Galloper Wind Farm Project - Galloper Wind Farm proposal

Galloper Wind Farm Project - Galloper Wind Farm proposal

Galloper Wind Farm Project - Galloper Wind Farm proposal


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<strong>Galloper</strong> <strong>Wind</strong> <strong>Farm</strong> <strong>Project</strong><br />

Environmental Statement – Chapter 13: Natural Fish and<br />

Shellfish Resources<br />

October 2011<br />

Document Reference – 5.2.13<br />

<strong>Galloper</strong> <strong>Wind</strong> <strong>Farm</strong> Limited

Document title <strong>Galloper</strong> <strong>Wind</strong> <strong>Farm</strong> <strong>Project</strong><br />

Environmental Statement – Chapter 13: Natural<br />

Fish and Shellfish Resources<br />

Document short title <strong>Galloper</strong> <strong>Wind</strong> <strong>Farm</strong> ES<br />

Document Reference 5.2.13<br />

Regulation Reference APFP Regulations, 5(2)(a)<br />

Version 7<br />

Status Final Report<br />

Date October 2011<br />

<strong>Project</strong> name <strong>Galloper</strong> <strong>Wind</strong> <strong>Farm</strong> <strong>Project</strong><br />

Client <strong>Galloper</strong> <strong>Wind</strong> <strong>Farm</strong> Limited<br />

Royal Haskoning<br />

Reference<br />

9V3083/R01/303730/Exet<br />

Drafted by Randolph Velterop<br />

Checked by Peter Gaches<br />

Date/initials check PG 28.09.2011<br />

Approved by Martin Budd<br />

Date/initials approval MB 19.10.2011<br />

GWFL Approved by Kate Harvey<br />

Date/initials approval KH 01.11.2011<br />

<strong>Galloper</strong> <strong>Wind</strong> <strong>Farm</strong> ES 9V3083/R01/303730/Exet<br />

Final Report - i - October 2011


Page<br />


13.1 Introduction 1<br />

13.2 Guidance and Consultation 1<br />

13.3 Methodology 7<br />

13.4 Existing Environment 13<br />

13.5 Assessment of Impacts – Worst Case Definition 68<br />

13.6 Potential Impacts during the Construction Phase 81<br />

13.7 Potential Impacts during the Operational Phase 111<br />

13.8 Potential Impacts during Decommissioning 118<br />

13.9 Inter-relationships 119<br />

13.10 Cumulative Impacts 121<br />

13.11 Transboundary Effects 133<br />

13.12 Monitoring 133<br />

13.13 Summary 134<br />

13.14 References 137<br />

Technical Appendix 13.A Fish Resource Surveys (2008-2009)<br />

Technical Appendix 13.B Underwater Noise Impact Assessment<br />

Technical Appendix 13.C Supplementary Herring Spawning Information<br />

<strong>Galloper</strong> <strong>Wind</strong> <strong>Farm</strong> ES 9V3083/R01/303730/Exet<br />

Final Report - ii - October 2011


13.1 Introduction<br />

13.1.1 This Chapter of the Environmental Statement (ES) describes the existing<br />

environment with regard to the natural fish and shellfish resource within the<br />

proposed <strong>Galloper</strong> <strong>Wind</strong> <strong>Farm</strong> (GWF) project, as well as the wider area of<br />

the Outer Thames Estuary and southern North Sea.<br />

13.1.2 This Chapter serves to provide a description of the distribution and seasonal<br />

abundance of fish and shellfish species known to occur, or which have been<br />

recorded within both the study area and across the wider region. This<br />

description draws upon data collected through site specific and / or regional<br />

surveys, both in the published and grey literature and as a result of original<br />

data collection. Subsequent to this, the assessment of potential impacts of<br />

the construction, operation and decommissioning phases of the proposed<br />

GWF project on the existing environment are presented and detail on the<br />

proposed mitigation that will be considered by <strong>Galloper</strong> <strong>Wind</strong> <strong>Farm</strong> Limited<br />

(GWFL) are also provided. Finally, approaches to monitoring are presented.<br />

13.1.3 For the purposes of the Infrastructure Planning (Applications: Prescribed<br />

Forms and Procedure) Regulations 2009, Figures 13.4 to 13.10 and Figures<br />

13.13 to 13.20 taken together with this Chapter, fulfil the requirements of<br />

Regulation 5(2)(l) in relation to the effects of the proposed development on<br />

fish and shellfish resources.<br />

13.2 Guidance and Consultation<br />

Legislation, policy and guidance<br />

13.2.1 The assessment of potential impacts upon fish and shellfish resource has<br />

been made with specific reference to the relevant National Policy Statements<br />

(NPS). These are the principal decision making documents for Nationally<br />

Significant Infrastructure <strong>Project</strong>s (NSIP). Those relevant to GWF are:<br />

� Overarching NPS for Energy (EN-1); and<br />

� NPS for Renewable Energy Infrastructure (EN-3).<br />

13.2.1 The following paragraphs provide detail from sections of the relevant National<br />

Policy Statements (NPS) (July 2011) EN-1 and EN-3 that are considered of<br />

relevance to the assessment of impacts on the fish and shellfish resource.<br />

13.2.2 The specific assessment requirements relating to fish and shellfish resource,<br />

as detailed within the NPSs, are repeated in the following paragraphs.<br />

Where any part of the NPS guidance has not been followed within this<br />

assessment, it is stated after the NPS text and a justification provided. In all<br />

other cases the assessment requirements suggested within the NPSs have<br />

been applied to this assessment.<br />

<strong>Galloper</strong> <strong>Wind</strong> <strong>Farm</strong> ES 9V3083/R01/303730/Exet<br />

Final Report Chapter 13 - Page 1 October 2011

13.2.3 Section 5.3 of EN-1 sets out the policy for the IPC in relation to generic<br />

biodiversity impacts and paragraphs 2.6.58 to 2.6.71 of EN-3 set out offshore<br />

wind-specific biodiversity policy (see Section 5.3.3). In addition, there are<br />

specific considerations which apply to the effect of offshore wind energy<br />

infrastructure <strong>proposal</strong>s on fish as set out below.<br />

13.2.4 Paragraph 2.6.73 states that:<br />

13.2.5 “There is the potential for the construction and decommissioning phases,<br />

including activities occurring both above and below the seabed, to interact<br />

with seabed sediments and therefore have the potential to impact fish<br />

communities, migration routes, spawning activities and nursery areas of<br />

particular species. In addition, there are potential noise impacts, which could<br />

affect fish during construction and decommissioning and to a lesser extent<br />

during operation.” (Sections 13.6, 13.7 and 13.8).<br />

13.2.6 Paragraph 2.6.74 states that:<br />

13.2.7 “The applicant should identify fish species that are the most likely receptors<br />

of impacts with respect to:<br />

� feeding areas;<br />

� spawning grounds;<br />

� nursery grounds; and<br />

� migration routes.” (Section 13.4)<br />

13.2.8 In addition, paragraphs 2.6.75, 2.6.76 and 2.6.77 also discuss mitigation<br />

measures for reducing electromagnetic field (EMF) effects as well as for<br />

reducing the overall impacts of construction on fish communities. (Section<br />

13.7).<br />

13.2.9 The following guidance documents have also been used during the<br />

assessment of marine and intertidal ecology impacts:<br />

� Guidance on the Assessment of Effects on the Environment and<br />

Cultural Heritage from Marine Renewable Developments (Produced<br />

by: the Marine Management Organisation (MMO), the Joint Nature<br />

Conservation Committee (JNCC), Natural England, Countryside<br />

Council for Wales (CCW) and the Centre for Environment Fisheries<br />

and Aquaculture Science (Cefas), December 2010); and<br />

� Guidelines for data acquisition to support marine environmental<br />

assessments of offshore renewable energy projects. Draft for<br />

Consultation issued 10th March 2011. Cefas contract report: ME5403<br />

– Module 15.<br />

� Offshore wind-farms: guidance notes for EIA in respect of FEPA and<br />

CPA requirements. Prepared by the Centre for Environment, Fisheries<br />

and Aquaculture Science (Cefas) on behalf of the Marine Consents<br />

and Environment Unit (MCEU). Version 2 – June 2004<br />

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Final Report Chapter 13 - Page 2 October 2011

13.2.10 The implications of the following regulations and legislation have been taken<br />

into consideration when writing this ES:<br />

� Offshore Marine Conservation (Natural Habitats, &c.) Regulations<br />

2007;<br />

� Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010 (“Habitats<br />

Regulations”); and<br />

� Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.<br />

Consultation<br />

13.2.11 As part of ongoing consultation, key stakeholders were invited to respond to<br />

a scoping document produced as part of the EIA process (GWFL, 2010).<br />

Table 13.1 summarises issues that were highlighted by the consultees in the<br />

IPC Scoping Opinion (IPC, 2010) and indicates which sections of the<br />

assessment address each issue. GWFL undertook early consultation with<br />

Cefas on the requirement for, and scope of, site specific surveys to<br />

characterise the fish and shellfish baseline environment.<br />

13.2.12 Further consultation was undertaken through formal Section 42 consultation<br />

under the Planning Act 2008 (see Chapter 7 Consultation) via the<br />

submission of a Preliminary Environmental Report (PER). Community<br />

consultation under Section 47 has also been carried out in parallel with the<br />

Section 42 statutory consultation. The process for GWFL’s community<br />

consultation is set out in the Statement of Community Consultation (SoCC)<br />

for GWF (see Chapter 7). Full details of responses received are presented<br />

in the IPC Scoping Opinion report (IPC, 2010) and the Consultation Report<br />

that accompanies the Development Consent Order (DCO) for this<br />

application.<br />

Table 13.1 Summary of consultation and issues<br />

Date Consultee Summary of issue Section<br />

where<br />

addressed<br />

September<br />

2009<br />

September<br />

2009<br />

Kent and Essex<br />

Sea Fisheries<br />

Committee<br />

Shark Trust and<br />

inshore fishermen<br />

Concerns relating to spawning<br />

species including sole, sandeel,<br />

herring and also egg laying species<br />

such as rays and dogfish which are<br />

thought to lay their eggs in the<br />

deeper water between the Gabbard<br />

and <strong>Galloper</strong> banks.<br />

The proposed GWF area is known as<br />

an important local pupping ground for<br />

spurdog. Consideration required of<br />

Section 13.6<br />

Section 13.6<br />

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Final Report Chapter 13 - Page 3 October 2011

Date Consultee Summary of issue<br />

spurdog, and other elasmobranchs,<br />

especially egg laying species.<br />

Section<br />

where<br />

addressed<br />

August<br />

2010<br />

August<br />

2010<br />

August<br />

2010<br />

IPC & Marine<br />

Management<br />

Organisation<br />

(MMO) & Centre<br />

for Environment,<br />

Fisheries and<br />

Aquaculture<br />

Science (Cefas)<br />

(Scoping Opinion)<br />

Eastern Sea<br />

Fisheries Joint<br />

Committee<br />

(Scoping Opinion)<br />

Joint Nature<br />

Conservation<br />

Committee<br />

(JNCC) & Natural<br />

England (Scoping<br />

Opinion)<br />

Operational noise & vibration on fish<br />

is not scoped out.<br />

The Commission recommends that<br />

the impacts on protected fish species<br />

is fully assessed and mitigation<br />

provided.<br />

Noise and vibration levels along the<br />

foreshore potentially affecting fish<br />

should be also be addressed.<br />

Consideration should be given to<br />

potential impacts on spawning cod.<br />

Pile driving restrictions are likely, with<br />

plaice, herring and sole seen as key<br />

species.<br />

Mitigation for effects of suspended<br />

sediment on fish species should be<br />

considered e.g. timing cabling<br />

operations to avoid sensitive periods.<br />

The effects of EMF should be<br />

considered.<br />

Cumulative effects on fish resources<br />

of the proposed works with the<br />

Greater Gabbard OWF and the<br />

proposed East Anglia ONE OWF.<br />

Key consideration for EIA include<br />

suspended sediment impacts on<br />

Spurdog pupping ground.<br />

Section 13.7<br />

Section 13.6<br />

Section 13.6<br />

Section 13.6<br />

Section 13.6,<br />

13.7 and 13.10<br />

Section 13.6<br />

August Royal Society for Any impacts on the early life stages Section 13.7<br />

<strong>Galloper</strong> <strong>Wind</strong> <strong>Farm</strong> ES 9V3083/R01/303730/Exet<br />

Final Report Chapter 13 - Page 4 October 2011

Date Consultee Summary of issue Section<br />

where<br />

addressed<br />

2010 the Protection of of fish may have lethal effects for bird<br />

Birds (RSPB)<br />

(Scoping Opinion)<br />

life.<br />

July 2011 Suffolk Coast and<br />

Heaths AONB<br />

Unit and Suffolk<br />

County Council<br />

and Suffolk<br />

Coastal District<br />

Council (Section<br />

42)<br />

July 2011<br />

MMO (Section 42)<br />

Consideration should be given to use<br />

of artificial reefs along the cable and<br />

within the wind farm to mitigate<br />

impacts.<br />

Clarification on GWF site specific<br />

fisheries survey data analysis,<br />

surveyed area and specification of<br />

survey methodology.<br />

Ideally modelling of noise impacts on<br />

the critically endangered eel would<br />

have been undertaken. This could be<br />

added to the EIA.<br />

Present data to support the<br />

statement that the main Downs<br />

herring spawning grounds are in the<br />

eastern English Channel and that the<br />

Southern Bight spawning grounds<br />

are of less importance.<br />

Consideration of the impact of noise<br />

on herring eggs.<br />

Use of most recent up-to-date ICES<br />

advice on status of elasmobranch<br />

stocks.<br />

Piling construction: Potential to install<br />

all monopiles during a 10 week<br />

period thereby avoiding sensitive<br />

periods of herring and sole.<br />

Section 13.7.<br />

Section 13.3<br />

and Technical<br />

Appendix<br />

13.A<br />

Section 13.6<br />

Section 13.4,<br />

13.6 and<br />

Technical<br />

Appendix<br />

13.C<br />

Section 13.4<br />

Section 13.4<br />

and 13.6<br />

<strong>Galloper</strong> <strong>Wind</strong> <strong>Farm</strong> ES 9V3083/R01/303730/Exet<br />

Final Report Chapter 13 - Page 5 October 2011

Date Consultee Summary of issue Section<br />

where<br />

addressed<br />

July 2011<br />

East Anglia<br />

Offshore <strong>Wind</strong><br />

Limited (EAOW)<br />

A condition must be included in the<br />

DCO stating that no piling may occur<br />

from 1st November to 31st May.<br />

Fleeing speeds of fish in relation to<br />

piling.<br />

Consideration of background noise<br />

levels in EIA.<br />

Consideration of particle motion<br />

impacts on hearing insensitive<br />

species such as sole.<br />

Cumulative impacts to sole spawning<br />

should be fully considered in the EIA.<br />

Consideration of sediment type in<br />

INSPIRE V18 sound propagation<br />

model.<br />

Use of dBht species metric rather than<br />

the more widely used M-weighted<br />

sound exposure level makes<br />

comparisons and practical<br />

implications difficult.<br />

Clarification is required on what<br />

parameters are used to derive<br />

regional significance for species<br />

selected for noise modelling.<br />

Insufficient consideration regarding<br />

the cumulative impact of repeated<br />

hammer blows necessary to erect<br />

each foundation and the knock-on<br />

effect that this evokes on impact<br />

range maps.<br />

Cumulative impact of underwater<br />

noise with EAOW construction<br />

programme.<br />

Section 13.6<br />

Section 13.6<br />

Section 13.6<br />

Section 13.10<br />

Technical<br />

Appendix<br />

13.B<br />

Section 13.6<br />

Section 13.6<br />

and Technical<br />

Appendix<br />

13.B<br />

Section 13.10<br />

and Technical<br />

Appendix<br />

13.B<br />

Section 13.10<br />

<strong>Galloper</strong> <strong>Wind</strong> <strong>Farm</strong> ES 9V3083/R01/303730/Exet<br />

Final Report Chapter 13 - Page 6 October 2011

Date Consultee<br />

(Section 42)<br />

Summary of issue Section<br />

where<br />

addressed<br />

July 2011<br />

July 2011<br />

July,<br />

August<br />

2011<br />

13.3 Methodology<br />

Study area<br />

Dutch Fisheries<br />

Organisation<br />

(Section 42)<br />

Aldeburgh local<br />

fishermen,<br />

Aldeburgh<br />

Fishermens Trade<br />

and Guild and<br />

Eastern Inshore<br />

Fisheries and<br />

Conversation<br />

Authority (Section<br />

47)<br />

Eastern Inshore<br />

Fisheries and<br />

Conservation<br />

Authority (EIFCA)<br />

(Section 42)<br />

Effects of underwater sound on fish<br />

and impacts on fish larvae.<br />

ES should address construction and<br />

operational noise, EMF, impacts on<br />

local fish stocks, creation of artificial<br />

habitat as mitigation.<br />

Monitoring should consider GWF in<br />

isolation and cumulative needs.<br />

Suggest monitoring to establish the<br />

effects of EMF. EMF is one of key<br />

reasons that the Authority maintains<br />

a general objection to offshore wind<br />

farm development.<br />

Cumulative EMF impacts associated<br />

with GWF and East Anglia ONE<br />

cable crossing points of export<br />

cables.<br />

Section 13.6<br />

and Technical<br />

Appendix<br />

13.B<br />

Section 13.6<br />

and 13.7<br />

Section 13.11<br />

Section 13.7,<br />

13.10<br />

13.3.1 The study location with regard to natural fish and shellfish resources is<br />

considered to encompass the proposed GWF, export cable corridor and the<br />

wider Outer Thames area, in particular ICES rectangles 32F2, 32F1, 33F2<br />

and 33F1. With regard to fish species and given their highly mobile nature in<br />

some cases it is necessary to consider the status of fish stocks in the context<br />

of wider regional dynamics across the southern North Sea and also the<br />

English Channel. The relation of these ICES rectangles and the Thames<br />

Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) are shown in Figure 13.1.<br />

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Final Report Chapter 13 - Page 7 October 2011

<strong>Galloper</strong> <strong>Wind</strong> <strong>Farm</strong> ES 9V3083/R01/303730/Exet<br />

Final Report Chapter 13 - Page 8 October 2011

Characterisation of the existing environment<br />

13.3.2 Existing data sources that enable a detailed broadscale characterisation of<br />

the natural fish and shellfish resource are extensive. Some of these wider<br />

data sources and studies encompass the proposed GWF study area (e.g.<br />

Marine Aggregate Levy Sustainability Fund (MALSF), 2009) and, therefore,<br />

also serve to augment site specific data and knowledge. Those data sources<br />

and studies that are considered of relevance to the proposed GWF project<br />

include:<br />

� Environmental Statements (ES’s) from other offshore wind farm<br />

developments and aggregates dredging sites;<br />

� MMO fisheries landings data on commercially important fish species;<br />

� Department of Environment Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) spawning<br />

and nursery maps for mobile species considered to be of conservation<br />

importance (Cefas, 2010a);<br />

� Fisheries sensitivity maps (Coull et al., 1998);<br />

� The Outer Thames Estuary Regional Environmental Characterisation<br />

(MALSF, 2009);<br />

� Information on species of conservation interest (JNCC);<br />

� Cefas Interactive Spatial Explorer and Administrator (iSEA), research<br />

publications and broad scale survey data; e.g. North Sea young fish<br />

survey (Aug-Sept) / Eastern English Channel survey (Aug-Sept), all of<br />

which cover some of the Greater Gabbard Offshore <strong>Wind</strong> <strong>Farm</strong><br />

(GGOWF) and proposed GWF areas;<br />

� Kent and Essex Sea Fisheries Committee (KESFC) District Research<br />

Reports;<br />

� Eastern Sea Fisheries Joint Committee (ESFJC) Research Reports;<br />

and<br />

� International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Reports<br />

and Research Publications.<br />

13.3.3 Further information on the distribution and abundance of fish and shellfish<br />

species within the general area of the development was obtained from:<br />

� Monitoring and surveys carried out as part of the GGOWF Food and<br />

Environment Protection Act (FEPA) licence (Licence 33097/07/0)<br />

including pre and post construction surveys for:<br />

o Annual fisheries surveys<br />

o Noise and Vibration monitoring during piling<br />

13.3.4 Site specific information has been obtained from dedicated beam and otter<br />

trawl surveys carried out in the spring and autumn to target adult and juvenile<br />

fish within the proposed GWF site, export cable corridor and their immediate<br />

environs (Brown & May Marine Ltd. October 2008 and April 2009). The<br />

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Final Report Chapter 13 - Page 9 October 2011

methodologies associated with this survey are summarised in the following<br />

paragraphs with full detailed accounts of survey methodology and findings<br />

provided in Technical Appendix 13.A. It is noted that these surveys were<br />

commissioned in 2009 prior to the site boundary having undergone<br />

modification (see Chapter 6 Site Selection and Alternatives). Therefore, a<br />

number of the sample locations that were within the original project boundary<br />

now lie outwith of its refined extents.<br />

13.3.5 These sources are considered to be comprehensive in describing the fish<br />

and shellfish resource that has the potential to be impacted as a result of the<br />

proposed development of GWF.<br />

GWF Survey strategy<br />

13.3.6 GWFL commissioned Brown and May Marine Ltd. to undertake site specific<br />

fisheries surveys during the autumn (October) of 2008 and spring (April) of<br />

2009 to characterise the species assemblages within the proposed GWF site.<br />

13.3.7 The surveys were conducted using a standard commercial otter trawl, fitted<br />

with ‘rock-hopper’ ground line and 100mm mesh cod end. Tows were limited<br />

to approximately 25 minutes duration and undertaken during daylight hours.<br />

The durations of the tows were timed to accommodate the ground conditions<br />

and the catch rates, as agreed with Cefas.<br />

13.3.8 A two-metre scientific beam trawl fitted with a 5mm mesh cod-end liner was<br />

used for the juvenile fish / epibenthic sampling. Beam trawls were<br />

approximately five minutes in duration.<br />

13.3.9 A complete description of the survey specifications, methods used including<br />

boat and gear descriptions, tow speeds, gear deployment locations, dates<br />

and haul and shot times are presented in the survey reports presented in<br />

Technical Appendix 13.A.<br />

13.3.10 Fish and shellfish samples were identified, measured and recorded and data<br />

standardised to catch per unit effort (CPUE) to account for sampling intensity<br />

in the three different areas. The survey methodology, including trawl<br />

locations, gear types and data analysis was agreed through consultation with<br />

Cefas (Section 13.2) prior to commencement.<br />

13.3.11 The locations of the commercial otter trawls and scientific beam trawls in<br />

relation to GGOWF and the proposed GWF site are presented in Figure<br />

13.2, which shows the sites surveyed during both the autumn (2008) and<br />

spring (2009) surveys and also the locations sampled during the GGOWF<br />

surveys. Both otter trawl and beam trawl surveys were carried out for the<br />

proposed GWF site at the locations labelled B01-B18 in blue on Figure 13.2.<br />

13.3.12 The locations of the 2m beam trawls, carried out for the 2007 Outer Thames<br />

Regional Environmental Characterisation, are presented in Figure 13.3.<br />

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Final Report Chapter 13 - Page 10 October 2011

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Final Report Chapter 13 - Page 12 October 2011

Assessment of impacts<br />

13.3.13 The impact assessment has been undertaken in accordance with the<br />

methodology set out in Chapter 4 EIA Process. The development envelope<br />

provided in Chapter 5 <strong>Project</strong> Details, have been used to establish a<br />

realistic worst case development scenario for the assessment of impacts.<br />

The worst case scenario for impacts on fish and shellfish varies depending<br />

on the impact source under consideration. Therefore, the worst case<br />

scenario is set out in Section 13.5 and assessed within the specific sections<br />

of the impact assessment (Section 13.6, 13.7 and 13.8).<br />

13.3.14 The impact assessment has been informed by dedicated studies, such as<br />

underwater noise modelling (Subacoustech, 2011 as provided in Technical<br />

Appendix 13.B) and herring spawning larval data investigations (Technical<br />

Appendix 13.C) as well as industry experience from monitoring studies<br />

associated with existing projects (of particular relevance being the knowledge<br />

gained from the ongoing monitoring studies at the adjacent GGOWF project<br />

(GGOWL, 2009)). These data are further supported by industry wide studies<br />

and Collaborative Offshore <strong>Wind</strong> Research into the Environment (COWRIE)<br />

publications including the following:<br />

� Effects of offshore wind farm noise (Thomsen et al., 2006);<br />

� The effects of pile-driving noise on the behaviour of marine fish<br />

(Mueller-Blenkle et al., 2010); and<br />

� A review of the effects of EMF on sensitive marine species (Gill &<br />

Bartlett, 2010, Gill et al., 2005).<br />

13.3.15 Other Chapters within this ES (such as Chapter 12 Marine and Intertidal<br />

Ecology, Chapter 15 Commercial Fisheries, Chapter 14 Marine<br />

Mammals and Chapter 9 Physical Environment) have been used to inform<br />

the assessment where inter-relationships are relevant.<br />

13.4 Existing Environment<br />

Seabed habitats<br />

13.4.1 Distribution patterns of fish depend to some degree on the spatial extent of<br />

appropriate habitat. Over broad spatial areas, the main abiotic factors that<br />

affect the distribution of fishes and fish communities are water temperature,<br />

salinity, depth and substrate type. Other features including biotic factors<br />

(predator-prey interactions, competition, local-scale habitat features) and<br />

anthropogenic activities (e.g. the presence of artificial structures and<br />

fisheries) can also be important factors operating on a variety of temporal<br />

and spatial scales (ICES, 2010a).<br />

13.4.2 The study area is characterised by shallow water depths principally between<br />

20m and 40m with sediments comprising medium to coarse sand with silt<br />

and clay and mixed sediments with areas of patchy cobbles and gravel on<br />

the banks to the east. The benthic habitats associated with these mobile<br />

substrates were generally of lower taxonomic diversity and dominated by<br />

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Final Report Chapter 13 - Page 13 October 2011

polychaetes. Epibenthic faunal composition was characterised by<br />

echinoderms and crustaceans, with sparse but diverse mollusc assemblages<br />

(Chapter 12).<br />

Broadscale fish species descriptions<br />

13.4.3 In order to gain an understanding of the relative importance, presence and<br />

abundance of fish and shellfish species at regional and local levels,<br />

commercial landings data for ICES rectangles 32F2, 32F1 and 33F1 from<br />

2006 to 2010 were interrogated to establish which species are regularly<br />

landed. Although it must be understood that the quantities of species landed<br />

are often driven by market forces and quota restrictions, assessing landings<br />

data helps provide context for the site specific fisheries surveys carried out.<br />

13.4.4 The top 10 species of fish, crustaceans, molluscs and bivalves commonly<br />

targeted commercially in ICES rectangles 32F2 (main GWF site), 33F1<br />

(export cable corridor) and 32F1 by weight are presented in Table 13.2. A<br />

full list of recorded species from both commercial landings data and site<br />

specific surveys is presented in Table 13.3.<br />

Table 13.2 Species landings data (tonnes) for the top 15 species landed 2006 – 2010<br />

from ICES rectangles 32F1, 32F2 and 33F1<br />

Species Scientific name<br />

Landings (tonnes)<br />

32F1 32F2 33F1 Total<br />

Cockle Cerastoderma edule 2867 - - 2867<br />

Horse Mackerel Trachurus trachurus 1015 1054 0 2069<br />

Sole Solea solea 606 89 336 1031<br />

Cod Gadus morhua 375 35 509 920<br />

Skates & Rays Raja spp. 410 14 258 682<br />

Sprat Sprattus sprattus 265 0 107 372<br />

Plaice Pleuronectes platessa - 176 - 176<br />

Bass Dicentrarchus labrax 112 - 33 145<br />

Herring Clupea harengus 28 41 25 93<br />

Lobster Homarus gammarus 57 - 25 82<br />

Flounder Platichyths flesus - 10 29 39<br />

Whelk Buccinum undatum - 38 - 38<br />

Brown Crab Cancer pagurus - - 37 37<br />

Mullet - Other Mugilidae 27 - - 27<br />

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Species Scientific name<br />

Landings (tonnes)<br />

32F1 32F2 33F1 Total<br />

Smoothhound Mustelus mustelus - - 20 20<br />

Dab Limanda limanda - 12 - 12<br />

Whiting Merlangius merlangus - 11 - 11<br />

Source: MMO, 2011<br />

13.4.5 Landings data indicates that the regional study area is more important for<br />

finfish than shellfish, although brown crab Cancer pagurus, lobster Homarus<br />

gammarus and whelk Buccinum undatum landings are recorded from all<br />

three ICES rectangles (Table 13.2). The following finfish species are<br />

particularly important in the area: horse mackerel Trachurus trachurus, sole<br />

Solea solea, cod Gadus morhua, skates and rays Rajidae spp., sprat<br />

Sprattus sprattus, plaice Pleuronectes platessa and bass Dicentrarchus<br />

labrax (Table 13.2).<br />

13.4.6 The English Channel is generally considered to represent a biogeographical<br />

boundary between the northerly boreal province, and the more southerly<br />

Lusitanean province (Dinter, 2001). Although many boreal species are<br />

widespread throughout much of the North Sea (e.g. cod and herring Clupea<br />

harengus), several of the Lusitanian species that are largely restricted to the<br />

Southern Bight such as lesser weever Echiichthys vipera, greater weever<br />

Trachinus draco and striped red mullet Mullus surmuletus.<br />

13.4.7 The key species recorded at the proposed GWF site as identified from<br />

landings and site specific surveys are listed in Table 13.3.<br />

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Table 13.3 Fish species present within the study area as identified from landings data and site specific surveys<br />

Common Name Scientific Name Common Name Scientific Name<br />

Marine Finfish<br />

Anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus Lumpfish Cyclopterus lumpus<br />

Bass Dicentrarchus labrax Mackerel Scomber scombrus<br />

Black Seabream Spondyliosoma cantharus Megrim Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis<br />

Bib Trisopterus luscus Monks or Anglers Lophius piscatorius<br />

Brill Scophthalmus rhombus Mullet - Other Mugilidae<br />

Blonde Ray Raja brachyura Pilchards Sardina pilchardus<br />

Cod Gadus morhua Plaice Pleuronectes platessa<br />

Conger Eel Conger conger Pollack Pollachius pollachius<br />

Common Dragonet Callionymus lyra Poor Cod Trisopterus minutus<br />

Dab Limanda limanda Red Gurnard Aspitrigla cuculus<br />

Dover Sole Solea solea Red Seabream Pagellus bogaraveo<br />

Dragonet Callionymus lyra Red Mullet Mullus surmuletus<br />

Eelpout Zoarcidae Saithe Pollachius Virens<br />

Eels Anguilla anguilla Sand Smelt Atherina presbyter<br />

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Common Name Scientific Name Common Name Scientific Name<br />

Flounder Platichyths flesus Sand Sole Pegusa lascaris<br />

Garfish Belone belone Sprat Sprattus sprattus<br />

Greater Weever Trachinus draco Squid Unidentified<br />

Grey Gurnard Eutrigla gurnardus Streaked Gurnard Chelidonichthys lastoviza<br />

Haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinus Sole Solea solea<br />

Hake Merluccius merluccius Triggerfish Balistes capriscus<br />

Herring Clupea harengus Tub Gurnard Chelidonichthys lucernus<br />

Horse Mackerel Trachurus trachurus Turbot Psetta maxima<br />

John Dory Zeus faber Twaite Shad Alosa fallax<br />

Lemon Sole Microstomus kitt Whiting Merlangius merlangus<br />

Lesser Weever Echiichthys vipera Witch Glyptocephalus cynoglossus<br />

Ling Molva molva Wrasses Labridae<br />

Shellfish<br />

Edible Crab Cancer pagarus Velvet Crab Necora puber<br />

Lobster Homarus gammarus<br />

Elasmobranchs<br />

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Common Name Scientific Name Common Name Scientific Name<br />

Blonde Ray Raja brachyura Starry Smoothhound Mustelus asterias<br />

Lesser Spotted Dogfish Scyliorhinus canicula Thresher Shark Alopias vulpinus<br />

Smoothhound Mustelus mustelus Thornback Ray Raja clavata<br />

Spotted Ray Raja montagui Tope Galeorhinus galeus<br />

Spurdog Squalus acanthias<br />

N.B. species in bold text are those recorded during the site specific fisheries surveys<br />

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Principal fish species: distribution, spawning and nursery areas<br />

13.4.8 A number of species of commercial importance are known to use the Outer<br />

Thames Estuary for spawning and as nursery grounds. Figures 13.4 to<br />

13.17 show commercially important species which have spawning and<br />

nursery grounds in the wider Outer Thames Estuary. Table 13.4 identifies<br />

the main periods of spawning activity for commercial fish species in the Outer<br />

Thames Estuary and southern North Sea. Further species specific<br />

information is discussed subsequently for species which are deemed to be of<br />

particular relevance to the site.<br />

Table 13.4 Main periods of spawning activity for key fish species in the Outer Thames<br />

region (spawning periods are highlighted in yellow, peak spawning<br />

periods marked orange) adapted from Coull et al., (1998)<br />

Sole<br />

Lemon Sole<br />

Herring *<br />

Herring **<br />

Sandeel<br />

Plaice<br />

Cod<br />

Whiting<br />

Mackerel<br />

Sprat<br />

Bass<br />

Edible crab<br />

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec<br />

Herring: * refers to the Downs autumn Channel herring, ** refers to the Thames (or Blackwater) spring<br />

spawning herring<br />

13.4.9 Information on the spawning and nursery grounds of commercially important<br />

species (Cefas, 2010a, Coull et al., 1998) that overlap or are in close<br />

proximity to the study area or are considered to be sensitive to potential wind<br />

farm impacts (e.g. elasmobranchs and herring) are discussed by species<br />

below.<br />

Individual fish species accounts - finfish<br />

Herring<br />

13.4.10 Herring are a commercially important pelagic fish, common to much of the<br />

North Sea. Herring deposit their eggs on a variety of substrates from coarse<br />

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sand and gravel to shell fragments and macrophytes; although gravel<br />

substrates have been suggested as their preferred spawning habitat. Once<br />

spawned, herring eggs take about three weeks to hatch, depending on sea<br />

temperature, after which larvae drift in the plankton.<br />

13.4.11 While a proportion of the proposed GWF site overlaps with the herring<br />

spawning grounds (Figure 13.4) the benthic grab (97 stations) and dropdown<br />

camera surveys (98 stations) concluded that the majority of sediment<br />

throughout the GWF survey area were poorly sorted and did not offer ideal<br />

conditions for herring to spawn on (CMACS, 2010, see Technical Appendix<br />

12.A).<br />

13.4.12 North Sea herring fall into a number of different ‘races’, each with different<br />

spawning grounds, migration routes and nursery areas (Coull et al.,1998).<br />

There are three major races of autumn spawners, which mix on the feeding<br />

grounds for the majority of the year, but then migrate to specific grounds to<br />

spawn. As shown in Figure 13.4 the proposed GWF site is located on the<br />

outer edge of a stock known as ‘the Downs herring’, which spawn in the<br />

Southern Bight and eastern English Channel from November to January,<br />

defined by Coull et al., (1998) and more recently updated in Cefas (2010a).<br />

The other two herring races lie off northeast Scotland and north-east England<br />

and undergo autumn spawning (taking place from August to September, and<br />

August to October respectively). These three races represent the bulk of the<br />

North Sea herring stock, although some spawning also occurs in spring (e.g.<br />

the Thames Estuary stocks) between mid February to late April. The<br />

principal recognised spawning sites for the Thames spring spawning herring<br />

are the Eagle Bank, at the mouth of the Blackwater Estuary and Herne Bay<br />

(Wood, 1981) with both of these spawning grounds being located<br />

approximately 55km from the proposed GWF site.<br />

13.4.13 The use of the Thames Estuary by herring is generally seasonal, with the<br />

inshore migrations of the Blackwater herring starting in early October with<br />

fish concentrating within 10 miles of the East Anglian coast in preparation for<br />

spawning the following spring (Wood, 1981 as cited in Fox, 2001). Juveniles<br />

generally spend two years in coastal areas before moving offshore to join the<br />

adult stock (MacKenzie, 1985, cited in ICES, 2010a).<br />

13.4.14 The Southern Bight spawning ground covers an area of approximately<br />

3,300km 2 with the two East Channel Downs herring spawning sites (based<br />

on the Coull et al., 1998 data) covering areas of 1,300km 2 and 1,500km 2<br />

respectively. The latter two sites are located approximately 160km and<br />

260km to the southwest of the proposed GWF site respectively.<br />

13.4.15 Herring have a relatively high sensitivity to underwater sound and vibration<br />

due to their physiology and extension of the swim bladder (bulla) that<br />

terminates within the inner ear. Herring spawning and nursery areas are,<br />

therefore, particularly sensitive and vulnerable to anthropogenic influences,<br />

especially given that herring are a benthic spawning species.<br />

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13.4.16 In light of the comments raised during consultation (see Table 13.1) it was<br />

recognised that better resolution of the spawning grounds currently used by<br />

the Downs herring was required in order to establish the extent of potential<br />

noise related impacts. Larval data from the International Herring Larvae<br />

Survey (IHLS) was acquired for the years 2000 to 2011 (see Appendix<br />

13.C). Herring larval data, especially for newly hatched yolk-sac larvae, is<br />

widely used to indicate herring spawning activity and define the spawning<br />

grounds currently being used.<br />

13.4.17 It is widely acknowledged that since the 1970’s the main Downs herring<br />

spawning grounds have been confined to the Eastern English Channel<br />

(Dickey-Collas et al., 2009, Pawson, 1995, ECA and RPS Energy, 2010,<br />

Rohlf & Gröger, 2003) and that the herring larvae recorded in the Southern<br />

Bight originate from spawning grounds in the Eastern Channel (C Van<br />

Damme 2011, pers. comm. 12 August). This is also reflected by the<br />

commercial exploitation of the Downs stock where winter spawning<br />

aggregations are targeted by fleets in the eastern English Channel (ICES,<br />

2009, ICES, 2007a).<br />

13.4.18 Maps of the larval data indicate that in agreement with previous studies the<br />

centres of newly hatched yolk-sac larvae evident in December centre on the<br />

eastern English Channel Downs herring spawning grounds with only limited<br />

spawning activity occurring on the Southern Bight spawning grounds (see<br />

Technical Appendix 13.C and Figure 13.5). IHLS surveys are undertaken<br />

in December and January to capture the Downs herring spawning activity.<br />

The presence of non yolk-sac larvae in the Southern Bight by the January<br />

surveys is as a result of passive transport whereby larvae originating from the<br />

eastern English Channel are transported to their nursery grounds in the<br />

southern North Sea by the regional hydrodynamic regime and meteorological<br />

forcing. This trend is clearly demonstrated by the 2010/2011 data presented<br />

in Figure 13.5 which shows that following the December survey the larvae<br />

disperse and are subsequently transported into the southern North Sea by<br />

the by the time of the mid and end of January surveys. This transport of<br />

eggs and larvae is also well documented for a number of other species with<br />

spawning grounds in the eastern English Channel (see Erftemeijer et al.,<br />

2009, Dickey-Collas et al., 2009, Houghton & Harding, 1976).<br />

13.4.19 The data indicates that while a proportion of the proposed GWF site lies<br />

within areas shown by Coull et al.,(1998) to be part of the Downs Southern<br />

Bight Downs spawning grounds, these grounds are not currently used as the<br />

main spawning grounds which are currently located in the English Channel.<br />

13.4.20 It has been suggested that the importance of spawning grounds for herring in<br />

the North Sea is related to the health of the stock (Schmidt et al., 2009) and<br />

some historic spawning grounds which currently have no or very little activity<br />

can be “re-colonised” over time (e.g. Corten, 1999). Whilst we must<br />

acknowledge that the Southern Bight grounds may be re-colonised in the<br />

foreseeable future, based on current trends they are at present not used by<br />

the main Downs spawning stock.<br />

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Cod<br />

13.4.21 Cod Gadus morhua is widely distributed throughout the North Sea. Adult cod<br />

(+70cm) densities tend to be highest in the north, between Shetland and<br />

Norway, along the edge of the Norwegian Deep, in the Kattegat off the<br />

Danish coast, around the Dogger Bank and in the Southern Bight. Subadults<br />


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Final Report Chapter 13 - Page 25 October 2011

Whiting<br />

13.4.26 Whiting Merlangius merlangus is widely distributed throughout the North Sea,<br />

Skagerrak and Kattegat off the Danish coast. High densities of both small<br />

and large whiting may be found almost everywhere, with the exception of the<br />

Dogger Bank, which generally shows a marked hole in the distribution (ICES,<br />

2010a).<br />

13.4.27 Spawning takes place from January in the southern North Sea (Svetnovidov,<br />

1986). The pelagic eggs, which take about ten days to hatch, are shed in<br />

numerous batches over a period that may last for up to 14 weeks (ICES,<br />

2010a).<br />

13.4.28 During summer, juveniles are particularly abundant in the German Bight and<br />

off the Dutch coast to the north-east of the proposed GWF site. Large<br />

whiting occur in high densities south of Shetland during the winter, when<br />

densities are relatively low in the central North Sea. During summer, the<br />

entire southern half of the North Sea is densely populated by adult whiting.<br />

Whiting were also one of the most abundant species caught during the site<br />

surveys (Plot 13.2, Plot 13.3, Plot 13.4 and Plot 13.5).<br />

13.4.29 As shown in Figure 13.7 the wind farm site falls within the low intensity<br />

spawning and nursery areas. Catch rates presented in Figure 13.7 indicate<br />

that, while GWF falls within the nursery area, higher numbers of juvenile<br />

whiting tend to be caught in the more northerly parts of the North Sea.<br />

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Plaice<br />

13.4.30 North Sea plaice Pleuronectes platessa form a stock that consists of a<br />

number of sub-units and they are commonly found all around the UK and<br />

Irish coasts, with a preference for sandy substrates, although older age<br />

groups may be found on coarser sand.<br />

13.4.31 During the spawning season of December to April, individuals from the subunits<br />

can be found in an area of the southern North Sea known as the<br />

‘Southern Bight’. Hunter et al. (2003) demonstrated that, as previous studies<br />

have shown, the Southern Bight is a major spawning ground for plaice.<br />

13.4.32 Peak spawning time shifts from early January in the eastern English Channel<br />

to mid-February in the German Bight and off Flamborough (Rijnsdorp, 1989).<br />

The duration of the pelagic egg and larval stages of plaice (three to four<br />

months) is long compared to, for example, sole (about one month) (ICES,<br />

2010a). This results in long exposures to residual currents, and the young<br />

plaice may settle in areas far away from the spawning area. While GWF is<br />

located within an area identified as a high intensity spawning area (Figure<br />

13.8) the centres of high egg production in the Southern Bight are to the<br />

southeast and southwest of GWF. Data indicates that commercial plaice<br />

landings from ICES rectangle 33F2 are higher than from the GWF rectangle<br />

(32F2) (see Chapter 15), especially during winter (January). This may be a<br />

reflection of the higher importance of this rectangle and area of the North Sea<br />

to spawning plaice in comparison to the GWF area.<br />

13.4.33 Tagging experiments have shown strong fidelity behaviour, with individual<br />

fish returning to the same spawning and feeding areas (Hunter et al., 2003).<br />

Part of the North Sea plaice population spawns in the Channel and returns to<br />

its feeding grounds in the North Sea afterwards. Juveniles are found in<br />

shallow coastal waters and outer estuaries such as the Thames and as they<br />

grow older they gradually move into deeper water (“Heinckes Law”) (ICES,<br />

2010a).<br />

13.4.34 Plaice represent an important commercial species landed from rectangle<br />

32F2, in keeping with the well documented importance of the southern North<br />

Sea for this species (see Chapter 15). Plaice were also caught at the GWF<br />

site during the otter and 2m beam trawl surveys.<br />

13.4.35 Due to the lack of a swimbladder, it is thought that flatfish species such as<br />

plaice tend to be less sensitive to noise than roundfish.<br />

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Sole<br />

13.4.36 Sole Solea solea tend to occupy shallow, sandy and sandy / muddy habitats<br />

and are widespread throughout UK waters. Although such habitats are<br />

common across much of the North Sea and spawning occurs along all<br />

southern North Sea coasts, five main spawning grounds can be distinguished<br />

(see Figure 13.9):<br />

� Inner German Bight;<br />

� Belgian coast;<br />

� Eastern Channel;<br />

� Thames Estuary; and<br />

� Norfolk Banks.<br />

13.4.37 Data from Cefas (2010a) show the Thames Estuary as a high intensity<br />

spawning area (Figure 13.9). In the Thames mature sole move inshore into<br />

relatively shallow water often associated with reduced salinity (Burt and<br />

Milner, 2008). At this time of year sole are densely aggregated with<br />

spawning taking place within the 30m depth contour. Spawning is triggered<br />

by sea water temperature, with peak spawning being advanced during a<br />

warm spring (ICES, 2010a). Sole also show a preference for sandy and finer<br />

grained sediments during both adult and juvenile stages (Kaiser et al., 1999,<br />

Rogers, 1992). The stage I sole egg data presented in Figure 13.9 also<br />

supports the presence of inshore sole spawning occurring inshore in the<br />

Thames.<br />

13.4.38 Eastwood and Meaden (2000) modelled the spawning habitat suitability for<br />

sole in the southern North Sea using the distribution of eggs in relation to<br />

parameters such as temperature, depth, salinity and sediment type. Clear<br />

relationships were found between these parameters with consistently higher<br />

densities of eggs associated with sediment with

13.4.40 Studies of sole larval distribution in the Eastern Channel and Southern Bight<br />

also found sole larvae to be distributed in coastal waters throughout their<br />

development (Grioche et al., 2001). The association of sole spawning<br />

grounds with suitable inshore habitats may be linked to a strategy of having<br />

the youngest larvae in areas of lower currents, which allows their retention in<br />

shallow waters with high temperatures and fluorescence (Grioche et al.,<br />

2001). This is also supported by their relatively short pelagic egg and larval<br />

phase (one month) which generally means offspring never move large<br />

distances from spawning grounds. Nursery grounds are generally found in<br />

shallow coastal waters at depths between 5 and 10m, and the local<br />

abundances of 0-group sole are thought to reflect the spawning success of<br />

local spawning aggregations (Rogers & Stock, 2001).<br />

13.4.41 A study in the Thames Estuary found that at different locations and even on<br />

different days peak spawning took place in the evening (Child et al., 1991).<br />

Studies on captive sole have also documented complex synchronised<br />

spawning courtship behaviour (Baynes et al., 1994). Spawning begins in<br />

March, peaking in April and continuing sporadically until late June (Burt and<br />

Milner, 2008). The analysis of market sampling data presented in Bromley<br />

(2003) also indicated that the proportion of males with full testes peaked in<br />

April, at the same time as the peak in the hyaline egg phase in females.<br />

These studies would suggest that the key sensitive period for sole spawning<br />

is April as spawning activity declines rapidly following this peak period.<br />

13.4.42 Sole migrate to the warmer offshore grounds in autumn when temperatures<br />

fall. In severe winters, they may form dense aggregations in the deeper and<br />

less cold parts in the southern North Sea and the eastern Channel (Rijnsdorp<br />

et al., 1992). In March to May they return to inshore waters.<br />

13.4.43 Tagging experiments support the suggestion that the spawners return to the<br />

same spawning grounds year after year, but it is not known whether recruits<br />

return to the grounds where they were born (Burt and Milner, 2008).<br />

13.4.44 The proposed GWF site is located just outside the sole nursery area (Figure<br />

13.9) although the cable corridor passes through a low intensity nursery<br />

ground. The high intensity nursery areas are located to the west of the<br />

proposed GWF site (Figure 13.9) and this area represents an important<br />

nursery area for sole on a UK wide level.<br />

13.4.45 Sole represent a commercially important target species in the Outer Thames<br />

Estuary. By weight and also by value (Chapter 15), sole landings represent<br />

an important proportion of the demersal catches from the ICES rectangles<br />

associated with the proposed GWF site. Sole were also well represented in<br />

the fisheries surveys (Plot 13.2 and Plot 13.4).<br />

13.4.46 As a flatfish species, sole is considered to be relatively insensitive to sound<br />

as it does not have a swim bladder; however construction noise such as pile<br />

driving creates high levels of sound pressure and acoustic particle motion in<br />

the water and seabed which have been shown to induce behavioural<br />

reactions in sole (Mueller-Blenkle et al., 2010)..<br />

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Lemon Sole<br />

13.4.47 Lemon sole Microstomus kitt is widely distributed off the coasts of the British<br />

Isles but is most commonly found in the English Channel and the Irish Sea<br />

(Barnes, 2008). Lemon sole were caught in both the spring and autumn otter<br />

trawl surveys in the wind farm, outside the wind farm footprint and export<br />

cable corridor sites (Plots 13.2 and Plot 13.4). Figure 13.14 indicates that<br />

the proposed GWF site lies within both the spawning and nursery areas for<br />

lemon sole as defined by Coull et al., (1998). However, the area covered by<br />

the wind farm is small in relation to the total areas of the spawning and<br />

nursery grounds.<br />

13.4.48 Lemon sole is thought to spawn everywhere it is found (Rogers and Stocks,<br />

2001), with spawning taking place over a long period (from April to<br />

September). Eggs and larvae are planktonic, with post-larvae found in the<br />

mid water before becoming demersal, when reaching 3cm in length<br />

(Wheeler, 1978).<br />

Sandeel<br />

13.4.49 Sandeel Ammodytes marinus have a close association with sandy substrates<br />

into which they burrow and are largely stationary after settlement. There is a<br />

complex of local (sub-) stocks in the North Sea. Sandeel favour coarse sand<br />

with fine to medium gravel and low silt content, avoiding sediment containing<br />

>4% silt (particle size

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Sprat<br />

13.4.53 IBTS survey data indicates that sprat Sprattus sprattus is most abundant<br />

south of the Dogger Bank and in the Kattegat, with the distribution extending<br />

around the British coast. Secondary concentrations are found in the Firth of<br />

Forth and the Moray Firth (ICES, 2010a).<br />

13.4.54 Sprat are multiple batch spawners, with females spawning repeatedly<br />

throughout the spawning season (up to 10 times in some areas) (ICES,<br />

2010a). Spawning occurs in both coastal and offshore waters, during spring<br />

and late summer, with peak spawning between May and June, depending on<br />

water temperature (ICES, 2010a). Spawning generally takes place at night.<br />

The eggs (0.8-1.3 mm in diameter) and larvae of sprat are pelagic (ICES,<br />

2010a).<br />

13.4.55 Sprat represents prey for many commercially important predatory fish, such<br />

as the larger gadoids, as well as diving seabirds.<br />

13.4.56 Figure 13.16 indicates that the proposed GWF site lies within the sprat<br />

spawning grounds. However, these are widespread and extend throughout<br />

the majority of UK coastal waters.<br />

Individual fish species accounts - elasmobranchs<br />

13.4.57 Elasmobranchs are the group of electrosensitive fish that includes sharks,<br />

rays and skates. A number of these species are protected under the Wildlife<br />

& Countryside Act 1981 and as species of priority importance under UK and<br />

individual country Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) arrangements (see section<br />

on Species of Conservation Importance Table 13.6 see Page 59).<br />

13.4.58 Elasmobranchs are particularly vulnerable to overexploitation and globally<br />

have suffered significant reduction in their numbers due to unregulated<br />

fishing effort and habitat degradation. Elasmobranch species generally have<br />

a small number of offspring and long maturation periods meaning that<br />

populations cannot recruit individuals fast enough to replace those lost<br />

through fishing or other sources of mortality. Certain species such as angel<br />

shark Squatina squatina, common skate Dipturus batis and white skate Raja<br />

alba are now considered to be extinct in large parts of their former range.<br />

The status of other commercially important species (for example thornback<br />

ray, Raja clavata, other large Rajids, and spurdog, Squalus acanthias is of<br />

increasing concern for both fisheries and nature conservation.<br />

13.4.59 Spotted ray and blonde ray are of lesser importance, and other skate<br />

species, such as undulate ray Raja undulata and small-eyed ray Raja<br />

microcellata, are occasional vagrants to this area from the English Channel.<br />

Cuckoo ray Leucoraja naevus and starry ray Amblyraja radiata occasionally<br />

occur in the southern North Sea, but the main North Sea stocks of these<br />

species are further north.<br />

13.4.60 Elasmobranchs can detect the electrical fields emitted by themselves and<br />

other organisms. The most widely known use of electric fields is for prey<br />

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detection, where the prey item generates an electric field that the predator<br />

senses. Electrosensitivity can also be used for orientation. Orientation is<br />

possible due to the differences in resistivity of objects which enter the<br />

animal’s electric field. Compass-like navigation is accomplished by<br />

interpreting the effect of the earth’s electromagnetic currents on the electric<br />

field created as the animal swims underwater (similar to echolocation used<br />

by dolphins) (MMO et al., 2010).<br />

13.4.61 The most abundant elasmobranch species caught during the GWF site<br />

surveys by number were lesser-spotted dogfish, thornback ray, starry<br />

smooth-hound and smooth-hound. Other species recorded included spotted<br />

ray, blonde ray and tope (Plot 13.2 and Plots 13.4).<br />

13.4.62 Table 13.5 provides a qualitative summary of the general status of the major<br />

elasmobranch species relevant to the proposed GWF site based on ICES<br />

2010 advice. The 2011 and 2012 advice on catches for thornback ray,<br />

lesser-spotted dogfish, smooth hound and starry smooth hound for the<br />

southern North Sea are to maintain status quo catch (ICES, 2010).<br />

Table 13.5 Status of demersal elasmobranchs in the North Sea<br />

Species Scientific name Area State of stock<br />

Thornback ray Raja clavata IVc, VIId Stable / increasing<br />

Lesser-spotted dogfish Scyliorhinus canicula IVa,b,c, VIId Increasing<br />

Smooth hound &<br />

Starry smooth hound<br />

Source: ICES Advice (2010)<br />

Mustelus mustelus &<br />

Mustelus asterias<br />

IVa,b,c, VIId Increasing<br />

13.4.63 Based on their commercial importance, further information for thornback ray<br />

and spurdog is provided below along with information on tope Galeorhinus<br />

galeus as the proposed GWF site lies within an area identified as potential<br />

nursery grounds for tope and also lesser-spotted dogfish.<br />

Thornback ray<br />

13.4.64 Thornback ray is the most abundant skate (Rajidae) in the south-western<br />

North Sea, and the Outer Thames Estuary is considered to be of regional<br />

importance for the species. Thornback ray is one of the most commercially<br />

important skate species in UK waters and, in the Thames, can account for<br />

some 93 – 100% of the skate catch (Ellis et al., 2008).<br />

13.4.65 Wider studies in the southern and central North Sea by Cefas (ICES, 2007b)<br />

demonstrate that thornback ray has shown range contraction as the<br />

population has declined, and that they are now most abundant in the Outer<br />

Thames Estuary and The Wash (Figure 13.17).<br />

13.4.66 Rays are particularly vulnerable to exploitation due to their low fecundity, late<br />

age at maturity and large size at maturity. Survey catch trends in Division<br />

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IVc have been stable / increasing in recent years. The status of thornback<br />

ray in Divisions IVa,b is uncertain (ICES, 2008).<br />

13.4.67 Thornback ray aggregate by sex and size, often showing an uneven sex<br />

ratio, with females dominating the larger size classes. It is evident that<br />

juvenile thornback ray are widespread in the shallower waters of the Outer<br />

Thames Estuary and along the English Channel coast of Southern England<br />

(Ellis et al., 2005), although it is not known whether there are specific<br />

spawning grounds for thornback ray. Part of the proposed GWF site and the<br />

export cable corridor lie within a low intensity nursery ground for this species<br />

(see Figure 13.18).<br />

13.4.68 Studies of ray movements in the Thames Estuary showed that 96% of rays<br />

tagged were recaptured there (Hunter et al., 2005), suggesting that these<br />

rays form distinct sub-populations and exhibit small scale movements.<br />

These studies also showed that rays were located in water of 20m to 35m<br />

depth during the autumn and winter, and migrated into shallower water<br />


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Spurdog<br />

13.4.70 Spurdog is one of the more common shark species in the North Sea. At the<br />

beginning of the 20th Century it was abundant, and often considered a<br />

nuisance by commercial herring fishermen, as they caused damage to the<br />

nets and catches. Landings increased rapidly during the late 1950’s and<br />

early 1960’s, though landings have since declined (ICES, 2010a).<br />

13.4.71 Spurdog was formerly widespread and abundant throughout most of the<br />

area, but IBTS survey data indicates it is currently most abundant in the<br />

western North Sea and off the Orkney and Shetland (ICES, 2010a). Spurdog<br />

are also caught in the Outer Thames and consultation responses from the<br />

Shark Trust and inshore fishermen indicate that the GWF area is thought to<br />

be an important local pupping ground (Table 13.1). Information from local<br />

fishermen have indicated that a spurdog fishery used to exist between<br />

February and March to the eastern side of the Outer Gabbard, although in<br />

recent years a quota restriction and maximum landing size has seen this<br />

fishery halt (Chapter 15). The spurdog fishery in the North Sea has also<br />

been closed since 2011 due to the severely depleted nature of the stocks.<br />

During the site specific surveys only a single (one) spurdog was recorded in<br />

the otter trawl catches.<br />

13.4.72 Tagging experiments have shown that spurdog may migrate all around the<br />

British Isles. Thus, the North Sea component is considered to represent part<br />

of a much larger stock (ICES, 2010a). Given their complex and widespread<br />

seasonal migrations and long gestation periods, parturition grounds are hard<br />

to define (Cefas, 2010).<br />

13.4.73 Spurdog is aplacentally viviparous, giving birth to live young, with two to 21<br />

pups born after a gestation period of 22 to 24 months (Holden and Meadows,<br />

1964; Gauld, 1979; Ellis and Keable, 2008). Young are reliant on yolk<br />

reserves during embryonic development and fecundity increases with size.<br />

The size at birth ranges from 19cm to 30cm, though is typically 26-28cm.<br />

The pupping season is from August to December (ICES, 2010a).<br />

13.4.74 Juvenile spurdog are widely distributed in the central and northern North Sea,<br />

North West Scotland and Irish and Celtic Sea (see Figure 13.16). The high<br />

intensity nursery grounds are situated off west Scotland. The proposed GWF<br />

site does not lie within any identified nursery grounds (Figure 13.19). The<br />

apparent absence of juveniles from the eastern English Channel and<br />

southern North Sea may be an artefact of the sampling and fewer otter trawl<br />

surveys in the area (Cefas, 2010a).<br />

13.4.75 A low fecundity, coupled with an extremely low growth rate, makes spurdog<br />

vulnerable to commercial overexploitation.<br />

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Tope<br />

13.4.76 Tope is widely distributed in the North-Eastern Atlantic, occurring as far north<br />

as Norway. In British waters, it is most common in the southern North Sea,<br />

English Channel, Bristol Channel and Irish Sea (Ellis et al., 2005). It is<br />

considered to be a single stock of tope in the NE Atlantic.<br />

13.4.77 Tope are ovoviviparous producing live young. Gestation is thought to last for<br />

about 12 months, and females move inshore to coastal nursery areas in the<br />

late summer to give birth. The proposed GWF site is located in an area<br />

identified as a low intensity nursery area for tope (see Figure 13.20). A<br />

single juvenile female tope was recorded from GWF during the autumn otter<br />

trawl survey.<br />

Lesser-spotted dogfish<br />

13.4.78 Dogfish are thought to lay their egg cases in the deeper water between the<br />

Gabbard and <strong>Galloper</strong> banks and concerns were raised during scoping with<br />

regards to the disturbance of this egg laying species (Table 13.1).<br />

13.4.79 Dogfish are widespread in the North-east Atlantic and were one of the most<br />

abundant elasmobranchs recorded during the site specific surveys (see<br />

Plots 13.2 to 13.5). They are oviparous, laying 2 eggs at a time, with<br />

females laying as many as 5/7 eggs per week during the breeding season<br />

(November to July). The availability of prey and requirement for females to<br />

have suitable egg-laying substrates are also thought to influence their<br />

distribution with high abundances often associated with the presence of<br />

erect, sessile invertebrates (e.g. Flustra spp.) that are important egg-laying<br />

substrates (Ellis & Shackley, 1997, Kaiser et al., 1999).<br />

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Individual species accounts - shellfish<br />

13.4.80 While the general GWF areas are acknowledged as being more important for<br />

finfish than shellfish (MMO, 2010) ICES rectangles 32F1, 32F2 and 33F1 do<br />

provide catches of shellfish. Landings data indicates high landings of cockle<br />

Cerastoderma edule from area 32F1. These landings come from the inshore<br />

Thames cockle fishery which is not within proximity to GWF. Landings of<br />

brown crab Cancer pagarus, and lobster Homarus gammarus are recorded<br />

from the inshore area of the export cable corridor (ICES rectangle 33F1) and<br />

whelk are recorded from the proposed GWF site (ICES rectangle 32F2). The<br />

latter three species are therefore considered in further detail below.<br />

Lobster<br />

13.4.81 Static fishing for European lobster and crab has been recorded from localised<br />

areas of the inshore export cable route (Chapter 15) and from commercial<br />

landings data for the area (Table 13.2). Lobsters are anticipated to be<br />

present at GWF and the export cable corridor on areas of reef or other<br />

suitable habitat structures such as wrecks.<br />

13.4.82 Lobsters are usually located in holes on rocky substrate at lower than mean<br />

low water neaps (sublittoral fringe) to depths of 150m (Holthius, 1991).<br />

13.4.83 Growth is by moult, which decreases in frequency during the juvenile stages<br />

until becoming an annual part of the mating, spawning and egg hatching<br />

cycle. Females can spawn annually or following a bi-annual pattern.<br />

Reproduction takes place during summer and is linked with the moulting<br />

cycle (Atema, 1986). After extrusion, the eggs are held on the pleopods for<br />

approximately another year until hatching the following summer. The first<br />

few post-hatching weeks are characterised by a pelagic phase usually lasting<br />

14 to 20 days depending on the water temperature. Lobsters are sedentary<br />

animals with home ranges varying from 2 to 10km (Bannister et al., 1994).<br />

Lobsters do not make extensive migrations when berried and hatching takes<br />

place in spring and early summer on the same grounds (Pawson, 1995).<br />

Edible crab<br />

13.4.84 Edible crab is a common and widely distributed species in the UK (Pawson,<br />

1995). It occurs from the upper inter-tidal zone down to 100m depth. Small<br />

crabs are rarely caught in offshore areas which suggest that crabs only move<br />

into deeper water as they grow and approach maturity. They are known to<br />

undertake extensive migrations at rates of 2-3km per day during migrations<br />

of up to 200 nautical miles (Pawson, 1995). The main North Sea crab fishery<br />

is located to the north of the proposed GWF off Flamborough Head and<br />

south of Dogger Bank. This corresponds with the centres of larval<br />

abundance in this area. Once hatched crab larvae are planktonic for up to<br />

approximately 90 days (Pawson, 1995). The principle potting grounds for<br />

brown crab are in the area of the export cable landfall and just to the south<br />

(Chapter 15). Brown crab were recorded in low numbers across the<br />

GGOWF and the edges of the <strong>Galloper</strong> bank and export cable route during<br />

the 2004 and 2005 fisheries surveys (GGOWL, 2005).<br />

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Whelk<br />

13.4.85 Whelks are common in the North Sea and are distributed extensively around<br />

the UK coastline (Jacklin, 1998). They inhabit mainly muddy gravel or mud<br />

mixed with shell. Whelks spawn when they reach maturity at approximately<br />

two to three years of age. Fertilisation occurs in late autumn followed by<br />

spawning in November (Jacklin, 1998). After four months development, the<br />

fully formed juveniles emerge from the egg capsules during February to<br />

March (Jacklin, 1998).<br />

13.4.86 Landings data (Table 13.2) and review of commercial fishing activities<br />

(Chapter 15) indicate that whelk are present around the proposed GWF site.<br />

Site specific surveys<br />

GWF baseline fish surveys 2008-2009<br />

13.4.87 Autumn (2008 and spring (2009) fish surveys have been carried out at the<br />

proposed GWF site. While it should be acknowledged that the boundaries of<br />

the proposed GWF site have been modified since the original fisheries<br />

surveys were carried out, the modifications do not have a significant effect on<br />

the results presented below, which still remain valid for characterising the<br />

area. In the subsequent plots, the survey areas outside of the proposed<br />

GWF site have been referred to as ‘control’, the areas within GWF as ‘wind<br />

farm’ and locations relating to the export cable as ‘cable / cable route’.<br />

13.4.88 A total of 51 separate fish species were identified from both the otter and<br />

beam trawls during the spring and autumn survey, of which nine species<br />

were elasmobranchs. Approximately 45 separate species were recorded<br />

from within the GWF site, 40 from the control and 30 from the export cable<br />

corridor. The differences in species diversity between the GWF site, control<br />

and export cable are a reflection of survey effort and total combined tow<br />

duration for each area (see Plot 13.1).<br />

13.4.89 The most abundant species caught during the surveys were whiting, cod,<br />

lesser spotted dogfish, dab, bib, plaice, thornback ray and starry smoothhound.<br />

The results from the spring and autumn otter trawl survey are<br />

discussed below with results including catch per unit effort (CPUE) presented<br />

in Plot 13.2 and Plot 13.4 and the proportion of species caught at each site<br />

presented in Plot 13.3 and Plot 13.5.<br />

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Plot 13.1 Increasing trend between species sampled and total combined tow duration<br />

at each of the sample locations.<br />

Tow duration (hrs)<br />

8.0<br />

7.0<br />

6.0<br />

5.0<br />

4.0<br />

3.0<br />

2.0<br />

1.0<br />

0.0<br />

Otter Trawl Total (otter & beam trawl) No species<br />

wind control cable<br />

Spring otter trawl survey summary<br />

13.4.90 A total of 27 fish species were identified from the otter trawls, 24 within the<br />

GWF site, 12 along the cable route and 23 at control locations.<br />

13.4.91 Whiting and lesser spotted dogfish were the species caught in greatest<br />

numbers, followed by dab, cod and thornback ray to a lesser extent.<br />

13.4.92 Along the cable corridor lesser spotted dogfish, cod and thornback ray were<br />

the most abundant species found, accounting for 77% of the catch. The<br />

remaining 33% consisted of low numbers of nine other species (Plot 13.3).<br />

13.4.93 Within the GWF site the composition of the catch was dominated by whiting,<br />

dab, lesser spotted dogfish and cod which accounted for 78.5% of the<br />

individuals caught. Relatively high numbers of thornback ray were also<br />

found, this species accounting for 5.6% of the catch. The remaining 18<br />

species were all caught in small numbers (see Technical Appendix 13.A).<br />

13.4.94 Similarly, at control locations whiting, dab, lesser spotted dogfish and cod<br />

were the species caught in greatest numbers accounting for 84.2% of the<br />

catch.<br />

13.4.95 Cod and whiting were the main species of commercial interest caught during<br />

the survey while sole comprised only a small proportion of the catches (see<br />

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50<br />

45<br />

40<br />

35<br />

30<br />

25<br />

20<br />

15<br />

10<br />

5<br />

0<br />

No. species

Plots 13.2 to 13.7). For cod, the majority of fish caught at all sites were<br />

above minimum landing sizes (MLS) whilst approximately 50% of the whiting<br />

were below their MLS (see Technical Appendix 13.A).<br />

13.4.96 In general terms most of the individuals of dab and plaice caught were<br />

female whilst the majority of lesser spotted dogfish were male. The sex ratio<br />

for cod, whiting and thornback ray was approximately 50:50.<br />

13.4.97 The percentage distributions of the species caught are given in Plot 13.2 for<br />

the export cable corridor, GWF site and control locations respectively.<br />

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Plot 13.2 Individuals caught per hour by species and sampling area during the spring otter trawl survey<br />

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Plot 13.3 Percentage distribution of species caught along the export cable corridor,<br />

wind farm and control sites during the spring otter trawl survey<br />

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Autumn Otter Trawl survey summary<br />

13.4.98 A total of 27 species were identified in the otter trawl sampling (21 species<br />

within the wind farm area, 19 species along the export cable corridor and 18<br />

species in the control sites). The catch rates, in terms of the number of<br />

individuals caught per hour, and the total number of individuals caught overall<br />

are illustrated in Plot 13.4. The relative percentage distributions are<br />

illustrated and discussed in Plot 13.5.<br />

13.4.99 Whiting, cod and bib were caught in highest abundances during the otter<br />

trawl survey with few other species caught in significant numbers (dab, lesser<br />

spotted dogfish, plaice, starry smooth-hound and poor cod). Other species<br />

were caught in very low numbers (see Technical Appendix 13.A).<br />

13.4.100 Whiting and cod were caught in highest numbers in the samples collected at<br />

the GWF and the control sites. Along the cable corridor, lesser spotted<br />

dogfish and bib were the most abundant species. However, cod and whiting<br />

were also caught in high numbers in this area.<br />

13.4.101 Lesser spotted dogfish, bib, cod and whiting were the most abundant species<br />

found along the cable corridor, accounting for 66.5% of the catch. Starry<br />

smooth-hound and dab were also caught in significant numbers, these<br />

species accounting for 8.9% and 9.8% of the catch respectively. The<br />

remaining 13 species were caught in low numbers, accounting for only 18.9%<br />

of the catch (see Technical Appendix 13.A).<br />

13.4.102 In the proposed GWF site, whiting, cod and bib were the most abundant<br />

species accounting for 69.8% of the catch. Plaice, poor cod, lesser spotted<br />

dogfish, dab and tub gurnard were also caught, representing 23% of the<br />

catch. The remaining 7.2% of the catch was comprised of low numbers of<br />

individuals from 13 other species.<br />

13.4.103 In the control sites, whiting was the most abundant species accounting for<br />

32.0% of the catch. Cod, dab and bib were also abundant in this area,<br />

accounting for 43.1%. Plaice, poor cod and tub gurnard were also found,<br />

accounting for 18.1% of the catch, whilst the remaining 6.7% was comprised<br />

of low numbers of individuals from 11 other species.<br />

13.4.104 As for the spring survey the majority of the cod caught were above their<br />

minimum landing size (MLS) with approximately 50% of whiting below MLS.<br />

The other commercial species caught were generally present in only low<br />

numbers.<br />

13.4.105 In general terms the majority of the dab, whiting and plaice caught were<br />

female whilst the sex ratio for cod was approximately 50:50. The majority of<br />

lesser spotted dogfish caught were female in the wind farm site and male<br />

along the cable corridor.<br />

13.4.106 The only migratory species sampled were three twaite shad Alosa fallax,<br />

which were caught at the proposed GWF site.<br />

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Plot 13.4 Individuals caught per hour by species and sampling area during the autumn otter trawl survey<br />

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Plot 13.5 Percentage distribution of species caught along the cable route, wind farm<br />

and control sites during the autumn otter trawl survey<br />

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Shellfish summary<br />

13.4.107 The most abundant shellfish species found during the otter trawl surveys<br />

were velvet crab Necora puber, squid Loligo spp., European lobster and<br />

Edible crab.<br />

13.4.108 The main crustacean species by number encountered during the spring and<br />

autumn beam trawl survey were generally shrimp species including C.<br />

allmani, Gastrosaccus spinifer, Pandalina brevirostris, and Pandalus<br />

montagui. The main mollusc species were the bivalve Nucula nigra, Abra<br />

alba and Chlamys opercularis with gastropods such as painted top shell<br />

Calliostoma zizyphinum and common whelk also regularly recorded. The<br />

latter two species were also found to be broadly distributed across the area<br />

during the GGOWF site surveys (GGOWL, 2005).<br />

Spring 2m beam trawl summary<br />

13.4.109 During the spring 2m beam trawl survey a total of 24 fish species were<br />

caught, 19 within the wind farm site, 15 at control locations and 12 along the<br />

export cable corridor.<br />

13.4.110 The common dragonet was the most abundant species found along the<br />

export cable corridor, whilst the lesser sandeel was the most prevalent within<br />

the GWF site. At control locations, the lesser sandeel and the sand goby<br />

were the two fish species found in greatest numbers (Plot 13.6). Sole were<br />

recorded during the survey in low numbers with a total of 7 caught with a<br />

length range of approximately 16 to 29cm.<br />

Autumn 2m beam trawl summary<br />

13.4.111 In the analysis of samples obtained from the autumn beam trawl surveys 23<br />

fish species were identified. The results of the beam trawl sampling show<br />

that species from the goby family (Gobiidae) were the most abundant fish<br />

species found, especially in the GWF site (Plot 13.7).<br />

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Plot 13.6 Spring 2m beam trawl catch as percentage of total catch per site<br />

Cable Control <strong>Wind</strong> <strong>Farm</strong><br />

Percentage of total catch per site<br />

35%<br />

30%<br />

25%<br />

20%<br />

15%<br />

10%<br />

5%<br />

0%<br />

Black goby<br />

Common dragonet<br />

Dab<br />

Dover sole<br />

Greater sandeel<br />

Lesser spotted dogfish<br />

Lesser weever<br />

Northern rockling<br />

Plaice<br />

Pogge/ Hooknose<br />

Poor cod<br />

Pouting/ Bib<br />

Raitt's sandeel /Lesser sandeel<br />

Reticulated dragonet<br />

Sand goby<br />

Sandeel family<br />

Scaldfish<br />

Smooth sandeel<br />

Solenette<br />

Sprat<br />

Striped sea snail<br />

Tub gurnard<br />

Two-spotted clingfish<br />

Whiting<br />

Common name<br />

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Plot 13.7 Autumn 2m beam trawl catch as percentage of total catch per site<br />

Cable Control <strong>Wind</strong> <strong>Farm</strong><br />

Percentage of total catch per site<br />

40%<br />

35%<br />

30%<br />

25%<br />

20%<br />

15%<br />

10%<br />

5%<br />

0%<br />

-<br />

Common dragonet<br />

Dover sole<br />

Fivebeard rockling<br />

Goby family<br />

Greater sandeel<br />

Herring family<br />

Lesser spotted dogfish<br />

Lesser weever<br />

Northern rockling<br />

Norway pout<br />

Painted goby<br />

Pogge/ Hooknose<br />

Poor cod<br />

Pouting/ Bib<br />

Raitt's sandeel /Lesser sandeel<br />

Sand goby<br />

Scaldfish<br />

Sprat<br />

Striped sea snail<br />

Thickback sole<br />

Transparent goby<br />

Whiting<br />

Common name<br />

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Comparison to GGOWF findings<br />

13.4.112 Spring and autumn fisheries surveys were carried out in 2004 and 2005 for<br />

GGOWF using otter trawl and 2m beam trawl survey gear (GGOWL, 2005).<br />

Based on the survey information available from the GGOWF ES, the species<br />

of finfish and shellfish recorded were broadly similar to those identified in the<br />

more recent surveys outlined above. Twenty-two species of demersal fish<br />

were identified from the 2m beam trawl and otter trawls.<br />

13.4.113 The 2m beam trawl surveys were dominated by catches of dragonet, gobies,<br />

and sandeel, which also comprised a large proportion of the catches in the<br />

GWF surveys (Plot 13.6 and Plot 13.7). Catches in the otter trawl surveys<br />

were dominated by flatfish species including sole, plaice, dabs and lemon<br />

sole along with gadoids such as whiting and cod and elasmobranchs<br />

including lesser spotted dogfish and smoothhound. These species are<br />

broadly similar to those recorded in the GWF otter trawl surveys (see Plot<br />

13.2 and Plot 13.4).<br />

Outer Thames Estuary REC 2m beam trawl surveys<br />

13.4.114 The Outer Thames Estuary REC study (MALSF, 2009) undertook 20 beam<br />

trawls (Figure 13.3). These surveys recorded a total of 28 fish species, with<br />

the principal ones detailed in Plots 13.8 and Plot 13.9.<br />

Plot 13.8 Relative contributions of species of fish to overall weight of fish caught in<br />

the 2 m beam trawls (species contributing to >1% are shown).<br />

Source: MALSF, 2009<br />

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Plot 13.9 Relative contributions of species of fish to the total number of individuals<br />

caught in the 2 m beam trawls (species contributing to >1% are shown).<br />

Source: MALSF, 2009<br />

13.4.115 Juvenile gobies Pomatoschistus spp. were by far the most numerous fish<br />

recorded and accounted for 57% of the total number of individuals. Sole<br />

were also relatively numerous, contributing to 7% of the total number of<br />

individuals, followed bib (3%). However, in terms of weight, sole was the<br />

largest contributor, accounting for 50% of the total weight of fish caught.<br />

Thornback ray and lesser spotted dogfish were secondarily important in this<br />

respect, accounting for 13% and 11% of the overall weight of fish<br />

respectively. Bib and whiting contributed 8% and 5% respectively. These<br />

species were also recorded during the GWF surveys.<br />

Species of conservation importance and migratory species<br />

13.4.116 The draft guidance for offshore wind farm developments (MMO et al., 2010),<br />

states that the EIA procedure should address the potential impacts of the<br />

offshore wind farm construction and operation on fish species of commercial<br />

interest as well as on species of conservation interest. A number of species<br />

in UK waters are subject to Species Action Plans (SAP) under the UK BAP,<br />

including migratory species, such as salmon, and commercially exploited<br />

marine fish species (MMO et al., 2010). BAPs are plans that have been<br />

drawn up to encourage the recovery of particular species or habitats in the<br />

UK. Some of the key species of relevance to GWF which are BAP species<br />

include elasmobranchs such as spurdog and tope as well as commercially<br />

important finfish species including cod, herring, plaice, sole, whiting and<br />

mackerel. Commercially important species such as cod, thornback ray,<br />

spurdog along with a host of migratory fish and species such as sturgeon<br />

Acipenser sturio are also on the OSPAR list of threatened or declining<br />

species. Over 80 different marine species, ranging from seaweeds to<br />

commercial fish species, are the subject of SAPs (MMO et al., 2010). Of<br />

particular interest are elasmobranchs (and other electrosensitive species),<br />

noise sensitive species and a number of migratory species (MMO et al.,<br />

2010).<br />

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13.4.117 The main migratory species of conservation importance which are<br />

considered to be of relevance to the Thames and GWF are outlined in Table<br />

13.6.<br />

Table 13.6 Summary of UK protection legislation for migratory fish species relevant<br />

to the Thames Estuary and GWF<br />

Common<br />

Name<br />

Shad (allis /<br />

twaite)<br />

Legislation: BAP UK<br />

priority<br />

Scientific species<br />

Name<br />

Alosa alosa / A.<br />

fallax*<br />

River lamprey Lampetra<br />

fluviatilis<br />

Sea lamprey Petromyzon<br />

marinus<br />

Brown / Seatrout<br />

Salmo trutta ✓<br />

Habitats<br />

Directive<br />

Conservation<br />

of Habitats &<br />

Species<br />

Regs.<br />

OSPAR<br />

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓<br />

✓ ✓ ✓<br />

✓ ✓ ✓<br />

Atlantic salmon Salmo salar ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓<br />

European eel Anguilla anguilla ✓ ✓<br />

*shad are also protected under the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981<br />

Source: JNCC (http://www.jncc.gov.uk/page-3408). OSPAR<br />

13.4.118 There are a number of species known to migrate through the Thames<br />

Estuary that may be of conservation interest and of relevance to the GWF<br />

project. These include diadromous fish such as Atlantic salmon and sea<br />

trout, river and sea lampreys and two species protected under the Habitats<br />

Regulations – the allis and twaite shads. Other migratory species such as<br />

the European eel and smelt are also known to use the Estuary. A general<br />

indication of when anadromous fishes undertake their migrations is given in<br />

Table 13.7.<br />

Salmon<br />

13.4.119 Salmon Salmo salar are known to migrate through the Thames Estuary and<br />

could potentially pass in close proximity to GWF. During migrations in<br />

coastal or offshore waters, salmon spend most of their time within 4m of the<br />

surface, although frequent diving behaviour may also be observed (Malcolm<br />

et al., 2010). Salmon spawn in upper reaches of rivers, where they live for<br />

one to three years before migrating to sea as smolts. At sea, salmon grow<br />

rapidly and after one to three years return to their natal river to spawn.<br />

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13.4.120 It is thought that salmonids use chemoreceptor clues to locate their natal<br />

rivers when migrating in coastal waters, although they are also thought to use<br />

electromagnetic fields (EMF) during offshore migrations. Salmon may,<br />

therefore, be sensitive to the levels EMF generated from wind farm cables<br />

during operation. Although salmon do not have a specific connection<br />

between the swim bladder and the auditory apparatus, studies have shown<br />

that they respond to low frequency sounds (Gill & Bartlett, 2010).<br />

13.4.121 Salmon were not recorded during any of the GWF site specific surveys.<br />

Table 13.7 Timings of migration for anadromous and catadromous fish species (MMO<br />

et al., 2010)<br />

Species Timing of upstream migration<br />

Sea lamprey Move from the sea to estuaries in April / May (2) , spawning<br />

in May / June (1,2)<br />

Salmon Spawn late October to early January (1,2)<br />

Sea-trout Spawn October / February (1)<br />

Allis shad Move into estuaries in late spring (2) , spawning during<br />

April-May (1)<br />

Twaite shad Start upstream migration in April / May (2) , spawning in<br />

May / June (1,2)<br />

Common eel Elvers migrate upstream from January to June, with a<br />

peak in May (2)<br />

References: (1) Wheeler (1969); (2) Maitland and Campbell (1992)<br />

N.B. these are generalised times and peak timing of the upstream migration may vary regionally<br />

Sea-trout<br />

13.4.122 Sea-trout Salmo trutta are known to migrate through the Thames Estuary and<br />

could potentially pass in close proximity to GWF. Their life cycle is almost<br />

identical to that of salmon (Harris & Milner, 2006), but there are two<br />

significant differences. In contrast to salmon, the majority of sea-trout<br />

survives spawning and will return to their natal spawning river on numerous<br />

occasions during their life time. The other significant difference is that they<br />

do not appear to undertake the same sea migration but remain in coastal<br />

waters, probably close to their natal river.<br />

13.4.123 Due to their physiological similarities sea-trout are likely to have similar<br />

sensitivities to EMF and noise as salmon described above.<br />

13.4.124 Sea-trout were not recorded during any of the GWF site specific surveys.<br />

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Eels<br />

13.4.125 The European eel Anguilla anguilla has long been associated with the River<br />

Thames. Recorded in the Domesday Book, eels continued to be a valuable<br />

fishery in London well into the 1800’s (Defra, 2010). Monitoring of eels within<br />

the River Thames has indicated that very few one year old eels are present<br />

and it has been suggested that most eels may spend their first year in the<br />

lower estuary (Defra, 2010).<br />

13.4.126 European eel spawn in the Sargasso Sea and die after spawning. The<br />

larvae are transported by the Gulf Stream to North Africa and Europe and the<br />

juvenile eel enter coastal areas and freshwater as glass eel (ICES, 2010c).<br />

They quickly transform into yellow eel and stay in Europe for five to 15 years<br />

or more (ICES, 2010c). Growth and age at maturity are linked to regional<br />

temperature (mature later at colder temperatures) (ICES, 2010c). Mature<br />

eels (or silver eels, as they are known on their downstream migration) begin<br />

the downstream spawning migration usually from late spring to winter and<br />

migrate back to the Sargasso Sea. Although no eels were recorded during<br />

sampling at GWF, it is possible eels would pass through the site on their<br />

seaward migrations and also on their return to the coastline as elvers.<br />

13.4.127 Little specific information relating to the acoustic ability of anguillid eels has<br />

been found; as they do not appear to possess a specific link between the<br />

swim bladder and the ear (Popper & Fay, 1993 as cited in Gill & Bartlett,<br />

2010), they could be regarded as hearing generalists (Nedwell et al., 2003).<br />

Allis and twaite shad<br />

13.4.128 While historically the main concentrations of allis and the twaite shad Alosa<br />

alosa / A. fallax have been in the Severn Estuary they are recorded within the<br />

Thames Estuary and have also been recorded at the Sizewell powerstation<br />

near the proposed GWF cable landfall. Three twaite shad were recorded<br />

during the autumn otter trawl surveys.<br />

13.4.129 Both shad species are members of the herring family. Shad are marine<br />

species, entering freshwater to spawn. They occur mainly in shallow coastal<br />

waters and estuaries, but during the spawning migration adults penetrate well<br />

upstream in some of the larger European rivers. Both allis and twaite shad<br />

have declined across Europe and are now absent from many rivers where<br />

they once flourished and supported thriving fisheries (Maitland & Hatton-Ellis,<br />

2003). Because of this decline, the allis shad is now given considerable legal<br />

protection. It is listed in annexes II and V of the EU Habitats and Species<br />

Directive, Appendix III of the Bern Convention, Schedule V of the Wildlife and<br />

Countryside Act (1981) and as a Priority Species in the UK Biodiversity<br />

Action Plan.<br />

13.4.130 Mature fish that have spent most of their lives in the sea stop feeding and<br />

move into the estuaries of large rivers, migrating into fresh water during late<br />

spring (April to June), thus giving the shad the name of 'May Fish' in some<br />

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Final Report Chapter 13 - Page 66 October 2011

areas. Male shad migrate upstream first, followed by females one or two<br />

weeks later (Maitland & Hatton-Ellis, 2003).<br />

13.4.131 The requirements of shads at sea are very poorly understood, but they<br />

appear to be mainly coastal and pelagic in habit (Maitland & Hatton-Ellis,<br />

2003). A suitable estuarine habitat is likely to be very important for shad,<br />

both for passage of adults and as a nursery ground for juveniles (Maitland &<br />

Hatton-Ellis, 2003).<br />

Smelt<br />

13.4.132 Smelt Osmerus eperlanus are inshore migratory fish widely distributed in<br />

shallow waters of the continental shelf, but most common close to river<br />

mouths and in estuaries, especially in the southern North Sea. It is caught<br />

very occasionally in coastal waters as part of the Cefas groundfish surveys.<br />

The strongest and most permanent stocks seem to be those associated with<br />

the larger estuaries (e.g. the Thames), especially where there is a complexity<br />

of minor or nearby smaller estuaries (Maitland, 2003). None were recorded<br />

during the GWF surveys.<br />

State of the stocks - teleosts<br />

13.4.133 The depletion of fish stocks through overfishing in the North Sea, has been,<br />

and continues to be of concern. A summary of the state of North Sea stocks<br />

(ICES Sub Area IV) of finfish species relevant to the GWF site is given in<br />

Table 13.8. As is apparent, fishing mortality continues to be a significant<br />

threat to fish stocks.<br />

Table 13.8 State of the stocks (ICES, 2009)<br />

North Sea<br />

Stock<br />

Species<br />

Herring*<br />

Sole<br />

Spawning<br />

biomass in<br />

relation to<br />

precautionary<br />

limits<br />

Fishing<br />

mortality in<br />

relation to<br />

precautionary<br />

limits<br />

Increased risk Harvested<br />

sustainably<br />

Full reproductive<br />

capacity<br />

Plaice Full reproductive<br />

capacity<br />

Harvested<br />

Sustainably<br />

Harvested<br />

sustainably<br />

Fishing<br />

mortality in<br />

relation to<br />

high long term<br />

yield<br />

Fishing<br />

mortality in<br />

relation to<br />

agreed<br />

management<br />

target<br />

Overfished Above target<br />

Appropriate Above target<br />

Overfished Below target<br />

Whiting Undefined Undefined Undefined NA<br />

Cod Reduced<br />

reproductive<br />

Increased risk Overfished Above target<br />

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North Sea<br />

Stock<br />

Species<br />

Spawning<br />

biomass in<br />

relation to<br />

precautionary<br />

limits<br />

capacity<br />

Fishing<br />

mortality in<br />

relation to<br />

precautionary<br />

limits<br />

Fishing<br />

mortality in<br />

relation to<br />

high long term<br />

yield<br />

Fishing<br />

mortality in<br />

relation to<br />

agreed<br />

management<br />

target<br />

Sandeel Increased risk Undefined Undefined Undefined<br />

*No ICES advice is provided for the spring spawning Thames herring so this advice is based<br />

on that for the North Sea autumn spawners<br />

Overall summary of GWF baseline – key sensitivities/species of<br />

concern<br />

13.4.134 The baseline characterisation has identified that the Outer Thames Estuary<br />

and GWF are potentially important for a number of commercially important<br />

species. The GWF overlaps or is in close proximity to a number of finfish<br />

species spawning grounds including; herring, cod, whiting, sprat, sandeel,<br />

sole, lemon sole and plaice. The wider Thames estuary also supports<br />

populations of elasmobranchs including thornback ray which are of national<br />

significance. A number of migratory fish species such as salmon, sea-trout,<br />

eel, shad, lamprey and smelt may also pass through the GWF site, although<br />

only twaite shad were recorded during the site specific surveys. Consultation<br />

responses have indicated that key sensitive species are considered to be<br />

herring and sole and in particular disturbance to these species during key<br />

spawning periods. Available larval data for the Downs herring stock indicate<br />

that the main spawning ground currently used is within the eastern English<br />

Channel and that the usage of the Southern Bight spawning grounds with<br />

which the proposed GWF site overlaps is minimal. Similarly for sole, while<br />

recent data on the spawning grounds presented by Cefas (2010) indicate that<br />

the proposed GWF site falls within an area defined as a high intensity<br />

spawning ground, data on suitable sediments, depth, temperature, salinity<br />

and maps of habitat suitability support the presence of inshore spawning<br />

grounds located to the southwest.<br />

13.5 Assessment of Impacts – Worst Case Definition<br />

13.5.1 The assessment of potential impacts are based on the worst case scenarios<br />

for each receptor and establish the maximum potential adverse impact as a<br />

result. Therefore no impacts of greater adverse significance would arise<br />

should any other development scenario (as described in Chapter 5) to that<br />

assessed within this Chapter be taken forward in the final scheme design.<br />

Full details on the range of options being considered by GWFL are provided<br />

throughout Chapter 5. For the purpose of the fish and shellfish resource<br />

assessment, the worst case scenario, taking into consideration these options,<br />

is detailed in Table 13.9.<br />

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Final Report Chapter 13 - Page 68 October 2011

13.5.2 All options considered in Chapter 5, where any range exists (such as pile<br />

diameter), are considered realistic and therefore, assessing the worst case<br />

option is considered most practicable and conservative. It is considered that<br />

if residual impacts on the worst case scenario are acceptable then this will<br />

apply to all options within the range.<br />

13.5.3 It is noted that only those design parameters detailed under each specific<br />

impact have the potential to influence the level of impact experienced by the<br />

relevant receptor. Therefore, if the design parameter is not discussed then it<br />

is considered not to have a material bearing on the outcome of the<br />

assessment.<br />

13.5.4 The worst case scenarios identified below are also applied to the assessment<br />

of cumulative impacts. In the event that the worst case scenarios for the<br />

project in isolation do not result in the worst case for cumulative impacts, this<br />

is addressed within the cumulative assessment section of the Chapter (see<br />

Section 13.10).<br />

.<br />

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Table 13.9 Realistic worst case scenarios for impacts on fish and shellfish.<br />

Impact Realistic worst case scenario Justification<br />

Construction<br />

Disturbance /damage<br />

through construction<br />

noise<br />

Lethal effect and physical injury<br />

Maximum number of structures (140<br />

WTGs, three met masts, and four<br />

ancillary infrastructures) on 7m<br />

diameter monopiles. The predicted<br />

noise level associated with a hammer<br />

blow (1100kJ) for a 7m pile is 254dB<br />

re 1 µPa @ 1m (see Chapter 5 and<br />

Technical Appendix 13.B)<br />

Up to two piles installed at any one<br />

time (each taking an indicative 4<br />

hours to install). Based on the<br />

assumption of one vessel being able<br />

to install one pile a day (therefore two<br />

vessels would install a total of two<br />

piles per day) 70 days of piling will be<br />

required, taking place intermittently<br />

over a 39 month period<br />

(approximately two per week).<br />

7m piles represent the largest foundation options which require piling and will be<br />

associated with the loudest noise and therefore considered the worst case for lethal<br />

effect and physical injury. Criteria used in this assessment comprise 240dB re 1μPa for<br />

lethality, 220dB re 1μPa for physical injury and the 130dbht metric which represents the<br />

level at which hearing damage may occur. Lethality may extend to 7m, physical injury<br />

out to ranges of 130m and for sensitive species such as herring traumatic hearing<br />

damage may extend out to approximately 1km. Modelled data indicate that during 3m<br />

piling the levels of noise would not be sufficient to cause lethality although injury could<br />

still occur out to a maximum of 16m.<br />

Piling occurring intermittently over 39 months (the longest time period over which piling<br />

can occur – see Chapter 5) is considered the worst case as it represents the greatest<br />

potential for lethal effect and auditory injury to occur as a result of the timescale. This<br />

scenario therefore gives fish that may have left the area as a result of a piling operation<br />

the opportunity to return and be at risk of physical or lethal injury.<br />

Monopiles will only be installed out to a depth of 45m below CD. Modelling undertaken<br />

by Subacoustech (2011) of 3m pin piles (used for space frame foundations) was also<br />

undertaken to investigate if the installation of smaller piles in deeper parts of the site<br />

(over 45m where monopiles would not be used) might produce a greater noise impact<br />

range than 7m monopiles in shallower water (as noise travels further in deeper water).<br />

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Impact Realistic worst case scenario Justification<br />

Behavioural effects – spawning<br />

species (herring, sole and cod)<br />

Maximum number of structures (140<br />

WTGs, three met masts, and four<br />

ancillary infrastructures) on 7m<br />

diameter monopiles. The predicted<br />

noise level associated with a hammer<br />

As detailed in Subacoustech (2011), the worse case scenario for noise associated with<br />

piling is represented by the 7m pile as the noise associated with its installation extends<br />

the furthest even though it's use in the site is more constrained than space frame<br />

options.<br />

Noise from simultaneous piling installation could represent a larger area for lethal effect<br />

and auditory injury for fish species. The worst case would be that two of the piles<br />

located furthest from each other within the development area are installed at the same<br />

time, thus producing the largest area of noise impact.<br />

Although multiple piling remains a possibility, it is unlikely that more than one foundation<br />

will be piled at any one time as a result of engineering constraints. In order to ensure a<br />

thorough assessment, piling of one foundation has been assessed alongside multiple<br />

piling.<br />

The options stated will result in the maximum potential for lethality and physical injury.<br />

Piling is considered to create the greatest potential for noise impacts upon fish species<br />

during construction. In terms of impacting spawning grounds during key spawning<br />

periods 7m piles represent the widest behavioural impact ranges (see Table 13.12<br />

below) with herring for example perceiving levels of underwater noise above 90 dBht out<br />

to the greatest ranges of approximately 30km for the 7m diameter pile and 20km for the<br />

3m diameter pile.<br />

39 months of piling may occur over a 56 month construction window (assuming a Q2 or<br />

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Final Report Chapter 13 - Page 71 October 2011

Impact Realistic worst case scenario Justification<br />

blow (1,100 kJ) for a 7m pile is 254dB<br />

re 1 µPa @ 1m (see Chapter 5 and<br />

Technical Appendix 13.B)<br />

140 piles installed at a rate of two<br />

piles a day (based on two piling<br />

vessels onsite) split over two<br />

consecutive spawning periods with<br />

this period of 35 days coinciding with<br />

the key sensitive periods for herring,<br />

sole and cod spawning.<br />

Q3 2015 commencement) with piling being restricted to covering no more than two<br />

spawning periods for the key sensitive species which are considered to be the Downs<br />

herring and sole.<br />

Criteria used in this assessment comprise the 75 dBht and 90 dBht levels which represent<br />

strong and significant behavioural responses by fish species.<br />

Based on the protracted nature of spawning periods the worst case is therefore<br />

considered to be the installation of 70 monopiles at a rate of two a day over a period of<br />

35 days with this period occurring during the peak spawning periods for the relevant<br />

species. As a worst case, assuming two monopiles are installed every day by two<br />

separate piling vessels and operations do not run concurrently, a total of eight hours<br />

piling per day could occur over a 35 day period the spawning season. If piles were<br />

installed at a rate of one a day, while the duration would be longer, the extent would be<br />

less. Furthermore, species such as sole and herring have key spawning periods e.g.<br />

April and November respectively and it is considered that intense piling over this period<br />

would have the greatest potential for impacts.<br />

The impact contours (see Section 13.6) associated with the installation of 3m piles do<br />

not have the same spatial extent and would not impact as much of the spawning<br />

grounds as the 7m foundation option.<br />

The options stated will result in the maximum potential for noise disturbance and fish<br />

species displacement.<br />

<strong>Galloper</strong> <strong>Wind</strong> <strong>Farm</strong> ES 9V3083/R01/303730/Exet<br />

Final Report Chapter 13 - Page 72 October 2011

Impact Realistic worst case scenario Justification<br />

Behavioural effects – general fish<br />

assemblages<br />

Maximum number of structures on<br />

space frame foundations (140 WTGs<br />

(4 legs), three met masts (4 legs),<br />

and four ancillary infrastructures (6<br />

legs). Each space frame foundation<br />

leg using a maximum of two pin piles.<br />

The predicted noise level associated<br />

with a hammer blow (470 kJ) for a 3m<br />

pin pile used in space frame<br />

foundations is 239dB re 1 µPa @ 1m<br />

(see Chapter 5 and Technical<br />

Appendix 13.B)<br />

1,192 piles installed over a 39 month<br />

period (assuming one pile is installed<br />

at any one time) which equates to<br />

approximately 1 pile per day<br />

(assuming construction 7 days per<br />

week).<br />

3m piles used for space frame foundations have smaller behavioural impact ranges (see<br />

Figures 13.25 to 13.27) but represent the foundation option which, as a result of the<br />

number required, will result in the maximum piling activity occurring over the longest<br />

period and provides the greatest potential for disturbance and behavioural effects. It is<br />

considered that if the maximum number of piling operations take place throughout the<br />

maximum period during which piling might take place this represents the worst case<br />

scenario due to the continuous noise and subsequent disturbance (see Chapter 5 for<br />

further details on construction timescales).<br />

Criteria used in this assessment comprise the 75 dBht and 90 dBht levels which represent<br />

strong and significant behavioural responses by fish species.<br />

Modeling carried out by Subacoustech (2011) for 3m piles was carried out at seven<br />

locations (see Figure 13.21). The worse case predicted noise impact range (in km’s) for<br />

3m piles (for space frame jacket foundations) for sensitive species such as herring is<br />

approximately 20km depending on piling location.<br />

As a worst case, a total of 1,192 3m piles will be required at the GWF if space frame<br />

foundations are used. This is based on 1,120 3m piles for 140 WTG foundations (based<br />

on 4 legs and 2 piles per leg), 48 3m piles for ancillary structures (based on 6 legs and 2<br />

piles per leg) and 24 3m piles for met masts (based on 4 legs and 2 piles per leg).<br />

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Final Report Chapter 13 - Page 73 October 2011

Impact Realistic worst case scenario Justification<br />

Physical disturbance<br />

of intertidal and<br />

subtidal habitats<br />

Structures located across all three<br />

Development Areas.<br />

Intertidal<br />

Trenching across the intertidal area to<br />

below MHWS where there will be up<br />

to three rig sites for directional<br />

drilling, totalling 75m 2 . Vehicular<br />

disturbance from vehicles associated<br />

with the preparation of reception pits.<br />

Subtidal<br />

Export cable installation via plough<br />

throughout export cable route (5m x<br />

190km = 0.95km 2 )<br />

Cable installation via plough for inter<br />

and intra-array cables (300km x 5m =<br />

1.5km 2 )<br />

Anchored construction vessels – up<br />

to 6 anchors per vessel (up to 4m 2<br />

per movement)*<br />

Provides for the maximum amount (spatial extent) of habitat disturbance.<br />

The worst case scenario is established by defining the maximum amount (spatial extent)<br />

of habitat disturbance.<br />

For foundation structures this is represented by the maximum number of structures (140<br />

WTGs, three met masts and four ancillary structures) which will in tern result in the<br />

maximum level of disturbance from construction vessel support structures (anchors and<br />

jack-up legs)<br />

For export and inter/intra-array cabling the maximum footprint is established through<br />

assumption maximum extent of cabling using the installation technique with the largest<br />

footprint). This is represented by the plough, which when considering it’s supporting feet<br />

has an approximate footprint width of 5m.<br />

Any other development scenario or installation technique considered within Chapter 5<br />

<strong>Galloper</strong> <strong>Wind</strong> <strong>Farm</strong> ES 9V3083/R01/303730/Exet<br />

Final Report Chapter 13 - Page 74 October 2011

Impact Realistic worst case scenario Justification<br />

Loss of subtidal<br />

habitat and benthic<br />

prey resource<br />

Jack-up vessel - 6 legs of<br />

approximately 10m 2 per leg.<br />

Therefore, 60m 2 in total per<br />

movement with a representative<br />

maximum number of movements of<br />

six per foundation and met mast and<br />

eight for ancillary structures.<br />

Therefore, the total footprint based on<br />

a maximum number of 147 structures<br />

is 0.054km 2<br />

The total quantifiable construction<br />

disturbance is therefore is 2.5km 2<br />

101 * 45m Gravity base structure<br />

(GBS) foundations with scour<br />

protection applied to 100% of all<br />

foundations (160,590m 2 + 174,730m 2<br />

= 335,320m 2 (0.335km 2 ))<br />

Three met mast foundations on 45m<br />

GBS foundations including 100%<br />

scour protection (4,770m 2 + 5,190m 2<br />

would result in less of a disturbance footprint.<br />

The loss of subtidal habitat will result from the placement of built structures (and<br />

associated scour protection material) on the seabed. The worst case scenario is<br />

therefore, represented by the largest footprint from the foundation structures (and<br />

associated scour protection) under consideration.<br />

The GBS foundations have a larger footprint than any of the foundations under<br />

consideration. Of the GBS options for the WTGs, there could be up to 101 45m base<br />

diameter structures or 140 35m base diameter structures. Scour protection for 45m<br />

base diameter structures is 10m in radius around all structures and 9m around all<br />

<strong>Galloper</strong> <strong>Wind</strong> <strong>Farm</strong> ES 9V3083/R01/303730/Exet<br />

Final Report Chapter 13 - Page 75 October 2011

Impact Realistic worst case scenario Justification<br />

Indirect impacts due<br />

to loss of fish as a<br />

= 9,960m 2 (0.01km 2 ))<br />

Up to four ancillary structures (this<br />

may comprise a combination of<br />

offshore substation platforms (OSPs),<br />

collection platforms and / or<br />

accommodation platforms) on space<br />

frame (self-jacking suction can)<br />

foundations (four leg jackets)<br />

assuming 100% scour protection =<br />

18,748m 2 (0.019km 2 ))<br />

Rock placement for cable protection<br />

at a total of 9 export cable crossings<br />

(3,240m 2 )<br />

Total area = 0.335 + 0.01 + 0.019 +<br />

0.003 = 0.37km 2<br />

As for noise disturbance associated<br />

with behavioural effects for general<br />

structures for the 35m base diameter option. Therefore, the total footprint for the 45m<br />

base diameter option is 335,320m 2 , whilst for the 35m option it is 308,856m 2 . The 101<br />

45m base diameter option therefore, has the largest overall footprint.<br />

For the met masts GBS options are considered and therefore, the 45m base diameter<br />

option presents the worst case.<br />

For the ancillary structures, only space frame (piled, suction can and self-jacking) and<br />

monopile foundations are considered.<br />

The area for a single self-jacking (suction can) space frame foundation (based on up to<br />

four legs) with 100% scour protection is 4,687m 2 . For the four foundations this equates<br />

to a total area of 18,748m 2 .<br />

The area for a single (piled) space frame foundation (based on up to six legs (3m<br />

diameter) each with up to two (3m diameter) pin piles) is 85m 2 . The piled space frame<br />

requires 100% scour protection (with an additional 5m radius around each structure) the<br />

area of scour protection for four space frame structures is therefore 9,388m 2 .<br />

A 7m monopile has a footprint of 38.5m 2 with a scour protection footprint of 1,700m 2 and<br />

therefore an overall footprint of 1,739m 2 (total area of 6,956 m 2 for four foundations).<br />

All other foundation types considered (Chapter 5) would result in a smaller loss of<br />

habitat.<br />

3m piles used for space frame foundations have smaller behavioural impact ranges but<br />

represent the foundation option which, as a result of the number required, will result in<br />

<strong>Galloper</strong> <strong>Wind</strong> <strong>Farm</strong> ES 9V3083/R01/303730/Exet<br />

Final Report Chapter 13 - Page 76 October 2011

Impact Realistic worst case scenario Justification<br />

prey source fish assemblages discussed above. the maximum piling activity occurring over the longest period and provides the greatest<br />

potential for disturbance, behavioural effects and displacement of fish species.<br />

Increased<br />

suspended<br />

sediments and<br />

mobilisation of<br />

contaminants<br />

101 (45m base diameter) GBS<br />

foundations for WTG structures, three<br />

(45m base diameter) GBS<br />

foundations for met masts, four 7m<br />

monopile foundations for ancillary<br />

infrastructure (totalling 500,800m 3 ).<br />

Seabed preparation for GBS<br />

comprises mechanical levelling of the<br />

seabed to a depth of approximately<br />

2m.<br />

Turbine installation - two GBS<br />

foundations installed simultaneously<br />

over a three day period.<br />

Cable installation in the marine<br />

environment by jetting methods to<br />

install up to three export cables to a<br />

representative average of 1.5m<br />

depth, 0.5m width and a total of 190<br />

export cable kilometres in length.<br />

The ‘worst case’ scenario is represented by that which could result in the maximum<br />

volume of arisings (and therefore, maximum volume of material that could brought into<br />

suspension).<br />

For the WTG foundations 101 (45m) GBS foundations represent worst case volume<br />

(484,800m 3 ). Other options result in less volume released: 140 35m GBS foundation<br />

resulting in 445,340m 3 , 140 7m monopiles 224,000m 3 , 140 space frame foundations<br />

182,000m 3 , 140 4-legged space frames founded with suction cans 43,960 m 3 and 140<br />

monopod buckets 70,000m 3 . For the met masts where all foundation types are<br />

available, again the 45m GBS foundations represent worst case. For the four ancillary<br />

structures, where GBS are not an option, the worst case is represented by the 7m<br />

monopile as this structure results in higher levels of spoil material (1,600m 3 per<br />

foundation).<br />

Ploughing, trenching and jetting were assessed by ABPmer (2011b), see Chapter 9 and<br />

Technical Appendix 9.Aiii, with jetting considered to represent the worst case scenario,<br />

the assumption being that all sediment disturbed would be fluidised and therefore, made<br />

available for re-suspension.<br />

<strong>Galloper</strong> <strong>Wind</strong> <strong>Farm</strong> ES 9V3083/R01/303730/Exet<br />

Final Report Chapter 13 - Page 77 October 2011

Impact Realistic worst case scenario Justification<br />

Operation<br />

Disturbance /<br />

damage through<br />

Electromagnetic<br />

Fields (EMF)<br />

Disturbance /<br />

damage through<br />

operational noise<br />

Inter and intra-array cabling will be a<br />

total length of 300 cable kilometres<br />

and have similar burial characteristics<br />

to the export cables.<br />

Cabling with 300km of 66kV inter /<br />

intra-array cabling and up to 190<br />

cable kilometres of 132kV export<br />

cable. Representative average<br />

minimum burial depth for inter / intraarray,<br />

and export cables will be 0.6m.<br />

Monopile or GBS foundations for 140<br />

WTGs<br />

Aggregation effects Space frame jacket foundations for<br />

140 WTGs with scour protection and<br />

rock placement for cable protection at<br />

a total of 9 export cable crossings<br />

totalling 3,240m 2 .<br />

EMF impacts are governed by depth of (cable) burial and not the number of turbines or<br />

their layout or location within the GWF area. Therefore, the worst case scenario is<br />

represented by the shallowest burial depth for all cables. Because the burial depth<br />

achieved varies greatly an average minimum burial depth is applied.<br />

Provides maximum extent of operational noise based on number of turbines and greater<br />

radiation efficiency compared to smaller piles associated with jackets. Studies (ÅF-<br />

Ingemansson, 2007 as cited in Hammar, 2010) have indicated that GBS and monopile<br />

foundations radiate sound in the same magnitude, with the difference that gravity<br />

foundations radiate sound in a lower range of frequency than a monopile.<br />

Provides the maximum potential for change from baseline conditions by providing the<br />

most complex habitat for fish aggregation. Other structures such as monopiles, GBS or<br />

suction buckets would provide for the least complex fish habitat structure.<br />

<strong>Galloper</strong> <strong>Wind</strong> <strong>Farm</strong> ES 9V3083/R01/303730/Exet<br />

Final Report Chapter 13 - Page 78 October 2011

Impact Realistic worst case scenario Justification<br />

Indirect impact of<br />

loss of prey resource<br />

and habitat from<br />

changes in current<br />

regime<br />

Decommissioning<br />

104 GBS foundations for WTG<br />

structures (see Section 9.5), three<br />

(45m base diameter) GBS<br />

foundations for met masts, four (7m)<br />

monopile foundations for ancillary<br />

infrastructure. Total volume of<br />

released material from scour of<br />

446,864m 3 .<br />

No scour protection measures.<br />

The indirect impacts on fish species as a result of the loss of benthic prey resource are<br />

driven by scour events (from changes to current regime) around foundation structures<br />

and the subsequent release of sediments.<br />

GBS results in increased scour as a consequence of the larger surface area and hence<br />

interaction with hydrodynamic flows.<br />

104 x 45m diameter GBS foundations result in the release in 432,952m 3 of sediment<br />

while 143 x 35m diameter GBS foundations result in 65,231m 3 of sediment release.<br />

Individual foundations sediment release rates via scour:<br />

45m GBS = 4,163m 3 ; 35m GBS = 1,517m 3 ; 7m Monopile = 3,478m 3 ; space frame<br />

(jacket) = 1,097 m 3 (see Technical Appendix 9.Aiii)<br />

Therefore, 104 conical 45m diameter GBS foundations (WTGs and met masts) and four<br />

monopile foundations (ancillary structures, which can only use monopiles or space frame<br />

foundations) represent the ‘worst case’ scenario<br />

This scenario results in the release of 446,864m 3 of materials with maximum suspension<br />

of fine sediment during operation due to scour effects at the turbine structures.<br />

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Final Report Chapter 13 - Page 79 October 2011

Impact Realistic worst case scenario Justification<br />

Loss of habitat Removal of all cabling and build<br />

structures (based on worst case<br />

assumptions detailed under<br />

construction).<br />

Loss of prey<br />

resource<br />

Removal of all cabling and build<br />

structures (based on worst case<br />

assumptions detailed under<br />

construction).<br />

The precise nature of decommissioning will be established prior to construction and a full<br />

Decommissioning Plan for the project will be drawn up and agreed with DECC.<br />

The worst possible potential impacts will be associated by the removal of all structures,<br />

under which circumstance, impacts will be in line with those specified above for the<br />

construction phase with the exception of noise impacts, as piling will not take place.<br />

<strong>Galloper</strong> <strong>Wind</strong> <strong>Farm</strong> ES 9V3083/R01/303730/Exet<br />

Final Report Chapter 13 - Page 80 October 2011

13.6 Potential Impacts during the Construction Phase<br />

13.6.1 This section provides an assessment of the impacts from the construction<br />

phase of the GWF project on the fish and shellfish receptors. Potential<br />

construction impacts identified during the Scoping process are associated<br />

with:<br />

� Disturbance / damage from construction noise;<br />

� Loss of habitat;<br />

� Loss of fish as a prey source; and<br />

� Disturbance from increased suspended sediments and contaminants.<br />

Impacts due to construction noise<br />

13.6.2 The main activities relating to the construction of offshore wind farms that<br />

would be likely to cause noise and vibration disturbance are considered to be<br />

impact pile driving which could create underwater noise levels significantly<br />

higher than present background levels. These activities are discussed in<br />

Chapter 5.<br />

13.6.3 Pile driving noise during construction is of particular concern as the very high<br />

sound pressure levels could potentially prevent fish from reaching breeding<br />

or spawning sites, finding food, and acoustically locating mates (Mueller-<br />

Blenkle et al., 2010) as well as causing physical injury and mortality or<br />

disturbing normal behaviour. Consultation responses received from the<br />

MMO and Cefas (Table 13.1) have indicated concerns related to percussive<br />

piling noise and its effect on cod, plaice, herring and sole and the potential for<br />

seasonal piling restrictions relating to the latter two species covering the<br />

period 1 st November to 30 th May. Following the PER submissions two further<br />

meetings have been held with Cefas (in July and September 2011) to discuss<br />

these potential spawning restrictions in context of additional data provided by<br />

GWFL on the Downs herring spawning grounds have been analysed (see<br />

Technical Appendix 13.C).<br />

13.6.4 In UK coastal waters general background levels of sea noise of<br />

approximately 130 dB re 1 μPa are not uncommon in (Nedwell et al., 2003,<br />

Nedwell et al., 2007a). Background underwater noise measurements were<br />

undertaken in the area prior to the installation of GGOWF. These<br />

measurements indicated that in general the background noise levels range<br />

from 110 to 150 dB re 1 μPa, equating to 50 dBht for herring (GGOWL, 2005).<br />

In 2009 broadly similar overall levels were observed although unsurprisingly<br />

levels were slightly higher as a result of increased shipping traffic due to<br />

GGOWF construction activity (Gardline, 2010). Increased shipping results in<br />

an increase in noise at lower frequencies (

13.6.5 The worst case scenario outlined in Table 13.9 is based on piling activities<br />

occurring over a 39 month period within a 56 month construction window<br />

(Chapter 5) with piling being restricted to covering no more than two<br />

spawning periods for the key sensitive species which are considered to be<br />

the Downs herring and sole. The behavioural disturbance to spawning<br />

grounds assumes a maximum intensity of pile installation at a rate of two<br />

concurrent 7m monopiles per day with 140 piles being installed over two<br />

consecutive spawning seasons (i.e. 70 piles per spawning season). In order<br />

to assess the worst case for sensitive periods it has been assumed this 35<br />

day period could occur at any point throughout the 56 month construction<br />

programme with the maximum impact considered to result from the<br />

disturbance of two consecutive spawning seasons. The worst case assumes<br />

a maximum of four hours per monopile installations.<br />

13.6.6 While the worst case for GWF is based on a four hour piling duration, the<br />

piling of a 6.3m monopile at GGOWF in a water depth of 31.2m took<br />

approximately 1.25hrs and required approximately 2,000 hammer blows,<br />

during which the hammer force reached a maximum of 1,072 kJ (Gardline,<br />

2010)<br />

13.6.7 In order to establish the levels of underwater noise from impact piling<br />

operations for maximum 7m diameter monopiles and 3m pin piles (proposed<br />

for space frame foundations), site specific modelling was carried out at seven<br />

representative locations (sites A to G) using a three dimensional underwater<br />

sound propagation model (INSPIRE v18) (Subacoustech, 2011). The<br />

INSPIRE model enables the level of noise at various ranges from the piling<br />

operation to be estimated for varying tidal conditions, water depths and piling<br />

locations. Although a number of underwater noise propagation models take<br />

into account the sediment type in the region around the piling operation the<br />

INSPIRE modelling has indicated that sediment type is not an important<br />

factor for estimating propagation of impact piling noise (Subacoustech,<br />

2011). The model is validated against a large existing database of<br />

measurements of piling noise (Subacoustech, 2011).<br />

13.6.8 There are two assessment criteria that have been developed for the<br />

assessment of underwater noise on fish and marine species. The dBht<br />

(species) metric (Nedwell et al., 2007b) has been developed as a means for<br />

quantifying the potential for a behavioural impact on a species in the<br />

underwater environment. As any given sound will be perceived differently by<br />

different species (since they have differing hearing abilities) the species<br />

name must be appended when specifying a level. The other assessment<br />

criteria is based on the M-weighted Sound Exposure Level metric (Southall et<br />

al., 2007) which has been adopted by the Joint Nature Conservation<br />

Committee (JNCC) for addressing impacts on marine mammals. To date all<br />

of the Thames OWF projects have used the dBht metric, including monitoring<br />

studies during the construction of GGOWF. The monitoring studies for<br />

GGOWF suggest that the predictions made by the INSPIRE model are<br />

reasonably accurate and provide a precautionary level of effect. The dBht<br />

metric method has therefore been used throughout this assessment.<br />

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Final Report Chapter 13 - Page 82 October 2011

13.6.9 Based on their physiology, fish species can be separated into different<br />

categories based on their sensitivity to sound:<br />

� Hearing generalists are species with either no swim bladder (e.g.<br />

elasmobranchs), a poorly developed swim bladder or well developed<br />

swim bladder that is not connected to the ear; and<br />

� Hearing specialists, which tend to have their swim bladder directly<br />

connected to the ear increasing their hearing sensitivity (e.g. clupeids<br />

such as herring).<br />

13.6.10 Hearing specialists i.e. those fish with specialist structures (e.g. Prootic<br />

auditory bullae – a gas containing sphere evolved from the bones of the ear<br />

capsule) have been classified as 'high' sensitivity (e.g. herring), nonspecialists<br />

with a swimbladder or hearing generalists are 'medium' sensitivity<br />

(e.g. cod) and non-specialists with no swimbladders are termed 'low'<br />

sensitivity (e.g. sole and dab) (Nedwell et al., 2004).<br />

13.6.11 A summary of selected fish species and their sensitivity to sound is provided<br />

in Table 13.10 below.<br />

Table 13.10 Example of hearing specialisation of selected fish species<br />

Common name Swim bladder connection Sensitivity<br />

Herring Prootic auditory bullae High<br />

Sprat Prootic auditory bullae High<br />

European eel None Medium<br />

Cod None Medium<br />

Plaice No swim-bladder Low<br />

Thornback ray No swim-bladder Low<br />

Dab (sole surrogate) No swim-bladder Low<br />

13.6.12 The species upon which the dBht analysis has been conducted to inform this<br />

assessment have been selected based upon the availability of a good quality<br />

peer reviewed audiogram, their regional relevance in terms of the proximity of<br />

species spawning sites and concerns raised during consultation.<br />

13.6.13 Where data for a particular species of commercial or environmental<br />

significance is not available, a surrogate species may be included in the<br />

analysis to indicate the likely response of the type of species to underwater<br />

sound. For example, sole is of commercial significance in UK waters and the<br />

Thames is known as a spawning ground for this species (Figure 13.10). At<br />

present, however, there is no audiogram data available for sole. Another<br />

flatfish, dab, has therefore been included as a surrogate. It should be noted<br />

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Final Report Chapter 13 - Page 83 October 2011

that the assumption that similar species have comparable hearing sensitivity<br />

is not always correct. In this case, the use of dab as a surrogate for sole<br />

(and also plaice) is considered to be conservative enough to provide an<br />

acceptable precautionary assessment.<br />

13.6.14 The fish species considered in this modelling assessment are:<br />

� Herring, a fish hearing specialist that, based on current peer reviewed<br />

audiogram data is the most sensitive marine fish to underwater sound;<br />

� Cod (and other gadoids), a fish hearing generalist that is sensitive to<br />

underwater sound;<br />

� Dab, a flatfish species with generalist hearing capability, but that<br />

based on current peer reviewed audiogram data is the most sensitive<br />

flatfish to underwater sound – providing a precautionary surrogate for<br />

sole (and also other flatfish species); and<br />

� Elasmobranch species, considered to have a low sensitivity to sound<br />

(Nedwell et al., 2004).<br />

13.6.15 These species along with a justification of their sensitivities in relation to<br />

GWF are presented in Table 13.11.<br />

13.6.16 The MMO raised the comment (Table 13.1) as to whether specific modelling<br />

on European eel should be undertaken. The assessment has focused on<br />

those species that are known to be present in the area on a regular basis,<br />

and particularly those having important spawning grounds in the region (as<br />

informed by the data used to characterise the existing environment and<br />

further justified in Table 13.11). Whilst the European eel may pass in close<br />

proximity to the proposed GWF site during certain life stages (e.g. adult<br />

migration and returning elvers) its passage would be transient and there are<br />

no key habitats within the vicinity of GWF which are required as part of the<br />

eels lifecycle. Furthermore, eels are not thought to have a high sensitivity to<br />

noise and are considered hearing generalists (Nedwell et al., 2003). The<br />

modelling is therefore, considered to be commensurate to the sensitivity of<br />

the species recorded at the site. Qualitative consideration of impacts on the<br />

European eel is given in the assessment of impacts, detailed below.<br />

13.6.17 The effects of noise on fish can be divided into the following categories<br />

(Nedwell et al., 2007a):<br />

� Lethal injury;<br />

� Physical injury;<br />

� Traumatic auditory injury (temporary or permanent loss in hearing<br />

sensitivity); and<br />

� Behavioural responses and masking of biologically relevant sound.<br />

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13.6.18 For the purposes of the assessment the lethal, physical and traumatic effects<br />

are discussed together, followed by consideration of the behavioural<br />

responses.<br />

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Table 13.11 Sensitivity and importance of the species spawning grounds potentially affected by noise and vibration<br />

Common<br />

name<br />

Herring High<br />

Value /<br />

sensitivity<br />

Justification<br />

High sensitivity to noise, spawning is restricted by extent<br />

of available and suitable substrate.<br />

North Sea herring consist of different discrete spawning<br />

stocks. GWF overlaps with the Downs herring spawning<br />

ground and the Thames also contains discrete<br />

populations of spring spawning (‘Blackwater’ of ‘Thames’)<br />

herring which do not spawn elsewhere in the North Sea.<br />

The potential noise impacts could disturb herring during<br />

spawning; were they subsequently to fail to spawn in large<br />

numbers, this could affect future recruitment to the herring<br />

sub-populations.<br />

Occurrence at the site<br />

The proposed GWF site just overlaps or lies adjacent to<br />

an area indicated by Coull et al as being part of the<br />

wider Downs herring spawning grounds (November to<br />

January). However, International Herring Larval Survey<br />

(IHLS) data indicates that in fact the main spawning<br />

(based on distribution of yolk-sac larvae) is located in<br />

the Eastern Channel (from Côte d'Opale near<br />

Dunkerque to Cap d’Antifer near Le Havre on the French<br />

coast) and that spawning intensity on the Southern Bight<br />

grounds which overlap with GWF are much less intense;<br />

long time series data confirm this has been the case<br />

since the 1970’s (see -Collas et al., 2009 and Pawson,<br />

1995). The 2000 to 2011 IHLS data presented in<br />

Technical Appendix 13.C also reflect these trends.<br />

Two discrete spawning grounds for the ‘Thames’ spring<br />

spawning herring (mid February to late April) are also<br />

located to the west of the site near the Blackwater<br />

Estuary and to the southwest at Herne Bay (Figure<br />

13.4) both of which are approximately 55km away.<br />

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Common<br />

name<br />

Value /<br />

sensitivity<br />

Cod Medium<br />

Sole Medium<br />

Justification<br />

Considered a hearing generalist, although are considered<br />

sensitive to noise and are known to use low level grunting<br />

sounds during spawning activities. Most energy emitted<br />

from pile driving activities arises at low frequencies (125<br />

Hz and 250 Hz, as per Thomsen et al., 2006). GWF is<br />

located in a low intensity spawning ground and close to<br />

grounds defined by Coull et al., 1998. Spawning occurs in<br />

the water column and spawning grounds appear<br />

widespread and are not restricted to specific areas,<br />

occurring throughout the North Sea.<br />

Based on their surrogate dab, sole are considered to have<br />

a low sensitivity to noise due to the lack of a swimbladder<br />

although they are known to be sensitive to particle motion<br />

(Mueller-Blenkle et al., 2010). The GWF site lies within a<br />

large area indicated as a high intensity sole spawning<br />

area. The Thames estuary is highlighted as one of the 5<br />

main spawning grounds in the UK. Important spawning<br />

areas in the Thames are considered to be the Black Deep<br />

and Knock which are located more than 20km to the west<br />

of the site. Data on the occurrence of recently spawned<br />

eggs supports the presence of inshore spawning grounds<br />

Occurrence at the site<br />

Cod represented an important component of catches<br />

during the site specific surveys and also in the<br />

commercial catches (Chapter 15). Cod are wide spread<br />

throughout the North Sea. Peak spawning in the<br />

southern North Sea occurs from the last week of<br />

January to mid-February.<br />

Sole represent a commercially important target species<br />

in the Outer Thames Estuary. By weight and also by<br />

value (see Chapter 16) sole landings represent an<br />

important proportion of the landings from GWF site area.<br />

While sole were not caught in high numbers during the<br />

GWF surveys they were present in surveys carried out<br />

for GGOWF and as part of the Outer Thames Estuary<br />

REC study (MALSF, 2009). The areas of high intensity<br />

spawning are thought to be associated with the<br />

shallower inshore waters in the Thames and areas such<br />

as the Knock and Black Deeps are thought to be of<br />

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Common<br />

name<br />

Elasmobranch<br />

species (e.g.<br />

thornback ray<br />

and spurdog)<br />

Value /<br />

sensitivity<br />

Medium<br />

Justification<br />

Occurrence at the site<br />

(ICES, 2010a). particular importance. These lie to the east of GWF and<br />

it is worth noting that the bathymetry shallows between<br />

these areas and GWF which would result in a higher<br />

attenuation of construction noise in these areas.<br />

Elasmobranchs are generally considered to have a low<br />

sensitivity to sound due to the lack of a swim bladder.<br />

Due to the depleted status of species such as spurdog<br />

and the regional importance of species such as thornback<br />

ray, elasmobranchs have been given an overall sensitivity<br />

and importance of medium.<br />

The Thames Estuary is considered to be of national<br />

importance for thornback ray which were also recorded<br />

in the GWF surveys.<br />

While only a single spurdog was recorded during the<br />

GWF surveys, consultation responses indicate that the<br />

area of the GWF is thought to be an important pupping<br />

ground.<br />

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Lethal, physical and traumatic auditory injury effects<br />

13.6.19 Currently available information suggests that lethality to fish may occur where<br />

peak to peak levels exceed 240dB referenced to 1 microPascal (dB re.<br />

1μPa), and physical injury may occur where peak to peak levels exceed<br />

220dB re 1μPa (Subacoustech, 2011). Nedwell et al., (2007b) has<br />

suggested that the use of a 130dBht level provides a suitable criterion for<br />

predicting the onset of traumatic hearing damage, which recognises the<br />

varying hearing sensitivity of differing species. As discussed in Chapter 5, it<br />

is predicted that noise levels of up to approximately 254dB re 1 µPa @ 1m<br />

for a 7m diameter monopile could be expected for the proposed GWF<br />

project.<br />

13.6.20 Predictions based on the assumption that, at the onset of pile driving, a high<br />

blow force would be used indicate that direct impacts such as death, or<br />

severe injury leading to death, in fish may occur very close to the source of<br />

peak pressure levels. Work undertaken by Yelverton (1973, 1975)<br />

highlighted that, for a given pressure wave, the severity of the injury is related<br />

to the duration of the pressure wave. The Yelverton model also indicated<br />

that smaller fish were generally more vulnerable than larger ones. While<br />

specific studies relating to the impacts of piling operations on fish species are<br />

limited a study performed on behalf of Caltrans (2004) presents the only<br />

direct evidence of the effect of impact piling on caged fish, and showed that<br />

there was no damage to steelhead and shiner surfperch at levels of exposure<br />

up to 182dB re 1μPa (Subacoustech, 2011).<br />

13.6.21 For the 7m diameter monopile at the proposed GWF site, the modelled data<br />

indicate that lethality could occur out to ranges up to 7m from the monopile<br />

and physical injury out to ranges of up to 130m (Subacoustech, 2011). By<br />

way of comparison the predicted lethal and physical effects ranges for the<br />

installation of a smaller 6.3m monopile in a water depth of 31.2m at the<br />

GGOWF were 2m and 40m respectively (Gardline, 2010). The extent of<br />

traumatic hearing damage effects at GWF varies depending on the species<br />

considered. The maximum ranges are 0.97km for herring, 0.36km for cod<br />

and 0.05km for dab (Subacoustech, 2011). The traumatic hearing damage<br />

range for herring for the installation of a 6.3m diameter monopile at GGOWF<br />

was estimated at 0.44km (Gardline, 2010).<br />

13.6.22 Comments received in response to the Section 42 consultation on the GWF<br />

project raised concerns about the potential impact of piling on fish eggs and<br />

larvae and in particular those of the Downs herring spawning ground<br />

population (see Table 13.1) and also species spawning within the region<br />

such as sole. Unlike adult species fish eggs and larvae are less able to<br />

actively swim away from sources of underwater noise.<br />

13.6.23 Further data covering spawning activity over the past ten years has been<br />

acquired from IMARES. These data are presented in detail in Technical<br />

Appendix 13.C, and indicate that the majority of the spawning activity within<br />

this extensive spawning ground takes place in the eastern English Channel<br />

(160km and 260km to the southwest of the proposed GWF site). As such the<br />

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noise generated from impact piling will not have a spatial overlap with the<br />

majority of the benthic Downs herring eggs which are located in the East<br />

English Channel (see Figure 13.22).<br />

13.6.24 There is large uncertainty about the vulnerability of fish eggs and larvae to<br />

piling noise and the spatial scale at which mortality or injury will occur<br />

(Popper & Hastings 2009). Criteria identified by the US Fisheries Hydro<br />

Working Group (Oestman, 2009 as cited in Bolle et al., 2011) for injury to fish<br />

from pile driving identified a maximum peak sound pressure levels of 206 dB<br />

re 1 mPa2 and maximum cumulative SEL of 187 dB re 1 mPa2s for all listed<br />

fish except those that weigh less than 2 gram. For small fish (

effects. The impact on the Downs herring population and other fish species<br />

arising from death or physical injury due to piling noise is therefore assessed<br />

as being of minor adverse significance.<br />

13.6.29 Aside from mortality and physical injury effects traumatic hearing damage<br />

may also occur. For this assessment the perceived level of 130dBht has<br />

been identified as the level of noise at which traumatic hearing damage (i.e.<br />

permanent hearing impairment as a result of a single transient event) may<br />

occur. While temporary hearing loss is an injury that is recoverable over a<br />

period of time, permanent hearing loss results in the death of sensory hair<br />

cells of the ear and is non-reversible. The conclusion of a review of data on<br />

auditory injury in fish concluded, in the context of marine fish exposed to<br />

underwater noise, it is very unlikely that fish would experience auditory injury<br />

unless constrained in a very high level continuous sound field for prolonged<br />

periods (Subacoustech, 2011, see Technical Appendix 13.B). Based on<br />

behavioural reactions to noise it is anticipated that fish species would swim<br />

away from the piling source and therefore are unlikely to be exposed to these<br />

high noise levels for any length of time.<br />

13.6.30 The modelling results for pile driving at high blow forces indicate that<br />

traumatic hearing damage effects may occur over a range of distances<br />

depending on the hearing sensitivities of a given species. The data indicate<br />

that herring could suffer hearing impairment within a range of about 0.97km<br />

from pile driving operations for the worst case 7m diameter monopile, while<br />

the ranges for other species are lower.<br />

13.6.31 The extent of these impacts would be relatively localised (and barely visible<br />

on Figures 13.22 to 13.24) and restricted to the duration of pile driving<br />

activities. While the sensitivity of herring is considered to be high, given their<br />

sensitivity to noise, however the main Downs spawning grounds are located<br />

in the English Channel approximately 160km to the southwest of the<br />

proposed GWF site. The number of individuals affected within the 0.97km<br />

radius by hearing impairments would not be anticipated to have any wider<br />

population or recruitment impacts for the species. Based on the intermittent<br />

nature of the piling operations and highly localised nature of the impact, the<br />

magnitude is considered to be low. Soft start piling would also further reduce<br />

the magnitude of this impact. The impact on sensitive receptors such as<br />

herring is assessed as being of minor adverse significance. Based on the<br />

lower sensitivities and extent ranges for cod and dab (sole surrogate) the<br />

impacts on these species are assessed as being of negligible significance.<br />

13.6.32 An analysis was also carried out to determine how close two concurrent<br />

piling operation would need to be so that the cumulative impact of two<br />

monopiles being installed at the same time would cause a noise dose greater<br />

than 90dBht LEP,D for each species and cause auditory injury. These data<br />

indicate that, for dab, the piles would have to be 50m apart before the<br />

cumulative dose reaches 90dBht LEP,D. This is clearly unrealistic for wind<br />

farm construction (with the minimum separation distance being 856m *<br />

642m), so it can be concluded that impact piling at two locations within GWF<br />

simultaneously would not increase the risk of auditory injury to dab. For<br />

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herring the critical range where noise dose increases above 90dBht LEP,D is<br />

calculated at 7km. Therefore, if two monopiles are being installed at<br />

locations closer than 7km, herring may not be able to swim out of the<br />

auditory injury zone before receiving a noise dose that is likely to cause<br />

hearing impairment. As for the assessment of traumatic hearing damage for<br />

herring above for a single piling event the impact for concurrent piling on<br />

herring is assessed as being of minor adverse significance. While the<br />

spatial extent of the impact is anticipated to be larger than that for a single<br />

piling event the intermittent and temporary nature of the impact would only<br />

increase to magnitude to low.<br />

Mitigation and residual impact<br />

13.6.33 The modelled ranges and discussion presented above are based on the<br />

assumption of piling at full blow force, which was carried out in order to<br />

assess the worst case scenario. ‘Soft start’ piling is generally considered<br />

industry best practice and would be applied at the GWF site; it involves<br />

gradually ramping up the blow force on the hammer. When a soft start<br />

procedure is used at the onset of piling, the levels of underwater noise from<br />

the piling work are lower than during piling at maximum blow force, but above<br />

the 90dBht strong behavioural avoidance perceived level for many marine<br />

species at close range (Subacoustech, 2011, see Technical Appendix<br />

13.B). Any fish species around the piles are, therefore, likely to flee the<br />

region around the piling operation. For fleeing rates, speeds of 1m.s -1 have<br />

generally been used during modelling, although in reality herring are<br />

generally able to swim at much faster rates (Subacoustech, 2011, see<br />

Technical Appendix 13.B).<br />

13.6.34 Provided the fish have sufficient time during the soft start procedure to flee to<br />

a safe distance it is considered unlikely that individuals would experience<br />

lethal or physical injury, apart from fish larvae and eggs which would be<br />

unable to swim away form the impact. As a result for adult fish species soft<br />

start would reduce the magnitude of the impact from low to negligible. While<br />

based on the impact assessment table (see Table 4.4 in Chapter 4 EIA<br />

Process) the impact would remain minor negligible it is considered that the<br />

actual residual impact would be of negligible significance given the<br />

reduced likelihood of lethal or physical injury. The impact on fish larvae and<br />

eggs would be very localised and is considered to remain minor adverse.<br />

13.6.35 Measurements of soft start procedures indicate that the perceived levels of<br />

noise for herring at the start of the soft start procedure may be reduced by up<br />

to 18dB for pile driving a 7m monopile at high blow forces (Subacoustech,<br />

2011). Re-modelling of the data taking into account these lower levels<br />

indicate that herring could suffer hearing impairment out to a range of up to<br />

about 220m during installation of a 7m diameter monopile during the early<br />

stages of the soft start procedure (as compared to 970m at full force)<br />

(Subacoustech, 2011, see Technical Appendix 13.B).<br />

13.6.36 Provided the soft start procedure gradually increases the blow force over<br />

time, fish beyond these ranges should have a sufficient opportunity to flee the<br />

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area out to a safe distance to avoid traumatic hearing impairment. The<br />

modelling data (Subacoustech, 2011 see Technical Appendix 13.B)<br />

indicate that the use of the soft start procedure would be likely to provide a<br />

suitable method of mitigating the possibility of traumatic hearing damage in<br />

marine fish species (Subacoustech, 2011). Soft starts are standard practice<br />

in the offshore wind industry and would be applied at the GWF project.<br />

Combined with the intermittent nature of monopile installation and the fact<br />

that monopile installation very rarely requires pile driving at full blow force,<br />

soft start procedures are considered to provide an effective form of mitigation<br />

for impacts on fish species. With this mitigation in place, the residual impact<br />

associated with traumatic injury would be considered to be of negligible<br />

significance.<br />

Behavioural responses<br />

13.6.37 Based on a large body of measurements of fish avoidance of noise, a level of<br />

90dBht(species) has been proposed as the level at which a strong likelihood<br />

of disturbance to the majority of individuals of a species would be expected<br />

(Subacoustech, 2011). A lower level of 75dBht(species) has also been used<br />

to indicate that a significant behavioural impact in approximately 85% of<br />

individuals is likely to occur, although the response from a species will be<br />

probabilistic in nature and one individual from a species may react, whereas<br />

another individual may not. Furthermore, the effect at this level will probably<br />

be limited by habituation (Subacoustech, 2011).<br />

13.6.38 The modelling data have indicated that, of the fish species considered,<br />

herring are likely to perceive levels of underwater noise above 90dBht out to<br />

the greatest ranges. The ranges to which the noise would be expected to<br />

remain above 90dBht for this species is 20 to 34km for 7m diameter piling<br />

operations. By way of comparison, based on the underwater noise<br />

measurements for the smaller 6.3m diameter monopile installation at<br />

GGOWF the disturbance range for herring was estimated at 22km (+ 3.3km)<br />

(Gardline, 2010).<br />

13.6.39 There may be significant variation in avoidance ranges presented based on<br />

the location of piling operations and bathymetry. Table 13.12 presents an<br />

overview of the range of avoidance impact ranges for the three indicator<br />

species that have been modelled and at the different locations modelled in<br />

the GWF site.<br />

Table 13.12 Estimated minimum and maximum impact ranges for a 7m diameter<br />

monopile at GWF<br />

90 dBht strong avoidance range (m) Range (km)<br />

Herring 20 - 34<br />

Cod 15 - 26<br />

Dab 6 - 9<br />

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90 dBht strong avoidance range (m) Range (km)<br />

75 dBht significant avoidance range (m) Range (km)<br />

Source: adapted from Subacoustech, 2011<br />

Herring 29 - 62<br />

Cod 29 - 51<br />

Dab 16 - 28<br />

13.6.40 Noise modelling for herring, cod and dab were carried out at various<br />

locations (sites A to G) within the proposed GWF site in order to demonstrate<br />

the extent of impact ranges (see Figure 13.18). Modelling plots for two of<br />

the locations are presented and discussed below.<br />

13.6.41 The modelling results presented in Figures 13.22 to 13.24 indicate that the<br />

noise generated by pile driving of a 7m monopile could lead to behavioural<br />

responses by fish in areas that are indicated by Coull et al.,(1998) as being<br />

spawning and/or nursery grounds for the species discussed in Section 13.4.<br />

These areas for herring, cod and sole, taken from Coull et al.,(1998), Cefas<br />

(2010) and Pawson (1995) have been overlain with the noise contours taken<br />

from the noise modelling results in order to show the extent of potential<br />

overlaps with these areas. As indicated for species such as herring the worst<br />

case is based on concurrent piling at opposite extents of the proposed GWF<br />

site (See Figure 13.22) which would result in the greatest spatial overlap with<br />

the spawning grounds as presented by Coull et al., 1998.<br />

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13.6.42 Several commercially important species have been identified as having<br />

potential spawning and nursery areas covering the Outer Thames Estuary<br />

and some of which overlap with the GWF site.<br />

13.6.43 The proposed GWF site partially overlaps with or lies adjacent to an area<br />

indicated as forming part of the Downs herring spawning grounds and where<br />

spawning is indicated as taking place between November and January.<br />

Herring are demersal spawners and their spawning activities are limited by<br />

the availability of suitable habitat. The other discrete Thames spring<br />

spawning herring grounds lie at the mouth of the Blackwater Estuary and in<br />

Herne Bay and both are approximately 55km to the southwest of GWF; the<br />

noise modelling indicates these sites would not be impacted by subsea noise<br />

from the piling operations at GWF (see Figure 13.22).<br />

13.6.44 Based on the construction window and piling programme, piling activities<br />

would impact no more than two spawning periods for any species. Whilst it is<br />

anticipated that much of the offshore construction would, by preference (in<br />

terms of avoiding inclement winter weather), be completed during the period<br />

March to November (see Chapter 5) and would therefore fall outside of the<br />

herring spawning season, as a worst case it remains possible that piling<br />

activities could occur throughout the year including during the herring<br />

spawning season. As a worst case, assuming two monopiles are installed<br />

every day by two separate piling vessels split over two consecutive spawning<br />

periods a total of 70 piles would be installed over a 35 day period in each<br />

spawning period, which if operations do not run concurrently would result in a<br />

total of eight hours piling per day during a key 35 day period over two herring<br />

spawning seasons.<br />

13.6.45 Figure 13.22 illustrates the extents to which strong (90dBht) and significant<br />

(75dBht) behavioural impacts could occur. It also shows that while the piling<br />

activities at GWF could impact the areas in the Southern Bight indicated by<br />

the Coull et al.,(1998) maps as possible spawning grounds, the main eastern<br />

English Channel site where spawning is actually recorded by the IHLS<br />

surveys would not be disturbed. It is worth noting that while the 75dBht<br />

contour covers a large area of the area indicated by Coull et al.,(1998) as a<br />

possible spawning site, this level of underwater noise would only generate a<br />

behavioural response from some individuals. Furthermore, habituation to<br />

underwater noise is possible (Subacoustech, 2011) and research shows that<br />

herring may respond differently to noise depending on the season and their<br />

physiological state. While not directly related to piling noise disturbance<br />

Missund (1997) observed higher levels of avoidance to noise from vessels<br />

when herring were over-wintering than during seasons when they were<br />

feeding. Furthermore, Skaret et al., (2005), suggest that in relation to vessel<br />

noise during actual spawning, herring will give priority to reproduction, with<br />

spawning overruling noise avoidance responses.<br />

13.6.46 While piling at GWF has the potential to impact on a proportion of the Downs<br />

herring spawning grounds as identified by Coull et al., (1998), IHLS data and<br />

the abundance of yolk-sac larvae indicates that the main Downs herring<br />

spawning grounds are in the East English Channel (see Figure 13.22 and in<br />

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more detail in Technical Appendix 13.C). It is widely acknowledged that<br />

since the 1970’s these have been the main Downs herring spawning grounds<br />

(Dickey-Collas et al., 2009, Pawson, 1995, ECA and RPS Energy, 2010,<br />

Rohlf & Gröger, 2003) and that the herring larvae recorded in the southern<br />

North Sea originate from spawning grounds in the Eastern Channel (Damme<br />

pers. Comm., 2011). This is shown by the abundance and distribution of<br />

yolk-sac larvae for the years 2000 to 2011 (see Technical Appendix 13.C)<br />

which supports the conclusion that there is currently, and this has been the<br />

case since at least 2000, no high intensity spawning by the Downs herring<br />

stock at the Southern Bight spawning grounds and that the proposed piling<br />

activities at GWF would therefore not significantly impact the main Downs<br />

herring spawning stock or herring eggs. These trends are also reflected by<br />

the commercial exploitation of the Downs stock where winter spawning<br />

aggregations are targeted by fleets in the eastern English Channel at the end<br />

of the year (ICES, 2009, ICES, 2007a) (see Figure 1.1 in Technical<br />

Appendix 13.C).<br />

13.6.47 Based on their high sensitivity to noise and the restricted nature of their<br />

spawning habitat the Downs spawning herring are considered to have a high<br />

sensitivity to potential noise impacts. The magnitude of the piling impact on<br />

the Downs herring is however considered to be negligible. This is based on<br />

the fact that piling would not impact the main Downs herring spawning<br />

population which currently utilise the spawning grounds in the East English<br />

Channel and have done so since the 1970’s. The overall impact is therefore<br />

considered to be of minor adverse significance.<br />

13.6.48 It is worth noting that, while the above considers the worst case, the reality is<br />

likely to be a more intermittent piling programme during the winter months<br />

where weather windows are restrictive and piles are installed more<br />

intermittently.<br />

13.6.49 Concerns were raised during scoping with regard to noise impacts potentially<br />

masking cod spawning communications and disturbing spawning behaviour<br />

as they are known to use low level grunting sounds. Peak spawning in the<br />

southern North Sea is known to occur from January to mid-February.<br />

13.6.50 Although cod are considered hearing generalists, because they are known to<br />

use sound during spawning activities, their sensitivity is considered to be<br />

medium. As discussed for herring above, the worst case assumes that some<br />

piling would occur during the winter period and, therefore, would overlap with<br />

spawning activities. Modelling indicates that the impact extents would<br />

overlap with the spawning grounds indicated by Coull et al.,(1998) (Figure<br />

13.23). The impact magnitude is considered to be negligible as, as cod<br />

spawning grounds are distributed widely throughout the North Sea (see<br />

Figure 13.6) and the piling disturbance would only affect a small proportion<br />

of the cod spawning grounds in the Southern Bight. Furthermore, the<br />

duration of the impact would only cover a maximum of two spawning<br />

seasons. The overall impact is therefore assessed as being of negligible<br />

adverse significance. This impact assessment would be similar for other<br />

gadoids species such as whiting, which also have a small proportion of a<br />

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spawning ground overlapping with GWF (see Figure 13.7). Furthermore,<br />

many marine fish species, including gadoids are generally pelagic broadcast<br />

spawners and are not limited to specific substrate types as is the case for<br />

species such as herring. The spawning areas also cover larger areas of the<br />

North Sea and, as such, localised noise impacts would not be anticipated to<br />

have a significant effect on the wider stock, given the wider availability of<br />

spawning habitat.<br />

13.6.51 The impacts of piling on spawning sole were also raised as a concern during<br />

consultation (Table 13.1). Sole spawning in the Thames Estuary occurs from<br />

March to June and based on the construction window (Chapter 5) piling<br />

works would overlap with this period as piling could occur at any time of year.<br />

13.6.52 Sole are known to spawn inshore, within the 30m depth contour. Important<br />

spawning areas in the Thames are considered to be the Black Deep and<br />

Knock which are located more than 20km to the west of the site. Data on the<br />

occurrence of recently spawned eggs and also the further data discussed in<br />

Section 13.4 supports the presence of inshore spawning grounds (ICES,<br />

2010a) which corresponds to these initially identified by Pawson (1995) with<br />

spawning in the wider area including in the vicinity of the GWF being at a<br />

markedly lower intensity.<br />

13.6.53 The modelling results indicate that the extent of a strong avoidance reaction<br />

(90 dBht) in the majority of individuals is only anticipated to extend to a<br />

maximum of 9.5km (mean of 8.7km) from pile driving operations at position<br />

D. The lower level behavioural impacts at the 75dBht level will potentially<br />

extend to a maximum of 28km. These figures are a worst case and the<br />

extents are anticipated to be much lower for the sites closer to the key<br />

inshore sole spawning areas due to underwater noise attenuating at a faster<br />

rate in shallower water (e.g. a mean of 8km at site F). The extent of a strong<br />

avoidance reaction in sole of 9.5km is comparable to the distance of 6.6km<br />

estimated for sole during the noise measurements for the installation of the<br />

smaller 6.3m diameter monopile at GGOWF.<br />

13.6.54 Sole are considered to be relatively insensitive to noise due to the lack of a<br />

swim bladder although studies have indicated that a range of particle motion<br />

levels will trigger behavioural responses in sole and cod (Mueller-Blenkle et<br />

al., 2010). The levels of particle motion generated during pile-driving and the<br />

distance at which it can be detectable are not known at present (Mueller-<br />

Blenkle et al., 2010). However, based on the importance of the Thames<br />

Estuary as a high intensity spawning ground, and their potentially complex<br />

spawning courtship behaviour their sensitivity to spawning disturbance has<br />

been assessed as medium. The extent of the noise impacts associated with<br />

piling operations as obtained from the modelling are presented in Figure<br />

13.24 where dab has been used as a surrogate for sole.<br />

13.6.55 The magnitude of piling impacts on spawning sole has been assessed as<br />

low. This is because, although some lower intensity spawning activity might<br />

be disturbed around the GWF site during piling operations, there would be no<br />

substantial overlap with the most important areas of high intensity spawning<br />

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which are considered to take place in the shallower coastal waters within the<br />

Thames estuary and which are protected from the highest noise levels by the<br />

shallow Thames bank systems which will lead to rapid noise attenuation as<br />

can be seen in the results of the noise modelling. Furthermore, the piling<br />

operations would only impact on two sole spawning seasons. The overall<br />

impact of the piling activities on sole spawning behaviour is therefore<br />

assessed as being of minor adverse significance.<br />

13.6.56 The extent of behavioural impact associated with the piling operations could<br />

potentially affect the distribution of commercially important fish species within<br />

the vicinity of the piling operations. The worst case is considered to be the<br />

use of 3m piles (see Table 13.9) as while the behavioural extents are less<br />

than that for 7m piles (see Figures 13.22 to 13.27) due to the numbers<br />

required this foundation option would result in the maximum piling activity<br />

occurring over the longest period thereby providing the greatest potential for<br />

disturbance and behavioural effects.<br />

13.6.57 A number of studies have noted that changes in fish behaviour may arise<br />

following exposure to relatively low level sounds. Engås and Løkkeborg<br />

(2002) observed a reduction in the catch of haddock and cod that lasted for<br />

several days after they had been exposed to seismic airgun emissions and<br />

Slotte et al., (2004) found broadly similar results for blue whiting and herring.<br />

Skalski et al., (1992) found that the catch of rockfish reduced by 52%<br />

following exposure to a single emission of an airgun at 186-191dB re 1 μPa<br />

(mean peak level). In the case of the GWF piling, the magnitude of this<br />

impact is considered to be low, based on the short-term and localised nature<br />

of the displacement that is expected to occur. The sensitivity of fish to such<br />

short term behavioural displacement is also considered to be low due to the<br />

wide availability of other suitable foraging and feeding habitat for the<br />

displaced species and the temporary and reversible nature of the effect. The<br />

impact is therefore assessed as being of negligible adverse significance.<br />

13.6.58 The potential impacts of GWF on spurdog pupping grounds were raised<br />

during consultation (Table 13.1). The information available to date suggests<br />

that spurdog undertake migrations all round the UK coastline and are<br />

considered and managed as a single stock. The information available<br />

suggests that the areas off the west coast of Scotland are one of the most<br />

important areas for spurdog juveniles. The impact magnitude is considered<br />

to be low, based on the short-term nature of the impact, which would only<br />

occur for the duration of the piling operations. While juveniles have been<br />

recorded from surveys within the vicinity of the GWF site (Figure 13.19) and<br />

elasmobranch species have a low sensitivity to noise due to lack of a<br />

swimbladder (see Table 13.10) their overall sensitivity has been assessed as<br />

medium based on their depleted status (Table 13.11). It is anticipated that<br />

the impacts of pile driving on spurdog, as well as other elasmobranch<br />

species, including egg laying rays, would be minimal and localised and, as<br />

such, the impacts would be considered to be of minor adverse significance.<br />

13.6.59 The site specific surveys carried out at the proposed GWF site, combined<br />

with commercial fisheries landings data indicate that shellfish species such<br />

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as crab are present at the site, and in particular, close inshore along the<br />

cable route. These species may be of value as a commercial species and<br />

support targeted fisheries (Chapter 15) or as important prey for other marine<br />

species.<br />

13.6.60 The first published investigation of invertebrate mortality associated with<br />

underwater noise was carried out in 1907 and, although studies have been<br />

carried out since, there is insufficient research on the effects of noise on<br />

shellfish species. Some studies (e.g. Knight, 1907, Tollefson & Marriage,<br />

1949, Andriguetto-Filhoa et al., 2005) seem to indicate that shellfish are<br />

relatively insensitive to noise including from underwater blasting and seismic<br />

prospecting at close range. The magnitude of the piling impact is considered<br />

to be low based on the short-term duration of the piling. Based on the<br />

available information to date, the impact on shellfish species of commercial<br />

or prey value present at the site is, therefore, anticipated to be of negligible<br />

adverse significance.<br />

13.6.61 During consultation concerns were raised in relation to the potential impacts<br />

of foreshore noise on fish (Table 13.1). Construction related activity using<br />

construction plant is anticipated to occur on the foreshore in relation to the<br />

cable landfall (Chapter 5). The works associated with the cable landfall<br />

include the use of directional drilling to connect the cables from the high<br />

water mark to the onshore transition bay (see Chapter 5). Construction<br />

activities on the foreshore would create air borne noise. Due to the acoustic<br />

impedance effects of the amount of acoustic energy transferred from one<br />

substance to another (for air and water this difference is large) airborne noise<br />

would not contribute significantly to levels of underwater sound. The main<br />

pathway for construction plant or drilling activities impacting fish populations<br />

would be through low frequency vibration impacts. These vibration impacts<br />

are only anticipated to be localised due to the dampening effects of the sand<br />

/ soil substrate. Any construction related activities would be associated with<br />

the installation of up to three export cables and would therefore be of shortterm<br />

duration. The magnitude is therefore considered to be negligible. The<br />

sensitivity of fish species to the low levels of noise or vibration during any<br />

onshore works are considered to be low. Overall the impact significance is<br />

therefore assessed as negligible adverse.<br />

Mitigation and residual impact<br />

13.6.62 Consultation responses received from the MMO indicated the potential for a<br />

piling restriction from 1 st November to 31 st May to cover the sensitive<br />

spawning periods for the Downs herring stocks and sole (Table 13.1). The<br />

data presented on piling noise effects and the distribution of the Downs<br />

herring spawning grounds discussed above show that there is no risk of likely<br />

significant effect on the main Downs herring spawning population in the<br />

English Channel. Similarly for sole, the data for the Thames Estuary on sole<br />

spawning habitat suitability, association with reduced salinity, shallower<br />

inshore water and increase temperature reflect the sole spawning areas<br />

identified by Pawson (1995). Piling noise during construction is not<br />

anticipated to cause a significant behavioural overlap with these grounds.<br />

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This combined with their relative insensitivity to underwater noise suggests<br />

that there is no risk of likely significant effect on the main spawning<br />

populations. As such it is felt that for the Downs herring and also sole, given<br />

the lack of significant risk, such mitigation is not justified.<br />

13.6.63 Further discussions are ongoing with the regulators to establish the actions<br />

that are required in order to bring any necessary restrictions in line with the<br />

anticipated impacts associated with the proposed GWF development.<br />

13.6.64 As discussed previously mitigation in the form of soft start piling will be<br />

incorporated into construction procedures. However, while such measures<br />

would reduce the impacts associated with lethal and physical injury, once<br />

piling reaches full blow force the behavioural impact ranges would remain<br />

unchanged compared to the pre soft start predictions. Despite the lack of<br />

significant impact predicted on herring or sole spawning grounds, further<br />

precautionary mitigation is applied through the commitment to restrict piling<br />

activity to a maximum overlap of two spawning seasons for each of the two<br />

(herring and sole) species over the 56 month construction window. This<br />

effectively imposes a piling restriction for two of the four potential seasons<br />

that occur within such a window (assuming a Q2 or Q3 2015<br />

commencement).<br />

13.6.65 Given the above it is considered that the residual impact on key receptors<br />

such as the Downs herring and sole spawning grounds and elasmobranchs<br />

would remain minor adverse. The impact to other receptors discussed is<br />

anticipated to remain of negligible adverse significance.<br />

13.6.66 Physical disturbance of intertidal and subtidal habitats<br />

13.6.67 The physical disturbances to the intertidal and subtidal habitats are<br />

discussed in Chapter 12, Section 12.6. It is anticipated that there will be<br />

some degree of disturbance to benthic communities as a result of the cable<br />

and WTG installation. It is anticipated that some scavenging fish, crustacean<br />

and invertebrate species may be attracted to the recently disturbed seabed to<br />

feed on the recently exposed and damaged benthic animals. These<br />

disturbance impacts are however anticipated to be temporary and reversible<br />

and are not anticipated to result in any long term changes in fish or shellfish<br />

communities. The magnitude of the impact is considered to be negligible<br />

based on the limited extent of the disturbance and short term duration. While<br />

species may be attracted to such disturbance events their sensitivity is<br />

considered to be low based on the localised effects and limited extent of any<br />

behavioural changes. The overall impact is therefore assessed as being of<br />

negligible significance.<br />

Indirect impacts due to loss of fish as a prey source<br />

13.6.68 Fish species represent important prey for other species including birds,<br />

marine mammals and other fish. Concerns have been raised (by the Royal<br />

Society for the Protection of Birds see Table 13.1) regarding the impact of<br />

GWF on prey and food availability for other species. The impacts of GWF on<br />

benthic invertebrates, a fish prey resource, is discussed in detail in Chapter<br />

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12 with the conclusion that there would be no significant impacts or changes<br />

in community structure. Similarly, the relationship between certain bird<br />

species, prey availability and the association of bird distributions with<br />

commercial fishing activities are discussed in Chapter 11 Offshore<br />

Ornithology. Fish, including sandeel and juvenile life stages of species such<br />

as herring, and sprat also form an important prey source for other larger fish<br />

species. The main construction related impacts on fish species are<br />

discussed in the relevant sections above and below. The main activities with<br />

the potential to have a significant impact on fish are associated with the<br />

installation of 7m diameter monopiles via pile driving.<br />

13.6.69 As discussed above, the potential impacts to fish species include mortality at<br />

close range. However, the localised nature of these impacts would not be<br />

anticipated to have any significant wider ranging effects. Furthermore, it<br />

could be possible to reduce the extent of mortality associated with pile driving<br />

operations through the use of mitigation measures such as soft starts. While<br />

it is anticipated that significant mortality impacts can be reduced through the<br />

use of appropriate mitigation, the underwater noise generated from impact<br />

piling operations could result in hearing sensitive fish such as herring and<br />

sprat temporarily moving away from the construction area for the duration of<br />

piling operations. Piling operations are intermittent, with pile driving rarely<br />

occurring for more than four hours. Any displacement of prey species would<br />

therefore only occur for a short duration, a response that may be mirrored by<br />

their predators. It is anticipated that the overall effects on fish as a result in<br />

the loss of other fish as prey resources, would be negligible.<br />

13.6.70 The implications of the loss of fish prey resource in relation to marine<br />

mammals and birds is discussed in Chapter 14 and Chapter 11 respectively.<br />

Impacts due to increased suspended sediment concentrations<br />

13.6.71 Increased suspended sediment load has the potential to impact on fish and<br />

crustacean species as well as affecting larvae and egg stages. The impact<br />

of increased suspended sediment concentrations (SSC) and volumes likely<br />

to be produced are assessed in Chapter 9 and Technical Appendix 9.Aiii.<br />

The impacts on water quality are assessed in Chapter 10. These<br />

assessments concluded that the levels of SSC associated with foundation<br />

installation will be elevated, above natural background levels, by no more<br />

than 1.4 mg/l (fine sands). The export cable installation could potentially<br />

elevate SSC temporarily in the immediate vicinity of the cable installation<br />

activity, however these are anticipated to remain below 0.5 mg/l. The<br />

potential increases in SSC for both cable and foundation installation are likely<br />

to be of negligible significance in terms of change to existing conditions (see<br />

Chapter 9).<br />

13.6.72 Key concerns raised during consultation on GWF relate to the effects of<br />

suspended sediment impacts on spurdog pupping grounds and other egg<br />

laying elasmobranch species (Table 13.1). Given their large size at birth (26-<br />

28cm) it is anticipated that, similarly to other mobile fish species, spurdog<br />

would be able to detect the elevated levels of suspended sediments and<br />

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move away from the affected area. As such spurdog sensitivity to such<br />

impacts is considered to be low. Research carried out on herring and cod<br />

(Westerberg et al., 1996) indicates that these species have definite<br />

suspended sediment thresholds (approx 3mg/l) and are, therefore, likely to<br />

avoid the areas closest to the foundation installation.<br />

13.6.73 Larval species and eggs, especially for herring, could also be affected by<br />

increased levels of suspended sediment. Research on the embryonic<br />

development of herring eggs (Kiorboe et al., 1981) at levels similar to those<br />

anticipated to be released as a result of the cable installation (5 – 300mg/l)<br />

found no effects after prolonged exposure (10 days). The sensitivity of larvae<br />

and eggs to the levels of suspended sediments anticipated to occur during<br />

the construction activities are therefore considered to be low. Furthermore,<br />

the levels of SSC predicted as a result of the construction activities are<br />

considerably lower than the levels larvae and eggs would be exposed to<br />

naturally as a result of regional maximum SSC concentrations especially<br />

winter concentration which may range from 64 to >250 mg/l for shallower<br />

inshore waters (see Chapters 9 and 10).<br />

13.6.74 Skate and ray species along with other oviparous elasmobranch species are<br />

known to lay egg cases. Suspended sediment can cause mortality of<br />

embryos through blocking of the respiratory fissures or horns (Richards et al.,<br />

1963 as cited in Leonard et al., 1999). There is currently little known about<br />

the habitat requirement for skate and ray egg laying and it is unclear whether<br />

they have discrete egg laying beds. The 2m beam trawl surveys carried out<br />

for GWF site characterisation (as detailed in Section 13.3) did not identify<br />

any high densities of egg cases in the vicinity of GWF. While it is possible<br />

that egg cases could be affected by the localised sedimentation, it is not<br />

anticipated significantly large numbers would be impacted. The overall<br />

sensitivity of the receptor is, therefore, considered to be low.<br />

13.6.75 The magnitude of the impact is assessed as low, based on the localised<br />

intermittent nature of the impact. In view of the above, the effects of the<br />

impacts associated with the turbine and cable installation on fish, larval and<br />

egg receptors would be considered to be of negligible significance.<br />

Indirect impacts through re-mobilisation of contaminated sediments<br />

13.6.76 The re-suspension of seabed sediments could also lead to the release of<br />

contaminants present within them, which may have direct and indirect<br />

impacts on fish and shellfish resources within proximity of the GWF site. The<br />

impacts of contaminants on water quality are discussed in Chapter 10,<br />

Section 10.6 and in relation to benthic ecology in Chapter 12, Section 12.6.<br />

The data presented in Chapter 10, Section 10.4 shows that the levels of<br />

contaminants in the sediments are below guideline and action levels.<br />

Sampling at GWF was seen to establish similar contaminant levels within its<br />

sediments to those present at GGOWF with only elevated levels of arsenic<br />

detected. Arsenic is well known to occur at elevated levels in the region of<br />

the Outer Thames Estuary and has been attributed to both historic and<br />

geological inputs (see Chapter 10, Section 10.4). The fish fauna of the<br />

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Outer Thames Estuary inhabit an area of very mobile sediments, and must,<br />

therefore, be frequently exposed to generally raised levels of arsenic in the<br />

sediments and their sensitivity to the levels which are anticipated to occur are<br />

considered to be low. Based on the localised and intermittent nature of any<br />

sediment re-suspension the magnitude is considered to be low.<br />

13.6.77 It is anticipated that the impact of re-mobilised contaminants on the fish and<br />

shellfish resources would be of negligible significance.<br />

Impacts due to loss of habitat and benthic prey resource<br />

13.6.78 During the construction phase there will be permanent loss of habitat for fish<br />

and crustacean species in the direct footprint of the foundations. The<br />

potential habitat loss is only likely to have significant effects if the habitat is<br />

not widely distributed elsewhere or if the habitat is an essential piece of<br />

spawning ground for demersal spawners such as herring for example.<br />

13.6.79 The installation of WTG, foundation structures and supporting infrastructure<br />

will result in long term loss of seabed and associated habitats and fauna<br />

within the footprint of the structures for the life of the scheme (circa 25 years).<br />

13.6.80 Using the worst case build scenario detailed in Table 12.3 (Chapter 12) the<br />

maximum loss of seabed is anticipated to be 0.37km 2 (from WTG footprint,<br />

scour protection, ancillary structures and cable protection materials at cable<br />

crossings (see Table 12.3 (Chapter 12) for detail). The total area affected<br />

will constitute 0.17% of the total consent area (222km 2 ). The majority of<br />

seabed lost will be as a result of the WTG foundations and associated scour<br />

protection.<br />

13.6.81 The loss of benthic communities is assessed in detail in Chapter 12 with the<br />

main communities affected being the polychaete-rich deep Venus community<br />

which is widespread at a regional level.<br />

13.6.82 While shellfish species have been recorded at GWF, the area does not<br />

represent part of any significant shellfish beds in the Outer Thames Estuary.<br />

Similarly, only a small proportion of Area B overlaps with areas indicated by<br />

Coull et al., as forming part of the Downs herring spawning grounds. The<br />

drop-down and benthic grab surveys concluded that the majority of sediment<br />

throughout the GWF survey area were poorly sorted and did not offer ideal<br />

conditions for herring to spawn on (CMACS, 2010, see Technical Appendix<br />

12.A). There would therefore be no impact due to the loss of herring<br />

spawning ground. Furthermore, since the 1970’s the main Downs herring<br />

spawning grounds used have been those in the eastern Channel.<br />

13.6.83 Monitoring studies at other wind farm sites such as Kentish Flats have<br />

generally indicated that there has not been a significant effect on the fish<br />

species present, suggesting that the presence of the wind farm, including the<br />

direct loss of habitat, had not had a significant effect (Cefas, 2010b). This<br />

suggests that fish species are relatively insensitive to such small changes or<br />

loss of seabed habitat and their sensitivity to these impacts is therefore<br />

considered to be low. Given the localised nature of the habitat loss the<br />

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magnitude is considered to be low. The impacts of habitat loss on fish<br />

species would be of negligible significance.<br />

13.6.84 It is noted that some consultees have raised the question over the potential<br />

for artificial reefs to be included in the design to help mitigate impacts on fish<br />

resource. No additional material or structures to that accounted for within the<br />

project envelope (see Chapter 5) will be provided. It is noted that the<br />

addition of any new material would further impact on the existing environment<br />

and not necessarily have a positive impact. The effect of the new structures<br />

and associated material that would be introduced into the environment as a<br />

result of the construction of the proposed wind farm is discussed below under<br />

operational impacts.<br />

13.7 Potential Impacts during the Operational Phase<br />

13.7.1 This section provides an assessment of the impacts from the operation<br />

phase of the GWF project on the fish and shellfish receptors. Aspects<br />

associated with the operation phase (as identified during the Scoping<br />

process and subsequent consultation) include:<br />

� Disturbance due to operational noise;<br />

� Disturbance from EMF;<br />

� Aggregation effects; and<br />

� Loss of prey resource and habitat from changes in current regime.<br />

Disturbance through noise and vibration<br />

13.7.2 When a wind farm is operational, the main source of underwater noise will be<br />

mechanically generated vibration from the WTGs, transmitted into the sea<br />

through the tower structure and foundation (Nedwell et al., 2003). The<br />

underwater noise generated during the operational phase of a wind farm is<br />

much lower than the levels created during construction piling. However,<br />

unlike the temporary pile driving noise, operational noise will span the lifetime<br />

of the wind farm (Nedwell et al., 2007a).<br />

13.7.3 Measurements of operational noise at a series of wind farm sites indicated<br />

that the level of noise during the operational phase was found to be very low<br />

(Nedwell et al., 2007a). The study calculated the operational noise levels<br />

that would be encountered by various species using dBht units. When the<br />

results were averaged across all of the fish species considered, the noise<br />

levels within the wind farms were found to be just over 2dB higher than<br />

background noise levels in the immediate environs (Nedwell et al., 2007a).<br />

The variations in level are well within the spatial and temporal variations that<br />

are typically encountered in background noise, and hence it was concluded<br />

that, while there might be a small net contribution to noise in the immediate<br />

vicinity of the wind farm, this is no more than is routinely encountered by<br />

marine animals during their normal activity (Nedwell et al., 2007a).<br />

Furthermore, dive surveys of operational wind farms have indicated that the<br />

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total fish abundances in the vicinity of turbines are often higher than<br />

surrounding areas (Wilhelmsson et al., 2006).<br />

13.7.4 Studies of operational wind farm noise in at Lillgrund in Sweden indicate that<br />

species like eel and salmon which have a poor sensitivity to sound pressure<br />

will only detect operational wind farm noise (during maximum production,<br />

wind speeds of 14 to12 m/s) at a distance less than 1km (Andersson, 2011).<br />

Fish with higher sensitivity of sound pressure, e.g. herring and cod, might<br />

detect the wind farm at a distance greater than 16km although at this<br />

distance, the ambient noise will mask out the wind farm noise (Andersson,<br />

2011). These results are in line with other estimations such as the figures<br />

calculated by Thomsen et al., (2006) for species such as eel although the<br />

zone of audibility for herring and cod was smaller and in the region of 4-5km<br />

from the source. Fish lacking a swim bladder (e.g. gobies and flatfish) will<br />

only sense the measured particle acceleration at distance of about 10m from<br />

the foundation and at greater distances most species are limited by either<br />

their hearing threshold or the ambient sound masking the wind farm noise<br />

(Andersson, 2011).<br />

13.7.5 The sensitivity of fish species to such small levels of noise are considered to<br />

be low. The magnitude of the impact is also considered to be low given the<br />

localised extent of the impact. As such, the impact to fish species from<br />

underwater noise and vibration during operation would be of negligible<br />

significance.<br />

Disturbance through presence of electromagnetic field (EMF)<br />

13.7.6 EMF will be generated by the GWF export, inter and intra-array cables. The<br />

worst case scenario set out in Table 13.9 establishes that there will be up to<br />

300km of 66kV AC for the inter and intra array cables, and up to three AC<br />

132kV export cables with a combined length of 190km, all buried to a<br />

representative average minimum depth of 0.6m.<br />

13.7.7 It is important to note that 0.6m is not a ‘target’ depth, but a worst case<br />

recognition that it may not be possible to bury the cable to a desired depth<br />

(around 1.5m) across the whole cable extents. Such instances may arise<br />

where ground conditions to not permit a target depth burial depth to be<br />

achieved or when the cable rises to join with offshore substation platforms<br />

(OSP), or when crossing other cables) the cables may have to be installed on<br />

the surface and covered with concrete mattresses. For the purpose of this<br />

ES the indicative cable arrangements are presented in Chapter 5.<br />

13.7.8 The EMF and their constituent fields; electric (E field), magnetic (B field) and<br />

associated induced electric fields (iE), produced by the inter-array and export<br />

cables could affect the behaviours of certain electrosensitive species.<br />

13.7.9 A simplified overview of how induced electrical fields are produced by AC<br />

power cables is presented in Plot 13.10.<br />

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Plot 13.10 Simplified overview of how induced electrical fields are produced by AC<br />

power cables<br />

Source: Gill et al., (2009)<br />

13.7.10 The electrolytic properties of sea water mean that a small current is induced<br />

in the water, with this being in the order of 0.1 mA/m² (CMACS, 2003) (for the<br />

example of one cable buried 1m in the seabed) and which induces an E-field<br />

of around 25 μV/m (conductivity of 4 Siemens/m). An alternative example<br />

given in the COWRIE report (CMACS, 2003) reports an E-field of 91μV/m for<br />

a 132kV XLPE three-phase submarine cable designed by Pirelli with an AC<br />

current of 350 amps buried at a depth of 1m. Table 13.13 indicates that in<br />

both these cases it is likely that the EMF from these cables would be<br />

detected by electro-sensitive elasmobranch species.<br />

Table 13.13 Elasmobranch sensitivity to electrical fields<br />

Sensitivity E-Field range<br />

Elasmobranch sensitivity: 0.5 – 1000 µV/m<br />

Potential range of attraction: 0.5 – 100 µV/m<br />

Potential range of repulsion: > 100 µV/m<br />

Source: CMACS, 2003<br />

13.7.11 All of the cables will, where ground conditions allow, be buried to a nominal<br />

target depth of 1.5m with the aim to bury all cables at least 0.6m (except for<br />

transitional lengths to surface structures). Based on the information<br />

discussed above and presented in Table 13.13 where cable burial depths are<br />

less than 1.5m it is expected that the E-fields are likely to be of a level<br />

expected to attract elasmobranchs.<br />

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13.7.12 While most fish species are able to sense EMFs, elasmobranchs and<br />

migratory species are considered the key sensitive receptors to any effects<br />

that may manifest. The majority of the elasmobranch species occurring in<br />

the UK are benthic species inhabiting shallow sandy areas. Concern over<br />

potential interactions between wind farm cables and elasmobranchs has<br />

been raised (Gill, 2005; Gill et al., 2005; Sutherland et al., 2008).<br />

13.7.13 Migratory species, such as salmonids or anguillid eels, are also known to be<br />

sensitive to EMF, especially at specific stages of their life cycle, principally<br />

during migration. Some fish species that are regarded as EMF sensitive do<br />

not possess specialised receptors, but apparently are able to detect induced<br />

voltage gradients associated with water movement or geomagnetic<br />

emissions (Gill & Bartlett, 2010) (see Table 13.14). The physiology of these<br />

sensory mechanisms for the detection of EMF is poorly understood, and is<br />

likely to vary on a species by species basis (Pals et al., 1982 as cited in Gill &<br />

Bartlett, 2010). It is likely that the species listed in Table 13.14 will respond<br />

to EMF that are associated with peak tidal movements, which can create<br />

fields in the range of 8-25 μv m-1 (Barber & Longuet-Higgins, 1948; Pals et<br />

al., 1982 as cited in Gill & Bartlett, 2010).<br />

13.7.14 The effects of B and iE fields on fish species depends on their physiology.<br />

Many species are sensitive to bioelectric fields or use magnetic fields to aid<br />

migration.<br />

13.7.15 Migratory species, which are known to undertake long distance migrations,<br />

such as the European eel and some salmonids, are known to have magnetic<br />

material in various part of their body which is of the right properties to<br />

facilitate magnetic detection. Telemetry studies of migratory patterns of<br />

European eel in the vicinity of a WTG in the Southern Baltic by Westerberg<br />

(as cited in Öhman et al., 2007) did not show any altered migratory<br />

behaviour, at least not 500m beyond the WTG. Catch statistics at eel pound<br />

nets in the area did, however, indicate an effect of whether the WTG was on<br />

or off. If this should be attributed to the effect of acoustic or electromagnetic<br />

disturbances was unclear. An unpublished study on migrating silver eels<br />

across a 130kV AC cable in Sweden by Westerberg and Lagenfelt (as cited<br />

in Öhman et al., 2007) found swimming speeds to be significantly lower in<br />

proximity to the cable with, on average, a 30 minute delay in migration.<br />

13.7.16 Potential prey species such as brown shrimp Crangon crangon have also<br />

been recorded as being attracted to the B fields of the magnitude expected<br />

around wind farms (ICES 2003).<br />

13.7.17 Elasmobranchs have been shown to respond equally to natural and artificial<br />

E field upon first encounter, raising concerns that predators such as<br />

elasmobranchs may waste time and energy “hunting” E fields associated with<br />

cabling whilst searching for bioelectric fields associated with their prey<br />

(Kimber, 2008). Such effects could ultimately reduce reproductive success<br />

and have wider population effects (Kimber, 2008). Elasmobranchs are<br />

known to respond to magnetic fields (25-100 μTesla; Meyer et al., 2004) and<br />

are thought to use the Earth’s magnetic field (approximately 50 μTesla) for<br />

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migration. They also respond behaviourally to electric fields emitted by prey<br />

species and conspecifics. Further studies of ray egg cases have also<br />

demonstrated that embryonic thornback rays cease body movement that<br />

facilitates critical ventilatory movement of water upon sensing artificial E<br />

fields. This suggested the rays were employing detection minimisation<br />

behaviour as the E fields were similar to those of predatory animals (small,<br />

adult elasmobranchs and teleosts (Ball, 2007).<br />

Table 13.14 Evidence based list of electromagnetic sensitive teleost fish species and<br />

their conservation status (according to the IUCN Red list) in UK coastal<br />

waters. Superscript numbers show reference sources. E field = Electric<br />

Field; B field = Magnetic field<br />

Species<br />

European eel<br />

Anguilla anguilla<br />

Atlantic salmon<br />

Salmo salar<br />

Sea trout<br />

Salmo trutta<br />

European plaice<br />

Pleuronectes platessa<br />

Yellowfin tuna<br />

Thunnus albacares<br />

European river lamprey<br />

Lampetra fluviatilis<br />

Sea lamprey<br />

Petromyzon marinus<br />

Conservation<br />

status<br />

Critically<br />

Endangered<br />

Least<br />

Concern<br />

Least<br />

Concern<br />

Frequency<br />

in UK<br />

Waters<br />

Evidence of<br />

response to<br />

E fields<br />

Evidence of<br />

response to<br />

B fields<br />

Common ✓1,2x ✓3,4<br />

Common ✓5,6x ✓5,6<br />

Occasional ✓7<br />

Vulnerable Common ✓8, ✓8<br />

Least<br />

Concern<br />

Near<br />

Threatened<br />

Least<br />

Concern<br />

Occasional ✓9-12<br />

Common ✓13,14<br />

Occasional ✓5-17<br />

1 Berge (1979); 2 Vriens & Bretschneider (1979); 3 Enger et al. (1976); 4 Westerberg<br />

(1999); 5 Moore et al. (1990); 6 Rommel & McCleave (1973); 7 Formicki et al. (2004) –<br />

juvenile fish; 8 Metcalfe et al. (1993); 9 Kobayashi & Kirschvink (1995); 10 Walker et al.<br />

(1984); 11 Walker (1984); 12 Yano et al. (1997); 13 Gill et al. (2005); 14 Akeov & Muraveiko<br />

(1984); 14 Bodznick & Northcutt (1981); 15 Bodznick & Preston (1983); 16 Bowen et al.<br />

(2003); 17 Chung-Davidson et al. (2004)<br />

Source: Gill & Bartlett, 2010<br />

13.7.18 EMF modelling of cables at a series of wind farms (Gill et al., 2005) also<br />

demonstrated that there was a linear relationship between current load and<br />

resultant B and iE fields, with both fields directly proportional to current load<br />

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such that halving the current halved the resultant fields i.e. when the wind<br />

farm is operating below maximum capacity (i.e. at average wind speeds) the<br />

resultant B and iE fields will be less. Electromagnetic fields are proportional<br />

to current and, as a result, high cable operating voltages will reduce the<br />

potential impact. Increasing the voltage from 33kV to 132kV consequently<br />

reduces the induced E-fields by a factor of four (CMACS, 2003).<br />

13.7.19 The conclusions from the most recent COWRIE mesocosm studies into EMF<br />

effects provided evidence of responses to the presence of EMF of the type<br />

and intensity associated with subsea cables. However, the responses<br />

observed were not predictable and appeared to be species specific and<br />

perhaps individual specific and, as such, there was no evidence to suggest<br />

any positive or negative effect on elasmobranchs of the EMF encountered<br />

(Gill et al., 2009).<br />

13.7.20 Based on the information available, it is clear that fish species may respond<br />

to EMF. However, the magnitude and extent of the B and iE fields are<br />

anticipated be localised. Furthermore, while the duration of the effect would<br />

occur for the lifetime of the project, the intensity of EMF varies depending on<br />

the operating capacity of the wind farm. The overall magnitude is therefore<br />

considered to be low. Sensitive species would, therefore, not always be<br />

exposed to the highest levels of EMF as these may fluctuate depending on<br />

wind conditions. However, given the sensitivity of elasmobranchs and<br />

migratory species to detecting EMF and the uncertainty associated with the<br />

behavioural response to EMF the precautionary assessment of receptor<br />

sensitivity is high.<br />

13.7.21 Given the low magnitude of the effect combined with the high sensitivity of<br />

the receptor the overall impact of EMF on sensitive species would be of<br />

minor adverse significance.<br />

Mitigation and residual impact<br />

13.7.22 In order to reduce the likelihood for cable burial not being sufficient a<br />

dedicated cable burial protection plan will be developed once the final route<br />

has been established and site (geophysical and geotechnical) surveys<br />

undertaken (this will not prevent suboptimal burial but can aid in establishing<br />

further options if a scenario of insufficient burial presents itself). This cable<br />

burial protection plan will be informed by a Burial Protection Index (BPI),<br />

which will assess the risks (physical, human and environmental) along the<br />

route and set out target burial depths in accordance with the associated risks.<br />

Whilst this mitigation will serve to lower the potential for extensive areas of<br />

shallow buried cable, it will not remove the potential for some limited extents<br />

to remain below desired depths (1.5m in line with EN-3 recommendations).<br />

Consequently, magnitude remains low and the impact of minor adverse<br />

significance.<br />

Aggregation effects<br />

13.7.23 The concrete and steel wind farm structures are likely to become colonised<br />

by a range of benthic invertebrate species (see Chapter 12) and this<br />

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increase in the overall diversity and productivity of the local seabed<br />

communities as well as providing shelter against strong currents and<br />

predators which in turn could lead to an aggregation of fish species. This will<br />

increase the number of mobile fauna concentration, such as fish, near the<br />

artificial reefs (Hammar et al., 2010).<br />

13.7.24 In a perspective of preservation of the natural existing environment, fouling<br />

and reef-effects may be considered as negative environmental impacts in<br />

areas without the presence of, or proximity to natural hard bottom (because<br />

of the risk of introduction of alien species which can change the ecological<br />

conditions) (Hammar et al., 2010). The worst case is considered to be the<br />

scenario which would result in the maximum potential for change.<br />

13.7.25 Regarding the reef-effect, the complex structure of a jacket space frame<br />

foundation is expected to generate habitats for more species (e.g. fish) than<br />

a more homogenous model of foundation like monopile (Hammar et al.,<br />

2010). Space frame WTGS are therefore considered as the worst case.<br />

Abundant reef-effects have been observed on oil platforms around the world<br />

and the structures of these are similar to jacket foundations. Furthermore,<br />

more deep living species might exploit the food availability and the various<br />

habitats of the artificial reef of jacket foundation since they are planned to be<br />

placed at greater depths (Hammar et al., 2010).<br />

13.7.26 Investigations of fish abundance at wind farms using underwater visual<br />

census techniques, carried out by Wilhelmsson et al., (2006) found that while<br />

total fish abundance was greater next to foundations for some species there<br />

were no increases in species richness. Results from this study suggest that<br />

offshore wind farms may function as combined artificial reefs and fish<br />

aggregation devices for small demersal fish.<br />

13.7.27 As discussed in Chapter 12, in relation to changes in benthos there is clearly<br />

potential to increase habitat complexity and improve productivity and studies<br />

such as those by Wilhelmsson et al., (2006) have shown changes in fish<br />

assemblages. However, given the localised nature of these changes and<br />

given the distances between the GWF structures, these potential aggregating<br />

effects are not anticipated to result in notable wide scale changes in fish<br />

communities or abundances. Given that fish and crustacean species will be<br />

protected from activities such as fishing as a result of safety zones around<br />

WTGs (which will be applied for post consent) the overall impact is<br />

considered to be of negligible beneficial significance.<br />

Indirect impact of loss of prey resource and habitat from changes in<br />

current regime<br />

13.7.28 The effects of the operational phase of the proposed GWF on the<br />

hydrodynamic and consequently sediment regime are assessed in Chapter 9<br />

and in more detail in Technical Appendix 9.Aiii. The subsequent indirect<br />

impacts on subtidal ecology are assessed in Chapter 12 which are limited to<br />

sediment scour within close proximity to a small percentage of the<br />

foundations. This scouring could have a direct and localised impact on the<br />

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fauna within the footprint of the scour which may have indirect implication on<br />

fish and crustacean as a result of loss of benthic prey resource.<br />

13.7.29 The assessment on subtidal ecology concluded that the potential effects<br />

upon suspended sediment concentrations and benthic ecology would be<br />

minimal given the small area affected and anticipated that as a worst case<br />

the impact would be of negligible. Based on this assessment it is also<br />

anticipated that the indirect impacts on fish as a result of this loss of prey<br />

resource would be of negligible adverse significance.<br />

13.8 Potential Impacts during Decommissioning<br />

13.8.1 As stated in Table 13.9, the final decommissioning <strong>proposal</strong>s will be<br />

established prior to construction in agreement with the MMO and relevant<br />

SNCAs and stakeholders. Options at the end of the operational lifetime of<br />

GWF include removal of all infrastructure, leaving cables in situ but removal<br />

of all foundation structures and scour protection (or repowering which would<br />

be considered under a separate consenting process). As a precautionary<br />

worst case scenario for the purposes of this assessment it is assumed that all<br />

GWF infrastructure will be removed as this would lead to the highest number<br />

of boat movements, duration of activity, noise and disturbance to the seabed.<br />

Loss of habitat<br />

13.8.2 It has been assumed that decommissioning will include the removal of all<br />

offshore structures, GBS foundations will be fully removed and piled<br />

foundations will be cut off at or just below the seabed. The removal of this<br />

infrastructure will necessitate the use of a heavy lift vessel. It is expected<br />

that burial depth will be an important factor in helping to determine the<br />

appropriate course of action for removal of cables and will therefore be<br />

closely monitored throughout the project life-cycle. A typical cable removal<br />

programme will include the following<br />

� Identify the location where cable removal is required;<br />

� Removal of cables, feasible methods include:<br />

o Pulling the cable out of seabed using a grapnel;<br />

o Pulling an under-runner using a steel cable to push the<br />

electrical cable from the seabed; or<br />

o Jetting the seabed material.<br />

� Transport cables to an onshore site where they will be processed for<br />

reuse/recycling/disposal.<br />

13.8.3 Impacts will be similar to those described for the construction phase (physical<br />

disturbance, smothering and re-mobilisation of contaminants), although these<br />

are likely to be lower in magnitude. The main impact associated with piling<br />

during the construction would not occur during the decommissioning phase.<br />

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13.8.4 As discussed for operation the presence of WTGs will increase habitat<br />

heterogeneity and has the potential to aggregate fish species by providing<br />

shelter and food (see below). The removal of these structures during<br />

decommissioning would result in loss of habitat for certain fish and<br />

crustacean species. The disturbance impact associated with the<br />

decommissioning are assessed as being of negligible significance based on<br />

the low sensitivity of the species and magnitude of the impact.<br />

13.8.5 Over time the original habitats lost in the footprint of the infrastructure will<br />

redevelop. Overall, the long term effect of this would be to return the area to<br />

its former state in terms of fish community assemblages and the impact<br />

would be neutral with no impact on the long term.<br />

Loss of prey resource<br />

13.8.6 As discussed in Chapter 12, during operation the WTGs would become<br />

colonised by a wide range of benthic species which in turn would provide a<br />

food resource for other species. While there would be a loss of prey<br />

resource (and habitat) over the short term this impact would be neutral with<br />

no impact over the long term as the fish and crustacean community<br />

composition would return to their former state.<br />

13.9 Inter-relationships<br />

13.9.1 The inter-relationships between the fish and shellfish resource and other<br />

physical, environmental and human parameters are inherently considered<br />

throughout the assessment of impacts (Sections 13.6 and 13.7) as a result<br />

of the receptor lead approach to the assessment. For example, the<br />

availability of fish and shellfish resources has the potential to be influenced<br />

by changes in water quality, suspended sediments and benthic communities<br />

as a result of the effects of the proposed development. The potential impacts<br />

as a result of this indirect effect have been discussed within this chapter<br />

based on the findings of the assessments made in Chapter 10 Marine Water<br />

and Sediment Quality and Chapter 12 Marine and Intertidal Ecology.<br />

13.9.2 Similarly any impact on fish and shellfish resources from the proposed<br />

development has the potential to impact on a number of other receptors,<br />

such as commercial fisheries, marine mammals and ornithology. The<br />

information provided in this Chapter is used in turn by these relevant receptor<br />

lead Chapters to establish the potential for and significance of inter-related<br />

impacts.<br />

13.9.3 Table 13.15 summarises those inter-relationships that are considered of<br />

relevance to natural fish and shellfish resources and, identifies where within<br />

the ES these relationships have been considered.<br />

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Table 13.15 Fish and shellfish resource inter-relationships<br />

Inter-relationship Section where addressed Linked Chapter<br />

Construction<br />

Indirect impacts due to the<br />

loss of habitat and benthic<br />

prey resource during<br />

construction<br />

Indirect impacts to fish and<br />

crustacean from physical<br />

disturbance to intertidal and<br />

subtidal habitats<br />

Indirect impacts from loss of<br />

fish as a prey resource<br />

Impact on fish resource from<br />

changes in water quality<br />

Operation<br />

Influence of increased<br />

habitat complexity and<br />

benthos on fish aggregation<br />

during operation and<br />

protection from fishing effort<br />

due to 50m exclusion zones<br />

around structures<br />

Indirect impact of loss of<br />

prey resource resulting from<br />

changes in current regime<br />

and indirect effects on<br />

subtidal ecology during the<br />

operational phase<br />

Section 13.6 Influencing parameter:<br />

Chapter 12 Marine and<br />

Intertidal Ecology<br />

Section 13.6 Influencing parameter:<br />

Chapter 12 Marine and<br />

Intertidal Ecology<br />

Section 13.6 Affected parameter: Chapter<br />

11 Offshore Ornithology,<br />

Chapter 14 Marine Mammals<br />

and Chapter 15 Commercial<br />

Fisheries<br />

Section 13.6 Influencing parameter:<br />

Chapter 10 Marine Water<br />

and Sediment Quality and<br />

Chapter 9 Physical<br />

Environment<br />

Section 13.7 Influencing parameter:<br />

Chapter 12 Marine and<br />

Intertidal Ecology and<br />

Chapter 15 Commercial<br />

Fisheries<br />

Section 13.7 Influencing parameter:<br />

Chapter 9 Physical<br />

Environment and Chapter<br />

12 Marine and Intertidal<br />

Ecology<br />

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13.9.4 Chapter 29 Assessment of Inter-relationships provides a holistic overview<br />

of all of the inter-related impacts associated with the project.<br />

13.10 Cumulative Impacts<br />

13.10.1 A cumulative impact can only occur where a project aspect is identified as<br />

having an impact on a receptor in isolation.<br />

13.10.2 The main impacts identified during the construction (Section 13.6) operation<br />

(Section 13.7) and decommissioning phases (Section 13.8) of the GWF<br />

project which have the potential to result in cumulative effects are considered<br />

to be the impacts associated with construction noise and in particular piling<br />

activities and also habitat loss which are discussed in Chapter 12.<br />

13.10.3 Cumulative impacts associated with the GWF project could occur on a<br />

number of levels:<br />

� Interactions between different aspects of the GWF project with other<br />

wind farms; and<br />

� Interactions with other activities occurring in the region.<br />

13.10.4 The following paragraphs provide an assessment of the potential for<br />

cumulative impact over these varying levels. The cumulative impact<br />

assessment is based on the impacts identified above and therefore the worst<br />

case scenarios for the GWF project outlined in Table 13.9. The cumulative<br />

modelling with London Array has been carried out on the worst case<br />

assumption of 7m monopile foundations.<br />

GWF and other wind farms<br />

13.10.5 The existing and planned wind farms in the Outer Thames Estuary area<br />

which could contribute to cumulative effects when considered alongside the<br />

GWF are shown in Figure 13.25. Distances presented in Table 13.15 are for<br />

the nearest (minimum) distances and relate to boundary limits rather than<br />

specific features or structures within each site. Table 13.16 also presents<br />

the predicted construction timetables for the sites within the Thames area.<br />

Table 13.16 Distances (km) of Outer Thames wind farm sites from GWF<br />

<strong>Project</strong> Details Status Distance From<br />

<strong>Galloper</strong> Site<br />

(km)<br />

Predicted<br />

Construction<br />

Period<br />

<strong>Galloper</strong> EIA Stage N/A Total maximum<br />

piling duration of<br />

39 months,<br />

notionally<br />

assuming an<br />

earliest Q2 or Q3<br />

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<strong>Project</strong> Details Status Distance From<br />

<strong>Galloper</strong> Site<br />

(km)<br />

Predicted<br />

Construction<br />

Period<br />

2015<br />

commencement<br />

within the 56<br />

month offshore<br />

construction<br />

window<br />

Greater Gabbard In construction 0 2009 - 2012<br />

East Anglia ONE Offshore<br />

<strong>Wind</strong> <strong>Farm</strong><br />

Zonal Assessment<br />

and Scoping for<br />

<strong>Project</strong> ONE<br />

25.2 <strong>Project</strong> ONE to<br />

commence at<br />

earliest in 2015<br />

London Array I In construction 24.3 2011 - 2012<br />

London Array II Consented 15.1 2014 - 2015<br />

Thanet Operational 37 Operational<br />

Gunfleet Sands I Operational 42.6 Operational<br />

Gunfleet Sands II Operational 40 Operational<br />

Gunfleet Sands Extension In planning 46.4 2011 - 2012<br />

Kentish Flats Operational 61.6 Operational<br />

Kentish Flats Extension EIA Stage 61.5 2013 -2014<br />

Source: Construction times supplied via www.4coffshore.com<br />

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Noise impacts<br />

13.10.6 Evidence (Chapter 5 and Sections 13.6 and 13.7) would suggest that the<br />

only possible noise source from offshore wind farms that has the potential to<br />

extend sufficient geographical distance as to overlap with that of another<br />

wind farm project would occur during foundation pile driving activity<br />

associated with the construction phase.<br />

13.10.7 Potential for cumulative underwater noise impacts to affect fish, especially in<br />

relation to spawning activities or spawning grounds, is therefore, dependent<br />

on two or more projects undertaking pile driving simultaneously and/or two or<br />

more projects undertaking pile driving activities over consecutive spawning<br />

periods thereby causing longer term disruption.<br />

13.10.8 While several offshore wind farms are planned for future construction in the<br />

region (Table 13.16), following a review of the anticipated construction<br />

schedules for these projects, only four projects were identified as potentially<br />

coinciding with the GWF project. These are East Anglia ONE (although there<br />

is a significant degree of uncertainty associated with the project timescale),<br />

the Kentish Flats Extension, London Array II (also subject to some<br />

uncertainty) and the Gunfleet Sands Extension. Phase II of the London Array<br />

project is currently thought to have the greatest potential to coincide with the<br />

GWF construction and also have a direct overlap with East Anglia ONE<br />

(although to a lesser extent given the uncertainty regarding construction<br />

programme for the latter). It is worth noting the uncertainty associated with<br />

the construction of London Array Phase II since this can only proceed if<br />

conditions relating to the significant barrier effects on red-throated divers can<br />

be resolved (see Chapter 11).<br />

13.10.9 Two main areas of potential impact have been identified as:<br />

� Those relating to the cumulative noise dose and increased spatial<br />

impact extent of concurrent piling operations at different wind farm<br />

locations; and<br />

� The impact of different projects piling over consecutive years and<br />

causing continued disruption to spawning fish species over<br />

consecutive spawning periods.<br />

13.10.10 The assessment of the cumulative impact of concurrent piling has been<br />

carried out in two ways to give a broader picture of the impacts that may<br />

occur; a behavioural impact assessment for piling at two locations, analysing<br />

where the 90dBht contours overlap, and an assessment based on perceived<br />

noise dose criteria.<br />

13.10.11 Concerns were raised during consultation (see Table 13.1) regarding the<br />

potential cumulative underwater noise impacts associated with the proposed<br />

GWF and East Anglia ONE. At the time of writing no specific project<br />

information was available for East Anglia ONE in terms of foundation types,<br />

pile diameter etc., with which to undertake cumulative noise modelling.<br />

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However, in recognition of potential overlap of construction activity a<br />

discussion of potential impacts has been undertaken. In terms of assessing<br />

the worst case cumulative piling noise impacts, it is worth noting that in the<br />

absence of further information on the construction of the East Anglia ONE<br />

project a broad assumption of similar foundation types (to that considered for<br />

GWF) has been made in order to allow for a qualitative assessment to be<br />

made albeit with inherent uncertainties acknowledged.<br />

13.10.12 The cumulative contour plots for herring, cod and dab are shown in Figure<br />

13.29 to 13.31.<br />

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13.10.13 The data for Phase II of the London Array project and proposed GWF project<br />

indicate that for all the species considered, with the exception of dab (sole),<br />

there could be a degree of overlap and, therefore, pile driving at these two<br />

locations could be considered to have a net cumulative impact in terms of the<br />

total area in which animals may be exposed to aversive levels of underwater<br />

noise.<br />

13.10.14 In summary, under some circumstances the areas around two simultaneous<br />

pile driving operations at different sites may converge. In this case, the<br />

excluded area may increase over that for one pile driving operation, and its<br />

ability to block movement may increase accordingly (Subacoustech, 2011).<br />

13.10.15 While the worst case scenario for piling driving at GWF is four hours per<br />

monopile, it should be noted, however, that pile driving is intermittent and<br />

based on monitoring at GGOWF is more likely to take between one to two<br />

hours to install. As such the possibility of a temporal overlap occurring<br />

between piling at the two sites is likely to be small.<br />

13.10.16 The cumulative noise assessment (Subacoustech, 2011) has also included<br />

received Noise Dose and SEL methodologies (these methodologies are<br />

outlined in more detail within Chapter 5) to assess the auditory injury zone in<br />

the vicinity of an impact piling operation. This study used the approach that<br />

the degree of hearing damage depends upon both the received level of<br />

noise, and the time of exposure to it.<br />

13.10.17 The results indicated that, for herring, the critical range between monopiles at<br />

which point the cumulative noise dose increases above 90dBht LEP,D is 7km<br />

and, in the case of dab, it is 50m. In the case of these species, therefore, the<br />

data indicate that if two monopiles were being installed at locations closer<br />

than the above ranges, individuals may not be able to swim out of the<br />

auditory injury zone before receiving a noise dose that is likely to cause<br />

hearing impairment. The closest locations for two piles at the London Array<br />

site and the proposed GWF site are approximately 14km apart. Similarly, the<br />

distance to East Anglia ONE is over 25km.<br />

13.10.18 The predicted impact ranges for the assessment were similar to those<br />

predicted for the 130dBht perceived level at which traumatic hearing damage<br />

from a single pile driving event would be expected, therefore, indicating that<br />

any possibility of hearing damage would most likely be as a result of<br />

underwater noise from the nearest pile to the animal rather than a cumulative<br />

effect. These data therefore suggest that the cumulative noise dose from<br />

impact pile driving operations at the London Array, and GWF is unlikely to<br />

increase the likelihood of auditory injury. This would also indicate that based<br />

on similar foundation types and given the distance to East Anglia ONE<br />

location (>25km) cumulative noise dose impacts increasing auditory injury<br />

are unlikely to occur.<br />

13.10.19 If the pile driving activities were carried out at two wind farm sites<br />

concurrently, the overall area of impact and extent of behavioural effects and<br />

potential temporary displacement of fish species would be increased.<br />

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Depending on the spatial coverage of the impact this could increase the<br />

magnitude of any impact. As discussed previously, areas indicated as<br />

spawning grounds by Coull et al., and Pawson for species such as herring<br />

and sole are in close proximity to the proposed GWF. However, since the<br />

noise effects ranges/footprints are only marginally greater than for GWF in<br />

isolation and more importantly spatially separate from the main herring<br />

grounds (and to some extent the highest intensity sole grounds), the effects<br />

would be no more significant than for GWF alone. Furthermore, London<br />

Array also has a piling restriction in place which would preclude the potential<br />

for cumulative impacts on the sole spawning grounds. As such the impact is<br />

assessed as minor adverse.<br />

13.10.20 While pile driving operations disrupting a single species spawning season<br />

may not necessarily have potential long term or wider scale population<br />

effects, if consecutive wind farm projects continually disrupt spawning<br />

behaviour for key spawning sites over consecutive years reduced spawning<br />

success and subsequent population recruitment could occur.<br />

13.10.21 The current level of information and certainty on construction timescales and<br />

in particular piling programmes for other wind farm projects is limited at<br />

present and only indicative timescale are known at this time (see Table<br />

13.16). These current timescales suggest that piling activities could occur<br />

during 2011 and 2012 for the Gunfleet Sands Extension and London Array<br />

Phase I, 2013 and 2014 for the Kentish Flats Extension and London Array<br />

Phase II, 2015 to 2019 for GWF and from 2015 onwards for East Anglia<br />

ONE. To put these into perspective it is worth noting that the Gunfleet Sands<br />

Extension consists of only 2 WTGs, the Kentish Flats Extension between 10<br />

and 17 WTGs and the London Array construction are subject to a sole<br />

spawning restriction. The Kentish Flats and Gunfleet Sands Extensions<br />

would not overlap spatially with the Downs herring spawning grounds and in<br />

terms of sole given the small number of turbines the actual piling duration<br />

would be very short and in order to have any significant impact on sole and<br />

would need to coincide with their spawning periods.<br />

13.10.22 The London Array II project, GWF and East Anglia ONE could potentially<br />

have consecutive impacts on the Downs herring spawning stocks from 2014<br />

to 2016. As discussed previously, the main Downs herring spawning<br />

grounds are those located in the eastern English Channel. These would not<br />

be impacted by the consecutive piling events. The sensitivity of spawning<br />

herring to noise impacts is considered to be high. As for the arguments<br />

discussed in Section 13.6 above, the magnitude would remain negligible as<br />

this is based on the impact not extending to the Downs spawning grounds in<br />

the eastern English Channel. While the duration of the impact would extend<br />

from one year to potentially three, this increase in duration is not significant<br />

enough to warrant increasing the overall magnitude. Furthermore, the<br />

likelihood of consecutive piling disruption over the Downs herring spawning<br />

season (November to January) is considered to be low based on the<br />

potential restrictions cause by weather windows, variations in construction<br />

programs etc. The overall impact significance of consecutive piling is<br />

therefore minor adverse.<br />

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13.10.23 Based on the discussion above relating to the small number of piles and<br />

restrictions associated with the London Array it is considered that potential<br />

consecutive impacts to the inshore Thames sole spawning grounds over the<br />

period 2011 to 2016 would not occur. Greater Gabbard OWF also undertook<br />

piling in 2009/2010; however, this project was subject to spawning<br />

restrictions which avoided the sole spawning period.<br />

13.10.24 Sole are considered to be relatively insensitive to noise and while their<br />

overall sensitivity has been assessed as medium (see Section 13.6) the<br />

actual extent of behavioural impacts are generally localised (see Figure<br />

13.31). The potential for the different wind farm projects to continually disrupt<br />

the same spawning areas is therefore unlikely, especially given the size of<br />

the sole spawning area available in the Thames Estuary and license<br />

conditions associated with some of the other inshore developments<br />

precluding piling during the sole spawning season. While the duration would<br />

extend slightly from that discussed in Section 13.6 it is considered that the<br />

magnitude of the impact would remain low based on the limited spatial<br />

overlap. The significance of the impact is therefore assessed as minor<br />

adverse.<br />

Mitigation and residual impact<br />

13.10.25 Based on the piling noise and cumulative piling noise discussions above it is<br />

considered that there is no significant risk of likely cumulative effect on the<br />

herring or sole spawning grounds as a result of the proposed GWF project.<br />

13.10.26 Further discussions are ongoing with the regulators to establish the actions<br />

that are required in order to bring any necessary restrictions in line with the<br />

anticipated impacts associated with the proposed GWF development.<br />

13.10.27 As discussed previously mitigation in the form of soft start piling will be<br />

incorporated into construction procedures. However, while such measures<br />

would reduce the impacts associated with lethal and physical injury, once<br />

piling reaches full blow force the behavioural impact ranges would remain<br />

unchanged compared to the pre soft start predictions. Despite the lack of<br />

significant impact predicted on herring or sole spawning grounds, further<br />

precautionary mitigation is applied through the commitment to restrict piling<br />

activity to a maximum overlap of two spawning seasons for each of the two<br />

(herring and sole) species over the 56 month construction window. This<br />

effectively imposes a piling restriction for two of the four potential seasons<br />

that occur within such a window (based on a total maximum piling duration of<br />

39 months, notionally assuming an earliest Q2 or Q3 2015 commencement<br />

within the 56 month offshore construction window).<br />

13.10.28 Given the above mitigation it is considered that likelihood for significant<br />

potential cumulative impact is low and consequently the impact assessed of<br />

negligible significance.<br />

13.10.29 It is anticipated that should the construction programme slip beyond 2019 the<br />

same spawning overlap principles discussed above would apply with no<br />

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piling occurring during key spawning periods assuming that two overlaps had<br />

already occurred.<br />

EMF impacts<br />

13.10.30 During consultation the EIFCA raised concerns about the potential<br />

cumulative EMF effects associated with the crossing point of the GWF and<br />

East Anglia ONE export cables (See Figure 30.1). Given that the extent of<br />

any EMF effects will be very localised it is not anticipated that a single<br />

crossing point will have any significantly wider cumulative impacts and would<br />

not impact wider species populations. Given the effects would be associated<br />

with a single crossing point and therefore localised the impact magnitude is<br />

assessed as negligible. As for EMF effects discussed above the receptor<br />

sensitivity is considered to be high and the overall impact significance is<br />

assessed as minor adverse.<br />

GWF and other activities<br />

13.10.31 There are limited additional human activities occurring within the vicinity of<br />

the GWF project site, with the exception of aggregate extraction, which is<br />

discussed in more detail in Chapter 18 Other Human Activity and<br />

commercial fishing activities (Chapter 15).<br />

13.10.32 As in Section 13.6, the construction related impacts at GWF have the<br />

potential to affect the Downs herring spawning grounds. The Downs herring<br />

spawning grounds extend into the East English Channel; an area subject to<br />

extensive aggregate dredging operations. A series of assessments on the<br />

effects of aggregates dredging on the East Channel spawning grounds have<br />

been undertaken behalf of the East Channel Association (RPS, 2011).<br />

13.10.33 The study concluded that the proportion of the total herring spawning habitat<br />

within the East English Channel potentially impacted by aggregate extraction<br />

was extremely small, with less than one third of a percent of the potential<br />

herring spawning habitat in the East English Channel impacted, either<br />

directly or indirectly (RPS, 2011). The data also indicated that the spawning<br />

activity within the area has not been noticeably reduced since the<br />

commencement of dredging. In addition the direct impacts to herring<br />

spawning are limited at some licensed areas by restrictions to dredging<br />

during the herring spawning season of November to February. Furthermore,<br />

the areas of very high spawning potential are located to the south of the<br />

aggregates extraction sites which are not anticipated to be impacted either<br />

directly or indirectly by aggregates extraction activities (RPS, 2011). Given<br />

the present level of information available on the impacts associated with<br />

GWF there is not anticipated to be any significant cumulative impact to the<br />

Downs herring spawning grounds.<br />

13.10.34 Sizewell nuclear facility has a number of existing marine components<br />

(namely the intake and outlet cooling water pipes). Intake structures of<br />

power stations are known to entrain and kill fish species (Turnpenny &<br />

Taylor, 2000). Although the Sizewell project is listed with the IPC, there has<br />

been no scoping exercise undertaken and no details of the construction<br />

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programme are available. A formal application to the IPC is not expected<br />

until 2012 at the earliest, with construction unlikely to be possible until 2015.<br />

It is anticipated that similar marine intake structures would be constructed to<br />

replace the existing intakes. It is anticipated that, as for other new build<br />

power station projects, the regulators would require stringent screening and<br />

fish impingement and entrainment mitigation devices to be employed<br />

including the use of acoustic deterrents and fish return systems in<br />

accordance with the best available techniques. This would ensure that the<br />

new intakes would entrain significantly less fish species and have higher<br />

survival rates than the current existing structures. Based on the localised<br />

and inshore nature of any impacts and mitigation associated with these<br />

structures, there is not anticipated to be any significant cumulative interaction<br />

with the GWF activities.<br />

13.11 Transboundary Effects<br />

13.11.1 This Chapter has considered the potential for transboundary effects to occur<br />

on marine water and sediment quality as a result of the construction,<br />

operation or decommissioning of the proposed GWF project. In all cases it is<br />

concluded that the potential impacts arising, by virtue of the predicted spatial<br />

and temporal magnitude of the effects, would not give rise to significant<br />

transboundary effects on the environment of another European Economic<br />

Area (EEA) member state. A summary of the likely transboundary effects of<br />

the proposed GWF are summarised in Chapter 31 Transboundary Effects.<br />

13.12 Monitoring<br />

13.12.1 NPS EN-3 states that ecological monitoring may be appropriate in order to<br />

identify the actual impacts so that where appropriate adverse effects can be<br />

mitigated. GWFL propose to undertake underwater noise monitoring during<br />

the installation of the largest four WTGs in order to verify the noise modelling<br />

carried out by Subacoustech (see Technical appendix 13.B). While the<br />

present evidence clearly shows that the mains Downs spawning ground is<br />

currently located in the East English Chanel, GWFL recognise that, while it is<br />

considered unlikely based on the trends since the 1970’s the recolonisation<br />

of the Southern Bight spawning grounds could occur prior to piling works<br />

commencing. Prior to, and during the period of construction GWFL will<br />

undertake (subject to agreement with the regulators) a yearly analysis of the<br />

IHLS herring larval data in order to assess the state of spawning on the<br />

Downs herring spawning grounds. If evidence of recolonisation was found<br />

(within the relevant timeframe), GWFL would consult with the regulators in<br />

order to ensure appropriate mitigation measures were put in place, this might<br />

include piling restrictions if deemed necessary.<br />

13.12.2 During Section 42 consultation the Eastern Inshore Fisheries and<br />

Conservation Authority (EIFCA) suggested that monitoring should be carried<br />

out to establish the impact of EMF (Table 13.1). Based on the current<br />

knowledge no specific monitoring programme is proposed for GWF.<br />

However, the FEPA licence condition for GGOWF relating to EMF states that<br />

the Licence Holder must provide information on the attenuation of field<br />

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strengths associated with cables, shielding and burial depth and relate these<br />

to the outputs from COWRIE sponsored studies. If this shows the field<br />

strengths are sufficient to have potentially detrimental effect further biological<br />

monitoring and mitigation may be required to further investigate the effect.<br />

Given the adjacent location of the proposed GWF export cable corridor and<br />

analogous cable specifications (between the two projects), the results from<br />

the GGOWF will be directly applicable to GWF, providing further information<br />

on EMF to help inform the industry and also establish if further monitoring is<br />

required for GWF.<br />

13.12.3 The requirement for, and detail of, any further pre and post construction<br />

monitoring at GWF will be established through consultation with the MMO<br />

and Cefas at least four months prior to any (pre-construction) works<br />

commencing.<br />

13.13 Summary<br />

13.13.1 This Chapter of the ES has provided a characterisation of the existing fish<br />

and shellfish resource based on both existing and site specific survey data,<br />

which has established that communities present are indicative of the region<br />

and occur over broad extents throughout the Outer Thames Estuary and<br />

southern North Sea.<br />

13.13.2 Table 13.17 provides a summary of the predicted impact on marine and<br />

intertidal ecology. The impacts represent the maximum potential adverse<br />

impact as a result of having assessed the worst case (development) scenario<br />

for each receptor. Therefore, the predictions made would not be worse<br />

(more adverse) should any other development scenario (in line with those<br />

provided in Chapter 5), to that assessed within this Chapter, be taken<br />

forward in the final scheme design.<br />

Table 13.17 Summary of impacts<br />

Description of<br />

Impact<br />

Construction Phase<br />

Noise and<br />

vibrations - Lethal,<br />

physical and<br />

traumatic auditory<br />

injury effects<br />

Noise and<br />

vibrations –<br />

behavioural<br />

responses<br />

Impact<br />

significance<br />

Minor<br />

adverse -<br />

negligible<br />

Minor<br />

adverse -<br />

negligible<br />

Mitigation Measures Residual Impact<br />

Soft start piling<br />

Piling activity will be restricted to<br />

a maximum overlap of two<br />

spawning seasons for herring<br />

and sole species over the 56<br />

month construction window.<br />

Minor adverse -<br />

negligible<br />

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Description of<br />

Impact<br />

Physical<br />

disturbance of<br />

intertidal and<br />

subtidal habitats<br />

Indirect loss of fish<br />

as a prey resource<br />

Suspended<br />

sediment<br />

concentrations<br />

Re-mobilisation of<br />

contaminated<br />

sediments<br />

Impacts due to loss<br />

of habitat and<br />

benthic prey<br />

resource<br />

Operation Phase<br />

Operational noise<br />

and vibration<br />

Impact<br />

significance<br />

Mitigation Measures Residual Impact<br />

Negligible N/A N/A<br />

Negligible N/A N/A<br />

Negligible N/A N/A<br />

Negligible N/A N/A<br />

Negligible N/A N/A<br />

Negligible<br />

EMF Minor<br />

adverse<br />

Aggregation effects Negligible<br />

beneficial<br />

Indirect impact of<br />

loss of prey<br />

resource and<br />

habitat from<br />

changes in current<br />

regime<br />

Decommissioning<br />

N/A N/A<br />

Best practice measures<br />

including burial to a<br />

representative average<br />

minimum burial depth of 0.6m.<br />

N/A N/A<br />

Negligible N/A N/A<br />

Loss of habitat Negligible – N/A N/A<br />

Minor adverse<br />

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Description of<br />

Impact<br />

Loss of prey<br />

resource<br />

Impact<br />

significance<br />

no impact<br />

Mitigation Measures Residual Impact<br />

No impact N/A N/A<br />

13.13.3 Concurrent and consecutive pile driving between GWF and other wind farm<br />

are not anticipated to have any cumulative noise impacts on sole and the<br />

Downs herring spawning grounds as there is limited scope for continued<br />

disturbance over consecutive years given the sole spawning restrictions<br />

already in place for London Array and GGOWF and the limited impacts<br />

associated with the installation of the Gunfleet Sands and Kentish Flats<br />

Extension projects. Consequently no significant cumulative impacts are<br />

predicted.<br />

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Final Report Chapter 13 - Page 136 October 2011

13.14 References<br />

Andersson, M. H. (2011). Offshore wind farms – ecological effects of noise<br />

and habitat alteration on fish. Doctoral dissertation 2011. Department of<br />

Zoology, Stockholm University.<br />

Andriguetto-Filhoa, J.M., Ostrenskya, A., Pieb, M.R., Silvac, U.A. & Boegerb,<br />

W.A. (2005). Evaluating the impact of seismic prospecting on artisanal<br />

shrimp fisheries. Continental Shelf Research. 25: 1720–1727<br />

Atema, J. (1986). Review of sexual selection and chemical communication in<br />

the lobster Homarus americanus. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic<br />

Science, 43: 2283-2390.<br />

Ball, R.E. (2007). Electroreception in embryos of the thornback ray, Raja<br />

clavata. Unpublished MSc thesis. Department of Natural Resources,<br />

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