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She said that when Gilead’s Covenant Man is not at his hobby of collecting taxes—a job that comes down to licking the tears from the faces of<br />

poor working folk—he’s an advisor to the palace lords who call themselves the Council of Eld. Although it’s only themselves who claim they have<br />

any blood connection to the Eld. ’Tis said he’s a great mage, and there may be at least some truth in that, <strong>for</strong> <strong>you</strong>’ve seen his magic at work.”<br />

“So I have,” Tim said, thinking of the basin. And of the way sai Covenant Man seemed to grow taller when he was wroth.<br />

“My correspondent said there are even some who claim he’s Maerlyn, he who was court mage to Arthur Eld himself, <strong>for</strong> Maerlyn was said to be<br />

eternal, a creature who lives backward in time.” From behind the veil came a snorting sound. “Just thinking of it makes my head hurt, <strong>for</strong> such an<br />

idea makes no earthly sense.”<br />

“But Maerlyn was a white magician, or so the stories do say.”<br />

“Those who claim the Covenant Man’s Maerlyn in disguise say he was turned evil by the glam of the Wizard’s Rainbow, <strong>for</strong> he was given the<br />

keeping of it in the days be<strong>for</strong>e the Elden Kingdom fell. Others say that, during his wanderings after the fall, he discovered certain artyfax of the Old<br />

People, became fascinated by them, and was blackened by them to the bottom of his soul. This happened in the Endless Forest, they say, where<br />

he still keeps in a magic house where time stands still.”<br />

“Doesn’t seem too likely,” Tim said . . . although he was fascinated by the idea of a magic house where clock hands never moved and sand never<br />

fell in the glass.<br />

“Bullshit is what it is!” And, noting his shocked look: “Cry <strong>you</strong>r pardon, but sometimes only vulgarity will serve. Even Maerlyn couldn’t be two<br />

places at the same time, mooning around the Endless Forest at one end of the North’rd Barony and serving the lords and gunslingers of Gilead at<br />

the other. Nay, the tax man’s no Maerlyn, but he is a magician—a black one. So said the lady I once taught, and so I believe. That’s why <strong>you</strong> must<br />

never go near him again. Any good he offers to do <strong>you</strong> will be a lie.”<br />

Tim considered <strong>this</strong>, then asked: “Do <strong>you</strong> know what a sighe is, sai?”<br />

“Of course. The sighe are the fairy-folk, who supposedly live in the deep woods. Did the dark man speak of them?”<br />

“No, ’twas just some story Straw Willem told me one day at the sawmill.”<br />

Now why did I lie?<br />

But deep in his heart, Tim knew.<br />

Bern Kells didn’t come back that night, which was <strong>for</strong> the best. Tim meant to stay on guard, but he was just a boy, and exhausted. I’ll close<br />

my eyes <strong>for</strong> a few seconds, to rest them, was what he told himself when he lay down on the straw pallet he made <strong>for</strong> himself behind the door, and it<br />

felt like no more than a few seconds, but when he opened them again, the cottage was filled with morning light. His father’s ax lay on the floor<br />

beside him, where his relaxing hand had dropped it. He picked it up, put it back in his belt, and hurried into the bedroom to see his mother.<br />

The Widow Smack was fast asleep in the Tavares rocker, which she had drawn up close to Nell’s bed, her veil fluttering with her snores. Nell’s<br />

eyes were wide open, and they turned toward the sound of Tim’s steps. “Who comes?”<br />

“Tim, Mama.” He sat beside her on the bed. “Has <strong>you</strong>r sight come back? Even a little?”<br />

She tried to smile, but her swollen mouth could do little more than twitch. “Still dark, I’m afraid.”<br />

“It’s all right.” He raised the hand that wasn’t splinted and kissed the back of it. “Probably still too early.”<br />

Their voices had roused the Widow. “He says true, Nell.”<br />

“Blind or not, next year we’ll be turned out <strong>for</strong> sure, and then what?”<br />

Nell turned her face to the wall and began to cry. Tim looked at the Widow, not sure what to do. She motioned <strong>for</strong> him to leave. “I’ll give her<br />

something to calm her—’tis in my bag. You have men to see, Tim. Go at once, or they’ll be off to the woods.”<br />

He might have missed Peter Cosington and Ernie Marchly anyway, if Baldy Anderson, one of Tree’s big farmers, hadn’t stopped by the pair’s<br />

storing shed to chat as they hitched their mules and prepared <strong>for</strong> the day. The three men listened to his story in grim silence, and when Tim finally<br />

stumbled to a halt, telling them his mother was still blind <strong>this</strong> morning, Square Peter gripped Tim by the upper arms and said, “Count on us, boy.<br />

We’ll rouse every ax-man in town, those who work the blossies as well as those who go up the Ironwood. There’ll be no cutting in the <strong>for</strong>est today.”<br />

Anderson said, “And I’ll send my boys around to the farmers. To Destry and to the sawmill, as well.”<br />

“What about the constable?” Slow Ernie asked, a trifle nervously.<br />

Anderson dipped his head, spat between his boots, and wiped his chin with the heel of his hand. “Gone up Tavares way, I hear, either looking <strong>for</strong><br />

poachers or visiting the woman he keeps up there. Makes no difference. Howard Tasley en’t never been worth a fart in a high wind. We’ll do the job<br />

ourselves, and have Kells jugged by the time he comes back.”<br />

“With a pair of broken arms, if he kicks up rough,” Cosington added. “He’s never been able to hold his drink or his temper. He was all right when<br />

he had Jack Ross to rein ’im in, but look what it’s come to! Nell Ross beaten blind! Big Kells always kept a warm eye <strong>for</strong> her, and the only one who<br />

didn’t know it was—”<br />

Anderson hushed him with an elbow, then turned to Tim, bending <strong>for</strong>ward with his hands on his knees, <strong>for</strong> he was tallish. “’Twas the Covenant<br />

Man who found <strong>you</strong>r da’s corse?”<br />

“Aye.”<br />

“And <strong>you</strong> saw the body <strong>you</strong>rself.”<br />

Tim’s eyes filled, but his voice was steady enough. “Aye, so I did.”<br />

“On our stake,” Slow Ernie said. “T’back of one of our stubs. The one where the pooky’s set up housekeeping.”<br />

“Aye.”<br />

“I could kill him just <strong>for</strong> that,” Cosington said, “but we’ll bring him alive if we can. Ernie, <strong>you</strong> n me’d best ride up there and bring back the . . . <strong>you</strong><br />

know, remains . . . be<strong>for</strong>e we get in on the search. Baldy, can <strong>you</strong> get the word around on <strong>you</strong>r own?”<br />

“Aye. We’ll gather at the mercantile. Keep a good eye out along the Ironwood Trail as <strong>you</strong> go, boys, but my best guess is that we’ll find the<br />

booger in town, laid up drunk.” And, more to himself than to the others: “I never believed that dragon story.”<br />

“Start behind Gitty’s,” Slow Ernie said. “He’s slept it off there more than once.”<br />

“So we will.” Baldy Anderson looked up at the sky. “I don’t care much <strong>for</strong> <strong>this</strong> weather, tell ya true. It’s too warm <strong>for</strong> Wide Earth. I hope it don’t bring<br />

a storm, and I hope to gods it don’t bring a starkblast. That’d cap everything. Wouldn’t be none of us able to pay the Covenant Man when he comes<br />

next year. Although if it’s true what the boy says, he’s turned a bad apple out of the basket and done us a service.”<br />

He didn’t do my mama one, Tim thought. If he hadn’t given me that key, and if I hadn’t used it, she’d still have her sight.<br />

“Go on home now,” Marchly said to Tim. He spoke kindly, but in a tone that brooked no argument. “Stop by my house on the way, do ya, and tell<br />

my wife there’s ladies wanted at <strong>you</strong>rs. Widow Smack must need to go home and rest, <strong>for</strong> she’s neither <strong>you</strong>ng nor well. Also . . .” He sighed. “Tell<br />

her they’ll be wanted at Stokes’s burying parlor later on.”

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