Galloper Wind Farm Project - Galloper Wind Farm proposal

Galloper Wind Farm Project - Galloper Wind Farm proposal

Galloper Wind Farm Project - Galloper Wind Farm proposal


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<strong>Galloper</strong> <strong>Wind</strong> <strong>Farm</strong> <strong>Project</strong><br />

Preliminary Environmental Report - Chapter 13: Marine and<br />

Intertidal Ecology

Document title <strong>Galloper</strong> <strong>Wind</strong> <strong>Farm</strong> <strong>Project</strong><br />

Preliminary Environmental Report - Chapter<br />

13: Marine and Intertidal Ecology<br />

Document short title <strong>Galloper</strong> <strong>Wind</strong> <strong>Farm</strong> PER<br />

Status Final Report<br />

Date 3 June 2011<br />

<strong>Project</strong> name <strong>Galloper</strong> <strong>Wind</strong> <strong>Farm</strong> <strong>Project</strong><br />

Client <strong>Galloper</strong> <strong>Wind</strong> <strong>Farm</strong> Limited<br />

Royal Haskoning Reference 9V3083/R01/303972/PBor<br />

Drafted by Peter Gaches, Jon Allen et al.<br />

Checked by Rob Staniland, Peter Thornton<br />

Date/initials check RS PT 30.05.2011<br />

Approved by Dr. Martin Budd (Royal Haskoning)<br />

Date/initials approval MB 30.05.2011<br />

GWFL Approved by Kate Tibble<br />

Date/initials approval KT 1.06.2011<br />

<strong>Galloper</strong> <strong>Wind</strong> <strong>Farm</strong> PER 9V3083/R01/303972/PBor<br />

Final Report - i - 3 June 2011


Page<br />


13.1 Introduction 1<br />

13.2 Guidance and Consultation 1<br />

13.3 Methodology 3<br />

13.4 Existing Environment 11<br />

13.5 Assessment of Impacts - Worst Case Definition 34<br />

13.6 Assessment of Impacts during Construction 37<br />

13.7 Assessment of Impacts during Operation 47<br />

13.8 Impacts during Decommissioning 51<br />

13.9 Inter-relationships 51<br />

13.10 Cumulative Impacts 52<br />

13.11 Outline Monitoring 55<br />

13.12 Summary 56<br />

13.13 References 59<br />

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Final Report - i - 3 June 2011


13.1 Introduction<br />

13.1.1 This Chapter of the Preliminary Environmental Report (PER) describes the<br />

benthic (marine and intertidal) biological resource within the <strong>Galloper</strong> <strong>Wind</strong><br />

<strong>Farm</strong> (GWF) site as well as the wider area of the Outer Thames Estuary and<br />

southern North Sea.<br />

13.1.2 This Chapter serves to characterise the distribution and abundance of<br />

benthic species known to occur within both the study area and across the<br />

wider region through site specific or regional surveys. Subsequent to this, it<br />

then presents the findings of the assessment of potential impacts of the<br />

construction, operation and decommissioning phases of the GWF project and<br />

provides detail on the proposed approach to mitigation of these impacts.<br />

13.1.3 This Chapter covers effects on the habitats below mean high water springs<br />

(MHWS). Effects on terrestrial habitats above MHWS are presented in<br />

Chapter 24 Terrestrial Ecology. Impacts on the fisheries resource are<br />

described separately in Chapter 14 Fish and Shellfish Resource.<br />

13.2 Guidance and Consultation<br />

Policy and guidance<br />

13.2.1 The following paragraphs provide detail from the Revised Draft National<br />

Policy Statement (NPS) for Renewable Energy Infrastructure (EN-3), which<br />

contains specific requirements for assessment of impacts on the subtidal and<br />

intertidal zones. Included within the stated specific requirements are<br />

references to the relevant section of this Chapter, where the concern has<br />

been addressed.<br />

13.2.2 In relation to the intertidal, Section 2.6.81 of NPS EN-3 (Department for<br />

Energy and Climate Change (DECC), 2009) details that where necessary an<br />

assessment of the effects of installing cable across the intertidal zone should<br />

include information about:<br />

� Potential loss of habitat (Section 13.5);<br />

� Disturbance during cable installation and removal (decommissioning)<br />

(Sections 13.5 and 13.7);<br />

� Increased suspended sediment loads in the intertidal zone during<br />

installation (Section 13.5); and<br />

� Reduced rates at which the intertidal zone might recover from<br />

temporary effects (Section 13.5).<br />

13.2.3 Section 2.6.113 of NPS EN-3 identifies the key considerations with regard to<br />

the subtidal environment and states that where relevant the assessment<br />

should include:<br />

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Final Report Chapter 13 – Page 1 3 June 2011

� Loss of habitat due to foundation type including associated seabed<br />

preparation, predicted scour, scour protection and altered sedimentary<br />

processes (Section 13.5 and 13.6);<br />

� Environmental appraisal of intra-array, inter and intra-array and export<br />

cable routes and installation methods (Section 13.5);<br />

� Habitat disturbance from construction vessels extendible legs and<br />

anchors (Section 13.5);<br />

� Increased suspended sediment loads during construction (Section<br />

13.5); and<br />

� Predicted rates at which the subtidal zone might recover from<br />

temporary effects (Section 13.5).<br />

13.2.4 In addition, this assessment has been undertaken with due consideration of<br />

the following legislation and guidance (and amendments, where appropriate):<br />

� Draft guidelines for data acquisition to support marine environmental<br />

assessments for offshore renewable energy projects (Centre for<br />

Environment Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (Cefas), 2011);<br />

� Guidance on the Assessment of Effects on the Environment and<br />

Cultural Heritage from Marine Renewable Developments (draft).<br />

Produced by: the Marine Management Organisation (MMO), the Joint<br />

Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC), Natural England,<br />

Countryside Council for Wales (CCW) and Cefas, December 2010;<br />

and<br />

� Guidelines for ecological impact assessment in Britain and Ireland.<br />

Marine and Coastal, Final Document (Institute of Ecology and<br />

Environmental Management (IEEM) 2010).<br />

Consultation<br />

13.2.5 The following paragraphs and Table 13.1 provide a summary of the<br />

consultation with regard to marine ecology that has taken place at key<br />

junctures throughout the planning phase of the project. Furthermore, an<br />

indication of where the relevant consultee concern has been addressed<br />

within this Chapter is also provided.<br />

13.2.6 <strong>Galloper</strong> <strong>Wind</strong> <strong>Farm</strong> Limited (GWFL) undertook early consultation with the<br />

JNCC, Natural England, the Marine and Fisheries Agency (MFA) (now the<br />

MMO) and Cefas on the requirement for, and scope of, site specific surveys<br />

to characterise the benthic environment. Furthermore, representatives of<br />

Cefas and JNCC were invited to be present during the data interpretation<br />

phase of the site surveys to ensure the work was carried out in accordance<br />

with the Scope of Works.<br />

13.2.7 Subsequent consultation on the predicted impacts on the marine and<br />

intertidal ecology and approach to their assessment took place through the<br />

formal request for a Scoping Opinion from the Infrastructure Planning<br />

Commission (IPC).<br />

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Table 13.1 Summary of consultation on marine ecology issues<br />

Date Consultee Summary of comment Section where<br />

addressed<br />

July and<br />

August<br />

2009<br />

JNCC/Natural<br />

England/<br />

MFA/Cefas<br />

Aug 2010 JNCC/Natural<br />

England (through<br />

Scoping Opinion)<br />

Aug 2010 JNCC/Natural<br />

England (through<br />

Scoping Opinion)<br />

13.3 Methodology<br />

Confirmed requirement for and<br />

scope of benthic survey<br />

In recognition of presence of<br />

Sabellaria spinulosa, Annex I<br />

surveys will be required prior to<br />

construction<br />

Discussion of potential alteration<br />

of habitat due to compaction of<br />

sediment<br />

Study area<br />

13.3.1 The study area with regard to marine and intertidal ecology encompassed the<br />

GWF site, export cable corridor and surrounding seabed within a single tidal<br />

excursion (i.e. the net horizontal extent of one tidal cycle) (Figure 13.1a and<br />

13.1b). The intertidal study area extended from mean low water springs<br />

(MLWS) to MHWS, for approximately 500m either side of the proposed<br />

landfall at Sizewell (adjacent to Sizewell Hall to the south, and the end of<br />

Sizewell Gap road to the north) (Figure 13.2).<br />

Characterisation of existing environment<br />

13.3.2 There are an extensive number of existing studies that cover the area, which<br />

enable a detailed broadscale characterisation of the benthic resource within<br />

the wider study area. A number of these studies encompass the GWF study<br />

area and therefore augment the level of site specific knowledge. Those<br />

existing studies that are considered of relevance to the GWF project include:<br />

� Environmental Statement’s (ES’s) from other offshore wind farm<br />

developments within the Outer Thames Strategic Area (GE <strong>Wind</strong><br />

Energy, 2002; Greater Gabbard Offshore <strong>Wind</strong>s Limited (GGOWL),<br />

2005; Global Renewable Energy Partners (GREP), 2002; London<br />

Array Ltd (LAL), 2005);<br />

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13.4<br />

13.4<br />

13.5<br />

� A broadscale survey conducted by Cefas as part of national<br />

monitoring programmes (Cefas, 1997);

� Investigative surveys 1 by the conservation agencies (JNCC and<br />

Natural England) as part of the Natura 2000 site selection process;<br />

and<br />

� The Outer Thames Estuary Regional Environmental Characterisation<br />

(Marine Aggregate Levy Sustainability Fund (MALSF), 2009).<br />

13.3.3 These data were used to provide background for the area and support for<br />

site specific survey conducted specifically for the GWF Environmental Impact<br />

Assessment (EIA).<br />

13.3.4 A site specific survey was undertaken for the study area associated with the<br />

GWF site and the export cable corridor. The methodologies for this survey<br />

are summarised in the following paragraphs (a full description will be<br />

provided within the subsequent ES). The survey methodologies were agreed<br />

with the relevant agencies (Cefas, JNCC and Natural England).<br />

13.3.5 No dedicated intertidal survey was undertaken as the area of landfall and<br />

surrounding environs have been surveyed in detail as part of the Greater<br />

Gabbard Offshore <strong>Wind</strong> <strong>Farm</strong> (GGOWF) consent studies and the results are<br />

considered to remain valid. The habitats of the intertidal are predominantly<br />

barren shingle and ephemeral seaweeds (see 13.4.4) and are not considered<br />

sensitive or likely to have changed since the characterisation surveys of<br />

2005. This approach was clearly set out in the Scoping Report (SSER and<br />

RWE NRL, 2010) and received no objection from the consultees.<br />

GWF Survey strategy<br />

13.3.6 The GWF benthic survey campaign was undertaken in accordance with<br />

Cefas guidance (Cefas, 2004). The work comprised the use of a<br />

combination of benthic grab, drop-down camera and epibenthic beam trawl<br />

sampling in order to fully characterise the benthic infaunal and epifaunal<br />

communities.<br />

13.3.7 The grab and camera drop sampling locations were based around a predetermined<br />

grid that was informed by the knowledge gained from existing<br />

studies that covered the GWF study area (namely GGOWL, 2005 and<br />

MALSF, 2009). The survey was designed to generate even coverage of the<br />

seabed across the study area.<br />

13.3.8 In addition to sample stations within the development footprint, near field<br />

comparison sampling stations were positioned outside the development area<br />

and control (reference) stations were located outside a tidal excursion south<br />

of the area and out of the path of tidal flow to the east (offshore). In total 97<br />

grab stations and 98 drop down camera stations were selected for sampling<br />

(see Figures 13.1a and 13.1b).<br />

1 http://www.naturalengland.org.uk/ourwork/marine/sacconsultation/default.aspx<br />

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Final Report Chapter 13 – Page 4 3 June 2011

13.3.9 After the approximate location of each sample station was chosen, these<br />

locations were fine-tuned, as necessary, to ensure representative sampling<br />

of different habitats based on interpretation of the side scan sonar and<br />

multibeam data collected as part of the geophysical survey programme<br />

(Chapter 10 Physical Environment).<br />

13.3.10 The beam trawl surveys were carried out along sample lines perpendicular to<br />

the export cable corridor and were positioned to sample all of the benthic<br />

biotopes identified in the GGOWF EIA (GGOWL, 2005) in the adjacent cable<br />

corridor. Additional reference trawls were located to the north and south of<br />

the cable route (see Figures 13.1a and 13.1b).<br />

13.3.11 In addition, pre construction beam trawl surveys were carried out by Brown<br />

and May in autumn/winter 2008 (Brown and May Marine Ltd, 2009a) and<br />

spring 2009 (Brown and May Marine Ltd, 2009b) in order to characterise the<br />

fisheries resource of GGOWF. The results of these surveys are described in<br />

full in Chapter 14 Fish and Shellfish Resource, but the epifaunal<br />

communities recorded are also described here. Figures 13.1a and 13.1b<br />

indicate the locations of the beam trawl surveys carried out.<br />

13.3.12 With the exception of the Brown and May survey, the surveys were carried<br />

out by CMACS Ltd, supported by Aquatech Ltd and Osiris <strong>Project</strong>s Ltd<br />

survey vessels in the autumn of 2009 from 19th September to 28th October<br />

and in the spring of 2010 from 1st March to 14th March.<br />

Subtidal benthic grab survey<br />

13.3.13 A total of 97 stations were selected for taking single grab samples for benthic<br />

invertebrate infauna and sediment analyses (Figure 13.1a and 13.1b). A<br />

mini Hamon grab (0.1m 2 sample area) was used to sample the seabed; this<br />

was an equivalent design to that used in the original GGOWF EIA, which<br />

therefore ensured continuity between the two projects and enabled<br />

comparison of the datasets. Samples were rejected if they were of less than<br />

5l (or 2.5l over hard-packed sands). Stations were only abandoned after<br />

three successive failures to obtain a sample. Grab samples were<br />

successfully obtained from 90 of the stations. Any stations that were<br />

abandoned were added to the stations to be visited with the drop down<br />

camera.<br />

13.3.14 The drop-down camera system utilised a freshwater housing unit, which<br />

permitted images to be obtained in low visibility/high turbidity environments.<br />

Still images were obtained at all 98 camera stations and at the seven failed<br />

grab stations. In addition, images were taken at four grab stations where<br />

there was considered to be potential for the presence of the Ross worm<br />

Sabellaria spinulosa based on the interpretation of the geophysical survey<br />

data (see Figure 10.1) or knowledge from the previous studies associated<br />

with the GGOWF project. S. spinulosa when occurring in reef form, serves<br />

as an important and sensitive habitat (as discussed in detail in Section 13.4).<br />

Consequently, the survey strategy was carefully adapted in accordance with<br />

guidance (e.g. Gubbay, 2007) and through consultations with the statutory<br />

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nature conservation bodies to ensure that the appropriate techniques were<br />

utilised to ensure adequate characterisation with minimal damage to the<br />

feature.<br />

13.3.15 At stations where S. spinulosa aggregations were recorded, further<br />

photographs were taken between 20m and 40m north, south, east and west<br />

of the original location. If the species was observed in those images, a<br />

further four images were taken between 70m and 100m north, south, east<br />

and west of the original location. The aim was to estimate the spatial extent<br />

of aggregations when present.<br />

Subtidal epibenthic survey<br />

13.3.16 Three epibenthic surveys have been undertaken to characterise the existing<br />

environment; an autumn (October 2008) and spring (April 2009) (as part of<br />

wider surveys to characterise the fish and shellfish resource, see Chapter<br />

14), and by CMACS in the summer of 2009 as part of the benthic sampling<br />

campaign to ensure full coverage of the export cable corridor was achieved.<br />

13.3.17 All surveys were carried out using a standard Cefas-design 2m beam trawl<br />

with a 5mm square mesh cod-end insert and chain matrix between the beam<br />

and foot-rope. Trawling was undertaken for a period of 5 to 10 minutes over<br />

a distance of approximately 300m into the prevailing current with a speed of<br />

approximately 2 knots over the ground, in accordance with Boyd (2002).<br />

13.3.18 A digital photograph was taken of each trawl sample before any sorting or<br />

identification took place. Epibenthic invertebrates were counted and<br />

identified to species level where possible, with colonies of hydroids, soft<br />

corals and bryozoans being recorded as present or absent or recorded by<br />

weight. Any invertebrates not identified in the field were retained and<br />

preserved for future taxonomic identification. The samples collected during<br />

the trawls undertaken by Brown and May in 2008 and 2009, were sub<br />

sampled at sea for two of the trawls due to the large number of organisms<br />

caught (Brown and May Marine Ltd, 2009b).<br />

Analysis of benthic and epibenthic data<br />

13.3.19 Univariate analyses were conducted to characterise the benthos, this<br />

included determining the proportions of taxa recorded in the samples and<br />

undertaking diversity index analyses. In addition, the communities present<br />

were classified, where possible, in accordance with the Marine Habitat<br />

Classification for Britain and Ireland (version 04.05) (Connor et al., 2004).<br />

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Intertidal surveys<br />

A number of Phase 1 habitat surveys have been undertaken in the area of<br />

the cable landfall for both the GGOWF and GWF projects. The reports,<br />

which have described some, or all of the relevant intertidal environment, are<br />

detailed in Table 13.2. These surveys, as well as the GGOWF ES, have<br />

been used to inform the characterisation of the intertidal environment at the<br />

cable landfall site at Sizewell.<br />

Table 13.2 Surveys describing the intertidal environment of the study area<br />

Survey Title Author Year Intertidal area<br />

surveyed<br />

Characterisation of intertidal and<br />

terrestrial ecology in relation to<br />

onshore works for the proposed<br />

GGOWF development<br />

Centre for Marine<br />

and Coastal<br />

Studies Ltd<br />

(CMACS)<br />

2005 Specific intertidal habitat<br />

survey completed<br />

GWF Phase 1 habitat survey Royal Haskoning 2009 Upper intertidal limit<br />

(beach/dune areas) – no<br />

specific intertidal survey<br />

GWF, Sizewell ecology survey report<br />

for GWFL<br />

The Ecological<br />

Consultancy<br />

2010 Upper intertidal limit<br />

(beach/dune areas) – no<br />

specific intertidal survey<br />

13.3.20 The coverage of these survey areas in relation to the GWF project study area<br />

are provided in Figure 13.2.<br />

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Assessment of impacts<br />

13.3.21 Impacts associated with the construction, operation and decommissioning of<br />

GWF are assessed in accordance with the methodology detailed in Chapter<br />

5 EIA Process. The details provided in Chapter 6 <strong>Project</strong> Details have<br />

been used to establish a realistic worst case development scenario for the<br />

assessment of impact on marine and intertidal communities.<br />

13.3.22 The impact assessment has, and will continue to be informed by a number of<br />

dedicated studies, such as the numerical modelling undertaken to establish<br />

potential effects on the hydrodynamic and therefore, geomorphological<br />

regime (Chapter 10). Some of these studies are still ongoing and therefore<br />

the impact assessment will be reviewed and finalised once these studies are<br />

completed. The assessment of impacts presented within this PER have also<br />

been informed by studies associated with existing windfarms. Of particular<br />

relevance are the ongoing monitoring studies at the adjacent GGOWF project<br />

(GGOWL, 2005).<br />

13.3.23 Other chapters within this PER (such as Chapter 11 Marine Water and<br />

Sediment Quality) have been used to inform the assessment where interrelationships<br />

are relevant.<br />

13.4 Existing Environment<br />

Intertidal ecology<br />

13.4.1 The Suffolk coast in this area is comprised of sand dunes, with dune<br />

sequences including dune slacks and dune heathlands and coastal<br />

vegetated shingle. There are a number of designated sites to the north and<br />

south of the cable landfall which include these features, as detailed in<br />

Chapter 9 Nature Conservation Designations.<br />

13.4.2 Sizewell Beach is managed by Suffolk Wildlife Trust, although the study area<br />

has no statutory designation. The beach supports vegetated shingle habitat,<br />

which is a UK Biodiversity Action Plan (UKBAP) habitat and is rare and<br />

decreasing in Britain and Europe (GGOWL, 2005). Vegetated shingle<br />

beaches in Suffolk are known to support a range of plant species, including<br />

the nationally rare sea pea Lathyrus japonica and rare invertebrates<br />

associated with this habitat. Vegetated shingle habitat has been restored in<br />

front of Sizewell Power Station; natural examples are present towards<br />

Dunwich, Minsmere and Dingle (GGOWL, 2005). Habitats and species<br />

present above MHWS are considered as terrestrial and subsequently<br />

detailed and assessed within Chapter 24.<br />

13.4.3 The beach at Sizewell consists of an area of upper shore steep shingle<br />

backed by open dune habitat with a shallower gradient lower shore of sand<br />

with some overlying shingle. Landward of the beach lies a dynamic shingle<br />

ridge vegetated by patches of forbs and occasional clumps of marram grass<br />

(see Chapter 24, Section 24.4 for further detail). Sea kale Crambe maritima<br />

occurs abundantly in this landward zone right up to the high tide mark. There<br />

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are also occasional small accumulations of decomposing fucoid seaweeds<br />

and dead wood along the strandline (CMACS, 2005).<br />

13.4.4 Below the MHWS the beach is of shingle and sand (The Ecology<br />

Consultancy, 2010, Royal Haskoning, 2009) (Figure 13.3). In terms of<br />

biotopes, the 2005 CMACS intertidal survey (see Table 13.2) identified<br />

barren littoral shingle (LS.LCS.Sh.BarSh) and barren littoral coarse sand<br />

(LS.Lsa.MoSa.BarSa) as the dominant communities of the upper and lower<br />

shore respectively within the survey area on Sizewell Beach. The only other<br />

intertidal biotope noted in the survey was ephemeral green or red seaweed<br />

(freshwater or sand influenced) (LR.FLR.Eph) which was present on five<br />

large concrete anchor blocks (Target Note 1 on Figure 13.4). In small areas<br />

of the upper shore shingle there were patches of barren sand 5 to 10m 2 in<br />

extent. These were classed as barren littoral coarse sand (Target Note 1<br />

and 2 on Figure 13.4). No macrofaunal life was noted in any intertidal<br />

biotope, and no biotopes or species of any sensitivity/value were identified.<br />

13.4.5 Although the detailed survey was completed in 2005, it is unlikely that the<br />

intertidal communities identified would have changed significantly in the<br />

intervening years. The community composition is determined by the shingle<br />

substrate which creates few opportunities for colonisation leading to<br />

depauperate numbers of individuals and species. For the purpose of the<br />

EIA, it is assumed that the intertidal ecology is as it was during the 2005<br />

survey.<br />

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Subtidal ecology<br />

Infauna – regional context<br />

13.4.6 The benthic habitats of the southern North Sea are defined by the substrata<br />

of the seabed (Jones et al, 2004). Mobile sand dominated habitats are<br />

generally considered to be species poor and are characterised by robust<br />

species such as annelid worms and fast burrowing bivalves (Barne et al,<br />

1998, Jones et al, 2004). Epibenthic flora and fauna normally occur on<br />

mixed substrata with significant coarse components, where a range of microhabitats<br />

allow colonisation by a wide array of species (Jones et al, 2004).<br />

13.4.7 The GGOWF ES (GGOWL, 2005) summarised the work done to that date on<br />

the regional context of the offshore communities. Key studies used in the<br />

GGOWL (2005) assessment included Glamerec (1973), Kunitzer et al (1992),<br />

Frauenheim et al. (1989), together with site specific studies for other offshore<br />

wind farms Gunfleet Sands, Kentish Flats and London Array (GREP, 2002,<br />

GE <strong>Wind</strong> Energy, 2002, LAL 2005). These studies conclude that the offshore<br />

communities found in the Outer Thames Estuary region are very much<br />

dependent on the substrate with species composition varying from finer to<br />

coarse sediments. The MALSF Regional Environmental Classification (REC)<br />

work (MALSF, 2009) found four broad groups of benthic infauna across the<br />

region, dominated at the high level by sublittoral coarse sediment (SS.SCS)<br />

and sublittoral sands and muddy sand (SS.SSa) habitat complexes (Connor<br />

et al, 2004).<br />

13.4.8 Surveys for GGOWF identified the five most abundant taxa at the Greater<br />

Gabbard site, and areas immediately adjacent, as the Ross worm Sabellaria<br />

spinulosa, the barnacle Verruca stroemia, the porcelain crab Pisidia<br />

longicornis, the sea urchin Echinocyamus pusillus and the polycheate worm<br />

Lumbrineris gracilis (GGOWL, 2005). These species are patchily distributed<br />

throughout the site.<br />

13.4.9 The five main biotopes / communities recorded were as follows:<br />

� SS.SSA.IiSa.ImoSa Infralittoral mobile clean sand with sparse fauna;<br />

� SS.SCS.ICS.Glap Glycera lapidum in impoverished infralittoral mobile<br />

gravel and sand;<br />

� SS.SCS.CCS.MedLumVen Mediomastus fragilis, Lumbrineris spp.<br />

and venerid bivalves in circalittoral coarse sand or gravel;<br />

� SS.SBR.PoR.SspiMx Sabellaria spinulosa on stable circalittoral mixed<br />

sediment; and<br />

� Scalibregma (annelid worm) dominated sands / muddy sands.<br />

13.4.10 A common denominator of all of the biotopes / communities in the study area<br />

is that they are all adapted to surviving in turbid waters with very high levels<br />

of suspended sediments (GGOWL, 2005).<br />

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13.4.11 The MALSF REC project identified two broad infaunal groups which were<br />

present across the GWF study area: Cluster B and Cluster C. Cluster B is<br />

associated with coarse mixed muddy, sandy gravels and gravelly sands.<br />

Species richness and diversity, together with biomass, were high in<br />

comparison to other sample clusters across the REC area (MALSF, 2009).<br />

Conspicuous species included the polychaetes, S. spinulosa, Lumbrineris<br />

gracilis, Notomastus spp., the amphipod Ampelisca spinipes, brittlestars<br />

Ophiuroidea and sea anemones Actiniaria. Biotopes associated with this<br />

cluster were; SS.SCS.CCS.MedLumVen, SS.SMu.ISaMu.AmpPlon,<br />

SS.SCS.CCS, CR.MCR.SfR and SS.SBR.PoR.SspiMx (MALSF, 2009).<br />

13.4.12 Cluster C was associated with comparatively clean sand and slightly gravelly<br />

sand sediments (MALSF, 2009). The associated macrofauna within each<br />

grab sample were sparse in comparison with the other faunal groupings and<br />

were characterised by a range of typical sand and gravelly sand species<br />

such as the polychaetes Nephtys cirrosa, Ophelia borealis and Glycera<br />

oxycephala, the amphipods Bathyporeia elegans and Urothoe brevicornis,<br />

the mysid shrimp Gastrosaccus spinifer and Ophiuriodea (MALSF, 2009).<br />

Biotopes associated with this cluster were SS.SSa.IFiSa.MoSa and<br />

SS.SSa.IFiSa.NcirBat (MALSF, 2009).<br />

13.4.13 Dense aggregations of the S.spinulosa have been found in the deeper,<br />

polychaete dominated areas, on mixed sediments across the GWF study<br />

area (MALSF, 2009). S. spinulosa is a common species which often forms<br />

“crusts”, which in many cases are temporary features that break up in<br />

autumn/winter storms (Gubbay, 2007 and Limpenny et al, 2010). The<br />

species can also occur in reef form, at which point it is considered of high<br />

ecological importance, further discussion on this is provided in Sections<br />

13.4.56-60<br />

13.4.14 Interpretation of sidescan surveys to summarise major seabed features for<br />

GGOWF (GGOWL 2005) found no indications of extensive reef like<br />

structures, and suggested most of the area away from the Gabbard and<br />

<strong>Galloper</strong> sandbanks to be generally thin layers of sand and gravel over clay.<br />

The ES for GGOWF therefore concluded that given the evidence it was<br />

unlikely that there were areas of substantial S. spinulosa communities within<br />

the site although it could not be ruled out. However, it should be noted that<br />

the sidescan did not extend all the way to the south east corner of the<br />

proposed GWF development area.<br />

13.4.15 The only Sabellaria reefs found by the MALSF REC surveys were well to the<br />

south of GGOWF and GWF in the vicinity of Long Sand Head approximately<br />

20km to the south of the GWF boundary (MALSF, 2009).<br />

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Results of GWF surveys<br />

Infauna<br />

Univariate analysis of infauna<br />

13.4.16 The infaunal analysis of the GWF survey was based on 90 Hamon grab<br />

samples of 0.1m 2 each. From the samples analysed, a total of 6,052<br />

individuals from 265 taxa were identified, the majority to genus or species<br />

level but some only identifiable to higher taxonomic levels (e.g. to phylum)<br />

(CMACS, 2010). The greatest numbers of taxa in any one sample was 63 at<br />

Station G78 to the northwest of the <strong>Galloper</strong> Bank, between the existing<br />

GGOWF inter array cable route and the proposed GWF inter array cable<br />

route (Figure 13.5). Figures 13.5 to 13.7 (see Pages 21, 22, and 23)<br />

indicate the number of species, abundance and diversity of the benthic<br />

samples both in the wind farm area and along the export cable corridor.<br />

Plots 13.1 and 13.2 show, as a percentage, the numbers of taxa and the<br />

number of individuals within the major groups present in the infauna.<br />

Plot 13.1 Numbers of taxa of the major groups present in infauna<br />

Bryzoa 9%<br />

Ecinodermata 3%<br />

Mollusca 14%<br />

Source CMACS (2010)<br />

Cnidaria 6%<br />

Others 5%<br />

Crustacea 20%<br />

Annelida 43%<br />

13.4.17 The greatest number of individuals found in a grab sample was 476 at<br />

Station G51 to the east of Area B (Figure 13.5). Samples from deeper water<br />

areas generally had more individuals than shallower sites, although not all<br />

deep water samples contained high numbers of invertebrates. Similarly,<br />

although not always the case, coarser sediments seemed to support higher<br />

numbers of invertebrates (especially well illustrated along the export cable<br />

route and when comparing the western and eastern sections of Area A).<br />

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Overall there were relatively few individuals recorded per sample across the<br />

site.<br />

13.4.18 There were markedly fewer individuals to the east of the Inner Gabbard Bank<br />

and on the inter and intra-array and export cable routes. The exception to this<br />

trend was Station G51 (on the southeastern edge of Area B), although this<br />

location was dominated by a large number of a single species (S. spinulosa).<br />

Plot 13.2 Numbers of individuals by major groups present in infauna<br />

Source CMACS (2010)<br />

Ecinodermata<br />

8%<br />

Mollusca<br />

12%<br />

Cnidaria<br />

2%<br />

Crustacea<br />

11%<br />

Others<br />

8%<br />

Annelida<br />

59%<br />

13.4.19 The dominant faunal group across the survey site were annelid worms, which<br />

comprised just under half of the total number of taxa, and just over half of the<br />

total number of individuals recorded (Plots 13.1 and 13.2, see above).<br />

Crustaceans and molluscs were the next most commonly recorded groups,<br />

both in terms of taxa and individuals.<br />

13.4.20 Only a very limited number of the faunal samples were not dominated by<br />

annelids and this accords with the results of sampling at both the GGOWF<br />

and London Array wind farms (CMACS, 2005a, 2005b).<br />

13.4.21 As would be expected, given the previously described predominance of<br />

annelid taxa, the most abundant species across the survey site were also<br />

annelids, with six of the twelve most abundant species belonging to the<br />

group. The most common species from the samples was the keelworm<br />

Pomatoceros triqueter with a total of 807 individuals recorded. This species<br />

is sessile, occupying a calcified tube which encrusts the surface of gravels,<br />

and shells. This species was well distributed across the survey area, being<br />

found at a total of 37 stations, but was particularly abundant at stations G51<br />

and CG12.<br />

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13.4.22 Shannon Wiener’s diversity index 2 is displayed for each sample station in<br />

Figure 13.7. The most diverse areas were towards the southern end of the<br />

export cable corridor, the north-eastern and central parts of Area A and the<br />

western part of Area B. Areas of markedly lower diversity were at the<br />

northern end of the export cable corridor, the north-western corner of Area A,<br />

and the north-eastern part of Area B.<br />

There was a clear divide across the site with regard to invertebrate diversity.<br />

At each station; to the east of the <strong>Galloper</strong> Bank and in the inter and intraarray<br />

and export cable route areas there were relatively few taxa per station,<br />

whereas significantly more taxa were recorded to the west of the <strong>Galloper</strong><br />

Bank and across Area A.<br />

2<br />

A standard analysis used to calculate species diversity in a community. Diversity indices provide<br />

more information about community composition than simply species richness (i.e. the number of<br />

species present); they also take the relative abundances of different species into account.<br />

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Biotopes<br />

13.4.23 The infaunal assemblages within the study area have been classified using<br />

the standard marine biotope classification (Connor et al., 2004). Figure 13.8<br />

(see Page 32) provides an overview of the biotopes found within the GWF<br />

study area (CMACS, 2010) and a comparison of how they relate to those<br />

recorded for the GGOWF project in 2005.<br />

13.4.24 The majority of the GWF site has a good fit with SS.SCS.CCS.MedLumVen<br />

Mediomastus fragilis, Lumbrineris spp. and venerid bivalves in circalittoral<br />

coarse sand or gravel and SS.SMX.OMx.PoVen Polychaete-rich deep Venus<br />

community in offshore mixed sediments which collectively represent the<br />

‘deep Venus community’ (Figure 13.8). This classification was made on the<br />

basis of the regular occurrence of species of the polychaete genera<br />

Lumbrineris and Notomastus and the small burrowing echinoid<br />

Echinocyamus pusillus in addition to the bivalve diversity from the grab<br />

samples as a whole (Connor et al., 2004). On a regional scale, MedLumVen<br />

was the principal biotope at the GGOWF site with a similar dominance of<br />

Lumbrineris gracilis and Echinocyamus pusillus to the present study<br />

(CMACS, 2005a). This biotope was also widespread on the London Array<br />

site (CMACS, 2005b) to the south of the GWF and GGOWF. It is interesting<br />

to note that the ImoSa biotope (infralittoral mobile sand) biotope that was<br />

predominant following EIA surveys for GGOWF in 2005 was not identified<br />

after this survey at the adjacent site. Biotopes are both spatially and<br />

temporally variable (Connor et al., 2004) and to some extent the gap<br />

between the surveys is important; however, there are differences in depth<br />

with more shallow, sandy areas on the Inner Gabbard and <strong>Galloper</strong> banks<br />

(GGOWF) amongst a deeper coarse sediment seabed while the GWF area is<br />

predominantly coarse sediment seabed. Nevertheless, MedLumVen<br />

dominates the seabed on both wind farm areas as previously described.<br />

13.4.25 Within the eastern edge of the GWF site boundary, a sandy biotope was<br />

recorded with a polychaete and amphipod fauna SS.SSA.IFiSa.NcirBat<br />

‘Nephtys cirrosa and Bathyporeia spp. in infralittoral sand’. Biotopes such as<br />

these are typical of the southern North Sea and the east coast of England<br />

with NcirBat recorded at the London Array OWF site (CMACS, 2005) and<br />

Scroby Sands (Worsfold & Dyer, 2005) with a high abundance of Nephtys<br />

spp. and Bathyporeia spp. at the Gunfleet OWF site (Titan, 2002, RPS, 2008)<br />

and Scroby Sands (Worsfold & Dyer, 2005).<br />

13.4.26 Within the GWF site boundary there were also three discrete patches of the<br />

coarse sediment with SS.SCS.CCS.PomB. This biotope contained sparse<br />

infauna but with large numbers of the encrusting polychaete Pomatoceros<br />

triqueter and the barnacle Verruca stroemia with epifaunal organisms such<br />

as sea urchins and brittlestars, leading to a classification of<br />

SS.SCS.CCS.PomB ‘Pomatoceros triqueter with barnacles and bryozoan<br />

crusts on unstable circalittoral cobbles and pebbles’. This biotope is typical<br />

of tide-swept conditions where the seabed is unstable; it has not been<br />

recorded in other wind farm benthic surveys in the southern North Sea but<br />

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the principal species used for the classification, Pomatoceros triqueter, was<br />

common in samples from the Inner Gabbard and London Array (CMACS<br />

2005a, 2005b) and Verruca stroemia was abundant in the samples from the<br />

Inner Gabbard (CMACS 2005a).<br />

13.4.27 Along the cable corridor three biotopes were recorded:<br />

� SS.SCS.CCS.PomB;<br />

� SS.SCS.CCS.MedLumVen; and<br />

� SS.SSA.IMuSa.SsubNhom<br />

13.4.28 The inshore portion of the cable corridor was characterized by a sandy<br />

biotope; which had a fauna of polychaetes and bivalves and was classified as<br />

SS.SSA.IMuSa.SsubNhom ‘Spisula subtruncata and Nephtys hombergi in<br />

shallow muddy sand’. Offshore the majority of the cable route was<br />

dominated by SS.SCS.CCS.PomB with a central portion of MedLumVen.<br />

13.4.29 A comparison of biotope plots of the adjoining cable routes between GGOWF<br />

and GWF shows a strong degree of similarity (CMACS, 2010). The surveys<br />

for the GGOWF cable route in 2005 recorded predominately infralittoral<br />

mobile clean sand with sparse fauna comprising two subgroups of the<br />

SS.SSA.IiSa.ImoSa biotope. The difference in faunal composition informing<br />

the classification may be due to the five year gap between the surveys.<br />

ImoSa, as present is infralittoral mobile sand and Spisula subtruncata and<br />

Nephtys hombergii are species adapted to this habitat and therefore the<br />

SsubNhom classification close to the coast in 2010 is a result of more<br />

invertebrates in the grab samples than in 2005.<br />

13.4.30 Outside of the GWF site boundary, two stations at the northern end of the<br />

survey area were tentatively classified as SS.SSA.CFiSa.EpusOborApri<br />

‘Echinocyamus pusillus, Ophelia borealis and Abra prismatica in circalittoral<br />

fine sand’ on the basis of a sparse fauna but with at least one of the principal<br />

species found in the samples. This biotope is similar to MedLumVen but is<br />

characterised by finer sediments and has a lower venerid bivalve component.<br />

It has been widely recorded in the central and southern North Sea (Connor et<br />

al., 2004).<br />

13.4.31 There was a single station outside of the GWF boundary to the south-east of<br />

the wind farm development area where the Ross worm S. spinulosa<br />

dominated (discussed in more detail in Section 13.4.50) which led to the<br />

classification of SS.SBR.PoR.SspiMx Sabellaria spinulosa on stable<br />

circalittoral mixed sediment. S. spinulosa is widespread in sandy areas<br />

across the southern North Sea and is regularly found in benthic faunal<br />

samples (e.g. RPS, 2008). This species has been found in sufficient<br />

abundance to warrant the classification of a separate biotope at several other<br />

wind farms in the reqion: Inner Gabbard (CMACS, 2005a); Scroby Sands<br />

(Worsfold & Dyer, 2005) and Thanet (MES, 2005). One of the northerly<br />

cable route reference stations was also classified as SS.SBR.PoR.SspiMx<br />

due to the abundance of S. spinulosa.<br />

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13.4.32 The reference station to the south of the cable route comprised coarse<br />

sediment and the only fauna recorded was the bryozoan Electra pilosa. This<br />

site was classified as SS.SCS.ICS.SSh Sparse fauna on highly mobile<br />

sublittoral shingle (cobbles and pebbles), the only occurrence of this biotope<br />

in the survey.<br />

13.4.33 In summary the only biotope of potential conservation interest recorded on<br />

the survey was the S. spinulosa dominated biotope, which was only recorded<br />

from one station outside of the GWF boundary. For further discussion of S.<br />

spinulosa see 13.4.49 to 13.4.60.<br />

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Epifauna – regional context<br />

13.4.34 The MALSF REC project (MALSF, 2009) described epifaunal communities<br />

largely on the basis of epifaunal species taken from grab samples. The<br />

project found that none of the epifaunal assemblages across the area<br />

showed any geographical relationships and tended to correspond with<br />

coarser gravelly seabed sediment types (MALSF, 2009). With the exception<br />

of some of the slightly gravelly sand and shell sand substrates, which<br />

supported assemblages of the hydroid Obelia bidentata together with the<br />

almost ubiquitous hydroid Sertulariidae (MALSF, 2009), sandy sediments did<br />

not to support any epifauna. O. bidentata commonly occurs throughout UK<br />

waters and is typical of sandy sediments attaching to shells (Wilson, 2002).<br />

Sertulariidae encompass a suite of commonly occurring hydroid species<br />

found on a variety of surfaces and which can tolerate sediment influences<br />

such as sand scour (MALSF, 2009).<br />

13.4.35 The principal epifaunal assemblage, in terms of spatial coverage across the<br />

Outer Thames Estuary REC, was associated with mixed slightly muddy sand<br />

and gravel sediments, the surfaces of the larger particles present being<br />

utilised as attachment sites (MALSF, 2009). The hydroids Sertulariidae are<br />

consistent components but are rarely associated with any other epifaunal<br />

species. Where they do occur, sea anemones, Actiniaria and sea squirts<br />

Molgula manhattensis are found together with the Sertulariidae and form<br />

discrete sub-types of this assemblage (MALSF, 2009). The other species of<br />

sea squirt present, Dendrodoa grossularia, formed another small discrete<br />

assemblage (MALSF, 2009).<br />

13.4.36 The Port of Felixstowe reconfiguration ES (Posford Haskoning 2003)<br />

included marine ecological studies that extended to the western boundary of<br />

the GGOWF area. The epibenthic trawl survey undertaken during the<br />

reconfiguration EIA recorded the queen scallop Chlamys and pink shrimp<br />

Pandalus montagui, as well as the polychaete Pomatoceros lamarcki and a<br />

variety of bryozoan species as being common in the area. Other species<br />

present in relatively low abundance included, the green urchin P. miliaris the<br />

hermit crab Pagurus bernhardus and sea star Asterias rubens. Epibenthos<br />

recorded in the MALSF REC work (MALSF, 2009) included shrimps Crangon<br />

allmani, C. crangon, P. montagui and Pandalina brevirostris, the brittlestar<br />

Ophiura albida, gobies Pomatoschistus spp., P. miliaris, and the flying crab<br />

Liocarcinus holsatus.<br />

13.4.37 Sabellaria spinulosa is a UK BAP species, and where S. spinulosa forms<br />

reefs, this is regarded as an Annex I habitat feature under the EU Habitats<br />

Directive. There are no known occurrences of S. spinulosa forming stable<br />

reef structure in the proposed development area (MALSF, 2009.), the<br />

majority of S. spinulosa found within the Outer Thames Estuary REC was<br />

classified as clumps (i.e. nodules of reef

Epifauna - results of GWF surveys<br />

Univariate analysis of epifaunal communities<br />

13.4.38 Analysis of the epibenthic community was carried out on both quantitative<br />

data (actual abundances) and qualitative data, where presence or absence of<br />

colonial or encrusting species was recorded. Three site specific surveys<br />

(autumn 2008, spring 2009 and summer 2010) were undertaken to<br />

characterise the epibenthic faunal communities associated with the habitats<br />

present within the GWF site and export cable corridor. Comprehensive<br />

characterisation of the benthic fish communities is provided in Chapter 14.<br />

Autumn survey (October 2008)<br />

13.4.39 A total of eighteen epifaunal trawls were undertaken in October 2008,<br />

comprising eight within the wind farm site, four within the cable corridor<br />

routes and six control sites adjacent to the development (Figure 13.9).<br />

13.4.40 In the analysis of samples obtained from the beam trawl surveys 99 species<br />

were identified, 23 of which were fish species and 76 invertebrates. The<br />

results of the beam trawl sampling show that of the quantitative taxa, the<br />

brittle star Ophiura ophiura was the most abundant accounting for 45% of<br />

individuals present. Overall, echinoderms represented 54% of individuals<br />

sampled (Plot 13.3). The next most abundant group were crustacean which<br />

made up 22% of sampled individuals (Plot 13.3) with the shrimp Crangon<br />

allmanni representing the most common species in this phylum and<br />

accounting for 9% of the total catch. Molluscs were the third most abundant<br />

group (15%) with the bivalve Nucula nitida representing 13% of the total<br />

individuals sampled. The most abundant annelids were S. spinulosa which<br />

accounted for 6% of individuals. Species from the gobies (Gobiidae) were<br />

the most abundant fish species found.<br />

Spring survey (April 2009)<br />

13.4.41 A total of eighteen epifaunal trawl routes were undertaken in April 2009,<br />

comprising eight within the wind farm site, four within the cable corridor<br />

routes, and six control sites adjacent to the development (Figure 13.1).<br />

13.4.42 In the analysis of samples obtained from the beam trawl surveys 108 species<br />

were identified, 24 of which were fish species and 84 invertebrates. The<br />

brittle star species Ophiura ophiura and Ophiura albida accounted for 25%<br />

and 18% of the echinoderm group which represented 51% of the total<br />

individuals recorded (see Plot 13.4). The next most significant group were<br />

crustaceans (42%) with the most dominant species being the shrimp<br />

Crangon allmanni which represented 16% of total individuals. The common<br />

dragonet Callionymus lyra and the lesser sandeel Ammodytes marinus were<br />

the most abundant fish species in the chordate group.<br />

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Plot 13.3 Proportional representation of the major groups present, based on semiquantitative<br />

data (October 2008 beam trawls)<br />

Other<br />

0%<br />

Annelida<br />

7%<br />

Chordata<br />

4%<br />

Mollusca<br />

15%<br />

Crustacea<br />

22%<br />

Echinodermata<br />

52%<br />

Plot 13.4 Proportional representation of the major groups present, based on semiquantitative<br />

data (April 2009 beam trawls)<br />

Chordata<br />

3%<br />

Annelida<br />

1%<br />

Other<br />

1%<br />

Mollusca<br />

2%<br />

Crustacea<br />

42%<br />

Spring survey cable route only (March 2010)<br />

Echinodermata<br />

51%<br />

13.4.43 A total of 3,227 individuals from 30 taxa were recorded in the six beam trawls<br />

along the cable corridor route.<br />

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13.4.44 The most abundant group identified were echinoderms accounting for 95% of<br />

the species sampled. The dominant species within this group were the brittle<br />

star Ophiura ophiura which accounted for 86% of individuals sampled. The<br />

next most abundant group were crustaceans which were dominated by the<br />

shrimp Crangon allmanni representing 2% of total individuals caught.<br />

Plot 13.5 Proportional representation of the major groups present, based on semiquantitative<br />

data (cable route only March 2010 beam trawls)<br />

Mollusca<br />

0%<br />

Crustacea<br />

4%<br />

Annelida<br />

0%<br />

Chordata<br />

1%<br />

Ecinodermata<br />

95%<br />

Sensitive species and / or habitats<br />

Ross worm Sabellaria spinulosa<br />

13.4.45 S. spinulosa is a widespread species common to most sandy sediments of<br />

the North Sea. It commonly forms aggregations of tightly packed individuals<br />

living in close proximity and can reach densities of around 4000/m 2 in low<br />

encrustations of the seabed (Jackson & Hiscock, 2003; Jones et al., 2000).<br />

13.4.46 This species is included in the UK BAP and, in its biogenic reef form, is<br />

included as a sub-feature of the Habitats Directive Annex I feature ‘reefs’.<br />

13.4.47 Encrustations of the species are usually ephemeral in nature, commonly<br />

forming and disintegrating (Jackson & Hiscock, 2003; Jones et al., 2000)<br />

through winter storm events and on occasion human activity (such as<br />

demersal fishing activity (Jones et al., 2000)). The UK BAP for S. spinulosa<br />

reef notes that “crusts are not considered to constitute true S. spinulosa reef<br />

habitats because of their ephemeral nature, which does not provide a stable<br />

biogenic habitat enabling associated species to become established in areas<br />

where they are otherwise absent”.<br />

13.4.48 Under certain conditions where dense encrustations develop over time and<br />

not be subject to disaggregation, the species can form a ‘biogenic reef’.<br />

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Such features are of high ecological importance because of their ability to<br />

provide complex habitat capable of supporting a number of other organisms<br />

in what are commonly impoverished environments (i.e. they positively<br />

contribute to biodiversity and ecosystem function).<br />

13.4.49 As detailed in Section 13.4.42, S. spinulosa was commonly recorded in<br />

mainly individual form and on occasion in aggregations, during the GWF<br />

benthic surveys, but its presence was not evenly distributed. The highest<br />

abundances were found outside of the revised boundaries of the array area<br />

(Figures 13.9 and 13.10). The species was also commonly recorded during<br />

the drop down camera survey of the site; again, the organism’s distribution<br />

was uneven with the highest abundances generally being found outside the<br />

revised boundaries.<br />

13.4.50 At stations where there were high abundances these were often low<br />

encrusting aggregations on the surface of gravel and larger particles.<br />

Camera images revealed larger aggregations at three stations (it is noted<br />

that additional areas from combined grab, camera and sidescan surveys are<br />

considered below):<br />

� CG15 (reference station to the north of the export cable route) where<br />

there were free-standing aggregations approximately 15cm by 10cm in<br />

area and approximately 15cm high;<br />

� C54 at the southern end of the eastern part of Area B where there<br />

were small aggregations on a sandy seabed and a large aggregation<br />

that almost fills the image but may be S. spinulosa encrusting piddockbored<br />

rock; and<br />

� G44 to the east of Area B where there were common low<br />

encrustations on cobble and boulder with one very large aggregation<br />

which was not wholly captured in the image but is at least 20cm by<br />

15cm on its longest axis (height uncertain).<br />

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13.4.51 Of relevance to subsequent assessments of habitat importance is whether<br />

the findings of S. spinulosa aggregations during the camera survey constitute<br />

biogenic reef. There are a number of studies which provide guidance on the<br />

extent of reefiness, including Gubbay, 2007 and Limpenny et al., (2010).<br />

Feedback from the IPC in the Scoping Opinion recommends the usage of the<br />

latter study (IPC, 2010).<br />

13.4.52 The site survey reporting for the GWF benthic work was undertaken prior to<br />

Limpenny et al., (2010) guidance and therefore used Gubbay, 2007 for<br />

assessing reefiness of Sabellaria. The following paragraphs have interpreted<br />

the findings from CMACS, (2010) in light of the Limpenny et al., (2010)<br />

guidance.<br />

13.4.53 Using Gubbay (2007) as a guide (relevant at the time of writing), there is a<br />

possibility that the observations at stations CG15 and G44 (neither of which<br />

are within the proposed GWF site boundary) constitute ‘low’ reef as the<br />

aggregations are raised from the seabed and are distributed over a large<br />

area (hundreds of m 2 ) but overall seabed coverage is low (≤10%). The<br />

difficulty is that since these areas have not yet been monitored over time, it is<br />

impossible to tell whether these are fragments of larger aggregations that<br />

have been dispersed by trawling (trawling scars were apparent in the results<br />

of the geophysical surveys (Osiris <strong>Project</strong>s, 2010)) or whether these are new<br />

aggregations that, if left undisturbed, may become more prominent reef in the<br />

future.<br />

13.4.54 It is worth noting that in the images from Station G44, the tops of the larger<br />

sediment particles have remnants of tubes with a dense coverage of intact<br />

tubes around the sides of particles. This may be a result of trawl damage or<br />

could simply be disturbance owing to seabed instability, but regardless of the<br />

source of damage it is perhaps reasonable to conclude that a stable reef<br />

structure will not form in the area of G44 as long as the source of disturbance<br />

remains.<br />

13.4.55 S. spinulosa is a sessile organism and is vulnerable to disturbance, the<br />

greatest impact on the species when in reef form is due to physical<br />

disturbance from fisheries activities 3 . Despite this sensitivity to disturbance, it<br />

is considered that S. spinulosa has a high recoverability rate following a<br />

disturbance event owing to the long breeding period, long larval phase and<br />

relatively rapid initial growth in the first year of settlement of the Sabellaria<br />

genus (Marine Ecological Surveys (MES), 2007).<br />

13.5 Assessment of Impacts - Worst Case Definition<br />

13.5.1 For the purpose of the marine and intertidal ecology impact assessment, the<br />

worst case scenario, taking into consideration the options currently being<br />

assessed, is detailed in Table 13.3.<br />

3 www.ukbap.org.uk<br />

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13.5.2 For this parameter (marine and intertidal ecology) the worst case scenario<br />

will comprise the design options that provide the maximum area of affected<br />

seabed<br />

Table 13.3 Worst case project design for marine and intertidal ecology<br />

Impact Realistic worst case scenario Justification<br />

Construction<br />

Physical<br />

disturbance of<br />

intertidal habitat<br />

Physical<br />

disturbance of<br />

subtidal habitat<br />

Loss of subtidal<br />

habitat<br />

Increased<br />

suspended<br />

sediments and<br />

mobilisation of<br />

Up to 4 rig sites for HDD 100m 2 Provides for the<br />

maximum amount<br />

(spatial extent) of<br />

habitat disturbance.<br />

Cable installation via plough throughout export<br />

cable route (5m x 240km = 1.2km 2 )<br />

Cable installation via jetting for inter and intraarray<br />

cables (200km x 5m = 1km 2 )<br />

Anchored construction vessels – 4 – 6 anchors<br />

per vessel (2 – 4m 2 per movement)*<br />

Jack-up vessel - 6 legs of approximately 10m 2<br />

per leg. Therefore, 60m 2 in total per<br />

movement*<br />

Gravity base structure (GBS) foundations for<br />

140 WTGs 22,260m 2<br />

10m of scour protection around each<br />

foundation 109,900m 2<br />

3 met mast foundations 116m 2<br />

Rock placement for cable protection at a total of<br />

12 export cable crossings 5,400m 2<br />

Up to 4 ancillary structures (this may comprise<br />

a combination of offshore substation platforms<br />

(OSPs), collection platforms and / or<br />

accommodation platforms) 154m 2<br />

Provides for the<br />

maximum amount<br />

(spatial extent) of<br />

habitat disturbance.<br />

Provides for the<br />

maximum amount<br />

(spatial extent) of<br />

habitat loss.<br />

As for physical disturbance of subtidal habitat Provides for the<br />

maximum level of<br />

seabed disturbance.<br />

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Impact Realistic worst case scenario Justification<br />

contaminants<br />

Operation<br />

Maintenance<br />

impacts on<br />

intertidal<br />

habitats<br />

Indirect impacts<br />

on intertidal<br />

ecology from<br />

changes in<br />

current regime<br />

Maintenance<br />

impacts on<br />

subtidal habitat<br />

Indirect impacts<br />

on subtidal<br />

ecology from<br />

changes in<br />

current regime<br />

Alteration of<br />

subtidal habitat<br />

Indirect impacts<br />

from alteration<br />

to human<br />

activities<br />

Decommissioning<br />

Impact on<br />

intertidal<br />

ecology<br />

Anchored construction vessels – 4 – 6 anchors<br />

per vessel (2 – 4m 2 )*<br />

Jack-up vessel - 6 legs of approximately 10m 2<br />

per leg. Therefore, 60m 2 in total per<br />

movement*<br />

Provides for the<br />

maximum level of<br />

seabed disturbance.<br />

N/A See Section 13.7.<br />

Anchored construction vessels – 4 – 6 anchors<br />

per vessel (2 – 4m 2 per movement)*<br />

Jack-up vessel - 6 legs of approximately 10m 2<br />

per leg. Therefore, 60m 2 in total per<br />

movement*<br />

Sediment scour at 140 WTGs, worst case<br />

scenario 16.4m scour pit, depth shallow but<br />

variable dependent on substrate<br />

Provides for the<br />

maximum level of<br />

seabed disturbance.<br />

See 13.7.8 – 13.7.13<br />

As per loss of subtidal habitat Provides for the<br />

maximum level of<br />

seabed disturbance.<br />

Implementation of 140 x 50m safety zones<br />

around WTGs and ancillary structures<br />

N/A See 13.7.<br />

Provides for the<br />

maximum level of<br />

seabed disturbance.<br />

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Impact Realistic worst case scenario Justification<br />

Impact on<br />

subtidal habitat<br />

As for loss of subtidal habitat Provides for the<br />

maximum level of<br />

seabed disturbance.<br />

*The overall footprint area from these activities will depend on a large number of variables including<br />

vessel type, layout option and number of movements (influenced by weather and ground conditions).<br />

13.6 Assessment of Impacts during Construction<br />

13.6.1 There would be direct and indirect impacts due to construction. Direct<br />

impacts would be caused by activities that come into contact with the<br />

benthos (i.e. placement of plant or infrastructure) with indirect impacts<br />

caused by changes to the physical conditions (i.e. changes in suspended<br />

sediments or the tidal regime) which may have impacts away from the actual<br />

construction location.<br />

Direct impact on intertidal ecology due to physical disturbance<br />

13.6.2 As discussed in Chapter 6, the export cables would be connected to the<br />

onshore transition pit through a technique known as horizontal directional<br />

drilling (HDD) (Chapter 6). HDD is a steerable trenchless method of<br />

installing underground pipes, conduits and cables in a shallow arc along a<br />

prescribed bore path by using a surface launched drilling rig, with minimal<br />

impact on the surrounding area.<br />

13.6.3 It is expected that up to four rig sites (one for each export cable) for the HDD<br />

ducts would need to be established on the intertidal at the landfall location, in<br />

a similar fashion to installation of the cables for the GGOWF. As the exact<br />

location of the intertidal rig is unknown at this time, for the purposes of the<br />

assessment, it is assumed that the activity would all take place below<br />

MHWS. This would comprise ploughing or trenching from low water up to the<br />

HDD duct where the export cable would be pulled through to the transition<br />

pit. The footprint of the intertidal rig site would be approximately 25m 2 . The<br />

rig site and intertidal cable trench would be backfilled upon completion.<br />

Construction of the rig site and HDD duct would necessitate some vehicular<br />

access across the intertidal to the site (for example for 20 tonne tracked 360<br />

degree excavators).<br />

13.6.4 Impacts on the habitats above MHWS (including the vegetated shingle) are<br />

discussed in Chapter 24.5, whereas impacts on the habitats below MHWS<br />

are discussed below.<br />

13.6.5 The intertidal area within the vicinity of the landfall location is dominated by<br />

barren littoral shingle .on the upper shore and barren littoral coarse sand on<br />

the lower shore. The upper shore shingle supports some vegetation and is<br />

backed by open dune habitat. .With the exclusion of the vegetated shingle,<br />

the shingle and sand are not known to support any species of conservation<br />

concern. These habitats are typical in the region and throughout the UK and<br />

often exposed to high levels of sediment disturbance. Barren sand<br />

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(LS.LSa.MoSa.BarSa) for example, has a very low sensitivity to physical<br />

disturbance and very high recoverability (Budd, 2008a). The damage to<br />

marine infauna within the footprint of the rig site would therefore be short<br />

term as recovery is expected to happen quickly.<br />

13.6.6 Given the ubiquity and recoverability of the communities present, their low<br />

sensitivity and the small area of intertidal environment likely to be disturbed<br />

by cable installation and access routes, it is anticipated that the impacts on<br />

intertidal ecology would be of negligible significance.<br />

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Table 13.4 Sensitivity of intertidal biotopes identified at the GWF site<br />

Biotope Definition Value /<br />

sensitivity<br />

LS.LCS.Sh.Ba<br />

rSh<br />

LS.Lsa.MoSa.<br />

BarSa<br />

Barren littoral shingle Low<br />

Barren or amphipoddominated<br />

mobile<br />

sand shores<br />

LR.FLR.Eph Ephemeral green or<br />

red seaweed<br />

communities<br />

(freshwater or sand-<br />

Justification*<br />

(Species traits/recoverability taken from JNCC (2011)) or Marlin – references in<br />

text)<br />

Such shores tend to support virtually no macrofauna in their very mobile and<br />

freely draining substratum. The few individuals that may be found are those<br />

washed into the habitat by the ebbing tide, including the occasional amphipod<br />

or small polychaete.<br />

No macrofaunal life was noted and no species of any sensitivity/value were<br />

identified<br />

Not assessed by MarLIN<br />

Low Most of these shores support a limited range of species, ranging from barren,<br />

highly mobile sands to more stable clean sands supporting communities of<br />

isopods, amphipods and a limited range of polychaetes.<br />

Low<br />

No macrofaunal life was noted and no species of any sensitivity/value were<br />

identified<br />

High recoverability (Budd, 2008a)<br />

These are biotopes with low species diversity and the relatively high number of<br />

species in the characterising species list are due to a variation in the species<br />

composition from site to site, not to high species richness on individual sites.<br />

Occurrence at<br />

site<br />

Dominant<br />

Dominant<br />

Present on<br />

concrete blocks<br />

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Biotope Definition Value /<br />

sensitivity<br />

influenced)<br />

Justification*<br />

(Species traits/recoverability taken from JNCC (2011)) or Marlin – references in<br />

text)<br />

No macrofaunal life was noted in any intertidal biotope, and no species of any<br />

sensitivity/value were identified<br />

High recoverability (Budd, 2008b)<br />

Occurrence at<br />

site<br />

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Direct impact on subtidal ecology due to physical disturbance<br />

13.6.7 The installation of cables and other wind farm infrastructure (foundations,<br />

WTG and ancillary structures) via jack-up barges, anchored vessels, ploughs<br />

etc would result in the temporary disturbance to the benthos. The<br />

disturbance would occur within the footprint of the cable installation, beneath<br />

the legs of the jack-up barges and from the anchors of the construction<br />

vessels. The final decision on the method of cable installation is still under<br />

consideration, and the total footprint area disturbed by construction vessels<br />

would depend on a large number of variables including vessel type, layout<br />

option and number of movements (influenced by weather and ground<br />

conditions, techniques and equipment available). Disturbance would take the<br />

form of displacement of sediment, depressions in the seabed and damage to<br />

or loss of the communities directly within the footprint of the works (Table<br />

13.3).<br />

13.6.8 Subsequently, the area affected cannot be adequately predicted, however<br />

given a worst case scenario for the intra and inter-array, and export cables<br />

(Table 13.3) at least 2.2km 2 (approximately 1%) of the total consent<br />

envelope area of 222km 2 would be affected.<br />

13.6.9 Whatever, cabling method is chosen; it is likely that the benthos within the<br />

footprint of the installation would suffer some degree of disturbance during<br />

installation. However, given the largely ubiquitous nature of the benthic<br />

communities and their tolerance of disturbance together with the temporary<br />

nature of the works, any impacts are expected to be minor adverse.<br />

Monitoring at the Kentish Flats Offshore <strong>Wind</strong> <strong>Farm</strong> of similar southern North<br />

Sea sandy communities has showed no evidence of significant seabed<br />

change caused by the cable corridor (Emu, 2006).<br />

13.6.10 Jack-up barges legs could be expected to create depressions in the seabed.<br />

Following construction, these depressions would be likely to back-fill naturally<br />

over time. For example, at Kentish Flats the smaller depressions have been<br />

observed to back-fill by an average of 0.2m over six months in similar types<br />

of sediments (Emu, 2006). Damage would occur to the infauna within the<br />

footprint of the jack-up barge legs through compaction of the sediment.<br />

13.6.11 The majority of the habitat that would be affected across the site comprises<br />

the deep Venus community. With the exception of S.spinulosa, no species or<br />

habitats of conservation concern were recorded within the GWF boundaries<br />

and the infauna present in this region is generally sparse, of low density and<br />

species richness, and low biomass. Furthermore, the habitats recorded are<br />

generally widespread throughout the region. Whilst individual species may<br />

be sensitive to these direct impacts, the effects would be only temporary in<br />

nature and would be spatially distinct (i.e. the impact would not be repetitive<br />

at the same location).<br />

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13.6.12 Although S. spinulosa is the most sensitive biotope present at the site, no<br />

dense aggregations or reefs were recorded within the site boundary (Figure<br />

13.10).<br />

13.6.13 Following construction, the habitats and species would be predicted to<br />

recover. The majority of species and biotopes identified at the site (Table<br />

13.4) exhibit good potential to recover, particularly to localised and short term<br />

disturbance of this nature. It is anticipated that the benthic community in the<br />

area impacted would recover to pre-impact levels and diversity following<br />

construction, with re-establishment boosted following the subsequent<br />

spawning and recruitment period to the activity.<br />

13.6.14 Overall it is considered that this impact would be of minor adverse<br />

significance, due to the fact that only a small proportion (

Table 13.4 Sensitivity of biotopes identified at the GWF site<br />

Biotope Definition Value /<br />

sensitivity<br />

SS.SCS.CCS.<br />

MedLumVen<br />

and<br />

SS.SMX.OMx.<br />

PoVen<br />

SS.SCS.CCS.<br />

PomB<br />

SS.SSa.CFiS<br />

a.EpusOborA<br />

pri<br />

“Mediomastus fragilis,<br />

Lumbrineris spp. and venerid<br />

bivalves in circalittoral coarse<br />

sand or gravel” and<br />

“Polychaete-rich deep Venus<br />

community in offshore mixed<br />

sediments” Collectively<br />

represent the “Deep Venus<br />

Community”<br />

‘Pomatoceros triqueter with<br />

barnacles and bryozoan crusts<br />

on unstable circalittoral<br />

cobbles and pebbles’<br />

Echinocyamus pusillus,<br />

Ophelia borealis and Abra<br />

prismatica in circalittoral fine<br />

Low to Medium<br />

Justification<br />

(Species traits/recoverability taken from MES, 2007) and<br />

MarLIN (see references)<br />

The recoverability of Venerid bivalves, depending on the<br />

species, ranges from low to medium, due to their long life and<br />

slow growth (Rayment, 2008)<br />

The polychaete Mediomastus, has a relatively large number<br />

of eggs and a planktonic larval phase, thus has a medium to<br />

high recoverability.<br />

Lumbrineris has a low recoverability due to no larval<br />

dispersal phase and slow growth<br />

Negligible Pomatoceros has a long larval phase and early maturation,<br />

suggesting strong recoverability potential.<br />

Low<br />

Barnacles present in this biotope (Balanus sp.) have high<br />

dispersal and colonisation potential, and thus strong<br />

recoverability potential (Tyler-Walters, 2008)<br />

Biotope is similar to MedLumVen (Deep Venus community)<br />

but is characterised by finer sediments and has a lower<br />

venerid bivalve component, suggesting a lower sensitivity.<br />

Occurrence at site<br />

Dominant, covering the<br />

majority of the seabed at<br />

Areas A,B and C<br />

Outlying stations (some<br />

areas within the wind farm<br />

boundary) and a large<br />

proportion of the cable route<br />

Northern end of survey area<br />

(outwith wind farm boundary)<br />

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Biotope Definition Value /<br />

sensitivity<br />

SS.SSa.IMuS<br />

a.SsubNhom<br />

SS.SSa.IFiSa.<br />

NcirBat<br />

SS.SCS.ICS.<br />

SSh ‘<br />

SS.SBR.PoR.<br />

SspiMx<br />

sand<br />

‘Spisula subtruncata and<br />

Nephtys hombergi in shallow<br />

muddy sand’<br />

‘Nephtys cirrosa and<br />

Bathyporeia spp. in infralittoral<br />

sand’.<br />

Sparse fauna on highly mobile<br />

sublittoral shingle (cobbles and<br />

pebbles)<br />

‘Sabellaria spinulosa on stable<br />

circalittoral mixed sediment’<br />

Justification<br />

(Species traits/recoverability taken from MES, 2007) and<br />

MarLIN (see references)<br />

Negligible This is a sandy biotope with species of strong recoverability<br />

potential<br />

Negligible This is a sandy biotope with species of strong recoverability<br />

potential (Budd, 2008c)<br />

Occurrence at site<br />

Inshore portion of cable route<br />

East side of survey area,<br />

partly within the wind farm<br />

boundary<br />

Negligible Sparse fauna in this biotope suggests negligible sensitivity Reference station to the<br />

south of cable route<br />

Medium, except<br />

where<br />

considered to be<br />

biogenic reef,<br />

where it is of<br />

high sensitivity<br />

S. spinulosa contribute to biodiversity and ecosystem<br />

function by providing a consolidated habitat for epibenthic<br />

species. Where it forms reefs the value of the resource is<br />

increased.<br />

Reefs (including biogenic reefs created by S. spinulosa) are<br />

listed under Annex I of the Habitats Directive and S.<br />

spinulosa is a BAP species<br />

One station to the south east<br />

of the wind farm boundary,<br />

and one of the northerly<br />

cable route reference<br />

stations (both outwith the<br />

wind farm boundary)<br />

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Final Report Chapter 13 - Page 44 3 June 2011

Direct impact on subtidal ecology due to the loss of habitat<br />

13.6.17 The installation of WTG, foundation structures and supporting infrastructure<br />

would result in long term loss of seabed and associated habitats and fauna<br />

within the footprint of the structures for the life of the scheme (circa 25 years).<br />

13.6.18 Using the worst case build scenario detailed in Table 13.3 the maximum loss<br />

of seabed would be 137,830m 2 (from WTG footprint, scour protection,<br />

ancillary structures and cable protection materials at cable crossings (see<br />

Table 13.3 for detail). The majority of seabed lost would be as a result of the<br />

WTG foundations and associated scour protection. As a worst case, the total<br />

area affected would constitute 0.08% of seabed within the boundary of the<br />

GWF site (this percentage uses the total lease area given by The Crown<br />

Estate of 174.5km 2 , which comprises Development Areas A, B and C. Any<br />

reduction from the worst case in terms of materials required on the seabed<br />

would further reduce the area of habitat loss.<br />

13.6.19 The biotopes present at the site are discussed in Section 13.3. Table 13.4<br />

summarises these biotopes and assesses their value and sensitivity.<br />

13.6.20 The majority of the habitat that would be affected consists of a “deep Venus<br />

community” (SS.SCS.CCS.MedLumVen and SS.SMX.OMx.PoVen). No<br />

protected or notable species were recorded within this biotope. The biotope<br />

is not confined to the GWF site boundary, and has also been found outside<br />

the proposed development area during the benthic survey. At a regional<br />

scale it appears to be widespread and was found to be the principal biotope<br />

on the GGOWF site and the London Array site (CMACS, 2010) to the south<br />

of the GWF and GGOWF sites.<br />

13.6.21 Of the species and biotopes recorded during the survey, the only one of<br />

potential conservation concern is S. spinulosa, which was recorded in<br />

significant numbers at only one site which was located outside the GWF<br />

boundary. No records of S spinulosa reef were recorded within the study<br />

area and indeed no dense aggregations were found within the GWF<br />

boundary (although the latter were recorded outwith the wind farm boundary).<br />

13.6.22 The majority of the communities that would be affected (such as the deep<br />

Venus community) are widespread at a regional level and given the worst<br />

case scenario footprint only a very small proportion of these communities<br />

would be affected. Furthermore, given the absence of evidence to support<br />

the presence of any well developed biogenic reef (particularly within the<br />

study area which might be subject to direct footprint effects), it is considered<br />

that the GWF would not have a significant impact on S. spinulosa. It is<br />

therefore considered that the impact on the benthos due to loss of seabed<br />

would be of minor adverse significance.<br />

Mitigation and residual impact<br />

13.6.23 Any pre-construction geophysical and environmental surveys would serve to<br />

identify any areas of potential S.spinulosa reef habitat that have established<br />

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since baseline surveys. Should any such features be identified then the<br />

WTG and or ancillary infrastructure foundations and associated scour<br />

protection will be microsited in order to avoid these features. With these<br />

mitigation measures in place it is anticipated that the direct impact on the<br />

benthos would be of negligible significance.<br />

Indirect impacts on subtidal ecology due to increased suspended sediments<br />

13.6.24 Sediment disturbance and deposition from construction activities, such as<br />

cable installation, and foundation laying, could have an adverse indirect<br />

impact on the benthic communities, due to increased sedimentation in the<br />

water column resulting in smothering of subtidal organisms.<br />

13.6.25 The activities which could lead to increased sedimentation would occur<br />

intermittently for the entire construction period, which is anticipated to take a<br />

maximum of three years (see Table 6.12 in Chapter 6).<br />

13.6.26 The levels of anticipated suspended sediments from the construction process<br />

are detailed in Chapter 10. The seabed sediments across the GWF are<br />

predominantly sandy gravels with low concentrations of mud. Any fine<br />

sediment suspended during construction would only be a very small<br />

proportion (approximately 10%) of the overall sediment on the seabed. The<br />

majority of the sediment released would be relatively coarse and would most<br />

likely be re-deposited quickly and in close proximity to the works without<br />

prolonged suspension. Overall a negligible impact on water quality would<br />

be anticipated.<br />

13.6.27 The communities and their associated species, present at the GWF site are<br />

tolerant of small, localised increases in suspended sediment (Budd, 2008c,<br />

Tyler-Walters, 2008, Rayment, 2008) as would be expected given the levels<br />

of natural sediment disturbance at the site.<br />

13.6.28 Considering the nature of the subtidal environment, and the species present,<br />

the potential impact of the smothering of subtidal benthos from construction<br />

activities would be of negligible significance.<br />

Indirect impacts on subtidal ecology through re-mobilisation of contaminated<br />

sediments<br />

13.6.29 Sediment disturbance during the construction phase of the GWF could lead<br />

to increases in sedimentation and subsequent remobilisation of contaminants<br />

held within the sediments. An increase in contaminants has the potential to<br />

impact the benthic communities.<br />

13.6.30 As discussed in Chapter 11, sediment analysis has indicated that<br />

contaminant conditions for the area around the GWF are below levels at<br />

which adverse effects on the benthos are seen, with only elevated levels of<br />

arsenic detected from sampling. However, elevated levels of arsenic were<br />

detected at all stations and in one case at a level that is expected to cause<br />

adverse impacts on the benthos (see Section 11.4). Arsenic is well known<br />

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to occur at elevated levels in the region of the Outer Thames Estuary and<br />

has been attributed to both historic inputs and geological inputs.<br />

13.6.31 Only relatively small increases in suspended sediment concentrations are<br />

predicted during construction which would be localised and of short duration.<br />

Therefore although there is potential for adverse impacts on the benthos from<br />

re-mobilised arsenic the level of contaminant released would be a fraction of<br />

the total suspended sediment and would settle out quickly resulting in a small<br />

footprint close to the construction works. Therefore, it is anticipated that the<br />

impact of re-mobilised contaminants on the subtidal benthos would be of<br />

negligible significance.<br />

13.7 Assessment of Impacts during Operation<br />

13.7.1 There would be direct and indirect impacts due to operation. Direct impacts<br />

would be caused by activities that come into contact with the benthos (i.e.<br />

placement of plant) with indirect impacts caused by changes to the physical<br />

conditions (i.e. changes in suspended sediments or the tidal regime) which<br />

may have imp[acts away from the GWF infrastructure.<br />

Direct impacts on intertidal ecology due to maintenance activities<br />

13.7.2 Impacts on the intertidal during operation are considered unlikely as there<br />

would be no planned maintenance work on the cable. The only potential<br />

source of impact is therefore, associated with the need to carry out<br />

emergency maintenance work around the HDD ducts or buried cable down to<br />

low water.<br />

13.7.3 No sensitive communities have been identified in the intertidal below MHWS<br />

at Sizewell; subsequently it is considered that the potential impact on benthic<br />

communities due to maintenance activities would be of negligible<br />

significance.<br />

Indirect impacts on the intertidal ecology due to changes in current regime<br />

13.7.4 Chapter 10 has identified that there are unlikely to be sources for significant<br />

impact from the operational phase of the GWF project on coastal processes.<br />

All export cables will be buried to a minimum depth of 1m although target<br />

depth is 2m to 3m (see Chapter 6). No potential cable crossings (and<br />

therefore, cable protection) are indentified within proximity to the coast.<br />

Given these factors no change on intertidal ecology from exiting conditions<br />

would be anticipated.<br />

Direct impacts on subtidal benthos due to maintenance activities<br />

13.7.5 It may be necessary during the operational phase of the GWF to access the<br />

buried cables in the subtidal area for unplanned maintenance or repair, which<br />

could cause localised disturbance to the benthic assemblages directly<br />

surrounding the cable or WTGs. Maintenance may require the use of jack-up<br />

barges or anchored vessels depending on the nature of the work and the<br />

location (see Table 13.3). It is not possible to estimate how many vessel<br />

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movements may be required for maintenance over the operational life of the<br />

GWF. However, any disturbance would be of limited duration and the best<br />

practice guidelines will be followed to limit the disturbance.<br />

13.7.6 It is considered that the potential impact on benthic communities due to<br />

maintenance activities would be of negligible significance. This is because<br />

only a very small area of the seabed would be impacted, any disturbance<br />

would be short-term and sporadic and it is anticipated that the benthos would<br />

be able to recover relatively quickly from the surrounding area.<br />

13.7.7 If dense aggregations of S.spinulosa are identified within the GWF site,<br />

impacts of any maintenance work required in the vicinity of these<br />

aggregations would be minimised by adhering to best practice and agreeing<br />

methodologies with the regulators prior to commencement of works.<br />

Indirect impacts on subtidal ecology due to changes in current regime<br />

13.7.8 Chapter 10 identifies the worst case scenario with regard to operational<br />

effects on the hydrodynamic and consequently, sedimentary regime.<br />

13.7.9 The modelling of predicted changes has yet to be completed. However,<br />

based on the work carried out by ABPmer on GWF to date (ABP, 2011) and<br />

drawing upon experience from the adjacent GGOWF project, it is reasonable<br />

to assume that impacts would be limited to sediment scour within close<br />

proximity to a small percentage of the foundations.<br />

13.7.10 This scouring could have a direct and localised impact on the fauna within<br />

the footprint of the scour. The depth of scour will depend on the physical<br />

conditions, the thickness of the mobile layer and the cohesiveness of the<br />

substrate. At the time of writing there are no modelling results for the PER to<br />

draw on for the GWF site and so the results of predictive studies on similar<br />

turbine layouts and types at the adjacent GGOWF site are used in this<br />

assessment. Scour calculations for GBS foundations at locations across the<br />

GGOWF with different water depths and substrate conditions were calculated<br />

as part of the GGOWF EIA studies. These predicted scour holes with<br />

dimensions of 6.5m to 16.2m across, but were limited in depth by the<br />

presence of only a thin mobile layer (e.g. a veneer of sands and gravels on<br />

London Clay). On the sandbanks, where the mobile layer is thicker, the<br />

scour would be greater than sites off the banks.<br />

13.7.11 The volumes of sediment released through scour at the GGOWF were<br />

calculated to be double that released during foundation construction (i.e.<br />

6400m 3 see Section 10.6). It was concluded that the scour phenomena<br />

would only become significant if the scour holes were to interact with each<br />

other. The distances between the WTG at the GWF site are large enough<br />

that this would not occur.<br />

13.7.12 No sensitive communities have been recorded within the areas of the<br />

proposed GWF WTGs and the communities are widespread throughout the<br />

area and the region.<br />

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13.7.13 Any impact would be a long term impact for the life of the scheme (circa 25<br />

years). Given the small area of seabed affected and the lack of sensitive<br />

communities it is anticipated that the significance of effects would be likely to<br />

be negligible at worst, however this will be reviewed once the modelling has<br />

been completed.<br />

Direct impact on subtidal benthos due to habitat alteration<br />

13.7.14 The presence of the WTG and ancillary infrastructure foundations, scour<br />

protection (where utilised) and cable protection material would change the<br />

nature of the subtidal habitat. The impacts of the direct loss of the existing<br />

habitat are assessed as part of the impacts during construction (Section<br />

13.6). The change would comprise the replacement of natural sedimentary<br />

seabed with steel piles, concrete foundations and scour protection material.<br />

13.7.15 Following construction, the new surfaces would be available for colonisation<br />

by marine fauna. There is considerable literature documenting the<br />

colonisation of a very wide range of artificial structures at sea (Langhamer et<br />

al., 2009; Mirto and Danovaro, 2004; Bacchiocchi and Airoldi, 2003 and<br />

references within GGOWL, 2005). In many cases, such as the Horns Rev<br />

Offshore <strong>Wind</strong> <strong>Farm</strong> in Denmark, colonisation has been rapid, with a diverse<br />

assemblage of invertebrates present after just 6 months (GGOWL, 2005).<br />

However, post construction monitoring at Kentish Flats found that the<br />

communities on monopile foundations were relatively impoverished<br />

predominantly consisting of the mussel Mytilus edulis (Emu, 2008).<br />

13.7.16 Even so, some level of colonisation of the foundation structures would occur,<br />

and could be expected include seaweeds, mussels, barnacles, tubeworms,<br />

hydroids, sponges, soft corals, amphipods, anemones and other sessile<br />

invertebrates, as well as more mobile fauna including starfish and crabs<br />

(Emu, 2008), however the rate and sequence of colonisation is difficult to<br />

predict.<br />

13.7.17 Clearly some degree of colonisation by marine organisms would also develop<br />

on any scour protection, particularly rock based protection. The presence of<br />

these structures would increase the surface complexity. Complex habitats<br />

provide a higher surface area for colonisation, protection from predators and<br />

shelter from stressful conditions such as intense water movement. Richer<br />

and more diverse communities would therefore be likely in more complex<br />

structures.<br />

13.7.18 Encrusting or tube-dwelling animals such as mussels, barnacles, and fouling<br />

amphipods would be likely to dominate, but a variety of larger mobile<br />

organisms such as starfish, crabs, prawns, shrimps and small fish could be<br />

expected, particularly on the parts of the structures and the scour protection.<br />

13.7.19 Monitoring at Horns Rev indicated that within two years of the completion, the<br />

monopiles and scour protection were colonised by 11 species of algae and<br />

65 invertebrate taxa. In addition the mobile invertebrates (decapods and<br />

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molluscs) were found on the scour protection with the sessile species settling<br />

on the monopiles (Bio/Consult, 2004).<br />

13.7.20 There is clearly potential for the alteration of habitat at the GWF site to<br />

improve the productivity of the area through colonisation of the structures<br />

being placed on the seabed. However, given the localised nature of such<br />

habitat alteration, and the scale of these changes in relation to the<br />

communities present in the wider area it is unlikely that the changes would<br />

result in any significant broadscale community or biodiversity changes.<br />

Furthermore, given the distances between the structures, and the limited use<br />

of scour protection material, it is not envisaged that the changes would<br />

constitute any form of linked reef-like feature.<br />

13.7.21 Whilst increases in biodiversity could serve as a benefit to the receiving<br />

environment, in the context of this ES, any change from baseline conditions<br />

as a result of anthropogenic activity would not be considered to be a<br />

beneficial impact as it would reduce the “naturalness” of the area. However,<br />

given the scale of the impact, it is anticipated the impact on the subtidal<br />

environment due to the alteration of habitat would be of negligible<br />

significance.<br />

Indirect impact on subtidal benthos due to alteration to existing human<br />

activity<br />

13.7.22 Commercial beam trawling activities currently occurs within the GWF<br />

boundary, (further detail on fisheries utilising the area is provided in Chapter<br />

16 Commercial Fisheries). This type of activity can alter habitats leading to<br />

less diverse habitats dominated by short lived, opportunistic species<br />

(Jennings and Kaiser, 1998).<br />

13.7.23 Whilst fishing activity would not be excluded within the GWF site, it is<br />

possible that trawling activity would reduce due to concerns about health and<br />

safety with the increased risk of collision with wind farm structures. This may<br />

have a subsequent impact on the marine benthos. Whilst vessels would be<br />

able to enter the GWF site during operation, there is potential for 50m<br />

exclusion zones to be implemented around the WTGs where access would<br />

not be permitted. Overall, the level of fishing activity would be likely to<br />

reduce, however this is difficult to quantify due to annual changes in fishing<br />

activity and quotas. In addition, consultation with some UK based operators<br />

did not indicate a reluctance to enter the GWF site once operational, however<br />

there are concerns surrounding health and safety and insurance costs (for a<br />

detailed assessment of implications for commercial fisheries see Chapter<br />

16).<br />

13.7.24 This reduction in fishing activity could aid in the recovery of areas and the<br />

development of habitats of higher diversity and complexity. However, due to<br />

the uncertainties surrounding the change in fishing activity, the potential for a<br />

positive impact upon benthic ecology cannot be confirmed at this stage. It is<br />

anticipated that the subsequent impact on the subtidal would be of negligible<br />

significance.<br />

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13.8 Impacts during Decommissioning<br />

13.8.1 There would be the potential for impacts due to the removal of GWF<br />

infrastructure.<br />

Impact on intertidal ecology<br />

13.8.2 During decommissioning it is anticipated that export cables would be cut at<br />

the grade point and therefore the intertidal communities where the cable is<br />

situated are unlikely to be disturbed. Therefore, it is anticipated that there<br />

would be no change to the intertidal ecology during the decommissioning<br />

phase.<br />

Impact on subtidal ecology<br />

13.8.3 It has been assumed that decommissioning would include the removal of all<br />

offshore structures, GBS foundations would be fully removed and piled<br />

foundations would be cut off at or just below the seabed. The removal of the<br />

infrastructure would necessitate the use of a heavy lift vessel. Intra-array<br />

and export cables would be expected to be cut at the grade in point of burial<br />

protection and left in situ.<br />

13.8.4 Impacts would be similar to those described for the construction phase<br />

(physical disturbance, loss of habitat, smothering and re-mobilisation of<br />

contaminants), although these would be significantly lower in magnitude.<br />

13.8.5 There is potential that sensitive features (such as S.spinulosa reef) not<br />

currently present may develop within the area during the operational period.<br />

From a precautionary standpoint, therefore, there may be minor adverse<br />

impacts during the decommissioning phase.<br />

Mitigation and residual impact<br />

13.8.6 It is anticipated that surveying of the benthic community could be a<br />

requirement of the pre-decommissioning environmental surveys (Chapter 31<br />

Outline Environmental Mitigation and Monitoring Plan). Should any such<br />

surveys show that the benthic assemblages had developed to such an extent<br />

that the decommissioning process would result in unacceptable levels of<br />

impact, then GWFL would look to agree a modification to the<br />

Decommissioning Plan that allows some structures to remain on the seabed,<br />

where considered acceptable on HSE grounds. Subsequently, in light of<br />

such mitigation measures the residual impact on the subtidal benthos from<br />

decommissioning would be of negligible significance.<br />

13.9 Inter-relationships<br />

13.9.1 The inter-relationships between the marine and intertidal ecology and other<br />

physical, environmental and human parameters are inherently considered<br />

throughout the assessment of impacts (Sections 13.6 and 13.7). Table 13.5<br />

summaries those inter-relationships that are considered of relevance to the<br />

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intertidal and subtidal benthic communities and, identifies where within the<br />

ES these relationships have been considered.<br />

Table 13.5 Marine and intertidal ecology inter-relationships<br />

Inter-relationship Section where addressed Linked Chapter<br />

Influence of effects on<br />

physical processes<br />

Influence of changes in<br />

human activity<br />

Influence of changes in<br />

water quality<br />

Section 13.3 paragraph<br />

13.3.22<br />

Section 13.6 paragraph<br />

13.6.26<br />

Section 13.7 paragraph<br />

13.7.4<br />

Section 13.7 paragraphs<br />

13.7.22 and 13.6.23<br />

Section 13.6 paragraph<br />

13.6.30<br />

Chapter 10 Physical<br />

environment<br />

Chapter 16 Commercial<br />

fisheries<br />

Chapter 11 Marine and<br />

Coastal Water Quality<br />

13.9.2 Chapter 29 Inter-relationships provides a holistic overview of the interrelated<br />

impacts that have the potential to manifest on intertidal and benthic<br />

receptors over all development phases of the GWF project.<br />

13.10 Cumulative Impacts<br />

13.10.1 The unmitigated impacts identified during the construction (Section 13.6)<br />

operation (Section 13.7) and decommissioning phases (Section 13.8) of the<br />

GWF project that could result in cumulative impacts comprise:<br />

� Loss of subtidal habitat;<br />

� Physical disturbance from construction vessels and cable installation;<br />

� Indirect impacts due to increases suspended sediment;<br />

� Indirect impacts through change in current regime;<br />

� Direct impacts on benthos due to maintenance activities;<br />

� Direct impact on subtidal benthos due to habitat alteration; and<br />

� Indirect impact on subtidal benthos due to alteration to existing human<br />

activity.<br />

13.10.2 Cumulative impacts associated with the GWF project could occur on a<br />

number of levels:<br />

� Interactions between different aspects of the GWF project with other<br />

wind farms; and<br />

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� Interactions with other activities occurring in the region.<br />

13.10.3 The following paragraphs provide an assessment of the potential for<br />

cumulative impact over these varying levels.<br />

GWF and other wind farms<br />

13.10.4 The adjacent GGOWF project would impact the subtidal and intertidal<br />

environment, which share similar and linked communities to those found at<br />

GWF.<br />

13.10.5 There would be no overlap of construction activity with GWF and GGOWF<br />

and as no operational impacts would be predicted from GGOWF on the<br />

intertidal there are no potential pathways for cumulative impacts to occur<br />

within the intertidal environment.<br />

13.10.6 With regard to the long term loss of seabed in the footprint of the wind farm<br />

structures, the GGOWF ES (GGOWF, 2005) predicted, as a worst case<br />

scenario, that a total of 0.225% of seabed within the GGOWF project<br />

boundary would be lost. When this is added to the predicted losses of the<br />

GWF project (0.08%), the total percentage loss over both sites would be<br />

approximately 0.3% of the total area represented by the two projects. This<br />

small scale loss in relation to the habitats and communities that are present<br />

is unlikely to result in impacts that are cumulatively any more significant than<br />

those which are predicted for the GWF alone. Furthermore, the GGOWF<br />

percentage is based on GBS foundations (as a worst case within the ES)<br />

rather than the as built monopile foundations.<br />

13.10.7 With regard to the impacts associated with construction activity of the other<br />

offshore wind farms in the Outer Thames Estuary, there would be potential<br />

for an overlap of activity with the second phase of the London Array and the<br />

first phase of the Zone 5 Round 3 project which is being developed by East<br />

Anglia Offshore <strong>Wind</strong> (EAOW), known as East Anglia ONE. This assumption<br />

is based upon the currently planned construction schedules for these<br />

projects.<br />

13.10.8 With regard to London Array, given the distance between the two projects<br />

(~16km) it is considered that would not be any pathways for indirect<br />

cumulative effects (given the findings presented in Sections 13.6 and 13.7<br />

above) on the benthos and, therefore no cumulative impacts are predicted.<br />

13.10.9 Although the timeline of East Anglia ONE is, at this stage, subject to change,<br />

commencement of offshore construction works are anticipated to begin in<br />

2015. Preliminary plans show that the broad corridor within which the East<br />

Anglia ONE export cable is likely to be located begins to the north of GWF,<br />

crosses the GWF cable route and reaches landfall around Ipswich, and the<br />

ports of Harwich and Felixstowe (East Anglia Offshore <strong>Wind</strong>, 2010).<br />

Therefore there is potential for both spatial and temporal overlaps in<br />

construction as construction of the GWF would begin during 2015 (see<br />

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Chapter 6 <strong>Project</strong> Details). However, it is likely that all major construction<br />

(i.e. piling and cable laying) would have already been completed at GWF<br />

prior to the start of East Anglia ONE project, and those impacts identified for<br />

GWF would be highly localised and short term. Given the timescales, and<br />

the nature of the predicted impacts, no cumulative impacts are anticipated.<br />

13.10.10 With regard to direct impact on subtidal habitats from construction activities<br />

(installation of infrastructure and cables) the impacts, would be highly<br />

localised. In addition, the only sensitive habitat in the region (Sabellaria<br />

spinulosa reef) either does not occur or be avoided by micro-siting of<br />

infrastructure and best practice minimizing plant movements. Any<br />

disturbance of the habitats would also be temporary, restricted to the period<br />

of construction activity. Given that the impact from GWF would be negligible<br />

and other wind farms would also undertake similar mitigation during the<br />

construction phase there would be no pathway for significant cumulative<br />

impact.<br />

13.10.11 With regard to direct impacts from maintenance activities, these would be<br />

restricted to the areas in the immediate vicinity of the works for routine<br />

maintenance; impacts would be highly localised and temporary. By following<br />

best practice impacts would be further minimised. At this juncture it is not<br />

possible to predict the scale of maintenance works required for GWF or<br />

indeed other sites, however given that these would be highly localised and<br />

temporary it is unlikely that the cumulative impact across sites at the regional<br />

scale would be significant.<br />

13.10.12 It is expected that direct impacts due to habitat alteration (i.e. development of<br />

fouling communities on the hard substrate provided by infrastructure) would<br />

again be highly localised to the WTGs and any scour protection. For GWF it<br />

is considered that this impact would be negligible and there would not be a<br />

true ‘reef’ created due to the distances between WTGs. Across wind farms<br />

the same would hold true, the area of habitat change within the wider region<br />

would be negligible and there would not be a significant cumulative impact.<br />

13.10.13 Indirect impacts to the benthos due to alteration in human activities are<br />

confined to any changes of fishing pressure due to the presence of the wind<br />

farms. No wind farms are currently entirely closed to fishing so it is likely that<br />

if compatible fishing activities (i.e. those utilizing static gear) currently occur<br />

within a site these would continue. It is not possible at this juncture to<br />

determine what level of decrease in fishing activity may occur and what the<br />

subsequent indirect impact on the benthos would be, especially considering<br />

concurrent decreases in fishing capacity and potential for quota changes.<br />

However, given the area of the wind farms compared to the wider available<br />

area for fishing and the widespread nature of the communities across the<br />

region it is unlikely that there would be a significant cumulative impact due<br />

any reduction in fishing effort.<br />

13.10.14 As detailed in Section 13.7 (and supported by the outcome of hydrodynamic<br />

modelling reported in Chapter 9) indirect construction and operational<br />

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impacts would be localised to the immediate vicinity of the project. Potential<br />

pathways for indirect operational impacts between the GWF project and other<br />

wind farm developments do not exist.<br />

GWF and other activities<br />

13.10.15 There are limited additional human activities occurring within the vicinity of<br />

the GWF project site, with the exception of aggregate extraction, which is<br />

discussed in more detail in Chapter 19 Other Human Activity. Given the<br />

extent and duration of impacts from GWF and the distance to other seabed<br />

activities, and the common and widespread nature of species and habitats,<br />

the potential for significant cumulative impacts is considered unlikely.<br />

13.10.16 Further consultation with the aggregate industry during the EIA will establish<br />

the status of the extraction application and prospecting areas (notably Areas<br />

498 and 407 – see Chapter 19). Should any activities be identified which<br />

would be concurrent with construction at GWF then there is potential for<br />

cumulative impacts, and these will be included within the EIA.<br />

13.10.17 Sizewell Power Station has a number of existing marine components,<br />

comprising inlet and outlet pipes for both Sizewell A and Sizewell B (see<br />

Chapter 19). There are localised thermal plumes associated with the outlet<br />

pipes, however, their impact footprint would not overlap with that of the GWF<br />

cable works and therefore, potential for cumulative impact is considered<br />

unlikely. Sizewell also has expansion plans, although a formal Scoping<br />

Report for Sizewell C has not yet been submitted. . This development, if it<br />

were to go ahead, would likely be to the north of the existing Sizewell<br />

infrastructure. Given the limited marine works (installation of inlet and outlet<br />

pipes, the distance between the development and GWF the potential for<br />

cumulative impact on either the intertidal and or marine ecology is considered<br />

limited.<br />

13.11 Outline Monitoring<br />

13.11.1 It is possible that monitoring of the GWF site would be carried out in order to<br />

verify predicted impacts on the benthic environment. Based on the level of<br />

monitoring required for GGOWF, pre and post construction monitoring at<br />

GWF may comprise annual sampling for up to three years, or until the<br />

predictions made in the GWF ES can be verified as not having a significant<br />

impact on the receiving environment. Typically, such monitoring techniques<br />

may comprise:<br />

� Replicate grab sampling / drop down camera on a predetermined grid<br />

for benthic organisms;<br />

� Beam trawls at predetermined locations for epi-benthic organisms;<br />

and<br />

� Monitoring of the colonisation of monopiles - determined by video<br />

observations and analysis with some accompanying sample collection<br />

for verification and identification.<br />

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Final Report Chapter 13 - Page 55 3 June 2011

13.11.2 GWFL, however, do not necessarily assume that as monitoring was required<br />

at GGOWF, that it will be carried out to the same extent or even an automatic<br />

necessity at GWF. Given the knowledge built up by monitoring at GGOWF<br />

and the lack of significant impacts anticipated, GWFL would look to ensure<br />

that any monitoring is proportionate. The detail of which will be discussed in<br />

more detail with the relevant stakeholders (MMO, JNCC, Natural England<br />

and Cefas) as the project progresses.<br />

13.12 Summary<br />

13.12.1 This Chapter of the PER has provided a characterisation of the existing<br />

marine and intertidal environment based on both existing and site specific<br />

survey data, which has established that communities present are indicative of<br />

the region and occur over broad extents throughout the Outer Thames<br />

Estuary and southern North Sea. Species of conservation importance (such<br />

as S.spinulosa, have been recorded within the study area, although none<br />

found in their most sensitive and important form (biogenic reef).<br />

13.12.2 Table 13.6 provides a summary of the predicted impact on marine and<br />

intertidal ecology.<br />

Table 13.6 Summary of impacts<br />

Description of<br />

Impact<br />

Construction Phase - Intertidal<br />

Direct impact due<br />

to physical<br />

disturbance<br />

Construction Phase - Subtidal<br />

Direct impact due<br />

to physical<br />

disturbance on<br />

subtidal ecology<br />

Direct impact due<br />

to loss of habitat<br />

Indirect impact due<br />

to increased<br />

Impact Potential Mitigation Measure Residual impact<br />

Negligible N/A N/A<br />

Minor<br />

adverse<br />

Minor<br />

adverse<br />

Jack up barge movements kept to<br />

a minimum.<br />

Micrositing of equipment/cables if<br />

any areas of S. spinulosa reefs<br />

are identified.<br />

Micrositing of turbines, cables and<br />

associated infrastructure if any<br />

areas of S. spinulosa reefs are<br />

identified<br />

Negligible N/A N/A<br />

Negligible<br />

Negligible<br />

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Final Report Chapter 13 - Page 56 3 June 2011

Description of<br />

Impact<br />

suspended<br />

sediments<br />

Indirect impact due<br />

to re-mobilisation of<br />

contaminated<br />

sediments<br />

Impact Potential Mitigation Measure Residual impact<br />

Negligible<br />

Operation Phase - Intertidal<br />

Direct impacts due<br />

to maintenance<br />

activities<br />

Direct impacts due<br />

to changes in<br />

current regime<br />

Negligible<br />

Operation Phase - Subtidal<br />

Direct impacts due<br />

to maintenance<br />

activities<br />

Direct impacts due<br />

to changes in<br />

current regime<br />

Indirect impact<br />

through habitat<br />

alteration<br />

Indirect impact<br />

through alteration<br />

to existing human<br />

activity<br />

No change<br />

Negligible<br />

Negligible<br />

Negligible<br />

Negligible<br />

Decommissioning – Intertidal<br />

Impact on ecology No change<br />

Decommissioning – Subtidal<br />

Direct impact due<br />

to physical<br />

Minor<br />

adverse<br />

N/A N/A<br />

N/A N/A<br />

N/A N/A<br />

Best practice followed to minimise<br />

any impacts<br />

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Final Report Chapter 13 - Page 57 3 June 2011<br />

N/A<br />

N/A N/A<br />

N/A N/A<br />

N/A N/A<br />

N/A N/A<br />

Jack up barge movements kept to<br />

a minimum.<br />


Description of<br />

Impact<br />

disturbance on<br />

subtidal ecology<br />

Direct impact due<br />

to loss of habitat<br />

Indirect impact due<br />

to increased<br />

suspended<br />

sediments<br />

Indirect impact due<br />

to re-mobilisation of<br />

contaminated<br />

sediments<br />

Impact Potential Mitigation Measure Residual impact<br />

Minor<br />

adverse<br />

Micrositing of equipment if any<br />

areas of S. spinulosa reefs are<br />

identified.<br />

Should surveys show that benthic<br />

assemblages have developed to<br />

such an extent that the<br />

decommissioning process would<br />

result in unacceptable levels of<br />

impact, then GWFL will explore<br />

the potential for a<br />

Decommissioning Plan that allows<br />

some structures to remain on the<br />

seabed.<br />

Negligible N/A N/A<br />

Negligible N/A N/A<br />

Negligible<br />

13.12.3 No significant impacts would be anticipated over the construction, operation<br />

or decommissioning phases of GWF on the intertidal or subtidal environment.<br />

13.12.4 GWFL would look to ensure that the nature of any monitoring would be<br />

proportionate to the impacts predicted and any such monitoring requirements<br />

will be defined through further consultation with the relevant stakeholders.<br />

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Final Report Chapter 13 - Page 58 3 June 2011

13.13 References<br />

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Bacchiocchi, F and Airoldi, L. (2003). Distribution and dynamics of epibiota<br />

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Barne, J.H., Robson, C.F., Kaznowska, S.S., Doody, J.P., Davidson, N.C.<br />

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