, Ka Band etc.)<br />

into the project data sources – RDP.<br />

To be specified. Depends on 1.25<br />

D.Moisseev Depends on 1.25<br />

3.4 Implementation of regional 3D-Var Deterministic COSMO-RU M.Tsyrulnikov Oct 2013<br />

DA with COSMO-RU in operational<br />

mode (RDP)<br />

runs with 3D-Var DA<br />

3.5 Possible slight changes to the GEM- Possible slight changes to S.Belair<br />

1 Dec 2013<br />

LAM system at 1km grid spacing the GEM-LAM system at J.Milbrandt<br />

(FDP)<br />

1km grid spacing<br />

3.6 Final version of GEM-LAM at 250- Final version of GEM-LAM at S.Belair<br />

1 Dec 2013<br />

500m grid spacing will be integrated, 250-500m grid spacing J.Milbrandt<br />

with some modifications /<br />

improvements from the previous<br />


year (RDP)<br />

3.7 GLAMEPS: Take into account extra<br />

observations in real time in the dataassimilation<br />

and, if feasible, the<br />

ensemble generation (FDP)<br />

3.8 Feasibility studies for HarmonEPS in<br />

test-operational mode. High-<br />

resolution verification. (RDP)<br />

3.9 Quasi-operational probabilistic<br />

forecasts for several observational<br />

sites and parameters, possibly with<br />

hourly updates (RDP).<br />

3.10 Operational INCA analysis and<br />

nowcasting for Olympic domain<br />

3.11 Deterministic COSMO model runs<br />

with resolution about 1 km (RDP)<br />

3.12 Experiments with COSMO-EPS<br />

2.2.km Tecnology (RDP)<br />

3.13 Meteorological support of Olympics<br />

and Formal FDP<br />

3.14 Synoptic evaluation of available<br />

<strong>FROST</strong>-<strong>2014</strong> forecasts/nowcasts for<br />

winter 2013/<strong>2014</strong> (FDP)<br />

3.15 Evaluation and intercomparison of<br />

nowcast/forecast results for the<br />

formal FDP period (FDP)<br />

3.16 Diagnostic non-standard verification<br />

of project nowcasts/forecasts (RDP)<br />

3.17 Survey among the Olympic<br />

forecasters and managers. (FDP)<br />

3.18 General impact assessment for the<br />

previous period targeting on Olympic<br />

forecasters and managers (FDP)<br />

3.19 Organization of the Science Steering<br />

Committee meeting.<br />

3.20 Organization of the Final Seminar.<br />

Discussion on publication plan<br />

3.21 Preparation of Report to WWRP<br />

Joint Scientific Committee (JSC)<br />

3.22 Support <strong>FROST</strong>-<strong>2014</strong> http/ftp-server<br />

for further retrospective studies (e.g.<br />

in the context of data assimilation)<br />

3.23 Journal publications<br />

CAS/WWRP/JSC5/Doc. 4.1 : p. 24<br />

GLAMEPS real-time FDP<br />

runs with possible<br />

assimilation of regional<br />

observations<br />

HarmonEPS in testoperational<br />

mode.<br />

Quasi-operational calibrated<br />

EPS forecasts for several<br />

observation sites<br />

INCA deliverables (provided<br />

that input data are available<br />

in sufficient quantity and<br />

quality)<br />

Results of deterministic highresolution<br />

COSMO runs at<br />

the project server<br />

Experimental ensemble highresolution<br />

COSMO-RU runs<br />

at the project server<br />

Operational practical use<br />

and demonstration of<br />

systems participating in the<br />

FDP project component<br />

Synoptic assessments of<br />

<strong>FROST</strong>-<strong>2014</strong> nowcasts and<br />

forecasts<br />

I-L.Frogner 1 Dec 2013<br />

I-L.Frogner,<br />

T.Iversen<br />

I-L.Frogner,<br />

T.Iversen<br />

A. Kann, C.<br />

Gruber, B. Bica<br />

1 Dec 2013<br />

1 Dec 2013<br />

Winter 2013/<strong>2014</strong><br />

G.Rivin Winter 2013/<strong>2014</strong><br />

G.Rivin<br />

E.Astakhova<br />

A.Montani<br />

1 Dec 2013<br />

D.Kiktev Feb-Mar <strong>2014</strong><br />

T.Dmitrieva,<br />

V.Fedorova,<br />

E.Vasilev<br />

Evaluation results of FDP A.Muravev<br />

P.Nurmi<br />

Diagnostic verifications and<br />

assessments of practical<br />

predictability for the period of<br />

<strong>FROST</strong>-<strong>2014</strong> activity<br />

«Snapshot» of the current<br />

understanding and skill<br />

levels, needs and<br />

impressions.<br />

General impact assessment<br />

for the period of project<br />

activity<br />

E.Atlaskin<br />

A.Muravev<br />

P.Nurmi<br />

E.Atlaskin and<br />

other project<br />

participants<br />

V.Oganesian<br />

V.Oganesian,<br />

SERA<br />

representative<br />

Autumn <strong>2014</strong><br />

Autumn <strong>2014</strong><br />

Autumn <strong>2014</strong><br />

Oct 2013-Mar<br />

<strong>2014</strong><br />

Autumn <strong>2014</strong><br />

SSC meeting D.Kiktev Spring <strong>2014</strong><br />

Final seminar.<br />

Publication plan.<br />

Project Report submitted to<br />

JSC<br />

Internet access to the<br />

<strong>FROST</strong>-<strong>2014</strong> data server for<br />

research community<br />

D.Kiktev To be decided<br />

D.Kiktev To be specified<br />

D.Kiktev While interest<br />

exists<br />


Introduction<br />

CAS/WWRP/JSC5/Doc. 4.1 : p. 25<br />

Verification setup<br />

Annex 4<br />

Sochi-<strong>2014</strong> Olympics and Paralympics will be held on February 8-23 and March 7-16,<br />

<strong>2014</strong> correspondingly. Formal forecast evaluation period for the FDP component of<br />

<strong>FROST</strong>-<strong>2014</strong> project is tentatively set up from 20 January to 20 March <strong>2014</strong> (it is to be<br />

approved by the SSC). Preliminary testing results will be obtained during the pre-trial<br />

(winter 2011-12) and final trial (winter 2012-13) periods. Along with formal evaluation in the<br />

framework of the demonstration project component various kinds of diagnostic verification<br />

will be implemented for better understanding of weak and strong points of the involved<br />

forecast systems.<br />

Nowcast and forecast data types to be verified<br />

• Grid-point fields<br />

Due to complexity of the region the available objective analysis is neither detailed nor<br />

reliable enough to be used as an etalon for forecasts validation. Thus, the grid-point fields<br />

will be verified mostly in the points with nearby observations. The precipitation fields will be<br />

also verified against radar composites with horizontal resolution of 2 km. Potentiality of the<br />

wind field verification on the basis of radar radial wind observations is also considered.<br />

• Individual pointwise time series (nowcasts, original and post-prosessed model) at<br />

locations associated with observation sites<br />

In order to assess deterministic high-resolution forecast performance of participating<br />

technologies various time series of near-surface parameters and vertical profiles are to be<br />

studied at AMSs, temperature/humidity and wind profilers, MRR(s) (MRR – Micro Rain<br />

Radar) locations (Annex 1).<br />

At profiler locations, model fields (temperature, humidity, horizontal wind) are to be verified<br />

up to 3 km above the land surface with the resolution of several tens of meters (to be<br />

detailed).<br />

MRR vertical resolution is adjustable. Typical values are 30-100 m. The maximum number<br />

of vertical steps is 31. The exact vertical structure is to be specified.<br />

As for SNOW-V10, it is of interest to quantify the added value of forecast refinement<br />

between:<br />

- Global model;<br />

- Regional model without and with its own data assimilation;<br />

- High-resolution model with and without data assimilation;<br />

- Post-processed model output (Kalman filter, MOS, 1D-model etc.);<br />

- Nowcasting (based on latest observations and blended with NWP).<br />

Verified parameters<br />

The nowcast and EPS output verification is proposed to concentrate on sensible weather<br />

and high-impact parameters: precipitation conditions, T2m, near-surface wind, visibility,<br />


CAS/WWRP/JSC5/Doc. 4.1 : p. 26<br />

cloud base, location of the zero isotherm. For deterministic forecasts an expanded list of<br />

parameters and levels will be used (Table 4.1).<br />

Nowcasting Deterministic<br />

Forecast:<br />

FDP<br />

Temperature T2m +<br />

See<br />

Relative<br />

Humidity<br />

Mean Sea Level<br />

Pressure<br />

Comment<br />

+ +<br />

See<br />

Comment<br />

Deterministic<br />

Forecast:<br />

RDP<br />

+<br />

See<br />

Comment<br />

+<br />

See<br />

Comment<br />

Ensemble<br />

Forecast:<br />

FDP<br />

Table 4.1<br />

Ensemble<br />

Forecast:<br />

RDP<br />

T2m T2m<br />

Ensemble<br />

mean &<br />

control run<br />

- + + Ensemble<br />

mean &<br />

control run<br />

Ensemble<br />

mean &<br />

control run<br />

Ensemble<br />

mean &<br />

control run<br />

Liquid Precip.<br />

Rate<br />

+ + + + +<br />

Solid Precip.<br />

Rate<br />

+ + + + +<br />

Freezing/Frozen<br />

Precip (if<br />

possible to<br />

single out)<br />

+ + + + +<br />

Accumulated<br />

snow<br />

+ + + + +<br />

Wind gusts + + + + +<br />

Wind Speed & + +<br />

+<br />

+ +<br />

Direction<br />

See<br />

See<br />

Comment Comment<br />

Visibility + + + + +<br />

Cloud<br />

height<br />

base + + + + +<br />

Cloudiness + + + + +<br />

Height of the - + + + +<br />

zero isotherm<br />

Snow Surface ? + + - -<br />

Temperature<br />

Liquid water - - multi-level - -<br />

content, Drop<br />

?<br />

Size, Rain Rate,<br />

Reflectivity<br />

(where provided<br />

by models) – on<br />

the basis of<br />

MRR data<br />

Comment: Temperature, Relative Humidity and Wind forecast data are to be multi-level at<br />

grid-points associated with locations of temperature/humidity and wind profilers.<br />


Temporal resolution<br />

CAS/WWRP/JSC5/Doc. 4.1 : p. 27<br />

Various regional AMSs transmit their reports using different time steps. For example, the<br />

land-based AMSs used 10 min steps during the 2010-2011 winter. The AMSs on mobile<br />

communication towers reported more frequently. The exact frequency regime is stationdependent<br />

and it is to be specified.<br />

10-minutes temporal resolution is planned for the radar scans.<br />

The proposed temporal resolution for forecast and nowcast grid-point fields and time<br />

series at locations associated with observation sites is presented in «Forecast data<br />

exchange requirements for <strong>FROST</strong>-<strong>2014</strong> project» (The multiple of native model time step<br />

can be used for pointwise time series as well).<br />

How the forecast fields are to be verified?<br />

For deterministic forecasts of such parameters as Temperature, Horizontal winds,<br />

Humidity, Surface pressure, Cloud base height, Cloudiness, Height of the zero isotherm,<br />

the basic scores for continuous variables will be used. For Precipitation rate, snowfall,<br />

accumulated snow, Wind gusts and Visibility additional scores will be specified.<br />

A unified analysis of radar and rain gauges data (radar QPE) with horizontal resolution<br />

about 2 km will be developed and used for verification of gridded precipitation products<br />

from the participating systems. Radar based verification techniques applied to precipitation<br />

fields are to be specified.<br />

A set of critical thresholds will be used to transform continuous variables into dichotomous<br />

events. These thresholds will be adjusted for the SOCHI region, considering the sport<br />

needs of the Olympic Games. Preliminary list of thresholds is presented in the Annex 5. In<br />

general SNOW-V10 thresholds are considered to be applicable for <strong>FROST</strong>-<strong>2014</strong>.<br />

Common verification measures for dichotomous variables (POD, FAR, TS, ETS, KSS,<br />

HSS) will be applied along with some novelty measures, especially for the most extreme<br />

events (SEDS, EDI). For EPS output, relevant probabilistic measures (ROC, Brier Score,<br />

Reliability Diagram and Frequency Histograms, BSS, RPS, CRPSS) are to be applied.<br />

Object-oriented verification, fuzzy verification, and conditional verification will be applied to<br />

the project nowcasts and forecasts.<br />

Real-time forecast verification will be implemented to at least a subset of forecast<br />

variables, and presented on the <strong>FROST</strong>-<strong>2014</strong> web-site http://frost<strong>2014</strong>.meteoinfo.ru,<br />

whereas various kinds of diagnostic verification statistics can be produced in a delayed<br />

mode.<br />


CAS/WWRP/JSC5/Doc. 4.1 : p. 28<br />

Thresholds for ensemble forecast evaluation<br />

Annex 5<br />

The following thresholds are linked to the sport decision-making requirements for winter<br />

Olympics (Annex 6) and might be subjected to change in case of possible sport demands<br />

revision.<br />

Thresholds for new snow:<br />

Accumulation period [hrs] Thresholds [cm]<br />

1<br />

1, 2<br />

6<br />

2, 5, 15<br />

12<br />

15, 30<br />

24<br />

15, 30<br />

Thresholds for total precipitation:<br />

Accumulation period [hrs] Thresholds [mm of equivalent water]<br />

3<br />

6<br />

12<br />

24<br />

48<br />

72<br />

1, 5, 10, 15<br />

1, 5, 10, 15<br />

1, 5, 10, 20, 50<br />

1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100<br />

20, 50, 100, 150<br />

20, 50, 100, 150<br />

Thresholds for wind speed [m/s]: 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 15, 17.<br />

Thresholds for wind gust [m/s]: 4, 5, 10, 14, 15, 17.<br />

Thresholds for T2m [°C]: -25, -20, -10, -5, 0, 5.<br />

(Instantaneous) thresholds for visibility [meters]: 20, 30, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000.<br />

(Instantaneous) thresholds for the height of the zero isotherm [meters]: 50, 100, 200,<br />

300, 400, 500, 1000, 2000.<br />


CAS/WWRP/JSC5/Doc. 4.1 : p. 29<br />


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